Evolving Cycles Non For Profit Organisation

National Network

N. Smyrnis 8, Lagonisi, Attica
190 10 Attica

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The “eco-conscious projects” of Evolving cycles, or else called ecotopias, are eco-cultural educational land-based participatory projects. They are designed with the principles of permaculture embracing regeneration, collective food self-sufficiency and energy autonomy as they care for the land, the people and share their resources fairly. They are governed by dynamic governance (such as sociocracy) and individuals communicate with empathy. They host cultural and artistic events with ecological content, conduct educational programs and act as beacons of collectivity, designing community experiences that embrace the local community. All the projects in Evolving Cycles follow processes of facilitation that give emphasis in the care of the group as an essential element of sustainability.

Evolving Cycles is currently expanding their network of people and projects. It currently has 3 projects: 3 sites (“hubs”) , Calme Garden (Attika), Kompostopia (Peloponesos) (https://kompostopia.gr/) and Community Lab (communitylab.gr) each centered around efforts to integrate, engage and regenerate their local community . The hubs are land-based projects and serve as demonstration and hosting places for the events of Evolving Cycles. The organization serves as the network/base and legal framework of these projects. The three projects collaborate under the vision and mission of the Evolving Cycles while working though and independently from each other. Each project is led by leading permaculturists in Greece: Kostas Keremels in Calme Garden, Tina (Kompostina) in Kompostopia and Christos Karystinos in Community Lab. This makes Evolving Cycles an experienced organization and an example of cooperation in the permaculture field in Greece (Social Permaculture).

The organization consists of 6 departments (Ecology circle, Educational circle, Cultural Circle, Funding Circle, Ecotopias circle, Communication circle) which represent the fields of work and focus of it.

Main people involved in Erasmus+ Projects are:
Christos Karystinos is an educator, facilitator and permaculture designer particularly interested in community living .He has worked as Appropriate Technology Coordinator of the AT department in Sunseed Desert Technology, a 30-years old educational center and community for sustainability. He has graduated from National Technical University of Athens from the department of Electrical Engineering and holds a master in Renewables Energies. He is trained as a Permaculture Teacher and especially in Social Permaculture Training by Alfred Decker. He has lived and visited ecovillages around the world (Los Portales, Tamera, Lakabe, Auroville) and practiced gardening at various permaculture sites around Europe (Ireland, Spain, Greece). He has participated as a participant, as a youth leader and as a trainer in more than 20 Erasmus + projects since 2012. He will be coordinating all programs that involve sustainability and Erasmus +. His personal project is communitylab.gr . He has more than 500 teaching hours in Permaculture Design courses around Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision is: “Collaborative communities of abundance, where ecology meets economy” and our mission is: “Serving eco-conscious projects and a culture which evolves in harmony with nature”.

We support and work towards the transition of the current unsustainable system (financial, social, environmental) to a regenerative one by implementing the solutions we would like to see in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

1/ organizing, coordinating various social projects and delivering formal and non-formal training on topics of permaculture design (design system to cover our needs whilst regenerating people and the earth); compassionate communication (expressing our feelings responsibly); participatory leadership (co-creation); agile learning (flexible participation);sociocracy (collective decision making) and social solidarity economy practices.

2/ creating experimental programs within high schools and the youth in general. Thanks to the appeal of their implementation among the students, we have received requests for further similar programs as well as significant interest from beneficiaries to experience life on a permaculture project.

3/Calme Garden, which is the main hub of Evolving Cycles, is a demonstration site, has served, through educational events and activities such as agroforestry, nutrition, social sciences, art crafts, wellness programs, music and theatrical workshops, more than 500 people including individuals/groups, families, institutions and companies for the last 4 years and has integrated in its processes more than 150 volunteers from more than 35 countries.

