National Network

Vila I Vila 19
08004 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

INCA has designed, implemented and participated in a wide variety of international projects, and is committed to inclusive participation and diversity through its activities and services. Our past projects cover a variety of areas, including: Cultural exchanges; we have organized exchange programs that promote intercultural dialogue and facilitate learning and collaboration between young people from different countries. Youth education projects: we have developed educational initiatives that seek to strengthen the skills and competencies of young people, providing them with opportunities for personal growth and development. Local courses and workshops for unemployed young people: we have carried out training programs aimed at unemployed young people, providing them with tools and resources to improve their employability. International work collaborations: we have established alliances with organizations from different countries to collaborate in joint projects, sharing knowledge and experiences for the benefit of young people. Training initiatives for arts workers and project managers: we have developed training programs for arts professionals and project managers to strengthen their skills and knowledge in specific areas. Local and international volunteering: we have coordinated, hosted and sent volunteers both locally and internationally.

Mission and Objectives

INCA seeks to promote culture and art for the transformation and participation of young people. The organization aims to improve the quality of life of communities and young people using culture as a tool for development and inclusion. In the Raval community, we participate in all cultural activities and share our artistic and social perspective. We also belong to the Consell de Joventut de Barcelona. In our community, we actively promote culture and social development by encouraging participation and exchange among diverse groups and young people. At the Llinars del Vallès residential center, we carry out European projects. The INCA Catalunya association promotes respect for cultural differences and values such as solidarity, equality, responsibility and respect.

Main Projects / Activities

At the local level, INCA organizes training courses and educational activities for young people, mainly for those at risk of social exclusion, as well as offering services to groups of artists. INCA is also active in the social fabric of the city of Barcelona, collaborating regularly with other cultural and educational entities. Internationally, INCA has more than 40 official partners in Europe. INCA Catalunya has carried out mobilities such as exchanges, local and transnational initiatives, contact seminars, capacity building, training courses and evaluation meetings. INCA has also carried out international projects funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and has carried out a project in the framework of the former Grundtvig program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The aim is to train a generation of youth workers who can speak directly to young people in their meeting places and accompany them on a path of participation in which mobility is only one scenario. It seeks to improve the skills of youth workers and encourage their participation at the local level through a variety of mobility and continuous training opportunities. This is achieved by strengthening pathways of social inclusion and non-formal learning, as well as fostering participation and active citizenship among young people. At the same time, operators are encouraged to discuss and compare issues related to youth work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuele Nargi
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Stefano D’Argenio
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano D’Argenio
Job Title (2)


National Network

Workspace 605, 44 Queen Nour Street

+962 798 456 045
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Seenaryo believes that theatre can unleash the collective power of communities in Jordan and Lebanon.

The organisation is made up of 20 full time staff across our three offices: Amman, Beirut and London. All of our projects are implemented in close partnership with partner organisations that are deeply embedded in the communities they work in. Seenaryo's funding comes from institutional grants, trusts and foundations, and individual donors.

Mission and Objectives

Through theatre and play, Seenaryo aims to transform education and activate social change in Jordan and Lebanon.

- Facilitate skills development by supporting individuals to build social skills, life skills, critical thinking and wellbeing
- Foster social cohesion by bringing conflict-affected communities into dialogue with each other
- Create wider and alternative employment pathways and professional capacity within classrooms and communities
- Transform teaching and learning to become child-centred, engaging and inclusive
- Advocate globally for play-based learning and participatory theatre in the Arab region

Main Projects / Activities

Seenaryo facilitates the production of imaginative, collaborative and powerful theatre with under-served communities. In 2022, we produced 39 original theatre productions with children, youth and women. We also train many former participants to lead their own projects, equipping them with the leadership skills to become leaders in their communities.

Seenaryo has also developed the Seenaryo Playkit, which is an app and training that aims to transform education in the region to become child-centred, play-based and inclusive. The Playkit app is a bank of resources for teachers of 3-8 years olds, with hundreds of games, songs and stories that they can use in the classroom. It usually accompanied by a one- or three-day training that equips teachers with the tools to teach through play.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our knowledge of successfully leading participatory theatre projects in Jordan, often working with participants from different communities and creating safe spaces for dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of a wider circle of cultural organisations in Jordan strengthening the cultural scene and creating more cultural opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleanor Jacob
Job Title
Communications & Fundraising Officer
Head of the organisation
Victoria Lupton
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara McIvor
Job Title (2)


National Network

Fabrika, Sassine Street

+961 70 032 917
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Seenaryo believes that theatre can unleash the collective power of communities in Lebanon and Jordan.

The organisation is made up of 20 full time staff across our three offices: Beirut, Amman and London. We have a Lebanon Board of Trustees, as well as a UK Board. All of our projects are implemented in close partnership with partner organisations that are deeply embedded in the communities they work in. Seenaryo's funding comes from institutional grants, trusts and foundations, and individual donors.

Mission and Objectives

Through theatre and play, Seenaryo aims to transform education and activate social change in Lebanon and Jordan.

- Facilitate skills development by supporting individuals to build social skills, life skills, critical thinking and wellbeing
- Foster social cohesion by bringing conflict-affected communities into dialogue with each other
- Create wider and alternative employment pathways and professional capacity within classrooms and communities
- Transform teaching and learning to become child-centred, engaging and inclusive
- Advocate globally for play-based learning and participatory theatre in the Arab region

Main Projects / Activities

Seenaryo facilitates the production of imaginative, collaborative and powerful theatre with under-served communities. In 2022, we produced 39 original theatre productions with children, youth and women. We also train many former participants to lead their own projects, equipping them with the leadership skills to become leaders in their communities.

Seenaryo has also developed the Seenaryo Playkit, which is an app and training that aims to transform education in the region to become child-centred, play-based and inclusive. The Playkit app is a bank of resources for teachers of 3-8 years olds, with hundreds of games, songs and stories that they can use in the classroom. It usually accompanied by a one- or three-day training that equips teachers with the tools to teach through play.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our knowledge of successfully leading participatory theatre projects in Lebanon, often working with participants from different communities and creating safe spaces for dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of a wider circle of cultural organisations in Lebanon strengthening the cultural scene and creating more cultural opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleanor Jacob
Job Title
Communications & Fundraising Officer
Head of the organisation
Victoria Lupton
Contact (2) Full Name
Hiba Hussein
Job Title (2)

Cinema Pour Tous

National Network

477 شارع محمد علي
rue med ali gabes
6000 قابس

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

يحمل شعار السينما للجميع معانى عدة تفضي الى ان الفن و الابداع وجب ان يصل للجميع دون تفرقة و على حدا سواء, و من هذا المبدأ تأسست جمعية سينما للجميع سنة 2016 ليكون مقرها الاجتماعي الرسمي بالجنوب التونسي و تشع بانشطتها في بقية ربوع البلاد التونسية. سعينا الى نشر الثقافة السينمائية رفقة بقية مكونات المشهد الثقافي لمحاولة القطع المركزية. و في خضم أنشطتنا بعثت الجمعية برنامجا تحت عنوان السينما للجميع أنطلق كفكرة منذ سنتين لكنه تعزز بمشاركة برنامج ميد فيلم الممول من طرف الاتحاد الاوروبي ما وفر المناخ اللازمة لإحتواء التجربة لاربعة ولايات تونسية هيا قابس قفصة مدنين و تطاوين وهو ما مما مثلا دفعا هاما للقائمين على تسيير الجمعية للمضي قدما في انشطتنا و تبعث اربعة مكاتب بهاته الجهات فكان المشروع مناخا نهدف من خلاله الى تعزيز دور المرأة وصورتها في القطاع السمعي البصري لجنوب المتوسّط في تعزيز قدرات الفاعلين في قطاع الأفلام داخل البلدان المستهدفة للمساهمة في التنمية المستدامة والتنوّع الثقافي من خلال النّهوض بالمساواة بين الجنسين وتعزيز صورة المرأة في الأفلام . اليوم و نحن برفقة شركانا و بقية الفاعلين نرغب ان يرفع شعار السينما للجميع في كل ربوع الوطن و لما لا أعادة الروح الى قاعات السينما بالجهات او أنشاء اخرى فصعرنا اليوم عصر الصورة هو السبيل الوحيد لمقاومة التخلف و الجهل و التغلب على الاسباب الحقيقة التي سحت بتغلغل الفكر الظلامي بتونس و ظهور توجهات عنيفة أدت الى جنوح البعض الى العمل الارهابي. عاشت السينما للجميع. عاشت تونس حرة و منفتحة على محيطها العالمي و خاصة الاورومتوسيطي.

Mission and Objectives

أهدافها : -المساهمة في نشر الثقافة السينمائية و الوعي بالمفاهيم السينمائية عبر عرض الافلام و مناقشتها . - المساهمة في عملية تكوين محبي السينما و الشباب الراغب في التخصص في المجال السينما قصد المساهمة في دعمهم في عملية التكوين الذاتي - المساهمة في دعم انفتاح شباب دول العالم على تجارب بعضهم السينمائية و تبادل الخبرات . - المساهمة في نشر قيم ثقافة حقوق الإنسان و التعايش السلمي من خلال التوعية بأهمية العمل المدني قصد التغيير الايجابي في المجتمع و تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.

Main Projects / Activities

1-تقوم الجمعية بعرض الافلام في ربوع الجمهورية التونسية و نقاشها. 2- تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة الشباب المهتم بالعمل السينمائي. 3-إعداد و تنظيم مهرجانات سينمائية وثقافية. 4- تسعى لدعم الجهود الرامية لإعادة قاعات السينما بالجهات.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عبر خبرة جمعيتنا في ادراة المشاريع الجمعياتية مع عدة ممولين دوليين يمكن لنا تطوير شركات دولية و برامج تبادل ثقافي خاصة في اطار تأطير الشباب المهوربين لانتاج اعمال فنية ما يسهل بروزهم نحو القمة و تحقيق استدامة و استقلالية لمواردهم المالية من خلال اختصاصنا كجمعية سينما يمكن لنا ان ندعم بقية الشركاء بخبرات في مجال التواصل و الانتاج الفني لتعبير عن القضايا التي يدافعون عنها و احداث تغيير هام على ارض الواقع عبر الادوات الفنية خاص ان عصرنا اليوم يعتمد على الصورة كمصدر لافكار و هو ما يجعل مدى تأثيرها هاما جدا و فعالا بشكلا كبير. نحن اليوم نعد منصة جسور او منصة عابرة للحدود تعمل المنصة الى ربط الشباب العالمي خاصة صناعي المحتوى الرقمي لتعارف بين بعضهم اكثر و تطوير مهاراتهم البعض ما يحقق لنا التعايش السلمي و قرب الدول لبعضها البعض في حاضنة امنة تحت المبادىء الدولية لحقوق الانسان

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ان رغبتنا في الانضمام الى شبكة أنا ليند هو تعزيز شبكة علاقاتنا الدولية في كل اصقاع العالم قصد اكتساب خبرات جديدة في طرق معاجلة القضايا الحارقة اليوم مثلا قضايا الهجرة و التغييرات المناخية التي تجعلنا اكثر ضرورة للوحدة انسان من اجل الحفاظ على مانكتسبه حاليا حتى لا نخسره في النتائج طبعا ستكون وخيمة على الجميع و لن تفرق بين دولة او اخرى. ان العمل كل على حدة هو ضوريا لكن التبادل بيننا يمثل اثراء لاليات عملنا و يعزز حجم تاثيرنا و تغييرنا في المجتمع خاصة انه يمكن لنا انشاء مشاريع دولية عابرة للحدود يكون تأثرها اكبر

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
عبدالواحد حميدات
Job Title
مدير تنفيذي للجمعية
Head of the organisation
امين منصور

Artistique Théâtre

National Network

11, boulevard Davout
75020 Paris

07 83 81 27 38
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

L'Artistique Théâtre : Président Stéphane GOARIN, Trésorière - Secrétaire Graziella LACAGNINA. Artistes associées : Shaula CAMBAZZU, Kadek PUSPASARI, Lucile COCITO, Marilou COCITO.
Ressources budgétaires disponibles sur un an : Environ 100 000€ (pour 2023).
Sources de financement : publique et privé
Modes d’action : Production de spectacles, ateliers d'initiation à la danse et au théâtre, répétitions publiques, conférences, débats et rencontres.
Principaux partenaires impliqués dans les projets et dans les activités de l’organisation :
Partenaires publics : L'Union Européenne avec le programme "Europe Créative", le Ministère de la Culture et de la communication, la Direction des affaires régionales d'Ile de France, la Ville de Paris.
Partenaires associatifs français : France Terre d'Asile, Les Structures Sonores Baschet.
Partenaires artistiques : La compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus, Le Théâtre du Soleil, Le Théâtre de l'Epée de Bois, La Cie Jolie-Môme.

