الفيدرالية الوطنية للجمعيات اباء و امهات و أولياء التلامذة بالمغرب فرع اسفي

National Network

46000 اسفي

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

العمل على تحسين المدرسة العمومية

Mission and Objectives

تحسين ظروف التدريس بالمؤسسات العمومية

Main Projects / Activities

الرقي بالمدرسة العمومية و الدفاع عن مصالح التلاميذ

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل البحث عن مشاريع تدعم المدرسة العمومية

Contact (1) Full Name
يونس مرزوقي
Job Title
Head of the organisation
يونس مرزوقي

MIHI for Training and Development

National Network

35 Mahmoud Elesiawy St - Sidi Bishr
Alexandria Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

MIHI is a social enterprise that is designed to empower youth and take them out of their comfort zone to explore new possibilities for personal development. We are engaged in youth exchange, education, cultural and social training, language training, volunteering, environmental rights, and development work, especially focusing on the mobility of youth.
We believe in youth empowerment and community development, Since 2014, MIHI (MY-HIGH) Egypt has helped more than 500 youths engage in a diverse range of development projects. These project themes are covered through general training workshops and conferences. They include but are not limited to: art and culture, entrepreneurship, intercultural communication, heritage protection, volunteering, environmental protection, equal opportunities, anti-racism, healthy lifestyles, human rights, youth initiatives, youth exchanges, youth employment, youth sports, youth migration, social media, social work, and youth leadership.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
Is to elevate young people with life-changing opportunities and provide them with unique skills for social innovation.
Our Vision
Is to create a positive impact on communities and encourage youths to take steps on the stairs to infinite success.

Main Projects / Activities

Based on our collaboration with and participation in international projects, we have found innovative ways to address sociopolitical problems and inspire creative forces for social change in surrounding regions. Moreover, using informal educational methods, we developed our learning modules and workshops for kids, youngsters, and adults on upcycling, DIY, Zero Waste, climate and environmental protection, and community engagement.

Since 2012, MIHI Egypt has been part of different youth program seminars, training courses for youth workers, local university and school programs, community engagement workshops, and environmental-awareness activities. In 2014, MIHI organized the biggest global civic movement, known as ”Let’s Do It World (LDIW)” in Alexandria, Egypt. This movement mobilizes people to participate in local clean-up events. As a key representative and facilitator of LDIW events in Egypt, MI-HI was further inspired to participate in projects toward achieving the SDGs.

We have engaged in more than 60 Erasmus projects. Moreover, we have hosted one Erasmus youth exchange in 2018, organized and managed three international Event Management and Leadership courses with youths from 15 European countries in the Egyptian oasis, and trained more than 500 people. Since receiving accreditation for EVS projects, MIHI Egypt has hosted three long-term projects. We have sent 21 volunteers across Europe and by the end of 2021, hosted 10 volunteers from abroad.

We also hosted interns and volunteers from Russia, Tunisia, America, England, Romania, Mexico, Germany, and Brazil, to participate in events such as ‘Russia from A-Z’ in 2018, ‘Tunisia Language Teaching Program’ in 2017, ‘MIHI Spanish and English League’ in 2018, etc. The volunteers take part in regular events and workshops, seminars, and training courses. They represent MIHI at conferences and functions by assisting with setting up awareness campaigns and non-formal educational activities. Other than taking part in and carrying out MIHI activities, the volunteer has the opportunity to organize workshops and events, and design their own local projects. In this regard, we support volunteers in realizing their community development ideas.

