Wavemakers United

National Network

Fluwelen Burgwal 58
2611ax Delft

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Wavemakers United foundation is working all around the world to build chapters, provide education and build capacity on water and sustainability

Mission and Objectives

Wavemakers United is a community of students, young professionals, and athletes with a passion for water. As a youth organization we focus on local challenges while having a global reach. Our aim is to contribute to the UN SDGs and involve as many youngsters as possible.

Main Projects / Activities

- Education - sports and sustainability - UN Water conferences - Global challenge ( UN2023GamechangerChallenge) - Innovation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a consortium of quadrupel helix in which Universities, private sector and NGOs collaborate and work with our Wavemaker community.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Muhammet Bilgic
Job Title
Education&chapter manager
Head of the organisation
Tilly Stroo

Asociación Océanos Servid

National Network

Beco dos ramos 14
1100-450 Lisboa

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We are a young organization that is recently entering the country, we are currently 12 associates and we aim to contribute to improving the quality of life through the promotion of the rights and interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups, including people with physical disabilities, mental and psychiatric disorders, people with low incomes, youth, children, women, LGBTIQ+ communities, gypsy communities, older adults, immigrants and refugees.

Our main field of action are concrete projects, and we have great willingness and openness to bet on different modalities of action as the organization gains experience and reliability.

We are a multidisciplinary team with professionals from various areas including: social work, occupational therapy, psychiatry, psychology, neuropsychology, family therapy, speech therapy, biochemical engineering, industrial engineering and economics; we have extensive experience (approximately 8 years in Colombia) in the care, rehabilitation and support to people (and their families) with various psychiatric disorders, cognitive disabilities and syndromes.

We have participated in Erasmus projects and we hope to continue to do so from different roles that allow us greater fields of action and intervention; we have a partnership with the association AEQUALITAS.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: We envision a world where every individual, regardless of status, situation or nationality, has access to equal opportunities, enjoys their fundamental rights and experiences a full and dignified quality of life. We strive to build an inclusive and just society, where minorities and disadvantaged groups find support, understanding and respect. We work toward a future in which diversity is celebrated, equality is the norm and solidarity is the engine that drives progress toward a common well-being for all.

Objective: to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through the promotion of the rights and interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups, including people with physical, mental disabilities and psychiatric disorders, people with low incomes, youth, children, women, LGBTIQ+ communities, gypsy communities, older adults, immigrants and refugees.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently developing projects for the promotion and prevention of mental health among young people, the promotion of empathy and the inclusion and civic participation of migrants and people living in sectors with greater vulnerabilities, less access to services and greater social risk.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an association we can be actively involved in joint initiatives with other organizations in the network. This may include organizing events, seminars, and workshops that encourage dialogue between different communities and groups, thus promoting mutual understanding and bridge building.

We may develop awareness campaigns on the importance of intercultural dialogue and diversity. These campaigns could use various media, such as social networks, community events, and mass media, to disseminate positive messages that counteract stereotypes and prejudices.

We have the capacity to develop educational programs that promote inclusion and diversity in schools, communities and workplaces. These programs can include lectures, educational materials and activities that promote mutual understanding and respect for differences.

In addition to actions such as: Dialogue and Collaboration Forums, where representatives of diverse communities and organizations can meet to discuss issues of common interest, share experiences and work together on solutions to the challenges facing society; Facilitating the creation of support networks between different communities and groups, so that they can collaborate on projects and activities that benefit society as a whole. These links can strengthen social cohesion and build trust between different sectors; Contribute to research and data collection on the reality of minorities and disadvantaged groups, sharing this information with the network of associations. This can help to better understand specific challenges and opportunities, as well as to develop more effective strategies; Encourage the practice of active listening at all levels, from individuals to institutions. The ability to listen and understand the perspectives of others is critical to overcoming polarization and building bridges of understanding.

By adopting these strategies, the association can play a crucial role in strengthening the network and contributing to the development of a more inclusive society, where dialogue and collaboration are fundamental tools for addressing today's challenges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see the network as a valuable platform for the exchange of best practices, and believe that by joining this network, we will have the opportunity to share our experiences and learn from the experiences of others, thus strengthening the ties between diverse communities.

