Istanbul Institute for Advanced Studies

National Network

Cumhuriyet District, Anadolu Street, Number: 41
34570 İstanbul/İstanbul

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The Istanbul Institute for Advanced Studies (IST-IAS) was founded by a group of academics and researchers (8 people) committed to advancing studies in the social sciences and humanities. It employs a unique research scheme and management model in which research is divided into four autonomous fields: legal studies, international/political affairs, political economy studies, and social and cultural studies. Each research cluster is represented within the institute and has the status of research center to promote its activities. The institute is directed and governed by the orientation and goals of each center. Each center's work complements one another, reinforcing the drive for interdisciplinary research and improving communication and engagement among different research strands. The Institute strives to improve the overall quality of the research environment by promoting high-quality publications, particularly articles in top-tier indexed journals and monographs in reputable publishing houses, and by working in concert with other institutions with similar goals and aspirations. The institute's long-term goals include launching and managing several journals, each focusing on major research themes, with one flagship review that represents its commitment to advanced scholarship and rigorous research.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of our association for advanced studies is to actively address income inequality in society and conduct in-depth research activities aimed at combating it. To develop projects that contribute to empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds by providing policy recommendations to increase educational opportunities and advocating for fair economic systems. Through rigorous research, analysis and collaboration, we aim to raise awareness, drive policy changes and promote inclusive practices that foster a more just and prosperous society.

Main Projects / Activities

Our vision is to create a future where income inequality is significantly reduced and every individual has equal access to opportunities, resources and economic mobility. We envision a society where socioeconomic inequalities are minimized and not limited by individuals' financial situation. By promoting the fair distribution of wealth, advocating for progressive tax policies and encouraging sustainable economic growth, we strive to build a society that values and ensures the well-being and success of all its members. We envision a world where economic prosperity is shared and everyone has the chance to thrive and contribute to the advancement of society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Conducting research and policy-making in different fields of social, political and economic social and human sciences at national and international level. We can contribute to this network in our country by supporting other activities in this direction. In addition, by creating a platform to discuss social, political and economic problems, we can offer solutions to these problems with the participation of experts, academics and relevant social segments. We can develop social responsibility projects on poverty, inequality and the protection of basic human rights in the broadest sense and similar issues for social benefit and organize public programs that will reach a wide audience to increase social awareness at this level. We can contribute to the production of knowledge on international issues as well as national issues and as a guide, in this context, we can conduct research on global problems such as wars, environmental disasters, energy crises, hunger, poverty, democratization, technology and democracy, health policies, economic policies, human rights, education, women's studies, migration studies and inequality under the disciplines of economics, international relations, political sciences, law, business administration, communication and information technologies, and we can offer policy recommendations to problems by carrying out joint projects with foreign stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining your network, we want to do useful work for society. We believe we can meet on common ground.

Contact (1) Full Name
Muhammet Sait Bozik
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Muhammet Sait Bozik

Unity Up

National Network

Arbe Street
Byblos 1403

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 3817710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Youth community that aims to build bridges, enhance the capacity building of youth, raise awareness of the environmental hazards & promote peace and dialogue.
- Our staff is composed of three members and we have more than 30 volunteers who work with us on our different projects
-We collaborated with many local partners, Recycler, LOST, LIONS International Club, and YND organizations. On The International Level, we collaborated with a Finnish Organizarion"Mirsal"
Currently, we are working on a new collaboration with an Albanian Organization "DUA Center".

Mission and Objectives

Empower People to build a better and sustainable future for Lebanon and the World
Our core objectives are :
Enhancing the Capacity Building of Youth
Promoting Peace And Development
Promoting The Solidarity in the Diversity
Building Bridges on the National &International Levels
Environmental and Education Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

1- Community Against Pollution CAP Project
2- Young Lebanese For Development and Peace Group // The Lebanese Partner in Erasmus Plus Project between Lebanon and Finland: "Me And You Are Global Citizens".
3- Lebanese Citizenship Across Regions LCAR Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building Bridges through Collaboration and Cooperation.
Promoting the exchanges in a community full of diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and building bridges on the national and International levels as it's one of our core objectives.
Participate in the opportunities that aim to empower the youth of our country.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudine Zaarour
Job Title
Legal researcher
Head of the organisation
Claudine Zaarour
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Assaad
Job Title (2)

