جمعية أثر للتنمية الشبابية

National Network

Al-Russifa 13710

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية اثر للتنمية الشبابية هي مؤسسة شبابية تأسست في عام 2013 كنتاج لمبادرة شبابية تهدف لوقف تطبيق قانون العقوبات الجزائية داخل الجامعات الأردنية وتحويله الى قانون خدمة مدنية،
وتقدم أثر الان خدماتها لأكثر من 2000 منتفع سنويا بشكل مباشر وأكثر من 11000 شخص بشكل غير مباشر ضمن برامجها الرئيسية ،وطوت اثر خلال السنوات السابقة شركاء لتحقيق أهدافها من ضمنهم
UNWOMEN, Mercy corps, UPP, COOPI, ARCs, Save the children,...etc
وبموازنة سنوية اكثر من 100000دينارولدينا 14 موظف بشكل داىما و19 متطوع وبدوام جزئي.
ولدينا اربعة قطاعات نعمل بها كمؤسسة وهي سبل العيش ( منح مالية للمشاريع الصغيرة ومتناهية الصغر والتأهيل لسوق العمل)
التعليم الغيررسمي، التمكين السياسي، الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي والحماية.

Mission and Objectives

تسعى أثر للوصول لمجتمع متزن مترابط مستندا على الأسسالعلمية الحديثة ، ونعمل بمقولة إبدء بنفسك واترك أثر !

Main Projects / Activities

ولدينا اربعة قطاعات نعمل بها كمؤسسة وهي،
1- سبل العيش ( منح مالية للمشاريع الصغيرة ومتناهية الصغر والتأهيل لسوق العمل)
2-التعليم الغيررسمي،
3-التمكين السياسي،
4- الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي والحماية.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

بالتشاركية بتصميم الانشطة والتدريبات والفعاليات،
وبناء القدرات بناءا على الخبرات.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل فتح افاق جديدة للتعاون وبناء الخبرات والقدرات المؤسسية.

Contact (1) Full Name
أنس بليه
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي
Head of the organisation
أنس بليه
Contact (2) Full Name
الاء الطحان
Job Title (2)
مديرة البرامج

Municipality of Budva

National Network

Trg Sunca 3
85310 Budva

+382 33 451 000
Telephone (other)
+382 33 403 812
+382 33 451 000
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Municipality of Budva (MB) lies at the central part of Adriatic coast of Montenegro. It has 36km long coastline and area of app 124m². At the 2011 census MB had 19.218 inhabitants and the 2019 budget of app 38 million €. With 130, 40 inhabitants per km² it is one of the highest density municipalities of ME. Municipality of Budva has around 300 employees and together with all municipalities’ public entities more than 1000 employees. Within municipality there are 7 secretariats and Municipality of Budva is founder, owner and co-owner of 11 public entities.
Budva Municipality is the strongest pillar of Montenegrin economy where tourism is the single biggest industry and high development priority. In 2018, Budva accounted for 44,5% of total tourism turnover and 45,2% of total overnights in Montenegro. This is a continuous trend for more than five decades in which Budva was app half of ME tourism.

Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of the Municipality of Budva can be described as follows:

The Municipality of Budva is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for its residents and fostering sustainable development within its territory. We are committed to providing efficient and transparent local governance, promoting economic prosperity, preserving cultural heritage, and ensuring the well-being of our community members. Through active engagement and collaboration, we aim to create a vibrant, inclusive, and environmentally conscious municipality that serves as a model for responsible local self-government.