We seek to join the network to learn from the resilience of other organizations and share our own strategies. We believe that together, we can more effectively address emerging challenges and work towards sustainable solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adriana Rodriguez
Job Title
Trabajadora social, terapeuta de familia
Head of the organisation
Adriana Rodriguez
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Aldana
Job Title (2)
Terapeuta ocupacional

Apua Gazaan ry

National Network

Malminiityntie 12 A42
01350 Vantaa

+358 40 465 1569
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Apua Gazaan Ry. Is a non-profit association with independent legal personality, conceived by Palestinian expatriates living in Finland. It is officially recognized and operates within the Finnish territory. The association aims to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, providing material and moral support to cope with the ongoing hardships of wars, with a focus on aiding children in the region. The association was established on 30/11/2023."
Our association is just starting to get help and get more candidates. We haven't done any events yet but we are planning and starting with many ideas. We started doing a lot of different events. For example, arranging different lessons in several areas that young people can benefit from. There are now 3 of us who have founded the association but we have more candidates who have a lot of knowledge and will help us start our association and help us as much as they can. We have no income at the moment because it is a new association and we have just started but we are not sitting idly by and we are doing our best and we will make our association help most of the children who need us

Mission and Objectives

Apua Gazaan Ry. Is a non-profit association with independent legal personality, conceived by Palestinian expatriates living in Finland. It is officially recognized and operates within the Finnish territory. The association aims to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, providing material and moral support to cope with the ongoing hardships of wars, with a focus on aiding children in the region. The association was established on 30/11/2023

Main Projects / Activities

Our association is just starting to get help and get more candidates. We haven't done any events yet but we are planning and starting with many ideas. We started doing a lot of different events. For example, arranging different lessons in several areas that young people can benefit from. There are now 3 of us who have founded the association but we have more candidates who have a lot of knowledge and will help us start our association and help us as much as they can. We have no income at the moment because it is a new association and we have just started but we are not sitting idly by and we are doing our best and we will make our association help most of the children who need us

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have heard about your organization for a long time and have been inspired to gain knowledge from you. In my association we will help children and their youth. We will implement activities and initiatives that benefit children and raise awareness. In our association, we want to get inspiration, information and thoughts from you to help the most children who need us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shahnaz Al-rajab
Head of the organisation

Occitanie en scène

National Network

8 avenue de Toulouse
CS 50037
34078 MONTPELLIER Cedex 3

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Occitanie en scène est l’agence régionale du spectacle vivant en Occitanie. Elle a pour but de contribuer au développement artistique et culturel en Occitanie dans l’objectif d’en faire une région dynamique pour les créateur·rice·s qui y vivent et une terre d’émergence de nouvelles formes artistiques, dans une perspective d’aménagement culturel du territoire et de réduction des inégalités d’accès à la création artistique. Elle a été créée à l'initiative conjointe de la Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée et de la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Occitanie et reçoit le soutien des Départements de l'Aude, de l'Hérault, de la Lozère et des Pyrénées-Orientales. Certains de ses projets sont également soutenus par l’Union Européenne. Ses domaines d’intervention couvrent l’ensemble du champ des arts vivants : le cirque, la danse, la musique, le théâtre et leurs formes associées et croisées, pour la scène, l’espace public ou la piste. Son aire principale d’activités se situe en région Occitanie, mais l’association développe également des projets interrégionaux, nationaux, européens et internationaux. Occitanie en scène dispose d'une équipe de 16 personnels permanents, à Montpellier et Toulouse. Le budget annuel est de 2 M€, provenant majoritairement de subventions publiques (Etat, Région, Union Européenne) et des contributions des adhérents. Occitanie en scène rassemble près de 200 structures adhérentes en Occitanie (compagnies de spectacle, diffuseurs, collectivités publiques, réseaux).