Unity Up

National Network

Arbe Street
Byblos 1403

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 3817710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Youth community that aims to build bridges, enhance the capacity building of youth, raise awareness of the environmental hazards & promote peace and dialogue.
- Our staff is composed of three members and we have more than 30 volunteers who work with us on our different projects
-We collaborated with many local partners, Recycler, LOST, LIONS International Club, and YND organizations. On The International Level, we collaborated with a Finnish Organizarion"Mirsal"
Currently, we are working on a new collaboration with an Albanian Organization "DUA Center".

Mission and Objectives

Empower People to build a better and sustainable future for Lebanon and the World
Our core objectives are :
Enhancing the Capacity Building of Youth
Promoting Peace And Development
Promoting The Solidarity in the Diversity
Building Bridges on the National &International Levels
Environmental and Education Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

1- Community Against Pollution CAP Project
2- Young Lebanese For Development and Peace Group //Erasmus Plus Project between Lebanon and Finland: "Me And You Are Global Citizens"
3- Lebanese Citizenship Across Regions Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building Bridges through Collaboration and Cooperation.
Promoting the exchanges in a community full of diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and building bridges on the national and International levels as it's one of our core objectives.
Participate in the opportunities that aim to empower the youth of our country.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudine Zaarour
Job Title
Legal researcher
Head of the organisation
Claudine Zaarour
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Assaad
Job Title (2)

Unity Up

National Network

Arbe Street
Byblos 1403

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 3817710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Youth community that aims to build bridges, enhance the capacity building of youth, raise awareness of the environmental hazards & promote peace and dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

Empower People to build a better and sustainable future for Lebanon and the World
Our core objectives are :
Enhancing the Capacity Building of Youth
Promoting Peace And Development
Promoting The Solidarity in the Diversity
Building Bridges on the National &International Levels
Environmental and Education Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

1- Community Against Pollution CAP Project
2- Young Lebanese For Development and Peace Group //Erasmus Plus Project between Lebanon and Finland: "Me And You Are Global Citizens"
3- Lebanese Citizenship Across Regions Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building Bridges through Collaboration and Cooperation.
Promoting the exchanges in a community full of diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and building bridges on the national and International levels as it's one of our core objectives.
Participate in the opportunities that aims to empower the youth of my country .

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudine Zaarour
Job Title
Legal researcher
Head of the organisation
Claudine Zaarour
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Assaad
Job Title (2)

Unity Up

National Network

Arbe Street
Byblos 1403

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 3817710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Youth community that aims to build bridges, enhance the capacity building of youth, raise awareness of the environmental hazards & promote peace and dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

Empower People to build a better and sustainable future for Lebanon and the World Our core objectives are : Enhancing the Capacity Building of Youth Promoting Peace And Development Promoting The Solidarity in the Diversity Building Bridges on the National &International Levels Environmental and Education Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

Community Against Pollution CAP Project Young Lebanese For Development and Peace Group Lebanese Citizenship Across Regions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building Bridges through Collaboration and Cooperation. Promoting the exchanges in a community full of diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and building bridges as it's one of our core objectives

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudine Zaarour
Job Title
Legal researcher
Head of the organisation
Claudine Zaarour
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Assaad
Job Title (2)

MTÜ Oma Tuba

National Network

80317604 Telliskivi 60a/3 (mailbox nr 71)
10412 Tallinn Estonia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

NGO Oma Tuba is a feminist organization that runs the independent web magazine Feministeerium, arranges community events for the feminist community, and promotes solidarity, emancipation & social justice through gender equality advocacy in Estonia.

