
National Network

Fullmånegatan 4
41532 Göteborg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Föreningen Interacts ändamål är att bedriva verksamhet där personer möts, samtalar och lär av varandra under jämlika förutsättningar. InterAct tror på samtalets och den mellanmänskliga interaktionens positiva kraft. Mellanmänskliga möten vidgar perspektiv och främjar förståelse och bidrar därigenom till att minska kunskapsklyftor och stereotypa föreställningar i samhället. Genom detta syftar föreningen bidra till ett mer inkluderande samhälle.

I nuläget är vårt sätt att genomföra detta på att driva verksamheten Världen finns här, i samarbete med bland annat ABF Göteborg och Göteborgs stad. Se nedan.

Mission and Objectives

Mission för Världen finns här: Vi brinner för att människor ska få mötas under trygga former och uppleva styrkan i personliga berättelser. Visionen är ett samhälle där vi ser värdet av att mötas med våra olika perspektiv och erfarenheter.

Main Projects / Activities

Världen finns här är ett arbetssätt som bygger på ömsesidigt lärande möten. Vi samordnar utbyten där en sfi-grupp och en grundskole- eller gymnasieklass matchas ihop. Genom personliga möten med samtal i smågrupper om teman kopplade till läroplanen blir de resurser för varandra. Därmed kan deltagarna utbyta kunskaper och perspektiv samt träna på kommunikation och demokratisk kompetens. Se gärna filmen på tre minuter på webbplatsen för att enkelt få en bild av vad det handlar om.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could contribute to seminars/workshops/learning activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain more competence and to network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Grönblad
Job Title
Project leader
Head of the organisation
Fatima Grönblad

Masar Association

National Network

Hamra, Souraty street, Shartouni building, 7th floor, Apartment 36 & 37
Beirut 01135979

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Masar has 7 staff members divided across 3 units: Management, Administration, and Programs. In 2022, Masar’s budgetary resources were 234,592.09 USD. In 2021, budgetary resources were 658,448.96 USD.
Some of our donors over the past few years have been the Asfari Foundation, The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU), UNICEF, Swiss Embassy in Lebanon, and Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon, among others.
Our modalities of action are concrete projects spanning awareness and outreach activities, advocacy meetings and campaigning.
The main partners involved in our modalities of action are youth initiatives from all over the country, youth NGOs and political groups, and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Mission and Objectives

Masar Association was founded in 2005 with the aim of contributing to local and national development processes and the advancement of society. Masar operates at the community and policy levels, enabling wide access to information and emphasizing empowerment and advocacy as cross-cutting approaches. We envision a secular and inclusive State where every human being is actively engaged, enjoys public freedoms, and where the rule of law is respected and abided by.

Main Projects / Activities

Masar has three programs: Youth for Community Development (YCD), Youth Policy & Governance (YPG), Rights for Palestinians in Lebanon (RPL). Any project/activity needs to fall under one of these programs. Some of our latest projects are: “The Provision of Economic, Social and Legal Protection & Security for Palestinian Nurses at the Workplace in Lebanon” project in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon; “Youth Citizens of Today” project, in partnership with UNICEF; “Advocating a National Youth Policy” in partnership with The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Masar has extensive experience in community mobilization, and in networking among diverse groups over specific issues and causes. It has created and acted as the Secretariat of the “Youth Forum for Youth Policy” that gathers youth from across the different colors of the Lebanese political spectrum to advocate collectively a youth policy, and “Qindeel – The Network of Palestinian Nurses in Lebanon” that gathers Palestinian nurses from across Lebanon to advocate their rights at the workplace in Lebanon. Masar can share best practices in networking and in forging win- win scenarios based on concrete experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Masar association is interested to join ALF Network to reach out to new partners and opportunities and expand its work with youth, adding new dimensions to it. Masar is interested in particular to enhance its work on intercultural dialogue which is highly needed in Lebanon and the MENA region, and even beyond, which would strengthen citizenship practices and social cohesion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Sabaayon
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Kamal Shayya