Mission and Objectives

Occitanie en scène a pour but de contribuer au développement artistique et culturel en Occitanie dans l’objectif d’en faire une région dynamique pour les créateur·rice·s qui y vivent et une terre d’émergence de nouvelles formes artistiques, dans une perspective d’aménagement culturel du territoire et de réduction des inégalités d’accès à la création artistique. Ses domaines d’intervention couvrent l’ensemble du champ des arts vivants : le cirque, la danse, la musique, le théâtre et leurs formes associées et croisées, pour la scène, l’espace public ou la piste. Depuis l’automne 2018, l’équipe de l’agence est à la disposition des acteur·rice·s culturel·le·s et territoriaux·ales sur l’ensemble du territoire régional, pour développer et accompagner leurs coopérations en prenant appui sur de nouvelles missions : - Sur le territoire régional, outre des missions d’information et de conseil, Occitanie en scène concentre son accompagnement à la diffusion dans le cadre des réseaux, afin de développer et renforcer les solidarités entre opérateur·rice·s culturel·le·s. Soutien à la mobilité des programmateur·rice·s, organisation de rendez-vous professionnels, repérages et visionnages artistiques sont également au cœur de l’action territoriale de l’agence. - Le centre de gravité d’Occitanie en scène bascule vers l’extérieur de la région, avec des retombées nationales et internationales. La mobilité artistique et professionnelle du spectacle vivant devient ainsi le fer de lance d’Occitanie en scène. En renforçant l’accompagnement des professionnel·le·s à l’échelle nationale, européenne et internationale dans une perspective de structuration et de professionnalisation à l’export, et en accentuant les aides à la diffusion des œuvres hors de la région, l’association devient le principal interlocuteur des professionnel·le·s pour toutes les questions relatives à la mobilité. Occitanie en scène propose notamment des bourses à la mobilité professionnelles, une coopérative de projets européens et internationaux, des aides financières à la mobilité artistique. - Enfin, s’appuyant sur sa forte expérience dans le domaine de la coopération européenne et internationale, Occitanie en scène s’affirme comme point d’appui au développement des projets culturels européens et internationaux. L’agence accompagne l’émergence et dynamisera les projets culturels de coopération avec pour objectif de développer la présence des professionnel·le·s de la culture dans les programmes européens. Occitanie en scène est enfin accréditée au titre du programme Erasmus+.

Main Projects / Activities

Occitanie en scène développe des programmes d'aides financières : aide à la diffusion de spectacle en réseau, aides à la mobilité professionnelle, bourses Erasmus+, aides à la mobilité artistique. L'association organise également de nombreuses rencontres professionnelles, conférences. Elle participe à la mise en place de marchés professionnels. Occitanie en scène développe de nombreux outils d'accompagnement à la professionnalisation (ateliers, co-développement, formations, etc.). Occitanie en scène est particulièrement active dans le domaine de la coopération européenne et internationale. Elle est organisation accréditée au titre du programme Erasmus+, développe un projet de coopération décentralisée avec le Québec, est partenaire de plusieurs projets Europe Créative (Be SpectACTive!, Stronger Peripheries, Meeting The Odyssey), Erasmus+ (CoopAnimArt), de projets transfrontaliers (PYRENART, EKO, Travesia Pyrénées de Cirque, etc.), etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Occitanie en scène s'engage à contribuer aux actions du réseau en prenant part aux échanges entre membres, en relayant les informations nécessaires, en mettant au service du réseau ses capacités logiques et son réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Occitanie en scène est très active dans le domaine de la coopération européenne et internationale. Nous souhaitons continuer d'élargir les réseaux auxquels nous contribuons pour bâtir de nouvelles coopérations. Les thématiques développées au sein du Réseau de la fondation AL sont très proche des valeurs que nous cherchons à véhiculer.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Directrice adjointe

Insight Sage

National Network

Rr.3 Deshmoret, Pall.Dilo Ap. 33

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Founded in 2019 by Silvana Xheka, a distinguished market research professional with over two decades of experience, Insight Sage is a thriving consultancy based in Albania. Silvana's commitment to integrating insights and monitoring practices has shaped Insight Sage into a dynamic force in the realm of market intelligence.

Mission and Objectives

Insight Sage specializes in a comprehensive suite of intelligence services, encompassing market analysis, forecasting trends, brand evaluation, business case construction, segmentation strategies, and B2B research. Silvana's multifaceted background extends across diverse industry sectors, including media, labor markets, workplace dynamics, circular economy, climate change impacts, healthcare resilience, and vocational education. Driven by a passion for understanding human behavior, psychology, and societal dynamics, Silvana brings a unique perspective to every project. Her commitment to social justice underscores Insight Sage's dedication to making a positive impact beyond traditional market research boundaries.

