Center for Bridging Communities

National Network

Rruga: Albanopoli, Pall Alfa, ap 38/5, Tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Center for Bridging Communities, Albania is a civil society organization established in 2018, as an initiative of a group of researchers and experts in the areas of youth, gender and good governance. The main purpose of the organization is to contribute in the achievement of sustainable development by empowering the community; protecting the rights of the marginalized groups; promoting and supporting the initiatives that encourage inclusion, social integration, intercultural dialogue. For the fulfillment of activities Center for Bridging Communities carries out awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building, consultancy services and research.

Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the organization is to contribute in the achievement of sustainable development by empowering the community; protecting the rights of the marginalized groups; promoting and supporting the initiatives that encourage inclusion, social integration, intercultural dialogue and advocating for the benefit of the community. Center for Bridging Communities, Albania contributes toward community inclusion through joint programs in these main areas: Youth empowerment Our focus remains on young people with fewer opportunities, with the scope to offer them a chance for empowerment and to be active citizens of the community where they live. Gender Equity Protect the rights of marginalized groups as women in remote area to affect positive changes and reach their full potential. Good Governance. We believe that working closely with local authorities and other local stakeholders we can bring positive change in the community. For the fulfillment of activities Center for Bridging Communities carries out awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building, consultancy services and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities: -Organizing social and educational games with young people, target groups of students from 16-24 years old. When using team-based tactical games, we asked players to role-play in order to facilitate discussion around the topics of diversity, environmental change, gender issues and extremism. In order to promote solidarity and democratic values as well as affirm them beyond our tradition, it is crucial to get acquainted with interculturality and diversity. - The engagement of young people from 14-18 years old on debate groups on the issues of human rights and gender issues. For this we have been using the youth-led participatory approach and non-formal learning tools with High Schools students of Tirana, Has, Kukes, Librazhd, Shijak. - Organizing online campaigns against hate speech in cyberspace, online awareness-raising campaigns on gender equity and human rights, you tube talks, summer camps etc. These online campaigns are run by young volunteers at our organization. Center for Bridging Communities holds accreditation for hosting and sending role within European Solidarity Corps Programme. We believe in youth activism as essential components in order to promote change and progress the development of the community. We have implemented a series of projects in the field of youth empowerment, good governance, gender issues, which are supported by donors such as European Commission; BACID (Building administrative capacities in the Danube Region); Erasmus plus; European Solidarity Corps; Konrad Adenauer, Tirana; Mediterranean Women's Fund, France; Ministry of Culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through sharing good experiences and our ideas with other partner organizations of AFL network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to empower local communities through partnerships and exchanges. In this context, it is profitable to join ALF Network because we share common objectives. Also, we would like to collaborate, to find partners and networking with other organizations in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonida Naska
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Executive Director

Centre des Droits des Gens/section Casablanca Settat

National Network

Centre de Renforcement du Tissu Associatif Fondation MED5 quartier Alhounk Casa Anfa
20040 Casablanca

212 661087213
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Nous gérons à Casablanca un projet d'ecole de deuxième chance depuis maintenant cinq année. Nous avons 11 contractuels et une dizaine de bénévoles. Notre financement vient du mi.istere de l'éducation nationale à hauteur de 22400 Euros annuellement et nous devons aller chercher pour combler notre financement chez des bailleurs .Nous avons construit un réseau de partenaires. Nous accueillons les jeunes 16/24ans en décrochage scolaire marocains et migrants pour les former professionnellement et les accompagner à l'insertion socio-professionnelle. Nos principaux partenaires sont le ministère de l'éducation nationale et l'académie regionale de l'éducation et de la formation de Casablanca Settat et des entreprise et aussi des réseaux et associations de la société civile

Mission and Objectives

Plaider par l'action terrain au droit à la formation et l'éducation des enfants et jeunes y compris les jeunes migrants

Main Projects / Activities

La deuxième chance. 1- Former professionnellement les jeunes qui decrochent de l'école. 2-Accopagner à l'insertion socio-professionnelle

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faire bénéficier de notre expérience à affronter le fleau du décrochage scolaire qui gangrène le système scolaire marocain

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Bénéficier des compétences des autres membres du réseau et aussi des formations et ateliers que ce réseau organise

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Errakib
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Said Errakib
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatiha Jamaleddine
Job Title (2)
Vice presidente

Toulouse Youth Network

National Network

65 Rue des Écoles
31140 Aucamville

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

L'objectif principal de TYN est d'impliquer davantage de jeunes issus de milieux différents et de leur donner plus d'occasions d'apporter leur aide dans le monde entier. Il encourage les jeunes à faire entendre leur voix sur les questions relatives à l'environnement, au patrimoine culturel et aux droits de l'homme.