In addition to:

Evolving Cycles has hosted young volunteers from around the world through the platform (WOOF) for the past 6 years and has offered permaculture education and hands-on work to at least 100 volunteers until now. Moreover, it is collaborating with high schools of the area for day-school visits. Evolving Cycles hosted ESC volunteers for the first time in 2022. The activities of each hub target mainly young people who are passionate about ecology and about the environment. Through fun, games and participation the young people understand and incorporate in their lives the values of permaculture, compassionate communication and sociocracy.

Since Kompostopia was established in 2016, it has hosted open days, community building events, seminars and activities for over 500 people. Our customers are individuals and families from our local region and the network that was established by Tina in her previous years of teaching permaculture (especially permaculture students). It has also hosted over 500 visitors and international volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the collaborative web which will enhance our existence as a global community, by sharing our practices and learning from each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We got the opportunity to learn about ALF Network through our collaborators from Lebanon to be capable to expand our mission and collaborate further with euro-mediterranean partners and individuals. Having this chance to join your esteemed network will also open doorways to intercultural dialogues with individuals as much as with organizations who are working for the same purposes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christos Karystinos
Job Title
Fundings circle facilitator
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Keremeles

Étudiant en droit international public en langue française

National Network

Driba derb karmouda N15
50030 Meknes

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information

Je m'appelle boujaddaine Abdelouahab.. Je suis intéressé de participer toujours dans les actions et les activités concernant... La démocratie et droit de l'homme dans la méditerranée

Mission and Objectives

Être un acteur mobile.. Dans des animations. Sur les thèmes droit de l'homme.. Et démocratie..

Main Projects / Activities

Je suis étudiant deja obtenu mon Master en droit international public en langue française j'ai l'intention de faire une thèse de doctorat sur un thème sur la méditerranée la démocratie dans zone méditerranée comme l'ouvrier de construction de l'union pour la méditerranée... '... Le but c'est dencourager les jeunes de la méditerranée d' avoir la culture démocratique qui est base de construction des valeurs démocratiques..dans cette zone.. Tant que il y'a des theses qui s'occupe de la démocratie etdroit humain dans cette avec le temps on arrivera à l'intégration de la méditerranée comme carrefour de civilisation comme il a été avant

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La diffusion des valeurs démocratiques.. C'est à dire accepter l'autre.. Cela par la voie d'animation des debats au niveau local.. Dans des associations civiles qui sont la base de la démocratie parcipative...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je suis intéressé car ce réseau. Je le trouve..dedans mes principes..

Contact (1) Full Name
Boujaddaine Abdelouahab
Job Title
Étudiant master en droit international public
Head of the organisation

Association Al Intilaka Pour Le Developpement, L'Environnement Et La Culture - Afourer (AIDECA)

National Network

Centre de renforcement des capacités des jeunes Afourer
22050 Afourer

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information

AIDECA, established on December 22, 1996, and based in Afourer and Béni Mellal, Morocco, operates throughout the Béni Mellal Khénifra region. The organization has accumulated extensive experience in the field of development by implementing various activities and projects focused on human development. Its scope of action includes areas such as socio-cultural animation, support for vulnerable populations, human rights advocacy, promotion of entrepreneurship and employability among youth and women, as well as strengthening local community organizations. This diversity of approaches and tools enables AIDECA to target different segments of society and collaborate with various stakeholders. As a result, it has developed its unique identity rooted in universal human rights values, while considering the specific characteristics of the Béni Mellal Khénifra region. AIDECA has a diverse range of donors and partnerships.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: We are committed to fostering local development in the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region through community engagement and empowering local actors with enhanced skills and capabilities. Objectives AIDECA aims to: Adhere to social dynamics aimed to promote the emergence of the values of citizenship and human rights; Contribute to sustainable and integrated development guaranteeing access to economic, social, cultural and environmental rights; Support the local and regional CSOs, strengthen their capacities and consolidate their participation in local development; Strengthen the socio-economic and political empowerment of women and young people; Support efforts to protect and promote children's rights.