Main Projects / Activities

Silvana's commitment to integrating insights and monitoring practices has shaped Insight Sage into a dynamic force in the realm of market intelligence. Insight Sage specializes in a comprehensive suite of intelligence services, encompassing market analysis, forecasting trends, brand evaluation, business case construction, segmentation strategies, and B2B research. Silvana's multifaceted background extends across diverse industry sectors, including media, labor markets, workplace dynamics, circular economy, climate change impacts, healthcare resilience, and vocational education. Insight Sage has undertaken pivotal projects for a diverse clientele, including renowned organizations such as UNHCR, EU For Innovation (implemented by GIZ), Innvest Fund, UNDP, LeaderImpact, IDM Albania, Ogilvy Albania, Miele Albania, Konrad Adenauer, and many others. The consultancy's ability to deliver actionable insights and innovative methodologies has earned them a reputation for excellence. Silvana Xheka's active membership in ESOMAR, The World Association of Research Professionals, for the past four years, reflects her commitment to industry standards. Her contributions in research and market analysis have significantly impacted various organizations and projects, reinforcing Insight Sage's expertise and value in the market research landscape.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Insight Sage, led by Silvana Xheka, and team of seasoned colaborators can contribute significantly to a civil society network through our expertise and skills in various ways: Data-driven advocacy: Utilize market research methodologies to gather data on social issues, public opinions, and community needs. Translate insights into compelling narratives and reports that can be used for evidence-based advocacy. Community engagement: Conduct surveys and qualitative research to understand the concerns, aspirations, and challenges faced by different segments of the community. Facilitate focus groups or town hall meetings to ensure that diverse voices are heard and incorporated into civil society initiatives. Strategic planning: Provide strategic insights to civil society organizations for effective planning and resource allocation. Help in identifying priority areas, setting goals, and developing strategies to achieve social impact. Impact assessment: Evaluate the effectiveness of civil society programs through rigorous impact assessments. Offer recommendations for refining strategies and improving outcomes based on data-driven findings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Insight Sage, under the leadership of Silvana Xheka, sees engaging with civil organizations as a strategic imperative driven by a commitment to social impact, continuous learning, and community development. Actively participating in civil networks not only demonstrates corporate social responsibility but also enhances the organization's expertise through exposure to diverse challenges and perspectives. By forging strategic partnerships and collaborations, Insight Sage aims to expand its market presence and recognition within the social sector, attracting like-minded clients and fostering innovation in research methodologies. This engagement goes beyond business benefits, contributing to positive policy changes and establishing the organization as a trusted advisor in the realm of social impact and advocacy. Moreover, by actively contributing to the betterment of society, Insight Sage fosters a positive organizational culture, boosting employee morale and satisfaction. This holistic approach supports long-term sustainable growth and positions Insight Sage as a dynamic, socially conscious entity dedicated to meaningful contributions in both the business and social spheres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvana Xheka
Job Title
Market, Consumer and Audiences Research Expert
Head of the organisation
Silvana Xheka

The Valve Design Studio

National Network

Madhar Al-Alawneh St, Tarek
Amman 11191

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Others
General Information

The Valve is a specialized design studio that focuses on design for change projects. We provide versatile design services tailored to match the nature, complexities, and processes of impact organizations, businesses, and initiatives. We are a small and focused team of experienced designers who believe in the importance of empowering positive change in the world.

Mission and Objectives

Empowering the work of change-makers through design.

We believe that good design needs to be ethical, avoid manipulative practices, and help people develop better behaviors, ideas, and tools. We tend to avoid working on purely consumerist or profit-based projects.

Main Projects / Activities

We provide all kinds of design services, including:
- Branding, brand strategy, and communication strategy.
- Visual design for campaigns, print, books, and events.
- Digital products, applications, and website design and development.
- Training, mentoring, and consultations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are happy to offer our services to the network, both as clients and as partners and collaborators. We also engage actively in training, consulting, advising, and mentoring with our communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are always seeking communities of similar values and interests to engage in. Social change is the type of work that can't be done in a vacuum, we believe the only way to create real impact is to do it collaboratively and consistently.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saja Othman
Job Title
Manager, Creative Director
Head of the organisation
Saja Othman
Contact (2) Full Name
Sewar Omari
Job Title (2)
Art Director

