Abdelaali Chettoum

National Network

21052 SKIKDA

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

I want to know more about many fields

Mission and Objectives

I am an individual

Main Projects / Activities

Translation , education and culture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am ready to contribute to the network in my country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to benefit from your experiences and help and guidance. I am looking for a job within your organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Graduate with a bachelor in translation
Head of the organisation
I am individual

مؤسسة توفيق زياد للفنون والثقافة والتنمية

National Network

شارع منير مرسي
شمال غزة
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

مؤسسة ثقافية ، تنموية، مستقلة، غير ربحية، تعمل في تطوير الثقافة والفنون و التربية في فلسطين ، بالتركيز على الأطفال، والمعلمين، والمبدعين الشباب و أصحاب الهمم " ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة " إنطلقت في أكتوبر 2021 " مركز توفيق زيّاد للثقافة والفنون " وسُجلت مؤسسة توفيق زيّاد للثقافة والفنون والتنمية العام 2023 كمؤسسة خيرية (رقم CA-1270-CU)، حيث يتركّز عملها، في شمال قطاع غزة " مخيم جباليا – بلدة جباليا – بيت لاهيا – بلدة بيت حانون والمناطق الفرعية ، تتكون المؤسسة من 27 موظف، بالشراكة مع مؤسسة الكمنجاتي، ومؤسسة القطان، ومؤسسة، والوكالة السويسرية للتعاون والتنمية، والمركز الفرنسي الثقافي، تتراوح ميزانية المؤسسة في السنة بقيمة 10000 دولار، وتعتمد بتمويلها على المنح الخارجية من العديد من المؤسسات الدولية أو خارج البلد، يتم تنفيذ المشارع من خلال عقد كورسات ودورات تدريبية بمقر المؤسسة لتعليم الموسيقى، وأيضا اقامة العديد من الورشات التي تدعم كل مشروع على حد سواء حسب نوعية المشروع، وذلك بمساعدة الشركاء في المشاريع منهم: مؤسسة القطان، مؤسسة الكمنجاتي، شبكة الفنون الأدائية الفلسطينية، دوروس السويسرية، والوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون.

Mission and Objectives

يرتكز عملنا في مسارات متعددة " الثقافة والفنون " بهدف توفير الدعم والتشجيع المادي والمعنوي للمواهب وللطاقات الخلاقة، لاسيما الشابة منها، في مختلف حقول الإبداع، من أجل الإسهام في بلورة مواهب هذه الطاقات وانطلاقها إلى آفاق إنسانية أكثرَ سعة ورحابة، وذلك من خلال تقديم منح وجوائز لرعاية التميز الإبداعي، ‏ودعم التطور المهني والفني والأكاديمي لدى الشباب نهدف إلى : تطوير وإتاحة إنتاجات ثقافية من شأنها توسيع قاعدة الجمهور وتحفيزه على التفاعل والفعل . تعزيز بنية ثقافية فنية و تربوية حيوية قادرة على علمية إنتاج معرفة نقدية وتحررية وإثرائها . دعم بيئة حاضنة و مساندة وممكنة لدور المؤسسة ورسالتها . التأكيد على كون " مركز توفيق زيّاد " مؤسسة ريادية سباقة تشكل نموذجاً ملهماً يقتدي به . ضمان الاستدامة المالية .

Main Projects / Activities

تم انجاز العديد من المشاريع والمبادرات، منها: مشروع من التبعية الى الصمود نحو قطاع ثقافي فلسطيني مستدام ، بتمويل من مؤسسة دوروسوس. مشروع ثقافة وفنون ومشاركة مجتمعية ( همزة وصل )، بتمويل من الوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون SDC مشروع مهرجان الكمنجاتي (حفل موسيقي)، بتمويل من مكتب ممثلية جمهورية المانيا الاتحادية – رام الله

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ذلك بالمساعدة بتحقيق اهداف الشبكة في العديد من المشاريع التي سيتم تمويلها من قبلكم، وأيضا الترويج عن المؤسسة وبيان اهتماماتها وانجازاتها في ورشاتنا وما إلى ذلك.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نحن كمؤسسة توفيق زياد، نسعى لتحقيق أهدافنا بمساعدتكم وذلك لما يعود عليه من منفعة تبادلية بيننا، وبناء على اشتراكنا بجزء من الأهداف التي منها تمكين الأصوات الشابة، واقامة العلاقات بين المجتمعات لتحسين العلاقات والتواصل بينها تعزيز اقتصاديات الموسيقيين المستدامة التي تدعم الموسيقيين من خلال خلق اقتصاد حيث يمكن للموسيقيين بغض النظر عن خلفيتهم الاجتماعية والاقتصادية أو الجغرافية السياسية ، أن يجلعوا الموسيقى مهنة بدوام كامل توفير الوصول والفرص المتكافئة لجميع مجموعات المجتمع للمشاركة في تجارب الموسيقي ، وتعزيز إمكانية الانضمام إلى المجتمع المهني للموسيقى وتشجيع التعبير عن الذات . تحفيز الدعم من المجتمعات المحلية ومجموعة كبيرة من الرعاة والممولين والشركاء الدوليين المتنوعين نحو مستقبل أفضل للموسيقى في مناطق الصراع إجراء جمع البيانات والبحوث التي تغطي تطوير القطاع الثقافي والتعليم ومساهمة المرأة في الموسيقى لتقييم احتياجات المجتمعات التي نخدمها وتقييم تأثير عملنا وذلك بتحقيق الهدف الرئيسي للمؤسسة بشكل تام يعود بالنفع على المجتمع.

Contact (1) Full Name
أ. محمد فايز أبو الجديان
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الإدارة بمؤسسة توفيق زياد
Head of the organisation
أ. محمد فايز أبو الجديان
Contact (2) Full Name
أ. محمد فايز أبو الجديان
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الإدارة

INJAZ for Creation of Opportunities for Jordanian Youth

National Network

Amman, Jordan -Mecca Street, Building no. 20
Amman 11191

+962 6 565 7410
+962 6 565 7406
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+962 77 8873240
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

تأسّست إنجاز عام ١٩٩٩ كمشروع ضمن برامج مؤسسة إنقاذ الطفل (Save the Children) لتصبح عام ۲۰۰١ مؤسّسة أردنيّة غير ربحيّة (إنجاز هي شركة مساهمة خاصة لا تهدف الى تحقيق الربح برأس مال ٥۰,۰۰۰ دينار أردني، مسجلة في سجل الشركات المساهمة الخاصة تحت رقم) ١۰١)(. وانطلاقاً من رسالة مؤسّسة إنجاز والتي تهدف إلى تحفيز وإعداد الشّباب ليصبحوا أعضاءَ فاعلين في مجتمعهم ويساهموا في تنمية الاقتصاد الوطني من خلال المساهمة في تطوير منظومة التّعليم وريادة الأعمال، وبناءً على خبرة المؤسّسة القيّمة على مدار اثنتي وعشرين سنةً الماضية في تطوير أساليب التّعليم التّشاركي والتّفاعلي وتدريب المدرّبين، تقوم إنجاز بدور رئيس في تصميم البرامج وتنفيذها وذلك ضمن اتفاقيات استراتيجيّة مع القطاع العام والخاص وقطاع المجتمع المدني، بهدف تقليل الفجوة في المهارات بين مخرجات النّظام التعليمي والمتطلبات المتغيّرة في سوق العمل.

INJAZ was founded in 1999 as a project under (Save the Children Organization) programs. In 2001, INJAZ became an independent, nonprofit Jordanian organization (INJAZ is a private shareholding company that does not aim to achieve profit with a capital of 50,000 Jordanian dinars, registered under the Private Shareholding Companies Register under No. (101)). Building on its mission to inspire and prepare youth to become productive members in their society and accelerate the development of the national economy through contributing to the advancement of the education and entrepreneurship ecosystems, INJAZ has established itself over the past 22 years as a leading solution provider linking the public, private, and civil society sectors to bridge the skills gap between the educational system and the changing needs of the labor market.

Mission and Objectives

تعمل إنجاز على تمكين الشّباب الأردني ومراعاة احتياجاتهم من خلال مجموعة واسعة من البرامج التي تُعنى بصقل المهارات الحياتيّة، والثّقافة الماليّة، ومهارات إدارة الأعمال والرّيادة، والمهارات الرّقميّة، والقيادة المجتمعيّة. وقد طوَّرت إنجاز على مرّ السنوات برامجها الخاصّة بالتّشاور مع الخبراء المحلّيّين والعالميين، وتعاونت مع منظمات تنمويّة دوليّة لتطوير البرامج الهادفة وعالية الأثر وتكييفها بما يتلاءم مع المتطلّبات المحليّة، كما واصلت إنجاز نجاحاتها في تحقيق نسب عالية من مشاركة الإناث في البرامج، حيث شكّلت الطالبات أكثر من (٦٠٪) من المستفيدين على نطاق المدارس والجامعات كل عام.

INJAZ’s portfolio of programs addresses the wide range of needs of young Jordanians and complements the education and training provided by traditional educational institutions with programs that develop vital soft and hard skills (Life Skills, Financial Education, Entrepreneurship and Business Skills, Digital Skills, and Social Leadership) necessary to become competent entrepreneurs and/or employees in the private sector. Over the years, INJAZ has developed its own programs in consultation with local and regional experts and collaborated with international development organizations to bring new, high-impact programs to Jordan and adapt them to local sensibilities. INJAZ has been consistently successful in achieving high rates of female participation in its programs – female students make up more than 60 percent of beneficiaries at the school and university levels each year, as well as student teams for project-based programs are just as often led by young women as by young men.

Main Projects / Activities

أُبرمت إنجاز على مدى السّنوات الماضية اتفاقيّات تعاون مع الوزارات الخدميّة الرئيسة، بما فيها وزارة التّربية والتّعليم، ووزارة التّخطيط والتّعاون الدّولي، ووزارة التّنمية الاجتماعية، إضافة إلى مجموعة من المؤسّسات الوطنيّة كصندوق الملك عبد الله الثّاني للتّنمية ومؤسّسة التّدريب المهنيّ، علاوةً على تميّز إنجاز في شبكتها المتينة مع شركائها في القطاع الخاص، ممن أتاحوا لها رؤيةً بالغة الأهمية من منظور أصحاب العمل، الذين شاركوا في تصميم برامج إنجاز على النّحو الذي يلبي متطلبات سوق العمل. كما أبرمت إنجاز شراكة إستراتيجية مع البنك المركزي الأردني ووزارة التّربية والتّعليم لتعميم برنامج الثقافة المالية (FEP) في كافة مدارس المملكة.