Community Well-being and Quality of Life:

To prioritize the well-being, safety, and overall quality of life for all residents of Budva.
To provide essential services, including healthcare, education, public safety, and social support systems, that meet the needs of the community.
Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship:

To promote sustainable urban planning and development practices that balance economic growth with environmental conservation.
To implement initiatives that address environmental challenges, such as waste management, conservation of natural resources, and sustainable transportation.
Cultural Preservation and Promotion:

To safeguard and promote the rich cultural heritage of Budva, preserving historical sites, traditions, and local customs.
To support cultural events, festivals, and initiatives that celebrate diversity and contribute to the cultural identity of the municipality.
Economic Growth and Prosperity:

To foster a conducive environment for businesses, both local and international, to thrive and contribute to the economic prosperity of the municipality.
To encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and job creation, thereby enhancing the economic well-being of our community.
Transparent and Accountable Governance:

To uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity in all municipal operations and decision-making processes.
To actively engage with citizens through open forums, public consultations, and accessible information channels to ensure that their voices are heard.
Tourism Development and Management:

To promote sustainable tourism practices that preserve the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Budva while providing economic benefits to the community.
To enhance the tourism infrastructure and services to attract visitors from around the world.
Social Inclusion and Civic Engagement:

To create an inclusive and supportive environment that respects the rights and dignity of every individual in the community.
To encourage civic participation, volunteering, and community involvement, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among residents.
Infrastructure and Urban Services:

To invest in modern, reliable, and accessible infrastructure, including transportation, utilities, and public spaces, to meet the evolving needs of our growing municipality.
By aligning our efforts with these objectives, the Municipality of Budva aspires to create a thriving, sustainable, and harmonious community for current and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects that is going on is reconstruction of Budva promenade as you can see on the link

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Municipality of Budva can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network in Montenegro in several meaningful ways:

Cultural Exchange and Dialogue:

Organize and host cultural events, workshops, and seminars that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding among different communities within Budva and across Montenegro.
Promoting Tolerance and Inclusivity:

Implement initiatives that foster a culture of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity within the municipality, creating a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds.
Heritage Preservation and Promotion:

Support projects that focus on preserving and promoting cultural heritage sites, traditions, and practices, contributing to a shared sense of cultural identity.
Youth Empowerment and Engagement:

Develop programs and activities that engage young people in cultural exchange, arts, and creative expression, encouraging them to become active participants in the ALF Network.
Collaboration with Educational Institutions:

Partner with schools, universities, and educational institutions to implement cultural education programs, workshops, and seminars that promote diversity, tolerance, and dialogue.
Networking and Partnerships:

Actively engage with other local governments, NGOs, and cultural organizations in Montenegro to create a network of stakeholders dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding.
Media and Communication Initiatives:

Support media campaigns and initiatives that highlight the importance of cultural diversity, inclusivity, and dialogue, reaching a broader audience and raising awareness within the community.
Youth Exchanges and Mobility Programs:

Facilitate youth exchanges, study tours, and cultural immersion programs that allow young people from Budva to interact with their peers from different cultural backgrounds.
Artistic and Creative Initiatives:

Encourage local artists, performers, and creators to collaborate on projects that promote cultural exchange and understanding through various forms of artistic expression.
Supporting Grassroots Initiatives:

Provide funding, resources, and logistical support for grassroots initiatives that align with the mission and goals of the ALF Network, amplifying their impact within the municipality.
Advocacy for Intercultural Policies:

Advocate for policies at the local and national levels that promote intercultural dialogue, inclusivity, and cultural exchange, influencing decision-making processes in favor of diversity.
Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regularly assess the impact of programs and initiatives related to cultural exchange and intercultural dialogue to ensure that they are effectively contributing to the goals of the ALF Network.
By actively participating in the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, the Municipality of Budva can play a vital role in promoting cultural diversity, understanding, and cooperation, both within the municipality and in the broader context of Montenegro.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Municipality of Budva is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons:

Promoting Cultural Exchange and Understanding: The municipality recognizes the immense value of cultural exchange in fostering mutual understanding and respect among diverse communities. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, Budva aims to actively contribute to initiatives that promote dialogue and cooperation between cultures.

Preserving and Promoting Cultural Heritage: Budva is rich in cultural heritage, with a history that spans millennia. Joining the ALF Network provides an opportunity to showcase and preserve this heritage, ensuring that it remains a source of pride and identity for current and future generations.

