MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability

National Network

Caracas st. Garnet bldg. 1st Fl.
Zalak 55511966

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability, founded in Beirut registration No 229/AD is an International ngo with representations in 5 continents. Its headquarters is in Beirut - Lebanon, and consists of 22 volunteer members. It gets personal funding mainly from its board members, international patrons and project partners.

Mission and Objectives

MEADOWS engages in programs collaborating with the governmental and non-governmental sectors, as well as with all kinds of specialized international organizations by organizing seminars, exhibitions, and orientation programs within the cultural and sustainable development realms. MEADOWS ngo has over the years grown and spread with its regional and national representations worldwide creating a network engaged in cultural dialogue through a wide spectrum of cultural and social activities that promote art, free outside the box thinking, art therapy, awareness to the importance of safeguarding the environment, social activities in collaboration with talented and established artists worldwide, using the arts as one of its major tools.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Therapy workshops & TOT for trauma victims (2007-present) Organizing & curating International Art Exhibitions & Biennials in Venice-2018-20-22, Civitanova-Novara-Verbania, Louvre-2017-18 Paris, Miami-2017, Tijuana-Mexico 2019-21, Jakarta-Bali 2010-12-13-15-16-18, Beijing-Shanghai-Hubei-Dafen-Changzhou-2008-10-12-13-14-15-17-19 China, Palma de Majorca 1997, Dhaka-2015-17-19-22, Mamaia, Constanta- Cluj 2015-16-18, UAE 2016, Sarajevo-Banjaluka-2004-06-08-10, Beirut-Sidon 2003-07-10-14-18-19-20-21, Barcelona 2015, Jollabuk do 2012 S. Korea. Partners: UNESCO Beirut office, European Cultural Centre, Paint Pals-Art Reach-USA, SNBA-Paris, FAM ngo Greece, CETYS University Mexico, AmericanUniv-Beirut, DAK University- NABAD , AMEL ngo, St. George Hospital, CMC Hosptl affiliated with Johns Hopkins, One Design Lebanon, RestArt Beirut, Hamazkain ngo, Beirut & BH Municipalities

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Kelekian
Job Title
Founder / International president
Head of the organisation
Lena Kelekian
Contact (2) Full Name
Hagop Sulahian
Job Title (2)
Co- Founder / Board member

Lebanese Spot light LSL

National Network

Ain Mrayse Ibn SINA STREET
Center Moshakhas 3rd floor

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

In 2013, Lebanese Spotlight started as a community service project in public schools, as the founder of Lebanese Spotlight “Ali Omar Ali” is a Theater teacher there. Its primary focus was to empower students to become active community members. Over the years, this initiative thrived until 2016. This empowerment of the youth helped them take charge of creating a youth-led NGO in 2017. However, the turning point for Lebanese Spotlight came with the devastating blast that hit Beirut on August 4th of 2020. The explosion, which caused widespread destruction and loss of lives, led to a rush in the organization's activities. The youth involved with Lebanese Spotlight took a more active role on the ground, working tirelessly to provide aid and support to the affected communities. The youth not only showed resilience but also demonstrated the power of collective action and the potential of community-driven initiatives. The organization's growth and impact after the blast were an indication that such community service projects can have tremendous effects on inspiring young minds to become proactive changemakers in their society. With over 350 volunteers between the ages of 15 to 25, Lebanese Spotlight seems to have a significant and dedicated group of young individuals. The initiative's focus on building small communities is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and support among individuals, promoting cooperation and mutual aid. The commitment to protect children, guide youth, and engage families shows a holistic approach to addressing the needs of different age groups within society. This approach allows for a more comprehensive impact and ensures that all members of the community are involved in the organization's activities promoting social cohesion. By aligning its efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, Lebanese Spotlight demonstrates a forward-thinking approach and a commitment to tackling significant global challenges. Prioritizing areas such as education, poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, and fostering partnerships aligns the organization's objectives with broader global efforts for positive change. Lebanese Spotlight's success is a testament to the importance of empowering youth and providing them with opportunities to make a difference in their communities. By learning from their experiences and embracing their leadership roles, these young individuals continue to be a beacon of hope and positive change for Lebanon's future.

