Copenhagen Youth Network

National Network

Baltorpvej 114 2mf , Ballerup, Denmark
2750 Ballerup

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information

CYN has 9 staff members in total. Amongst those are Halmat Faraidon Managing director, co- founder and a part of CYN since 2012. Marc Wacker, Special Adviser regarding organizational development and, co- founder and a part of CYN since 2012. Mette Seier Helms, Trainer and Advisor, a part of CYN since 2016. Hana Faridoon Kousted, Project Coordinator, a part of CYN since 2014

Since 2012, CYN has been a part of more than 100 national and international projects with budget from 5.000€ - 250.000 €. Annually the organisation's budgetary resources are up to 100,000 euro.

CYN is currently involved in projects funded by:
Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges and Training Courses
Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnerships and Strategic Partnerships
Erasmus+ Sport
Copenhagen Municipality (Department of Integration and Recreation)
The National Board of Social Service of Denmark

Mission and Objectives

Our services cover areas related to climate preservation, gender equality, mental health, and well-being. Additionally, we strive to create and promote inclusive environments that result in innovative and inspiring organizations. We provid services that strengthen individuals’ and organizations’ abilities to withstand difficulties. Our services include research, facilitation, project management, and training with the goal of fostering more active citizenship and a more sustainable future for our target group and the planet.

CYN is committed to implementing sustainable business practices in order to reduce operational risks, enable innovative business opportunities, and contribute to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Building peaceful societies that encourages equality is crucial for sustainable development. In situations where conflicts occur, it is essential to implement social protection programs that address the needs and rights of vulnerable groups and populations. Progressing towards gender equality by empowering women and girls can play a vital role in the economic growth of nations.

CYN prioritizes the social inclusion of refugees and migrants and socially disadvantaged population groups in general. Our projects aim to strengthen communities by developing their soft skills, improving their self-image, developing their leadership skills, fostering their mental health, and supporting them throughout their educational and employment journeys. We strive to support and empower individuals in achieving their full potential, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

Ensuring fair opportunities for individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and foundations is a critical aspect of our work. Our colleagues, including those with degrees in international law and human rights, as well as our network of external consultants and research analysts, have vast experience throughout the whole spectrum of the human rights-based approach to development. We offer various services to advance human rights and equality, including:

1. Implementing international human rights and international humanitarian law mechanisms: This involves integrating human rights and humanitarian law principles into the policies, procedures, and practices of CYN, as well as monitoring and evaluating the impact of our work on human rights and humanitarian law. CYN also advocate for the promotion and protection of human rights and humanitarian law at the national and international levels, and engage in partnerships and collaborations with other actors to further these goals.

2. Advocacy for youth and adult with migrant and refugees background: CYN is a member of the first-ever European self-representative structure for organisations led by people with migrant background. The organisation engages in advocacy efforts aimed at addressing the unique challenges faced by migrants and refugees, such as discrimination, lack of access to education, healthcare, and social services, and precarious living conditions. CYN further engages in community mobilization and awareness-raising activities aimed at reducing stigma and discrimination towards migrants and refugees. Overall, the organisation aims to ensure that refugee and migrant individuals are able to access the support and resources they need to live with dignity, safety, and security in their new communities.

3. Providing social protection to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups: CYN works to build the capacity of local communities and governments to provide social protection services and to address the root causes of poverty and exclusion. This involves providing training, technical assistance, and resources to local organizations and community groups, as well as engaging in partnerships and collaborations with relevant stakeholders.

4. Gender equality and women’s empowerment: CYN provides education and awareness-raising programs that address gender-based discrimination and violence, promote gender equality, and provide women with the skills and knowledge to participate fully in society. These programs address gender stereotypes, harmful practices, and norms that limit women’s opportunities and choices. As a result, CYN offers empowerment programs that aim to increase women’s economic opportunities, political participation, and leadership roles.
Our work in these areas is essential to promoting sustainable development and building peaceful societies that respect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Main Projects / Activities

Copenhagen Youth Network (CYN) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012 with experience in working with marginalized inner-city children and youths/young students in Copenhagen with different ethnic backgrounds and social/ economic resources. Through intercultural events focusing on recreational activities the aim is to promote inclusion, improve the life quality, friendships and self-respect/- awareness. The events have been implemented through a constructive partnership with the Municipality of Copenhagen (Department of Integration & Recreation). Since the summer 2015 CYN has also coordinated, hosted and implemented numerous EU "Erasmus+ projects with participation of young people 18-30 years of age from countries across Europe and outside in a cross-cultural meeting, dialogue, and common exploration of relevant societal issues. As partner we have been involved in more than 30 Erasmus+ projects abroad since 2016 and as well joined Salto Youth courses in countries abroad. It is CYN's mission to unite young people across the European landscape (and eventually the rest of the world) for mobility seminars and explorative workshops concerning relevant and common societal issues. Our aim is to foster solidarity, intercultural awareness, and educational, job related and personal competencies for youths in and around Europe. By bringing together young resourceful individuals we wish to share knowledge, establish networks and improve trans European relations with specific focus on communication and teamwork. Ultimately in order to strengthen European unity and identity and promote social inclusion and intercultural awareness and competencies.