InterCultur gGmbH

National Network

Am Born 19
22765 Hamburg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

InterCultur was founded in 2012 as a subsidiary of AFS interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V. in order to have a division that could deliver intercultural competence to people outside of intercultural exchange in high school or in a volunteer gap year. The Team consists of CEO Stefanie Stadelmann, Head of Training Annette Gisevius, Business Development Manager Kerrin Appel and 5 Trainers and Project Managers with ocasional interns. The purpose of the company is realized in particular through the implementation of educational events and training courses, for young people and adults, with the aim of aim of acquiring and/or expanding the intercultural competence of the participants. Legal entities whose annual payments account for more that 10% of the total annual budget are: AFS IB e.V. and Stiftung Mercator GmbH.

Mission and Objectives

As a subsidiary of AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V., InterCultur is committed to the AFS mission which is to support people in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world, to help people in their endeavors to become responsible inhabitants of this earth, working for peace and better understanding between the different cultures of this world. We are committed to human dignity and the value of every human life and of all peoples and cultures. We promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination of any kind, especially on the basis of race, origin, language, gender, sexual identity, religion, disability or social status. We design our offers with an awareness of our core values: dignity, respect for differences, harmony, empathy and tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

InterCultur non-profit GmbH offers seminars, training courses, events, educational projects and consulting for organizations, companies, institutions, educational establishments and individuals who need to improve and develop their understanding and interaction with other cultures. With these offers, InterCultur directly trains target groups in need of further education and also multipliers for the transfer of skills. Our intercultural learning training courses focus, for example, on a critical examination of one's own cultural background, aspects of intercultural communication, an examination of cultural values and how these influence actions or culturally determined conflict styles. Raising awareness of the challenges of cross-cultural work contributes directly to better cooperation despite cultural differences. In addition, InterCultur develops educational and encounter projects and implements these with cooperation partners. InterCultur is a recognized organizer of intercultural training and educational programs through the quality assessment of Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We belive that we can contribute to the network through our expertise in intercultural competence training and our educational project management efforts. We would like to provide the network with workshop participation offers as well as calls for collaboration on new project proposals. We are involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Germany, the Euro-Mediterranean region and the globe and therefore would fit well into the existing network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we believe in the joint effort for the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Germany, the Euro-Mediterranean region and the globe. We have been working closely with Goethe Institut in different projects, creating opportunities for intercultural exchange and dialog. We always try to expand our network of likeminded people and institutions to further opportunities for exchange. Our parent company AFS interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V. is already part of the network, so we would also like to join ourselves.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kerrin Appel
Job Title
Business Development and Sales
Head of the organisation
Stefanie Stadelmann
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefanie Stadelmann
Job Title (2)

Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children)

National Network

Dar Christine Bougainvillea Complex
Wistin Camilleri Street
Victoria VCT 2080

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Structure A President, a Secretary and a Treasurer are the officially registered Administration team with an assisting subcommittee for administration and accounts. We have various volunteers. We employ 2 disabled persons through Access to Employment Scheme. Budget and Sources of Funding We depend on donations which amount around Eur12,000 in a year. At times we win sponsorship through small initiative scheme by The Malta Council for Voluntary Organisations Bank of Valletta and HSBC Malta Foundation support us in small amounts around Eur650 for each 10 sessions and competition prizes for children and youths with lesser opportunities. We deliver sessions online and also at the Foundation for Educational Services - so called 3-16 club. Where children aged 3-16 have to stay some hours extra at school as there would be no-one at home Our Supporters We get support from various other organisations such as Attard Parish Centre, Ahmadyjja Musulmana, Grandparents Malta, the Gozo Mental Health Association... We are member of MaltaCan Foundation an umbrella organisation for groups working in the best interest of children. We are supported by the Commissioner for Mental Health since our main agenda is to combat Parental Alienation in which cases there might be mental health issues. We are affiliated with Parental Alienation Europe and we are in touch with numerous entities working on parental alienation across the world... We are members of The International Council for Shared Parenting. Locally we have a few psychotherapists and family lawyers supporting us. But the demand increasingly needs we commission professionals to address family wellbeing. In the long term such investment saves many family situations... we try to keep families away from court as much as possible.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: to have Happier Children through Healthier Parenting for a more Prosperous Society. Our Mission: to improve family well-being through prevention, support and therapy