Main Projects / Activities

FORSA: Opportunity for the socio-economic and cultural integration of youth and women (2019-2024) The FORSA project (Opportunity in Arabic), funded by Manos Unidas, a Spanish NGO, is an ambitious initiative which aims to strengthen the socio-economic and cultural inclusion of vulnerable and socially excluded youth in the Béni Mellal Khenifra region, by providing over 60 youth with training and support for their personal project. FORSA helps the youth in the design and implementation of community activities, in addition to providing the technical and financial support of youth self-employment through the establishment of 15 income-generating and employment activities (AGRs). Youth Initiatives for Tolerance (2017 - 2018) The project, which was funded by Creative Associates International, aims to prevent violent extremism by contributing to the promotion of civic behavior and tolerance values among youth in Béni Mellal Khenifra region, through artistic and cultural activities and self-development camps. In order to strengthen the role of 24 youth as citizens, the project provided a 7-day camp and support sessions that enabled them to design and implement community activities and to mobilize their peers to participate and engage with the activities. Children's right to name, identity, and nationality (2018) Co-funded by The Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights that aspire to create a multidimensional public debate on the right of children to a name, a nationality and an identity. And through a capacity building and support mechanism, the social workers in the regional child protection unit along with 10 CSOs were able to launch an awareness campaign on the right of children to a name, nationality, and identity at over 20 primary schools and marginal districts in Beni Mellal and Azilal regions. I am a migrant (2017-2020) “I am Migrant” project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation, launched by Progetto Mondo Mlal (PMM) in partnership with AIDECA and CEFA aims to contribute to the reduction of social, cultural and economic exclusion of groups of migrants involved in the departure and arrival stages, transit and return and communities of residents in Morocco. AIDECA is in charge of engaging over 100 teachers and socio-educational operators to be part of the project and develop an educational guide and extracurricular educational activities for the prevention of radicalism to be implemented at schools. AIDECA provided technical support and accompaniment for 10 CSOs to implement small projects, using a subgrant system, to prevent youth radicalization. Radicalise, no Thanks (2016-2018) The project, which was co-funded by the European Union, in partnership with PMM, AIDECA, and CEFA and aims to qualify the human capital of educational, institutional and civil society organizations, by promoting innovative services for the prevention of radicalization and support for the de-radicalization of young people, in Beni Mellal Khenifra region and the provinces of Rabat and Salé. AIDECA worked on mobilizing over 100 social and educative operators to implement a built-in guide to promote tolerance values for over 2000 students across several schools in the region. Using subgrants, AIDECA mentored 20 local CSOs to carry out micro-projects to prevent youth radicalization, which enabled them to strengthen their capacity in terms of project management and mentoring. Doing so, it helped the CSOs to carry out their future projects with other partners and empower youth and women in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra region. Themis: Collective for women's justice (2016-2018) AIDECA, along with CEFA, was carrying out Themis project that aimed to facilitate and guarantee women’s access to justice. It was Co-funded by the European Commission and the Emilia-Romagna Region. Several training sessions have been organized for the benefit of over 50 local associations on protection and women’s access to justice issues. 30 of these associations have decided to form an organization named Collectif Civil pour la Défense des Droits des Femmes, to be able to independently carry out information and awareness activities. AIDECA, with its extended experience in building and supporting CSOs and local actors, implemented a capacity building and support program for the collective to organize raising awareness actions in several schools and spark regional debate with institutions and CSOs on women access to justice, and advocacy activities towards the institutions, for making the necessary procedures for taking legal actions in cases of violence more accessible to women. The project was able to launch debate platforms with local institutions: National Aid and CRDH and produce a procedures guide and partnership with AREF. EDUCARES (2016 - 2017) AIDECA, the local partner, organized regional training workshops to promote self-employment and social entrepreneurship for over 35 youth and women. in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra, the project was able to provide financial and technical assistance to more than 10 social entrepreneurs and launch 2 startups, cooperatives, in the fields of Preschool and Basic Social Services that are actively operating in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our contribution to the Network in Morocco will be multifaceted. Firstly, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise in socio-economic inclusion of youth women and PWD. Our track record of successful projects and initiatives demonstrates our dedication to fostering dialogue between cultures and promoting the values espoused by the Anna Lindh Foundation. Secondly, our extensive network within the CSOs in BMK region and Morocco positions us as a valuable collaborator for ALF network. We have established partnerships with numerous organizations working in diverse fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Showcasing Our Projects: Highlighting the outcomes and lessons learned from our relevant projects. - Strengthening the ALF Network: Actively participating in ALF Network activities, discussions, and initiatives. - Exploring and Forming Partnerships with ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Chaima Salmi


