
National Network

Route de la Marsa, centre Millenium, 2eme étage, B32, 2046 Sidi Daoued, Tunis.
2046 Tunis

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00216 98278661
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure de l’organisation, y compris le nombre de salariés et/ou de partenaires :
Notre organisation, Tunivisions, est structurée de manière efficace pour atteindre nos objectifs. Nous sommes composés d'une équipe dynamique , comptons un grand nombre de bénévoles et 3 salariés qui travaillent activement pour promouvoir nos initiatives. En outre, nous collaborons étroitement avec un réseau de partenaires stratégiques, au nombre de 20 +, des ONG, organisme publique et privées des établissements universitaire et scolaires , des médias. qui soutiennent nos projets et activités.

2. Ressources budgétaires disponibles sur un an :
Pour l'année à venir, notre organisation dispose d'un budget total de [indiquer le montant du budget]. Ce financement nous permettra de mettre en œuvre nos programmes et de soutenir nos initiatives dans divers domaines.

3. Sources de financement :
Nos principales sources de financement proviennent de diverses sources, notamment des subventions gouvernementales, des partenariats avec des entreprises privées, des dons individuels et des campagnes de collecte de fonds. Nous sommes également ouverts à de nouvelles opportunités de financement et de partenariat pour renforcer notre impact.

4. Modes d’action (projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses, etc.) :
Nous mettons en œuvre nos objectifs à travers une gamme variée d'actions, y compris des projets concrets visant à résoudre des problèmes spécifiques dans notre communauté. Nous organisons également des échanges culturels, des séminaires éducatifs, des programmes de bourses et des événements communautaires pour sensibiliser et mobiliser les gens sur diverses questions sociales.

5. Principaux partenaires impliqués dans les projets/activités de l’organisation :
Parmi nos principaux partenaires figurent des organismes gouvernementaux locaux et nationaux, des entreprises privées engagées socialement, des ONG spécialisées dans des domaines similaires, des établissements éducatifs et des experts individuels qui partagent notre vision et notre mission. Ces partenariats sont essentiels pour le succès de nos initiatives et renforcent l'impact de notre travail.

Mission and Objectives

Créer de jeunes leaders Tunisiens :
- Par la formation de ces jeunes
- Par le développement et la valorisation régionale

Main Projects / Activities

- différents chapitres dans les universités , collèges et lycées qui accompagnement des clubs de jeunes ( les leaders de demain)
- We are camper's : promotion du camping et des cercles de réflexions sur les ODD
- We are Carthage : promotion des 24 régions de la tunisie
- Media Lab
- Academie tunivisions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous dynamisons et formons les jeunes en vue de les rendre plus engagés et actifs : des jeunes leaders tunisiens

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour un partage et une ouverture

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorra Baltagi
Job Title
Conseiller développement international
Head of the organisation
Nizar Chaari
Contact (2) Full Name
Nizar Chaari
Job Title (2)
Président fondateur

Podium voor Palestina

National Network

W. Prinsstraat 23
4101ZW Culemborg

++316 21258831
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Grassroots initiative to promote Palestinian culture and literature to a Dutch audience. Online and offline activities based on non monetary transactions.

Mission and Objectives

Reframe the narrative on Palestinians by connecting their cultural expressions with a Dutch audience

Main Projects / Activities

Book talks, podcasts, articles, special projects
Online literary short story service

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With my knowledge, experience and ideas

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of the match in objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianne Dagevos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marianne Dagevos

Atlas Geopolitical Affairs

National Network

Eemhoeve 22
3742DJ Baarn

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Atlas Geopolitical Affairs is an organization that focuses on backgrounds and analyzes of international relations at the intersection of science, politics and journalism. Atlas Geopolitical Affairs focuses mainly on the Middle East and North Africa. Regions with enormous diversity in culture, where the Orient and the Avondland meet. A cradle of ancient civilizations (Mesopotamians, Byzantines and Egyptians) and of the three great monotheistic (Abrahamic) religions.

Mission and Objectives

Backgrounds and analyzes of international relations at the intersection of science, politics and journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

Consultancy, Essays and articles, Lectures, Talks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erik J. Prins
Job Title
Geopolitical analist
Head of the organisation
Atlas Geopolitical Affairs

Asociacion Amigos de Marruecos

National Network

Avenida Federico García Lorca 1 ,2B Pulianas
18198 Granada Granada

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

In order for the development of a country to be successful, there must be adequate participation and involvement from its youths, who demonstrate the potential to integrate in the policy-making process at local, regional, and national community levels. It is with this consideration that the Amigos de Marruecos was founded in 2022 by a team of young volunteers, with the objective of creating a space for dialogue that is open to all young Spanish in order to work toward promoting their participation in the decision-making process regarding issues that affect their lives. The Amigos de Marruecos also serves as a network for youth associations and organizations, with the objective of promoting the exchange of experiences and working together to allow for new horizons of creation and participation among youths.