Main Projects / Activities

P R E V E N T I O N is addressed through a number of events: annually • an international experts’ seminar on Changes for Family Wellbeing • a 17-day awareness campaign on family violence and the need of children to have healthier parenting, organized during the Christmas month when families with difficulties feel the suffering even more. We visit different locations such as Parliament, Local Councils and Parish Centres. occasionally • recommending changes in the family law, training of professionals on early detection of child psychological abuse and the need for early intervention. • group fun activities for all, such as sports, lunch, dinner, BBQs, visits to parks • solidarity vigils weekly (free of charge): • courses in parenting skills • art and music sessions for students who have to stay afterschool hours at school • art sessions and competitions for students with limited opportunities • crafts club for grandparents, parents, youths and children S U P P O R T is offered to parents and children in difficult situations through: • bi-weekly group empowerment sessions supported by legal and social care professionals • one to one support and follow-up sessions • provision of food and other essential items T H E R A P Y is made available through: • one-to-one & group counselling • one-to-one & group psychotherapy sessions P L A N N I N G A H E A D 2024, 2025, 2026 Enhancing on the above initiatives and introducing: • activity-based therapy programmes • re-unification therapy amongst others (proven to have a success rate of over 90%) • psychiatric consultation sessions • training on planning to have a family; co-parenting; harmonious relationships.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

see uploaded file Happy Parenting in brief January 2024

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for support as per the attached Happy Parenting brief 2024 Any support whatsoever will highly be beneficial and appreciated

Contact (1) Full Name
Mary Gauci
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mary Gauci
Contact (2) Full Name
Anthony Cauchi
Job Title (2)
Founder, Treasurer and Public Relations Officer

The Beehive Community

National Network

Zoodochou Pigis 31
10681 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

The Beehive Community is a social cooperative enterprise of 6 people and many more community members, based on Social Solidarity Economy values. We focus in education and we foster Culture of Care through workshops, seminars, retreats, European programs, conferences and festivals. We are supporting the well being and the empowerment of individuals, groups and communities actively with special focus on actors of change. Through enhancing their resilience we increase our positive impact. We collaborate with organisations and networks like DOCK, RIPESS, Nexes Interculturals, Kaléido'scop and Ninfea. We are members of the Association of Social and Solidarity Economy of Attica.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is through personal and collective development, to enhance social change. Our vision for social change is directly related to the liberation of people from personal and social constraints, so that they can act to their full potential, freely, creatively and with a high level of awareness.
We create the conditions for all members of our community to be empowered and to contribute positively to the effort to move to a society based on respect, mutual support, equal opportunities & rights for all.

Main Projects / Activities

European Erasmus Plus projects
Workshops and seminars on:
Effective Communication, Active Listening, Effective Speaking
Empowering Activism
All about Social Solidarity Economy
Improvisation Theater
Authentic Connection
Dance for deaf and hearing people
Montessori education
Positive Psychology

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering ideas and services and participate in the organisation and dissemination of events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To connect and collaborate with other European networks and organisations, exchange ideas and practices and increase our positive impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Papadopoulou
Job Title
Legal Representative
Head of the organisation
Christina Papadopoulou

Track3 Consulting

National Network

Maadi, Victoria Square, Degla, St215

+20 100 861 8552
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

TRACK3 is a born-ambitious company founded in 2019. We provide technical and public policy advice based on a scientific and ethical approach, characterized by great attention to detail and high integrity, ensuring that our clients gain access to honest, objective and balanced view of the state of affairs.

Mission and Objectives

We aim to have a direct, significant and
measurable impact on the enhancement of
our clients’ businesses via outreach and
engagement with the relevant stakeholders.
We utilize our knowledge and network, as well
as our hands-on experience in business,
diplomacy and media to help out clients
achieve their strategic objectives and scale
their business growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Media Strategy & Campaigns Organizing Thematic
Ensuring Access to Regional
Political Risk
Match making and
Providing Technical Consultancy
to International Organizations
Investment Strategy Advice

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exposure to significant network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Kotb
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tarek Kotb
Contact (2) Full Name
Amina Sabour
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator