Anna Lindh Foundation Newsletter


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The ALF trilingual newsletter, published every month, aims to make more visible updates from the ALF National Networks and the ALF Secretariat on activities related to Intercultural Dialogue and other meaningful EuroMed information relevant to the ALF members and partners.

Do you want to share news and opportunities from your organisation with other ALF Network members? Please contact the coordinator of your ALF National Network.

- January 2024 edition in EnglishFrench, and Arabic.

- December 2023 edition in EnglishFrench, and Arabic

Alawite Islamic Charity Association

National Network

AlShamal Street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA), a non-profit non-governmental organization located in Jabal Mohsen – Tripoli and Akkar, registered under the decree No. 4500/1950, AICA works towards creating a sustained change in the lives of children, families, and their communities, to overcome financial burdens as well as impartiality saying so, AICA runs programs rather than time bounded projects. Its projects and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil Rights access (medical, health, education, work opportunities, or any other additional required support), raise individual and collective awareness, mainstream protection and disseminate risks prevention. The intervention strategy consists of holistic and sustainable community development, Advocacy and Peace Building, education and training, primary health care and medical services, religious services. MAIN GOAL AICA intends to encourage community development, by a humanitarian emergency response action, development and benevolence, through access to Rights, Advocacy and Peace-building programs. AICA ensures actions via programs or/and services such as Alawite religious institutions; health care services; social awareness; religious, cultural, and educational services; protection; awareness, community campaign, legal process; economic empowerment; Psycho-social Support, Sport, art as well as different community initiatives.

Mission and Objectives

AICA develops an integrated global participatory approach, targeting vulnerable communities, based on Rights and Needs through community development, Advocacy and Peace-building programs as well as Humanitarian Response Action.

Main Projects / Activities

METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES AICA ensures needs related to basic rights without any discrimination via access to services and Advocacy, with a horizontal axe of action based on RELIEF AND EMERGENGY RESPONSE ACTION. AICA acts through community participation, builds bridges through culture and dialogue, as well as encourages partnership and community initiatives through Development and Peace Building, within transforming challenges to opportunities, and conflicts to Peace… COMPONENTS OF ACTION Bootcamp, Awareness, TOT, Networking, PSS, Strategic partnership, religious education, community led, Volunteerism education, AICA’s programs and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access: AICA currently runs long term programs aggregated below: ▪ Health Sector: Alzahraa Medical Center (AMC) a Primary Health Care Center (PHCC) established since 2008, providing an average of 7000 services /month for patients from different areas equally (neither based on racism, nationality, religion, gender, or age) within the North governorate. AMC doctors, health care staff, and workers are onboarded in safe, effective premises providing proper performance and quality services. ▪ Food Security Sector: House of Wisdom Community Center (HOWCK) has been operating as a community kitchen since 2015. The kitchen can sell up to 800 Oriental and 500 Occidental hot meals per day. HOWCK incubates "House of Subsistence (HOS)” a peacebuilding income generating initiative aiming to engage civil clash widowed females from Bab Al Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen. These females support HOWCK daily work. ▪ Social Stability Sector: established in 2015, Social Multi-Services Community Center (MSCC) located between Bab Al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen providing peacebuilding, health, education, basic assistance, and protection services/support. It is a safe space facilitating and moderating social exchange promoting healthy relations and exchanges among several groups and social categories from local communities, without any discrimination providing all kinds of activities whether awareness sessions, general culture, vocational rehabilitation and/or psychosocial support which are conducted by AICA employees and/or I/NGOs collaboration. ▪ Livelihood Sector (VT/TVET): Livelihood and socioeconomic empowerment (with special focus on women and community led projects) through AICA’s Netizen’s Digital Lab - A center equipped with 20 high-end laptops serving as a lab for soft and digital skills trainings; Established 2021 and collaborating with ICDL ( providing internationally certificates for 35 digital modules. It is a one stop-service of Technology and Analytics; offering world-transforming services enabling new opportunities for vulnerable marginalized youth. ▪ Protection Sector: a protection team from social workers and PSS facilitators providing PSS/CBPSS/Recreational PSS through Support groups’ discussions /Sport/ Arts/ Skills/ Workshops as well as a community case management to transform conflicts into Peace. AICA also onboards legal mediators (funded by AICA) to support in a few cases and refer others to active actors as per the referral pathways. ▪ Education Sector: Formal Education through Al Doha Scientific School (ADSS) located in Fnaideq, Akkar since 2014 with the potential of having 750 students per shift. 2023 MEHE permission in Non-Formal Education (NFE) in the following modules: CB-ECE, BLN, YBLN, Retention Support, Recreation, Awareness raising and outreach, Parental Engagement, Cash for Education and School Feeding. ▪ Emergency Response Sector: established in 2016, First Responder Team (FRT) in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross- Disaster& Risk Reduction Unit (DRR), acts as a risk response community initiative. The team is one of few to remain operating till the current date. ▪ Advocacy: an active member in all working groups and various local networks and forums like but not limited to PSEA National Network, Protection Taskforce, LHDF, PEER Network, Tashbik…advocating over diverse topics from Localization to women led initiatives, GBV, and youth empowerment