Mission and Objectives

L'Artistique Théâtre a pour objet de créer, de produire et de promouvoir des spectacles vivants pour adultes et pour enfants pouvant mêler le théâtre, la danse, la musique, l'audiovisuel, le cinéma, et les arts plastiques sans que cette énumération soit limitative ni que toutes les disciplines doivent, obligatoirement, être représentées dans une même création. L'association pourra créer et produire des films, des spectacles audiovisuels, des documentaires cinématographiques ou vidéographiques, des émissions radio ou de télévision. D'organiser des ateliers de recherches, de conception, de transmission de savoirs et de techniques entre artistes de diverses nationalités et de cultures différentes. De favoriser les échanges entre le public et les artistes, sous diverses formes notamment lors de répétitions publiques, de conférences, de débats ou de rencontres. De développer une pédagogie mêlant danse, théâtre et musique auprès des publics scolaires. Au fur et à mesure de ses créations, l’Artistique Théâtre a affirmé une approche mêlant théâtre et danse avec un processus de laboratoire alliant travail du corps et improvisations. Le spectacle se construit progressivement lors des temps de laboratoire et de répétitions en studio et/ou En Situ avec les interprètes, ce que l’on appelle l'Écriture plateau.
L'Artistique Théâtre a pour objet de créer, de produire et de promouvoir des spectacles vivants pour adultes et pour enfants pouvant mêler le théâtre, la danse, la musique, l'audiovisuel, le cinéma, et les arts plastiques sans que cette énumération soit limitative ni que toutes les disciplines doivent, obligatoirement, être représentées dans une même création. L'association pourra créer et produire des films, des spectacles audiovisuels, des documentaires cinématographiques ou vidéographiques, des émissions radio ou de télévision. D'organiser des ateliers de recherches, de conception, de transmission de savoirs et de techniques entre artistes de diverses nationalités et de cultures différentes. De favoriser les échanges entre le public et les artistes, sous diverses formes notamment lors de répétitions publiques, de conférences, de débats ou de rencontres. De développer une pédagogie mêlant danse, théâtre et musique auprès des publics scolaires. Au fur et à mesure de ses créations, l’Artistique Théâtre a affirmé une approche mêlant théâtre et danse avec un processus de laboratoire alliant travail du corps et improvisations. Le spectacle se construit progressivement lors des temps de laboratoire et de répétitions en studio et/ou En Situ avec les interprètes, ce que l’on appelle l'Écriture plateau.
Autour des thématiques phares des dernières productions de la Cie, qui sont les réfugié·es, la voix des femmes et la place des artistes dans notre société, nous construisons des parcours artistiques pour les lycées et des groupes inclusifs avec des personnes précarisées et des habitants de nos quartiers.

Main Projects / Activities

- La nouvelle création de la Cie : « Les Filles de la Mer » créée au Théâtre de l'Epée de Bois (Paris) en avril 2023. Des tournées nationales et internationales sont prévues en 2024 et 2025.
- La Cie continue sa collaboration avec la compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus (Be), avec le partenariat dans le projet Europe Créative soutenue par l’Union Européenne, La Nomad House qui souhaite donner la parole aux migrant·es et aux associations militantes en diffusant des récits de vie à travers ce centre culturel itinérant dans une tournée transnationale, qui sera composé de spectacles, exposition, conférence-débat et souk associatif.
- Les actions pédagogiques menées par la compagnie en milieu scolaire, visent à transmettre la passion artistique aux enfants de l'école publique. La Cie est particulièrement sensible au public défavorisé et a souvent proposé des ateliers créatifs qui, en gardant une exigence artistique élevée, favorisent l’épanouissement personnel et collectif à travers l’art. La Cie a également donné des ateliers en hôpital de jour pour des enfants atteints de troubles autistiques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’art est un puissant moyen de rencontre, de résilience, de transformation et d'échange. Par l’art nous nous engageons dans le dialogue interculturel et dans la construction d’un environnement plus inclusif, bienveillant et en paix.
Dans tous les projets de la Cie, la valeur de la dignité humaine est toujours au centre de nos questionnements. Les personnages que nous aimons mettre sur scène sont souvent les plus marginaux dans nos sociétés. Nous interrogeons les mécanismes du pouvoir qui nous tenaillent et piétinent notre vivre-ensemble et cherchons à donner la parole à celles et ceux que l’on ne veut pas forcément écouter. Depuis Artemisia Project, les luttes d’émancipations des femmes de tous les temps et de tous les peuples occupent une place privilégiée dans notre travail.
C’est donc naturellement que la Cie, partageant les valeurs de la Fondation, souhaite porter haut et fort ses messages, et faire rayonner le Réseau sur le territoire français grâce au pouvoir du dialogue aussi bien avec les spectacles que dans ses actions auprès des publics fragilisés comme les d’asile ou les populations des quartiers défavorisés.
Fidèle à ses engagements, l’Artistique Théâtre s’associe avec des partenaires culturels de France et d’Europe dans différents projets artistiques. Actuellement, la Cie est partenaire du projet La Nomade House sélectionné par le programme de soutien au secteur de la culture de la Commission Européenne, Europe Créative 2022.
La Nomade House se développera et s’installera aux quatre coins de l’Europe. Belgique, Italie, France, Allemagne, Tunisie et Grèce. Autant de destinations centrales qui accueilleront durant les deux prochaines années animations, ateliers, et spectacles mais aussi création artistique et exposition, portant sur la question migratoire. Fruit d’une initiative de 6 pays partenaires, le projet La Nomade House comprendra plusieurs phases de travail. Il s’agira tantôt d’activités de collecte de témoignages, à des ateliers d’expressions créatifs ou d’écriture, tantôt d’un projet de création artistique qui sera diffusé dans tous les pays partenaires lors d’une tournée transnationale, qui sera accompagnée d’une exposition produite par l’artiste Selene Magnolia dans le cadre du projet “Expressions and Reflections on the Struggle of Migration”. À l’image de la migration, La Nomade House prendra la forme d’un petit centre culturel itinérant qui se déplacera de pays en pays. L’accent sera particulièrement mis sur le parcours de vie des personnes qui décident de prendre la route et d’affronter des traversées meurtrières dans l’espoir de trouver un meilleur refuge de l’autre côté de la mer. Nos objectifs seront multiples. Le principal sera de donner la voix à des personnes faisant encore trop souvent face à des stigmatisations et discriminations. Ainsi, nous espérons contribuer aux changements des mentalités et à la construction d’une opinion publique tolérante et ouverte à la diversité. Ce projet, qui sera le fruit d’une coopération transnationale, sera également l’occasion pour nous-mêmes, professionnels de la culture, de nous réunir pour renforcer cette notion de coopération culturelle ; en saisir les forces, limites, challenges, et opportunités futures, afin d’être un exemple pour tous ! Au total, ce n’est pas moins de 15600 personnes que nous souhaitons toucher grâce à cette initiative, au travers de 62 activités de recherche, de création et de diffusion !