Par cet encouragement, il vise à créer une nouvelle génération de grands leaders pour notre monde. TYN travaille avec un large groupe cible, principalement âgé de 16 à 30 ans, issu de différents milieux : étudiants, chômeurs, réfugiés, migrants, etc.

Dans les ateliers, les cours de formation et les activités qu'il organise avec les jeunes, TYN met l'accent sur une approche participative axée sur les jeunes. Combinés aux connaissances approfondies de leur personnel en matière d'orientation et de mentorat, tous les ateliers, sessions et activités sont axés sur la transition écologique, la participation civique, le rôle des jeunes dans la vie démocratique et la responsabilité civique.

Mission and Objectives

Toulouse Youth Network (TYN) est une association à but non lucratif fondée en 2022 qui a pour but de développer la mobilité internationale et le dialogue interculturel à travers des événements, des formations formelles et non formelles au niveau national et international. Ils interviennent dans différents domaines pour promouvoir, encourager et renforcer les domaines suivants : - Protection de l'environnement
 - Accès et participation aux manifestations culturelles et sportives - Promotion des échanges culturels
 - Citoyenneté active
 - Émancipation et autonomie des jeunes
 - Participation des jeunes défavorisés
 - Intégration sociale et professionnelle
 - L'égalité des chances
 - Défense des droits de l'homme TYN a pour principal objectif d'impliquer davantage de jeunes de différents milieux afin de leur donner plus d'occasions de les aider partout dans le monde. Ils encouragent les jeunes à faire entendre leur voix sur des thèmes liés à l'environnement, au patrimoine culturel et aux droits de l'homme. Grâce à cet encouragement, ils visent à créer de grands leaders de la nouvelle génération pour notre monde. Dans les ateliers, les formations et les activités qu'ils organisent avec les jeunes, ils mettent l'accent sur l'approche participative axée sur les jeunes. Combinés aux connaissances approfondies de leur personnel en matière d'orientation et de mentorat, leurs sessions, ateliers et activités sont axés sur la transition écologique, la participation civique, le rôle des jeunes dans la vie démocratique et la responsabilité civique.

Main Projects / Activities

Leurs principaux domaines d'activité sont le militantisme environnemental, les droits de l'homme, les activités culturelles et la participation démocratique, dans le but d'éduquer les jeunes leaders et de leur donner la possibilité de se connecter et d'influencer la communauté et les institutions locales Leurs activités régulières de travail jeunesse comprennent l'organisation de marches propres et de marches climat impliquant des jeunes en première ligne pour nettoyer les rues de la ville et les espaces urbains verts. Ils organisent également des débats, des débats et des ateliers sur la paix, l'activisme climatique, la durabilité environnementale et la citoyenneté active, notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte contre le changement climatique, dans le but d'engager les jeunes dans le dialogue avec les institutions et de faire évoluer la politique locale. TYN organise régulièrement des ateliers sur la santé physique et le bien-être, en mettant l'accent sur l'alimentation saine et durable et le sport. Dans les ateliers de nutrition, ils initient les jeunes à la récolte des produits locaux et de saison et les encouragent à consommer des aliments biologiques et locaux en utilisant des recettes traditionnelles dans une alimentation saine et équilibrée. TYN transfère ses années d'expérience dans la gestion et l'organisation d'activités et d'ateliers de jeunes à travers des programmes de formation offerts à d'autres jeunes qui s'engagent à échanger les méthodologies des cycles de projets et la gestion de la manière de financer les activités prévues dans les projets. Leur dernière formation certifiée, mise en place par la Ligue de l’enseignement, porte sur la création de projets durables et solidaires dans lesquels ils identifient les caractéristiques d’un projet durable et inclusif, les méthodologies des cycles de projets et offrent un aperçu des options de financement à travers l’échange de bonnes pratiques avec d’autres jeunes. TYN apprécie l'utilisation des technologies modernes pour maintenir ses sessions et ses programmes à jour et les rendre plus attrayants et accessibles à tous les jeunes. Ils créent de nombreuses ressources et les intègrent pendant et après les sessions à des fins de suivi et d'évaluation. En tant qu'organisation, ils possèdent des capacités de haut niveau en matière de suivi et d'évaluation de chaque activité, atelier et cours de formation qu'ils proposent. À cet égard, les fonctionnaires responsables de chaque activité créent des formulaires de rétroaction et d'évaluation pour suivre les progrès des participants et dresser un tableau d'ensemble des résultats intermédiaires et finals. Enfin, ils sont favorables à la reconnaissance de l'apprentissage par le biais de certificats afin que leur cohorte puisse réaliser ses efforts et les résultats de l'apprentissage. Le personnel de TYN possède une connaissance approfondie de la lutte contre le changement climatique, grâce à son travail de professionnels de l’eau et du climat et à sa participation au Forum de la jeunesse transpyrénéenne 2022 et aux programmes gérés par le Secrétariat de l’eau et le Partenariat mondial pour l’eau. Ils ont également participé en tant que jeunes professionnels et représentants de la France au Forum mondial de l'eau au Sénégal et à la Semaine mondiale de l'eau à Stockholm. Leur fondateur, représentant l'organisation, a participé au Forum de la jeunesse transpyrénéenne 2022 où ils ont abordé les questions du changement climatique. Nous coordonnons également un projet en ligne sur l'interculturalité avec l'Office franco-allemand de la jeunesse. Nous travaillons avec plusieurs partenaires dans des activités locales et à l'étranger.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous faisons partie du réseau engagée et déterminé. Nous sommes présent à divers événements et forum, nous avons une communauté. Nous sommes également très impliqué sur les réseaux sociaux. Nous souhaitons collaborer avec bec ALF pour contribuer et perdurer ce travail interculturel et enrichir les relations Europe-Méditerranée.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre ce réseau pour rencontrer d’autres acteurs comme nous. Contribuer aux valeurs de la fondation et permettre d’enrichir notre réseau mais aussi de mettre en place des iniativez nécessaires.

Contact (1) Full Name
Henni Sherazade
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Henni Sherazade

Asociación Extremundo

National Network

Calle Venezuela 4, 2º Izquierda
10005 Cáceres Cáceres

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information

· Structure: President + Vicepresident + Secretary + Responsible person for Education, Entrepreneurship and Employment & Responsible person for the Youth Section “Extreme Talent” + Responsible person for Relations with Latin America. No full-time staff employed, mainly volunteers.

· Budget: it depends on public funds and donations.

· Funding: European Commission, Cáceres' provincial government, Youth Institute of Extremadura, etc.

· Actions: Erasmus+ KA152, KA153, KA154, KA210-SCH or KA220-SCH, among others.

· Partners: other NGOs from EU and non-EU countries, EU high-schools, city or town halls, among others.

Mission and Objectives

Asociación Extremundo is a non-profit Association, established on the 9th of November 2020 and officially based in Cáceres, Extremadura. In a few words, it aims to provide a better quality of life to all the Extremaduran citizens through local, provincial, regional, national, European & international project management.

As indicated in the approved statutes by the Government of Extremadura in the last years, its main objectives are:

- To develop the Extremaduran region through local, provincial, regional, national, European and/or international opportunities for young and adult people, promoting an active citizenship and an intergenerational participation at the same time;

- To provide youngsters - mainly from Extremadura - with services that benefit their personal/social and professional development, in line with the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2017:

Promoting youth participation;

Promoting youth implication for social transformation;

Promoting positive experiences related to the leisure time of youngsters;

Promoting youth job placement;

Promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

Line 1: projects for equality;

Line 2: social action projects.

- To offer a general or specific empowerment, both offline and online, to the Extremaduran population interested in European and/or international topics;

- To design and to implement local, provincial, regional, national, European and/or international projects, in order to benefit the urban and rural citizens of Extremadura;

- To promote the European and/or international volunteering inside and outside the Extremaduran borders;

- To promote an entrepreneurial learning - including the social, rural, digital, female and youth ones - and the creation of startups related to digital transformation at the local and regional levels.

Asociación Extremundo is also a member of the Hispania Nostra’s network (, which researches, protects and promotes the cultural and natural heritage of Spain.

Main Projects / Activities

· Approved projects as coordinating organization:

[Provincial | Diputación de Cáceres] Empoderamiento personal y comunitario para la provincia de Cáceres mediante proyectos a diferentes escalas / 2.500 €

[Erasmus+ | INJUVE] 2021-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000008802 / Young fact-checking experts - Unleash your critical thinking! / 37.200 €

[Regional | Instituto de la Juventud de Extremadura & Diputación de Cáceres] Embajadorxs Extremeñxs del Año Europeo de la Juventud / 8.500 €

[Erasmus+ | Portuguese NA] 2022-1-PT02-KA152-YOU-000067350 / Ambassadors of Entrepreneurial Learning for the European Year of Youth 2022 / 29.729 €

[Erasmus+ | INJUVE] 2022-1-ES02-KA153-YOU-000071576 / The Erasmus+ programme as a tool for European rural development / 20.312 €

[Erasmus+ | INJUVE] 2022-1-ES02-KA154-YOU-000067487 / The Stripe, European border of youth participation / 36.414 €

[Erasmus+ | SEPIE] 2022-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-000083118 / SYSTEM - Supporting Youth in STEM / 30.000 €

[Provincial | Diputación de Cáceres] Apoyo a “Embajadorxs Extremeñxs del Año Europeo de la Juventud” / 2.500 €

[Regional | Instituto de la Juventud de Extremadura] CAPACEX: Embajadorxs Extremeñxs del Año Europeo de las Capacidades / 10.000 €

· Approved projects as partner organization:

[Erasmus+ | Estonian NA] 2020-1-EE01-KA105-077791 / “DIY for Social Entrepreneurship” in Kobuleti, Georgia

[Erasmus+ | Italian NA] 2019-3-IT03-KA105-017136 / “Social Entrepreneurship_Improve life, not just profit” in Treschietto, Italy

[Erasmus+ | Italian NA] 2021-1-IT03-KA152-YOU-000019939 / “Youth CommunicAction” in Treschietto, Italy

[Erasmus+ | Estonian NA] 2021-2-EE01-KA153-YOU-000040401 / “Youth Work and Social Entrepreneurship” in Pärnu, Estonia

[Erasmus+ | Latvian NA] 2022-1-LV02-KA153-YOU-000060714 / “EDU environmentally” in Balvi, Latvia

[Erasmus+ | Romanian NA] 2021-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000005767 / “Peer Forum” in Horezu, Romania

[Erasmus+ | Macedonian NA] 2021-1-MK01-KA151-YOU-000008490 / “Entrepreneurship and Personal Development” in Struga, North Macedonia

[Erasmus+ | Croatian NA] 2022-1-HR01-KA153-YOU-000064970 / “Joyful Leadership for Better Youth Organisations” in Zagreb, Croatia

[Erasmus+ | Italian NA] 2022-1-IT03-KA153-YOU-000054790 / “Fly to the next rainbow” in Rovinaglia, Italy

[Erasmus+ | Cypriot NA] 2022-3-CY02-KA153-YOU-000099117 / “Supporting Volunteers 4 Stepping up in Quality” in Sousse, Tunisia

[Erasmus+ | Macedonian NA] 2022-1-MK01-KA220-SCH-000089397 / “...and Action!” coordinated from North Macedonia

[Erasmus+ | Latvian NA] 2023-1-LV02-KA153-YOU-000122466 / “Empower Youth Participation” in Balvi, Latvia

[Erasmus+ | Maltese NA] 2023-1-MT01-KA151-YOU-000113010 / “Hero’s Journey” in Qawra, Malta

[Erasmus+ | Croatian NA] 2022-1-HR01-KA151-YOU-000057344 / “EuroConnect - Networking for Better, Together!” in Oroslavje, Croatia

[Erasmus+ | Estonian NA] 2023-2-EE01-KA153-YOU-000168141 / “Youth in Power of Money” in Pärnu, Estonia

[Erasmus+ | Italian NA] 2022-3-IT03-KA152-YOU-000095216 / “Youth GreeIN – Idee educative sostenibili” in Castagnetoli, Italy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Asociación Extremundo highlights that its staff:

• Has got professional Erasmus+ experience in countries like Spain, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Türkiye, Georgia or North Macedonia;

• Has founded and developed several NGOs like ESN UEx, OEB Badajoz, Ingefiex, Asociación Extremundo or Equipo Europa;

• From December 2014 until now, has participated and participates in many Erasmus+/international events such as conferences, seminars, training courses or youth exchanges, just because it really believes in Europe as a "tool" to improve any kind of society;

• It has already been in 30+ countries to learn about different and interesting topics - diplomacy, entrepreneurship, environment, European citizenship, ICT, project management, women empowerment, youth policies, etc. - for European and non-European citizens, so it is always able to continue traveling globally to share useful information, but also to create new networking opportunities. It can offer its well-developed networks from all over the world, since it has been working on them, day by day, since 2010.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For many years, Mr. Joaquín Martín de Saavedra Rojas has collaborated/worked with different entities related to the ALF Network like Projuven in Spain or JoveSolides in Egypt. At this very moment, after getting many positive impacts through several Asociación Extremundo's Erasmus+ projects all around Europe during the last 3 years, and also considering his passion for the international relations' area, he wants to achieve even more results and to help/support his people and others at a higher level accross the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joaquín Martín de Saavedra Rojas
Job Title
President & Project Developer/Manager
Head of the organisation
Joaquín Martín de Saavedra Rojas

Active Mobility

National Network

Sami Frasheri Str.