Mission and Objectives

In the near future, Lebanese Spotlight envisions a society where the youth stand at the forefront of positive transformation. Our vision includes vibrant communities of empowered individuals, armed with futuristic skills and a strong sense of purpose, who collaboratively address local and global challenges. Through innovative programs, partnerships, and projects, LSL aims to nurture a generation that not only envisions change but also leads the way toward a brighter, more sustainable future. Mission: • Ensure a positive change in our society • Equip youth with futuristic skills to adapt to the technological changes around them • Build a curriculum where it helps students in creating their own paths and discover their career opportunities • Create a space for self-discovery for youth whilst sharing experiences and meeting new people • Set up sustainable projects that support the Go Green movement (Eco-Friendly) • Implement entrepreneurship skill-upgrading programs • Empower and support youth to achieve their goals

Main Projects / Activities

The Lebanese Light Spot (LSL) Association was established in 2017 under the supervision of initiative number 1166. LSL is a youth initiative working on integrating community service in official secondary schools, private schools, and universities. It quickly evolved to become a gathering community with over 350 young men and women. The association aims to empower youth while building an inclusive community and fostering their initiatives. By promoting their leadership, communication, and innovation skills, while discouraging engagement in risky behaviors and leveraging their sense of citizenship. Our activities vary from managing community parks in Beirut through volunteering and raising awareness about human rights, conducting life skills workshops, and providing assistance to youth in accessing universities and specialized fields. LSL’s youth activated the “Mayel“ project to support the elderly at Mar Mikhael; an awareness program tackling sports, drugs, and professions. They created a development assistance call for underprivileged youth, an annual skills camp as well as environmental responsibility programs. We collaborated with World Vision on the Road to Peace project, with Dot Lebanon on digital education, and with Refuse on Ecosystem Restoration Programs, a 40-day environmental work program for 40 young men and women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Anna Linda's involvement will significantly contribute to our community in Lebanon, particularly among our youth, by fostering an understanding of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. Her efforts will facilitate constructive dialogues, strategic planning for activities, and the execution of intercultural projects. By enhancing the comprehension of the youth's societal roles and harnessing creative ideas, our community will be better equipped to cultivate future leaders for peace and effective dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Lebanese Spotlight is eager to collaborate with Anna Linda, aiming to provide our youth with a platform to engage with diverse backgrounds. Our objective is to pave the way for our youth and community members to not only gain insights but also to contribute positively. Furthermore, we recognize the potential benefits that Anna Linda's opportunities offer in terms of skill development, policy enhancement, and overall national progress. By becoming part of this initiative, we aspire to enable our youth to emerge as influential change leaders on both local and global fronts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Omar Ali
Job Title
Founder of LSL
Head of the organisation
Ali Omar ALI
Contact (2) Full Name
Ziad Haydar
Job Title (2)
Public Relation

جمعية بيت دافئ

National Network

شارع لارسال - عماره جاسر - الطابق الثاني
رام الله
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

بيت دافئ هي منظمة غير ربحية مقرها في فلسطين، تأسست عام 2009، وتختص في تمكين الأفراد وتعزيز التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والنفسية في المجتمع. تتكون هيكليتها من هيئة عاملة وهيئة إدارية وهيئة تنفيذية، تتألف من 4 موظفين رئيسيين و 12 متطوعًا، مع زيادة العدد مع تقدم المشاريع. تبلغ ميزانيتها السنوية حوالي 20 ألف، وتمويلها يأتي من تبرعات فردية، أعضاء الهيئة العامة، مؤسسات محلية ودولية. تعتمد منهجيتها على مشاريع ملموسة تركز على النساء والأطفال والشباب وتعزيز القدرات، إلى جانب جلسات تبادل المعرفة والتدريب. تتعاون مع القطاعين الحكومي والمجتمع المدني، ولديها شبكة من المؤسسات القاعدية في الضفة الغربية. تشمل شركاؤها الرئيسيين: الإعانة الإسلامية، فرنسا، شبكة أمان، منتدى الثقافي، أفق للإغاثة والتنمية، مؤسسة جسور الحضارات للتنمية في إسطنبول.

Mission and Objectives

مهمة بيت دافئ وأهدافها: مهمة بيت دافئ: تهدف بيت دافئ إلى تمكين وتعزيز التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والنفسية في المجتمع الفلسطيني من خلال تقديم برامج ومشاريع ملموسة تستهدف الأفراد وخاصة النساء والأطفال والشباب. تسعى المنظمة لتحقيق تحسين مستدام في جودة الحياة وتعزيز القدرات المجتمعية. 1- تمكين المرأة: إطلاق الإمكانات: في جمعية بيت دافئ، نكرس تفانينا لتمكين المرأة الفلسطينية، وإشعال قوتها الداخلية وتعزيز قدراتها. من خلال مجموعة شاملة من البرامج والدعم، نهدف إلى تطوير مهاراتها، وتمكينها من تحقيق طموحاتها وتألقها في الحياة الشخصية والمهنية، وصنع فرص مستدامة لتحقيق التغيير في مجتمعاتها. 2- بناء مستقبل مشرق: إشراقة الطفولة المبكرة: نحن مؤمنون بأن كل طفل يستحق بيئة محبة وتعلمية تساعده على الازدهار. رسالتنا هي خلق اماكن آمنة ومليئة بالحب والابتكار والمرح، حيث يمكن للأطفال أن ينموا بثقة وتحقق إمكاناتهم الكاملة، وتكون البذور الأساسية لمستقبل واعد ومشرق. 3- تعزيز الصمود: شفاء القلوب، تنشيط الحياة: نقف بجانب الأطفال الذين يواجهون الصعاب، ونقدم لهم الدعم والعناية النفسية الضرورية. نسعى لتخفيف آثار التجارب الصعبة عليهم، وتعزيز صمودهم ونفسيتهم، وتمكينهم من التغلب على التحديات والابتعاد عن الأثار السلبية، بحيث ينمون بقوة ويحققون إنجازاتهم. 4- بناء قادة المستقبل: توجيه الرواد: نحن ملتزمون بتنمية قادة الغد. من خلال برامج الإرشاد وتنمية القيادة، نساهم في تمكين الشباب وتزويدهم بالمهارات والثقة والرؤية اللازمة ليصبحوا روادًا في مجالاتهم، ويشاركوا في بناء مستقبل أفضل لأنفسهم ومجتمعاتهم ووطنهم.