Mission and Objectives

Through its activities, the Amigos de Marruecos aims to:
• Participate in the promotion and perfection of youth participation in the process of development,
• Support the spirit of initiative among youths,
• Cultivate the values of citizenship, democracy, and human rights among youths,
• Participate in the realization of development objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

Our NGO is working with youth for youth by empowering their skills and competences in different sectors through non formal education and nowadays through outdoor activities for a better team work inside our NGO but also to have them well integrated in the society to defend their rights and be effective in their entourages. We give them a chance to take part in trainings and youth meetings at the local, national and international level where they will rediscover themselves and improve their knowledge in many topics such as active participation, citizenship, immigration, human rights education, gender equality, environment, sustainable development…

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• The organization of training programs for youths,
• The participation in activities that interest youths at both national and international levels,
• The organization of cultural debates,
• The organization of conferences, seminars, and study days,
• The publication of articles and research regarding youths,
• The partnership with various collaborators and institutions,
• The installation of local and national development projects in the interest of youths.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network of the Anna Lindh in order to benefit from their experiences internationally with the projects they are working on, as we aspire to work through the network to develop joint projects .

Contact (1) Full Name
Essmail Chakir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Essmail Chakir

Good Promises Solitions

National Network

28 Syria St.
Alexandria Governorate

03 542 8571
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Good Promises Solutions is a social enterprise, with 5 full time employ and 4 part time employees.
GPS brings its budget from its founders when first created then our yearly budget comes from our revenue.
The company has partnered with Amideast, Samu sociale, Caritas, Pioneers School, Arab Academy School, and many more in several training programs

Mission and Objectives

Good Promises Solutions is a dynamic social enterprise dedicated to empowering youth and women through economic empowerment initiatives.
Our primary focus is on career development and capacity building, providing invaluable support to individuals as young as 14 years old.
Through our expert consultations and transformative training interventions, we equip our beneficiaries with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen paths.
Our approach is characterized by engaging and enjoyable workshops, incorporating the latest science in management training and consultations.
At Good Promises Solutions, we strive to make a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial world by nurturing talent and fostering growth at every stage of the journey.

We provide the perfect platform for youth to develop their skills and competences to build their dream careers, and prosper with a strong foundation of values and ethics.

Main Projects / Activities

Training for the different soft skills, one to one coaching and consultancy for firms and SMEs business management

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help in building the capacity of the different members in the field of career development and soft skills building especially for youth and women. We can also help in building the skills of women and youth on economic empowerment through building entrepreneurship skills.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to reach out for more youth and women in order to fulfill our mission of economic empowerment and skills enhancement for the sake of career development. Through Networking, we can deliver our mission to other networks members and to their beneficiaries as well.
Moreover, we will be able to gain relationships with other network members to learn from their experiences and field of work to provide a wider scope of knowledge and experience to our clients and beneficiaries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mourad Mohib
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
Mourad Mohib
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalia Moufid
Job Title (2)

جمعية تحفيز للريادة والتطوير

National Network

الحي الجنوبي - قرب مستشفى النجاح

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

نحن فريق شبابي يؤمن بالتطوع المؤسسي وتأطير الجهود في اتجاه الاستدامة والعمل والبناء . نعمل لتحويل الأفكار الى مشاريع على ونماذج عمل على ارض الواقع ونجتهد نحو تحقيق تحفيز ؛ تنمية ؛ تطوير مجتمعي من الشباب وإليهم وبإيديهم وأفكارهم.

تنمية مهارات الأفراد وتحفيز طاقتهم الإيجابية للعمل سويًا للنهوض بالعمل المجتمعي التطوعي وإبراز دور الشباب الأردني في التنمية المستدامة.
تنمية قدرات الشباب والعمل التشاركي في بناء مجتمع ريادي ومنتج.

Mission and Objectives

تعمل جمعية تحفيز للريادة والتطوير نحو تطوير وبناء القدرات الريادية للمجتمع المحلي وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة للمجتمع الدولي وخدمة المجتمع المحلي وخلق فرص تطوعية لمزيد من الأفكار المبتكرة.

مهمتنا :
تنمية مهارات الأفراد وتحفيز طاقتهم الإيجابية للعمل سويًا للنهوض بالعمل المجتمعي التطوعي وإبراز دور الشباب الأردني في التنمية المستدامة

قيمنا :
المسؤولية: نلتزم بشكل كامل بمسؤولياتنا الاجتماعية والمستفيدين والشركاء ، ونعمل دائمًا على إرساء مفاهيم المسؤولية مع الفريق وعلى جميع المستويات.
• النزاهة والشفافية: نلتزم بأعلى المبادئ الأخلاقية ، ونتعهد بالعمل بنزاهة وشفافية لتحقيق العدالة وتعزيز الثقة والمصداقية والمساءلة المؤسسية.
• المشاركة والعمل الجماعي بطاقة إيجابية والعمل الجماعي والمشاركة الفعالة ودعم بعضنا البعض في عملنا من خلال التعاون المستمر والعمل الجماعي.
• الابتكار والقيادة والتعلم المستمر: ننمي روح الابتكار والمبادرة ، ونعمل دائمًا على استدامة التدريب والتعليم من خلال دعم التعلم المستمر وتبادل المعرفة.