+355 68 274 8148
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We are Active Mobility established in January 2023 in Albania aiming for a greener, more inclusive Albania where everyone, regardless of their background, can access and afford sustainable transportation, leading the way to healthier communities and a healthier planet. Our organizational Scheme consists of Board of Directors (BoD) which is a small group of fundamental members who helped start our NGO providing oversight and strategic direction. While directly under hierarchy lies the role of executive director which manages the day-to-day operations of the organisation. Our NGO holds its activities due to integration and well-functioning of 4 small departments like program implementation, administration and finance, program coordinators and our team of volunteers. Lastly, the Advisory Committee provides guidance across the organization. Taken the fact that we are a newly created and small NGO, most of our work is conducted by part time employees or contract based. The latter is the case of most our external experts we have contracted so far. We are a small team of three employees and a large number of volunteers. Our key employee is Iden Petraj which holds the title of Bike Mayor of Tirana and is one of the leading forces in the city promoting sustainable transportation. With over a decade of experience in managing green mobility projects, her most significant contribution lies in her innovative efforts in environmental issues with Active Mobility and the Municipality of Tirana. Her endeavors, including organizing the city's largest bicycle festival, implementing awareness campaigns, and involvement in projects like Donate a Bike, Street for Kids, Recycle a Bike, Cycling to School, Kindergarten Bike project, and Bike city talks have significantly transformed Tirana into a more ecological city with a stronger culture of bicycle use. Iden leads the major cyclist communities in Tirana, Cyclists of Tirana. Our national and international partners are working in the field of environmental protection, vocational training, and learning out of traditional settings. Our sources of funding have been national and international mainly deriving from governmental bodies like Municipality of Tirana, Ministry of Environment and European Union; our donors have assisted us in concrete projects. We have detailed the budget for each projects we have received assistance in the section below of Main Projects/Activities.

Mission and Objectives

Active Mobility's mission is to promote and revitalize the culture of cycling in Albania by enhancing cycling safety awareness and developing efficient infrastructure. Through our initiatives, we aim to empower individuals, especially the youth, to embrace sustainable transportation, ensuring gender equality, promoting public health, and paving the way for environmentally conscious urban mobility. We aim making cycling affordable and accessible for all, especially vulnerable groups. Our objectives include: 1. Promote Cycling Safety Awareness: Educate the community, especially the youth, on the importance of road safety for cyclists through regular workshops, collaborations with local authorities for school curriculums, and public media campaigns. 2. Develop Efficient Cycling Infrastructure: Collaborate with urban planners and municipalities to create safe and accessible cycling lanes. Advocate for budget allocation by local governments and engage with community stakeholders for feedback. 3. Ensure Gender Equity in Cycling: Address social barriers and safety concerns for women and girls by organizing targeted cycling events, hosting forums to challenge social norms, and partnering with women's rights organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects and activities undertaken in the area of Green Mobility and Mobility/Sports in Tirana are diverse and impactful. The "Green trail/Shtegu i Gjelbert 2023", funded by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, was a significant endeavor lasting 32 days with a budget of ALL 4.195.000, and it has already concluded. Similarly, "Bike Fest Tirana 2023", sponsored by the Tirana Municipality for a single day with a budget of ALL 140.000, has ended. Another notable event was the "Java Europiane e Sportit" (European Week of Sports), a week-long event funded by the Tirana Municipality with an impressive budget of ALL 110.000.000, which has also concluded. "European Mobility Week", another week-long initiative, had the support of the Tirana Municipality and a budget of EUR 5.000, and it too has concluded. In contrast, some projects are ongoing, such as "EduMove: Boosting green mobility in peripheral Tirana", backed by the European Science Foundation (European Union) for 12 months with a funding of EUR 32.000, and "Cyclistforbundet", supported by the Western Balkan Fund (European Union) for a month with EUR 4.000. These projects collectively contribute to enhancing green mobility, sports participation and environmental protection in Tirana and Albania as a whole.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization active in environmental protection and mobility in Albania, we can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network by promoting sustainable environmental practices and green mobility. Our expertise in environmental protection could be vital in fostering dialogue and collaboration on ecological issues within the Euro-Mediterranean region. We can engage in cross-cultural projects, share our knowledge and experiences in environmental sustainability, and collaborate with other organizations in the network to enhance awareness and action towards environmental conservation. Our work in Albania can serve as a model for other countries in the region, thereby contributing to the Foundation's goal of promoting intercultural and environmental understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network is a valuable opportunity to connect with a diverse community committed to fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding across the Euro-Mediterranean region. By becoming a part of this network, we can access resources, expertise, and partnerships that enhance organization's impact in promoting environmental protection and sustainable practices. It also offers a platform for sharing ideas, experiences, and best practices with like-minded organizations and individuals. This collaboration can lead to innovative projects and initiatives that further your goals and contribute to the broader objectives of cultural exchange and mutual understanding within the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iden Petraj
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Enea Halili