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع تدريب مربيات ومديرات رياض الأطفال تم تنفيذ المشروع في محافظات متعددة في الضفة الغربية، بما في ذلك رام الله والبيرة، الخليل، بيت لحم، نابلس، سلفيت، طوباس، قلقيلية، طولكرم وجنين، بالتعاون مع جمعية سلام يا صغار. تم اختيار جمعية بيت دافئ لتنفيذ هذا المشروع التدريبي للمربيات والمديرات في رياض الأطفال في مختلف المحافظات. يهدف المشروع إلى تعزيز مهارات المشاركات في التدخل الفعال في حالات الطوارئ والأزمات التي تشمل الأطفال، وفهم احتياجاتهم النفسية. وتشمل المهارات المكتسبة تحديد الحالات النفسية للأطفال في حالة أزمة أو توتر، والتدخل الوقائي فيما يتعلق بالصحة النفسية للطفل. جميع محافظات فلسطين مربيات ومديرات رياض الأطفال 186 . مشروع أخي الكبير معلمي وهو مشروع تدريب طلاب جامعيين من جامعة النجاح والخليل وجامعة القدس على العمل مع مجموعات لأطفال يتامى. وتهدف الدورة إلى إكساب الطلاب طريقة إدارة المجموعات والعمل مع الأطفال على مساعدتهم في المجال التربوي التعليمي وتقديم الدعم النفسي لهم وكانوا من خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية. الخليل ونابلس وطولكرم طلاب الجامعات وأطفال يتامى 324. مشروع ترميم وتأهيل حضانة فلسطينية تم تنفيذ المشروع في مدينة رام الله لحضانة تستقبل أطفال النساء العاملات ممن تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين الـ(4) شهور والـ(4) سنوات، حيث تم تمويل المشروع من الحكومة البلجيكية، وتضمن المشروع الذي استغرق تنفيذه 4 شهور، ترميم مبنى الحضانة من الداخل، وتجهيز ساحة خارجية للألعاب ملائمة وآمنة للأطفال، وإعداد الحضانة بالألعاب الهادفة والمناسبة لكل الأطفال والتي تساعد على تطور الأطفال بالشكل السليم، كما وتم تجهيز الحضانة بالأثاث والأدوات المختلفة والمناسبة وحسب المقاييس والمواصفات لإعداد حضانة نموذجية. وقد تم تأهيل طاقم الحضانة على مواضيع تنظيم بيئة الحضانة التربوية وكيفية إعداد برنامج الحضانة اليومي وبناء الفعاليات المناسبة لكل جيل بالحضانة. رام الله أطفال وأهالي ومربيات 60 . مشروع التثقيف الشبابي تم تنفيذ المشروع في مخيم قلنديا، حيث تضمن العديد من الأنشطة على أيدي خبراء ومختصين بالمؤسسة، وهدف هذا المشروع إلى تثقيف المراهقين من عمر 14 – 16 سنة، وذلك من خلال مجموعة من الفعاليات الفنية مثل الرسم والتمثيل. رام الله / مخيم قلنديا شباب وفتيات من عمر 14 – 16 80 . مشروع الثقة والقيادة تم تنفيذ المشروع في مخيم الجلزون بالمشاركة مع نادي الطفل الفلسطيني، استهدف المشروع أطفال من عمر 11 – 13 سنة، وهدف المشروع إلى التفريغ النفسي للأطفال وتنمية الروح القيادية لهم، بمشاركة طاقم مختص من الجمعية رام الله / مخيم الجلزون شباب وفتيات 90 اللقاء الفلسطيني الأول تم تنظيم هذا اللقاء في مركز شباب مخيم عايدة للاجئين في مدينة بيت لحم ولمدة ثلاث أيام، وشمل اللقاء عدة ورشات عمل لمجموعة من الشباب الفلسطيني من كافة مدن الضفة والداخل، وتضمن اللقاء أيضاً مهرجاناً للطائرات الورقية، لترسيخ دعائم التسامح في المجتمع. بيت لحم / مخيم عايدة شباب وفتيات 70 . مشروع إثراء حضانات ورياض الأطفال تم تنفيذ المشروع بناء على دراسة أجرتها جمعية بيت دافئ داخل مخيم قلنديا في مدينة رام الله بهدف تطوير وإعادة تأهيل رياض الأطفال هناك، حيث تم اختيار خمس رياض أطفال بحاجة الى الدعم والمساعدة داخل المخيم، ويأتي هذا المشروع كبداية لمشروع أكبر تخطط جمعية بيت دافئ لتنفيذه في مختلف محافظات الضفة، ويستهدف هذا المشروع الأطفال بشكل مباشر بالإضافة إلى أهاليهم من أجل إكساب الأهل وخاصة الأمهات المهارات الأساسية للتعامل مع أطفالهن في البيت. مشروع حماية الطفولة من العنف والاهمال والاعتداءات في الضفة الغربية هو برنامج يستهدف الأطفال من سن 8 إلى 11 سنة ، أبناء عائلات تعاني من مشاكل اقتصادية اجتماعية ونفسية صعبة ، يتم استقبال الأطفال مباشرة بعد الدوام المدرسي ، تقدم وجبة غداء صحية للأطفال ، ثم يتم حل الواجبات المدرسية ، وبعدها يتم تنفيذ فعاليات جماعية وفردية حسب احتياجات مجموعة الأطفال . يقوم البرنامج على عدة محاور لتحقيق الأهداف منها تأهيل طاقم مناسب ، إشراف مهني للمرشدين وطرق تدخل مختلفة تتناسب وأهداف المشروع . نفذ في شمال الضفة الغربية ( طولكرم وجنين و نابلس) لمده عامين سنه (2011-2013) استهدف المشروع 90 طفلا تم العمل مع الأطفال على التعديل السلوكي وعلى الجانب النفسي لهم و المشروع كان بتمويل من الإغاثة الإسلامية فرنسا في العام الأول و في العام الثاني كان بتمويل من الاتحاد الأوربي و الإغاثة الإسلامية فرنسا- و الجزء الثاني من المشروع يهدف الي بناء قدرات مرشدي حماية الطفولة في ورزاه التنمية الاجتماعية : وانتقل المشروع بعدها الي محافظات الجنوب ( الخليل-– بيت لحم) و استمر لمده عام و بعدها انتقل الي محافظات الوسط ( اريحا – القدس _ رام الله )و استمر المشروع لمده 6 سنوات متاليه .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- تبادل المعرفة والخبرات: بيت دافئ يمكنها مشاركة تجاربها ومعرفتها في مجال تمكين الأفراد وتعزيز التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والنفسية. يمكن تقديم ورش عمل أو محاضرات تبادل المعرفة بين أعضاء الشبكة. 2- المشاركة في البرامج والمبادرات: يمكن لبيت دافئ المشاركة في برامج ومبادرات المؤسسة التي تعزز من التفاهم والشمولية وتعزيز القيم الإيجابية في المجتمع. 3- تطوير مشاريع مشتركة: بالتعاون مع مؤسسة آنا ليند، يمكن تطوير مشاريع مشتركة تستهدف تحقيق تأثير إيجابي في الضفة الغربية، سواء كان ذلك من خلال تعزيز التعليم، الثقافة، التنمية المستدامة أو غيرها . 4- المشاركة في الحوارات والنقاشات: يمكن لبيت دافئ المشاركة في الحوارات والمناقشات حول القضايا الاجتماعية والثقافية والسياسية في بلدك، مساهمةً بوجهات نظرها وخبراتها. 5- تعزيز التواصل والشبكات: بيت دافئ يمكنها توسيع شبكاتها من خلال التواصل مع أعضاء الشبكة ومشاركتها في فعاليات وأحداث المؤسسة والمجتمعات المحلية. 6- المشاركة في الحملات الاجتماعية: يمكن لبيت دافئ المشاركة في حملات توعية أو نشر رسائل إيجابية تسهم في تغيير المفاهيم السلبية في المجتمع.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