The organisation provides trainings on the following subjects:

Media literacy and critical thinking
Prevention of Violent Extremism
Human rights
Intercultural communication
Mental health and physical health
Cultural festivals
Social gatherings (with Board-/Social-Games, teambuilding’s)

Contact (1) Full Name
Halmat Faraidon
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Halmat Faraidon
Contact (2) Full Name
Yoana Barakova
Job Title (2)
Research Analyst

Free Movement Skateboarding

National Network

Feidippidou 25A
15344 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are a small organisation consisting of four employees and dedicated volunteer instructors. Our annual budget is approximately 70k euros, made possible through various funding, including from key partners like THE SKATEROOM and Choose Love. Our mission revolved around using skateboarding as a powerful tool for positive change for youth. Our trusty van houses our mobile skatepark, carrying essential equipment to deliver free, accessible and inclusive skateboarding sessions throughout the Athens municipality. These sessions are open to all Athenian youth, but we prioritise underserved neighbourhoods with diverse communities. We aim to provide opportunities for youth to build skills, foster community and break down barriers. We believe skateboarding can empower and unite, creating lasting impact.

Mission and Objectives

Through skateboarding, Free Movement Skateboarding (FMS) supports the wellbeing, empowerment and social cohesion of youth in Athens, Greece. Together, on and off the board, we push for a welcoming and diverse Athenian skate scene and society.
FMS skateboarding sessions go beyond learning to skate and strive towards our three core values - wellbeing, empowerment and social cohesion - achieved through our skateboarding session delivery and wider youth development programming for socially excluded communities in Athens. With our mobile skatepark, we provide skateboarding in underserved communities by offering free of charge equipment and guidance, youth work discussions and an inclusive, welcoming and safe environment. We use a trauma informed approach to promote wellbeing through a yoga based warm up, whilst also encouraging youth to take a mindful approach to their skateboarding and the community around them. We empower all youth, with a focus on refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, girls and those with learning disabilities, by having them reflected in our coaching team as role models and discussing with them that if they can achieve on the board, they can achieve great things elsewhere. Social cohesion is achieved by creating the conditions for integration of diverse groups who wouldn't normally meet, sharing space in the skatepark and beyond. Long-term, this creates new connections from diverse participants in our sessions and the skate scene at large, giving youth the community they need to be empowered, healthy, active citizens, creating the changes they want to see in Athens.
Over the past year, we have been working with Concrete Jungle Foundation’s Edu-Skate Curriculum, a programme for youth personal development through skateboarding: going beyond skateboarding to empower youth with the tools to achieve and flourish, in order to be agents of change in their lives and communities through the Self-Determination Theory.

Main Projects / Activities

ince 2017, we have taught over 1100 sessions, with almost 3200 participants from our mobile skatepark. Of these, 39% are female and are from more than 62 different cultural backgrounds, all living in Athens.

FMS is designed to give access to the highest quality, sports based, trauma-informed youth work from trained professionals in the safest environment to marginalised youth. We meet the highest level of organisational competence and capacity as we are registered in both Greece as AMKE and the UK as a CIO under the Charity Commission, meeting the strict compliance regulations of both.

Our mobile skatepark gives crucial access to positive recreation to disadvantaged youth, allowing us to provide free equipment, trauma informed youth work and community building in a safe space. We deliver sessions in four different neighbourhoods throughout the week. This enables us to achieve three core aims:

1. Wellbeing: Skateboarding is mindful exercise, in which focus is necessary to learn new tricks, championing physical and mental health.
2. Empowerment: We create spaces in which women, people of colour, LGBTQI+ and other groups feel safe to develop their skills on and off the board.
3. Social Cohesion: Through the supportive, communal act of skateboarding, diverse youth share more than just space and build community.

Beyond public sessions, we implement an Edu-Skate curriculum, which teaches vital life skills to our participants, like persistence, respect, and courage.

We further help build and widen community by hosting events that brings the FMS community together with the wider local skate scene and others. Some smaller events are aimed at introducing new experiences and excitement to our participants.

Moreover, we are committed to advocacy work, continuously working to highlight and raise awareness about the challenges and realities faced by our community and the neighbourhoods we work in. This is an ongoing effort that highlights our dedication to making a lasting and meaningful impact.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

FMS is well-positioned to contribute to the network in our country by offering expertise in community building and advocacy, we have a strong understanding of our communities and neighbourhoods challenges and realities. Our unique approach to addressing the issues we aim to combat provides an interesting perspective. We believe in the importance of knowledge exchange and collaboration in fostering opportunities to learn from one another's experiences, unique strategies, and in enhancing collective efforts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we believe in shared values and objectives. We see an opportunity to exchange ideas, learn from the community, and actively contribute more to fostering inclusive and accepting societies, and combatting racism. ALF offers a platform for collaboration, amplifying our impact in pursuing our aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Denia Nicolas
Job Title
Core Team Member
Head of the organisation
Will Ascott

Mnemosyne Theater

National Network

40 rue François Miron
75004 Paris

01 42 77 80 56
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Mnemosyne Theater est une jeune compagnie théâtrale basée à Paris, ayant pour but la création d'œuvres et le développement d'échanges artistiques et culturelles entre les pays du bassin méditerranéen, et plus particulièrement entre la France et la Grèce.
Mnemosyne Theater est une association loi 1901, pouvant bénéficier de fonds publics ou de fons privés. Elle ne possède pour le moment pas de salariés fixes, mais des artistes et des techniciens travaillant au rythme des productions. L'association est composé du président Miguel Borras, acteur et metteur en scène, et du trésorier Makis Solomos, musicologue et professeur à l'université Paris 8. Sur l'année 2023, le budget de Mnemosyne Theater est autour de 6000 euros.
La première création de la compagnie, Yersinia Pestis, a vu le jour au printemps 2022 à Paris, et a été représenté dans plusieurs festivals en France depuis. La deuxième production, premier spectacle multiculturelle de la compagnie, se créera à Athènes dans le courant de l'année 2024.
Mnemosyne Theater organise également des séminaires de pratiques artistiques amateurs (écriture, théâtre, arts plastiques, musique) destinés à tous les publics. L'équipe artistique de la compagnie est composée entre autres d'Orphée de Corbière-Kalessis, auteur et metteur en scène, Myriam Rhziyel, scénographe, Amélie Osmond, actrice, Jonas Roth, acteur et créateur sonore, Denia Mimerini, actrice...
L'association est soutenue par divers municipalités européennes et divers organismes privés et publics.

Mission and Objectives

Les missions du Mnemosyne Theater sont les suivantes :

Défendre un théâtre de la poésie, celle du langage, du corps et de l’image. Entrecroiser les disciplines artistiques afin d’explorer tous les imaginaires. Manier la matière transmetteuse d’émotions et de sensations : la parole, la musique, la danse, le silence. Concevoir la scène en tant qu’espace de recherche, de liberté, d’émancipation.

Considérer le théâtre comme héritage du passé, témoin du présent et promesse pour le futur. Faire intervenir l’histoire sur scène, pour mieux interroger le monde d’aujourd’hui et envisager celui de demain. Léguer aux spectateurs des mémoires de la vie. Construire collectivement un souvenir de l’humanité, et tenter de ne pas oublier.

Étudier notre société et toutes les forces qui la composent à travers le théâtre. Questionner l’ordre établi et réfléchir ensemble à de nouvelles alternatives. Créer des formes artistiques en alliance avec les citoyens et en conscience du monde qui nous entoure. Ériger le théâtre au centre de la polis et de la vie démocratique.

Développer des échanges culturels afin de partager la pratique théâtrale avec le plus grand nombre. Favoriser la médiation artistique auprès de tous les publics. Tisser des liens à l’international, notamment en Grèce, en vue de créer des expériences artistiques communes par delà les frontières de langues et de territoires.

Main Projects / Activities

Mnemosyne Theater développera dans les années à venir différents projets ancrés dans le bassin méditerranéen, que ce soit par la création de spectacle regroupant des artistes de différents pays ou par l'organisation d'événements culturelles dans plusieurs domaines (musique, littérature, arts visuels...).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par la participation aux évènements du réseau du pays et le soutien aux activités de la fondation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour faire partie d'un large réseau d'acteurs du secteur culturel européen et découvrir de nouvelle manière d'agir à l'échelle internationale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Borras
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Miguel Borras
Contact (2) Full Name
Makis Solomos
Job Title (2)

Shabab al-Nakhil

National Network

34 rue du Fer à Moulin
75005 Paris

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Shabab Al Nakhil association is a French association under the 1901 law. It was created at the beginning of this year 2022. It gathers in the same structure competent people in all the essential domains required for the success of the project: translation, book making, pedagogical methodology and project management. The structure of the association is modest, without staff at the moment. Sources of funding are self financed, by donation or by work grants. The modalities of action are by concrete projects, exchanges, and by hard work. The main partners involved in the organisation's work are French Institute in Cairo, French Institute in Paris, Ministry of Youth and Sport in Cairo and the publishing houses Dar Al Arabi, Dar Sefsafa, and Verlang Schiler Mücker.

Mission and Objectives

The Shabab Al Nakhil association proposes itself as the driving force and organizer of ambitious projects that encourage multi-cultural interactions between Europe and the Arabic countries.

Main Projects / Activities

As a project, the association wishes to develop a new collection of books, written by Arab women and translated into English or French. The association is dedicated to encouraging intercultural exchanges between France and other countries in the Middle East region in particular. The realization of this project is to show the effectiveness of the association in motivating young and old, through powerful communication based on social networks, while remaining in contact with the world of paper and books by the very nature of the proposed project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The presence of our association in the Middle East and its emphasis on cultural dialogue will be an important basis that will contribute to the success of the ALF Network. Our contacts in English, French and Arabic enable communication there where it is not the general rule. The association is based on literary content and on the importance of words.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the realisation of the projects that we are planning, a supporting platform such as the ALF Network can be an important part of our networking effort. With additional collaboration, contacts, and participation at seminars, it will be possible for our association to benefit from the experience and contacts with other associations working in the same countries or on similar projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Thorn
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Peter Thorn

Ass..ATLASSIA pour le développement social et soutien aux handicapés

National Network

73 Rue ifrane lot MONA takdom
65158 safi

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

L'association Atlassia a été créée en 2020 avec la volonté de contribuer au développement des communautés locales. Avec l'aide de nombreux bénévoles actifs et de partenariats solides, Alassia a obtenu de nombreux résultats fructueux à Safi et sers régions dans divers domaines, notamment les droits sociaux de l'homme, l'éducation, la culture et l'environnement et soutien aux femme de monde rurl st les handicapes . La mission d'ATLASSIA est d'œuvrer pour le développement humain local afin de donner aux jeunes, aux femmes et aux personnes handicapées la capacité d'être acteurs de leur propre développement, promoteurs de leur propre indépendance et acteurs de leur propre avenir.

Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs d'ATLASSIA sont de sensibiliser et d'organiser des formations sur divers sujets basés sur la mission, de promouvoir le volontariat, de soutenir les initiatives locales qui encouragent la participation sociale, d'organiser des projets socioculturels, de défendre les droits humains universels et de soutenir les organisations locales et nationales dans la lutte. pour améliorer les conditions de vie, tout en facilitant et en lançant des projets générateurs de revenus pour les coopératives ainsi que pour les particuliers. ATLASSIA possède une vaste expérience dans l'organisation de campagnes de sensibilisation et de formations sur divers thèmes, notamment les droits de l'homme, la conservation de l'environnement et les soins de santé. Nous soutenons les initiatives locales, créons et soutenons des partenariats durables et des réseaux entre les organisations aux niveaux local, national et international. ATLASSIA recherche, obtient et gère les financements de projets en toute transparence

Main Projects / Activities

Soutien aux pauvres de monde rural
Soutien aux handicapés

Contact (1) Full Name
abderrahim zine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
abderrahim zine
Contact (2) Full Name
laila marouan

Zadar Dance Ensemble

National Network

Velebitska 3
23000 Zadar

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Zadar Dance Ensemble was founded at the very beginning of the Croatian War of Independence, in the autumn of 1991. It is the oldest contemporary dance ensemble in Dalmatia. It was founded by Sanja Petrovski and Nives Šimatović Predovan, who was posthumously awarded the Coat of Arms of the City of Zadar. Putting on plays and performances in the most varied and most unusual places in the city is the peculiarity of this Ensemble. The Ensemble connects amateurs with professional dance artists, organises educational programmes for dancers of all ages. We have had over 90 dance productions with students of dance studios of the Ensemble, and we have produced about 50 professional dance shows. Since 2009, we have been organising international contemporary dance festival Monoplay, whose focus on the solo form makes it the only dance festival of its kind in Croatia. We are also organisers of the encounter of the Zadar dance scene to mark the Day of the City of Zadar entitled Dance Miniature Evening. For years we have been the organisers and active participants of celebrations marking the World Dance Day. Together with artistic organisation 21:21 from Zagreb we also founded STREAM Zadar, the educational platform which has become a place for encounters and exchange of ideas of dance artists from Croatia and abroad. We are active members of Nomad Dance Academy Croatia, which brings together dance organisations and independent artists working in the field of contemporary dance in Croatia. The Zadar Dance Ensemble aims to professionalise and decentralise the dance scene and develop the artistic, performative and educational potentials of contemporary dance in the broader social context in Croatia. On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, the Zadar Dance Ensemble received a Special Award of Professional Contemporary Dance Organisations of the Republic of Croatia for season 2015/2016, for its extraordinary artistic contribution and systematic work on the decentralisation and professionalisation of Croatian dance. Our sources of fundings are local and national goverment, average annual incomes are cca 80.000,00 eur.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Zadar Dance Ensemble is to realize, improve and protect the common interests of the members of the Association, professional development of the members of the Association, development of dance art with an emphasis on the application of elements of Croatian national heritage and insisting on the dance education of the members, as well as encouraging artistic creativity and developing the cultural offer of the local environment in which we operate and production, national and international cooperation with other subjects of contemporary art in order to distribute artistic creations.

