NACMM - The North Africa Cultural Mobility Map Online platform
Interviews with artists, curators and cultural managers in North Africa revealed a need for a platform that would foster collaboration between artistic practices and civil society organisations. In response to this need, the CeRCCa - Centre de Recerca I Creacio set out to produce The NACMM – North Africa Cultural Mobility Map - a research and info-platform about residency and mobility initiatives for artists, writers and researchers interested in travelling and developing projects from within North Africa. Furthermore, the aims included to support collaborative cultural projects by listing institutions that support artistic mobility within North Africa as well as research, funding and networking resources.
For the users the NACMM, provides the following information:
- A country by country database of A.I.Rs - Artist in Residency Programmes operating in the region.
- Video interviews to artists, curators, researchers and coordinators of A.I.Rs in North Africa.
- Information about networking and funding opportunities.
- A resources section with A.I.R networks and other useful websites.
- An archive with creative projects and relevant exhibitions made in or reflecting upon North Africa and the Arab World.