• الاتصال الفعال : نحن ملتزمون بتفعيل مختلف السياسات وقنوات الاتصال مع جميع الفئات مثل الموظفين والمتطوعين والمجتمعات المحلية والشركاء والمستفيدين.

Main Projects / Activities

تعمل نحو تطوير وبناء القدرات الريادية للمجتمع المحلي وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة للمجتمع الدولي وخدمة المجتمع المحلي وخلق فرص تطوعية لمزيد من الأفكار المبتكرة , نحن في جمعية تحفيز للريادة والتطوير فريق شبابي يؤمن بالتطوع المؤسسي وتأطير الجهود في اتجاه الاستدامة والعمل والبناء . نعمل لتحويل الأفكار الى مشاريع على ونماذج عمل على ارض الواقع ونجتهد نحو تحقيق تحفيز ؛ تنمية ؛ تطوير مجتمعي من الشباب وإليهم وبإيديهم وأفكارهم ,حيث تقدم جمعية تحفيز حاليا مشاريع مختلفة اهمها :

- مشروع بناء القدرات المجتمعية لتحسين ظروف العمل في الاردن الذي يهدف الى :
1- التعريف بالمشروع والحملة الإعلامية المرتبطة به.
2- مسح شامل لاحتياجات العمال.
3- تدريب الشباب على المسرح التفاعلي وإخراج قضايا عمالية مختلفة.
3- عقد جلسات توعية قانونية.
4- تقديم خدمة الاستشارات القانونية المجانية .

- مشروع المحافظ الالكترونية والذي يهدف الى :
1- الحملة التوعوية بالمحافظ الإلكترونية على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.
2- تدريب وإنشاء المحافظ الإلكترونية.
3- إنشاء منصة التغذية الراجعة.
4-تدريب رائدات الأعمال وقادة المجتمع.

- مشروع التقنيات المائية المبتكره :
1-التوعية بالمحافظة على الموارد المائية.
2- تشجيع استخدام إعادة تدوير المياه الرمادية.
3- تنفيذ المبادرات المجتمعية المتعلقة بحصاد المياه والمياه.
4-تقديم قروض مالية للمجتمع المحلي للحصول على تقنيات المياه بدون فوائد.

- مشروع الاحاله الذي يهدف : الى تشبيك فئات المجتمع المختلفه التى بحاحه الى مساعده مع الجهات المختصه مما يساعد على مساعدة اكبر فئة من المجتمع .

- مشروع تقديم الخدمات المتكاملة للشباب الأكثر تاثيرا والذي يهدف :
1- بناء قدرات الشباب.
2- إشراك الشباب اجتماعياً من خلال العديد من التدريبات والأنشطة المجتمعية.
3- إبراز نقاط القوة لدى الشباب في الأحزاب (المناطق الأقل حظاً)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

أولت جمعية تحفيز للريادة والتطوير اهتماما كبيرا في موضوع الشراكات المجتمعية وتبادل الخبرات مع المنظمات المحلية والدولية وشراكت في العددي من البرامج والمشاريع ذات الصلة بالاضافة الى وضع سياسات خاصة للعمل وضمان تطبيقها وعملت على نشر الوعي في عدة مجالات بالشراكة مع العديد المنظمات والمؤسسات وتفعيل العديد من الأدوات المختلفة ومنها المبادرات المجتمعية التي تم اطلقتها كما ركزت جمعية تحفيز على جلسات التوعية والمبادرات المجتمعية وتقييم الاحيتاجات بشكل مستمر مع التاكيد على القدرة العالية في الحشد والاستقطاب كما يمكننا العمل على تفعيل وتعزيز دور الشباب في لعب دور اقصتادي اجتماعي على المستوى المحلي والوطني .

لذا فاننا نتطلع دوما لتحويل الافكار الى مشاريع قائمة ومستادمة ويمكن تفعيل كل هذه الشركات في هذا الاتجاه وبناء جسر من الشراكة والتعاون والتواصل الدائم .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نؤمن في تحفيز بأهمية الشراكات والبناء المستمر والدائم بهدف التشبيك والتعاون والتنفيذ المشترك للمشاريع المختلفة كما ونتطلع من خلال الانضمام للشبكة للوصول للنتائج التالية :

- بناء قدرات فريق عمل جمعية تحفيز للريادة والتطوير باتجاهات مختلفة ومتعددة .
- تبادل الخبرات على المستوى المحلي والدولي مع المؤسسات الفاعلة في الشبكة .
- دراسة الاحتيجات التنموية بشكل مستمر واقامة لقاء متخصص لذلك بشكل سنوي .
- التعليم المستمر وتحديث الخدمات المقدمة وفق التوجه التنموي العالمي .