Enhancing Tolerance and Inclusivity: In a globalized world, fostering an environment of tolerance, inclusivity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their cultural background, is of paramount importance. By affiliating with ALF, the municipality is committing to creating a welcoming space for everyone.

Youth Empowerment and Engagement: Recognizing that youth play a crucial role in shaping the future, the Municipality of Budva aims to engage young people in activities that promote cultural awareness and exchange. ALF provides a platform for meaningful youth participation and empowerment.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities: Joining the ALF Network opens doors to collaboration with a wide range of local governments, NGOs, cultural organizations, and individuals who share a common goal of promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding. This network facilitates the exchange of knowledge, resources, and best practices.

Advocating for Cultural Diversity: Through its association with ALF, the municipality can advocate for policies and initiatives at both the local and national levels that champion cultural diversity, inclusivity, and dialogue. This advocacy can lead to positive changes in the community and beyond.

Contributing to a Larger Global Mission: By aligning with the ALF Network, the Municipality of Budva is partaking in a larger global mission to promote peace, dialogue, and understanding among cultures. This aligns with broader international efforts to create a more harmonious and inclusive world.

Showcasing Budva's Commitment to Cultural Diplomacy: Joining the ALF Network signals Budva's commitment to cultural diplomacy, demonstrating its dedication to building bridges between cultures and showcasing its openness to the world.

Overall, by becoming a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, the Municipality of Budva is taking a proactive step towards nurturing a more inclusive, understanding, and culturally vibrant community, both within the municipality itself and in the broader context of Montenegro.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikola Jovanović
Job Title
President of Assembly
Head of the organisation
Municipality of Budva
Contact (2) Full Name
Iva Pavlovic
Job Title (2)
Head of Office for European Integration and Cooperation


National Network

Mnyat Alnaser

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

المنظمة حاليا قيد البد ونحتاج الى التسجيل لاستكمال العمل

Mission and Objectives

سنتحدث بشكل ايجابي وكبير عن الاهداف والمهمة التي سنقوم بها بانشاء رؤية للتبادل الثقافي والتراث ونشرة الوعي

Main Projects / Activities

التصميم والبرمجة والتعليم الالكتروني

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Gamal khallaf Mohamed
Head of the organisation
طارق جمال خلاف محمد


National Network

Madinaty, Gate 1, Development Area, Square Engineering Firm
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Klaxics is the largest A Cappella ensemble in Egypt, a one-of-a-kind project that anyone can apply to become part of irrespective of age, background or even previous musical experience.
To present classical and contemporary songs in Egyptian dialect, the ensemble uses A Cappella: a classical art of singing that relies solely on human voices rather than musical instruments to make music.
The ensemble won the first prize of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Summer Festival Contest 2021, the Cultural Resource "Wijhat" grant in 2020, the Gemini Africa and Wasla Incubation Awards in 2022 and the Garage El-Mahrousa incubator award in 2023.

Mission and Objectives

1- Introducing A Cappella and classical arts in their mother tongue and a relatable context for Egyptians audience.
2- Fighting cultural elitism by introducing classical renditions of pop songs and involving talented non-professionals in classical singing.
3- Changing common perception on classical arts in Egypt (irrelevant to the culture, hard to perform, only for special audience...etc.)

Main Projects / Activities

- Klaxics is the first and only Egyptian A Cappella ensemble led by a female musician.
- Dalia arranges and writes the music notations for different voices in A Cappella, trains the vocalists and sings as a mezzo-soprano.
- All the team members, including the founder, are self-taught musicians of different ages and background with a large percentage of women contributing to different songs.
- Children as young as 10 years old joined previous Klaxics productions.
- Many members of Klaxics, including Dalia, were previous members of Fayha choir which Dalia considers as the 'mothership of all Arabic A Cappella troupes'.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We sing different songs that describe that anything can be classically managed through the vocal skills of people and through harmonizing their voices together forming one whole integrated output that is full of harmony and love. Sound is integration of tones and notes, composing one beautiful symphony.