MIHI has a strong network of international partners. We regularly participate in other Erasmus+ programs to improve our knowledge level and skills, foster intercultural exchange and strengthen international relationships. We have learned extensively from other European NGOs and their experience in facilitating Erasmus+ projects through this process.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To contribute to the network, we consider the following steps:
1- Research and Identify Relevant Organizations: Begin by researching organizations in our country that are involved in promoting cultural dialogue, youth development, and intercultural relations. This will help us identify potential partners and collaborators.
2- Establish Partnerships: Reach out to these organizations and establish partnerships. Discuss shared goals, objectives, and potential collaborative projects. This will help create a strong network of organizations working together to promote cultural understanding and youth development.
3- Organize and Participate in Events: Collaborate with partner organizations to organize events such as workshops, seminars, and conferences that focus on cultural dialogue, youth development, and intercultural relations. Encourage participation from a diverse range of stakeholders, including government representatives, civil society organizations, and young people.
4- Develop and Implement Projects: Develop and implement projects that directly address the objectives of the network. These projects should focus on youth development, intercultural relations, and cultural dialogue. Examples include exchange programs, educational initiatives, and capacity-building workshops.
5- Monitor and Evaluate Progress: Regularly monitor the progress of our collaborations and projects. This will help identify areas of success and areas that need improvement. Use this information to adjust our strategies and ensure that the network continues to grow and develop.
6- Share Best Practices: Share the best practices and lessons learned from our collaborations and projects with other organizations in the network. This will help create a strong knowledge-sharing platform that benefits all members of the network.
7- Advocate for Policy Change: Advocate for policies that support cultural dialogue, youth development, and intercultural relations at the local, national, and international levels. This will help create an enabling environment for the network to thrive.
By following these steps, we can contribute to the network in our country and help promote cultural dialogue, youth development, and intercultural relations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are several reasons why the ALF Network is an attractive option for organizations such as MIHI. By joining the ALF Network, MIHI can tap into this vast network of organizations and individuals, which can help us in our mission to empower youth and take them out of their comfort zones.
1- Collaboration Opportunities: By joining the ALF Network, MIHI can collaborate with other organizations working in similar fields, such as intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy, community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment, and sustainable development, and media. This collaboration can lead to the development of innovative projects and programs that benefit youth and promote intercultural dialogue.
2- Access to Resources: The ALF Network provides access to various resources, such as funding opportunities, training programs, and expertise from other member organizations. This can help MIHI expand its reach and capacity to serve more youth and develop more comprehensive programs.
3- Enhanced Visibility: Being a part of the ALF Network can help MIHI gain visibility among other organizations and potential partners, as well as among policymakers and donors. This can lead to increased support and funding for our programs and projects.
4- Sharing Best Practices: MIHI can learn from the experiences and best practices of other organizations in the network, which can help us to improve our own programs and projects. This sharing of knowledge and expertise can lead to more effective interventions in the field of youth empowerment and development.
5- Advocacy and Policy Influence: By joining the ALF Network, MIHI can contribute to the development of policies and advocacy initiatives that support youth empowerment and intercultural dialogue. This can help create an enabling environment for our programs and projects.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Bassant Bedir Wissa Gad Issa
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim ElRefaei
Contact (2) Full Name
Ibrahim ElRefaei
Job Title (2)

عرين عادل ابو شقير

National Network

اربد 21710

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

هي عبارة عن منظمة بيئية تختص بالبيئة والمناخ والاستدامة والتطوير والتدريب على قضايا المناخ والسياحة وتنمية البيئة المحلية.. تحتوي على عدد من الاشخاص لا يوجد شركاء لكن في المستقبل القريب سيكون هناك تشبيك مع مؤسسات محلية ودولية لا يوجد لغاية الان لانني بلا عمل حاليا لكن اتمنى الحصول على دعم لوجيسيتي ومصادر تمويل دائمة طرائق العمل سيكون تدريب وتنمية وتوعية وتشبيك وعمل على ارض الواقع .. مبدئيا سيكون هناك عدة اشخاص لكن مع التطور والتقدم سأشارك مؤسسات محلية ودولية بغرض زيادة وتوسيع شبكة المنظمة

Mission and Objectives

تنمية البيئة واستدامتها
تشجيع السياحة محليا ودوليا
التركيز على قضايا التغير المناخي
وتطوير مفهوم رعاية واحترام البيئة

Main Projects / Activities

من خلال التدريب على طرق تحمي البيئة وتؤدي الى استمراريتها مثل عمل ندوات وورش عمل وحملات توعوية وتدريب وتشبيك وتطبيق كل تلك المفاهية على ارض الواقع كالمحافظة عالنظافة وتطوير الواجهة البيئية في المكان الذي نعيش فيه

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال تقديم افضل ما املك من مهارات ومعلومات وخبرات اكتسبتها في هذا المجال بكل ما اوتيت من قوة واجتهاد