INJAZ is strongly positioned in Jordan. It has cooperation agreements with key ministries, including the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC), the Ministry of Social Development (MOSD), the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD), and the Vocational Training Center (VTC). Furthermore, INJAZ is distinguished by its robust network of private sector partners who provide critical insight into employer perspectives which guides the demand-driven design of INJAZ programs. INJAZ also strategically partnered with the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) and the Ministry of Education (MoE) to mainstream the Financial Education Program (FEP) in all schools across the Kingdom.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The expansive operational capacity of INJAZ today allows it to reach over 850,000 youth a year with its career-oriented capacity building programs; to date, it has benefited more than 5 million youth since its establishment. INJAZ implements its programs in all 12 governorates of Jordan working alongside and within all schools from the 7th grade to the 12th grade, 46 universities and colleges, and a range of social institutions, including vocational training centers, centers for youth with disabilities, youth centers and community centers. INJAZ implements its various programs in partnership with the private and public sectors and the civil society sector and through more than 2,000 volunteers annually who come with competence and experience. In addition to its Amman headquarters, INJAZ maintains permanent field offices in Irbid, Zarqa, Karak, Aqaba, Tafilah, and Ma’an, where local staff and close relationships with community stakeholders strengthen INJAZ’s knowledge of locally effective program design and implementation strategies.

تسمح القدرة التّشغيليّة الواسعة لمؤسّسة إنجاز اليوم بالوصول إلى أكثر من ٨٥٠,٠٠٠ مستفيد سنوياً، بفضل برامج المؤسّسة المتعدّدة لبناء قدرات الشّباب التي استطاعت الوصول إلى أكثر من ٥ مليون مستفيد منذ انطلاقتها. وتُنفّذ إنجاز برامجها في كافة محافظات المملكة، من خلال عملها في كافة المدارس من الصف السابع وحتى الثاني عشر و٤٦ جامعة وكُليّة، ومجموعة من المؤسّسات الاجتماعية، بما فيها مراكز التّدريب المهنيّ، ومراكز الشّباب ذوي الإعاقة، والمراكز الشّبابية، ومراكز المجتمع المدنيّ. وتنفّذ المؤسسة مختلف برامجها بالشراكة مع القطاعين الخاص والعام وقطاع المجتمع المدنيّ ومن خلال أكثر من ۲,۰۰۰ متطوع سنوياً من ذوي الكفاءة والخبرة. تتّخذ إنجاز، بالإضافة إلى مقرّها الرئيسيّ في عمّان، مكاتب ميدانيّة في إربد، والزّرقاء، والكرك، والعقبة، ومعان، والطفيلة، بهدف الوصول إلى الشّباب في مختلف محافظات المملكة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تفتخر إنجاز بخبرتھا الواسعة ومعرفتھا المؤسّسیة في مجال تصمیم البرامج وتنفیذھا وإدارتھا، إلى جانب التزامھا بأفضل المعاییر الإقلیمیّة والدّولیّة في إدارة البرامج والمشاریع، حیث تتوافق ممارسات المُتابعة والتّقییم التي تُطبّقھا مع أفضل المعاییر الإقلیمیّة والدولیّة.

هذا وقد أعلنت مُنظّمة الیونسیف بأن مؤسّسة إنجاز وأنشطتھا تمثّل النّموذج لأفضل الممارسات في إدماج الشّباب في منطقة الشّرق الأوسط وشمال أفریقیا من بین (۷۹) منظّمة یعملون في المنطقة. كما حازت المؤسّسة على جوائز وطنیّة وإقلیمیّة لجھودھا في مجال بناء مھارات الشّباب وتحدیدًا فيما یتعلق بالثّقافة المالیّة وریادة الأعمال والقیادة المجتمعیّة. وتقوم إنجاز بتوسيع نطاق أثرها على المستوى الإقليميّ، حيث يتزايد الاعتراف بها كمركز إقليميّ متخصّص ببرامج ُتمكّن الشّباب اقتصاديًا وتُزوّدهم بحلول مُبتكرة للتحديات التي تواجههم وخصوصًا مشكلة البطالة.

INJAZ has extensive experience and institutional knowledge in the areas of program design, implementation, and management. It adheres to the best of regional and international standards in program and project management in terms of stakeholder mapping, planning, procurement, reporting, and follow-up.

It was also announced by UNICEF that INJAZ and its activities represent a model of best practice in integrating youth among 79 organizations working in the MENA region. INJAZ has also received national and regional awards for its efforts in building youth skills, specifically in relation to financial education, entrepreneurship, and social leadership. INJAZ is expanding its impact regionally and is increasingly being recognized as a regional hub of expertise for youth economic empowerment programs and a solution provider for pressing challenges facing youth, specifically youth unemployment.

Intercultural Dialogue and Debates
Exchange Programs

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Mahmoud Sulieman Awwad
Job Title
Technical Proposal Writer Sr. Specialist
Head of the organisation
Amman, Jordan
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhannad Al-Jarrah
Job Title (2)
Executive Director


National Network

Calle Canoa 41
28042 Madrid Madrid

+34 626002437
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Epojé is an association born from the result of a team of professionals from various areas who come together to develop educational and social intervention projects. We work mainly in 3 areas of intervention: literacy, arts and psychosocial support. We work with the community in general, but we focus on two specific directions: direct work with children and young people and work with youth workers, teachers and educators. We carry out training and mentoring courses, practical workshops both online and offline and artistic events

Mission and Objectives

- Achieve social equity by promoting the specific rights and interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups - Raise awareness among the population of the need to achieve said social equity for adequate coexistence in society. - Promote cultural diversity and fight for access to social and human rights that guarantee personal and social well-being. - Promote active citizenship by encouraging the population to carry out their personal projects, always defending the values of respect and tolerance. - Guide and connect people and entities that fight for human dignity through innovative methodologies and non-formal education, in order to unify efforts and enhance solidarity work.

Main Projects / Activities

Despite our short life, we can highlight some of our activities as more relevant to this candidacy: Organization of follow-up and multiplier activities of Erasmus projects: through our participation in training courses and exchanges, we have been implementing several sessions with young people and colleagues from the association to transmit the knowledge learned and put it into practice. Permanent literacy courses: we work in schools with difficult performance in which we teach reading and writing Accompaniment and mentoring both professionally and personally. We deal with issues such as professional route planning, management of emotions in adolescence, resolution of family conflicts, etc... Artistic workshops to master different painting techniques and the consequent use of the artistic results as educational, awareness and activism tool.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Epojé can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's mission of promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region in several ways. First, consider participating in the foundation's programs and collaborating on projects that align with our expertise in literacy, arts, and psychosocial support. Share our best practices, insights, and success stories with the foundation and its network, especially in the context of training youth workers, teachers, and educators. Additionally, actively engage with the foundation through events, advocacy efforts, and cultural exchange programs. Look for grant opportunities and funding calls to support our projects that promote social equity, cultural diversity, and active citizenship. Lastly, maintain a digital presence by participating in online discussions and forums related to intercultural dialogue. Our organization can make meaningful contributions to the Anna Lindh Foundation's goals and further the cause of fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse communities in the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation network offers several advantages for our organization, Epojé. Firstly, it provides access to a diverse and extensive community of organizations and experts in the Euro-Mediterranean region, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and learning opportunities. This network can amplify the impact of our initiatives, reaching a broader audience and increasing our influence in promoting intercultural dialogue, social equity, and cultural diversity. Moreover, membership in the network facilitates resource sharing, including funding opportunities, research insights, and best practices, thereby enhancing our organization's capacity to implement effective educational and social intervention projects. It will also boost our organization's visibility and recognition, attracting potential partners and supporters who align with our mission. Additionally, being part of the network enables participation in advocacy efforts and policy discussions related to our field, giving us a platform to contribute to positive social change in the region. In essence, joining the Anna Lindh Foundation network opens doors to collaboration, resources, and a wider impact, aligning with our goals of promoting social well-being and active citizenship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cecilia Dancourt
Job Title
Project coordinator and trainer
Head of the organisation
Pablo Velasco Bertolotto
Contact (2) Full Name
Pablo Velasco
Job Title (2)

جمعية صناع الفن للابداع

National Network

رقم 12 زنقة القاضي عياض
85200 سيدي افني

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

يسير الجمعية مكتب مكون من 3 أعضاء ينتخبون من طرف الجمع العام الرئيس - الكاتب - الأمين تتكون مالية الجمعية من الانخراطات والمساهمات والمنح التي تقدمها الجماعة والهيئات والمصالح المختصة

Mission and Objectives

- ابراز المواهب في المجال الفني بشكل عام ودعمها - الانفتاح على مختلف الهيئات والجمعيات والمؤسسات لخلق توأمة وتعاون مشترك

Main Projects / Activities

-القيام بدورات تكوينية في مختلف المجالات الثقافية والاجتماعية والتربوية - تنظيم حفلات خيرية ومهرجانات على الصعيد الوطني والدولي وخلق جو من التلاقح الفني وتبادل الثقافات

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

بالتنسيق والعمل على الأهداف والمصالح المشتركة والسعي الى تحقيق المبتغى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

سنحظى بشرف هذه الشراكة المميزة مع مؤسستكم العريقة

Contact (1) Full Name
نزيه بنقاسم
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
نزيه بنقاسم
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد بنقاسم
Job Title (2)
أمين مال الجمعية

Makan Aamm

National Network

5078 Hassan Abd El Wahab

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Makan Aamm is an innovative music satellite social enterprise operating in Egypt. With a mission to decentralize and democratize music production and consumption, it aims to expand access to high-quality musical experiences beyond major cities like Cairo and Alexandria. The organization operates with a commitment to affordability and inclusivity.

Makan Aamm's core activities include organizing music concerts and artistic residencies in unconventional venues across Egypt, connecting emerging musicians with audiences in underserved regions, and ensuring top-notch technical aspects of music events. Additionally, the organization integrates social causes into its events, using music as a tool to raise awareness and promote solidarity with issues like gender equality and environmental sustainability.

While fostering partnerships with a diverse range of organizations, including NGOs, schools, and community groups. Our past partners include Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, Mashrou' Al Saada (Happiness Project). We also co-organized the Green Music Festival with Orient Productions and Greenish powered by the French institute, and Goethe institute. Makan Aamm seeks to revolutionize Egypt's music landscape by creating opportunities for artists, engaging music enthusiasts, and championing social causes. The organization operates with a dedicated team of only two for now (Ramah Aleryan and Mostafa Nageh) and relies on a mix of funding sources to achieve its goals, making it a pivotal player in Egypt's cultural and social spheres.

