Cumhuriyet Ortaokulu (Secondary School)

National Network

Kartaltepe Mh. Alpullu Sk. No: 5
34144 Istanbul/İstanbul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Our school is a public secondary school for grades 5th to 8th. There are 743 students, 45 teachers, 3 administrators, and 6 other staff. We have a total of 26 classrooms. We also have a section for students with cognitive disabilities, which currently serves 10 students. Although the school is situated in a central neighborhood, some of the students are taken from the suburbs of the city by school buses, which can cause a gap between the local residents and our students. As a result, some of our students may feel disconnected and unhappy, leading to high levels of absenteeism, with more than 20 students frequently absent. These students may feel like they belong to a lower class of society and that there is an invisible barrier between social classes. This can make it difficult to motivate students when teaching subjects like foreign languages. Many of the students and their parents have never been abroad and may feel hopeless about the possibility of doing so in the future. As a result, some may drop out of school, get married early, or turn to illegal means of making money, ignoring the importance of education in the labor market.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Cumhuriyet Secondary school is to provide a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that empowers students in grades 5th to 8th to achieve academic excellence and personal growth. We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging and community while promoting cultural diversity and understanding among our student body. Objectives: Academic Excellence: Striving for academic excellence is a primary objective. We aim to provide high-quality education that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their academic advancement and future success. Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive environment is fundamental to our objectives. We are dedicated to embracing diversity, ensuring that every student feels valued and supported, regardless of their background, abilities, or socio-economic status. Cultural Exchange: We recognize the importance of cultural exchange in preparing students for a globalized world. Our objective is to facilitate opportunities for students to engage in cross-cultural experiences, fostering mutual respect and understanding. Community Engagement: We are committed to active involvement within our local community. By participating in extracurricular activities, social events, and volunteer initiatives, we aim to strengthen community ties and instill a sense of social responsibility among our students. Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities: Tackling the perceived invisible barriers between social classes is a crucial objective. We strive to create an environment that diminishes these barriers, ensuring equal opportunities for all students and addressing challenges that may contribute to absenteeism. Preventing Early Disengagement: To counteract the risk factors leading to early disengagement, we work towards motivating students through engaging educational programs, fostering a sense of hope and ambition for their future. International Exposure: We aim to broaden students' perspectives by providing opportunities for international experiences. This includes participation in Erasmus+ projects and other initiatives that expose students to diverse cultures and global issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Cumhuriyet Secondary School is dedicated to providing a diverse and enriching educational experience through a range of impactful projects and activities. Some of the main initiatives include: Erasmus+ Projects: The school actively participates in Erasmus+ projects, fostering international collaboration and cultural exchange. These projects, involving multiple countries, aim to broaden students' horizons and enhance their global awareness.Over the past 8 years, we have participated in various international projects under EU programs. To date, we have completed five KA212 Erasmus+ school partnership projects. Currently, we are involved in another project that involves 8 countries. Through these projects,we have taken part in 3 ICT courses which have allowed us to improve our technological skills. Two of our projects have been recognized as "good practice" projects. E-Twinning Club: The E-Twinning Club, coordinated by the English teacher, serves as a hub for conducting Erasmus+ projects. This club engages students in meaningful international collaborations, promoting cultural understanding and creating opportunities for global interactions. Extracurricular Clubs: Our school offers a variety of extracurricular clubs, catering to diverse interests such as arts, culture, STEM, literature, and more. These clubs provide students with platforms to explore their passions, develop new skills, and build a sense of community. Social Events: The school organizes and participates in various social events throughout the academic year. Celebrations, festivals, and community gatherings foster a sense of belonging, school spirit, and inclusivity among students, teachers, and parents. Community Service and Volunteering: Emphasizing social responsibility, the school actively encourages students to engage in community service and volunteering. Participating in charity events and social inclusion initiatives instills empathy and a commitment to making a positive impact on the broader community. The school places a strong emphasis on career and education guidance programs. Workshops, seminars, and guest lectures are organized to help students explore future possibilities and understand the importance of education in the labor market.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Experience Sharing: We aim to share collective insights and best practices gained from coordinating the E-Twinning Club and participating in Erasmus+ projects. This includes effective strategies for project implementation, engaging students, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Promotion of International Collaboration: As a team, we actively promote the benefits of international collaboration within the educational community. We encourage other schools and educators to join the network, emphasizing the positive impact it can have on students, teachers, and the overall learning environment. Training and Capacity Building: Our team is committed to offering training sessions or workshops to educators interested in participating in international projects. We share knowledge on project management, integrating technology into teaching, and leveraging the opportunities provided by the network. Project Development and Coordination: Collaborating with educators and schools within the network, we aim to develop new Erasmus+ projects or enhance existing ones. We contribute ideas, coordinate project activities, and facilitate effective communication and collaboration among participating institutions. Recognition of Good Practices: As a collective effort, we share the successes and recognized good practices of our projects within the E-Twinning Club with the network. This includes presenting at conferences, contributing articles to educational publications, or conducting webinars to highlight the positive outcomes of international collaborations. Mentorship and Support: Our team is dedicated to offering mentorship to educators who are new to international projects or the network. We collectively provide guidance on navigating the complexities of project planning, implementation, and evaluation, fostering a supportive environment for those entering the realm of global education. Advocacy for Inclusive Education: Together, we advocate for inclusive education and social inclusion within the network. We share experiences in addressing absenteeism and socio-economic disparities, promoting strategies that have proven effective in creating a more inclusive learning environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aspire to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network with the shared goal of fostering dialogue, inclusivity, and cultural exchange within the global educational community. Our intention is to contribute to and benefit from a network that champions the values of understanding and collaboration among diverse cultures and societies. By becoming part of the ALF Network, we envision establishing collaborative projects with like-minded institutions, educators, and organizations. Our objective is to work together on initiatives that promote cultural exchange, address global challenges through education, and amplify the impact of our collective efforts. We recognize the power of joint projects in building bridges between cultures, fostering empathy, and preparing students for a more interconnected world. Being a member of the ALF Network aligns seamlessly with our commitment to international collaboration, evident in our active involvement in Erasmus+ projects. We believe that participating in this network will open doors to valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange, capacity building, and collaborative endeavors. Through mutual projects, we anticipate creating meaningful contributions to the foundation's objectives and, in turn, benefiting from the wealth of experiences and perspectives offered by the diverse community within the network. In essence, our interest in joining the ALF Network stems from a shared vision of promoting intercultural understanding and leveraging collaborative projects as a means to positively impact education on a global scale. We look forward to the prospect of working hand in hand with the ALF Network to create projects that inspire dialogue, inclusivity, and cross-cultural learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serkan Erdoğan
Job Title
English Teacher
Head of the organisation
Serkan Erdoğan
Contact (2) Full Name
Vedia Ayhan
Job Title (2)
English Teacher