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

انا اهتم ان اكون ضمن فريق يعرف هدفه ووجهته ويعرف معنى تحديد الهدف وتحقيقه ولذلك من خلال متابعتي لمنظمتكم وجدت انها المكان الافضل لكي ازهر في البيئة التي تشبهني

Contact (1) Full Name
عرين عادل محمد ابو شقير
Job Title
Lead supervisors
Head of the organisation

Volunteer Team Of Kimolos "KIMOLISTES" AMKE

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Kimolistes ngo is compised by three members and many volunteers from all over Greece as members. Our budget the last five years has differentiated because of local businesses on Kimolos island supporting us. They are our main source, companies and volunteers to cover our expenses. We encompass our events with open-air cinema CineKalisperitis, theatrical performances, seminars,traditional celebrations workshops in Kimolos Experience Festival.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to organize and produce whatsoever related to culture, arts, sciences, and environment. Implement conferences, film/theater festivals, traditional celebrations, and revival of customs, their dissemination and promotion worldwide, and volunteer for environmental cleanings of beaches/coastal areas. Trekking / Hiking in the direct motivation of environmental issues, marine life, highlighting Kimolos nature and its protection.
Create magazines, books/printed material for "Philanagnosia" Literacy, as we have done with the open libraries & boat libraries around Kimolos, being awarded by the Greek Ibby for the initiative.

Our objectives.
The projection of films in the presence of well-known producers (CINEKALISPERITIS screenings) and participants in conjunction with workshops, seminars, lectures, and tailored events related to the films' message. Production of studies and collaborations with NGOs national/international level, private bodies/institutions charitable organizations with the view to collect, classify exchange, and disseminate info, with the use of storytelling in terms of tracking down Kimolian customs and traditions.
Collaborate with museums, universities, realizing seminars, study groups, trainings, and workshops; produce and explain written or oral works as well as cinematographic ones, using visual and audio aids.

Main Projects / Activities

Being the Ambassadors of Sea Change Greek Islands initiative we collaborate with the Athanasios Laskarides Foundation in terms of cleaning the beach, inform on the reduction of plastic use. We run the Erasmus project for Greece: Small Islands: One Community, with other 4 organisations from Malta, Esthonia island Muhu, Terceira island Azores, and Sweden, based on our idea for safeguarding cultural heritage (Kimolian tradition) through storytelling and cinema with screenings related to environmental protection.
Open air cinema Screenings around Kimolos remoted beaches, Polyaigos Natura island, Milos, Sikinos, and Serifos.
Workshops on sustainability. Creative writing courses will start in 4 Cycladic islands, after the funding of Costopoulos Foundation of our member's book :A young Kimolistas" with the view to offer it for free; empower the bonds among the islands and primary school students, creating a book of stories written by them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe effective communication with diverse channels will benefit us and those involved in the Network, since we share the same values of keeping the cultural heritage and its specific elements alive, in the Aegean islands as well as we seek ways to promote awareness for the environmental protection, something we do 13 consecutive years now, cleaning the beaches while using the open air cinema as the medium, to succeed in sensibilizing the viewers and visitors in Kimolos. We can offer our expertise and share our goals with other successful networkers who will be an inspiration for us and the guide to offer more and bring substantial changes. We hope we have contribute to shaping ideas and courses of action that will enable young to activate and take action regarding the future of their own countries and places of origin, by keeping their identity alive.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There is an immediate need for the young adults of small islands like Kimolos to be connected with other youngs of the Cyclades and formulate the basis of exchanging ideas and finding the ways to not abandon their places of origin but work towards the safety of the rare ecosystem they have. The European countries and the Mediterranean islands face similar issues. Thanks to the ALF network there is the ample opportunity of tracing new networking and cooperation models. We as a volunteer ngo can be the liaisons in the process of helping young people to become members of the network and adopt the good practices that guarantee a prosperous future and quality of life. Engaging in advocacy efforts, utilizing communication to shed light on social issues, mobilize public support, and influence the local communities, are some of the benefits we are sure we will receive from other fellow members of the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agatha Rodi
Job Title
Project manager/ public relations
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Legal Representative

