نزيه بنقاسم

National Network

رقم 12 زنقة القاضي عياض
85200 سيدي افني

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

مغني مؤلف أغاني معد برامج وملحن اجازة في المهن الفنية والوسائطية وأتالع حاليا دراستي بالسنة الثانية ماستر الاتصال والوسائط الابداع المهنية وأسئلة المجتمع

Mission and Objectives

التثاقف التعايش جعل الفن لغة موحدة ولغة سلم لربط أواصر المحبة والأخوة في مختلف بلدان العالم

Main Projects / Activities

كل أعمالي الفنية https://www.youtube.com/@nazihofficial وبصدد اصدار أعمال أخرى

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

بكل ما هو متاح وممكن للقيام به من أجل النهوض بالشأن الثقافي والفني والاعلامي ببلدي والترافع عليه

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

انه لشرف لي وستكونون بمثابة اضافة كبيرة لي وسند لايصال صوت الشباب وخدمة الرسالة الفنية

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
نزيه بنقاسم
Job Title
مدير فني
Head of the organisation
نزيه بنقاسم

الجمعية المهنية الوطنية لمهن الفنون والوسائط

National Network

رقم 14 زنقة حسان بن ثابت
14040 القنيطرة

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

تأسست جمعية ''الجمعية المهنية الوطنية لمهن الفنون والوسائط'' لمدة غير محدودة، بمقرها الإداري الكائن زنقة حسان بن ثابث، رقم 14، القنيطرة وتتخذ من دار الشباب مقرا لمزاولة الأنشطة. تهتم جمعية ''الجمعية المهنية الوطنية لمهن الفنون والوسائط'' بالميادين: الفنية، الثقافية، التربوية، الاجتماعية والترافعية. يعد كل من مبدأ الوحدة، والتعاون، والسعي إلى تحقيق الأهداف من مبادئ الجمعية الفصل 13: يتكون مكتب الجمعية من الأجهزة التالية *الجمع العام كأعلى هيئة تقريرية. *مكتب مسير يفرزه الجمع العام. *اللجن التنفيذية. *أعضاء المكتب المسير لجمعية: الرئيس - الكاتب العام - أمين المال-المستشارين. يمكن للجمعية إحداث فروع بالتراب الوطني بعد المناقشة، وتصويت ثلثي أعضاء المكتب المسير على هذا القرار

Mission and Objectives

الأهداف: تسعى الجمعية إلى المساهمة في: 3 تنمويا: 1) دعم الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية من خلال تشجيع الأعمال والإصدارات الفنية والثقافية والعمل على تسويقها وطنيا ودوليا ومواكبة الفنانين الواعدين 2) تنظيم الأنشطة والتظاهرات الفنية والثقافية التي تعرف بالتراث المغربي وتعمل على تثمينه من مهرجانات وسهرات ومعراض، وجولات فنية، إلخّ 3) التكوين في مجال مهن الفنون والوسائط عن طريق تنظيم دوارات تكوينية، تداريب، ندوات، منتديات موضوعاتية، إلخ. 4) تسخير الفن والثقافة لغايات تربوية واجتماعية تخدم الطفولة والشباب بما فيها من هم في وضعية صعبة 5) تحقيق التآزر بين مجالات متنوعة مثل الإنتاج الموسيقي والسينمائي والتلفزيوني، والوسائط المتعددة، والألعاب والرياضة الإلكترونية والمجالات الثقافية مثل التراث، والحرف اليدوية والتصميم، والنشر، وفنون الأداء، والفنون التشكيلية 6) عقد شراكات مع مختلف المتدخلين (القطاع العام. المؤسسات الغير الحكومية. المنظمات الدولية ...) من أجل تطوير مهن الفنون والوسائط. 3 ترافعيا: 1) الدفاع عن حقوق المؤلف والحقوق المجاورة وحقوق الملكية الأدبية للفنانين والمبدعين. 2) ضمان العيش الكريم وتحسين الوضع السوسيواقتصادي والاجتماعي للفنانين والمبدعين. 3) المشاركة في إعداد السياسات العمومية للثقافة والفن وتفعيلها وتنفيذها

Main Projects / Activities

1) دعم الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية من خلال تشجيع الأعمال والإصدارات الفنية والثقافية والعمل على تسويقها وطنيا ودوليا ومواكبة الفنانين الواعدين 2) تنظيم الأنشطة والتظاهرات الفنية والثقافية التي تعرف بالتراث المغربي وتعمل على تثمينه من مهرجانات وسهرات ومعراض، وجولات فنية، إلخّ 3) التكوين في مجال مهن الفنون والوسائط عن طريق تنظيم دوارات تكوينية، تداريب، ندوات، منتديات موضوعاتية، إلخ. 4) تسخير الفن والثقافة لغايات تربوية واجتماعية تخدم الطفولة والشباب بما فيها من هم في وضعية صعبة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال العمل على المصالح والاهداف المشتركة وتبنيها في المجتمع الذي أنتمي اليه

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

يسعدنا جدا الانضمام لشبكتكم والتي تساهم بشكل كبير في بناء مجتمعات تتمتع بالمزيد من الانفتاح، والشمولية، والمرونة. وكوننا مهتمين بهذا خصوصا وأنا موضوع اشتغالنا هو الفنون والوسائط فانكم تدعمون الثقافة وتقدمون أبحاثا كتوجه مؤثر في المجتمعات وهذا مانطمح اليه نحن كذلك وسيتحقق بابرام الشراكة مع منظمتكم والعمل على كل مايخدم المصالح المشتركة

Contact (1) Full Name
نزيه بنقاسم
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
نزيه بنقاسم
Contact (2) Full Name
عصام ربح
Job Title (2)
نائب الرئيس

Citizens for the Environment

National Network

10 Hanapach
KARMIEL 2165316

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Citizens for the Environment (CFE) is an Israeli non-profit organization founded and registered in
1990. CFE has positioned itself as the national voice to represent the needs of the Palestinian
community on issues related to the environment, climate change, and sustainability. In 2021, we
became the only Arab organization eligible to file civil enforcement lawsuits against polluters.
CFE envisions a just, resilient society where all citizens enjoy and have access to a clean and healthy
environment, can make informed decisions on sustainable resource use, and take climate-safeguarding
actions for the well-being and quality of life of this and future generations.

Mission and Objectives

our mission is to promote climate justice, protect the right to a clean and healthy environment, and
address the impacts of climate change and environmental hazards on the Palestinian community in
Israel. We strive to achieve this through advocacy, empowering professional leadership and civil
enforcement, and collaborative efforts that empower our community and bring about systemic
change. Towards achieving this mission, we pursue the following objectives:
1. Advocate for national policies and strategies that effectively address the effects of
environmental hazards and climate change on Israeli Arab communities.
2. Strengthen the operational capacities of Arab local authorities to tackle environmental hazards
and climate change.
3. Engage local communities in addressing environmental crises and climate change issues

Main Projects / Activities

Community Activism Program: We equip Palestinian activists with the necessary resources,
training, and expertise to amplify the voices of their communities. Additionally, we strive to improve
access to information and hold accountable those responsible for pollution while supporting local
environmental struggles.
Building Capacity Program of the Local Governance Program: We strengthen the role of Arab
local municipalities in delivering climate and environmental action and meeting the specific needs of
their communities. Local authorities have a significant potential to address climate change and the
ecological crisis since they know their communities and their responsibilities in law enforcement.
Advocacy, Policy, and Rights Program: We follow up and monitor government environmental
policies and strategies and increase the participation of the Arab community in decision-making on
the national level

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Citizens for the Environment (CFE) can contribute to global networks by:

Sharing Knowledge: Disseminating research, reports, and data globally.
Advocacy Model: Sharing strategies for policy influence and advocacy.
Capacity Building: Offering insights on empowering local authorities.
Community Engagement: Sharing community activism approaches.
Legal Initiatives: Collaborating on legal actions against polluters.
Media Impact: Sharing successful media engagement strategies.
Data Sharing: Sharing environmental data and mapping expertise.
Global Participation: Engaging in international events and conferences.
Online Presence: Leveraging their website and social media for outreach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CFE would join global networks to access resources, share knowledge, amplify impact, influence policies, learn from others, increase visibility, show solidarity, access expertise, and engage in collaborative projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman sulieman
Job Title
Recourse Development Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jameela Hardal
Contact (2) Full Name
Jameela Hardal
Job Title (2)
General Director

Dua Center

National Network

Rr. Naim Frashëri, Pallati 62, Tiranë, AL

+355 67 46 93 003
Telephone (other)
+355 67 46 93 003
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

* Dua Center is a non-profit organization, a cultural space, whose vision combines youth activism, cultural promotion and the protection of Albanian nature. It is built for good purposes and in the interest of the public in many areas. * Dua Center consists of two decision-making bodies, the executive director Ador Hoxha and the management board composed of 3 members: Anisa Bleta, Ormir Citozi, Dejla Hoxha. * Bugetary for the year 2022 were 200.000 AL. * Source of Funding include initial contribution of 100,000, donations, gifts, aid, grants, contributions, sponsorships from local and foreign natural and legal persons, programs financed by international organizations and other funding sources recognized according to the law of the Republic of Albania. * Dua center carries out its activity through thematic events determined by marginalized groups as well as through calls for various projects. * Our main partners in some of owr projects include: ABI Bank Sporting Birra Korça BEA Print & Promotion FM Reklama etc.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to inspire lifelong learning, promote sustainable tourism, connect people with the beauty of nature, and empower individuals through sports. We are dedicated to enriching lives by providing educational experiences, fostering a love for nature, and promoting active, healthy lifestyles through sports. Our vision is to create a space where you will find education, sustainable tourism, environmental conservation, and sports development. We envision a world where individuals of all ages are engaged in continuous learning, where tourism enhances the well-being of both travelers and host communities, where nature is treasured and preserved, and where sports are a catalyst for personal growth and community unity. Together, we are creating a brighter, healthier, and more connected future.

Main Projects / Activities

Lova Fest: Objectives: Organizing a comprehensive festival with the theme "eco & green" , outdoor sports, cultural activities and entertainment with games, music and a variety of interesting elements for three special days. Results: Introducing the target group aged 20-40 with the activities of our partners, integrating them with each other and creating opportunities for their interaction with the sponsors of this festival. Also, creating a partnership based on the same goals and long-term mutual cooperation, in anticipation of other events. Book Club: Objectives: Organizing monthly talks about different books who have had an impact into the society and not only. Inviting authors to talk and have a friendly interview with our Dua members. Results: We bring together young people aged 18-35 and create them a space to talk about their passion tbooks. All of the participants interact together and get to learn more and educate themselfs. Plus, we t share goals and a commitment to long-term collaboration, looking forward to even more educative events in the future. Turtle Fest: Objectives: Successful realization of the 10th anniversary of Turtle Fest, Promotion of tourist spaces as cultural destinations, Offering a program with European standards for local youth, Continuation of promotion of local artists side by side with important names of the world scene. Target group of the activity: The target group of this activity is young people from the country and region aged 20-35. The sustainability of this activity has made this target group include young people from all over the world who come during the summer season to visit our country. The international audience already makes up 20% of Turtle Fest participants. Tea Talks: Objectives: Successfuly reached a number of more than 50 participants who were interested into getting to know the possibilities and some of them also applied in this program. Target group of the activity: The target group of this activity iwas young people from the country and region aged 20-35. The scope of this activity was to bring together young people who want to know more about the possibilities of studying abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are young in the field we build our selfs in 2021 when everyone was going through a very difficult times due to Covid19. We were more than a center we were a home for everyone who wanted to grow and express their thoughts and this is what we want to continue doing, we want to bring more value to the ALF network by speaking in our community what are the challenges, the trends, how can we help youth but also most importantly let address together the problems that we are faceing such us problems related to Environment sustainability, the education system, Volunteering activities and Sustainable tourism.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For us at Dua Anna Lindh is an opportunity to join a wider group of civil societies who share the same value and the same purpose as us. What we want is to give voice to owr group of members and to grow together with the Anna Lindh. We are here to stay and to make a change into owr commuinitie we aspire to improve the following sectors Environment Innovation Literature Youth Culture Sports Activities Volunteering & Activism Trainings Tourism, and we think being part of this circle of organizations will make our journey more worth it and mores successful.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ador Hoxha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ador Hoxha


National Network

13 bis rue Henry Monnier
75009 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Association Loi 1901 ( siège à Paris)
Financements : ministère français de la Culture // ministère français des affaires européennes et étrangères // Commission européenne ( prog Erasmus) ...
Membre des réseaux : On the Move, Encatc, Culture Action Europe, REF ( vice-présidence)

Mission and Objectives

Accompagner et financer la mobilité des artistes et des opérateurs culturels des pays Sud et Est de la Méditerranée en privilégiant les mobilités Sud-Sud.
Inscrire la mobilité des artistes dans un parcours professionnel prenant en compte l'inscription sur le territoire et son développement.
De 2009 à 2019, le FRC a financé la mobilité de 1600 artistes et opérateurs culturels.

Main Projects / Activities

Appels à mobilité : 2023 = jeunes femmes artistes
Atelier/stages de formation/accompagnement // 2 programmes " Ready Steady Go" et " Re-imagining Mobility" on-line ou en présentiel + projet Erasmus ( Tunisie, Portugal, Italie et Grèce).
Création du Fonds de mobilité national du Maroc Asf'Art
Projets 2024 : campagne "mobilité" dans le cadre des élections européennes ( partenaires : Relais Culture Europe, On the Move, REF, Al Mawed, ...)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En participant/ contribuant :
- à la réflexion sur les questions culturelles : création, formation, professionnalisation ...
- à des actions : rencontres, conférences, ateliers ...
- à du plaidoyer

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le Fonds Cimetta est un acteur depuis 1999 en Méditerranée qui a oeuvré singulièrement pendant de nombreuses années.
Depuis 2019, une nouvelle gouvernance s'est donnée comme objectif d'être au coeur des problématiques européennes et méditerranéennes en partageant ces questions avec d'autres organisations et d'autres réseaux et en agissant ensemble.

Contact (1) Full Name
manuele debrinay rizos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Fanny Bouquerel
Job Title (2)
directrice de projets

Hounna for empowerment

National Network

Avenue de l'Eternité, 6
1070 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

La structure a été fondée par Noura Amer, militante féministe depuis 2004 en Belgique et issue de cette région. Elle a investi des fonds propres pour son lancement et continue à financer certaines de ses activités ( location du local, achat des meubles et des matériels, rémunération des bénévoles,..). En 2023, la structure a bénéficié d'un soutien financier de Mediterranean Women’s Fund ( 3000 euros) pour le projet "Pas à pas vers l'indépendance économique et sociale des femmes". Dans ce cadre, nous avons engagé une coordinatrice du projet qui se clôture en décembre. Dans ce cadre, un groupe de femmes a été formé autour du marketing pour les aider à commercialiser leurs produits. Elles ont mis en place des stands lors des festivals et appris à s'organiser en groupe pour poursuivre après le projet. Une exposition de peinture est également en cours de préparation pour promouvoir des femmes peintres rurales ( région de Hasbaya) à Beyrouth. Nos activités s'inscrivent dans l'approche intersectionnelle et visent à sortir les femmes rurales de la marge et à leur donner une place entière sur le marché de l'emploi et sur la scène culturelle. Nous visons la création de réseaux et l’organisation collective pour augmenter la capacité d'agir des femmes aussi diverses qu'elles soient ( jeunes, âgées, religieuses, non-croyantes, etc). Nous accordons une grande importance au bien-être des femmes et à l'augmentation de leur estime d'elles-mêmes et leur confiance en elles-mêmes à travers des rencontres avec des spécialistes.

Mission and Objectives

Mission(s) & domaines d’activités principaux - Création d’une dynamique féministe dans un milieu rural conservateur - Empowerment social et économique • Promotion des talents • Développement des compétences • Acquisition de l'expérience • Revitalisation du mouvement culturel et artistique • Réseautage et solidarité - Développement rural