Palestinian Center For Media, Research and Development-PCMRD

National Network

Eid Hijazi street
Rashed Khader Building- Basement Floor
Palestinian Territories

+970 2 2255999
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 599265490
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

PCMRD was established as a NGO, no partisan social center in 2004. PCMRD is Hebron based community development and research center aims at joining and contributing to the efforts of igniting positive community change and human values in Palestine.
PCMRD is employing all the possible tools, resources, methods and instruments to empower CBOs and NGOs to professionally improve the quality and quantity of programs focusing on youth, children and women, and to maximize its impact on the local community; including, quality service delivery, lobby activities, advocacy initiatives and projects that aim at changing the harsh reality and challenges hindering the socioeconomic development. PCMRD develops activities; youth exchanges, voluntary workcamps, training workshops, specialized seminars..)

PCMRD is managed by elected board of 7 members. It receives no funds from any stable sources. depends on project proposals.

Mission and Objectives

Develop the media content and discourse at all levels within the society.
Employ the digital media and its applications in advocacy and lobby for basic civil and human rights of the marginalized groups.
Ignite reasons for behavioral change process by stimulating public and sectors debates, developing activities related to freedom of expression and ideas exchanges on the core issues of democracy, human rights, civil freedoms and active citizenship.
Provide space for young people to develop their professional and career skills using all possible tools and instruments available; media, music and research.
Employ media and its application in exposing the community needs and transparency.
Employ media and its applications in rising the awareness of the decision makers towards certain shortfalls and community needs to encourage their interactions to address them.
Provide periodical studies, researches and reports that tackle community needs with focus on youth and women and ways to address them.
Increase and encourage the participation of young people and the community at large in civil society actions and public life in Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

- Women Voices: project organized by IPYL and funded by UNESCO-IPDC- 2007 and aimed at empowering 25 women in media and its different applications from Hebron district to become agents of change and advocates for women rights.
- “ICT and Media: Efficient tools for youth to counter extremism”.
13 months project aims at empowering young Palestinians from Hebron to counter extremism over the internet. The project took place in 2017- 2018. Funded by UNESCO- Societies of Knowledge Unit
• 20-26/11/2023 three members attended the CCIVS network meeting- General Assembly Athens- Greece.
• 6-17/8/2023 organized and ran international voluntary workcamp- through World Heritage Volunteers at Battir town in south west Jerusalem.
• 25-28/5/2023 two members attended three days’ climate change festival organized by Legambiente - at Paestum (Salerno) Italy and supported by the world heritage volunteers focal point- Better World- Korea.
• 23-31 /5/2023. One member attended this one-week long training workshop (“E=MC²º - Empowerment through Management and Coordination), organized by Egyesek (On behalf of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations) in Holoko-Hungary and co-funded by the European Fund for Council of Europe Youth Council (project reference number: 230.WP.2023) and by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
• 1-6 /3/2023, delegation of 2 members of the center attended the technical meeting of the Alliance (Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations) in Riga- Latvia. The meeting gathered 120 persons from 35 countries to exchange the international voluntary workcamps programs and to maintain our network with influential global networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we have very extensive experience in organizing international voluntary workcamps, media productions, music production, youth and cultural exchanges, and networking with many global youth and international voluntary service networks and platforms.
we can train any partner that wishes to enter any of these domains and ready to organize trainings, provide geopolitical visits to Palestine.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We stive to develop our culture and arts capacities through establishing new partnerships and joined actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Jalal Qafaisha
Job Title (2)
projects coordinator

Stichting The Dutch Organization for Inclusive Nurtured Growth ’’DOING’’.