It is an example to everything, we all can use this exact harmony just through the chance of living together as a community; sharing the same aims for a better living, everyone is to know that they are singing
a different line of notes uniquely, having a different role, yet participating in the final harmony of the universe.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to spread this authentic spirit of music around the world....

Contact (1) Full Name
Nohier ElSamny
Job Title
Head of Development
Head of the organisation
Dalia Ihab Younis

Youth Rise Center

National Network

St. Budi/Petraq Xhacka, no.4, 1003, Tirana, Albania

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Rise is a non-profit organisation that supports youth, talent and leadership development. The organisation aims to motivate and empower youths to realise their potential and seeks to be the home of enterprising youths committed to creating their own future.
We will aim, through contacts, conversations and various forms of communication, to highlight the main primary needs of the youth to realize them in order to be more fruitful in our intervention and assistance. Through various projects we will aim to provide them with conditions for development to successfully cope with the rapid changes of social and technological developments and economic changes in the environment in which they live.
The structure of the governing bodies of the organization consists of the board of directors, the executive director, the administration and the volunteers. The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body, which based on the statute of the organization, meets no less than once a month. It decides on economic issues, approves the budget of the organization and issues acts for the regulation of internal activity. The executive director directs the day-to-day operations of the organization. At YR there is a department of Research, Finance, Writing and Project Management, Department of Youth and Volunteers. They consist of the administration.

Mission and Objectives

Mission of Youth Rise: Encourage active citizenship and active civic participation in society with the main focus on empowering young people to create positive change in their communities.
We aim to support the personal and professional development of young people and help them use their potential through non-formal learning. With our programs and projects we will offer opportunities to gain knowledge and skills, as well as exchange experiences with other cultures.
Objectives of Youth Rise:
 Carrying out projects that will help young people to express their talent and creativity.
 Promoting environmental education among young people.
 Incentives for increasing the employment of young people according to the demands of the labor market,
 Encouragement for assistance and social support of young people in need.
 Promoting a culture of volunteerism among young people.
 Promoting integration and financial support for young people with disabilities.
 Encouragement and participation of young people in decision-making and democratic processes,

Main Projects / Activities

Projects developed by Youth Rise:

Name of the Project Better Together!
Main Activities 1. Meeting with the interest group to present the project along with its details.
2. Meeting with young people from Gjirokaster municipality about covid-19 and the news about it.
Duration of the project 8 months
Budget 1 000 000 Leke
Coofinancing : 100 000 Leke

Name of the project Summer Concert
Donor Cultural Center-Municipality of Vlora
Main activities Realization of a classical concert with the congregants Kastriot Tusha, Renisa Lacka, Fjorela Xhaferaj with the accompaniment of the Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Conductor Oleg Arapi.
Duration of the project 2 months
Budget 300 000 Leke
Coofinancing: 100 000 Leke

Name of the project “With youth for Youth”
Donor Kongresi Rinor Kombetar + Bashkia Tirane
Main Activities 1. Development of 3 training sessions for young people "Youth as the main lobbying and advocacy force"
2. Development of 5 practical workshops with the participation of other youth organizations and 50 (10 in each workshop) of selected young people.
Duration of the project 5 months
Budget 1 000 000 Leke
Coofinancing : 110 000 Leke

Name of the project “Tirana me ngjyrat e muzikes”
Donor Bashkia Tirane
Main activities Realization of a classical concert with the singers Gjyle Pelingu, Renisa Lacka, Adelina Paloja with the accompaniment of the Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Conductor Oleg Arapi.
Duration of the project 2 months
Budget 1 033 000 Leke
Coofinancing: 100 000 Leke

Name of the project “Safety and health at work in a virtual work environment”
Donor Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association - MOSHA
Main actitivies 1. Conduct a national survey to gather data on the challenges and opportunities of SS in the virtual work environment;
2. Carrying out an awareness campaign for safety and health at work in the virtual work environment;
Duration of the project 10 months
Budget 25.694,00 EURO