Main Projects / Activities

- "Le festival Hounna" en 2022: une soirée artistique et culturelle en la présence de la chanteuse Oumayma Al Khalil et l'écrivaine Fatima Charafeddine - La bibliothèque Hounna: au sein du local loué dans la place du village. Des petits et des grands viennent lire ou emprunter des livres surtout durant l'été. La structure ne dispose pas de moyens lui permettant d'engager du personnel ou de défrayer des bénévoles tout au long de l'année. - "Pas à pas vers l'indépendance économique et sociale" qui vise la formation des femmes au marketing et les aider à commercialiser leurs productions ( création de réseaux, les mettre en contact avec des structures spécialisées, les aider pour participer à des expositions, etc) - Les rencontres thématiques: estime de soi, Yoga, créer son association, etc - Les ateliers de peinture -La promotion des talents des femmes sur la page Facebook - ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes situées dans une région reculée, à majorité druze. C'est une communauté qui a ses caractéristiques et ses expériences propres qui influencent la vie des femmes et leur émancipation. Les grandes structures et ONGs libanaises ne sont pas présentes et actives dans notre région d'une manière régulière. De plus, elles passent souvent par des structures partisanes qui diffusent l'information au sein de ses propres réseaux. Nous pouvons être un très bon relais et un interlocuteur communautaire fiable pour le réseau et pour les grandes structures libanaises. Nous pouvons aussi, et surtout, amener des expériences différentes, celles des femmes de la marge et partager notre savoir-faire et notre expertise avec d'autres groupes du Liban et d'ailleurs. Les femmes issues des communautés minoritaires ont des difficultés particulières liées à leur condition de femmes mais aussi à la position de leur communauté et "les risques" réels ou imaginaires que la communauté encoure et tout ce que cela représente comme poids supplémentaire sur les épaules des femmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La fondatrice et directrice du groupe est par ailleurs la fondatrice et présidente d'AWSA-Belgium, membre active depuis longtemps au sein du réseau. Rejoindre le réseau apportera une richesse énorme à la structure. L'objectif de Hounna for empowerment est d'augmenter la capacité d'agir des femmes rurales. Le réseau Anna Lindh, à travers le soutien aux projets, les différent‧e‧s membres et les possibilités d'échange de savoirs et de partenariat en termes de projets, représente une opportunité très importante pour la jeune structure. C'est également une volonté de faire entendre la voix des femmes druzes, très peu représentées dans le mouvement féministe en général et libanais en particulier. Leur expérience, en tant que femmes appartenant à une minorité, peut rejoindre la réalité d'autres femmes vivant dans d'autres contextes comme le contexte migratoire par exemple.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noura AMER
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Noura Amer
Contact (2) Full Name
Nisrine Wehbi
Job Title (2)
Directrice adjointe

Fonds Fanak

National Network

2 rue Michel de Bourges
75020 PARIS

+33 6 09 95 04 81
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Fanak Fund was launched as an independent civil society initiative, in June 2019 by a group of experienced professionals working for art and culture in the Arab-speaking world, Europe and the wider Middle East.

Mission and Objectives

The Fund is not a foundation, and raises public or private funds in order to facilitate the mobility and creativity of artists and cultural operators living and working in this geographical zone, to enhance cultural and artistic development at the local level and to favour multilateral connections and networking. Structured around peer to peer, instantaneous and multilateral networks, our common future requires local and international mutualisation to obtain stability and sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

The Fanak Fund runs the following programmes:
- The general mobility funds dedicated to providing travel grants to individual artists, cultural operators and entrepreneurs.
- Zodeh, a consolidation fund dedicated to the resilience of small, independent artistic and cultural initiatives, collectives, organisations and operating only from a member country of the Arab League and from the wider Middle-East.
- Ana Houna, a programme dedicated to artists in exile near the conflict zones of the Middle East through support to host organisations.
- Occasionally, it creates partnership with other organisations, public or private, to design and carry specific mobility programs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participation aux réunions du réseau, mise en contact entre ses membres, contribution à la réflexion prospective, etc...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Portant un projet unique, le Fonds Fanak souhaite développer sa participation à une dynamique générale

Contact (1) Full Name
Ferdinand RICHARD
Job Title
superviseur exécutif
Head of the organisation
Sana TAMZINI, présidente
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Welad ElBalad Media

National Network

2 Sherif Street, Downtown, apartment 33

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Welad ElBalad was set up in 2012 as Egypt's first independent local media company and currently runs its flagship platform BabMasr which is dedicated to culture and heritage reporting with an emphasis on local - outside of Cairo - reporting. The organization does not only engage in publishing but also engages directly with local communities through training at regional universities, exhibits outside of Cairo, workshops and panels.
We currently have a staff of 15 members and a network of regional content and are registered with the Ministry of Investment as an LLC. Our Advisory Board consists of Emad Abu Ghazi, Mohamed Abla, Ali Said and Lamia Radi. The content is run by our chief editor and overall operations by the director in addition to the Finance and Admin Director. We are running on an annual budget of apx 50k Euro - this year we are supported by the EED. We partner with local entities such as regional universities, museums such as the Fine Arts Museum in Moharam Bey and others.