Antalya Turkuaz Gençlik Derneği

National Network

Cihadiye mahallesi 23116. sokak bina:6 AKSU
07112 Antalya/Antalya

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Proje alanında geçirilen zaman, sorunlarının üstesinden gelmelerine, sorunları çözmelerine ve bir toplum içinde yeni bir hayata (iş) başlamalarına yardımcı olmaktadır. Düzenli faaliyetlerimiz Antalya'nın Aksu ilçesi ve Pınarlı bölgesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Gençlerin İngilizcelerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı oluyoruz.- iş bulmak için yararlı becerilerini artırmak için, müzik etkinlikleri onlara pla gibi bazı pratik, faydalı şeyler öğretmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Mission and Objectives

Gönüllü faaliyet, Antalya Turkuaz Gençlik Spor Kulübü Derneği tarafından uygulanan, gençleri daha iyi bir şekilde geliştirmeyi ve gençlerin gerçek hayata ve zorluklarına katılmasını kolaylaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Gönüllülük, gençler, kuruluşlar ve kurumlar arasında etkili etkileşim modelini test etmeyi, gönüllülük ve gönüllü çalışma ile ilgili farkındalığı artırmayı hedeflemektedir. Cihadiye'deki misafirperver gönüllülerimiz, daha önce hiç katılmamış gençlere, Avrupa boyutuyla gayri resmi ve resmi öğrenme yoluyla becerilerini ve yeteneklerini artırma fırsatı sağlayacak ve diğer ülkelerden gelen vatandaşlarla topluluğumuzu tanıtacak; bu da kültür, yaşam tarzı, gelenekler, dil ve yaşam tarzı değişimi sağlayacak ve organizasyonumuzun kapasitesini artırmamıza ve yeni beceriler kazanmamıza yardımcı olacaktır. Farklı ülkelerden gelen gönüllüleri ağırlamak, "Antalya Turkuaz Gençlik Spor Kulübü Derneği"nin faaliyet gösterdiği kasaba ve şehirde toplum yararına gönüllü çalışmalar gerçekleştirmek, gönüllülük ve gönüllü çalışma düşüncesini yerel nüfus arasında yaymak, sadece genç katılımcılar/gönüllüler ve proje liderleri/takımı üzerinde değil, aynı zamanda ortak kuruluşlar ve özellikle yerel toplum üzerinde de etki sağlayacaktır. İnsan değerlerine dikkat ederek ve derneğimizin gönüllü çalışmalarıyla, toplumla ilgili bazı kalıpları değiştirmeyi amaçlamaktayız.