بيت دافئ ترغب في الانضمام إلى شبكة آنا ليند لعدة أسباب: 1- التعاون والتبادل: بيت دافئ ترغب في التعاون مع منظمات وهيئات أخرى في المنطقة من أجل تبادل الخبرات والمعرفة وتعزيز التعاون الشامل لتحقيق أهداف مشتركة. 2- تعزيز الثقة والتفاهم: من خلال الانضمام إلى شبكة آنا ليند، يمكن لبيت دافئ المساهمة في بناء جسور من التفاهم والثقة بين مختلف المجتمعات والجهات المشاركة، مما يعزز من تحقيق التواصل الفعال والتنمية المستدامة. 3- التأثير الإيجابي: من خلال الانخراط في شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند، يمكن لبيت دافئ أن تكون جزءًا من جهود أوسع نطاقًا لتحقيق التأثير الإيجابي في فلسطين وفي البلدان المجاورة. 4- المشاركة في الحوارات والنقاشات: الشبكة توفر منصة للمشاركة في حوارات ونقاشات مهمة حول قضايا اجتماعية وسياسية تهم المنطقة، وهذا يسمح لبيت دافئ بتقديم وجهات نظرها وتبادل خبراتها. 5- فرص التعلم والتطوير: الشبكة توفر فرصًا لبيت دافئ للتعلم من تجارب ونجاحات منظمات أخرى، وذلك من خلال الورش والمؤتمرات والبرامج التدريبية المقدمة من قبل المؤسسة. 6- الوصول إلى مصادر متنوعة: من خلال الانضمام إلى الشبكة، يمكن لبيت دافئ الوصول إلى مصادر متنوعة من التمويل والدعم الفني والخبرات، مما يعزز من قدرتها على تنفيذ مشاريعها وبرامجها بنجاح. 7- المساهمة في بناء مجتمع أكثر شمولية: بيت دافئ تؤمن بأهمية تعزيز الشمولية وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في مجتمعها والمجتمعات المجاورة، والانضمام إلى شبكة آنا ليند يمكنها من تحقيق هذه الأهداف بشكل أفضل.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
بسام بكر
Job Title
مدير عام
Head of the organisation
عمار جمال قادور