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Au cœur de notre projet de Cie, l'Artistique Théâtre ouvre à la création d’un réseau d’entraide et d’échange au-delà des frontières. Avec notre implication dans le projet « La Nomad House » nous nous inscrivons dans une nouvelle dynamique des partenariats de développement des projets artistiques, pédagogiques et socioculturels au niveau international. Nous travaillons déjà cote-à-cote avec d’autres membres du réseau Anna Lindh, notamment avec Jamal Youssfi (BE), et Anis Boufrikha (TN), parmi d’autres.
Fie·ès de cette énergie créative et engagée, la Cie Artistique Théâtre souhaite rejoindre le réseau Anna Lindh France pour participer activement à son développement au niveau local et international.
Shaula Cambazzu, chorégraphe et co-directrice artistique de l’Artistique Théâtre, originaire de Sardaigne, est particulièrement sensible au développement artistique de la région Euro-Méditarréenne. Elle travaille depuis plusieurs années dans des projets à vocation socio-artistique qui participent à la rencontre entre différentes communautés, au dialogue interculturel et à la déconstruction des préjugés. Depuis vingt ans, elle est collaboratrice artistique du metteur en scène Jamal Youssfy, chef de file du réseau Anna Lindh en Belgique. Elle a participé à plusieurs projets et créations théâtrales de la Cie Les Nouveaux Disparus : entre autre « La Traversée de la Mort », pièce crée entre le Maroc, et la Belgique autour des traversées clandestines, et « L’Épopée Gipsy » crée en résidence dans le ghetto Roms de Stolipinovo en Bulgarie dans le cadre de Plovdiv capitale européenne de la culture 2019. Particulièrement sensible aux engagements et aux initiatives de la Fondation Anna Lindh, Shaula a été facilitatrice/interprète lors du forum d’échange interculturel « Christmas Souk » en juin 2021 à Bruxelles et facilitatrice/interprète lors de l’Annual Heads of Newtork Meeting en décembre 2021 toujours à Bruxelles.
Le projet « La Nomad House » soutenu par le programme Europe Créative, marque une nouvelle étape dans l’engagement en faveur du dialogue interculturel et la collaboration avec des partenaires actifs dans la région euroméditerranéenne. Parmi nos partenaires : l’association tunisienne WeLove Sousse, l’ASBL Les Nouveaux Disparus, et l’association grecque United Societies for Balkans (USB), respectivement chef·fes de file du réseau Anna Lindh pour la Tunisie, la Belgique et la Grèce.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shaula Cambazzu
Job Title
Co-directrice artistique
Head of the organisation
Stéphan Goarin


National Network

Immeuble Kennedy
Bât B 24 Résidence KENBEDY
20090 Ajaccio

06 23 73 43 52
Mobile Phone
06 23 73 43 52
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Ma structure autoentrepreneur philanthropique à pour but la création de projets, d'exposition, foire et salons. Groupe Georges V Internationale Galeries européennes Mr Zacchi Jean-Marie

Mission and Objectives

Création de projets restauration du patrimoine, organisation de salon d'art,

Main Projects / Activities

Souscription Chapelle Ste-Lucie Ajaccio Maison des Artistes en Cirse 5ème salon d'automne Corsica Art Fair

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Fichier relationnel et organisation de projets.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La Corse est au coeur de la Méditerranée avec tout ce que celà comporte écologie, patrimoine, diversités artistiques humaines, etc .