Mission and Objectives

Since 2015, Oma Tuba / Feministeerium works actively with community-building mainly through web magazine, but also through organising events such as feminist reading groups, writing workshops, mental health workshops for activists, feminist festivals, open lectures and roundtables on feminist issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Web magazine Feministeerium offers a platform for feminist writers in Estonia and abroad, representing a variety of feminist perspectives. Current focus is to raise awareness in Estonia that an important part of human rights is bodily autonomy, i.e. the right to make independent decisions about one’s body, sexuality and reproduction.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kaimai Kuldkepp
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Aet Kuusik

Magna Silva Association

National Network

Residential district Trakia block 41 entrance b
4023 Plovdiv

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Magna Silva Association has 3 employees employed on a civil contract. We have 8 volunteers who help with various activities. The organization's budget for 2023 is 18,500 euros. Sources of funding – European programs, America for Bulgaria Foundation, Bulgarian Fund for Women, Ministry of Culture. The association organizes exhibitions, trainings, art residencies, etc. Main partners: municipalities, community centers, galleries, schools, cultural institutions.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Implementation of initiatives in the field of culture, art, education, environmental protection, social and ethnic integration, tourism. Objectives 1. Promotion of Bulgarian culture, history, art. 2. Restoring ancestral memory and affirming the spiritual values of civil society, with an emphasis on the Magna Silva Bulgarica region. Revival and preservation of Bulgarian national traditions, holidays and spiritual values, folk and historical memory. 3. Increasing public awareness and commitment to respecting nature and sustainable development; environmental education. 4. Protection and restoration of the environment. 5. Stimulating the development of tourism with an emphasis on alternative tourism. 6. Confirmation of the association as an equal and legitimate partner of the public authorities in making decisions for the development and promotion of education, culture, spiritual values, civil society. 7. Protection of human rights. 8. Development of cultural tourism as a means of getting to know different communities, for the expression of regional identity and diversity, for integration into the pan-European cultural space. 9. Preservation of culture, language and Bulgarian identity, national interests and common human cultural values. 10. Confirmation of the principles of ethnic tolerance, tolerant coexistence of ethno-cultural communities, development of intercultural education. 11. Supporting the development and promotion of Bulgarian art and cultural-historical heritage in the country and abroad. 12. Creation of favorable conditions and opportunities for the harmonious development of children and young people and for making sense of their free time through educational, cultural and social programs and initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

Association Magna Silva has a mission to culture and art, with a priority to the fine arts, combining them with modern forms such as performances, musical events. Some of the organized exhibitions are collective, as a way to carry out a cultural dialogue and gather artists working with different means of expression - painting, sculpture, photography, conceptual arts. From 14.10.2022 to 30.04.2023, the Magna Silva Association implemented a PEACEFUL TERRITORY project, financed by the Ministry of Culture under contract No. RD 11-06-336, with the participation of female artists from Ukraine, dedicated to the Eternal Clash of Peace and War, of tolerance and violence. The event was widely covered in numerous national electronic print and social media. The objectives of the project were: - Stimulating the creative development of young authors, authors in the middle stage of professional development and unknown authors who have a civil position. - Encouraging the development, renewal and enrichment of cultural life in a sparsely populated and remote area from large urban centers by organizing and promoting cultural events. - Attracting new audiences living in an area far from large urban centers - Creation of works of art of various genres - Provoking audience perceptions through the multiplying impact of several arts – fine, performance art that blurs the line between performer and audience, and film that documents and preserves all these otherwise ephemeral events. - Provoking civil positions in artists and audiences, including through the art of young Ukrainian artists - an inside look at war as the antithesis of peace. - Development and strengthening of the association's capacity to organize cultural events and expand the scope of audiences. In connection with the set goals, a five-day art residency was held with the main theme: "Peaceful territory" with the participation of 6 Bulgarian and 3 foreign authors, including 2 Ukrainian artists. In 2023-2024, we are implementing the "Bridge through Time" project, funded by America for Bulgaria Foundation and aimed at involving teenagers in the history and cultural heritage of Plovdiv by organizing computer tests, historical games etc. We support refugees from Ukraine through the following initiatives: - We organize Bulgarian language courses - We work with children in the field of arts - Legal-administrative assistance - Adaptation activities in Bulgarian conditions - conducting mixed - theoretical and practical - activities, including history, ethnography, geography, peculiarities of the Bulgarian way of life and daily life, on-site visits to major institutions, significant cultural, educational, commercial and others sites in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By participating in initiatives for cultural exchange and cooperation between artists from Bulgaria and artists from Anna Lind network countries. We can participate in initiatives for the protection of human rights and environmental education.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The goals of the Magna Silva association are to help promote intercultural dialogue with the Mediterranean countries, to contribute to the development of civil society and to expand its opportunities for cooperation and exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Srebrina Tsvetkova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Srebrina Tsvetkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Tonyu Tzanev
Job Title (2)

