club universitaire Sfax

National Network

route matar km 4
3072 SFAX

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

l'association suc Sfax est une association sportive qui est composé de plus de 17 sections ( sports collectifs, sports individuels) , l'association embauche plus 30 personnes et contient plus de 1700 adhérents . notre activité se déroule à l'isseps de Sfax dans la piscine, les terrains de sports collectifs et sports individuels. l'association organise aussi des marathons, des courses, des cryterium de cyclisme à l'echelle nationale mais aussi à l'echelle internationale.

Mission and Objectives

rendre l'association un pole sportif et éducatif dans la region

Main Projects / Activities

-Cryteruim de cyclisme - Tournoi 3*3 Basket Ball - création d'une équipe féminine de Basket Ball - chamionnat national de Natation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

faire des partenariats

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour joindre l'utile à l'agreable et béneficier des opportunités du réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Seif Mechti
Job Title
president section Basketball
Head of the organisation
Hamdi Chtourou
Contact (2) Full Name
Anis Saddoud
Job Title (2)
directeur technique

Bilgi Paylaşımı ve Kariyer Gelişimi Derneği

National Network

Fevzi Çakmak 2 sk.N:27/10 Kızılay
06230 Ankara/Ankara

0505 6499589
0312 260 30 49
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Our association has a structure in which academics working at universities operating in Ankara voluntarily operate. Primarily, it works to support the education rights of young university students, to diversify the channels of access to information, to empower disadvantaged students and to develop students' careers in line with their interests and abilities. At this point, as an association, we provide mentoring support to students. In addition, our association carries out activities such as meetings, panels and interviews to raise awareness in the society about human rights, rule of law, democracy and justice. We want to strengthen our institutional capacity by making use of the expert support and funds of STGM.

Mission and Objectives

Our members, who carry out activities voluntarily within the association and carry out academic studies at different universities, have taken part in many EU projects as participants and coordinators. In terms of study subjects; Topics such as education, women's employment, increasing the schooling rates of girls, vocational training of disabled students, democracy and human rights can be cited as examples.

Main Projects / Activities

To ensure that the raw material of "Knowledge" is processed on the "Education" workbench and transformed into "Career" and thus to contribute to the development and civilization required by the age. In this direction; To support career development by making a social education move with corporate, personal and private training organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association will contribute positively to Network activities with its human resource power and knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We adopt the founding philosophy of the foundation and want to be a part of its activities. Thus, we want to contribute to the activities of the network as well as to strengthen our institutional capacity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ali Bengi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ali Bengi
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Bülent ADİL
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator


National Network

Stasikratous 43
1065 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Our organization, MindSpin, is an R&D organization based in Cyprus. Currently, we have a team of three workers and five volunteers, and we work with various partners to coordinate and promote S&T activities in Cyprus. Our budgetary resources vary from year to year depending on the projects we undertake, but we are committed to ensuring the efficient use of our resources to achieve our goals. We source our funding from various entities, including the European Union, national governments, and private companies. We believe that innovation and collaboration are essential for social development, and we engage in concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, and training programs that promote digital literacy, cybersecurity, and the integration of disadvantaged groups into society. Our main partners include universities, research institutes, NGOs, and public authorities. By working closely with these partners, we are able to leverage our expertise and resources to create long-term impact in our community and beyond.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of MindSpin is to promote new areas of Science & Technology and play the role of a nodal department for organizing, coordinating, and promoting S&T activities in Cyprus. Our organization is committed to empowering communities and promoting social stability by providing opportunities for participation in various programs and events and increasing civic engagement and social inclusion. Our objectives are: To promote digital literacy and education, especially among vulnerable groups such as low-skilled adults, migrants, and refugees. To develop innovative digital tools and platforms that can be used to facilitate learning and skills development. To promote cybersecurity and digital safety, particularly in the context of gender-based violence and discrimination. To facilitate the integration of disadvantaged groups into society by providing them with opportunities for personal and professional development. To foster collaboration among different stakeholders, including universities, research institutes, NGOs, and public authorities, to create a more effective and sustainable approach to promoting social development. Overall, our mission and objectives reflect our commitment to using innovation and collaboration to promote social development and empower individuals and communities to achieve their full potential.