National Network

Kåksintie 2
67400 Kokkola

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

VEFI aims to foster environmentally friendly, sustainable living while meeting with people who think alike. Making personal connections that cross mountain chains or extensive seas just as well as borders and language barriers. In our projects you can live your sustainable dream: travel through Europe, meet new people who are also passionate about the environment and work with locals for their small businesses. ​ And even if you can’t spare the time to travel at the moment, we have just the right thing for you and your commitment to sustainability. Listen to our podcast or check out our blog and hear of very relatable struggles, lows and highs of environmentally living and all the good vegan recipes we share! Too passive? Then actively take part in making VEFI even better!

Mission and Objectives

The association aims to give young people across Europe the opportunity to travel abroad in an environmentally friendly way and to promote an active, sustainable and vegan lifestyle through its projects. The association is built upon the conviction that man-made Climate Change exists and that every individual person can take part in mitigating its effects, as well as adapting to a world in which Climate Change plays a decisive role. Even more so, VEFI aims to actively work towards a more sustainable living in the now as well as the future, as well as, promoting this notion to its members and others. The association is independent, especially in matters of finance, religion or political ideologies. VEFI aims to be an open and safe space and works on dismantling discrimination on the grounds of class, disability, gender, race, religious confession or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

.To achieve its aims, the Association: may organise courses, training and educational events and other similar activities can organise competitions, shows, excursions, camps and other events can host parties, concerts, exhibitions or other events may maintain the association's electronic communication channels publishes the association's newltters and other communications through various communication channels advises and guides its members can collect and disseminate information and carry out research brings members together for joint activities and maintains links with other associations in the sector may organise trips for its members related to the purpose of the association may contribute to the direct competition costs of its members can acquire the necessary materials and equipment for the association's use can make proposals and take initatives to increase opportunities for leisure activities may submit proposals, initiatives and studies and give opinions to other bodies and authorities cooperates with public authorities, organisations, businesses and individuals works internationall on projects in different European countries. To support its activities, the association may, after obtaining the permission of the relevant authority, if necessary: organise paid events accept grants, donations and bequests carry out voluntary work sign sponsorship agreements

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to get closer with partners. Be united and involved for the future European youth work

Contact (1) Full Name
David Carlsson
Head of the organisation
David Carlsson
Contact (2) Full Name
Marian Kubanda

Museum Lab

National Network

2 bis rue Hannibal,
2025 Carthage

Telephone (other)
00216 27606203
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Museum Lab est une association de valorisation et de médiation du patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel tunisien, qui à travers de la formation, des événements, la création de projets touristiques de qualité et de proximité, des produits artisanaux et la réhabilitation d'espaces patrimoniaux, oeuvre à l'insertion des jeunes en difficulté d'emploi dans les régions dans lesquelles elle s'implante. L'utilisation des technologies numériques sert le patrimoine dans sa vocation ludique et pédagogique de démocratisation culturelle.

Son équipe comprend 4 personnes à temps plein et une dizaine de collaborateurs extérieurs selon les projets.

Elle met en oeuvre depuis avril 2021 et jusqu'en mars 2024 (3 ans), un programme de valorisation du centre historique du Kef, dans le nord-ouest, avec le soutien principal de la Fondation Drosos et d'autres partenaires (UE, GIZ, Instituts étrangers,...) grâce à un budget de 600K TND annuels.