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am excited about the upcoming Online Networking Session and eager to contribute to the ALF network, building connections among members from Albania, Denmark, and Lebanon. In Lebanon, my focus will be on facilitating cultural exchanges through engaging virtual events and workshops, emphasizing the richness of Lebanese culture. Fluent in English and Arabic, I aim to bridge language gaps, ensuring seamless communication and inclusivity for all members. Additionally, I plan to share my expertise in project management through webinars and collaborative projects, contributing to the network's knowledge base. Drawing on my experience in event planning, I am committed to coordinating joint events that offer a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. I look forward to actively participating and making a positive impact on the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am eager to join the ALF Network because it provides a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals from Albania, Denmark, and Lebanon. The prospect of fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration greatly appeals to me, and I am enthusiastic about contributing to the network's goals. I believe that by actively participating in the Online Networking Session and subsequent events, I can not only share my own experiences and expertise but also learn from the diverse perspectives of other members. The focus on cultural exchange aligns with my passion for promoting global awareness and appreciation. I see the ALF Network as a platform to build meaningful connections, bridge cultural gaps, and collectively work towards organizing impactful joint events that showcase the richness of our collective experiences. Overall, I am excited about the prospect of being part of a dynamic and inclusive community dedicated to fostering collaboration and understanding across borders.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Camilia Safatli
Job Title
grants program manager
Head of the organisation
Alawite Islamic Charity Association

Service International de Recherche d'Education et d'Action Sociale (SIREAS)

National Network

Rue du Boulet 26
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Le groupe SIREAS comprend trois associations : SIREAS, FAE et le SASB. Nous accompagnons toute personne fragilisée ou en quête de citoyenneté à retrouver confiance, fierté et autonomie. Nous leur proposons des activités de soutien social, juridique et psychologique, des formations en insertion socio-professionnelle et des activités d’Éducation permanente. Nous bénéficions du soutien financier de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, de la COCOF, de la Wallonie, de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, du Fonds social européen, des CPAS de Molenbeek, Woluwe-St-Lambert, Jette, Ixelles et Watermael-Boitsfort. Des acteurs privés nous sont également apporté leur soutien : d'Ieteren Group, Besix, Volta et la Fondation Roi Baudouin. Nous disposons d'un budget annuel total de 3.486.981 € (2022). Nos activités d'éducation permanente sont réalisées avec le concours de nombreux partenaires (partenariats gratuits) dont les Villes de Namur, Liège et Bruxelles, le Service Social des étrangers (SSE), la « Chom'hier », « l'Ufled » et le CNCD.

Mission and Objectives

Nous proposons des activités de soutien social, juridique et psychologique, des formations en insertion socio-professionnelle (ISP) et des activités d’Éducation permanente à un public qui est en grande partie étranger. Nos activités s'orientent donc en grande partie dans une visée d'accueil et d'aide à l'intégration de ce public. Nos services juridiques et sociaux visent à aider les bénéficiaires dans leurs démarches administratives et judiciaires liées à leur titre de séjour, au regroupement familial, à l'accès aux services sociaux belges. Un service d'aide aux justiciables permet aussi un accompagnement psychologique de détenus étrangers. Le SASB est aussi la branche belge du Service social international (SSI) qui assiste dans des situations personnelles ou familiales nécessitant une intervention coordonnée entre deux ou plusieurs pays. Nos formations en ISP orientent vers les métiers de la construction (maçonnerie, électricité, menuiserie), de l'automobile (mécanique), du textile (cuir, daim, textile), de la bureautique et de l'Horeca. Nos activités d'éducation permanente visent à développer auprès d'un public adulte, sur base volontaire, les clés d'une émancipation citoyenne collective et individuelle. Il s'agit de comprendre et exercer ses droits, de s'informer de manière critique sur la société et d'agir sur celle-ci dans le respect des libertés de chacun·e. Enfin, notre association développe un service d'économie sociale permettant la formation par le travail de personnes demandeuses d'emploi (technicien·nes de surface et agent d'accueil).