Mission and Objectives

To publish high quality and professional journalism content produced by a network of local content providers and targeted at local communities to support awareness, understanding and decision making in favor of heritage and culture protection and conservation.
To enhance the capacity of local content production in the areas of culture and heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Content production: Bab Masr and its social media pages
Specialized training
Culture events
Campaigning for heritage protection

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a media company we can support and advocate for relevant work being done within the network. We can support network knowledge and access to areas of our expertise.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking to create effective partnerships with like-minded actors across the region in support of our mandate and areas of interest and concern.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatemah Farag
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fatemah Farag
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Shoeir
Job Title (2)
Chief Editor


National Network

26 rue abdelwaheb manar 1
2092 manar 1

+216 55 515 940
Telephone (other)
+216 51 395 870
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 55 515 940
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 53 667 834
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Morbiket is a studio for the creation and development of animated, fun, immersive content, combining paper media with mobile applications using augmented reality.

Mission and Objectives

Bridging Reality with Animation.
Engaging Experiences.
Continuous Innovation.
High-Quality Animation.

Main Projects / Activities

projects : Toufoula kids
Magazine connected to an AR application For children from 8 to 12 years
Personalized language learning application for children aged 5 to 7 years
Story books augmented with a mobile game For children from 8 to 12 years
Heritage exploration application with card game and printed kit for families and children aged 7 to 10 years old
The studio primarily focuses on:

Creating and producing multimedia and interactive content.
Immersive experimentation in augmented reality for gamified education.
Raising awareness of created content for better achievement of sustainable development goals.
Customizing solutions with editing rights and on-demand printing.
Diversifying artistic creations and educational and cultural topics.
Popularizing concepts for efficient information conveyance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Morbiket aims to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network in our country by leveraging our expertise in augmented reality (AR) to foster intercultural dialogue and understanding. We plan to develop AR educational materials, engage youth through interactive experiences, collaborate with local institutions, promote our cultural heritage, and raise awareness on cultural and social issues. Our commitment is to empower individuals and organizations to embrace diversity and contribute to a more inclusive society, aligning with the foundation's mission for a peaceful Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We seek to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network to actively participate in a global community dedicated to fostering intercultural dialogue and cooperation. Morbiket recognizes the significance of promoting cultural understanding and believes that the ALF Network provides an excellent platform to expand our impact. By collaborating with like-minded organizations and individuals within the network, we aim to leverage our expertise in augmented reality to contribute to the ALF's mission of enhancing mutual respect, peace, and stability in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Awatef Mosbeh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Awatef Mosbeh and Chaker klai
Contact (2) Full Name
Nour Ouerfelli
Job Title (2)
Business development manager

Blue Tunisia

National Network

16 rue de la république sidi bousaid
2026 sidi bousaid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Blue TN is a digital media company specialized in environmental issues and recipient of awards from both the Deutsche Welle ( Media Loves Tech Program) and Entrepreneurship Lighthouse Program (European Union) and recognized as trusted Media by Reporters Without Borders. BLUE TN is Tunisia’s first creative digital media in Tunisia addressing environmental issues.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to raise awareness, inform, and investigate environmental problems in Tunisia and the Mediterranean sea. BLUE TN’s editorial line is based on 4 objectives: Raising awareness through mainstreaming environmental issues. Enlighten the general public on the alternatives for a model of sustainable development. Influencing Tunisian decision-makers. Promoting eco-friendly projects good initiatives and green experiences in Tunisia. Our Vision For a resilient Tunisia facing climate change. Informed and aware citizens. Public policies are committed to sustainable development

Main Projects / Activities

- Producing Documentaries - Writing scientific journalistic articles. - Environmental Investigations - Training in environmental communication, journalism, and advocacy. - Awareness workshops - Events organization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are working with scientists, environmental activists, and vulnerable communities to raise their voices and spread their messages to the whole country. We are also pushing the environmental issues higher in the Tunisian government policies. We are making the information easier, creative, and accessible to all Tunisians.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1) To be part of a great Mediterranean network that will help us and support the advocacy campaigns, projects, and actions against the environmental corruption, illegal fishing, and illegal practices that destroyed the Mediterranean Sea. 2) Multiplying our social and environmental impact . 3) To support and exchange with young Mediterranean young leaders and also help them raise their voices through our media to inspire more people from the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mayssa Sandli
Job Title
CEO & Co Founder
Head of the organisation
Mayssa Sandli
Contact (2) Full Name
Kerim Bouzouita
Job Title (2)