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Founded in the Netherlands in 2018, head quarter Eindhoven. The Netherlands.
Our work is dedicated to creating better communities through the integration of newcomers in the host communities and also equip the hosting communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections to understand the refugee needs and invest in their potential to make them active members in the host community. Connection and understanding are that newcomers needs.
We at doing commit to provide social guidance to newcomers to facilitate their integration and build with them a better future and facilitate the communication with the hosting authorities to enhance the integration policies and invest in the newcomers.
we contribute to solving some of the leading problems facing the targeted groups today – helping to find local solutions to their challenges and sowing the seeds of lasting change.

Mission and Objectives

• Provide support and Guidance to Asylum seekers, refugees, stateless, to become self-sufficient through Job Training, Education & other vocational training courses to help them become self-sufficient.
• Provide social guidance for newcomers to understand the hosting community norms, culture, system and help them build their new life.
• Provide legal support through partner organization.
• Improve and support educational programs, including education literacy, afterschool programs, career programs for the youth and empowerment programs for women and children.
• To reduce the chance of developing a mental disorder as well as increasing public awareness.
• Empower women to become more integrated and active within the host community, through dedicated programs that provide the opportunity to learn and be creative.
• All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence. Improves the heath of women and children, improves economic productivity and educational attainment, and reduces risks of mental illness and substance abuse, among other benefits.
• Prepare and assist highly educated refugees and link them with companies that can invest in their experience.
• Build effective partnerships through participatory planning involving all stakeholders, comprehensive assessment of needs, and formulation.
• Improve policy and operational response to situations of mixed flows of asylum-seekers and migrants.
• Address situations of statelessness more effectively.
• Bring more awareness about the illegal people and try to find solution for them.

Main Projects / Activities

Integration Programs:
Job Training and Vocational Courses: Provide job training and vocational courses to asylum seekers and refugees to enhance their skills and make them self-sufficient.

Social Guidance and Support:
Social Integration:
Offer social guidance programs to help newcomers understand and integrate into the hosting community, including cultural orientation and community engagement activities.

Legal Support:
Collaborate with partner organizations to provide legal support for newcomers navigating the legal aspects of their status.

Highly Educated Refugee Placement:
Linking Program: Assist highly educated refugees by connecting them with companies that can utilize their skills, promoting their integration and contribution to the community.

Partnership Building:
Stakeholder Involvement: Build effective partnerships through participatory planning involving all stakeholders, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of needs and collaborative formulation of solutions.

Policy Advocacy:
Policy Improvement: Work towards improving policies and operational responses to mixed flows of asylum-seekers and migrants, addressing situations of statelessness, and advocating for the rights of refugees.

Training and Workshops:
Regular training sessions and workshops for both newcomers and the host community to enhance understanding, empathy, and effective communication.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- Collaborating with other NGOs and forming partnerships.
2- Joining advocacy networks and influencing policies.
3- Participating in local events and forums on migration and integration.
4- Establishing educational and corporate partnerships for job opportunities.
5- Engaging with government agencies for policy advocacy and collaboration.
6- Creating community engagement programs for newcomers and locals.
7- Utilizing media for outreach and sharing success stories.
8- Conducting research on refugee integration and sharing findings.
9- Offering training programs to enhance support from various sectors.
10- Launching public awareness campaigns to inform and educate.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of the ALF Network could prove advantageous for DOING, as it aligns with our commitment to fostering cross-cultural understanding, peace, and collaboration within the Euro-Mediterranean context. Membership in this network offers opportunities for valuable collaborations, access to resources, and the exchange of ideas and best practices related to intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chirin Abbas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chirin Abbas
Contact (2) Full Name
Nader Al Awa
Job Title (2)
Operation Coordinator

The Cocreation Movement |

National Network

Building 6, Dawood Al Quran Street
Tela Al Ali | Al Shamali
Amman 11141

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
General Information

The Cocreation Movement is a new approach for accelerating innovation, bringing people together, accelerating economic growth and social development on a global scale. Today problems are very complex and require multi-stake holders to solve them, cocreation brings people together, but the cocreation movement helps in making sure this togetherness will solve problems and will contribute to local and global development.

Feras Naser is a pioneer in the field of cocreation and he has developed the cocreation movement and the cocreation ecosystem.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to accelerate global innovation, empower young people and solve global problems until we reach a one united world that is working together in harmony.

Objectives :

1- Developing the Cocreation Ecosystem.

2- Advancing Innovation in various industries and Provide and Engine for Growth and Social Advancement.

3- The Development of Meeting Platforms that can foster global relationships and global networks.

3- Fostering Global Collaboration and intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Cocreation workshops

1- We organize a weekly cocreation workshop that aims to solve global problems and bring people together. The workshop regular time is 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM Amman time.

2- We also have many digital assets that can help participants co-create better, these assets can be seen on our platforms and

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- We organize weekly cocreation workshops since 1st/Nov/2022.

- We have developed an ideation & innovation platform called

- Our Report the State of the Movement which happens every four months serves as an inspiration for Government, Private Sector and Public Sector.

- Some of our innovation and Business Seeds can be used by the public such as our Udemy Courses.

In the State of the Movement 3 (31/Dec/2023), we have reported on the following Achievements that can have a direct or indirect impact on the network in my country.