National Network

92110 CLICHY

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

La création d'un outil mobilisateur des synergies afin d'agir pour la promotion et le développement du Maroc, qu'elle soit dans le cadre de l’Éducation, de la Santé, de la Culture, du Parrainage et de la découverte touristique. Cet espace regroupe les personnes d'origine du Maroc et leurs amis de France

Mission and Objectives

Permettre les échanges dans les domaines : médical, culturel, social, éducatif, sportifs, économique, touristique et solidaire. • Organiser des caravanes médicales, chirurgicales et sociales sur l’ensemble du territoire marocain tout particulièrement dans les régions les plus défavorisées. • Mener des actions en France dans le domaine culturel, sportif afin de financer les actions au Maroc et créer des échanges. • Solliciter les personnes originaires de l'oriental afin qu'ils puissent aider et faire connaître la région de l'est du Maroc. • Développer des actions de solidarité entre les deux rives de la méditerranée en appliquant tout particulièrement les jeunes. • Encourager et produire les créations artistiques, les publications, les expositions et toutes les formes d'expression qui valorisent les échanges entre des créateurs du Maroc et de France • Faciliter la création des liens de coopération décentralisée entre la région de l’Oriental et le grand est de la France.

Main Projects / Activities

° Organisations des caravanes chirurgicale et médicale Au Maroc ° Liens des échanges entres établissement scolaire entre le Maroc et la France

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Suite à des demandes des associons locales au Maroc et via un protocole signé avec des administration au Maroc ( ministère de la santé, les délégations de la santé délégations de l'éducation nationale

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le but de vous rejoindre c'est signé des accords afin de développer notre démarche et intervention que se soit dans les secteurs la santé( il y a beaucoup demande), de l'éducation car il y a des abondements scolaire surtout dans le monde rurale

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Asociace nestátních neziskových organizací v České republice z. s. (ANNO ČR)

National Network
Czech Republic

Senovážné náměstí 977/24, Nové Město
11000 Praha

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations in the Czech Republic z. s. (ANNO ČR)
We are a multidisciplinary umbrella NGO organization with a regional structure.
We are regularly invited as a partner to government meetings in various areas of public administration.

Mission and Objectives

We defend the interests of more than 1 million citizens, members and civil society on various platforms.
We provide space for further development and education of our members.
We provide extensive networking across the Czech Republic.
We provide preferential consultancy related to NGO activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Project "Nová cesta pomoci":
Project "Udržení kapacity ANNO ČR":
Project "ANNO ČR – podpora nevládního sektoru v regionech":

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a multidisciplinary umbrella organization of NGOs with nationwide operations. We cover the regional branches of the association of non-governmental non-profit organizations and industry organizations:

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in joining hundreds of organizations in whose projects and initiatives we could be involved, or, on the contrary, find partners for our projects in them. We are also interested in ALF's own grants and opportunities to go to the Mediterranean and Europe for interesting educational events. At the Czech level, ALF provides its members with training; supports the promotion of member events, offers the opportunity to participate in joint projects and encourages the sharing of interesting exhibitions, educational materials, spaces for events, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jaromír Hron
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jaromír Hron

The People for Change Foundation

National Network

St Julians Street
San Gwann SGN2803

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The People for Change Foundation is a human rights think tank based in San Gwann, Malta. It consists of two directors and one employed staff member. Furthermore, the work of the Foundation is supported by Research and Projects Assistants as well as external experts and consultants. The Foundation is funded through project funds, for instance, provided by the Maltese government or the European Union. At the moment, the Foundation is the national coordinator of the European Website on Integration (EWSI) and carries out two EU-funded projects. Throughout the previous years, the Foundation has collaborated with local, regional, national, and European stakeholders, such as the Council of Europe and the Fundamental Rights Agency.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to undertake research, advocacy, and proactive action to promote social cohesion, respect for human rights, and empowerment. Our vision is of a just, fair, and inclusive society all members of which may reach their full potential unhindered by factors such as age, race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.