Studio 8

National Network

24 Husni Fareez Street
Jabal Al Weibdeh
Amman 11140

+ 962 7888 13606
Telephone (other)
+ 962 7888 73649
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 962 7888 13606
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 962 7888 73649
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Studio 8 is a Jordanian not-for-profit performing arts theatre company. It was founded in 2014 by 3 young artists aiming to shape and humanize the dance art through innovation, experiment, development, exchange, education, and research. For the past 9 years, Studio 8 has collaborated with more than 600 people of 43 nationalities in creating 10 original dance productions, giving more than 60 performances, and organizing more than 160 classes and workshops. Studio 8 has also made dance videos and facilitated art incubations, artistic residencies, dance-inspired exhibitions, dance discussions, community art walks, and street art fairs. For the first 5 years, Studio 8 had little budget and in 2019, it partnered with Drosos Foundation, and Prince Claus Fund, and has an annual budget of 80,000 USD, mostly through proposal writing and international grants.

Mission and Objectives

It is at the heart of the Studio’s mission to increase access to dance, to increase opportunities for cultural expression and awareness. In the past 10 years, the founders of Studio 8 have been working at different levels of dance performance and dance transmission and have witnessed the rapid disappearance of dance encounters of international, regional, and local dance performances and training, the struggle of local choreographers, performers, dance makers to sustain their individual or collaborative creativity. In direct response to feedback from dance artists who expressed a need for more in-depth support for the education, development, and dance professionalization of Amman, Studio 8 was born to tackle this creative crisis in the art of making dances. Besides producing thoughtful and ambitious dance productions for the international stage, organizing training programs in dance and theater, and running artistic residencies that celebrate and embrace many forms of diversity, Studio 8 also organizes a bi-annual international multi-disciplinary dance festival based in Amman, Jordan, with the aim of the festival to put Jordan in the global dance scene. It creates bonds between dance professionals from Jordan and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Generally, Studio 8 is an independent space trying to build an infrastructure for dance creation in Amman. It produces original dance works, and runs education projects for local emerging artists, together with a network of international and regional partners, serving as a platform for innovation, experimentation, and continuous development of dance culture in Jordan and beyond. It has also organizes an Amman-based biannual festival ( Furthermore, since 2021, it started an artistic residency program that is capable of hosting 7 artists all year long to create new artworks that tell stories through movement and human body that are compelling and relevant to the land and the people, taking human themes further – embracing and collaborating with different cultures and disciplines.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We organize residencies, co-productions, training projects, and festivals and most of them focus on alternative narratives, diversity, inclusiveness, empathy, and exchange. For example, our festival started in 2019, and happens every two years in the Autumn of Jordan. Last year, the 3rd edition of the festival brought more than 50 artists from 25 different countries to Jordan with a carefully curated program that includes 22 events, such as live performances, artistic residencies, workshops, dance jam, open lab, and round-tables, with the consideration that our research, capacity-building, and international exchanges as essential as our own creative productions. In 2024, we plan to travel more and organize various exchange projects that bring more young voices together. One project we have is to have a creative lab in the desert of Jordan with a group of multi/interdisciplinary artists from the global south for 2 weeks at the beginning of May and another one is to travel to different parts of the world to tell our story inspired by our experience in Jordan during Covid pandemic through dance in festivals. We see ourselves contributing to the Network in many ways, in the short term and in the mid and longer terms, at the project level, partnership-building level, and perhaps policy-making level if we could be more connected to more partners at home and abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We heard of ALF Network through our project partner, Al Balad Theater in Jordan a few years ago. We had always wondered how could we join the largest Network of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region. It was our fault that we never took action till very recently when a festival shared the application form with us and encouraged us to apply. It is good that now we are taking the first step to apply! As an independent dance platform with its founders who are mostly children of refugees, we always feel we are quite alone on a journey for social change, for a more inclusive, free, and happy future. This is very sad. We often just want to dance with our eyes closed, to no audience at all, in a spacious room, listening to our heartbeats, following our internal rhythms. Yet that rarely happens. The reality is that we dance in Jordan where we are constantly reminded that art and advocacy rarely have a clean relationship. We do not want to leave Jordan. We do want to be alone. We ask ourselves why there are so few performing arts platforms, collectives or organizations from our part of the world who can tell their stories through their bodies in live experiences through the interaction between themselves, audience members, and the environment. Deep down, we always see ourselves as part of a bigger picture, part of generations of rebels who rallied, and continue to rally, to reclaim their body, land, and memories, to replace the system with reform, with change, with dreams of freedom, with demand of their essential rights, and despite the non-fulfillment, intimidation, and reprisals, one thing is clear: the energy of the people has still not yet waned and it is natural for people to stand up for their rights and freedoms. To be honest, we don’t know exactly what I seek in ALF Network. In core, we just seek a safe “space” or “network” to be connected with a group of people, perhaps in some way just like us, and search for solidarity and exchange stories and share recourses.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Xiaoman Ren
Job Title (2)
Creative Manager