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
احمد فؤاد شتيات
Job Title
رئيس جمعية تحفيز للريادة والتطوير
Head of the organisation
احمد شتيات
Contact (2) Full Name
رؤى ياسين شاهين
Job Title (2)
منسق مشاريع

Asociación Residui Teatro

National Network

Calle Antonio Vicent 37 - 2A
28019 Madrid Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Association of social intervention through artistic expression. 8 permanent employees, 6 EU volunteers per year and more than 30 collaborators. Budget approx. 200.000€ per year. Main funders: EU programmes (Erasmus+, Europa Creativa etc...) Comunidad de Madrid, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Instituto de la Mujer and private funding. Organises performances, workshops, exchanges, international festivals, social and educational activities, in collaboration with many European and international entities, from India to Latin America. It is part of several international networks (Magdalena Project, Red para la Paz etc.).

Mission and Objectives

Residui Teatro association was born in Spain in 2011; it has more than 3000 members, who participate or attend the activities. The core is a professional group of international and multidisciplinary artists interested in art as tool of social intervention.
RT focuses its work through art as a tool for personal and community transformation. The main fields of action are: migration, gender, climate change, community theater and social inclusion.
The association realizes activities for people interested in arts (professionals and beginners)in general; the pedagogues of the group are prepared to facilitate training and activities open to: kids, young people and adults (with and without functional diversity), migrants, newcomers, victims of violence, homeless and refugees.
Residui Teatro performs dance-theatre performances all around the world for all the public. It plays with the aim of an awareness such as defense of human rights, non-violence, dissemination of children's rights, fight against gender violence and any other kind of discrimination. It’s realizing activities such as artistic formations and development of abilities, creation of an international network of
collaboration between artists and activists. 
Furthermore, it supports projects of education and practice through arts in Europe, Asia and America, creates theatrical assignments in urban spaces, realizes co-productions, sends and receives voluntaries and young people for stages. Residui Teatro is helping with the flourishing of projects and activities in the rural area of Spain.
The theater is also focused on solidarity projects for exposed groups in Europe but also in other parts of the world.
Since 2009, RESIDUI TEATRO directs the Performing Arts Handicraft Center, the operational base of the association in Madrid whose objective is to be a space open to the neighborhood offering activities and events as well as a range of recreational and cultural proposals and a library specialized in arts. We strive to propose activities that promote critical thinking and education through art, facilitating the development of the neighborhood. RT grants spaces of the CAAE for the realization of activities that participate in the development and well-being of the person

Main Projects / Activities

The association has carried out and/or participated in: projects developed by the ERASMUS+ program; more than 20 youth exchanges in the EU, partner countries and Latin America; sending 8 EVS; reception of 19 EVS and 12 young people with the European Solidarity Corps; 3 contact seminars; 8 youth initiatives in the territory; a solidarity project; 2 Ka2 (Tone and Actable), 10 MYW and GREEN Ethics (Creative Europe).
It carries out personal and community development projects through artistic tools, for people with functional diversity: The word on stage (Youth in Action, Argadini Association), Cultural Auxiliaries (La Caixa Social Work- Argadini Association), Clown Technique - Actor ( Best-Buddies Foundation), Infinite Skills (Creators who are blind and not. Youth in Action Program - Residui Teatro Association), workshops with Fundación Mas Natur, Actable (k2 Erasmus+), creates a network of associations and international educators interested in the accessibility of pedagogy with which he collaborates and exchanges praxis.
It carries out projects focused on young newcomers and migrants: Tone (k2 Erasmus+), Where is my house (k1 Erasmus+), Act for the intercultural (La Caixa), Silenced (k1 Erasmus+), Look me well in the eye (k1 Erasmus+) among others .
Residui Teatro is the founder of the international network PEACE IS A WORK OF ART that brings together more than 18 organizations that carry out community activities and rituals in support of refugees, in order to create a culture of Peace in countries that have or have not suffered conflict.
Residui Teatro is part of the Magdalena Project international network that supports and defends the work of creative women and, for 37 years, has been dedicated to equal opportunities between genders and the defense of the rights of all. Every year it holds an international meeting dedicated to the development of reflections and new practices to promote the work of women and interrupt the procrastination of attitudes toward violence and micro-gender violence.
It develops the La Casa de las Artes y del Juego project, a space for growth and development in the artistic environment for people from 0 to 6 years old; applying alternative methods of education and respectful accompaniment.
It manages the Centro de Artesanía de las Artes Escénicas (CAAE), a space open to the neighbourhood that offers activities in which different fields converge: education, art, culture, health, sports, participation, new technologies, participatory parenting, solidarity projects and information. Raise awareness on the topic of prevention of gender violence and parity of opportunities in the province of Segovia and the Autonomous Community of Madrid.
It carries out specialized artistic training cycles, aimed at actors and actresses who investigate the songs and artistic traditions of ethnic minorities and vulnerable communities, in which armed conflicts have or are destroying the oral cultural tradition.
It carries out educational programs for girls, boys and adults from conflictive contexts or with special needs, to guide processes of analysis, reflection and confrontation of the conflict with peaceful and artistic tools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that the Residui Teatro association can contribute to broaden the methodologies, pedagogies and tools for social work through the artistic expression of the partner organisations of the Spanish network, favouring the meeting of different approaches and creating synergies for the elaboration and implementation of more effective and sustainable projects. We strongly believe in networking, in horizontality and mutual and bilateral collaboration with other entities, as well as in art as a means to transform the social reality that surrounds us, and we are more than willing to contribute our professionalism and enthusiasm to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network in order to have the possibility to increase our networking with other institutions, to learn about new realities and new approaches to work, which will be the basis for the future presentation and development of projects, exchanges, workshops between the two shores of the Mediterranean, in order to promote the meeting of different cultures and the development of intercultural dynamics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gregorio Amicuzi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gregorio Amicuzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulio Tinessa
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