Main Projects / Activities

The backbone of our work is the creation of full-length performances, of which there have been over fifty since its inception, we are the founders of the Monoplay solo dance festival, the only one in Croatia, which has been taking place for fifteen years, we educate children and young people in the field of contemporary dance and culture, we organize the Dance Season in which we bring contemporary dance performances to our city, we participate in all events in our city.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As the only contemporary dance ensemble in Dalmatia and one of the few in the entire country, we are actively working on the decentralization of dance art and the professionalization of dance artists. We participate in all major and minor events and cultural manifestations in our city, but also beyond, every year we note an increase in guest performances in other cities of our all-night performances.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we think we have a lot to offer in terms of long-term and professional experience, we want to partner with foundations that are outside our environment to share knowledge and improve our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Petrovski
Job Title
ballet teacher; mag. croat
Head of the organisation
Sanja Petrovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Natali Mahmić
Job Title (2)
dancer, mag. oecc

Strait Up

National Network

Mar Tirreno 60
11380 Tarifa Cádiz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Non profit association focussed on non-formal education and intercultural exchange in the Strait of Gibraltar area. Funding is through Erasmus+ youth exchanges and KA2 projects. Main activites are , mentoring local youth, implementing local workshops on intercultural communication, and opportunities for NEETyouth. Our partners are our international Erasmus partners in many countries, the University of Seville, the city of Tarifa, plus local high schools and associations.

Mission and Objectives

Strait Up is a small non-profit association based in Tarifa, the very southern tip of Europe and
closer to Tangier, Morocco than any city in Spain. We use non-formal education and intercultural learning to connect with youth on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar and create a
sense of shared neighborhood that bridges continents and cultures. Our specific objectives are.

● Promote healthy lifestyle habits in the Strait of Gibraltar area.
● Stimulate debate around the EU project and the relationship between the EU and its
south med neighborhood.
● Provide opportunities for cultural exchange and cooperation in the Strait of Gibraltar
● Protect and reform cultural patrimony and heritage in the Strait of Gibraltar area.
● Promote gender equality.
● Promote the participation of young people in political, economic, social and cultural life
in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Main Projects / Activities

RIDE : Rollsports for Inclusive Design and Empowerment: Youth exchange with Germany, Spain and Morocco.
SEED: Social Entrepreneurship for Education and Develpment: activites and mentoring for youth starting their own social enterprises.
REMEDY: Intercultural Mediation for youth with the University of Seville.

Our main activities focus on supporting youth to self-organize and engage in intercultural
learning while preparing for a viable future. The goal is to connect local youth to the EU
programs, resources and information that will empower them to create pathways to a positive
future for themselves and their community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are prepared to implement projects in the South Med area at the very gate of Europe in Tarifa Spain, only 14 km from our neighbours in Tangier. We have experience in intercultural education with young people. We would like to share and use our experience to grow the community of people working across the Med area. We would like to host more youth and professionals in this location so that we can show our proximity, both physically, ,culturally and especially regarding our environmental closeness.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The network exactly matches our inspiration and objectives: this amazing neighbourhood of diversity and community in the south med area. Our physical location is our source of motivation because every day we see across the Strait of Gibraltar to our neighbours in Morocco. We would like to build strong partnerships with communities in other countries, especially our closest neighbour Morocco and this network is a great way to begin. Access to information, funding calls, learning opportunities are also motivating factors.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Rea Fraser
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rea Fraser
Contact (2) Full Name
Rogelio Jose Santos Marquez
Job Title (2)

Grants Program Manager

National Network

2nd Floor, Eid Center, Alshamal Street
Tripoli 1300

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Alawite Islamic Charity Association, known as AICA, is a local NGO established in 1950 in North Lebanon, Tripoli, under the decree No. 4500/1950, operating since then under several divisions and institutions. AICA’s programs and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access. AICA established partnerships with I/NGOs, CSOs, and ministries over a holistic approach of services from education, health, livelihood, food security, social stability, emergency response, protection, and advocacy across North, Akkar and Beirut. In 2022, AICA could serve, provide, and support 69,711 services for vulnerable beneficiaries, 804 of whom are PWSN, in order to reduce their socio-economic burdens in line with the sector’s SOPs and national outlines. AICA is an active member of the mentioned sectors working groups, part of many local networks and committees, as well as of local forums advocating over various topics, from localization to women-led initiatives, GBV, and youth empowerment.