Maoz Inon

National Network

Ha'shaish 5

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Maoz Inon (born 1975)[1] is an Israeli social entrepreneur and peace activist who has founded several tourism initiatives within Israel and the Middle East, including the Jesus Trail, Fauzi Azar Inn, and Abraham Hostel and Tour brands. Since the murder of his parents in the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, Inon has become a voice for peace between Israelis and Palestinians within international media

Mission and Objectives

Creating hope and making peace

Main Projects / Activities

On 7 October 2023, Maoz's parents, Bilha and Yakovi Inon, were killed when their house was hit by a close-range missile in the Hamas attack on Israel. After the attack, Maoz Inon has appeared on international media outlets across the world calling for an end to the violence in the region and the need for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Maoz Inon has called for the Israeli government to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas. On November 7, Inon and Yaakov Godo, another Israeli who had lost a relative in the October 7 attacks, began a vigil in a mourner's tent outside the Knesset, saying they would not leave until prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu resigned

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maoz Inon
Head of the organisation
Maoz Inon

Maisoon Al Amarneh

National Network

wasfi al atal street

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
00962 777694747
Mobile Phone (other)
00962 799144450
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

The recently registered Youthful Mindset Organization, now established as a non-profit entity, has emerged from my independent consulting work with various organizations and companies. This initiative is a culmination of my dedication to youth development, combining my experiences and insights gained from collaborating with diverse entities.

As the founder, I am committed to supporting the organization by providing all necessary services through my consulting company. This strategic approach ensures efficiency and streamlined operations, optimizing the impact of our programs. Furthermore, the Youthful Mindset Organization is proud to announce its partnership with USAID and the EU program, receiving crucial support that will empower us to implement transformative projects and initiatives for the benefit of the youth we aim to serve. Together, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact on the next generation.

Mission and Objectives

The Youthful Mindset Organization is dedicated to empowering and inspiring young individuals to reach their full potential, fostering a positive and resilient mindset. Committed to addressing the urgent challenges of our time, our mission includes creating a supportive environment that equips youth with essential life skills, educational opportunities, the confidence to contribute meaningfully to their communities, promoting awareness and action on climate change, and fostering literacy.


Holistic Development: Promote the holistic development of young individuals by providing programs that focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Education and Skills Training: Facilitate access to quality education and skills training, ensuring that youth are equipped with the knowledge and capabilities necessary for personal and professional success.

Inclusivity and Diversity: Embrace diversity and inclusivity, creating spaces that celebrate differences and promote understanding among youth from various backgrounds and communities.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Establish and nurture partnerships with schools, community centers, local businesses, and international organizations to enhance the impact and reach of our initiatives.

Innovative Initiatives: Implement innovative projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarship programs, and literacy initiatives that encourage creativity, critical thinking, and leadership among the youth.

Resilience Building: Develop resilience-building programs that empower youth to navigate challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties, fostering a mindset of adaptability and perseverance.

Climate Change Awareness and Action: Advocate for climate change awareness and action by integrating environmental education, sustainable practices, and community initiatives that address the impacts of climate change.