جمعية حماية التراث بتمزرط

National Network

مركز البريد تمزرط
6054 مطماطة

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

جمعية حماية التراث الثقافي بتمزرط هي جمعية ثقافية فنية تأسست سنة 1994 إثر عديد المحاولات و التي انطلقت منذ يوم 6 ديسمبر 1992 و هو تاريخ أول اجتماع انبثقت عنه لجنة تفكير في تكوين الجمعية وإعداد قانون أساسي إلى غاية 30 جانفي 1993 و هو التاريخ الذي تم الاتفاق فيه على مشروع القانون الأساسي و الأهداف المرسومة و اسم الجمعية و تحديد قائمة في الهيئة المديرة للهيئة التأسيسية حيث تحصلت الجمعية على تأشيرة قانونية و نشرت بالرائد الرسمي عدد 52 بتاريخ 31 ماي 1994 ص.941 ووصل إيداع عدد 220 بتاريخ 24 جانفي 1994 وقد سبق هذا التأسيس الرسمي مجموعة من الأنشطة و تمثلت خاصتا في إحداث الأيام الثقافية علي جليلي و التي انطلقت في صائفة 1991 و على إثرها تحول إلى المهرجان الصيفي بإدارة الجمعية

Mission and Objectives

مهمتنا هي حفظ وتعزيز التراث الثقافي المادي و الا مادي في تمزرط من خلال تنظيم فعاليات ثقافية وفنية وبرامج توعية تعكس جمالية التراث وتعزز التفاعل الثقافي والفني في المجتمع.
الحفاظ على التراث الثقافي المادي واللا مادي لمنطقة تمزرط والعمل على توثيقه والحفاظ عليه للأجيال القادمة.
تعزيز التواصل الثقافي والاجتماعي بين مختلف شرائح المجتمع في تمزرط من خلال تنظيم فعاليات ثقافية وفنية متنوعة.
تنظيم دورات تعليمية وورش عمل للشباب في مجالات الثقافة والفنون التقليدية لتعزيز الوعي الثقافي والمهارات الحرفية.
العمل على تشجيع الشباب على المشاركة في حملات الحفاظ على البيئة والمحافظة على المناظر الطبيعية في المنطقة.
تنظيم مهرجانات سنوية تسلط الضوء على الثقافة والتراث المعماري والفنون التقليدية في تمزرط.
تعزيز التعاون مع السلطات المحلية والجهوية والمؤسسات الثقافية الوطنية لدعم مشاريع الحفاظ على التراث الثقافي.
دعم المشاريع الاقتصادية والتنموية في تمزرط التي تسهم في تحسين جودة الحياة وتعزيز التنمية المستدامة.
تعزيز مفهوم المواطنة الفعالة والمشاركة المجتمعية من خلال تفعيل دور الشباب والأفراد في تطوير المنطقة.
هذه الأهداف يمكن أن تسهم في تعزيز دور جمعية حماية التراث الثقافي بتمزرط في تعزيز الوعي الثقافي والتراثي وتعزيز التنمية المستدامة في المنطقة

Main Projects / Activities

La célébration du Nouvel An Amazigh : Nous organisons chaque année un événement festif pour marquer le Nouvel An Amazigh, mettant en avant nos coutumes, traditions et notre calendrier culturel
Festival célébration des coutumes et tradition : Notre association organise un festival au printemps, mettant en vedette les coutumes et traditions locales, avec des expositions, des spectacles artistiques et des ateliers interactifs
Mois Du Patrimoine : Durant tout le mois dédié au patrimoine, nous organisons des séminaires, des ateliers et des activités éducatives pour les enfants, visant à sensibiliser la jeune génération à l'importance de préserver notre héritage culturel.
Festival d’été : Notre point culminant est le Festival d'Été, qui attire chaque année plus de 5000 participants. Cet événement offre une variété de spectacles artistiques, de concerts, d'expositions culturelles et de stands culinaires locaux.
De plus, nous avons récemment lancé un projet dans le cadre de nos efforts pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable. Ce projet consiste à établir des bibliothèques dans les établissements éducatifs de la délégation de Matmata, afin de promouvoir l'accès à l'éducation et à la culture pour les jeunes de la région.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تبادل المعلومات: يمكن للجمعية مشاركة المعلومات والخبرات المتعلقة بالحفاظ على التراث الثقافي مع جمعيات أخرى في بلدك. ذلك يمكن أن يشمل استعراض النجاحات والتحديات والمشاريع المشتركة.