Les partenaires associés aux projets ont été:
International: l'ambassade d'Autriche, l'Institut Français de Tunisie, le Goethe Institut, le programme Tounes Wijhetouna (UE), le programme Tfanen (UE), le programme Maghroum'In (UE), Creative Tunisie (ONUDI), la GIZ (Tourisme alternatif), Leaders International, le FCIL (Ambassade du Canada)...

Tunisie: Municipalité du Kef, Université des Humanités appliqués du Kef, Centre des Arts Dramatiques et Scéniques du Kef, Institut National du Patrimoine, Agence Nationale de Valorisation du Patrimoine et de la Promotion Culturelle

Mission and Objectives

Dans la continuité des premières actions menées au Kef, Museum Lab a identifié l'objectif global du programme de 3 ans pour la région du Nord-Ouest en Tunisie : contribuer à faire du secteur du patrimoine une source de croissance économique inclusive et de développement durable.

Pour atteindre cet objectif primordial, le programme de Museum Lab au Kef a quatre objectifs spécifiques :
Objectif spécifique 1 : Intégration économique de 40 jeunes à la recherche d’emploi à travers des projets patrimoniaux.
Objectif spécifique 2 : Renforcement structurel de Museum Lab.
Objectif spécifique 3 : Création et mise en œuvre d'un modèle durable et inclusif d'exploitation et de mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel tunisien.
Museum Lab – résumé du Projet de valorisation patrimoniale du Kef - Tunisie
Objectif spécifique 4 : Prise en compte du modèle de Museum Lab par les institutions publiques.

Avec cinq axes d’actions principales :
➢L’analyse et le choix des priorités en termes de mise en valeur de sites patrimoniaux à travers des projets innovants et de co-création (circuits de visite ; médiation humaine, numérique, artistique... ; démocratisation de l’accès à la culture)
➢L’expérimentation d’activités sources de revenus autour et dans les sites (évènements, restauration, collection de produits dérivés et de souvenirs, concession de monuments via un partenariat public-privé...)
➢ L’intégration de ces projets dans le tissu économique, social, éducatif et touristique de la région concernée (synergie multi-acteurs et multi-sectorielle ; création d’un label).
➢ La formation de jeunes pour leur insertion professionnelle dans la région et l’accompagnement de jeunes porteurs de projet en lien avec la mise en valeur et l’exploitation du patrimoine.
➢ Le plaidoyer auprès des institutions publiques en faveur d’un partenariat public-privé (PPP) dynamique, encore à ses début en Tunisie, pour transformer le patrimoine en vecteur de développement économique réellement générateur de ressources.

Main Projects / Activities

Elle a réalisé à ce jour en co-création avec 23 bénéficiaires et 22 jeunes médiateurs au Kef:
- 1 formation "Patrimoni" et un accompagnement de projets (2 promotions)
- 8 circuits culturels et naturels
- 9 gammes de produits artisanaux
- 1 gamme de produits dérivés
- 1 marché local
- 1 exposition sur l'histoire de la ville du Kef
- Dar El Khobz, la maison du Pain, boulangerie traditionnelle
- La ré-ouverture après le restauration légère et la réhabilitation de trois espaces (mausolée Sidi Bouloufa, Sidi Mlaihi, et espace dans le Grand fort de la Kasbah)
- 1 événement Kif el Kef (2ème édition les 13, 14 et 15 octobre 2023)La formation et l’insertion de jeunes du Kef :

A venir:
- projet La Smala du Kef (avec la Cie Accrorap et l'Institut français du Kef): résidence de sensibilisation et de création par la danse pour la valorisation du patrimoine du Kef
- projet Les passeurs d'Histoires: circuit culturel dans el nord-ouest tunisien
- projet de Groupement d'intérêt économique Dar El Khobz
- projet de tourisme alternatif dans tout le nord-ouest tunisien