Main Projects / Activities

The People for Change Foundation works in the areas of human rights, migration, and integration. Within this, our work focuses on research and training. At the moment, we carry out two EU-funded projects, namely PRESERVERE and DIOGENES. At the same time, we are the national coordinator for the European Website on Integration (EWSI).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have long experience in training and research on human rights matters. Moreover, we engage with local, regional, national, and European stakeholders. We have an overview of the human rights situations in both Malta and the EU.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the network to connect with civil society organisations across the member states of the network and build up sustainable cooperation. Moreover, our position in Malta may be valuable to the network as it is "between" the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea. We would be happy to work together on projects, research, and training regarding the topics of human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean Pierre Gauci
Job Title
Head of Organisation
Head of the organisation
Christine Cassar & Jean-Pierre Gauci
Contact (2) Full Name
Christine Cassar
Job Title (2)
Director and Head of Organisation

Maharat Misr

National Network

17 Elrehan St, Elharam District , Giza
Giza Governorate

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

At Maharat Misr, we work with individuals, organizations, and communities looking to turn today’s challenges into opportunities to lead — with confidence, with clarity, and with a sense of optimism. As one of Egypt’s top providers of experiential leadership and capacity development programs, we’re driven to lift youth who lift the world. This mission is part of the fabric of who we are.
Years of research and practice have shown us exactly how. Capacity development is the critical lever for igniting positive, transformative, and sustainable change at a time when the world requires new thinking and vision to solve both local and global challenges. This holds true now more than ever. We customize our research-backed leadership solutions to best fit your needs. And we draw from a world of experience — across cultures, industries, and disciplines — to apply a global perspective to your real-world challenges.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Driven
We’re guided by purpose and fueled by passion. Our work focuses on the areas where leadership & capacity development has the most potential to improve lives and create lasting change — from bottom-line business results to improved societal outcomes. Together, we lift the youth who lift our world.
Beneficiary Focused
Your growth is at the center of everything we do. We take a deep dive into who you are and where you want to be —because your development journey should be as unique as you are. Our many talented employees and associates are dedicated to the partnerships we create with beneficiaries. One way or another, we’re all with you on your journey.

Main Projects / Activities

Supplier Response:
1- Launched in January 2023, The Community Builders Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program supported the aspirations of young Egyptians who wish to pursue entrepreneurship as a career path and a way to contribute to the economic development of their country. This round of The Community Builders program is part of Maharat Misr Foundation’s core approach to prepare Egyptian youth to thrive in today’s economy by developing economic opportunities for youth Over the last year, we implemented one round of 4 main training sessions targeting 100 trainees in four governorates: Giza, Qena, Port Said, and Sharkia. helping them contribute to the understanding of how youth social entrepreneurship can both support youth development and help accelerate the implementation of the SDGs. will support youth in learning facts, digital skills and practical ways to start their business journey by attending various workshops including Youth Entrepreneurship Foundational Topics, Youth Entrepreneurship Opportunities, Digital Literacy for Youth Entrepreneurs, Financial Know How for Youth Entrepreneurs, Marketing and Social Media focusing on Youth Entrepreneurs and real-life success stories from young business leaders like yourself
This program is with cooperation with Digital Inclusion unit of Youth and sports ministry

2- Generation 2030 Program The program presented by Maharat Misr in cooperation with Banque Misr and aims to raise youth awareness of the banking and financial sector and provide them with the skills that qualify them for this sector.

The program is divided into three educational tracks as follows:
1- Personal skills track: communication, presentation, planning, and time management skills.
2- How to start your career in the banking sector
3- Financial culture path
The program was implemented in 10 governorates across Egypt for youth from 18 to 28 years of age.