إنشاء شراكات: يمكن للجمعية التعاون مع جمعيات أخرى في مشروعات مشتركة للحفاظ على التراث الثقافي. هذا يمكن أن يشمل تبادل الخبرات والموارد المالية والبشرية.

الاستفادة من المنصات الرقمية: يمكن للجمعية استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والمنصات الرقمية للتواصل مع جمعيات أخرى ومشاركة المعلومات والأفكار.

المشاركة في أنشطة وفعاليات مشتركة: يمكن للجمعية المشاركة في أنشطة وفعاليات مشتركة مع جمعيات أخرى في بلدك، مثل معارض الفنون والمهرجانات الثقافية.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الجمعية ترغب في الانضمام إلى شبكة آنا ليند للعديد من الأسباب:

تقديم المعلومات والمشورة: الجمعية تهدف إلى توفير معلومات دقيقة ومفيدة لأعضائها والجمهور الذي تخدمه. شبكة آنا ليند تقدم منصة لنشر المعرفة وتقديم الاستشارات.

تبادل الخبرات: من خلال الانضمام إلى الشبكة، يمكن للجمعية مشاركة خبراتها وتعلم من تجارب الجمعيات الأخرى في مجالات متنوعة.

الوصول إلى مصادر جديدة: يمكن للجمعية الاستفادة من المصادر والمعرفة المتاحة عبر شبكة آنا ليند لتعزيز أهدافها ومشاريعها.

توجيه الدعم: يمكن للجمعية البحث عن دعم مالي أو موارد أخرى من خلال الشبكة، مما يمكنها من تحقيق مشروعاتها بفعالية أكبر.

التواصل والتعاون: الشبكة توفر فرصًا للتواصل والتعاون مع جمعيات ومؤسسات أخرى في بلدك وحول العالم، مما يعزز التفاعل والتبادل بين الجمعيات.

باختصار، الانضمام إلى شبكة آنا ليند يمكن أن يمنح الجمعية الفرصة للتواصل مع مجتمع أوسع والتعاون مع منظمات أخرى لتحقيق أهدافها وتعزيز دورها في خدمة المجتمع.

Contact (1) Full Name
يسري قرنيط
Job Title
مسؤل البرمجة / أمين المال
Head of the organisation
منجي بن حسن


National Network

28 Sa’d Bin Abi Waqqas Set., Um Uthaina, Amman, Jordan
28 Sa’d Bin Abi Waqqas Set., Um Uthaina, Amman, Jordan
Amman 11196

⁦+962 7 9001 6325⁩
Telephone (other)
+962 7 8570 7773
P.O. Box 963386 Amman, 11196, Jordan
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
⁦+962 7 8507 5700⁩
Mobile Phone (other)
⁦+962 7 8092 3321⁩
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Climate Action Association CAN is a trailblazing Jordanian environmental non-governmental organization, established in 2013, Amman, Jordan, committed to addressing climate change challenges with focus on Mitigation/Adaptation, WASH, Climate Justice, and Environmental Initiatives. CAN operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and is governed by a five-member Board of Directors with expertise in climate action. Day-to-day operations are managed by a CEO who oversees three primary departments: programs (project manager and technical staff), administration (procurement, finance, logistics, and HR), and M&E, all about 15 employees all holding at least a first-degree qualification, collaborates with over 25 voluntary community agents. CAN received a "Low Risk" designation from BDO International. Dr. Fayez Abdullah, Chairman, honored with the prestigious Abdul-Hameed Shoman Innovation Award to climate action. CAN has excelled in project delivery, established crucial partnerships, conducted impactful research, so got funded by EU, UNEP, UNICEF, Mitsubishi Corporation, NIH, and more.

Mission and Objectives

Mission:Build a resilient community to climate change through the mobilization of knowledge, enhanced institutional capacity, informed decision-making processes, and facilitate access to finance and technologies.
Objective :
Climate Action Network (CAN) is a Jordanian environmental NGO that was founded in 2013, and it is based in Jordan, Amman. It was established as a lead environmental organization working on climate change solutions in the middle east.
CAN works to tackle climate change by bringing forth major societal changes through establishing and building partnerships between local communities, business, government, and public bodies to shift towards a sustainable society and cities. It builds the knowledge and capacity of relevant stakeholders for best practices.
CAN programs focus on serving the most vulnerable and marginalized people in Jordan, namely children, women, refugees, farmers, persons with disabilities, internally displaced persons (idps), people from minority clans, and other marginalized groups.

Main Projects / Activities

• New Center Addresses Global Climate Change Impacts on Water, Energy, Food, and Health Systems.

Funded by NIH, 2024-2026, CAN will be part of the advisory board for the Global Center on Climate Change and Water-Energy-Food-Health Systems (GC3WEFH) led by UC San Diego. CAN is going to be the chair of the board for community organizations and will be participating in leadership and as part of the community engagement core, doing reach out, education and supporting the research project. CAN will be the responsible to coordinate with the members of the board of community organizations regarding related components of the center in support of UCSD coordination efforts of the center at UCSD as the main contact to support the center goals. The specific contributions of CAN will include participation in coordination with local stakeholders, monthly team discussions, monitoring and evaluation, and supporting the rest of the center team in its various endeavors.