Art Cube Artists' Studios

National Network

26 Ha'Uman St.
Jerusalem 9342180

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Within the Art Cube Artists' Studios NGO operates two main projects. 1) An art center that includes: a long-term residency program for Jerusalem artists, a residency for international artists, an annual exhibition program, educational activities, and “The Artist Garden”, a rooftop dedicated to forming bonds with diverse communities. 2) The Manofim festival for contemporary art in Jerusalem which takes place every Autumn, presents hundreds of artists in collaboration with dozens of galleries, cultural and educational organizations, and associations for a shared life.
The permanent staff consists of 5 employees and a lot of freelancers.
Collaborations are part of the organization's DNA, in all our projects we strive to create collaborations with communities, art academies, schools, cultural institutions, groups of artists, individual artists, etc.
The yearly budget is approximately 2.5 million NIS. The NGO is supported by the Israeli Ministry of Culture, Jerusalem Municipality, Privet foundations, collaboration Self income, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The association's goals are written in the association's bylaws in a very broad way so that we can adapt to social contemporaneity and the topicality of social, political, and economic issues that influence us locally and globally. We perceive art as having the power to connect people to provoke criticism and expand the perspectives we are used to and open up the dialogue between diverse people and communities.
A. To initiate, organize, establish, hold, and allow the use of studio spaces, in exchange for reimbursement of expenses for young artists, who are engaged in all fields of art, who are willing to work on social topics, who live and work in Jerusalem and lack conditions and means for their artistic work.
B. To initiate to assist and encourage the artistic promotion of the artists while working in the Artists’ Studios and to help them hold exhibitions in the Art Cube Artists’ Studios area and in other places.
C. To act as a representative, agent, or trustee of donors and volunteers as well as of local or foreign associations or institutions, incorporated and unincorporated, with similar goals, in whole or in part to the goals of the association, to manage their activities, to participate in their activities as well as to act for the fulfillment of their goals.
D. Operating a public gallery, holding exhibitions and public encounters, and discussion events in the complex with the aim of enriching and expanding the discourse of art.
E. Promoting the Jerusalem art field and Jerusalem artists to national and global public awareness.

Main Projects / Activities

Intercultural Art and Dialogue
Art programs that bring together all of Jerusalem’s population East and West, Arabs and Jews, Christians, secular, and religions.
“The Artist Garden” (temporary name), is a new space on the Art Cube Artists’ Studios’ rooftop that expands the ability to create new bonds with diverse communities.
Educational Art programs and Art events with diverse communities
Manofim –Yearly Contemporary Art Festival in Jerusalem and the online magazine “Harama”
A Gallery showing contemporary Art exhibitions encouraging social engagement
An international residency program that includes collaborations between Israeli and International art institutions to support diverse dialog.
Subsidized studio spaces for Jerusalem-based artists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our studios, gallery, residency program, and new rooftop are located in Jerusalem in an area that is ethnically very diverse.
Our goal is to bring together in our space Muslims, Jewish, Christian, and atheistic neighbors via culture, art, education, and discussion with the help of our local and international scholars, educators, artists, and activists.
In creating interesting connections between the art community, activism, scholars, and our diverse neighbors, whit long-term program and sustainability. We will be happy to expand our connections and collaborations at the international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to develop more international and diverse collaborations, expand our knowledge, and learn from other projects in the world.
Creating connections based on diversity and liberal values, building and sharing knowledge with interdisciplinarity, including education, sustainability, activism, art, journalism, politics, and democracy.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lee He Shulov
Job Title
Director, Art Cube Artists' Studios and Co-director and curator, Manofim- Jerusalem Contemporary Art Festival
Head of the organisation
Lee He Shulov
Contact (2) Full Name
Michal Mendelboym
Job Title (2)
Chief Producer