Mission and Objectives

About Makan Aamm:

Makan Aamm is an arts and culture satellite social enterprise with the aim of extending the reach of art, especially music, beyond the Cairo and Alexandria metropolitan areas. Our mission also includes fostering opportunities for young, aspiring artists to collaborate with peers and showcase their musical talents. Additionally, we seek to facilitate the intersection of various social causes, such as art and gender, art and the environment, and more. Our goal is to utilize art and entertainment as vehicles for raising awareness and promoting solidarity with other social causes.

Our Vision

Be the changing agent of the arts and culture scene in Egypt bringing different forms of art outside Cairo and Alexandria Metropolitan Areas.

Our Mission

Providing holistic and affordable artistic experiences to different spaces in Egypt by cultivating meaningful partnerships with different organizations.

Our Objectives

Decentralizing and democratizing art production and consumption by taking art outside of Cairo and Alexandria Metropolitan AreasDecentralizing and democratizing art production and consumption by taking art outside of Cairo and Alexandria Metropolitan Areas
Creating quality productions that are hosted in unconventional spaces through meaningful partnerships
Giving space to artist to collaborate and create new musical or artistic productions together

Main Projects / Activities

الفن قنال .. Art Canal

An innovative project that converges art and environmental consciousness. This project centers around a music residency bringing together two talented artists hailing from the Suez Canal area. Their collaboration will culminate in the creation of a captivating music track in the form of an EP. Simultaneously, the project strives to foster a sustainable ethos through environmental initiatives like beach cleanups and community cleanups.

We are currently working on a pilot for this in Portsaid to be held in October or in November. The pilot will bring together two talented artists: Walad (electronic music) and Semsemya Troop (traditional Suez Canal instrument and music). It will be the first time to have a track that has ElectroSemsemya.

Upper Egypt Art Festival
A vibrant and culturally enriching event that will span three days in one of the cities of Upper Egypt. This festival aims to celebrate diversity and unity through the universal language of music. It will bring together an array of talented artists representing various genres, creating a unique and inclusive experience for both locals and visitors.

A exciting online music series that draws inspiration from the beloved NPR Tiny Desk concerts. This project brings local and international musicians to stunning outdoor locations in Egypt, offering viewers an intimate and enchanting musical experience against the backdrop of the country's natural beauty and cultural heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in my country in several meaningful ways:

Cultural Exchange and Collaboration: Through Makan Aamm's initiatives and partnerships, we can facilitate cultural exchanges and collaborations with artists, musicians, and cultural organizations from different countries within the network. This can promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of diverse artistic expressions.

Music Education and Outreach: Makan Aamm is dedicated to making music accessible to diverse communities in Egypt. We can share our expertise and experiences in music education and outreach programs, potentially collaborating with other network members to expand these efforts regionally.

Promotion of Social Causes: Our organization integrates social causes into music events. By collaborating with network members, we can amplify the impact of our collective efforts in raising awareness about important social issues, such as gender equality and environmental sustainability.

Capacity Building: We are committed to enhancing the technical aspects of music events. We can offer training and capacity-building workshops on sound engineering, lighting design, and event production to empower professionals in the cultural sector within the network.

Innovative Online Content: Makan Aamm's online music series presents unique cultural experiences. We can collaborate with the network to create and share innovative online content that showcases the richness of our respective cultures and engages audiences globally.

Participation in Network Events: We would actively participate in network events, conferences, and workshops to share insights, best practices, and experiences from our work in Egypt. This would contribute to the collective knowledge and growth of the network.

Membership Engagement: As an organizational member, we would engage with the network's initiatives, campaigns, and projects, actively contributing to its objectives and fostering a sense of community among members.

Furthermore, we are keen to apply for the "Celebrating the Mediterranean Second Edition Call" currently happening within the network. This initiative aligns with our mission and provides an opportunity to showcase the cultural richness of Egypt's music landscape on a broader Mediterranean platform, further strengthening our collaboration with network members.

In summary, Makan Aamm is committed to contributing to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Egypt and actively seeks opportunities like the "Celebrating the Mediterranean Second Edition Call" to promote dialogue, cooperation, and cultural exchange across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aspire to join the Anna Lindh Foundation for several compelling reasons:

Shared Mission and Values: Makan Aamm's core mission of democratizing music production and consumption aligns seamlessly with the Anna Lindh Foundation's commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, and cooperation across the Euro-Mediterranean region. We believe that music is a universal language that transcends borders and has the power to bridge cultural divides, making us natural partners in advancing these shared values.
Access to a Diverse Network: The Anna Lindh Foundation offers access to a vast and diverse network of organizations, individuals, and institutions across the Euro-Mediterranean region. This network provides an invaluable platform for cross-cultural collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the creation of innovative initiatives that can further our mission.
Collaborative Opportunities: By becoming a part of the Anna Lindh Foundation, we gain the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals who are passionate about promoting cultural understanding, social cohesion, and artistic expression. These collaborations can amplify the impact of our work and open up new avenues for cultural exchange.
Learning and Capacity Building: The foundation offers a wealth of resources, training, and capacity-building opportunities that can enhance our organizational capabilities. We look forward to benefiting from these resources to further develop our initiatives, reach underserved communities, and create lasting social impact through music.
International Visibility: Membership in the Anna Lindh Foundation elevates our organization's visibility on an international stage. This visibility can attract potential partners, sponsors, and supporters who share our vision, thus expanding our reach and impact.
Access to Funding Opportunities: The foundation often provides access to funding opportunities and grants that can help sustain and grow our programs. These financial resources are crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of our mission.
Contribution to Regional Peace and Understanding: Through our involvement with the Anna Lindh Foundation, we aim to contribute actively to regional peace and understanding by using music as a vehicle for cultural exchange, dialogue, and cooperation. We believe that our work can foster greater unity and harmony in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
In summary, we seek to join the Anna Lindh Foundation because we see it as an ideal platform to amplify the impact of our mission, connect with a diverse and passionate community, access valuable resources, and contribute to the foundation's overarching goal of promoting dialogue and cooperation across cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean region. We are excited about the prospect of collaborating with the foundation and its members to create positive change through the power of music and cultural exchange.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ramah Aleryan
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Ramah Aleryan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mostafa Nageh
Job Title (2)
Art Director

Tavola Tonda APS

National Network

Via P. Gili n. 4
90138 Palermo PA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Tavola Tonda Association is a School of Traditional Music and Dances founded in 2010, in Palermo, Sicily. We have a recording studio, a lutherie, 4 classrooms, 1 stage, a permanent exhibition of traditional Mediterranean musical instruments and a performance/dance hall. Our Team includes:
• 1 full time Art director and President
• 1 a part-time Dancer, percussionist, traditional dances teacher.
• 12 volunteers
Our average annual operating budget is € 150k, and our work is funded by earned income (e.g. rentals, fee for service, etc.), Foundations, Government Donors, National funds. We deliver a rich weekly program of 5 traditional dance classes and 8 traditional music instruments classes engaging and training around 200 people, intensive workshops and seminars of traditional dances, vocal technique, frame drumming techniques and drum making workshops, Balfolk dances events with live bands. We partnered with National and local Organisations like Arci, Ballarò Buskers Aps, Pride Palermo, Associazione Musicale Etnea.

Mission and Objectives

Tavola Tonda Association is a School of Traditional Music and Dances founded in 2010, in Palermo, Sicily. Our mission is to
foster and scale up inclusive artistic and cultural practices in the local contexts to engage and empower communities in a
cross generational exchange of knowledge, by protecting, conserving, restoring the cultural heritage of Sicily and the
broader Mediterranean music and dancing.
3 main objectives:
1-Promote better access and engagement of the community with the cultural heritage of Sicily and the broader
Mediterranean music and dancing and improve its protection, enhancement and restoration.
2-Regain community public space access, while generating new paths for encounters, where audiences, local and
international artists gather to engage with one another, developing new content and alliances for cooperative social
thinking and the exchange of ideas.
3- Promoting gender equality and human rights focusing on the practice of women collective performance through
dedicated training and cross cultural exchange of artistic practices, with the aim of actively repositioning the role of
women as ritual officers and performers in traditional culture and music throughout the spectrum of the mediterranean
cultural crossroads.