Knowledge Creation & Delivery

- 40 Workshops
- 55 Participants - International
- 50 Technology & Industry Maps
- 10 Industry Contacts Lists
- 13 Online Course
- 23 Books
- 3000 Students | 101 Countries

Reach and Influence

- 20,000 Network Weekly Invitations
- Digital Assets Rewards (2000$) | 10 Beneficiaries
- 10 Social Clubs
- Four Media Outlets
- Advanced Content Delivery System
- Talent Ranking System
- International Cocreation (UK, BRICS & EUROPE)

AI & Data

- Cocreation Collective Intelligence (ChatGPT for Expert, Personal & AI Knowledge)
- 1 Million Experts Data Records

Advancing Cocreation

The Cocreation Sport

- The Cocreation Culture
- Thriving Cocreation Cafes
- The Cocreation Ecosystem
- The Cocreation Immigration
- Cocreation Authorities
- Cocreation Score
- Complex Missions
- Paving the way for self healing.
- Paving the way for self feeding.
- The Cocreation Promise

Capital, Community & Legal

Feras Naser story published at Large.
Feras Naser case is registered with the United Nations.
The First Believer Award (TBC)
Companion No 1 (TBC)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- ALF Network can help us develop new collaborations and partnerships on a global scale. This will help us in advancing The Cocreation Movement which will help in empowering young people and it will provide them with a platform for economic growth and social advancement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Feras Naser
Job Title
Founder | Global Cocreation Authority
Head of the organisation
Feras Naser

جمعية آرام للتربية والتكوين

National Network

دار الشباب الحي العمالي
46000 SAFI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

تقوم الجمعية بالمشاركة في اللقاء التربوي الخاص
بمربي ومربيات التعليم الاولي تحت عنوان "ورشات تربوية تطبيقية في تدبير الانشطة التربوية " بدار الشباب الحي العمالي
وذلك يوم 2022/06/11 ▪ مشاركة الجمعية في مسابقة الشطرنج لجميع الفئات العمرية خلال شهر رمضان
▪ حضور الجمعية في مهرجان الصناعة التقليدية
▪ مشاركة الجمعية في اوراش مع جمعية بامبرا للتراث الثقافي

Mission and Objectives

 تحفيز الاهتمام بالعمل التطوعي في تنمية المجتمع.
 تأهيل المرأة والفتاة لمواجهة التحديات المجتمعية وتمكنها من آليات الإنتاج.
 التعاون مع الجمعيات والجهات المهتمة بالتربية والتكوين داخل البلاد وخارجه.
 العمل على محاربة الامية والاهتمام بالتربية غير النظامية والتعليم الاولي والمساهمة في تشجيع التمدرس بالعالم القروي.
 تدريب وتكوين الشباب في مجال الإعلاميات لمواكبة التطور التكنلوجي.
 تنظيم حصص الدعم والتقوية بمؤسسات التنشئة الاجتماعية لتقوية قدرات الناشئة.
 الاحتفال بجميع المناسبات الوطنية والدينية والدولية.
 تقديم العرائض والملتمسات والترافع عن قضايا المواطن والمواطنة بالمؤسسات الدستورية.
 ربط علاقات وعقد شراكات مع جهات رسمية او غير رسمية ذات الاهتمام المشترك.
 تطوير أنشطة ومناهج التنشيط التربوي الموازي وتنظيم المخيمات.
 المشاركة في جميع الأنشطة التربوية والثقافية والرياضية والفنية والاجتماعية على المستوى المحلي والوطني والدولي.
 تنظيم ملتقيات رياضية وأنشطة ترفيهية ورحلات استكشافية وثقافية وسياحية داخل وخارج الوطن.
 تنظيم ندوات ومحاضرات ودورات تكوينية في المجال التربوي والثقافي والرياضي.
 إدماج ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في جميع المجالات: التربوية والثقافية والرياضية والفنية.
 ربط أواصل الصداقة والتعاون مع الشباب بالجمعيات والأندية والمنظمات الشبابية الأخرى الوطنية والدولية

Main Projects / Activities

استفادة التلاميذ من دروس الدعم المجانية.
▪ تنظيم حفل لفائدة رائدات مكونات والمستفيدات من محاربة الأمية
▪ انشاء نادي الاعلاميات بدار الشباب الحي العمالي

Contact (1) Full Name
بنزيدان زينب
Job Title
رئيسة الجمعية
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
الجازي نادية
Job Title (2)
امينة المال

Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs (PCS)

National Network

AlBareeq Building-5th floor, Haifa street, Jenin, West Bank, Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
TelFax: 00972 4 2501989
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

• Date of Creation: 2005.
PCS serves as a representative platform of 60 Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that are working across the West Bank and Gaza. This has helped PCS remain grassroots oriented, as well as reach out to remote and marginalized communities serving a wide range of societal segments, including those most marginalized. Moreover, this wide grassroots network has paved the way for PCS to be a leading organization working on bottom-up advocacy that informs responsive policies at the heart of citizen needs and priorities.
• Main Geographic interventions: PCS has intervention in the West Bank (from 2005), Gaza(from 2010), Jerusalem and 48 areas (from 2014) it works with the Palestinians everywhere in Palestine. Mainly PCS looks for the most marginalize people and targeted them, such as area C, Jordan valley and people with disabilities (PWD). Through three offices at Jenin (head quarter), Ramallah and Gaza, and a network of more than 60 CBOs PCS reached their beneficiaries effectively.
PCS has two incubators that shape the dynamic part of its work, IDEA for small businesses company (non-for Profit Company) and NGO incubator for Civil Society Organizations (Local NGOs and CBOs from different field of work background, like women, youth, PWD, education, culture, etc).