Main Projects / Activities

La formation en ISP, le services sociaux et juridiques et l'éducation permanente constituent nos principaux projets. Nous détaillerons ici nos activités d'Éducation permanente (EP). Notre service d'EP est actif en région bruxelloise, en Province de Namur et en Province de Liège. Nous sommes d'abord actifs sur le terrain de l'animation: environ 1100 heures d'animation (475 activités) sont données chaque année auprès d'environ 2500 personnes. Ces animations s'articulent sur 4 thématiques: l'intégration dans le lieux de vie (connaitre ses droits, interculturalité, éducation aux médias...), les inégalités de droit et les conflits qui en résultent (mondialisation, géopolitique), la citoyenneté belge et européenne (les institutions) et la Santé publique. Pour travailler ces thématiques, nous organisons des groupes de discussion et de réflexion, des marches exploratoires ou encore des visites thématiques. Nos activités d'EP incluent aussi des événements publics dont notre festival annuel (Let's Art) qui met en valeur la culture d'un peuple ou d'un pays par une expo photo, une projection-débat et un concert. Il s'agit de valoriser cette culture et sa communauté en Belgique et de sensibiliser aux enjeux sociopolitiques qui y ont trait. Nous réalisons aussi un travail de recherche en publiant environ 15 analyses et études sur des questions de société, consultables sur notre site.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association dispose d'abord d'une certaine expérience dans l'organisation d'activités visant à bâtir une société inclusive et à sensibiliser le public aux inégalités, aux droits fondamentaux ici en Belgique, mais également ailleurs en Europe et dans le monde. Nous organisons quotidiennement des animations d'Éducation permanente qui visent pour une grande partie à traiter de questions (inter)culturelles souvent en lien avec la culture belge et celle de pays méditerranéens, une grande partie de notre public étant d'origine arabe, turque ou berbère. Nous travaillons aussi régulièrement des enjeux liés aux stéréotypes et à la discrimination, à l'exercice des droits fondamentaux ou à la participation au débat public. Nous pouvons ainsi partager des savoirs et bonnes pratiques avec toute association intéressée par nos thématiques de travail ou à la recherche d'outils pédagogiques propres à certains publics (public alpha en apprentissage du français, public primo-arrivant, public senior). Nous sommes souvent à la recherche d'associations partenaires pour nos projets, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit d'organisations liées à une communauté particulière que nous souhaitons mettre en avant dans un événement public pour laquelle leur expertise est la bienvenue. Nous pouvons ainsi offrir des possibilités de partenariats et de visibilité à d'autres organismes. Dans les circonstances actuelles, notre association devrait aussi avoir la capacité d'accueillir des représentants d'autres organismes pour l'organisation de formations ou de séances d'information.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le SIREAS, en tant qu'organisation fondée sur la solidarité et l'inclusion, voit en la FAL un réseau d'organismes aux valeurs similaires que nous gagnerions à mieux connaitre. La FAL peut donc être pour nous un moyen d'étendre notre réseau de partenaires, de bénéficier d'un partage de ressources avec d'autres associations ici en Belgique, voire de l'autre côté de la méditerranée. Parce que les valeurs qui fondent la FAL sont aussi essentiellement les nôtres, nous souhaitons simplement apporter notre contribution au projet de la Fondation. De par nos différents axes de travail, nous sommes témoins d'importante injustices en matière justice migratoire, de droit à l'égalité de traitement, lesquelles trouvent souvent leur fondement dans le cloisonnement des cultures et l'exacerbation des différences identitaires contre lesquelles il revient d'agir de concert. L'organisation de formations ou d'appels à projets par la FAL nous semble aussi être une perspective intéressante pour développer notre activité et renforcer nos capacités.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jérôme Vanstalle
Job Title
Coordinateur Education permanente
Head of the organisation
Pol Wertz
Contact (2) Full Name
Pol Wertz
Job Title (2)
Directeur général

Shokkin Group

National Network

Raua 23
10124 Tallinn Harju

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Shokkin Group is a youth organization composed of young people 16-30 years of age based in or connected to Estonia. The organization was founded in October 2011 in Tallinn, with the main aim of empowering young people of Estonia to live a pro-active lifestyle by providing them with opportunities to develop competencies for personal, professional and social growth. The organization’s motto is imagine, inspire, act! And it describes the whole idea of Shokkin Group in the best possible way. In the organization we hope that modern youth will imagine, be inspired and inspire others to act for a stronger society! The organization consists of 4 youth leaders and professional youth workers forming the core group of project based professionals collaborating part time; 14 Level 2 members aged 16 to 30 involved on a monthly basis as project leaders, club managers, volunteer SMM & project based staff; a Level 1 member base of 15-30 youth leaders aged 15-25.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Shokkin Group Estonia is to empower young people from different backgrounds living in Estonia to lead a pro-active lifestyle by providing them with opportunities to develop competencies for personal, professional and social growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2013 we actively work in the field of game-based learning developing educational board games, escape rooms & other concepts. We have been involved in developing various innovative educational approaches under the funding of Erasmus+, Council of Europe, KYSK, Education Department. Most note-worthy activities of Shokkin Group: “Critical Escape” – transnational youth initiative for developing educational escape games. “Breakout Box” – international strategic partnership on exploring the use of escape boxes on social topics. “Bright Colors” – international youth exchange on expression through street art in public spaces of Tallinn’s disadvantaged neighborhoods. “Get Involved” – a series of local youth leader trainings, “Jalatalla” – a program for raising social skills of youth at risk. More activity examples and yearly reports are here:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide game-based learning solutions in various projects. We can develop educational escape games, board games, facilitate game design processes, facilitate educational game sessions. As part of the network we can also deliver training session on game-based methodologies. If needed we are open to join brainstorming events, map interests and needs of young people from our community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are curious to explore new partnerships and local collaborations with CSOs from Estonia and abroad. We are interested in expanding our network of partners to be able to co-develop international youth events and training courses for CSOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pavel Vassiljev
Job Title
Chief of board
Head of the organisation
Pavel Vassiljev
Contact (2) Full Name
Olalla Gonzalez
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Service International de Recherche d'Education et d'Action Sociale (SIREAS)