Contact (1) Full Name
Girard Stéphanie
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Stéphanie Girard

أهداف التنميه المستدامه

National Network

العجوزة الجيزة
Giza Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

شبكة حقوقية تدعم حقوق المرأة. لها العديد من الابحاث والدراسات حول المرأة والمساواة والتعليم.

Mission and Objectives

غرس الروح الإيمانية في الطالب الدارس عن العلم وأهميته في كشف سنن الله في الكون والحياة. مساعدة الدارس على تنمية قدراته على فهم أنواع البحوث العلمية . الإلمام بالمفاهيم والأسس والأساليب التي يقوم عليها البحث العلمي . تزويد الدارس بالمعرفة والمهارات التي تجعله أكثر قدرة على تصميم خطة معينة لبحثه وحسن تنفيذها وفق أسس منهج البحث العلمي . تعريف الدارس بالمناهج المستخدمة في البحث العلمي. تعريف الدارس بوسائل وطرق جمع البيانات البحثية. غرس روح الأمانة العلمية عند الدارس من خلال تعريفه بضرورة توثيق الحقائق والمعلومات البحثية وكتابة الحواشي والمراجع.

Main Projects / Activities

ورش عمل وفترات تم ل ٦ أشهر لتدريب الشباب الجامعى على الهدف الخامس من أهداف التنمية المستدامة معايير الأهلية: يبلغ عمرك بين 18 و30 عاماً؛ أنت من أحد البلدان التالية: مصر أوالسودان . أنت مقيم في أحد البلدان التالية: مصر أو السودان أنت طالب جامعي/طالبة جامعية، شاب/شابة حائز(ة) على شهادة، موظف(ة)، تبحث عن عمل، رائد(ة) أعمال، ناشط(ة) في المجتمع المدني... معايير التقييم: سيجري تقييم المترشحين وفقاً للمعايير المذكورة فيما سبق، وعلى نحو خاص، اهتمامهم الواضح بالرهانات المتعلقة بالتنمية وأهداف التنمية المستدامة والمناصرة، إضافةً إلى دافعهم من المشاركة في مشروع التنموي. سيطلب منك تحميل وثيقة هوية و سيرتك الذاتية للتحقق من صحة طلبك. وسيتم المحافظة على هذه الوثائق في منطقة هيئة التحكيم لمدة ٦ 6 أشهر إذا تم رفض طلبك، و سنتين كحد أقصى إذا تم قبولك - باستثناء معارضة منك

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

النشر والتوعية عن أهداف التنمية المستدامة وبواعثها على خير البلد

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لكى انمى دورى فى البحث العلمى لحقوق المرأة والمساواة

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
د. شاهندة صابر محمد
Job Title
رئيس المنظمة
Head of the organisation
د. شاهندة صابر محمد
Contact (2) Full Name
ممدوح على سليمان
Job Title (2)
نائب رئيس المنظمة

boa CRIAÇÃO - cooperativa cultural

National Network

Largo da Igreja, Mértola, Portugal
Corte da Velha
7750-354 Mértola

+ 351 966434317
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

boa CRIAÇÃO is a non profit cooperative, created in 2022, following the project ‘De Boca em Boca - histórias a nutrir comunidades (Word of Mouth – Stories to Nurture Communities), developed in Mértola, Portugal, since 2020.

Mission and Objectives

The cooperative is dedicated to the development of cultural activities, in the various artistic areas, that stimulate and promote contemporary creation and foster creativity, artistic education and training. It offers the community services in the fields of education and training; consultancy, mentoring and curatorship; cultural and creative tourism; and, sustainable, environmental and local development. Likewise, it is dedicated to the concept, implementation and support of programs and projects in the framework of the Cooperation for Development and of the Education for Development, organizing initiatives to foster active and global citizenship that promote people’s participation in social transformation. The activities of boa CRIAÇÃO: contribute to facilitate the access to culture and education, with special emphasis to vulnerable people and groups, with less opportunities or in situations of social exclusion; safeguard and promote the material and immaterial heritage; produce and execute artistic work and cultural events in the interior of Portugal; and, promote solidarity and the reinforcement of people’s feeling of belonging in communities, to deepen the exercise of Social Rights, Human and Fundamental Rights, Global Citizenship and the Goals for Sustainable Development.