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

INNO-PEACE - Innovators for Peace, is a Tunisian non-profit association, created in 2016 and headquartered in Ariana. It works for peace, democracy and human rights through innovative projects aimed at sustainable development such as Human libraries, Civic Education Clubs in Schools, Trainings ..
With a policy that reflects the values we stand for, we naturally favored a structure where relations between managers and active members were horizontal, and where the role of the executive committee was, among other things, to coordinate their actions: We have an directory board of 8 members.
All members play an active role in decision-making and in developing the association's various strategies.
INNO-PEACE is governed by a number of internal texts. The association has its own by-laws, internal regulations and code of procedure. The association has also set up a disciplinary board to ensure compliance with the code of procedure and internal regulations.
Its main sources of funding are grants and membership fees.
Our main partners are local NGOs, foreign donors such as embassies ..

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision:

A cohesive society, strong in its young people's potential for development, tolerant and respectful of the values of human rights, peace and democracy.

The 4 Missions of INNO-PEACE :

Strengthen young people's capacity for education in human rights, democracy and peace.
Create a space for innovative youth initiatives for democracy, peace and human rights.
Establish a culture of peace at individual and societal levels.
Promote a culture of human rights and strengthen the capacity of the most vulnerable groups to become human rights activists.

Main Projects / Activities

Human Librairies:
The Human Library aims for intercultural dialogue and exchange, and often succeeds in enlightening participants by inviting them to shed all prejudice.
Civic Education Clubs in Schools:
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the 3-year project consists of setting up civic education clubs in educational institutions through weekly interactive sessions, based on a new approach to Civic Education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I believe that INNO-PEACE can make a significant contribution to the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Tunisia. Our association's track record in designing and executing innovative projects for peace, democracy, and human rights aligns seamlessly with the Foundation's mission. We are committed to fostering intercultural dialogue, collaborating with fellow organizations, and leveraging technology to amplify the impact of our initiatives. By sharing our experience, advocating for policy changes, and engaging youth, we aim to create a positive ripple effect that resonates with the Foundation's values and extends the reach of its vital work throughout our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aspire to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network to connect with a diverse community of like-minded individuals and organizations who share our passion for peace, democracy, and human rights. The ALF Network provides a unique platform for cross-cultural collaboration, enabling us to share experiences, learn from others, and collectively drive positive change. We believe that by becoming part of this esteemed network, we can amplify the impact of our innovative projects, gain valuable insights, and contribute to a global movement that aligns harmoniously with INNO-PEACE's core values and mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Syrine Nouili
Job Title
Quality Manager
Head of the organisation
Ali Salem

You are friends on Instagram

National Network

Jakova Ostojica bb
81400 Niksic

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

I am a candidate for the biro of the best government in Novi Sad, communicative and prosperitet person who love travel and discover a beauty of countries. I love swimming, sunshine, friends, education, architecture. I am looking for working for concrete projects and schoolarships and my main partner in researches is Bjarke Ingels in the fields of sustainables

Mission and Objectives

I' m gonna encourage you are mine the best people of the fields of my work

Main Projects / Activities

Many procects of The field in architecture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to the network in my country during my jobs who have connection with the art

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because my best friend is in ALF Network have best influence and I have a wish to contribute Your Network like Her

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Olivera Bratic
Job Title
Architecture, urbanism and interior design
Head of the organisation
People also search for me
Contact (2) Full Name
Dijana Bratic
Job Title (2)
Industrial management

Refine Training Academy

National Network

, 313 Queen Rania Street
Amman 11185

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

I am pleased to welcome you to Refine Training Academy, and we are pleased to provide useful information about the Academy and the services it provides,
Refine Training Academy originally founded and registered in Jordan in 2019 as a training academy. It aimed to provide high quality consultations and services in many sectors like (TVET fields and ICT, Management) in Jordan. Refine training academy is providing high quality of training.
The Academy is one of the leading bodies in training for those wishing to obtain technical and professional qualifications compatible with the labor market.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision:
Spreading the concept of technical and vocational training and seeking to create interaction with various sectors of society (individuals - government sector - private sector) in order to achieve the academy's goals in training and continuous development
Our Goal:
We seek to refine the skills of trainees and connect them to society by providing many courses and programs that are compatible with the needs of the community of various groups, institutions, and individuals through specialized programs, in accordance with the standards and training systems approved by the Professional and Technical Skills Development Authority
​Entrepreneur in Refining the skills of individuals in society through advisory services, studies, research, and technical projects
And providing many training programs that are compatible with the needs of society in its various groups and institutions

Main Projects / Activities

The Academy is one of the leading bodies in training for those wishing to obtain technical and professional qualifications compatible with the labor market. The Academy offers a set of training services programs, namely:
1. General programs: These are training programs in the fields that the Academy trains or supervises, which are offered to all segments of society.
2. Special programs: These are training programs in the fields that the Academy trains or supervises. They are designed, prepared and implemented for the benefit of the public and private sectors as requested.
3. Evening training: It is a training diploma program in the fields that the academy trains or supervises, similar to the training program in the morning period.
4. Productive Training: A training program that adopts a methodology for developing the skills of trainees in production or maintenance in their practical field of specialization.