Actions In the Mediterranean

National Network

Rue Sainte-Catherine 11
1000 Bruxelles

0472 235 014
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

AIM est une micro ASBL composée de 3 employés permanents. Nous sommes financés par projet, nos principaux bailleurs de fond sont : la ville de Bruxelles, la Loterie Nationale et les affaires étrangères. Action auprès d'institutions d'enseignements de la ville de Bruxelles, présentation dans des cadres politiques et culturels Partenaires : ville de Bruxelles, ULB, HEFF, Bij, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Organisation International de la Francophonie (présidence groupe B), Affaire étrangères belges, Brussels Internationals

Mission and Objectives

Œuvrer à une citoyenneté égalitaire et au renforcement des capacités des femmes et des jeunes. Soutenir des organisations et acteur.rice.s sociaux.ales qui luttent pour la paix, la justice et la protection des droits inviolables. Promouvoir la cohésion sociale, l'interculturalité et la déconstruction des préjugés et stéréotypes. Combattre toute forme de racisme.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Israel Palestine pour mieux comprendre : forme des jeunes issues de diverses écoles à Bruxelles (pour la mixité sociale) à aiguiser leur esprit critique et leur approche nuancée du monde avec comme cas d'étude le conflit Israël-Palestine. Se solde par un voyage d'étude en Israël Palestine. 2. ImPact : dans la veine du projet précédent nous formons des adultes issues du monde de l'enseignement, du monde politique et sociale et des étudiants.tes. Se solde par un voyage d'étude en Israël Palestine. 3. Generation Femme Leaders : nous accompagnons et formons des Tunisiennes au développement de leurs compétences pour leur permettre de mener au mieux leur campagne politique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claire Deschamps
Job Title
Chargée de projet
Head of the organisation
Simone Susskind
Contact (2) Full Name
Aicha Ayari
Job Title (2)

International Initiatives for Cooperation Galicia

National Network

Benito Jurjo Nº13
15258 Mazaricos A Coruña

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Association IICG is an organisation founded by persons concerned by strengthening the civil society in Galicia and Spain. The organisation works to enhance the active participation of local community in the local governance and the decision making process with the purpose to improve the social and economic development of the country. It puts a special focus on development of education and culture projects, promotion of non-formal and informal education, entrepreneurship and alternative forms of tourism, etc. The members of IICG have experience and expertise in developing, implementing and monitoring bilateral and multilateral projects financed by national and foreign donors. They have worked in the field of community development, social and economic development, needs assessments and design of programmes in favour of community and youth development. The association is actively involved, in many cases assumes the leading role, in many formal and non-formal networks.
The organisation has long years of experience in developing and implementing social and youth project where the focus is building tolerance, avoiding discrimination and creating a common space for respectful coexistence. In that relation IICG has organised a number of training courses, campaigns, youth exchanges and camps.
More than 10 years of experience in project management; Coordinator of large-scale projects on national and international level within the framework of Spanish operational programmes, EU programmes such as Youth in Action, Europe for Citizens, Life-long Learning programme, 7th Framework Programme, Justice Programme.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is to develop and build up the capacity of the civil society in Spain through designing and implementing different projects, activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the cultural, social and economical development of the country and respectively of the municipalities on its territory.

Main Projects / Activities

We have implemented several youth projects, training courses, seminars through the Erasmus + program. We are working in CERV program as well and we collaborating closely with our twin organisation in Bulgaria, International Initiatives for Cooperation with Kostadinka Todorova as chairperson.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We already have experience in intercultural dialogue and we can contribute with our experience. David Raigal he is already involved in the ALF HoNs through the Bulgarian network for 10 years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To use the experience of the NGO helping the Spanish HoN in anyting they will need. We already know each other and the collaboration and communication will be very effective having in mind that our chairperson already know how the ALF works.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Raigal
Job Title
Chairperson of the IIC Galicia
Head of the organisation
David Raigal

marfaa for Publishing and culture

National Network

Nejat Eczacıbaşı Binası Sadi Konuralp Caddesi, Şişhane
Sk. No:5 Kat:2, 34433 Beyoğlu
34430 istunbul /İstanbul