Main Projects / Activities

AntalyaTurkuazGençklikDerneği2014yılındakurulmuştur.Başlangıçtçoğunluğuöğretmenlerdenoluşan derneğimizin üyeleri, günümüzde Erasmus+ olarak bilinenUAprojelerinde tecrübe sahibidir.Nitekim isimlerine yer verdiğimiz şu projelerde yer aldılar: BİRSAR 1.2 isimli gençlik, FİT ME (Avrupa'da Zinde ve Zihinsel Olarak Sağlıklı Yaşamak) 6 ortaklı (Belçika, Portekiz, İtalya, Almanya, Avusturya, Türkiye) Comenius projesini gerçekleştirmiştir. Aynı şekilde, Küresel Eğitimde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar adlı KA1 Personel Hareketliliği projesinde yer almışlardır. İl merkezindeki okullarda öğrencilere ulaşılmış, okulumuz öğrencileri ile entegrasyonu sağlanmış, seminerler ve çeşitli rehabilite edici sosyal faaliyetler ile çevreye ve topluma sağlıklı bir uyum sağlamaları amaçlanmaktadır. 2013 yılında 5 ortak ülke (Portekiz, İtalya, Almanya, Belçika ve Avusturya) ile "Avrupa'da Zinde ve Zihinsel Sağlıklı Yaşamak" adlı Comenius projesini yürütmeye başladı. Eğitim personelinin çalıştığı ortamlar ve öğrencilerin eğitim aldığı ortamlar sağlandığı gibi, seminerler ve çeşitli rehabilite edici sosyal aktiviteler ile çevreye ve topluma sağlıklı bir uyumun sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Derneğimizden bir grup 03-10 Aralık 2016 tarihlerinde İtalya'nın Nizerra şehrinde 'Disability Awareness' başlıklı seminere katıldı.Dernek üyelerimiz 13-16 Ekim 2016 tarihlerinde İtalya'da (Sicilya) Hazırlık Ziyaretine katıldı.İtalya'nın Messina (Sicilya) kentinde 'Cultural Diversity' adlı gençlik değişimine 6 kişilik bir grup katıldı. Hazırlık ziyaretine ayrıca Encümen Bayram, Fatih Ünlü ve Ayşe Bozok katıldı. ''Yaklaşımlar'' adı verilen personel hareketliliğini gerçekleştirdiler. Yerel gönüllülerimizden Emre Gürman, gençlik grupları ve birçok ulusal projede yer aldı. Bulgaristan'da Arat Koriten tarafından hazırlanan dernek üyelerimiz Ayşe Bozok, Mehmet Güler ve Emre Gürman, 'YES - Youth Entrepreneurial Skills!' isimli Gençlik Hareketliliği'ne katıldılar. 2018 ve 2019 yılında ‘Güneşe Açan Kardelenler’adlı kırsaldaki kadınların sosyal yaşama dahil olmalarıyla ilgili Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projesi ,gerçekleştirilmiştir.’Haydi Gönüllü Olalım 1’- ve ‘Haydi Gönüllü Olalım 2 ‘adlı AGH Projemizle Romanya ,Bulgaristan ve Polonya’ya çok sayıda gencimiz gönüllü olarak gönderilmiştir.2020-2022 yıllarında ‘Green –Hearts’adlı Avrupa Dayanışma Projesinde Azerbaycan,Fas,Tunus,Bosna –Hersek ve Cezayir’den gelen çok sayıda kız ve erkek genç gönüllülük yapmışlardır. Halen devam etmekte olan ‘Green Hands ‘adlı projemizde Türkiye ‘den ve yurtdışından bir çok gencimiz gönüllü olarak hizmet vermektedir. Faaliyetlerimizin amacı, daha az imkana sahip, ekonomi,sosyal eğitim ve kültürel yönden dezavantajlı kesime şans vermektir. Onlara, iyi bir gelecek inşa etmek için hala yeterince fırsat olduğunu göstermek istiyoruz. Çalışmalarımızla onlara, diğer gençlerden farklı/kötü olmadıklarını kanıtlamak istiyoruz. Dezavantajlı, zor geçmişe sahip gençler arasında dayanışma geliştirmek ve hoşgörüyü teşvik etmek istiyoruz.Gençlerimize verimli bir şekilde zaman geçirmeleri için öğrenme fırsatları ve diğer alternatifler sunuyoruz. Proje alanında geçirilen zaman, sorunlarının üstesinden gelmelerine, sorunları çözmelerine ve bir toplum içinde yeni bir hayata (iş) başlamalarına yardımcı olmaktadır. Düzenli faaliyetlerimiz Antalya'nın Aksu ilçesi ve Pınarlı bölgesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Gençlerin İngilizcelerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı oluyoruz.- iş bulmak için yararlı becerilerini artırmak için, müzik etkinlikleri onlara pla gibi bazı pratik, faydalı şeyler öğretmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Doğru ve güncel bilgi sağlama: Geniş bir konu yelpazesi üzerine doğru ve güncel bilgiler sunma. Soruları yanıtlama, kavramları açıklama ve şüpheleri giderme. Dil Çevirisi: Bir dildeki metni başka bir dile çevirme, dil bariyerlerini aşarak iletişimi kolaylaştırma. İçerik Oluşturma: Yazma, fikir üretme ve içerik geliştirme konularında yaratıcı içerikler oluşturma. Eğitim Desteği: Açıklamalar, örnekler ve destekleyici bilgiler sağlayarak öğrenmeye yardımcı olma. Programlama Yardımı: Programlama ile ilgili sorulara yardım etme, kod hata ayıklama ve algoritma açıklamaları sunma. Problem Çözme: Kullanıcılara mantıklı yaklaşımlar ve adım adım rehberlik ile sorunları analiz etme ve çözme konusunda yardımcı olma. Fikir Oluşturma: Fikirler, öneriler ve bakış açıları üreterek beyin fırtınası oturumlarına katkıda bulunma. Konuşma ve Etkileşim: Metin tabanlı sohbetlere katılarak arkadaşlık, eğlence veya destek sağlama.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Doğru ve güncel bilgi sağlama: Geniş bir konu yelpazesi üzerine doğru ve güncel bilgiler sunma. Soruları yanıtlama, kavramları açıklama ve şüpheleri giderme. Dil Çevirisi: Bir dildeki metni başka bir dile çevirme, dil bariyerlerini aşarak iletişimi kolaylaştırma. İçerik Oluşturma: Yazma, fikir üretme ve içerik geliştirme konularında yaratıcı içerikler oluşturma. Eğitim Desteği: Açıklamalar, örnekler ve destekleyici bilgiler sağlayarak öğrenmeye yardımcı olma. Programlama Yardımı: Programlama ile ilgili sorulara yardım etme, kod hata ayıklama ve algoritma açıklamaları sunma. Problem Çözme: Kullanıcılara mantıklı yaklaşımlar ve adım adım rehberlik ile sorunları analiz etme ve çözme konusunda yardımcı olma. Fikir Oluşturma: Fikirler, öneriler ve bakış açıları üreterek beyin fırtınası oturumlarına katkıda bulunma. Konuşma ve Etkileşim: Metin tabanlı sohbetlere katılarak arkadaşlık, eğlence veya destek sağlama.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayşe Bozok
Job Title
Dernek Başkanı
Head of the organisation
Ayşe Bozok
Contact (2) Full Name
Hakan Bozok
Job Title (2)