Main Projects / Activities

Storytelling Sessions Storytelling sessions in village squares and hills, with Rita Sales and Pedro Bravo, where people are encouraged to tell and thus share their memory of oral tradition and life stories. It is also intended to contribute to the county's cultural dynamism and to the creation of positive collective memories. Digital Resource Center Online platform for disseminating the project, which provides the collection of the oral tradition carried out, as well as an area to receive contributions from the community. Short Story Writing Original stories by Pedro Faria Bravo based on listening to the life stories of the population of Mértola, based on previous visits and sessions of Tales in Largo. Paper Photography At each meeting we take photographs of people and places, always taking care to respect each one's spaces. When we return to the same place, we look for people to give them their photograph on paper. We realize how important physical contact with their photographed image is for many people, in times when so much of the world becomes virtual and impalpable, therefore, inaccessible to those who do not use digital media. Path, Landscapes and People - a journey through the Boca em Boca project This is at the same time a presentation of the work carried out, a storytelling session and a conversation where the participants will have the opportunity to get to know the route, actors and places of the De Boca em Boca project - stories to nurture communities. Whoever joins us will be able to experience and reflect on the power of stories in communities and groups, be they neighborhoods, villages, schools, families, and so on. And because oral narration contributes to promoting and reinforcing collective memory, this gigantic tale that, over time, spreads from mouth to mouth, will also be able to taste a little of its flavor in this session. By sharing the work process carried out within the framework of the De Boca em Boca project, we believe we can contribute to increasing the number of people telling and listening, expanding the place given to imagination, creation and communion, in societies and in life. Gatherers and Gatherers of Stories The creation of the Clube dos Gleaners and Gleaners of Stories arises from the desire to expand the movement of telling and listening to different parts of the community, namely families, schools and other institutions and organizations. Inspired by Agnès Varda and her documentary Os Gleaners and Gleaners, we claim to be story collectors with the intention of keeping alive the tradition of storytellers, thus reinforcing the life and culture of our community. For 2022/23, we propose the implementation of the project in schools within the scope of the National Arts Plan. Today there are tales again From Boca to Boca, he returns to the places he has already been to listen to people already identified as connoisseurs of stories. The objective is to continue the cultural dynamism in the villages and hills, counting and collecting, listening better and making recordings and photographs. Contact will be at the door and on the street. From the experience of Contos ao Largo, we plan to visit 15 locations where there are people we can listen to again. Terra que Conta - the stories of Mértola on Radio and Podcast It is a celebration of listening to stories from Mértola, its people and territory, based on collections carried out within the scope of the De Boca em Boca project - stories nourishing communities, which started in 2020; as well as a way of keeping alive the storytelling movement that is at the genesis of this project. Each program presents a listening path of a place, giving voice to the landscape, reinforcing its richness and value. We address the local listeners, whose voices we hear in the programs, making the importance of this culture audible, through the exercise of building narratives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with ideas and projects and with the will to know other organisation's experiences. We are available to participate in meetings and initiatives carried out by the network, but also participating in partnerships, projects and joint actions, as well as organising and promoting network actions in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a cultural cooperative, we are committed to the community and intend to contribute to a society with more social justice, more democratic and plural, free from radicalisation and intolerance.We develop intangible heritage projects and, being based in the south of Portugal, we believe that our Mediterranean culture should be valued. Within the scope of contemporary artistic creation projects, we are interested in the possibilities offered by the network in promoting encounters and dialogues between peoples and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sales
Job Title
Artistic Director & Community Facilitator
Head of the organisation
Pedro Faria Bravo

boa CRIAÇÃO - cooperativa cultural

National Network

Largo da Igreja, Mértola, Portugal
Corte da Velha
7750-354 Mértola

+ 351 966434317
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

boa CRIAÇÃO is a non profit cooperative, created in 2022, following the project ‘De Boca em Boca - histórias a nutrir comunidades (Word of Mouth – Stories to Nurture Communities), developed in Mértola, Portugal, since 2020.

Mission and Objectives

The cooperative is dedicated to the development of cultural activities, in the various artistic areas, that stimulate and promote contemporary creation and foster creativity, artistic education and training. It offers the community services in the fields of education and training; consultancy, mentoring and curatorship; cultural and creative tourism; and, sustainable, environmental and local development. Likewise, it is dedicated to the concept, implementation and support of programs and projects in the framework of the Cooperation for Development and of the Education for Development, organizing initiatives to foster active and global citizenship that promote people’s participation in social transformation.
The activities of boa CRIAÇÃO: contribute to facilitate the access to culture and education, with special emphasis to vulnerable people and groups, with less opportunities or in situations of social exclusion; safeguard and promote the material and immaterial heritage; produce and execute artistic work and cultural events in the interior of Portugal; and, promote solidarity and the reinforcement of people’s feeling of belonging in communities, to deepen the exercise of Social Rights, Human and Fundamental Rights, Global Citizenship and the Goals for Sustainable Development.

Main Projects / Activities

Storytelling Sessions
Storytelling sessions in village squares and hills, with Rita Sales and Pedro Bravo, where people are encouraged to tell and thus share their memory of oral tradition and life stories. It is also intended to contribute to the county's cultural dynamism and to the creation of positive collective memories.