National Network

Rue cervantes 4
Boite 41
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Le groupe SIREAS comprend trois associations : SIREAS, FAE et le SASB. Nous accompagnons toute personne fragilisée ou en quête de citoyenneté à retrouver confiance, fierté et autonomie. Nous leur proposons des activités de soutien social, juridique et psychologique, des formations en insertion socio-professionnelle et des activités d’Éducation permanente.
Nous bénéficions du soutien financier de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, de la COCOF, de la Wallonie, de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, du Fonds social européen, des CPAS de Molenbeek, Woluwe-St-Lambert, Jette, Ixelles et Watermael-Boitsfort. Des acteurs privés nous sont également apporté leur soutien : d'Ieteren Group, Besix, Volta et la Fondation Roi Baudouin.
Nous disposons d'un budget annuel total de 3.486.981 € (2022).
Nos activités d'éducation permanente sont réalisées avec le concours de nombreux partenaires (partenariats gratuits) dont les Villes de Namur, Liège et Bruxelles, le Service Social des étrangers (SSE), la « Chom'hier », « l'Ufled » et le CNCD.

Mission and Objectives

Nous proposons des activités de soutien social, juridique et psychologique, des formations en insertion socio-professionnelle (ISP) et des activités d’Éducation permanente à un public qui est en grande partie étranger. Nos activités s'orientent donc en grande partie dans une visée d'accueil et d'aide à l'intégration de ce public.
Nos services juridiques et sociaux visent à aider les bénéficiaires dans leurs démarches administratives et judiciaires liées à leur titre de séjour, au regroupement familial, à l'accès aux services sociaux belges. Un service d'aide aux justiciables permet aussi un accompagnement psychologique de détenus étrangers.
Le SASB est aussi la branche belge du Service social international (SSI) qui assiste dans des situations personnelles ou familiales nécessitant une intervention coordonnée entre deux ou plusieurs pays.
Nos formations en ISP orientent vers les métiers de la construction (maçonnerie, électricité, menuiserie), de l'automobile (mécanique), du textile (cuir, daim, textile), de la bureautique et de l'Horeca.
Nos activités d'éducation permanente visent à développer auprès d'un public adulte, sur base volontaire, les clés d'une émancipation citoyenne collective et individuelle. Il s'agit de comprendre et exercer ses droits, de s'informer de manière critique sur la société et d'agir sur celle-ci dans le respect des libertés de chacun·e.
Enfin, notre association développe un service d'économie sociale permettant la formation par le travail de personnes demandeuses d'emploi (technicien·nes de surface et agent d'accueil).

Main Projects / Activities

La formation en ISP, le services sociaux et juridiques et l'éducation permanente constituent nos principaux projets.
Nous détaillerons ici nos activités d'Éducation permanente (EP). Notre service d'EP est actif en région bruxelloise, en Province de Namur et en Province de Liège. Nous sommes d'abord actifs sur le terrain de l'animation: environ 1100 heures d'animation (475 activités) sont données chaque année auprès d'environ 2500 personnes. Ces animations s'articulent sur 4 thématiques: l'intégration dans le lieux de vie (connaitre ses droits, interculturalité, éducation aux médias...), les inégalités de droit et les conflits qui en résultent (mondialisation, géopolitique), la citoyenneté belge et européenne (les institutions) et la Santé publique. Pour travailler ces thématiques, nous organisons des groupes de discussion et de réflexion, des marches exploratoires ou encore des visites thématiques.
Nos activités d'EP incluent aussi des événements publics dont notre festival annuel (Let's Art) qui met en valeur la culture d'un peuple ou d'un pays par une expo photo, une projection-débat et un concert. Il s'agit de valoriser cette culture et sa communauté en Belgique et de sensibiliser aux enjeux sociopolitiques qui y ont trait.
Nous réalisons aussi un travail de recherche en publiant environ 15 analyses et études sur des questions de société, consultables sur notre site.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Jérôme Vanstalle
Job Title
Coordinateur Education permanente
Head of the organisation
Pol Wertz
Contact (2) Full Name
Pol Wertz
Job Title (2)
Directeur général