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

We want to take a moment to introduce "Marfaa", the Mediterranean Cultural Forum. We are
a newly established cultural organization, founded in 2023 and based in Istanbul, Turkey. Our
objective is to foster new horizons of cultural exchange and contribute to building bridges
between institutions and individuals working in the field of culture across the countries of the
Eastern Mediterranean.
The cities, ports, and human settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean have been interacting
socially, economically, and culturally with each other and with other regions for over 4000
years. They share many similarities yet display important distinctions from each other. By
looking at the Eastern Mediterranean as a region, our work goes beyond the severing
framework of south/north and refocuses on a region that has deep shared historical, cultural,
and social ties. In recent years, the term "Eastern Mediterranean" has regained attention as a
result of displacement and migration between and from the countries of this region, affecting
various domains such as politics, economy, society, environment, and others.

At Marfaa, we believe in the importance of bridging the gap in cultural, intellectual, and artistic
exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean.
How will we do this?
Together, we seek to enhance networking between cultural institutions in the region,
contribute to the transfer of experiences and expertise, and create spaces for intellectual and
cultural dialogue and exchange, while breaking down language and ideological barriers among
these countries.
We believe in the importance of freedom, tolerance, and dialogue in creating a diverse and
multi-voiced cultural community. We seek to support cultural and artistic production and
provide platforms for artists and actors in this field, as well as to protect the shared heritage of
the region, especially in light of the conflicts, displacement, and climate change that threaten
this heritage.

Mission and Objectives

Together, we seek to enhance networking between cultural institutions in the region,
contribute to the transfer of experiences and expertise, and create spaces for intellectual and
cultural dialogue and exchange, while breaking down language and ideological barriers among
these countries.
We believe in the importance of freedom, tolerance, and dialogue in creating a diverse and
multi-voiced cultural community. We seek to support cultural and artistic production and
provide platforms for artists and actors in this field, as well as to protect the shared heritage of
the region, especially in light of the conflicts, displacement, and climate change that threaten
this heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Our programs include:
- "Mishkat" program for publishing and translation support, which aims to strengthen the
publishing and translation movement between the languages of Eastern Mediterranean
countries and support creative, critical, and research writings.
- "Manara" program for climate change and migration films, which aims to organize film
festivals to showcase independent films focusing on topics such as human rights, public
freedoms, migration and homeland, gender and feminism, heritage, and climate change.
- "Marsat" program for common musical heritage, which aims to organize musical events and
promote independent and alternative musical works and genres in the regiosn.

We look forward to open the door to productive cooperation to strengthen and enable cultural
exchange between the countries of our region. Thank you for your time and attention and for
all that you contribute to the regional cultural scene.

Contact (1) Full Name
hani altelfah
Job Title
Director general
Head of the organisation
hani altelfah
Contact (2) Full Name
ayman sharoof
Job Title (2)
co-funder - Content manager

AFS Tunisia

National Network

7 rue d'Autriche, Lafayette
1002 Tunis

23 790 185
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

L’AFS Tunisie est une association de droit tunisien à but non lucratif et apolitique (Journal Officiel de la République Tunisienne No. 16 du 24/02/1989). Un bureau directeur composé de 6 membres élus suite à une assemblée générale, une directrice exécutive aidée par un assistante de direction et un cabinet comptable veillent à sa gestion.
L’AFS Tunisie est membre du réseau d’échange interculturel AFS Intercultural Programs de 1968 à 2003 en qualité de membre associé et depuis 2003 en qualité de partenaire à part entière. Elle est membre de la fédération EFIL depuis 1983.

Les ressources disponibles sur un an sont en moyenne de 25000 dinars sachant que les finances de l’association sont tributaires de l’accueil d’élèves étrangers qu’accompagne une contribution à la gestion administrative de 3000 $ par an.