Mission and Objectives

AICA develops an integrated global participatory approach targeting vulnerable communities based on Rights and Needs through community development, advocacy, and peacebuilding programs, as well as humanitarian response action.

AICA intends to encourage community development, by a humanitarian emergency response action, development and benevolence, through access to Rights, Advocacy and Peace-building programs.

AICA ensures actions via programs or/and services such as Alawite religious institutions; health care services; social awareness; religious, cultural, and educational services; protection; awareness, community campaign, legal process; economic empowerment; Psycho-social Support, Sport, art as well as different community initiatives.

VALUES: We trade violent behavior for dialogue, hate for love, and despair for hope.
Based on Imam Ali (AS) values, then with referring to Human Rights Declaration Charter and Social Work basis, AICA Chosen basic values related to Development in general, and specifically for its intervention, such as:
Collaboration Giving Humanity
Human Dignity Social Justice Partnership
Sustainability Active Citizenship Peace
Volunteering Localization Modernization

Main Projects / Activities

AICA’s programs and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access: AICA currently runs long term programs aggregated below:
▪ Health Sector: Alzahraa Medical Center (AMC) a Primary Health Care Center (PHCC) established since 2008, providing an average of 7000 services /month for patients from different areas equally (neither based on racism, nationality, religion, gender, or age) within the North governorate. AMC doctors, health care staff, and workers are onboarded in safe, effective premises providing proper performance and quality services.
▪ Food Security Sector: House of Wisdom Community Center (HOWCK) has been operating as a community kitchen since 2015. The kitchen can sell up to 800 Oriental and 500 Occidental hot meals per day. HOWCK incubates "House of Subsistence (HOS)” a peacebuilding income generating initiative aiming to engage civil clash widowed females from Bab Al Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen. These females support HOWCK daily work.
▪ Social Stability Sector: established in 2015, Social Multi-Services Community Center (MSCC) located between Bab Al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen providing peacebuilding, health, education, basic assistance, and protection services/support. It is a safe space facilitating and moderating social exchange promoting healthy relations and exchanges among several groups and social categories from local communities, without any discrimination providing all kinds of activities whether awareness sessions, general culture, vocational rehabilitation and/or psychosocial support which are conducted by AICA employees and/or I/NGOs collaboration.
▪ Livelihood Sector (VT/TVET): Livelihood and socioeconomic empowerment (with special focus on women and community led projects) through AICA’s Netizen’s Digital Lab - A center equipped with 20 high-end laptops serving as a lab for soft and digital skills trainings; Established 2021 and collaborating with ICDL ( providing internationally certificates for 35 digital modules. It is a one stop-service of Technology and Analytics; offering world-transforming services enabling new opportunities for vulnerable marginalized youth.
▪ Protection Sector: a protection team from social workers and PSS facilitators providing PSS/CBPSS/Recreational PSS through Support groups’ discussions /Sport/ Arts/ Skills/ Workshops as well as a community case management to transform conflicts into Peace. AICA also onboards legal mediators (funded by AICA) to support in a few cases and refer others to active actors as per the referral pathways.
▪ Education Sector: Formal Education through Al Doha Scientific School (ADSS) located in Fnaideq, Akkar since 2014 with the potential of having 750 students per shift. 2023 MEHE permission in Non-Formal Education (NFE) in the following modules: CB-ECE, BLN, YBLN, Retention Support, Recreation, Awareness raising and outreach, Parental Engagement, Cash for Education and School Feeding.
▪ Emergency Response Sector: established in 2016, First Responder Team (FRT) in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross- Disaster& Risk Reduction Unit (DRR), acts as a risk response community initiative. The team is one of few to remain operating till the current date.
▪ Advocacy: an active member in all working groups and various local networks and forums like but not limited to PSEA National Network, Protection Taskforce, LHDF, PEER Network, Tashbik…advocating over diverse topics from Localization to women led initiatives, GBV, and youth empowerment

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AICA can play a vital role in the Anna Lindh Foundation's network in Lebanon by actively supporting initiatives that promote inclusive dialogue and combat societal polarization. AICA's extensive experience in advocating for marginalized communities, coupled with its presence in Tripoli, makes it a valuable partner for fostering understanding and unity within the region. AICA's diverse programs, including healthcare, education, and social stability initiatives, demonstrate its commitment to addressing societal challenges and nurturing resilient communities. Active participation in local networks and advocacy for women-led initiatives and youth empowerment further showcases AICA's proactive role in promoting positive societal change. By collaborating with the Anna Lindh Foundation, AICA aims to contribute to a more empathetic and cohesive society in Lebanon and across the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AICA is eager to join the ALF Network to expand its reach and impact in promoting intercultural dialogue and fostering societal resilience. With our longstanding commitment to advocating for marginalized communities and promoting civil rights access, we recognize the critical importance of building inclusive and empathetic societies. By collaborating with the ALF Network, we aim to amplify our efforts and contribute to a broader, collective initiative that aligns with our mission and values. Joining the ALF Network will enable us to leverage valuable resources, share best practices, and foster meaningful partnerships, ultimately enhancing our capacity to drive positive social change and address the pressing challenges of societal mistrust and polarization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camilis Safatli
Job Title
Grants Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Noureddine Eid
Contact (2) Full Name
Noureddine Eid
Job Title (2)
President (acting CEO)