Terzo Millennio - Laboratorio di Umana Solidarietà APS/ETS

National Network

Via Dr. Lolli, 6
73020 Castri di Lecce LE

0039 08321697959
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Structure of the organization:
1. President and legal representative
2. Members’ assembly
3. Governing body
Number of staff: 20
Partners : n. 40
Budgetary resources available in a year: € 1.106.691
Public and private funds
E+, KA1, regional reception centre for refugees and asylum seekers
Trainings, seminars, youth exchanges

Mission and Objectives

Terzo Millennio strives to create, at local and global level, processes of development based on peace, democracy and the dialogue among different cultures and religions. It works to prevent every kind of racism, discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion, promoting solidarity and cooperation.
Our vision is to build up a new world, where differences, exchanges, intercultural dialogue and solidarity are the greatest richness of humanity. We believe in a society where each person can live in dignity and respect.
Terzo Millennio acts to promote, locally as well as globally, social participation and lifelong learning as tools for human and professional development, particularly of the younger generations.

It strives to build sustainable development processes based on peace, respect for human rights, democracy and dialogue between different cultures and religions. It combats all forms of racism, discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion, through practices of solidarity, cooperation, sustainable development, environmental protection and active citizenship.
Founding values of the association's action are:
- the constitutional precepts of peace, solidarity and anti-fascism;
- the need to rebalance the huge gaps in wealth and resources that separate the poor and rich parts of the world;
- the right of all citizens to animate processes of social, economic and cultural sustainability;
- the idea that the only sustainable and acceptable development is based on peace, respect for human rights and democracy, on the rejection of all racist, sexist or religious discrimination;
- the fundamental importance of the participation of young generations in the social and politics of communities, countries and the world

Main Projects / Activities

Terzo Millennio mainly conducts fieldwork through the methods and techniques of Non-Formal Education to empower people, both at personal and community level, to achieve a fair and just society. We believe in the strength of networking, the need for exchange and dialogue, and the personal and professional growth that comes from working with partners from different sectors: local and international NGOs, institutions, agencies, schools, universities. As an organization, we work so that everyone has the opportunity to fit into civil society in a worthy manner, following their inclinations, meeting their needs and fulfilling their desires. We believe in the bond that exists between individuals and communities and that only through the enhancement of both and the cooperation of all societal instances, locally as well as globally, is it possible to build an inclusive, just, sustainable and intercultural society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation will contribute to the development of the network at the national level by carrying out local initiatives, promoting the network's activities, proactively participating in its initiatives, and proposing joint actions to the other national network member organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the methods of intervention are shared by Terzo Millennio. Our organisation believes that networking is essential to achieve joint work against racism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination. Belonging to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network, with which we share the same spirit and mission, would contribute to making our interventions more incisive. Moreover, confrontation with other realities would contribute to the professional growth of the members of our organisation, enriching our team with new experiences and knowledge.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Fabiola Sica
Head of the organisation
Andrea Pignataro
Contact (2) Full Name
Pierpaola Cascione