Main Projects / Activities

Today, Tavola Tonda delivers a rich weekly program of 5 traditional dance classes and 8 traditional music instruments
classes: frame drum, guitar, mandolin and accordion, engaging and training around 200 people, between youth and adults.
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, we also offered music instruments courses of flute, violin, Arab oud, and the traditional
singing and vocal technique and training course, reaching more than 400 people. The health crisis linked to the COVID-19
pandemic had a profound impact on the entire global cultural ecosystem. The mobility restrictions and confinement
measures drastically curtailed access to culture and have disrupted the cultural sector as a whole. By March 2020, our inperson classes, events, concerts and performances were cancelled or postponed. Building on the impact and considering
the still challenging context post-COVID, we are still recovering and implementing our activities and complementarities.
In 2022/23 our classes have been complemented by 10 intensive workshops and seminars of traditional dances, vocal
technique, frame drumming techniques and drum making workshops led by many of the icons of the Italian and
international traditional and ethnic music scenes, engaging more than 300 people.
Since 2017, Tavola Tonda has been organising Sponde Sonore Festival, one of the most relevant festivals dedicated to
traditional, ethnic and folk music in Italy, hosting live music featuring national and international artists as well as art
installations and workshops. Over 6 months, more than 2100 audiences, as well as visitors from other parts of Italy,
Europe, and beyond, take part in 17 festival’s concerts and other cultural activities.
Before the Covid pandemic, Balfolk dances events in Tavola Tonda were started with our first big ball in March of 2011
and since then many people have contributed to the development of this community based event. In 2022/23 we organized
8 Balfolk dances events with live bands, sometimes visiting from out of town, often focusing on a specific regional music
and dance, and open to all to participate. More than 700 people attended them.
Over the last 2 years we also organised 10 Milonga (Tango) evenings reaching over 1200 people, we also hosted 8 book
launch events attended by 800 people and 10 Stand Up Comedy evenings more than 1000 people.
Tavola Tonda is also active in production work to create a cohesive and entertaining experience for the audience, while
raising the necessary funds to finance the production. Several theatre and music performances were produced along the
year. The Choròs project, an all female frame drumming performance collective, is also a produced performance, a
workshop incubator and spearhead into new research projects. One such project is the Euro Mediterranean Frame Drum
Map. A google map powered collective project born to gather all the known documents and evidence of female frame
drumming from the proto and prehistoric periods until present times in the broader Mediterranean area, the project
complemented by a growing bibliography provides a great starting point to anyone interested in the frame drumming
traditions of the area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The safeguarding and valorisation of the cultural heritage of Sicily and the broader Mediterranean music and dancing
through the engagement and the participation of our communities by inclusive artistic and cultural practices is our way to
rely on creativity and develop heritage-led community development. Through our activities youth and adults will be
engaged in proposing and developing artwork as creative solutions to local challenges. Creativity can then be understood
as ways of expanding what we already know, understand and can do.Through its creative imagination and ingenious
rebirth, art tells a story that has the power to alter and positively influence people’s perspectives and opinions while also
instilling values that benefit all, no matter how our backgrounds or beliefs may differ. In one of our traditional dance
classes, for example, even though each participant is learning a fixed movement vocabulary, since learning is primarily
kinaesthetic, each individual makes their own connections to the idea of the movement. Each participant brings into the
class her/his own individuality, which when merged with the seemingly repetitive or rigid movement code of the dance
style, reflects the personality of the dancer.
We would contribute to the Network to keep engaging the youth in our community in Art and culture, while creating a new
generation who may go on to produce works that raise awareness of the issues they feel passionate about. We will
support the facilitation of artistic Residencies with North African and Southern European traditional artists, where artists
could work on a project changing perspective and in the meantime they could also give workshops on their specialty in the
communities and contribute to improve our internationalisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The participation in the Network will give us the opportunities to become member of a community of practice, bringing our musicians, dancers, young people and adults '' into the tent” and creating a space of exchange, co-creation and inclusion, while create synergies and complementarities with national and international likeminded organisations to create a movement of Creativity for Social Change. Getting in a new network comes with a new set of collaboration possibilities. Letting us cross borders and cross pollinate our talents and expertise with that of others, strengthening the skills and capabilities necessary to overcome our current struggles. Being part of an extensive platform born of the combined efforts of research, education and artistic activities for the transmission of tradition and exploration of innovation,can bring people together across borders, in a safe space where so many languages, cultural practices, collective memories, beliefs and perspectives coexist in close proximity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonella Sgobbo
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Marco Tarantino
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Crescimanno
Job Title (2)
Dancer, trainer

ACT: New Nordic Voices

National Network

C/O Alice Knuth Jernbane Alle 25B, 4
2720 Vanløse

+45 52684667
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

ACT is Denmark's transnational theatre company with the mission to connect thespians globally and act as an inter-cultural creative integrator, mounting masterpiece productions through local, regional, and cross-continental collaborations.

Mission and Objectives


The original intent behind the creation of ACT/New Nordic Voices is to aesthetically embrace and reflect cultural diversification.



To see multiple cultures share a stage through New Nordic Voices.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are

1. Performing Arts 

2. Theatre 

3. Others:


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our artistic activities, connections and experience in collaboration with other fellow artists and arts institutions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to share, exchange and collaborate across the Euromed 

Contact (1) Full Name
Machael Omoke
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Michael Omoke
Contact (2) Full Name
Zach Khadudu
Job Title (2)
Board member

Legambiente Trani

National Network

C.so Imbriani 119/b
76125 Trani BT

0039 3476214370
Telephone (other)
0039 0883589089
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3487508703
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Legambiente Trani is a non-profit ASSOCIATION working to improve the promotion of sustainable development at local, regional and international level and it has engaged in guarantying the respect of human rights against any form of prejudice and social exclusion. Using art (theatre dance human library..) as a tool in projects of dialogue between cultures and sustainable development with partners in the Balkans and the Middle East. It is structured on a voluntary basis and it benefits from the constant collaboration of 40 voluntary members and trainers, besides the numerous activities of young people, students and citizens actively engaged with Legambiente projects. Permanent partner of Trani municipality and local schools and universities and of migrant reception centres and the health care service. Year Budget around €. 35.000 from Europen Project -Erasmus ESC program-Municipality _local Foundation. Concrete projects, from training, exchanges, seminars, study visit,scholarships, peacekeping, rolepay,wokcamp, refuge camp activity (as in the linked “portfolio”).

Mission and Objectives

Linked with the net of National Legambiente a pacifist and independent movement supported by more than 115,000 members, donors and by projects and businesses that are in line with the organization’s principles. LegambienteTRANI is full engaged in training and community involvement activities on sustainable development and climate change and the diffusion of alternative energies and the reuse of resources. Legambiente Trani’ projects implement cultural activity, for safeguard of nature and dialogue and the co-operation between individuals and people without limits o borders. And it collaborates with other associations to develop cultural dynamics involvement local culture with diffusion of environmental pacifist and social culture against any exclusion.thinkung globaly and acting localy to engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change