Digital Resource Center
Online platform for disseminating the project, which provides the collection of the oral tradition carried out, as well as an area to receive contributions from the community.

Short Story Writing
Original stories by Pedro Faria Bravo based on listening to the life stories of the population of Mértola, based on previous visits and sessions of Tales in Largo.

Paper Photography
At each meeting we take photographs of people and places, always taking care to respect each one's spaces. When we return to the same place, we look for people to give them their photograph on paper. We realize how important physical contact with their photographed image is for many people, in times when so much of the world becomes virtual and impalpable, therefore, inaccessible to those who do not use digital media.

Path, Landscapes and People - a journey through the Boca em Boca project
This is at the same time a presentation of the work carried out, a storytelling session and a conversation where the participants will have the opportunity to get to know the route, actors and places of the De Boca em Boca project - stories to nurture communities. Whoever joins us will be able to experience and reflect on the power of stories in communities and groups, be they neighborhoods, villages, schools, families, and so on. And because oral narration contributes to promoting and reinforcing collective memory, this gigantic tale that, over time, spreads from mouth to mouth, will also be able to taste a little of its flavor in this session. By sharing the work process carried out within the framework of the De Boca em Boca project, we believe we can contribute to increasing the number of people telling and listening, expanding the place given to imagination, creation and communion, in societies and in life.

Gatherers and Gatherers of Stories
The creation of the Clube dos Gleaners and Gleaners of Stories arises from the desire to expand the movement of telling and listening to different parts of the community, namely families, schools and other institutions and organizations.
Inspired by Agnès Varda and her documentary Os Gleaners and Gleaners, we claim to be story collectors with the intention of keeping alive the tradition of storytellers, thus reinforcing the life and culture of our community. For 2022/23, we propose the implementation of the project in schools within the scope of the National Arts Plan.

Today there are tales again
From Boca to Boca, he returns to the places he has already been to listen to people already identified as connoisseurs of stories. The objective is to continue the cultural dynamism in the villages and hills, counting and collecting, listening better and making recordings and photographs. Contact will be at the door and on the street. From the experience of Contos ao Largo, we plan to visit 15 locations where there are people we can listen to again.

Terra que Conta - the stories of Mértola on Radio and Podcast
It is a celebration of listening to stories from Mértola, its people and territory, based on collections carried out within the scope of the De Boca em Boca project - stories nourishing communities, which started in 2020; as well as a way of keeping alive the storytelling movement that is at the genesis of this project. Each program presents a listening path of a place, giving voice to the landscape, reinforcing its richness and value. We address the local listeners, whose voices we hear in the programs, making the importance of this culture audible, through the exercise of building narratives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with ideas and projects and with the will to know other organisation's experiences. We are available to participate in meetings and initiatives carried out by the network, but also participating in partnerships, projects and joint actions, as well as organising and promoting network actions in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a cultural cooperative, we are committed to the community and intend to contribute to a society with more social justice, more democratic and plural, free from radicalisation and intolerance.We develop intangible heritage projects and, being based in the south of Portugal, we believe that our Mediterranean culture should be valued. Within the scope of contemporary artistic creation projects, we are interested in the possibilities offered by the network in promoting encounters and dialogues between peoples and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sales
Job Title
Artistic Director & Community Facilitator
Head of the organisation
Largo da Igreja, Mértola

Association Marocaine de la protection de l'environnement marin et du développement durable (AMPEMDD)

National Network

Social Complexe Of Dersa/ Association's House, Tétouan

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

WE are a New born NGO with membres for the field of Marine biology and environment. Association was found in 6 July 2023 and have not yet any budgetary resources. WE started editing a project aiming to rise awarness regarding pollution, invasives species and blue growth activities especialy in the fisheries sector

Mission and Objectives

Our objectifs are related to: Raising awarness related to marine environment and plastic pollution among fishermen and their familiers, students and touristes Help to instore blue activities with respect to the marine environment ( ecofriendly fishing, écotourisme, sustainable aquaculture, etc)

Main Projects / Activities

We plan to lead activities such as: The cleaning of sea bottom from Ghost nets; Clean beaches; Collect data and make surveys of invasives species such us the Brown seaweed " Rugulopteryx okamurae, the blue crab, the toxic rabbit fish, etc ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through sharing the Principles and goals of the fundation and by contributions to the prospérité of the littoral populations especialy fishermen and their families

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join the fundation in its actions and to be able to profit from trainings and learning offered and to meet New organisations all around the Méditerranean basin, share knowledge and learn from their experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed rida derdabi
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
Derdabi Mohamed Rida
Contact (2) Full Name
Toujgani Ihssane
Job Title (2)
Vice president