Mission and Objectives

• Mission: PCS is an umbrella for the NGOs and CBOs in West Bank and Gaza seeking to improve their capacities, increase their coordination, and call for their joint interests.
• Vision: Towards effective and entrepreneurial Palestinian NGOs and CBOs that lead their communities, uphold their values, develop their capacities, and mobilize their resources towards sustainable development.
• Main objective/ s:
- Contribute to strengthening the position and roles of local institutions in achieving sustainable development.
- Contribute to the promotion of the human rights system and Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 2030.
- Contribute to promoting entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.
- Enhance PCS's governance and institutional structure in order to achieve its goals.
The program of PCS are:
1. Social Inclusion.
2. Community accountability.
3. Human Rights and Democracy.
4. Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship.
5. Capacity Building Program and Incubator for Civil Society Institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

PCS Membership in National and International Networks:
International: PCS had consultative status in the social and economic council in the UN, a member of the Youth Business international network,GNDR Global Network for Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction,ANNA LINDA Foundation" network for cultural dialogue at the national and international level,ANSA Network,- International Network for Social Accountability, Affinity Group of National Associations (AGNA), UBI GlobalMember of Arab State league – Cairo,- Member of Network of Democrats in the Arab World (NDAW)– the UK,- CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, which is considered among the most important international networks working on advancing social accountability in SDGs,Member in the board of directors of the Arab Campaign for Education for All which is working on activating social accountability on SDG4 and a member of the Palestinian Education Coalition Secretariat, TAP NETWORK "Transparency, Accountability, and Participation for 2030.
Local-level:- Education Cluster under Emergency/ OCHA, The Secretariat of Palestinian Education Coalition, The Secretariat of Arab Campaign for Education. Protection Cluster,Member of the consulting commission for a national inquiry on the rights of persons with disability to livelihood,Member of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee,Member of Palestinian National Institutes for NGOs (PNIN).
- Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions.
- Member of the Coordination Council for Palestinian NGOs (CCP-NGOs).
- Member of the National Committee for Social Accountability.
- Member of the “Partners to Review” international network sponsored by GIZ which is working on social accountability on SDGs.
- Member at “The Network of Organizations Providing Services to Green Entrepreneurs in Palestine.”

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Hijawi
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Hijawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Amneh O. I. Qtuit
Job Title (2)
Financial and procurement officer

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC)

National Network

Liwan Building, 4th floor, Almahakem Street
Palestinian Territories

972 2 2961710
972 2 2989123
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
970 599 775108
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The organizational structure of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC) is designed to ensure efficient and effective operations in delivering comprehensive care and support to survivors of torture. At the helm of the organization is the Executive Director, who provides strategic leadership, oversees daily operations, and serves as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the staff. The Executive Director is supported by a dedicated team of professionals, including: Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Financial and Administrative Staff. Together, they work collaboratively to deliver integrated services that address the physical, psychological, and social needs of survivors. The organizational structure also includes specialized departments such as Medical Services, Psychological Support, Research and Database Department, Advocacy and Outreach, Finance and Administration Department. This division allows for focused expertise in each area while ensuring seamless coordination and communication among the departments. The hierarchical structure is complemented by a participatory and inclusive work culture that encourages open dialogue, teamwork, and continuous learning. TRC has offices in Jenin, Hebron, Ramallah and Jerusalem with 28 staff and work in West Bank and East Jerusalem. TRC implements projects, conducts research, and hold advocacy campaigns and training sessions. Some of the major donors of TRC is UN Women, UNICEF, IRCT, UNVF, UNDP and Dignity. TRC has partnership agreement with War Child Holland, SHAMS, Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP).

Mission and Objectives

TRC’s mission is to contribute significantly to the eradication of torture, organized violence, and other human rights violations regardless the identity of perpetrators. TRC also advocates to eradicate the culture of impunity prevalent, which is so rife throughout Palestine and works to support and empower survivors of torture, promote their rights to rehabilitation and healing, and advocate for their rights and dignity. Our mission at TRC is to provide compassion and support to survivors, fostering their healing, resilience, and empowerment.