Main Projects / Activities

Is currently active in good practice dissemination campaignsi. Is engaged in an activity, with European funds, for the promotion of Green Jobs. Climate change and educational campaigns for the reduction of waste and pollution in Lebanon, Tunisia and Albania.Legambiente Trani gives advices and provides help to private citizens and institutions also thanks to the strict and daily interaction with schools and local institutions by non formal activity ad Forum Theatre. So Legambiente Trani, with its voluntary members, identifies as its target urban and rural environments, all the citizens, migrants, prisoners and schools (from primary schools to high schools) with which it has been collaborating. Now Legambiente Trani, besides the habitual yearly campaigns, is involved refuges and ucrainian in monitoring waste dumps and in protection of an humid area situated at the north of urban perimeter. It is also involved in monitoring the coastal and rural pollution, in the safeguard of artistic and cultural heritage, also through public events. Other activities carried out by Legambiente are concerning with door to door activities, waste sorting, sustainable mobility, activities of sensitization in schools, in which students are actively involved, such as protection and cleanliness of the territory with the help of prisoners( even migrants) of local penitentiaries. Organize together with local municipalities and associations the festival of peoples in the squares involving the resident communities (Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Christian)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actively interacting for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, fostering the visibility and action of the Euro-Mediterranean Involving in Partnership the municipality of Trani and working in the Region of Apulia for twinning projects in middle east and promoting schools activity and seminars for peace and dialogue also activating eco-pacifist events and artistic festivals. Also provide expertise as European environmental law experts, environmental educators, environmental tutors, intercultural workers, migrant educators. Competences in international environmental law and national and international environmental education activities and campaigns

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having already taken part in activities such as “ALF 1001 actions for dialogue” and having carried out activities in Palestine Lebanon Syria Israel, Tunisia Kosovo Albania and Bosnia we need a peace network to channel energies and especially the enthusiasm and artistic expression of our young volunteers to collaborate in a bigger network to alternative narratives to fight extremist and promote more inclusive and empathetic societies build a culture based on dialogue and cultural exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
lawyer ( international low)
Head of the organisation
Claudio di Cugno
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

C.so Imbriani 119/b
76125 Trani BT

0039 3476214370
Telephone (other)
0039 0883589089
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3487508703
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Legambiente Trani is a non-profit ASSOCIATION working to improve the promotion of sustainable development at local, regional and international level and it has engaged in guarantying the respect of human rights against any form of prejudice and social exclusion. Using art (theatre dance human library..) as a tool in projects of dialogue between cultures and sustainable development with partners in the Balkans and the Middle East. It is structured on a voluntary basis and it benefits from the constant collaboration of 40 voluntary members and trainers, besides the numerous activities of young people, students and citizens actively engaged with Legambiente projects. Permanent partner of Trani municipality and local schools and universities and of migrant reception centres and the health care service. Year Budget around €. 35.000 from Europen Project -Erasmus ESC program-Municipality _local Foundation. Concrete projects, from training, exchanges, seminars, study visit,scholarships, peacekeping, rolepay,wokcamp, refuge camp activity (as in the linked “portfolio”).

Mission and Objectives

Linked with the net of National Legambiente a pacifist and independent movement supported by more than 115,000 members, donors and by projects and businesses that are in line with the organization’s principles. LegambienteTRANI is full engaged in training and community involvement activities on sustainable development and climate change and the diffusion of alternative energies and the reuse of resources. Legambiente Trani’ projects implement cultural activity, for safeguard of nature and dialogue and the co-operation between individuals and people without limits o borders. And it collaborates with other associations to develop cultural dynamics involvement local culture with diffusion of environmental pacifist and social culture against any exclusion.thinkung globaly and acting localy to engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change

Main Projects / Activities

Is currently active in good practice dissemination campaignsi. Is engaged in an activity, with European funds, for the promotion of Green Jobs. Climate change and educational campaigns for the reduction of waste and pollution in Lebanon, Tunisia and Albania.Legambiente Trani gives advices and provides help to private citizens and institutions also thanks to the strict and daily interaction with schools and local institutions by non formal activity ad Forum Theatre. So Legambiente Trani, with its voluntary members, identifies as its target urban and rural environments, all the citizens, migrants, prisoners and schools (from primary schools to high schools) with which it has been collaborating. Now Legambiente Trani, besides the habitual yearly campaigns, is involved refuges and ucrainian in monitoring waste dumps and in protection of an humid area situated at the north of urban perimeter. It is also involved in monitoring the coastal and rural pollution, in the safeguard of artistic and cultural heritage, also through public events. Other activities carried out by Legambiente are concerning with door to door activities, waste sorting, sustainable mobility, activities of sensitization in schools, in which students are actively involved, such as protection and cleanliness of the territory with the help of prisoners( even migrants) of local penitentiaries. Organize together with local municipalities and associations the festival of peoples in the squares involving the resident communities (Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Christian)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actively interacting for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, fostering the visibility and action of the Euro-Mediterranean Involving in Partnership the municipality of Trani and working in the Region of Apulia for twinning projects in middle east and promoting schools activity and seminars for peace and dialogue also activating eco-pacifist events and artistic festivals. Also provide expertise as European environmental law experts, environmental educators, environmental tutors, intercultural workers, migrant educators. Competences in international environmental law and national and international environmental education activities and campaigns

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having already taken part in activities such as “ALF 1001 actions for dialogue” and having carried out activities in Palestine Lebanon Syria Israel, Tunisia Kosovo Albania and Bosnia we need a peace network to channel energies and especially the enthusiasm and artistic expression of our young volunteers to collaborate in a bigger network to alternative narratives to fight extremist and promote more inclusive and empathetic societies build a culture based on dialogue and cultural exchange

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
lawyer ( international low)
Head of the organisation
Claudio di Cugno
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)