Tuesdays for Trash

National Network

Dov Hoz 50
Holon 5823921

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We are a global grassroots movement with a mission of not only protecting our natural world but creating a simple and easy way to scale action that mobilizes communities to fight for a sustainable future on our planet. What first began as a way to give back to our environment has turned into a gateway into activism for the everyday individual spanning all continents and spectrums of climate justice. The movement is now made up of over 14 chapters, with participants on six continents and in 40+ countries creating a ripple effect inspiring not only more awareness of the global waste management problem but opportunities to learn how to overcome the issue and hold the culprits accountable.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to mobilize local leadership on trash infrastructure with a specific focus on empowering youth to reshape the landscape of the waste crisis worldwide. The organization operates through a network of volunteers on an international scale and local chapters who organize weekly or monthly clean-up events and educational outreach initiatives in their communities. We formulated our approach to provide a bridge that expands individual efforts into group, community, agency, and government wide initiatives that have resulted in participants in 40+ countries, over 50,000lbs of trash removed from our environment since in 2020. The organization's mission is to engage and empower individuals--especially in vulnerable regions--to take action to reduce litter and waste in their local environment, weaponize their voices and to promote sustainable practices that benefit the planet as a whole. Our initiatives focus on key issues such as waste management, plastic pollution, frontline justice, and intersectionality. These are detrimental problems that affect minority communities the most—requiring the greatest support and immediate attention.

Main Projects / Activities

The Tuesdays for Trash movement is a global community-driven initiative that empowers individuals to take action towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. Our mission is aimed at creating a gateway into climate activism for the everyday person that reduces waste and promotes climate education as well as sustainable living. This weekly event mobilizes participants to come together to clean up their local environment and raise awareness about the global waste crisis facing our world in order to hold those responsible accountable. These actions directly address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to education, sustainable cities/communities, peace-building and mental health.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Integrating Tuesdays for Trash into the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Israel offers a unique opportunity to contribute to environmental awareness, community engagement, and cultural integration. Collaborative clean-up events can be organized, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility among members. Educational workshops can be conducted within the network to highlight the impact of working together for our shared home and provide practical tips for sustainable living. Joint environmental campaigns can be launched to raise awareness about regional environmental challenges, utilizing the foundation's platforms to reach a broader audience. Tuesdays for Trash can serve as a cultural bridge, showcasing its adaptability to various cultural contexts within the Anna Lindh Foundation network. This integration can strengthen community ties, promote cross-cultural exchange, and empower youth to actively participate in environmental initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participation in the network and events related to cultural exchange and dialogue of ALF would help us advance environmental practices aligning with the foundation's goals. Collaboration on research projects and advocacy efforts can further contribute to promoting sustainable practices and policies within the Anna Lindh Foundation network and beyond. By hosting networking events, individuals and organizations within the network we can come together to share ideas, discuss challenges, and explore collaborative opportunities in the realm of environmental conservation. Overall, the integration of Tuesdays for Trash complements the foundation's mission, fostering positive change, dialogue, and understanding in Israel and the wider Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tuesdays for Trash

Youthmakers Hub

National Network

Spartis 111
17675 Kallithea, Athens

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Youthmakers Hub (YMH) is a European non-profit organization based in Greece, specializing in Capacity Building and Communication & Dissemination for impact-driven projects in Europe and Africa. The organization's vision is to cultivate a new generation of empowered young individuals who create positive change in their communities. The core values of Youthmakers Hub - Empowerment, Adaptability, Collaboration, Innovation, and Inclusion & Diversity - are deeply ingrained in the organization's day-to-day principles, actions, and partnerships. As an organization, YMH embraces the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs) as its framework, with a particular focus on SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). By providing inclusive education, empowering organizations and individuals, and fostering collaborations, YMH actively contributes to achieving the SDGs.

Mission and Objectives

YMH's mission is to serve as a catalyst for social change by providing the necessary tools & knowledge and fostering collaborations between Europe and Africa. Youthmakers Hub aims to create and disseminate impact by focusing on the following objectives: → Design and implement impact-driven projects that enable change in communities in Europe and Africa; → Provide transformative capacity building to organizations, equipping them with the skills and capabilities to drive change effectively; → Foster cross-cultural collaboration and innovation by developing solid partnerships between African and European stakeholders; → Utilize cutting-edge communication and dissemination strategies to effectively promote and share impactful initiatives; → Empower Youth (18-35 years old) with fewer opportunities, providing them with growth-oriented opportunities to develop 21st-century skills.