Alliance Civile Environnement Ammelne

National Network

BP 304 Tafraout centre -Centre socio-sportif Ammelne
85400 Ammelne Tafraout

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

L’Alliance Civile pour l’Environnement à Ammelne (ACEA) est crée en Septembre 2020 à la suite d’un processus de concertation pluri acteurs pour créer un cadre sociétal pionnier dont l’objectif est de préserver l’espace naturel d’Ammelne , améliorer l’état environnemental de la région et améliorer la qualité de vie des populations locales et la protection des ressources . Salariers: 1 Benevoles : 60 Partenaires : Conseil Ammelne , Conseil provincial de Tiznit, ANDZOA , ANEF ; Laboratoire LARMA , UICN Med ; Ministere du Tourisme..

Mission and Objectives

- Préserver l’espace naturel d’Ammelne , améliorer l’état environnemental de la région . - Améliorer la qualité de vie des populations locales et la protection des ressources - Favoriser la prévention et l’atténuation des impacts environnementaux sur le SIBE LKEST et le territoire Ammelne/ Tafraout . - Mobiliser les acteurs locaux et provoquer des décisions avantageuses pour l’environnement local. - Revitaliser le territoire et faire vivre les pratiques bios culturelles dans la vallée Ammelne/ Tafraout .

Main Projects / Activities

Les principales activités menées par notre organisation sont : * Réalisation d’études d’impacts environnemental et développement durable sur le territoire. * Organisation de formations sur l’agriculture durable. * Campagnes de Sensibilisation des jeunes, des femmes et du grand public aux enjeux environnementaux. Domaines expertise ACEA : - L’hydraulique, gestion des systèmes de production et distribution d'eau potable en milieu urbain et rural, l’assainissement liquide, et les impacts environnementaux et socioéconomiques de ces deux secteurs sur le territoire. - Le développement des systèmes agro écologiques, création AGR basés sur les produits de terroir. - La mise en tourisme des territoires, via la création et l'expérimentation des circuits et produits touristiques en milieu rural basés sur la nature le patrimoine socio- culturel du Sud du Maroc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rejoindre le Réseau ALF dans notre pays nous permettra de partager notre expertise et notre expertise .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Rejoindre le Réseau ALF dans notre pays nous permettra de contribuer a l'action collective pour construire une société où l'engagement de chacun et l'alliance de tous font avancer et préserver l'environnement , le bien commun, la solidarité et la connaissance.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Nokraoui Moulay Elmostapha
Job Title
Coordinateur ACEA
Head of the organisation
Nokraoui Moulay Elmostapha
Contact (2) Full Name
Settar Brahim
Job Title (2)
Secretaire General

RAWSA Alliance

National Network

Awkaf St, Sohag
Sohag Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

*Structure of the organization: (BOD 5 Women)
Executive Director
Programs Director / Finance Admin manager
Partnerships and project Manager / Accountant
Partnership Assistants (5) / Human Resources officer

* Budgetary resources available in a year: Less that 100.000 USD

*Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities & Sources of funding:-
-Arts for Health Organisation (Sudan) and Tamkeen Association (Libya)
Supporters/sponsors of the project: UAF- Africa

-The aim of the project: SHRH awareness in Egypt
Supporters/sponsors of the project: Danish Embassy in Egypt

-The aim of the project: Distribution of dignity kits to women in need in Sudan due to the impact of the on-going political armed conflict.
Collaborating partners : Sudanese Organization for Researches and Development (SORD)
Supporters/sponsors of the project: "We are purposeful"

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
We bring together human rights organizations and feminist activists, physicians, and media professionals for regional advocacy to create transformation in the practices, policies and laws related to SRH&Rs, GBV, HIV/AIDS and women’s rights.

Our vision & objectives:
1) We committed to promote gender equality and empowerment of women.
2) We believe in the urgency of climate change actions and are comitted to make climate change.
3) We are committed to promote full and equal access to SRH&Rs and safe abortion services, education and legel.
4) Partnerships is one of our key organizing principles; we are committed to developing.
5) We are committed to support United Nations' Sustainable development goals 5, 8 and 13.