Our core values guide our every action, ensuring that we uphold the principles of dignity, integrity, and justice. We are committed to treating each individual with respect, empathy, and cultural sensitivity, recognizing the unique needs and experiences of survivors. We strive for excellence in our services, continuously seeking to improve our programs through innovation, research, and collaboration.
Our core values guide our every action, ensuring that we uphold the principles of dignity, integrity, and justice. We are committed to treating each individual with respect, empathy, and cultural sensitivity, recognizing the unique needs and experiences of survivors. We strive for excellence in our services, continuously seeking to improve our programs through innovation, research, and collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

TRC operates with a deep commitment to promote healing, restoration, and empowerment for survivors of Torture. We provide a comprehensive range of services aimed at addressing the psychological, and social needs of survivors. Our dedicated team, work collaboratively to deliver personalized care and support. We offer specialized psychological services encompass trauma-focused therapy, counseling, and psychosocial support, helping survivors navigate their emotional healing process. Additionally, we advocate for the rights of survivors, and facilitate their integration into society through vocational training and reintegration programs. Our holistic approach ensures that survivors receive the necessary support to rebuild their lives and find hope and empowerment in their journey of recovery. TRC has a wide range of areas of intervention to support survivors of torture and their families as the following: Medical Care which involves providing survivors with specialized medical treatment to address the physical injuries and health problems caused by torture. The Center also provides psycho-social support, including counselling, therapy, and support groups, to help survivors overcome the psychological trauma and emotional pain caused by torture. TRC empowers the survivors for their reintegration into the Palestinian society, in addition to providing them with the knowledge and skills to identify and address psychological symptoms, through receiving a specialized psychological support such as: debriefing activities; Psychodrama, Art Therapy, Eye Therapy, narrative therapy to strengthen their coping mechanisms. TRC also provides Psychological testing which is an essential tool for assessing the mental health and well- being of victims of torture. Individuals who have experienced torture often suffer from a range of physical and psychological symptoms, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other trauma-related disorders. Psychological testing can help identify these symptoms, assess the severity of the trauma, and guide treatment options for the victim. Additionally, psychological testing can provide valuable evidence in legal proceedings, as it can help establish the extent and impact of the torture experienced by the victim. Overall, psychological testing is crucial for ensuring that victims of torture receive the appropriate care and support they need to recover from the traumatic experiences they have endured. TRC provides the following Psychological testing: IQ primary evaluation, personality, self-esteem scales and scales for well-being and psychological levels of distress. Neuro-developmental Disorders including learning difficulties, slow learner’s early identification. TRC also recognizes the importance of reaching remote areas, therefore; the center extends its services through home visits and psychological mobile clinic, offering essential support to individuals who may not have easy access to mental health resources. Psychological mobile clinics can play a crucial role in providing much- needed support to these individuals. These clinics are typically staffed by mental health professionals who are specially trained to work with trauma survivors. They can provide a range of services, including counselling, psychotherapy, and art therapy. By bringing these services directly to the community, psychological mobile clinics can help reduce barriers and ensure that victims of torture have access to the resources they need to heal, particularly in remote areas.
In addition to providing direct services to individuals through the psychological mobile clinic. They can also help raise awareness about the needs of torture survivors. By engaging with community members and leaders, these clinics can help break down stigmas around mental health and trauma, and build more supportive and inclusive communities. This can have a ripple effect, creating a more welcoming environment for survivors and reducing the risk of further violence and trauma. By providing both direct services and community education, psychological mobile clinics can make a significant difference in the lives of torture survivors and their communities. Hotline can play a crucial role in providing psychological support to individuals in need. TRC offers a confidential and anonymous way for individuals to reach out for help, which can be especially important for those who may feel hesitant or ashamed to seek support through other means. Hotlines can provide immediate emotional support, crisis intervention, and referrals to appropriate resources or services. Hotline service can act as an essential solution to those in need, often operating between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, by trained professionals who can provide a safe and confidential space for individuals to talk about their issues. Hotlines can help reduce stigma around mental health and encourage individuals to seek the help they need to improve their well-being. TRC also conducts capacity building, vocational training, research and database, and Advocacy. Volunteers play a crucial role in our work. They contribute their time, skills, and compassion to support our programs and services. Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and bring a range of expertise, including medical professionals, psychologists, counselors, university students, language interpreters, and administrative support. They assist in various activities such as facilitating therapy sessions, conducting workshops and educational programs, assisting with administrative tasks, and organizing events. Our volunteers not only enhance the capacity of our center but also bring a sense of solidarity to our work.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The variety of services and interventions that TRC provides can be of an added value to ALF network of organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having access to such a network will assist in improving TRC's reach to the different types of needed interventions. Considering the current crisis and the continuous need of the Palestinians to Mental health and psycho-social support provided by teams of experts all over West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Khader Rasras
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Dr Mahmud Sehwail
Contact (2) Full Name
Maisaa Alhindi
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager


National Network

30 Al shatouri st. , Dokki
Giza Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Educuality is an Ed-tech NGO that is unique for its Gamified, Customized and Impactful civic education services for young people aged between 16 to 30, ensuring that those young people when involved in our activities have an Impactful fun-full learning journey. we trained and mentored 3000+ change makers in the last 5 years.
Our crew is a squad of specialists, enthusiasts in international development, pedagogy and Curriculum Design, Passionate about promotion of interactive education through gamification and arts.
Our Main Partners are The British Council, Ministry of Youth and Sports and The Visionaries UK and that where we get our funding from
Concrete Awards and Projects : We gave a speech at World forum of democracy organized by Council of Europe 2023 about our peace education programs, Educuality won "Best Sustainable Education Provider 2023" Award at the Education and Training Global Awards 2023 and our board game (peace journey) was selected as one of the 100 best african ideas in Kenya 2019.

Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are:
1) Create a new generation of youth who can create social action in the fields of climate change and peace-building.
2) Empower women and underprivileged communities to have their voices heard
3) Create long-lasting educational experiences that are fun-filled and impactful

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are: Dialogue and Debates Program (Youth Voices), International Scholarships Program (Intercultural Education), and the She Seeds Change Program (Women Empowerment). we also have activities in research with international universities like the University of Bath and the University of Manchester. as well as activities in public policy drafting.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Educuality is uniquely positioned to contribute to the ALF Network in Egypt through our established educational programs and initiatives. We have a track record of successfully engaging students and educators in projects that highlight the importance of cultural awareness and understanding, peacebuilding and climate action. Our expertise in integrating technology in education allows us to reach a wide audience and can be a valuable asset to the network.

Moreover, we are committed to hosting and participating in events that promote intercultural dialogue. We envision organizing workshops, seminars, and exchange programs that bring together diverse groups from across Egypt and the Mediterranean region. Through these platforms, we aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural tapestry that defines our region.

In conclusion, Educuality's participation in the ALF Network represents not just an opportunity for growth and learning for our organization but also a chance to contribute significantly to the network's objectives in Egypt and the broader Mediterranean area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the CEO of Educuality, an organization committed to enhancing educational opportunities and fostering cultural understanding in Egypt, I am eager for our organization to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network. Our mission aligns seamlessly with ALF's goals of promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding across the Mediterranean. We believe that through this partnership, we can amplify our impact by sharing our innovative educational approaches and learning from the diverse experiences within the network.

Our work at Educuality involves developing educational programs that not only equip young minds with essential skills but also imbue them with a deep appreciation for peace building and intercultural dialogue. By joining the ALF Network, we aim to extend the reach of these programs, contributing to a broader regional dialogue about education's role in cultural understanding. We are particularly excited about the prospect of collaborating with other organizations in the network, sharing best practices, and co-creating projects that transcend borders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Saad
Contact (2) Full Name
Karim Habib
Job Title (2)


National Network

maison des arts lab , second floor square station,
4000 sousse

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

La Maison des Arts Lab est un centre culturel dédié au développement de la culture et de l'entrepreneuriat dans les secteurs des Industries Culturelles et Créatives (ICC) ainsi que de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS). Notre structure se compose de 2 employés et 3 partenaires, tous engagés dans la promotion de la culture et de l'entrepreneuriat. Nos ressources budgétaires annuelles proviennent principalement des abonnements, de la location d'espaces, des formations et des programmes de tourisme alternatif centrés sur des objectifs de développement durable. Nous bénéficions de différents types de financement, notamment des fonds d'appui. Notre Maison des Arts Lab agit à travers une variété de programmes, incluant des échanges culturels et artistiques, des incubations pour artistes et entrepreneurs sociaux, des circuits culinaires et culturels, ainsi que des master class couvrant divers domaines des ICC. Parmi nos principaux partenaires impliqués dans nos projets et activités se trouvent des entreprises locales, des universités, des clubs universitaires, ainsi que d'autres acteurs contribuant à enrichir nos activités culturelles et entrepreneuriales.

Mission and Objectives

Notre vision est d'étendre le secteur de l'industrie culturelle et créative grâce à un réseau mondial. Notre mission est de renforcer les capacités des artistes artisans et des jeunes créatifs, de créer une communauté solidaire pour rapprocher les opportunités. Notre objectif est de développer des programmes de pointe pour notre communauté, d'exporter nos services et notre culture à l'international, et de faire de notre espace un lieu de rencontre mondial."

Main Projects / Activities

"Maison des Arts Lab est un espace organisant plusieurs événements tout en collaborant avec la société civile locale ainsi que des artistes et artisans locaux pour développer leurs propres événements. Parmi les événements les plus importants de 2023, on compte les circuits culinaires offrant aux voyageurs la découverte des richesses des produits du terroir, l'apprentissage de la cuisine tunisienne, la rencontre avec les femmes rurales au travail sur des produits artisanaux et la participation à des activités agricoles. Nous proposons également des activités et des formations sur la poterie locale, l'écriture de la calligraphie et la préservation du patrimoine photographique. Nos programmes incluent des formations pour les voyageurs, comme l'apprentissage du dialecte tunisien et de la langue arabe, ainsi que des programmes de renforcement des capacités entrepreneuriales pour la communauté locale afin qu'elle puisse développer des projets liés à ses loisirs artistiques et culturels. Notre espace organise également des débats sur des problématiques sociales, invitant à chaque fois une histoire de succès pour partager son réseau et son expérience."

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

"La Maison des Arts Lab contribue déjà à travers ses événements et au développement d'un réseau national. Notre ambition est de créer le plus grand salon culturel, où la culture ne se limite pas au divertissement, mais devient un vecteur de développement. Nous cherchons à réunir tous les acteurs culturels sur une plateforme à la fois physique et numérique grâce à cette initiative."