Main Projects / Activities

Youthmakers Hub actively engages in a diverse range of projects and activities, contributing to the development and empowerment of youth locally and globally. Through ongoing initiatives and successfully implemented projects, the organization plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration, innovation, and skills development. Here is a concise overview of their impactful endeavors. Summary of Youthmakers Hub's Projects: Ongoing Projects: AfriConEU (Horizon 2020): Dissemination Partner, fostering collaboration between African and European Digital Innovation Hubs. Budget: €2,229,937.50 (Feb 2021 - Jan 2024). EUth Voices for Social Change: Empowering global youth through podcasting. Budget: €60,000.00 (Oct 2022 - Dec 2023). EcoActiZenship: Encouraging civic engagement and digital literacy among Italian and Greek youth. Budget: €60,000.00 (Dec 2022 - May 2024). Green Netiquette: Promoting an environmentally-conscious netiquette. Budget: €60,000.00 (May 2023 - Apr 2025). Implemented Projects: WE AfriHug: Connected African and European institutions, fostering collaborations. Implementation: 2018-2020. Refl’Action: Promoted well-being and digital skills among youth in France, Italy, and Greece. Implementation: Dec 2021 - May 2023. ESC Projects (2021-2022): Seven projects training 1,500 Greek youth on various skills. Budget: €53,508.00. nEU Citizenship: Activated Greek youth for civic engagement and received "Participation in Democratic Life" award. Budget: €60,000.00. Meet and Code Initiative: Trained 443 young people in coding and programming skills. Budget: €5,600.00. Accreditations: Eurodesk Multiplier: Accredited for providing information on learning mobility. European Solidarity Corps Quality Label: Accredited for activities supporting inclusivity and societal empowerment. Youthmakers Hub is at the forefront of youth development, engaging in a spectrum of activities that promote collaboration, innovation, and skill enrichment. These activities encompass capacity building, digital literacy training, civic participation programs, and international mobility projects. The organization's diverse initiatives contribute significantly to the empowerment and growth of youth on both local and international scales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Youthmakers Hub is eager to contribute actively to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Greece. Our organization brings a wealth of experience in youth development, digital literacy, and international collaboration. Through our diverse projects, we have successfully empowered young people, fostering a sense of civic engagement and cross-cultural understanding. Our commitment to capacity building, skills training, and community involvement aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation. By becoming a member, Youthmakers Hub aims to enhance the Network's impact in Greece by sharing best practices, organizing collaborative events, and facilitating initiatives that promote dialogue and cultural exchange among youth. Furthermore, our expertise in project management and dissemination positions us as valuable contributors to the network's activities. We are enthusiastic about collaborating on joint projects, workshops, and initiatives that promote intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and sustainable development in Greece. In essence, Youthmakers Hub is dedicated to actively participating in and supporting the Anna Lindh Foundation Network to advance its mission and foster a more interconnected and harmonious society in Greece.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Youthmakers Hub is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network for several compelling reasons. Firstly, we share a common vision for fostering intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, and collaboration, aligning closely with the foundation's mission. By being part of the ALF Network, we aim to contribute actively to initiatives that promote cultural diversity, social cohesion, and youth empowerment. Membership in the Anna Lindh Foundation Network provides a valuable platform for us to exchange ideas, best practices, and expertise with like-minded organizations. The network's diverse members create an environment conducive to collaboration, enabling us to amplify the impact of our youth-focused projects and initiatives. Furthermore, the ALF Network offers a unique opportunity for Youthmakers Hub to connect with other organizations, institutions, and stakeholders dedicated to building bridges between different cultures. This collaboration not only enriches our perspective but also strengthens the collective efforts towards creating a more inclusive and harmonious society, both in Greece and across the Euro-Mediterranean region. In essence, our desire to join the ALF Network is rooted in the belief that collective action is essential for creating positive change. By becoming a member, we seek to actively participate in the network's activities, contribute our experiences, and collaborate with fellow members to advance the shared goals of cultural understanding, tolerance, and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marilena Maragkou
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Marilena Maragkou
Contact (2) Full Name
Pinelopi Katsigianni
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community

National Network

Anatolikis Thrakis 42 str
161 22 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community is a non profit company with two staff members employed and several annual members (approx. 20) working and being hired by project. These members are artists & cultural professionals. Its budgetary resources are created by donations and also include two owned appartments and one artist studio that are available in yearly bases. Its sources of funding are coming out of small scale EU funding programs such as ERASMUS+ and Culture Move Europe or other, and from Goverment funds and members donations. Main partners of the organization are universities ie. Western Attica university and Athens School of Fine Arts among others as well as other non profit cultural companies from Greece and the EU. The developing project for 2024 is an artist residency and the Collab4 HySust CCI which will be implemented by the Community in the Cyclades.

Mission and Objectives

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community is a non-for-profit company which aims to promote through its activities and members support sustainable ways of Arts & Culture about social, economic, environmental issues in Greece, Cyprus and Europe. We are establishing a community based cooperative approach of the Arts & Culture sector with other sectors in order to assist creators and cultural professionals bring up their impact on issues such as: Sustainability and Climate Change, Tourism and Cultural promotion, Societal vanuerability and Economic crisis by supporting their skills, expand their network and showcase best practices within the framework of enterpreuneurship and new technologies use.