Literacy Programs: Implement comprehensive literacy programs, encompassing financial literacy, legal literacy, digital literacy, climate literacy, and media literacy. These initiatives go beyond traditional reading and writing, equipping youth with essential skills for navigating the complexities of the modern world, including understanding financial systems, legal processes, digital technologies, climate-related issues, and media influences. This multifaceted approach ensures that youth are not only literate in the traditional sense but are also adept at critically engaging with diverse aspects of contemporary society.

Global Citizenship: Instill a sense of global citizenship by promoting awareness of global issues, encouraging civic engagement, and nurturing a commitment to positive social change.

Sustainable Impact: Strive for sustainable impact by creating initiatives that have a lasting effect on the lives of youth, their families, and the broader community, while also contributing to environmental sustainability.

The Youthful Mindset Organization aims to be a catalyst for positive transformation, unlocking the full potential of the next generation, fostering literacy in its broadest sense, and actively addressing the challenges posed by climate change for a sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

Educational Empowerment Programs:

Scholarship Initiative (YMO-SI): YMO-SI provides financial assistance to academically talented but economically disadvantaged youth, enabling them to pursue higher education and vocational training.

Youth Tutoring and Mentorship (YMO-YTM): YMO-YTM pairs experienced mentors from various fields with youth seeking guidance, fostering personal and professional development.

Skills Development Initiatives:

Skills Workshops (YMO-SW): YMO-SW organizes monthly workshops covering leadership, communication, and practical skills relevant to the job market.

Youth Apprenticeship Program (YMO-YAP): In collaboration with local businesses, YMO-YAP offers apprenticeships to youth, providing hands-on experience and enhancing employability.

Community Outreach and Engagement:

Diversity Celebration Fair (YMO-DCF): YMO-DCF is an annual event that celebrates diversity within the community through cultural exhibitions, music, and food.

Community Needs Forum (YMO-CNF): YMO-CNF conducts forums to identify and address pressing issues within the community through collaborative efforts.

Environmental Stewardship Projects:

Green Youth Initiative (YMO-GYI): YMO-GYI focuses on educating youth about climate change, organizing tree-planting campaigns, and participating in local environmental initiatives.

Eco-Citizen Workshops (YMO-ECW): YMO-ECW conducts workshops to educate youth on sustainable practices and encourage environmentally friendly habits.

Literacy Enhancement Programs:

Comprehensive Literacy Project (YMO-CLP): YMO-CLP includes modules on financial literacy, legal literacy, digital literacy, climate literacy, and media literacy.

Book Buddies Program (YMO-BBP): YMO-BBP pairs older youth with younger counterparts to promote reading and literacy skills through regular book-sharing sessions.

Youth Exchanges and Cultural Immersion:

Global Connections Program (YMO-GCP): YMO-GCP facilitates cultural exchange programs, enabling youth to experience different cultures and perspectives.

International Youth Ambassadors (YMO-IYA): YMO-IYA selects youth ambassadors to represent the organization internationally, fostering global understanding.

Media and Arts Initiatives:

Expression through Art (YMO-ETA): YMO-ETA provides platforms for youth to express themselves through art exhibitions, performances, and creative writing contests.

Media Literacy Workshop (YMO-MLW): YMO-MLW equips youth with critical media analysis skills, empowering them to navigate today's media landscape.

Resilience-Building Workshops:

Youth Resilience Program (YMO-YRP): YMO-YRP conducts workshops and counseling sessions to help youth build resilience and cope with challenges.

Mental Health Awareness Campaign (YMO-MHA): YMO-MHA raises awareness about mental health issues, reducing stigma and encouraging open discussions.

Global Awareness Campaigns:

Youth for Change (YMO-YFC): YMO-YFC runs campaigns addressing global issues, encouraging youth to participate in initiatives that promote positive social change.

Advocacy Network (YMO-AN): YMO-AN engages in advocacy efforts, representing youth concerns at local and international levels.

Technology and Innovation Programs:

Tech Savvy Youth (YMO-TSY): YMO-TSY offers coding and technology workshops to enhance digital literacy and foster innovation.