Consulting services and studies
The Academy is proud of the existence of a distinguished elite of specialized competencies within the work team, and this is what enables us to provide expertise, advice, studies and research to the public and private sectors in many qualitative areas, some of which are unique to the Academy in specializing in it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Felesteen Mubarak
Job Title
Training Manager
Head of the organisation
Felesteen Althnaibat
Contact (2) Full Name
Wael aldomour
Job Title (2)

Le Quai Culturel

National Network

2eme etage - Immeuble Yaacoubi - Rte Nefta Tozeur
2200 Tozeur

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Notre association a pour but de promouvoir le développement intellectuel des jeunes en Tunisie. Notre objectif est de contribuer à promouvoir les compétences sociales et la connaissance de soi à travers une grande variété d'activités(culturels, sportives , artistiques et environnementales). Nous tentons également à implanter des valeurs de solidarités et de coopérations entre les jeunes.

Mission and Objectives

Aider les jeunes à développer leurs compétences

Nous croyons que la culture est le levier du développement.

Nous croyons que lorsque nous donnons la chance aux jeunes,
ils peuvent accomplir de grandes choses.
Nous croyons que les femmes peuvent réaliser des choses
importantes, même plus que les hommes.
Nous croyons que l'environnement doit être protégé,
car il pourrait changer l'avenir de la prochaine génération.
Nous croyons que le sport est un levier de développent

Main Projects / Activities

Campagne de sensibilisation sur la corruption
Consultation sur la problématique environnementale dans le sud de la Tunisie
compétition sportives
Échanges des jeunesses avec les pays de l'union européenne

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nous sommes partenaire avec plusieurs associations dans l'Europe nous avons participé a des projets de volontariat et des échanges des jeunes
Ce réseau est très intéressant et représente un défi formidable, une opportunité de réseautage et d'apprentissage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

partager nos expériences et à échanger des idées des projets

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Zied BENNOUR
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Zied BENNOUR
Contact (2) Full Name
Hatem Zir
Job Title (2)
Vice président


National Network

11255 ATHENS

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Out of the Box Intermedia is a non-profit interdisciplinary arts organization actively committed to the research, development and presentation of location-driven and intermedia projects founded in London in 2008 and subsequently in Athens, Greece.

Mission and Objectives

Out of the Box Intermedia is a non-profit interdisciplinary arts organization actively committed to the research, development and presentation of location-driven and intermedia projects. The organization aims to promote international exchange of practice and knowledge in the arts (visual and sound art, dance, architecture, theatre), to research on the methods used in theatre and curatorial practices and to investigate points of intersection between the arts and the public sphere by means of interventions, collective actions and educational programs. Out Of The Box Intermedia was founded in 2008 in London and in 2015 in New York and has produced intermedia projects internationally in venues such as the New Museum in New York, Performa Biennial New York, Andrew and Shiva Gallery New York, City University of New York, Undercurrent-Brooklyn, Greek Consulate New York, EMST National Museum of Contemporary Arts Athens, Documenta, Shunt Vaults, Hunterian Museum, French Institute, Barbican Centre, Benaki Museum, Byzantine Museum, Historical Archives Museum, Place-London, Art-Athina International Art Fair among others, and in the public sphere. The organization has partnered with European Programs like Creative Europe and the European Foundation of Culture

Main Projects / Activities

OUT OF THE BOX is a Creative Europe partner for VITAL a project that is currently running, additionally, it has partnered with The Municipal Theater of Piraeus to curate the festival Artport and to present the US collective FOR FREEDOMS and Hank Willis Thomas in Greece.

OUT OF THE BOX participates in Eleusis Cultural Capital of Europe with the eco project "Mythological Garden" that focuses on sustainability.