Main Projects / Activities

Collab 4 HySust CCI: the organization will implement a cultural multi task project in the Cyclades islands during 2024 after mentorship from the EU and will do seminars, exhibition, documentary and public performances about soft food, water sustainability and climate change treatment for the local community and especially wine producers to assist them adopt research based new technologies in their production achieving sustainability in the use of water supplies. An artist residency of 5 artists involved three times a year of variable duration but maximum two months each at least where artists from different medias will cooperate with cultural developers and managers setting up a network about digital tools support and skills developement. A project development and exhibition is held at the end of every term for all residencies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community network stands in many countries of Europe and particularly at: Greece, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary and it is still developing. Therefore we are providing access to all professionals in Greece to this network of ours and possibilities for cooperation, exchange and development of common projects. Also, we intend to provide our personal know-how, best practices and experience organising seminars, workshops and residency activities to the local ALF country network of ours through the web or/and through physical existence. We are members also in other EU networks such as Culture Action Europe and we want to be able to bring more EU possibilities to the ALF country network we belong to.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part and use as many as possible advantages of the ALF network but also bring our long experience and provide it through ALF in the younger ages of cultural professionals. We want to be able and use the resources provided at ALF to expand the possibilities for production and network of ours furthermore and be able to have larger impact through the ALF organizational disemination of information. We believe in cooperation and join powers in culture and we follow ALF projects many years now as individual members and now that we created our own community and became larger we want to give back to the ALF Network in practice what we have gained from it before.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Taxiarchopoulos
Job Title
Founder & Director
Head of the organisation
Georgios Taxiarchopoulos

Mohammed F Qasem

National Network

1 Shmesani

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A board of directors from the private sector of tourism plus experts Partners are givermental and international donors and educational and training providers Donation and gevermental funding Ministries of tourism and education and labor

Mission and Objectives

sector skills council for tourism and hospitality in jordan aims to imprive the technical and voxational education for the tourism sector and bridge the gap between the tvet system and the labor market. Develop strategies and implement plans to engage youth in the technical and vocational education to.minimize unemployment and encourage youth to become skilled labor in the tourism sector and to lead on the private sector wether in small businesses or large ones.

Main Projects / Activities

Development of skills develipments strategy f9r the tourism sector 23 - 27 Development of occupational standards and curriculas in different specialized areas in tourism Development of the firsr employment platform for the tourism sector Partnering in over 10 projects with jnternational donors

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have well establ8shed network with the govermental and private sectors in jordan

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Serves many shared objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed f qasem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohammed qasem

L'Association du Sahara pour la Culture, l'Art et la Paix (ASCAP)

National Network

128 Avenue Marie Curie
Appartment D001
77600 Bussy-Saint-Georges

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

L'association Ascap a été créée en 2023, par 3 membres fondateurs , et son budget est entièrement géré par nos propres soins.

Mission and Objectives

Participer à la diffusion de la culture et des Arts du Sahara du monde arabe, via l’organisation de diverses activités et évènements.
Diffuser les valeurs de paix et de tolérance.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous souhaitons organiser un Festival du Sahara Bédouin

Un voyage au cœur du désert, en plein cœur de Bussy-Saint-Georges

Introduction :
L'Association du Sahara pour la Culture, l'Art et la Paix (ASCAP) sollicite une subvention de la Mairie de Bussy-Saint-Georges pour soutenir la tenue du Festival du Sahara Bédouin 2024. Ce festival vise à promouvoir la culture bédouine et les arts du Sahara, tout en favorisant les échanges culturels et le vivre-ensemble au sein de la communauté de Bussy-Saint-Georges.
Objectifs du Festival :

Célébrer la diversité saharienne bédouine :
Le Festival du Sahara Bédouin est une célébration de la richesse culturelle des régions sahariennes. Il vise à promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle entre les différentes communautés de Bussy-Saint-Georges, en mettant en valeur leurs traditions et leur patrimoine.
Favoriser l'accès à la culture saharienne bédouine:
Nous souhaitons rendre la culture bédouine accessible à tous. Le festival proposera une large gamme d'activités et d'événements culturels gratuits pour les résidents de Bussy-Saint-Georges, créant ainsi une expérience culturelle immersive pour les résidents de Bussy-Saint-Georges et de visiteurs de toute la région Île-de-France.
Renforcer le dialogue et les liens intracommunautaires :
Le Festival du Sahara Bédouin favorise le dialogue interculturel et la compréhension mutuelle au sein de la communauté de Bussy-Saint-Georges.

Déroulement du Festival :
Le Festival du Sahara Bédouin à Bussy-Saint-Georges se déroulera sur trois jours, dans un cadre pittoresque de notre ville, à une date à déterminer en fonction de l'agenda culturel de la mairie (on préfère en février 2024).
Jour 1 - Célébration d'ouverture :
Nous lancerons le festival avec une cérémonie d'ouverture mettant en vedette nos élus et nos artistes locaux. Cette journée se terminera par un spectacle musical poétique et dansant, en plein air, invitant la communauté à danser et à célébrer ensemble.
Jour 2 - Journée Culturelle :
La deuxième journée sera dédiée à la découverte de produits artisanaux du Fayoum, d'instruments de musique traditionnels, d'œuvres d'art et d'autres trésors culturels sahariens. En soirée, un spectacle musical poétique captivera le public, reflétant la richesse du patrimoine culturel bédouin.
Jour 3 - Journée d'Immersion :
La troisième journée du festival mettra en avant la musique et la danse traditionnelles des régions sahariennes, offrant également des ateliers de poterie inspirés du Sahara. Le soir, un spectacle de danse, de poésie et de musique clôturera le festival.
Analyse des Retombées :
Le Festival du Sahara Bédouin 2024 apportera d'importantes retombées culturelles et économiques à Bussy-Saint-Georges :
Culturelles :
Promotion de la culture bédouine et des arts du Sahara.
Favorisation du vivre-ensemble et de la compréhension interculturelle.
Offre d'une expérience culturelle enrichissante pour la communauté locale.
Économiques :
Augmentation du tourisme local, contribuant ainsi à la croissance économique de la ville.