National Network

Obrtnicka 5
Obrtnicka 5 10430 Samobor Croatia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Values Creative Collaboration: We will seek connections across disciplines and will continually work together to seek out new and creative ways to solve the issues and challenges that face the sports and arts industry. Responsibility: We will never forget our responsibility to care for athletes and artists and improve their physical and emotional well-being. Open Dialogue: We will be a forum the free exchange of ideas so that all have the voice to propose solutions to problems facing the sports industry and society at large. Empowerment: We will work with artists and athletes and give them the tools and skills necessary to improve the lives of others. Passion: We will approach our work with the same passion that athletes have for achieving their goals and fans have for supporting their teams. “Sport and art has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport and art can create hope where once there was only despair.

Mission and Objectives

Passionate Empathy Planning, work and mutual cooperation between Egyptian artists and sports all and foreign artists working in the fields, whether cultural or artistic, at the level of healthy people and people of determination.

Main Projects / Activities

Article 7. The association's activities are: 1. Work planning and mutual cooperation between male and female artists. 2. Planning, working and cooperating to develop the sport of young athletes from all experts and internationals, as well as organizing courses for young athletes. 3. Organizing cultural events: theatrical performances, film screenings, art exhibitions, contemporary and classical music and other events, lectures on the cultural heritage of Kuwait, and performing arts for the able-bodied. 4. Planning and preparing sports and technical programs for people with disabilities. 5. Encouraging artistic production for people with disabilities and artists, especially for people with disabilities. The sixth issue of books and magazines related to the association’s implementation to achieve the association’s objectives more easily and easily. 7. Develop and strengthen cooperation with relevant organizations in Iran and abroad. 8. Activating joint international relations in art, culture and culture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Transforming cultural industries into sustainable industries by discovering, developing, and establishing talents. Developmental and cultural projects and providing job opportunities for all sectors of civil society in all fields. o Establishing the name of His Highness as an extremely important legitimate outlet for the pent-up scopes and creativity of the people of the Arab homeland In confronting any ideas or phenomena that might attract them (to intellectual extremism, terrorism, addiction), and that is faith in the role Civil society institutions by networking with institutions of participating countries and using sublime art in formation Awareness, social responsibility, and raising conscience, as well as spreading positive values, intellectual communication, and promoting Values of equal citizenship, achieving interdependence and strengthening ties with all the people of the Arab world and the world. Combining traditional and contemporary heritage in the fields of arts and culture from inside and outside Egypt to create artistic forms New with an urge to preserve heritage history and stability of identity, as well as activating the process of cultural exchange between Arab and international countries and spreading Arts (performing, visual, and literary) with special importance given to highlighting Sinai, Egyptian, and Arab culture. It is mainly included in the exchange process between countries. Integrating people of determination and able-bodied people and working to ensure that this world belongs to everyone and that they are an integral part of this world and that we are one family and there is no difference between us and that they have what healthy people do not have and they have all the support and love.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Everyone talks about the good behavior and lofty goals that the association presents to the world and society

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Together for Blue and Green

National Network

16000 Algiers

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

"Together for Blue and Green" is a youth-led initiative NGO dedicated to the twin causes of justice and climate change mitigation. This organization passionately advocates for environmental justice, addressing issues like environmental racism and social inequality. Simultaneously, they actively combat climate change by promoting renewable energy, reducing emissions, and supporting communities in adapting to a changing climate. Through education, collaboration, policy advocacy, and a strong commitment to a sustainable future, "Together for Blue and Green" plays a vital role in shaping a fairer and more environmentally sustainable world.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGO "Together for Blue and Green," based in Algiers, could be:
"Together for Blue and Green is committed to fostering a just and sustainable future for Algeria and the wider global community. Our mission is to advocate for environmental justice and lead efforts to combat climate change. We strive to create a world where every individual enjoys equitable access to a clean and healthy environment while working collaboratively to mitigate the effects of climate change and build resilient communities."


Promote Environmental Justice:
Raise awareness about environmental inequalities and injustices in Algeria.
Advocate for policies and practices that ensure equitable access to environmental resources and benefits for all communities.

Combat Climate Change:
Initiate and support initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Algeria.
Promote renewable energy sources and sustainable practices.
Develop adaptation strategies to address the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations.