• Adaptive Circular Economy Approach in Schools

Funded by Mitsubishi Corporation, 2023-2024, the project is structured to address critical water challenges in Jordan, which include issues such as water scarcity, limited wastewater treatment, and mounting stress on available water resources. The program encompasses several key activities aimed at mitigating these challenges. These activities involve scaling up water systems to enhance water reuse, thereby increasing agricultural and food production while concurrently expanding community awareness and capacity-building efforts. The initiative focuses on implementing school-level system modifications to enable the reuse of greywater within schools. Additionally, there is an emphasis on testing and implementing system modifications that meet stringent reuse standards, particularly concerning toilet flushing. Furthermore, the program introduces a sustainable business model to generate income by reusing treated greywater for activities like irrigation and the sale of local herbs. To enhance sustainability and environmental responsibility, the project also integrates solar panels and renewable energy solutions with the water treatment systems.

• Jordan – Deliver Policy Analysis and Recommendations on SLCP Mitigation
Program Activities:
Funded by CCAC-UNEP, 2023 -2025, this project aims to provide support to Jordan's Ministry of Environment in the identification of priority measures for mitigating short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), which will be integrated into Jordan's revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Building upon previous efforts, including the development of a draft national SLCP action plan, the project's objectives include securing government endorsement for the policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation measures. The key deliverables of the program involve generating target audience reports regarding the adoption of electric cooking technology in the final project survey. Additionally, it seeks to enhance the capacity of the government of Eswatini to raise awareness about the numerous benefits of clean household fuels and technologies, with the ultimate goal of increasing the adoption of electric cooking in households. Furthermore, the project intends to share public awareness-raising materials with interested countries in the region, aiming to promote a higher percentage of electric cooking in regions with similar accessibility levels and among countries keen on improving electricity access.
Funded by the American University of Bierut, 2023-2024, the program's primary objective is to engage in an institutional strengthening process, guided by a comprehensive assessment of support gaps identified in Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This capacity-building initiative unfolds gradually over the development period, involving multiple audit visits to foster progressive growth. The program encompasses activities such as institutional strengthening and development, contextualization, and Arabization efforts. It also emphasizes the certification of organizations, the digitization of content, and the facilitation of knowledge sharing, alongside extensive training and capacity-building measures to empower these entities.

• Climate Adaptation and Resilient WASH Program

Funded by Unicef, 2022-2024, this program is driven by the overarching goal of enhancing climate resilience and fostering an optimal Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) environment. It does so by conducting comprehensive assessments of WASH infrastructure and management within all of Jordan's Health Care Facilities (HCFs). The program is strategically centered on reaching 40 targeted institutions, including 35 schools and 5 mosques in the Irbid and Mafraq regions. It emphasizes building the capacities of these institutions and the surrounding communities to effectively adapt to water scarcity challenges. Additionally, the program focuses on the implementation of innovative and sustainable greywater treatment and reuse technologies. Key program activities encompass conducting a National Baseline Assessment of Climate-Resilient WASH in Health Care Facilities (HCFs) and implementing replicable and scalable adaptation measures in the identified 40 institutions to foster climate resilience and sustainable WASH practices.

Green Links
Funded by the EU, 2023 -2026, seeks to promote increased sustainable resource partnerships, the implementation of innovative green solutions, and the provision of inclusive livelihood services within the complex interplay of energy, water, and food systems in Azraq and Zarqa. The program is set to facilitate the collaborative development of a circular economy strategy for Azraq Camp and Zarqa in partnership with Syrian refugee volunteers and student green researchers and entrepreneurs. Additionally, it aims to establish a portfolio of 15 project initiatives designed to enhance the adoption of innovative green practices across the energy-water-food nexus. Furthermore, the program will focus on the creation of design and printing skills, as well as the development of operational and health and safety manuals and guidance materials, to facilitate knowledge transfer to workers operating within the energy-water-food nexus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our participation in the network, particularly in the realm of creative dialogue through the arts, provides a means to elevate awareness and enhance the capabilities of both youth and women across diverse domains. It encompasses raising awareness about environmental issues and underscoring the paramount significance of preserving the environment and safeguarding its components at the institutional, societal, and individual levels. This, in turn, fosters a shift in behavior towards the environment and its vital elements.

Through the network, we can also contribute to the realization of our ultimate goal, which is to establish a robust institutional framework for activating environmental education in pursuit of sustainable development objectives. Moreover, it entails amplifying the role of women in environmental protection and the sound management of households and natural resources through workshops and seminars.

Additionally, we can harness the network's resources in the pursuit of excellence, characterized by the application of universal standards of distinction, the cultivation of creativity and innovation, and the integration of creative concepts into our operational model, thereby rendering them actionable policies.

The network further provides a platform to extend support to more vulnerable individuals and marginalized groups in the attainment of social justice objectives. It enables the exchange of problem-solving knowledge and the recognition of pioneering scientific endeavors, thus ensuring that successful models find broader emulation.

