Open Online Course: Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends
A learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”
Mediterranean Day - Third Edition
Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.
In this section you will find publications, events, good practices, learning activities and resource people in relation to mobility, migration and intercultural cities in the EuroMed region.
A learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”
Barcelone, en ligne, le 27 novembre 2020 – Le 5eme Forum Régional de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) s’est tenu aujourd’hui sous le nom « 25 ans : construire une Médit
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the presence of European Catholic actors in the Ottoman empire dramatically increased, particularly in the Palestinian provinces. The city of Jerusalem and its surrounding hinterland, referred to here by its Arabic name, Jabal al-Quds...
Parce qu'elle est un des grands défis auxquels doit faire face la nouvelle génération, la lutte contre les changements climatiques constitue un terrain privilégié où les jeunes méditerranéens peuvent faire l'exercice de leur citoyenneté. Grâce au projet Jeunes Citoyens Méditerranéens...
Le 30 septembre, la FAL lance officiellement le Marathon Virtuel pour le Dialogue de la Fondation Anna Lindh dans la région EuroMed - Contribution de la FAL au 25ème anniversaire du Processus de Ba
This book focuses on issues that are relevant for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The depth and the extension of the current political crisis in the area have changed the perspectives of conventional Euro-Mediterranean integration policies. The book provides the grounds for...
Interviews with artists, curators and cultural managers in North Africa revealed a need for a platform that would foster collaboration between artistic practices and civil society organisations. In response to this need, the CeRCCa - Centre de Recerca I Creacio...