Main Projects / Activities

- SHRH awareness in Egypt: Danish Embassy in Egypt
- Mediterranean Women's Fund - Awareness of SRHR in Lebanon , Syria, and Iran.
- Safe Abortion Action Fund - Knowledge product on abortion in the MENA region.
- WILPF - Advocating for women participation in Libya's electoral process.
- Fondation Mérieux Small Grants Programme: Dignity kits for women in Sudan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Considering what you do as Anna Linda corresponds to our activities:
- Advocacy and the Empowerment of women and youth.
- Having an impact on policymakers. The importance of healthy communication in advocating for human rights.
- Creating Long-Term Partnerships.
- Reduced Gender Stereotypes.
- Addressing climate change and attempting to achieve climate justice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network is a powerful approach to help impoverished areas while also building cultural and social cooperation in the MENA area. And, in order to maximize the potentials of the vulnerable communities we serve, we must first create a culture of debate and exchange in which tolerance and free speech are valued, these are considered one of the initiatives we are caring on. This can be accomplished by joining a network of yours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sahar Abdellatif Elshahawy
Job Title
Partnerships Associate /Rawsa Alliance for Africa & Arab States
Head of the organisation
Ms Shaima Aly
Contact (2) Full Name
Shaima Aly
Job Title (2)
Co-founder of RAWSA (Regional Advocacy for Women’s Sustainable Advancement) Alliance for Africa & Arab States

أحمد يوسف رجب

National Network

شارع صالح صبحي حلوان القاهرة

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

اشتراك عضوية فردية وليست منظمة

Mission and Objectives

عضوية فردية ولبست عضوية منظمة

Main Projects / Activities

عضوية فردية ولبست عضوية منظمة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

التعاون في جميع الأنشطة المتاحة بقوة وفاعلية، الكتابة عن أنشطة الشبكة والترويج لأهدافها وفعالياتها وأنشطتها التنموية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتعلم في المقام الأول وبناء شبكة علاقات قوية وفعالة، والمشاركة في التنمية المجتمعية في مصر وبين دول حوض المتوسط

Contact (1) Full Name
أحمد يوسف رجب
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Naglaa Embaby's Organization

National Network

55 Elmahata street
Hammamat ELquba
Cairo Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The organization structure
Program Manager
Trainning consultant
Legal Consultant
Financial Auditor
Data entry agents
involuntry agents.

Mission and Objectives

the areas of support for intercultural dialogue in the Arab, European and Middle East countries
One of our goals is to find youth for dialogue
A youth window that promotes dialogue between followers of religions and cultures. It is effective, influential, and capable of creating strong youth communities that consolidate the values ​​of citizenship and coexistence within diverse religious and cultural identities.
Developing safe spaces for dialogue between young people of diverse religious and cultural identities in the Arab and Euro-Mediterranean world.
Empowering young people in general and young women in particular and developing their capabilities to establish a culture of dialogue and confront hate speech

Main Projects / Activities

Naglaa El Embaby for Entrepreneurship and Services
Registered under No. 11369 of 2021
It is one of the civil society institutions that aims to build the capabilities of the human element and develop its skills in creating new and different ideas and innovations to develop the field of the labor market and so that the human element can create job opportunities that satisfy its needs without the need for continuous assistance.
Therefore, it develops society by implementing entrepreneurship programs in various fields such as education, learning, vocational rehabilitation in all its programs, and vocational training to raise the level of skills of women, young people, youth, and those with special abilities, which helps to develop society and develop human capabilities so that they become qualified for the labor market and able to create new opportunities in order to be useful. For their community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our vision
Preparing generations capable of creativity and creating job opportunities that suit their society and who are able to develop their society in a manner that keeps pace with upcoming developments and innovations.
A generation capable of advancing Egyptian society in Vision 2030, out of our belief that the human element is the most important element within society, so it must be developed and prepared to live a decent life.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Foundation supports dialogue as one of its main goals, as it is the most important mechanism of intellectual, cultural, and social communication that life in contemporary society requires, because it has an impact on developing the ability of individuals to think jointly, analyze, and reason. Dialogue is also one of the activities that liberates a person from isolation and isolation, and opens channels for communication that he gains from During which there is more awareness and effective participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naglaa Embaby
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Medhat Dessouki
Job Title (2)
Program Manager