Budget Prévisionnel :
Dépenses :
Rémunération des artistes et groupes de musique : 2 500 euros.
Hébergement des artistes : 500 euros.
Transport des artistes : 1 500 euros.
Achat de produits artisanaux : 2 500 euros.
Location de matériel et assurance : 4 500 euros.
Publicité et Promotion : 500 euros.
Frais Divers : 1 500 euros.
Frais de Fonctionnement et de déplacement pour les Organisateurs : 1 500 euros.
Total : 14 500 euros

Revenus :
Recettes de la Vente de Billets : 5 euros x 1500 visiteurs potentiel = 7500 euros
Recettes de la Vente des Produits Artisanaux : 5000 euros
Recettes de la Restauration : 5 e x 1500 = 7500 euros
Total : 20 000 euros

Conclusion :
Le Festival du Sahara Bédouin à Bussy-Saint-Georges incarne notre engagement à promouvoir la richesse culturelle des régions sahariennes et bédouines au sein de notre ville. Nous sommes convaincus que cet événement renforcera nos liens communautaires et favorise un sentiment d'appartenance à Bussy-Saint-Georges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En tant que président de l'Association du Sahara pour la Culture, l'Art et la Paix (ASCAP), je suis fermement engagé à contribuer activement au Réseau de la fondation Anna Lindh. Voici comment nous pouvons apporter notre contribution :

Promotion de la Culture Sahara Bédouine : En partageant nos connaissances et notre expertise sur la culture saharienne bédouine, nous contribuerons à élargir la compréhension et l'appréciation de cette riche tradition au sein de notre communauté et au-delà.

Participation à des Événements du Réseau : Nous serons actifs dans la participation aux événements organisés par le Réseau, contribuant ainsi à la diversité culturelle et artistique et facilitant des échanges fructueux entre les membres.

Organisation d'Événements Culturels : L'ASCAP s'engage à organiser des événements culturels, artistiques et éducatifs pour promouvoir la paix et la tolérance. Ces événements seront des espaces de dialogue interculturel.

Partenariats avec d'Autres Organisations : Nous chercherons activement des partenariats avec d'autres organisations partageant les mêmes valeurs pour renforcer notre impact et favoriser des initiatives conjointes.

Recherche et Documentation : En menant des recherches sur la culture saharienne et en documentant notre travail, nous contribuerons à l'enrichissement des ressources du Réseau.

Formation et Éducation : Nous envisageons d'organiser des ateliers, des sessions de formation et des programmes éducatifs pour sensibiliser et éduquer le public sur la culture saharienne.

En résumé, notre contribution s'étend au-delà de la simple participation. Nous cherchons à être des acteurs proactifs, partageant nos connaissances, créant des ponts culturels et contribuant à la vision globale du Réseau en faveur de la diversité culturelle et du dialogue interculturel méditérannéen.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh pour plusieurs raisons cruciales :

- Échange Culturel et Artistique : En faisant partie du réseau, nous aurons l'opportunité de participer à des échanges culturels et artistiques avec d'autres organisations. Cela favorisera une compréhension plus profonde des diversités culturelles dans la région.
- Renforcement des Initiatives de Paix : La Fondation Anna Lindh a une vision claire en faveur de la paix et du dialogue interculturel. En nous joignant au réseau, nous souhaitons contribuer activement à ces initiatives, en utilisant la culture et l'art comme des moyens puissants pour favoriser la paix.
- Collaborations et Partenariats : En tant que membre du réseau, nous pourrons explorer des opportunités de collaborations et de partenariats avec d'autres organisations partageant des objectifs similaires. Ces partenariats renforceront notre impact collectif.
- Accès aux Ressources et Expertise : Le réseau offre un accès à des ressources, des connaissances et une expertise qui peuvent enrichir nos propres initiatives culturelles et artistiques.
- Visibilité et Rayonnement : Faire partie d'un réseau aussi prestigieux que celui de la Fondation Anna Lindh accroît notre visibilité et notre rayonnement, ce qui peut être bénéfique pour la promotion de nos activités et objectifs.
- Participation à des Programmes : La Fondation Anna Lindh propose souvent des programmes et des événements auxquels nous aimerions participer pour élargir nos horizons et échanger avec d'autres acteurs culturels et artistiques.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nady Abdelsattar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nady Abdelsattar
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatma Gadhoumi
Job Title (2)
Membre fondateur