In conclusion, our participation in your network is instrumental in the promotion of environmental awareness, the empowerment of youth and women, and the pursuit of social justice, all under the overarching aim of fostering sustainable development and a harmonious future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in joining this valuable network to achieve productive collaboration. Joining this network can lead us to engage in inspiring collective efforts to address highly complex challenges and benefit from the experiences and expertise of other members. It is an opportunity for us to learn from others, share our knowledge and unique expertise to achieve common goals, and raise awareness about shared issues that concern us. Interacting with diverse perspectives within this network can be a source of creativity and the generation of new ideas that contribute to innovative and effective problem-solving. Through your network, we can provide individuals with the opportunity to express their ideas and concerns effectively and participate in initiatives that impact our region. This encourages the development of a diverse set of skills, including communication, leadership, and advocacy. These skills can significantly contribute to personal and professional growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Shafi Sameer AL-shurufat
Job Title
Finance And Logistics Officer
Head of the organisation
Dr.Fayez A .Abdalla
Contact (2) Full Name
Hamzh odeh ahmad abu saleek
Job Title (2)
Team leader


National Network

5 Liffey View
Newbridge kildare
Co. Kildare
W12 VW50

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information

"Ireland in Arabic", is the first independent media platform in the Arabic language in Ireland, launched in 2017 as an experimental and official way from 2022 on a news site. After achieving the desire of the Arab public to have Arabic-speaking content, we launched the radio intermittently due to poor financial capabilities and equipment.

Ireland in Arabic aims to combat fake news and provide a detailed explanation of life in Ireland for vulnerable Arab immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers to help them integrate into the new society, in addition to introducing Arabic speakers outside Ireland to all aspects of life in it by publishing news on a daily basis as well as publishing reports about tourism, economy, laws, constitution and political system in the country.

The radio was also allocated to broadcast programs targeting Arabs inside Ireland through: (teaching English - explaining aspects of life in Ireland in detail - explaining important information about the Covid-19 pandemic and educating the Arab community about it- combating misleading news and false information- entertainment and social programs ) and other programs for Arabs in Abroad talking about Ireland and life in it by targeting specific groups, for example dedicating a program to the Gulf region through a Gulf male or female broadcaster for all those wishing to study or invest in Ireland, as well as to North African countries with the aim of delivering information to the target group in their mother tongue.

As for the news website, it provides a news service around the clock by a team that translates news of interest to immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers from Irish sites to keep them well informed of all the events that are taking place around them, in addition to providing translated reports on newly issued laws, explaining the laws, the constitution and the political system, and dealing with Banks and the country's tax system to help them integrate into society faster.

Mission and Objectives

. A dedicated media platform for immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and Arabic speakers
.Providing services permanently to the target group.
.Presenting the culture of the Irish community to the Arabs.
.Trying to support the target group to use their energies for the benefit of society.
Consolidating the values of coexistence, respect for the other, and free and rational dialogue.
. Raising awareness of the dangers of closing in on oneself , and overcoming fanatical thought.
. Fostering social harmony in multicultural societies.
. Consolidating respect for human rights and public freedoms, and openness between cultures and civilizations, which leads to achieving social harmony and achieving common gains for society.
. Combating illegal immigration by raising awareness of the dangers surrounding it.
. Combating violence against immigrant women and informing the public about their reality, as well as educating immigrant women about gender-based violence and qualifying them to enter the labor market.
. Combating fake news by using verification tools on social media, publishing news and reports from official sources, in addition to broadcast a radio program that presents the most prominent rumors and speaking with the officials to clarify the truth.

Main Projects / Activities

Types of our non-profit activities and services:

1- A news platform that works around the clock by producing readable content based on the following: Translating news from English into Arabic from Irish news websites
Producing written, visual and audio press reports and stories.

2- radio station.
Producing and broadcasting audio content through a range of service, entertainment and educational programmes.
As well as the possibility of presenting and contributing to the dissemination of social, health and security awareness campaigns, as a part of the social responsibility that Ireland in Arabic committed towards the community of refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, as well as the Irish community as a whole.

3-Organizing workshops and trainings
Organizing preparatory courses to guide and train refugees and new immigrants in society to help them integrating into society and provide a detailed explanation of the various laws of interest to new refugees: the constitution, labor law, immigration law, health insurance, and everything of concern, as well as explaining the cultural and societal nature of the fostering Irish environment.
Also organizing workshops and seminars to support societal acceptance of gender and ethnic diversity within the refugees and immigrants community.

4- educational services
Providing English and Irish language courses for refugees and immigrants to help them integrate into society.

5-community initiatives.
That aim to address social problems and achieve stability and reassurance within the immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers families by providing family guidance and counselling, and also help in solving the difficulties and problems that the families may face.
As well as taking societal initiatives to support women, children and gender diversity.

6- cultural activities
Organizing cultural seminars and displaying artistic and cultural works by refugees and immigrants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Samir
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Samir
Contact (2) Full Name
Manar abdelhady
Job Title (2)