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons communiquer à ce sujet via nos canaux et nos événements multiples.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Museum Lab souhaite participer à l'action commune menée par les acteurs fédérés dans le réseau FAL qui oeuvre pour le rapprochement des cultures en Méditerranée, plus que jamais nécessaire de nos jours et avoir accès aux opportunités de projets et de fonds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Museum Lab
Job Title
Chargée de développement
Head of the organisation
Hatem Drissi

Resilient Communities

National Network

3 Av Sidi Moussa Doukkali, Appt. 2
11100 Sala Al Jadida

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Resilient Communities is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and Moroccan Association focused on sustainable development. We have four permanent staff and work seasonally with a team of contractors and interns. Fundraising, outreach, and management fees fund RC's projects in the following areas: training and development, collaborative projects, and community engagement. Our main partners include CorpsAfrica, the University of Cincinnati, and numerous local associations in the West and North Africa.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide sustainable solutions for communities that lack basic services. We want these communities to be self-sufficient through education, awareness campaigns, trainings, programs, and projects that help them gain skills while strengthening their communities from within. Our vision is to implement sustainable community engagement projects, programs, and technology in small communities that are rapidly growing beyond their means. We aim to inspire residents, especially the youth, on how instrumental they are to leading change in their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

RC's current projects include leading an internship program of 3-10 interns from Morocco, the US, Nigeria, and Ghana in collaborative projects. Interns are trained in research skills, workshop design and facilitation, grant-writing, and project management. Projects that are currently being managed by RC or on which we serve as consultants to projects managed by local associations include (1) conducting well water analysis and finding solutions to improve health in Foum Tlit, (2) building a prototype home-build in Asgaour that was impacted by the earthquake, and (3) gathering needs assessment data throughout the Ourika Valley with our M&E app to create master plans for sustainable disaster recovery with the University of Cincinnati and local Moroccan governments.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The missions of RC and ALF intersect in several key areas: we empower youth in underprivileged communities to create change – social and, as a result, political. Our diverse group of interns connect those youth to the world at large and provide external growth opportunities for an internal approach to sustainability. Such educated, empowered, and connected youth do not turn toward extremist views in order to validate their places in the world, and they instead turn toward self-expression within their communities and personal, economical, and social development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the short-term, we are seeking to join ALF specifically to partner with other ALF organizations, StraitUp Tarifa and Global Societies. This will be for a project in which Resilient Communities leads a workshop series for other associations on how to replicate our internship program. RC has (if I may not-so-humbly say) an excellent internship program that can and should be replicated by other associations on both sides of the Mediterranean. In the long-term, we at RC would love to partner with ALF and other ALF organizations on other projects, and we will look to implement some of the ALF resources on gender and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicholas G. Rees
Job Title
Director of Training and Development
Head of the organisation
R. Eastman Johnson
Contact (2) Full Name
R. Eastman Johnson
Job Title (2)

Resilient Communities

National Network

11 Avenue Sidi Boukhari
20079 Tangier

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Resilient Communities is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and Moroccan Association focused on sustainable development. We have four permanent staff and work seasonally with a team of contractors and interns. Fundraising, outreach, and management fees fund RC's projects in the following areas: training and development, collaborative projects, and community engagement. Our main partners include CorpsAfrica, the University of Cincinnati, and numerous local associations in the West and North Africa.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide sustainable solutions for communities that lack basic services. We want these communities to be self-sufficient through education, awareness campaigns, trainings, programs, and projects that help them gain skills while strengthening their communities from within. Our vision is to implement sustainable community engagement projects, programs, and technology in small communities that are rapidly growing beyond their means. We aim to inspire residents, especially the youth, on how instrumental they are to leading change in their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