L’association opère des programmes d’échange interculturel sur la base de la réciprocité avec les 60 partenaires membres du réseau AFS Intercultural Programs et qui ont pour objectifs l’éducation interculturelle/Acquisition de compétences globales. Ces programmes visent à une immersion totale dans la culture d’accueil pour des élèves de 15 à 17 ans accueillis par des familles volontaires et inscrits auprès d’établissements de l’enseignement secondaire publics. L’association organise par ailleurs et à l’attention des élèves, des éducateurs, des volontaires des séminaires de formation animé par des experts en sciences de l’éducation en présentiel ou en ligne qui ont pour objectif d'inculquer aux parties prenantes les paradigmes de l’objectif n°4 parmi les 16 objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU.

Mission and Objectives

AFS encourage ses participants à devenir des citoyens mondiaux et responsables qui œuvrent pour la paix et la compréhension dans un monde diversifié. Nous pensons que la paix n’est pas un concept figé et qu’elle est menacée par les injustices, les inégalités et l’intolérance. AFS cherche à affirmer sa foi en l’être humain, les nations et leurs cultures. Nous encourageons le respect des droits de l’Homme et des libertés fondamentales sans distinction ethnique, sexuelle, linguistique, religieuse ou sociale. Notre activité se base sur les valeurs de dignité, de respect des différences, de vivre ensemble, d’empathie et de tolérance.

Main Projects / Activities

L’association opère des programmes d’échange interculturel sur la base de la réciprocité avec les 60 partenaires membres du réseau AFS Intercultural Programs et qui ont pour objectifs l’éducation interculturelle/Acquisition de compétences globales. Ces programmes visent à une immersion totale dans la culture d’accueil pour des élèves de 15 à 17 ans accueillis par des familles volontaires et inscrits auprès d’établissements de l’enseignement secondaire publics. L’association organise par ailleurs et à l’attention des élèves, des éducateurs, des volontaires des séminaires de formation animé par des experts en sciences de l’éducation en présentiel ou en ligne qui ont pour objectif d'inculquer aux parties prenantes les paradigmes de l’objectif n°4 parmi les 16 objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Les programmes de l’AFS Tunisie qui ciblent plusieurs tranches d'âge (15-17, 18-32, …), plusieurs régions (Djerba, Zarzis, Sfax, Sousse, Nabeul, Tunis, Bizerte…), écoles (lycée Houmet Souk, Lycée 2 mars, Lycée Ibnou Sina Msaken, Lycée de la rue du Pacha Tunis, l’école Internationale de Tunis, …) et instituts supérieurs (IBLV), visent à installer grâce à divers outils pédagogiques tels que la mobilité des jeunes, la participation à des séminaires sur l’acquisition de compétence globales, l’implication dans des actions citoyennes telles que nettoyage de sites archéologiques, … le sens de la responsabilité individuelle et collective au sein de sa communauté en vue de bâtir une société basée sur le respect des libertés.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le rapprochement de l’AFS et de la FAL est naturel compte tenu des valeurs communes à nos deux organisations et dans un contexte mondial et national où l’action de la société civile est cruciale pour une plus grande prise de conscience citoyenne (l’intolérance, les changements climatiques, les inégalités, …) .

Contact (1) Full Name
Bochra Malki
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bochra Malki
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadia Bel Hadj Aissa
Job Title (2)
Directrice Exécutive

Mediterranean Organization for Research and Development

National Network

Calle Sanz Pastor Burgos 16 - 3dch
09003 Burgos Burgos

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Mediterranean Organization for Research and Development do research and make projects on topics such as ‘social and educational inclusion of youths/students/adults in Europe’, ‘European values and concerns for the Future of Europe’, cultural diversity’, immigration’, ‘21st. Century skills’, ‘internationalization’ through an academic and cultural bridge between Spain and other European and third world countries.

Mission and Objectives

- Promote dialogue and intercultural coexistence between people of different cultures
- Promote gender equality, as well as the training and social and labor insertion of young people
- Contribute to improving the quality of support systems for youth activities and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations towards youth.
- personal and professional development through socio-educational methodologies based on non-formal education at European, national and regional level,
- promote the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights,
- Support equal opportunities and, especially, equal access to education for all young people.
- Dissemination of the culture of research and studies.