Moreover, OUT OF THE BOX focuses on cultural exchange between Europe and the US and in March 2020 Out of the Box founded the cultural platform Greece in USA:

Greece in USA is a US non-profit organization with a global reach that promotes knowledge of contemporary and ancient Greek Culture while fostering international cultural cooperation, experimentation and social engagement. The organization’s extensive programming includes commissioned artists’ and curators’ projects, residencies, educational and ecological initiatives and the commitment to cultivating a sensible culture of innovation and thought leadership.
We are dedicated to offering innovative and unique programs in education and the arts, all exploring the evolving diversity and richness of Greek and Cypriot cultures. The non-profit organization seeks to generate new thinking about the arts and promote cross-cultural dialogue through partnerships and new platforms of creation.
The organization promotes international exchange of practice and knowledge in the arts – visual and sound art, dance, architecture, theatre – research on the methods used in curatorial and performing practices and investigation of points of intersection between the arts, science and the public sphere by means of interventions, collective actions, educational programs and publications.
Greece in USA aims to collaborate and build long-lasting partnerships with leading institutions and individuals who actively engage with Greece and its culture and to convey a comprehensive and distinctive representation of Greece and Cyprus by producing cultural and educational programs that encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

OUT OF THE BOX inaugurated a new art residency program in Athens in 2020. The primary mission of the residency program is to highlight contemporary art voices through the participation of artists, dancers, architects, filmmakers, poets, authors, publishers, university presses, cultural organizations and literary and artistic figures. In this context, the “Library Residency” at Panepistimiou street, in the center of Athens, has partnered with the London publishing house, Eris Art & Eris Press.

This partnership promotes collaborations and exchanges between Greek, European, Global and American artists that could contribute in the most impactful way to the Anna Lind network and residency program in Greece since the organization is one of the first to have focused on cultural diplomacy and is awarded and under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

OUT OF THE BOX’s programming focuses on the development of research with an emphasis on cultural diplomacy and the extroversion of Greek culture. Joining the ALF Network will provide the proper international institutional context to promote the activities of the organization that have been initially launched with a positive outcome.

The Greek Ministry of Culture already supports the initiative, however, joining an international institution at the forefront of these cultural initiatives like Ann Lind, will help promote the project in more advanced ways.

You can find more information about the residency below:

The “Library Residency” is the organization’s new initiative that fosters a dialogue between American and Greek writers and artists drawing from the interfaces between artistic creation and books. Guest writers, visual artists, filmmakers and musicians are invited to interact with, and be inspired by a book from the “Library Residency collection” to create a new concept, sketch, art project, poem, or composition based on a book.

The “Library Residency” at Panepistimiou street is “GREECE IN USA”‘s new art residency that promotes exchanges between Greek and American writers and artists and will host artist Udi Aloni in June in partnership with the Greek Film Archive.…

Contact (1) Full Name
Sozita Goudouna
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

11255 ATHENS

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Out of the Box Intermedia is a non-profit interdisciplinary arts organization actively committed to the research, development and presentation of location-driven and intermedia projects founded in London in 2008 and subsequently in Athens, Greece.

Mission and Objectives

Out of the Box Intermedia is a non-profit interdisciplinary arts organization actively committed to the research, development and presentation of location-driven and intermedia projects. The organization aims to promote international exchange of practice and knowledge in the arts (visual and sound art, dance, architecture, theatre), to research on the methods used in theatre and curatorial practices and to investigate points of intersection between the arts and the public sphere by means of interventions, collective actions and educational programs. Out Of The Box Intermedia was founded in 2008 in London and in 2015 in New York and has produced intermedia projects internationally in venues such as the New Museum in New York, Performa Biennial New York, Andrew and Shiva Gallery New York, City University of New York, Undercurrent-Brooklyn, Greek Consulate New York, EMST National Museum of Contemporary Arts Athens, Documenta, Shunt Vaults, Hunterian Museum, French Institute, Barbican Centre, Benaki Museum, Byzantine Museum, Historical Archives Museum, Place-London, Art-Athina International Art Fair among others, and in the public sphere. The organization has partnered with European Programs like Creative Europe and the European Foundation of Culture

In March 2020 Out of the Box founded the cultural platform Greece in USA

Main Projects / Activities


Greece in USA is a US non-profit organization with a global reach that promotes knowledge of contemporary and ancient Greek Culture while fostering international cultural cooperation, experimentation and social engagement. The organization’s extensive programming includes commissioned artists’ and curators’ projects, residencies, educational and ecological initiatives and the commitment to cultivating a sensible culture of innovation and thought leadership.
We are dedicated to offering innovative and unique programs in education and the arts, all exploring the evolving diversity and richness of Greek and Cypriot cultures. The non-profit organization seeks to generate new thinking about the arts and promote cross-cultural dialogue through partnerships and new platforms of creation.
The organization promotes international exchange of practice and knowledge in the arts – visual and sound art, dance, architecture, theatre – research on the methods used in curatorial and performing practices and investigation of points of intersection between the arts, science and the public sphere by means of interventions, collective actions, educational programs and publications.
Greece in USA aims to collaborate and build long-lasting partnerships with leading institutions and individuals who actively engage with Greece and its culture and to convey a comprehensive and distinctive representation of Greece and Cyprus by producing cultural and educational programs that encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sozita Goudouna
Job Title
Head of the organisation