Educate and Raise Awareness:
Conduct educational programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns to inform the public about environmental justice and climate change.
Empower individuals and communities to take action towards a more sustainable and just future.

Collaborate and Build Partnerships:
Establish partnerships with local and international organizations, governmental bodies, and stakeholders to collectively address environmental and climate challenges.
Share knowledge, resources, and expertise to maximize impact.

Advocate for Policy Change:
Engage with policymakers and government institutions to shape and promote policies that align with the organization's mission and objectives.
Lobby for legislation that supports environmental justice and climate action.

Community Resilience:
Support and empower communities to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change.
Provide resources and assistance to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities.

Sustainable Development:
Promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices in various sectors, including agriculture, transportation, and urban planning.

Research and Innovation:
Conduct research and innovation projects that contribute to the understanding of environmental and climate issues in Algeria.

International Engagement:
Participate in international climate conferences and forums to represent the interests and concerns of Algeria and the broader North African region.

Measuring Impact:
Regularly assess and report on the progress and impact of the organization's activities to ensure transparency and accountability.
These mission and objectives would guide "Together for Blue and Green" in its efforts to create positive change in Algeria, focusing on environmental justice and climate change mitigation within the context of Algiers and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

Our participation in Across the Sea with Together for Blue and Green as the first anglophone environmental NGO in Algeria has had a significant impact on our local community. Through our online workshops featuring speakers and activists from our region, along with Instagram Live sessions showcasing change-makers from Algeria and beyond, we aim to extend our reach to a global audience. Our ultimate goal is to provide a platform for activists and change-makers to share their journeys and experiences.

On the local front, we have organized successful events such as the Students' Climate Call in Algeria. This initiative was born out of our commitment to climate education. We firmly believe in equipping students with the knowledge and tools to take meaningful actions and understand the importance of environmental conservation. We even hosted a second edition of this event in collaboration with the US Embassy, allowing us to highlight the remarkable work of youth in the field of environmental sustainability. This event included capacity-building sessions, plenaries, workshops, and networking opportunities, with the generous support of GIZ.

Furthermore, we are proud to have been the first (NGO) to organize the MENA Youth Environmental Assembly in the region. We also served as official partners for the inaugural Local Conference of Youth in Algeria, working in conjunction with YouthLed Algeria, YOUNGO, and UNDP Algeria. These initiatives demonstrate our commitment to environmental awareness and youth empowerment, and we continue to strive for positive change in our community and beyond.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Together for Blue and Green can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's Network in their country by building partnerships, empowering youth, sharing knowledge, extending global reach, promoting cultural and environmental synergy, and supporting resource mobilization efforts. These contributions will enhance the Network's role in fostering intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an Algerian environmental NGO, our aspiration to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network is deeply rooted in our commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, environmental conservation, and youth empowerment, and aligns with our belief that these goals can be significantly advanced through international collaboration.
First and foremost, the global nature of the ALF Network offers us the unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals from across the world. By becoming a part of this diverse and extensive network, we can transcend geographical boundaries and work hand in hand with others who share our passion for environmental sustainability and cultural understanding. This collaborative approach is essential for addressing the pressing global environmental challenges that transcend borders and require collective action. One of the key aspects of our mission as an Algerian environmental NGO is to underscore the intrinsic connection between culture and the environment. We firmly believe that preserving cultural heritage and promoting environmental conservation go hand in hand. Joining the ALF Network enables us to contribute to the foundation's overarching goal of promoting intercultural dialogue, deepening cultural understanding, and fostering tolerance. By highlighting the inextricable link between culture and the environment, we can bring attention to the importance of conserving both.
Youth empowerment is a cornerstone of our organization's work. We are dedicated to engaging and empowering young people to take an active role in environmental conservation and sustainable development. Within the ALF Network, we find a kindred spirit in the foundation's emphasis on youth inclusion. We believe that the synergy between our youth-focused initiatives and ALF's commitment to involving young people in dialogue and cooperation can create a powerful force for change. By joining the network, we aim to further enhance our youth-centered environmental efforts and provide young people with the tools and opportunities they need to drive positive change.
While we have made significant strides in the field of environmental conservation in Algeria, joining the ALF Network allows us to broaden our impact. Our work, while impactful on a local scale, can be further leveraged on a global stage through collaboration with the ALF and its partners. This expansion of our reach enables us to participate in international projects and initiatives that are in harmony with our mission, contributing to larger-scale positive change and making a more substantial difference in the global fight against environmental degradation. This amplification of our voice is instrumental in advocating for sustainable practices and policies, and in mobilizing support for our initiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
selma bichbich
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Selma Bichbich
Contact (2) Full Name
Ikram Bichbich
Job Title (2)
Logistics director