3- LEADS To empower youth on the sustainable development goals Qualifying youth leaders and the spirit of participation in decision-making among pioneers and youth, motivating them to innovate, developing vision updates and knowledge of sustainable development, achieving its goals in a manner that simulates the Egyptian reality and its requirements, and inclusion of the importance of national projects and linking them to sustainable development
LEADS program for Sustainable Development is the first phase of the project. Its goal is to prepare cadres of pioneers and youth from all parts of the Republic and from all segments of society to spread and raise awareness of sustainable development and Egypt’s vision 2030 and to prepare initiatives to develop the community surrounding them. LEADS includes 25% pioneers, 25% youth from Lower Egypt, 25% youth from Upper Egypt, and 25% of the youth of Cairo and the governorates of the Canal, taking into account the representation of women and people of determination The camp starts from 10-19 to 10-23 and lasts for five days At the end of the forum, the participants will receive certificates of participation in the form, and coordination will be made with the participants in the forum to carry out a number of events and activities in their governorates after the end of the camp period, in order to obtain the title of ambassador for sustainable development
This project was implemented in cooperation with the Ministries of Local Development and Youth and Sports Among the outputs of the project were three major youth initiatives, one of which works in the medical health sector and was coordinated with the Ministry of Health, and the other works on climate action based on the recycling of fish waste.

4- "Future Generation" program for potential youth Lead Up Program launched in 2021 to build the region's most dynamic network working at the intersection of youth, innovation and sustainable development. Future Generation's mission is to invest in young women and men across the region to unleash their potential to become social innovators, leaders, thinkers and a powerful force for change in their communities, countries and the region at large. "Future Generation" equips youth with tools to develop their own unique and innovative solutions to address real-life challenges and further the 2030 Agenda and its 17 goals. More importantly, "Future Generation" encourages participants to be entrepreneuring changemakers, capable of developing their ideas from plans to practice. "Future Generation" provides training and capacity-building for youth through workshops, innovation camps, hackathons and other activities. Human-centered innovation and Design Thinking methodology provide valuable tools for social innovation and Enhancing the leadership capabilities of young people

5- Childpeak Within the framework of mutual cooperation with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, three one-day camps were held within the CHILD PEAK program for 30 children in the Fayoum Governorate Youth Center. The children were trained to innovate unique social solutions that help several categories of the children’s community to provide a better environment for them. Target Each camp includes 100 children from the age of 10 to 16 years, and they are trained in dialogue and storytelling skills and general health skills for children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We’ve been at the forefront of the field for 3 years — studying, living, and honing what it means to lead well and to lead for good. As a pioneer of leadership research and development, we’ve created a reliable set of best practices and forged new directions for leaders and for what leadership can achieve.

We POWERED BY INNOVATION Finding new and creative solutions to leadership challenges is in our name and in our DNA. We never stop researching, learning, and asking ourselves how we can help you unlock your potential. For that reason, leadership is a journey for us as well. Together, we can forge new paths and better approaches.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. Brand visibility and exposure through our marketing and promotional materials, both online and offline.
2. Recognition as an official sponsor during our projects, events and initiatives, including logo placement and acknowledgement in all related communications.
3. Participation and representation at key our projects, events and initiatives, such as panel discussions, workshops, or networking sessions.
4. Access to our extensive network of partners, collaborators, and stakeholders within youth development.
5. Opportunities for joint marketing campaigns and cross-promotion, leveraging the strengths of both organizations.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Hussien ElShalakami
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Head of the organisation
Maharat Misr

Asociace nestátních neziskových organizací Jihomoravského kraje, z.s.

National Network
Czech Republic

Česká 141/31, Brno-město
60200 Brno

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Our goals
Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations of the South Moravian Region, z.s. was established as an interest association of legal entities in March 1998 as the Brno NGO Association. In 2008, it extended its scope to the entire region and changed its name to the Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations of the South Moravian Region. In 2016, the Association changed its legal form and became an association of legal entities, bringing together 100 member organizations.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Association is in particular:

to assist the development of civil society,

common procedure when dealing with public administration bodies, legislative bodies and representatives of political parties,

coordinate common interests in the financial, legislative and information fields,

deepen mutual awareness among members of the Association, coordinate their activities,

operate an information, advisory and educational service for non-state non-profit organizations,

joint presentation of the non-profit sector

Main Projects / Activities

Project "Klíč k pomoci"
Project "Klíč k pomoci II"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the Czech Republic, ALF unites more than 40 non-profit organizations, cultural associations, universities, organizations working with youth, language schools and other entities. Our organization unites more than 100 non-profit organizations within the South Moravian region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to connect with other members and get the opportunity to get involved in their projects and initiatives or, on the contrary, find partners for our projects in them. We are also interested in grant calls, which during the year offer many opportunities to go to the Mediterranean and Europe for interesting educational events. We are also interested in training; support for the promotion of our events, the possibility of participating in joint projects and sharing interesting exhibitions, educational materials, spaces for events, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michaela Kostelníková,, +420732159321
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ilona Štorová