Name of the project “Young people, the main advocacy force in Korce”
Main activities 1. Realization of an information-presentation meeting on the project data and the activities that will be realized in its function.
2. Realization of a meeting on strengthening the capacities of young people in the municipality of Korce on monitoring and evaluation tools and techniques;
3. Realization of a meeting on strengthening the capacities of young people in the Municipality of Korce on advocacy and lobbying at the local level;
4. Development of a meeting with young people from the area on active citizen participation in local decision-making, specifically in setting priorities and drawing up the budget for young people;
Duration of the project 6 months
Budget 1 100 000 Leke

Name of the project “Youth and Voluntarism in Permet Municipality”
Main activities 1. Realization of an information-presentation meeting on the project data and the activities that will be realized in its function.
2. Realization of a meeting on strengthening the capacities of young people in the municipality of Permet on the integration process of the country in the EU;
3. Realization of a meeting on strengthening the capacities of young people in the Municipality of Permet on advocacy and lobbying at the local level;
4. Development of a meeting with young people from the area on the importance of being a volunteer and their engagement in the activities of the organization and not only;
Duration of the project 6 months
Budget 1 200 000 Leke

Name of the project “Unlock your Technological Skills”
Donor National Youth Agency
Main activities Activity 0 – Start-up of the project –
Activity 1 – Preparation and opening of the registration phase. This activity contains 2 sub-activities:
Activity 1.1 – Design and preparation of registration opening
Activity 1.2 – Preparation of curricula
Activity 2 – Development of a series of trainings for the development of young people's digital skills – This activity is divided into 2 sub-activities:
Activity 2.1 – Designing the training module
Activity 2.2 – Development of trainings with young people
Activity 3: - Development of 3 motivational meetings with digital entrepreneurs "Digital Entrepreneur for a day".
Activity 4 ¬– Visibility – this activity is divided into 2 sub-activities:
Activity 4.1 – Preparing content to be posted on digital media.
Activity 4.2 – Posting on social networks –
Horizontal Activity – Operational and financial management of the project
Duration of the project 8 months
Budget 2 850 000 Leke

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Youth Rise Center wants to join the network to have a wider cooperation with other organizations that are part of the network and to be part of the different experiences and projects offered by the Ana Lindh Foundation to further enrich the work it does every day Youth Rise Center.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Albina Ternova
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Albina Ternova


National Network

47, Steliou Kazantzidi Str.
57001 Greece

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Four founding members, three musicians (Elena Moudiri Chasiotou, Makis Baklatzis and Andriana Achitzanova) and one cultural manager (Tessie Giannakina). Currently, there are two staff employees working permanenetly on a daily basis and several ones temporarily based on each project. Regarding our partners, these are the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Directorate of Culture and Tourism in concrete, and several cultural institutions of Thessaloniki with which we coopearate according to each project's needs.

Budgetary resources available in a year: 10000-15000 euros.

Sources of funding: The Ministry of Culture, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, private sponsors, own funding

Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Anopolis World Music Festival, North Evia Festival, Home Concerts, Art studio Concerts, Terpsis Orchestra, Nefes Project

Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Numerous artists-musicians based in Thessaloniki, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the 3rd Municipal District of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Directorate of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.

Mission and Objectives

-Cultivation of music education & active listening
-Research, study and analysis of musical traditions and creation of accessible archival material
-Creating motivation for the expression of contemporary musical trends
-Enhancing personal expression and co-creativity
-Moving from a closed community to an open city. Citizens or groups that are part of a certain institution/community have the opportunity to coexist and share their interest in music
-Creating activities and projects in cooperation with the general public
-Cooperation with respective organizations in Greece and abroad, having the same or similar goals
-Promoting the musical multiculturalism of Thessaloniki, and reinforcing the dynamics of the music groups and artists of the city

Main Projects / Activities

Musical traditions of Greece, the Balkans and the Mediterranean, and their contemporary expressions

The idea started in the summer of 2020 in Thessaloniki, in response to the need to create a community of musical expression and creation that will form a key reference point for the cultural, educational and research ecosystem of the city.