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network représente une opportunité cruciale pour la réalisation de nos objectifs. Grâce à ce réseau mondial, nous envisageons d'établir des partenariats et des collaborations à l'échelle internationale. Notre ambition est de présenter notre espace culturel au monde entier, véhiculant ainsi une vision positive de notre travail et de notre nation en tant que moteur du développement de l'économie culturelle et créative.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
farouk zahi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zahi Farouk

Training, Nursing Institutes and Clinical Research Administration at Giza Health Affairs Directorate, MOHP

National Network

Al Omraneyah Al Sharqeyah, Giza District, Giza Governorate 3724110
Giza Governorate

+20 109 634 5575
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Training, Nursing Institutes and Clinical Research Administration department employs approximately 150 staff managing 17 nursing institutes across Giza. As a governmental institution, there is no separate budget - funding for activities and operations comes directly from the Ministry of Health and Population annual budget. Key activities include managing nursing diploma programs at the 17 institutes, facilitating continuing education seminars and exchanges between schools globally, and administering clinical research operations across Giza medical facilities. There is heavy involvement with training activities and conferences. Ongoing partnerships to support initiatives include working with groups such as WHO, USAID, CDC, Children's Cancer Hospital 57357, NCI Egypt, and multiple universities within Egypt. The focus is on developing the nursing workforce and enabling clinical research administration.

Mission and Objectives

To develop, empower, and support the healthcare workforce to deliver excellent patient care through high-quality nursing education programs and administration of impactful clinical research across medical facilities in the Giza governorate.


- Provide diploma and continuing education nursing programs at 17 Nursing Institutes that meet regulatory standards and equip nurses with essential knowledge and practical training.

- Foster strategic partnerships locally and globally to facilitate exchanges between nursing schools that allow for collaboration, resource and knowledge sharing to enrich nursing education.

- Support clinical research operations by expertly administering over 100 trials yearly across Giza medical facilities, enabling the advancement of impactful research.

- Contribute nursing instructors and administrators to deliver training activities and coordinate conferences that aid in developing the capabilities of the medical workforce in Giza and beyond.

The focus aligns with the Ministry of Health and Population objectives to develop human capital, enable impactful research, and elevate health services available to the public through workforce empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

The duties of a medical training department include developing and implementing training programs for healthcare professionals, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, assessing training needs, organizing workshops and seminars, coordinating clinical rotations, and evaluating the effectiveness of training initiatives to enhance patient care and professional development.
The duties of a clinical research department include overseeing the planning and execution of clinical trials and research studies, ensuring compliance with ethical and regulatory guidelines, managing participant recruitment and enrollment, coordinating data collection and analysis, and collaborating with researchers, sponsors, and regulatory authorities for successful research outcomes.
The duties of a nursing institutes department include providing education and practical training to aspiring nurses, developing comprehensive curricula, organizing theoretical and practical classes, facilitating clinical experiences, conducting assessments and evaluations, supporting continuing education for practicing nurses, and ensuring the highest standards of nursing education and professional development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Training, Nursing Institutes and Clinical Research Administration at Giza Health Affairs Directorate could potentially contribute to advancing the healthcare workforce training and clinical research network in Egypt:

1. Share best practices and insights from administering large nursing education programs and clinical research operations to help elevate processes at other institutes and research centers across Egypt. This allows advancement through collaboration.

2. Provide highly qualified nursing instructors and healthcare workforce training experts for giving lectures, trainings, presentations or advice to other schools, hospitals, and organizations when needed. Tapping our talent helps grow the capabilities of others.

3. Host observers from other governorates to shadow administrators or instructors at our facilities for a set time period, giving them exposure to how more developed training programs and research administrations function. On the job observation exchanges could be highly valuable.

4. Create channels for smooth and substantial data and information sharing related to research, training outcomes, techniques, challenges and successes with relevant institutions who may benefit from such insights to again enable evidence-based improvements.

5. Revise the annual plan to incorporate priorities for mutual collaborations that strengthen the ecosystem, making the administration both a contributor to and beneficiary of strong local partnerships with peer organizations.

In essence, emphasize knowledge transfer activities, collaborations, people exchanges, and transparency of operational data/learnings with other players to multiply impact.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe joining the ALF Network would be hugely valuable for the Training, Nursing Institutes and Clinical Research Administration at Giza Health Affairs Directorate for the following key reasons:

1. Being part of ALF's global community would expand our perspectives, exposing our administration and institutes to new developments, insights, and best practices by interacting with esteemed healthcare education and training experts from different countries. This knowledge transfer can profoundly impact our operations.

2. We would benefit immensely from being able to collaborate on projects of mutual interest, tap into shared resources between members, and partner with international agencies under the ALF umbrella to take our initiatives here to the next level. The power of collaboration cannot be understated.

3. Our instructors, researchers and administrators would gain access to scholarships, fellowships, exchange opportunities, trainings and events organized under ALF Networks that can significantly elevate skill sets, expand mindsets and multiply connections. Investing in human capital has compounding benefits.

4. Being affiliated and endorsed as a legitimate member of the prestigious ALF Network grants our administration prominence and visibility locally and globally, helping us attract top talent and engage meaningfully with key external stakeholders for bigger positive impacts all around.

In essence, joining ALF helps achieve our central capability building, knowledge sharing and partnership goals manifold through credibility and access to resources beyond our reach presently. This propels our public health contributions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelrahman Shawky Ahmed Hussein Refaee
Job Title
Head Manager of Training, Nursing Institutes and Clinical Research Administration
Head of the organisation
Abdelrahman Shawky Refaee
Contact (2) Full Name
Nehal Mohamed Eisa
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director of Clinical Research Training Department