Main Projects / Activities

In this regard Mediterranean Organization for Research and Development is working effectively in giving support on a
regional project, related to public policy, that is trying to create,
expand and coordinate a local network of associations, including in
this plan many groups from different areas.
 Activities key factors are:
 the centrality of the person
 Active citizenship / Democracy
 Education and Training
 Democracy/Active citizenship
 Anti-corruption/discrimination
 Human rights / Child Rights
 Women rights.
 Peace-promotion
 Conflict resolution
 Intercultural dialogue
 Religious harmony
 Environment /Climate changes
 Research and studies
 Culture and art
 Non - formal education
 Youth policy
 Gender equality
 Policy-making
 Policy Papers
 Advocacy
 Pleading

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Amine KOUKI
Job Title
Head of the organisation

حنان محمد علي المومني

National Network

شارع الجامعة
المفرق 25110

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

اعمل باحث ومحاضر في جامعة حكومية اقوم بتدريس مواد الاقتصاد والاعمال الالكترونية والجدوى الاقتصادية للمشاريع مؤسسة جامعة ال البيت عدد موظفيها 1300

Mission and Objectives

الريادة و التطوير في العمل وتطبيق معايير الجودة لاخراج شباب قادر متمكن لاردن طموح

Main Projects / Activities

اشطة البحث العلمي
اعداد الموازانات المالية
اعطاء المحاضرات العلمية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تنمية وتطوير شباب متمكن متسلح بالعلم وقادرعلى العمل في سوق سريع التغير

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
حنان محمد المومني
Job Title
باحث / محاضر
Head of the organisation
جامعة ال البيت

حنان محمد علي المومني

National Network

شارع الجامعة
المفرق 25110

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

هيكلية المنظمة يتضمن دوائر ومراكز وعدد موظفين 1300 موظف
موارد الميزانية المتاحة من ايرادات المؤسسة
مصادر تحصيل الرسوم من متلقي الخدمة
طرائق العمل تكون على شكل مشاريع ملموسة، حلقات دراسية، منح دراسية، إلخ.)

Mission and Objectives

الوصول الى مخرجات تعليمية تواكب التطورات الجديدة في سوق العمل وتعزيز مفهوم الريادة والابداع في العمل
الوصول الى العالمية وتطبيق اعلى معايير الجودة

Main Projects / Activities

انشطة تعليمية
انشطة اكاديمية
عمل ابحاث علمية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال خبرتي في المجال الاكاديمي كباحث ومحاضر ومدير موارد بشرية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لبناء مجتمع قوي قائم على الثقة والتفاهم بين الشعوب والحضارات وتمكين العنصر الشبابي وتعزيز مفهوم التنمية المستدامة

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
حنان محمد المومني
Job Title
باحث / محاضر
Head of the organisation
جامعة ال البيت

عبدالرحمن جمال عبدالرحمن ابجرايده

National Network

شارع بلال بن رباح
محافظة المفرق

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information

برامج الدعم النفسي
ورعاية الصحية

Mission and Objectives

رعاية الاخوة السورين

Main Projects / Activities

الدعم النفسي

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

الاعزاء، ولأننا نشهد اليوم تزايداً في خطاب الكراهية بين الشباب سواء على مستوى الرياضي او الاجتماعي وخاصةً على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.
وايضا الافكار المتطرفة التي تلقى رواجاً في بعض الحواضن ذات الفكر السلبي
ولذالك سوف نسعى من خلال مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على تعزيز ثقافة القبول الاخر دون تميز للعرق او الون او الدين.
وايضا لا ننسى قضية مهمة جدا وهي المخدرات .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان شبكة آنا ليند تهتم بصوت الشباب وتسعى بكل معنى لتمكين صوت الشباب، وتعمل على تبادل الخبرات والافكار بشكل واقعي ، مرتكزتاً على مبداء الديمقراطية الفعالة، ولذالك اسعى جاهدا للأنضمام لديكم لكي اكون عضواً ناشطاً وفعلاً

Contact (1) Full Name
عبدالرحمن جمال الجرايده
Head of the organisation