The cultural diversity of Thessaloniki is an indisputable part of its identity. The city, as a crossroads, may serve both as a passage and a permanent home for people of different backgrounds who carry and leave traces of their culture, shaping and transforming its contemporary cultural mosaic. History, socio-political events, different habits, trends and ideas interact and merge. Music is the witness of all these changes and social fermentation.

olipoli enters the alleys and neighborhoods of the city, gets inspired by its multicultural wealth and gives space to its expression. Its team organizes group workshops for adults and children, seminars, lectures, educational programs, open rehearsals, concerts and festivals, and undertakes the production of musical and artistic activities, establishing a network of musicians, artists, academics, students, organizations and anyone interested in the art of music.

Focusing on the cultivation of music performance and listening to music, as well as the production of artistic, educational and research work, olipoli promotes and strengthens the cooperation and coexistence of different communities and organizations of Thessaloniki, creating focal points of expression within the city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tessie Giannakina
Job Title
Cultural Manager
Head of the organisation
Tessie Giannakina, Elena Moudiri Chasiotou, Andriana Achitzanova, Makis Baklatzis


National Network

27 Rue d'IraK
1002 Tunis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ArtVeda is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization, which works for the promotion of cultural life in Tunisia and for a dialogue beyond borders. A meeting between artists, cultural managers and activists engaged in the cultural field since 2016, took place around the founder of the association Ahmed Mourad Khanfir.

Artveda has since been involved in artistic production, the organization of creative workshops in favor of marginalized groups (children without family support, LGBTQI community, etc.), but also in hosting artists at risk into residency. Artveda is in partnership with Artist At Risk funded by Creative Europe and the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Mission and Objectives

Nos objectifs :

Renforcer la recherche et le développement de formes d’art innovantes ainsi que transdisciplinaires
Encourager les expressions artistiques à impact thérapeutique, social et éducatif
Lutter contre toutes les formes de discrimination et renforcer l’égalité des chances et l’accès de tous aux arts et à la culture
Mobiliser un réseau de solidarité
Combattre la précarité et la persécution des artistes menacés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du pays.
Soutenir la liberté d’expression et la liberté de création des artistes et acteurs culturels
Renforcer la collaboration avec les critiques d’art et les médias alternatifs qui sont la ceinture de sécurité de la liberté créative
Renforcer les échanges culturels équilibrés pour promouvoir l’interculturalité dans un esprit d’enrichissement du capital humain mondial
Renforcer la recherche sur la diversité culturelle locale et la valoriser

Main Projects / Activities

RÉSIDENCE D'ARTISTE Nous avons accueilli deS artistes à risque en résidence tunisienne, avec le soutien d'ArtistatRisk et de l'Institute of International Education. Il s'agit pour nous de mettre en place le dispositif administratif et financier pour accueillir ces artistes, assurer les conditions d'une bonne adaptation à leur nouvel environnement, les accompagner dans les démarches pour exercer leur art en Tunisie et en tirer profit.
A travers le programme de production artistique, nous soutenons des projets innovants, ou des œuvres portées par des artistes qui ne trouvent pas de débouchés dans les circuits de production classiques. Nous étudions leurs propositions et les accompagnons jusqu’à leur réalisation.
Les ateliers sont des ponts entre les artistes et les bénéficiaires. Ils permettent souvent de partager le plaisir de découvrir un savoir-faire avec un enfant ou tout simplement avec une personne qui recherche un moyen d'expression ou une forme de bien-être.