STEM Exploration (YMO-STEM): YMO-STEM encourages youth participation in STEM fields through initiatives like hackathons and hands-on projects.

These projects and activities collectively reflect the Youthful Mindset Organization's commitment to tangible, realistic, and impactful interventions for the betterment of the youth and the community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As the founder and representative of the Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO), I am enthusiastic about contributing to the Anna Lindh Foundation network in our country. The YMO is uniquely positioned to make meaningful contributions through the following avenues:

Youth Empowerment Programs: YMO specializes in designing and implementing programs that empower young individuals, providing them with essential life skills, educational opportunities, and a positive mindset. These programs align with the foundation's goal of fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding.

Cultural Exchange Initiatives: YMO is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity. We can organize cultural exchange programs, events, and workshops that bring together youth from different backgrounds, encouraging mutual respect and appreciation for cultural differences.

Environmental Sustainability: YMO is actively engaged in environmental stewardship projects and climate literacy programs. We can contribute to the network by organizing initiatives that raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices among the youth.

Literacy Enhancement: YMO's comprehensive literacy programs cover financial literacy, legal literacy, digital literacy, climate literacy, and media literacy. By promoting these initiatives, we can enhance the overall literacy levels of youth, contributing to a more informed and engaged community.

Media and Arts Engagement: Through YMO's media and arts initiatives, we can encourage creative expression, storytelling, and dialogue. This aligns with the foundation's focus on using arts and media as tools for fostering understanding and communication.

Community Outreach: YMO has a strong presence in the local community and can actively engage in community outreach activities. This includes organizing events, seminars, and campaigns that address community needs and encourage active participation.

Global Citizenship Education: YMO's programs aim to instill a sense of global citizenship among youth. We can collaborate with the foundation to develop educational materials, workshops, and projects that promote a global perspective and cross-cultural understanding.

Technology and Innovation: YMO is involved in technology and innovation programs, fostering digital literacy and innovation among youth. This expertise can be shared within the network to enhance the foundation's digital outreach and educational initiatives.

By participating in the Anna Lindh Foundation network, the Youthful Mindset Organization aims to contribute actively to the promotion of dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities, aligning with the foundation's overarching goals. We are open to collaboration and look forward to sharing our experiences and learning from others within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons:

Interconnected Objectives: The ALF Network aligns with YMO's core objectives of promoting intercultural dialogue, fostering youth empowerment, and contributing to positive social change. By joining the network, we aim to amplify our impact by collaborating with like-minded organizations and leveraging shared goals.

Global Collaboration: The ALF Network provides a platform for global collaboration and networking. YMO believes in the power of collective action, and by joining the network, we seek opportunities to collaborate with diverse organizations, share best practices, and learn from the experiences of others on an international scale.

Diversity and Inclusivity: YMO places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusivity. The ALF Network's commitment to promoting dialogue among cultures resonates with our values. By becoming a part of the network, we intend to contribute to and benefit from a rich tapestry of perspectives, ideas, and experiences.

Knowledge Exchange: Joining the ALF Network offers YMO access to a wealth of knowledge and resources. This exchange of information, research, and expertise will enhance our ability to develop effective programs and initiatives, keeping us informed about global trends and innovative approaches in youth development and intercultural dialogue.

Capacity Building: The ALF Network provides opportunities for capacity building through workshops, training sessions, and collaborative projects. YMO is eager to participate in these activities to strengthen our organizational capabilities, ensuring that we can make a more significant and sustainable impact in our community.

Visibility and Recognition: Being a part of the ALF Network provides YMO with increased visibility and recognition on the international stage. This exposure can open doors to potential partnerships, funding opportunities, and collaborations, ultimately benefiting the youth we serve.

Contribution to ALF's Mission: YMO is committed to contributing to the overall mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation, which focuses on promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. By joining the network, we aim to actively participate in initiatives that advance these shared objectives.

In essence, the Youthful Mindset Organization sees the ALF Network as a valuable platform that will amplify our efforts, foster collaboration, and provide a framework for mutual learning and growth. By becoming a member, we look forward to actively contributing to the foundation's mission and benefiting from the collective strength of the network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maisoon Al Amarneh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maisoon Al Amarneh