RC's current projects include leading an internship program of 3-10 interns from Morocco, the US, Nigeria, and Ghana in collaborative projects. Interns are trained in research skills, workshop design and facilitation, grant-writing, and project management. Projects that are currently being managed by RC or on which we serve as consultants to projects managed by local associations include (1) conducting well water analysis and finding solutions to improve health in Foum Tlit, (2) building a prototype home-build in Asgaour that was impacted by the earthquake, and (3) gathering needs assessment data throughout the Ourika Valley with our M&E app to create master plans for sustainable disaster recovery with the University of Cincinnati and local Moroccan governments.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The missions of RC and ALF intersect in several key areas: we empower youth in underprivileged communities to create change – social and, as a result, political. Our diverse group of interns connect those youth to the world at large and provide external growth opportunities for an internal approach to sustainability. Such educated, empowered, and connected youth do not turn toward extremist views in order to validate their places in the world, and they instead turn toward self-expression within their communities and personal, economical, and social development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the short-term, we are seeking to join ALF specifically to partner with other ALF organizations, StraitUp Tarifa and Global Societies. This will be for a project in which Resilient Communities leads a workshop series for other associations on how to replicate our internship program. RC has (if I may not-so-humbly say) an excellent internship program that can and should be replicated by other associations on both sides of the Mediterranean. In the long-term, we at RC would love to partner with ALF and other ALF organizations on other projects, and we will look to implement some of the ALF resources on gender and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicholas G. Rees
Job Title
Director of Training and Development
Head of the organisation
R. Eastman Johnson
Contact (2) Full Name
R. Eastman Johnson
Job Title (2)

فيدرالية جمعيات المجتمع المدني باشتوكة أيت باها

National Network

رقم 37 تجزئة الأنوار بيوكرى
87200 اشتوكة أيت باها

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

هي منظمة تطوعية غير حكومية وغير ربحية، تعتمد على انخراطات الأعضاء وبعض المنح. كما أنها تنظيم برامج ونشاطات متنوعة. بحيث لها شركاء في القطاع العام

Mission and Objectives

مهمتها التنمية المجتمعية وتهدف إلى خدمة الأفراد والمجتمع

Main Projects / Activities

برامج محو الأمية التكوين التوعية التحسيس التنشيط

Contact (1) Full Name
ابراهيم بنفراج
Job Title
Head of the organisation
ابراهيم بنفراج


National Network

Piazza San Paolo All'Orto
56127 pisa PI

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Giovani People cultural club is a non-profit association committed to the diffusion and promotion of culture. The main staff is made up of around twenty people who are primarily responsible for organizing Universo Corto International Short Film Festival. The annual spending budget is approximately 30,000 euros to which is added the commitment made free of charge by the members. Over time the club has had the patronage of numerous Italian public universities, and local authorities such as the Municipality of Pisa, Tuscania, Portoferraio, the Tuscany Region etc. In 2020 Universo Corto received the medal from the President of the Italian Republic