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed mourad khanfir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

جمعية البعد السابع للثقافة

National Network

شارع فرحات حشاد
المعهد الجهوي للموسيقى
1200 القصرين

Telephone (other)
52302552 00216
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 52302552
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

جمعية البعد الشابع للثقافة هي جمعية مدنية غير ربحية تنشط في مجال الثقافة و المواطنة الى جانب العمل على المساواة بين الجنسين تأسست في 2016 و لها عديد المشاريع و الشراكات الهامة مع المؤسسات الحكومية و الخاصة ومع الممولين الدوليين . https://www.facebook.com/7Dasbl
من مشاريع الجمعية تأسيس مهرجان سنوي يعنى بموسيقى الشباب " مهرجان الشباب " https://www.facebook.com/festivaldesjeuneskasserine

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
سليم علوي
Job Title
أمين مال
Head of the organisation
حمزة عجلاني
Contact (2) Full Name
وليد عجلاني
Job Title (2)
كاتب عام

IDHUS - Institute for the Development of Human Societies

National Network

Ferran Junoy 10 Bajos 1
08030 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information

The IDHUS Institute is a think tank based in the city of Barcelona. We serve as a hub for analysis, research, and studies, exploring the fundamental forces that shape our world. Our mission is to shed light on the intricate interplay between demographic studies, human development, and world population dynamics.
Our organisation staff: https://idhus.org/about-us/who-we-are/
Budget resources: aprox 100.000 euros/year
Action plans: research, conferences, training courses, seminars, local groups networking

Mission and Objectives

At the IDHUS Institute, our mission is to advance the understanding of human development and world population dynamics through rigorous research, data-driven analysis, and evidence-based solutions. We are committed to addressing the critical challenges facing our global society, fostering equitable development, and promoting sustainable population growth. Our work is guided by a dedication to scholarship, collaboration, and the pursuit of knowledge for the betterment of humanity.

Main Projects / Activities

Conduct Cutting-Edge Research: Undertake multidisciplinary research initiatives to explore the intricate dynamics of human development and world population, generating new knowledge and insights that inform policy and practice.

Promote Evidence-Based Policymaking: Advocate for the implementation of evidence-based policies at all levels of governance, addressing demographic challenges and fostering equitable and sustainable development.

Disseminate Knowledge: Disseminate research findings, policy recommendations, and best practices through publications, reports, and educational programs to ensure that our insights reach a broad and diverse audience.

Foster Collaboration: Collaborate with academic institutions, research organizations, governments, and NGOs to facilitate interdisciplinary research and collective action in the pursuit of common goals.

Advocate for Human Rights: Champion the principles of human rights, gender equality, and social justice, advocating for policies that empower individuals and communities to reach their full potential.

Enhance Data Accessibility: Facilitate access to comprehensive and up-to-date demographic data, making it readily available to researchers, policymakers, and the public to support informed decision-making.

Engage in Global Dialogue: Engage in international dialogue and cooperation to address global demographic challenges, foster cultural understanding, and promote a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of humanity.

Educate and Empower: Offer educational programs, seminars, and workshops to empower individuals with knowledge, skills, and tools to contribute to positive change in their communities and the world at large.

Lead by Example: Uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, ethics, and transparency in our research, advocacy, and organizational practices.

At the IDHUS Institute, we are dedicated to pursuing these objectives with unwavering commitment, guided by a passion for research excellence and a deep sense of responsibility to society. Together, we aim to shape a brighter, more equitable, and sustainable future for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aspire to drive positive change by providing all network members, policymakers, researchers, and the public with valuable insights, innovative solutions, and a deeper appreciation of the complex interactions between demographics and human progress. Through our joint efforts at ALF, we envision a world where informed decisions, inclusive policies, and empowered communities lead to enhanced well-being and a sustainable future for all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Human development is at the core of our collective aspirations and we believe we share this goal the the ALF network. We delve into the factors that enable individuals and communities to lead fulfilling lives, and we seek to unlock the potential of societies by addressing inequalities, enhancing well-being, and fostering sustainable growth.

We believe that in an increasingly interconnected world, understanding global population trends is essential. We want to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by shifts in population size, composition, and distribution with other organisations and members of our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Gonzalez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
David Gonzalez
Contact (2) Full Name
Camelia Cosma
Job Title (2)
Head of Administration


National Network

Herzl 141
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

BINA is an Israeli-born movement at the intersection of Jewish education and social activism. BINA works to advance democracy, pluralism and justice in Israel and the Jewish world through limud (study), ma’ase (action) and kehilla (community), emphasizing Jewish culture and values of tikkun olam (repairing the world).
BINA means “Wisdom” in Hebrew. It is a Hebrew acronym from a poem by Israel’s national poet, Haim Nachman Bialik, for: “A Home for the Creation of a Nation’s Soul”. For us, a “Nation’s Soul” means a nation which embodies the values of pluralism, social justice, social solidarity, democracy and peace – the Jewish values for which BINA stands.

Mission and Objectives

Established in 1996, BINA is Israel’s leading Jewish organization dedicated to advancing Judaism and democracy in Israel and the Jewish world through limud (study), ma’ase (action) and kehilla (community), emphasizing Jewish culture and values of tikkun olam (repairing the world).
BINA’s Work: BINA designs and implements social and educational programs including year-long study and volunteer programs, workshops and seminars, life cycle ceremonies and public events that empower Jews to take ownership of their Jewish identity and to make a positive difference in their local community, in Israeli society, in the Jewish world and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

Established in 1996, BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change is an Israeli-based Jewish organization dedicated to advancing Judaism and democracy in Israel and the Jewish world through limud (study), ma’ase (action), and kehilla (community), emphasizing Jewish culture and values of tikkun olam (repairing the world). BINA designs and implements social and educational programs including year-long study and volunteer programs, workshops and seminars, life cycle ceremonies and public events that empower Jews to take ownership of their Jewish identity and to make a positive difference in their local community, in Israeli society, in the Jewish world and beyond.

BINA was established as a response to the breakdown in public trust and unity in the aftermath of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. For over 25 years, BINA has worked to advance Jewish pluralism and democracy in Israel and the Jewish world. We design and implement social and educational programs that empower Jews to take ownership of their Jewish identity and to make a positive difference in their local community and society as a whole. All our programs combine our three pillars: Jewish study, social action, and community. Today, we are the largest Jewish organization of its kind in Israel, working closely with the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Education, with branches in the major cities of Israel (Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beer Sheva and Jerusalem). BINA reaches over 100,000 Israelis and Jews from all over the world every year, through a diverse offering of programs aimed at enhancing authentic Jewish and Israeli identity.”
*From iREP Proposal 2021

BINA is one of Israel's leading organizations in the field of Jewish culture and pluralism. BINA strives to strengthen Israel as a just, democratic, pluralistic society, by emphasizing cultural and communal aspects of Judaism, and by offering diverse options for exploring and expressing Jewish and Zionist identities. We design and implement social and educational programs that empower Jews to take ownership of their Jewish identity and to make a positive difference in their local community and society as a whole. All our programs combine our three pillars: Jewish study, social action, and community. BINA reaches over 80,000 Israelis and Jews from all over the world every year, through a diverse offering of programs aimed at enhancing authentic Jewish and Israeli identity. BINA’s year-long study and volunteer programs for young adults integrate cultural, social, and educational elements, combining pluralistic Jewish learning with meaningful social action. BINA has led interactive seminars and workshops on topics of Jewish Pluralism and Social Justice for Israeli public-school students since 2001 and for IDF officers and cadets since 2010, currently reaching over 30,000 students and 8,000 soldiers per year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a unique organization, regarding the aspects of the Jewish religion that we represent. a liberal and democratic Jewish religion, giving place to minorities, women. LGBTQ and devoted to education of youth and the general public.
Therefore, we

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that collaboration is a key element in social change and many of our programs are done with various partners in Israel and abroad. Therefore joining the ALF network is part of Bina's core values. We believe that the unique aspects Bina represent can be made to a good contribution to other organizations and that it will be of much value for us to partner with ALF network and the other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amir Segal
Job Title
Government Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Nir Broida