Mission and Objectives

Diffusion of culture and promotion of social rights. Particular interest in the world of arts and cinema, especially of social inspiration.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of the Young People Cultural Club
The Young People Cultural Club was founded in Pisa in 2004. It has the legal form of an association
not recognized non-profit, with headquarters in Pisa, at Piazza San Paolo all'Orto, n.15. The
President of the Young People Club is the Arch. Maria Elena Bianchi Bandinelli Paparoni.
Over time, the Club has organized a series of events in the city of Pisa, in the Region
Tuscany, and Lazio, among which some are listed by way of example:
1) EMUS solo exhibition, at Royal Victoria Hotel Pisa.
2) Burraco tournament with collection of sums in favor of Orthopedics Onlus directed by
Professor Alessandro Faldini. Pisa.
3) Personal exhibition by Paolo Catola, at La Limonaia Pisa.
4) 3 meetings with Franco Battiato in support of the Tuscan regional law proposal on cinema,
Cineclub Arsenale Pisa - cinema Kino Dessè Gragnani Livorno.
5) Personal exhibition by Ernesto Morales, at Palazzo di Fiumi e Fossi in Pisa
6) Personal exhibition by Umberto Tani, at La Limonaia, Pisa.
7) Request to name the city street after Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli with presentation
public and memory of Professor Bianchi Bandinelli by Prof. Salvatore Settis,
Municipality of Pisa - Balearic Hall Municipality of Pisa.
8) In 2010 Brigitte Bardot photographic exhibition in collaboration with the Municipality of Saint-Tropez
(Elba Island - Linguella Park).
9) the Young People cultural club obtained co-financing from the Municipality of Pisa in
for the creation of a video-portrait of the Pisan cartoonist GIPI.
10) 2015 organization Universoshort (Elba Island, Marciana Marina); in 2017 (Pisa - Plaster Cast Gallery of Ancient Art of the University of Pisa);
11) Photographic exhibition of cinema shots by Mario Dondero (2019 Tuscania; 2017 Pisa).
12) Photographic exhibition Marco Bani (2019 Tuscania).
13) Universi Corti publication (seven volumes), Ets, Pisa.
14) 2019, organization of Universoshort XIII edition, Tuscania (VT), Parco Torre
of Lavello, final phase 22-25 July 2020.
15) 2020, organization of the 14th edition of Universo Corto in Tuscania. Photo exhibition Marianne Catzaras.
16) 2021, organization of the 15th edition of Universo Corto in Tuscania.
17) 2022, organization of the XVI edition of Universo Corto in Tuscania and Universo Corto Sakura Prize in Pisa.
18) 2023, organization of the XVII edition of Universoshort in Pisa.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution to the network that Giovani People can make in Italy mainly concerns the visibility and knowledge of the foundation to the public. the club can organize moments of discussion dedicated to the foundation within its initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because the aims of the foundation are congruent and useful to the mission of the young people cultural club

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Monceri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Elena Bianchi Bandinelli Paparoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Biondi
Job Title (2)

ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies/Aqaba University of technology

National Network

Amman-Gardenz-Wasfi al tal street

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies

The Red Sea region has a rich historical, cultural and natural heritage, where the continent of Asia meets Africa along its coasts extending from the Gulf of Aqaba in the north to Bab el-Mandab strait in the south. Various civilizations and nations met throughout the ages and times in that spot. The red sea region is rich in unique natural and human resources. Aqaba University of Technology (AUT) is the first private university established in southern Jordan, and it has an ambitious vision to be distinguished, attractive and the preferred choice for students from Jordan and the region. The university is located just fifteen kilometers south of the
city of Aqaba on the hills overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba and on a piece of land extending over 500 acres. The establishment of the academic chair comes from the mission of AUT to be a beacon of science and culture in the region. The chair is affiliated with the Scientific Network of ALECSO academic chairs.

The ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies aims to promote science advocacy, build partnerships and to exchange expertise at the local, regional and international level in several topics such as:
History and heritage of the Red Sea.
Fostering Innovation and entrepreneurship in the Red Sea region.
Contributing to sustainable development.
Projects related to pharmaceutical natural products extracted from the
flora and fauna of the Red Sea.
Projects and initiatives related to medicine and food security in the red
sea region.
Projects and initiatives related to the fields of environment, natural resources, renewable energy and water in the Red Sea region.
Developing initiatives in the field of Smart Solutions.

Our Vision:
A leading distinguished academic chair at the local, regional and international level supporting research and innovation in the red sea region to achieve sustainable development and to promote knowledge economy.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Introducing the capabilities of the Red Sea region, supporting research, innovation and entrepreneurship, linking researchers, establishing partnerships and conducting capacity building activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies aims to promote science advocacy, build partnerships and to exchange expertise at the local, regional and international level in several topics such as:
History and heritage of the Red Sea.
Fostering Innovation and entrepreneurship in the Red Sea region.
Contributing to sustainable development.
Projects related to pharmaceutical natural products extracted from the
flora and fauna of the Red Sea.
Projects and initiatives related to medicine and food security in the red
sea region.
Projects and initiatives related to the fields of environment, natural resources, renewable energy and water in the Red Sea region.
Developing initiatives in the field of Smart Solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadine Abdelhadi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Usama Madi