Main Projects / Activities

During our participation in European projects, we focused on systematically creating new digital tools and training modules to support the acquisition of skills, especially of people with a low level of skills, to enhance their key competencies and adapt to the new digital age. Our work expanded rapidly during COVID ’19 pandemic since a huge number of people had to develop basic digital skills to adapt to the labour market transitions. At the same time, the schools were using online platforms for their courses causing stress to the students, the teachers and the parents. Furthermore, we are focusing on gender equality, by allowing women to participate in our education and training activities and to develop entrepreneurial skills. Our organization is currently involved in training development for personal data protection regarding AI, big data, mass biometric surveillance and cybersecurity. Furthermore, we addressed the need for equal inclusion of people 65+, especially in terms of digital illiteracy, depression, dementia etc. Our projects aim to foster the participation of the elders in the community and to promote active ageing. Moreover, MindSpin focused on tackling the raising number of hate speech attacks on immigrants and other minorities that have raised over the last years. As more and more people have moved online, individuals are inclined toward racism, misogyny, or homophobia. In 2021, MindSpin team has created an open-source API ‘’Hate speech analyser’’ for organisations to effectively analyse hate speech in social media. Meanwhile, MindSpin works towards the mitigation of the dissemination of fake news, i.e., news with intentionally false information, which brings significant negative effects to society. This requires multi-source information such as news content, social context, and dynamic information as well as social awareness of the accuracy of information. Our current activities are: • Exploration of social contexts such as user engagements and social behaviours. • Understanding and development of comprehensive datasets which contain news content, social context, and dynamic information could facilitate fake news propagation, detection and mitigation • Cooperation in the research initiative FakeNewsNet which focuses on fake news studies on social media. • Training of individuals and organisations on fake news characteristics and critical thinking.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MindSpin can contribute to the Network in Cyprus by leveraging our expertise and resources to support the Anna Lindh Foundation's mission and objectives. Specifically, we can contribute to the Network in the following ways: Collaboration: MindSpin can collaborate with the Anna Lindh Foundation and other members of the Network on joint initiatives and projects that align with our respective missions and objectives. By working together, we can leverage our collective expertise and resources to create more significant impact in our community and beyond. Expertise: MindSpin can provide our expertise and experience in the areas of digital literacy, cybersecurity, and social inclusion to support the work of the Anna Lindh Foundation and other members of the Network. We can participate in seminars, training programs, and workshops to share our knowledge and learn from others. Outreach: MindSpin can use our networks and platforms to raise awareness of the Anna Lindh Foundation and its initiatives, as well as to promote the values of intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, and mutual understanding. We can engage with our beneficiaries, partners, and stakeholders to promote the Network and encourage participation in its activities. Overall, we believe that our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and social development aligns with the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Network. We are excited about the opportunity to contribute to the Network and work with like-minded organizations to create a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MindSpin wants to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network because we believe that our mission and objectives align with the goals of the Network. We are committed to promoting social development and empowering individuals and communities to achieve their full potential, and we believe that collaboration and innovation are essential to achieving these goals. As a member of the ALF Network, we would have the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations and individuals who share our values and goals. We would be able to participate in joint initiatives and projects, share our expertise and knowledge, and learn from others. We are also attracted to the ALF Network because of its focus on intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, and mutual understanding. We believe that promoting these values is essential for building more inclusive and sustainable communities, and we are committed to working towards these goals. Overall, we believe that joining the ALF Network would enable us to leverage our resources and expertise to create a more significant impact in our community and beyond. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals and work towards a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Papargyri Lamprini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Papargyri Lamprini
Contact (2) Full Name
Rammou Artemis
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

HEED Association Finland ry

National Network

Katiskakuja 5
04300 Tuusula

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

HEED Association is a non-governmental and non-profit making association founded in 2018. The association has three goals: to promote health, education and integration of immigrants and refugees in Finland. With the assertion that “Knowledge is power”, HEED will use different methods of delivering information to educate immigrants and refugees on health issues, enabling them to make informed decisions concerning their health and well-being.

The organisation has 10 active members, all working on voluntary bases. We are also a member of Moniheli ry network. The main funding source for our activities is threshold projects funded by Moniheli ry. We have since 2018 planned and implemented many projects on health and education and organised online and face-to-face seminars. We collaborate with educational institutions like Laurea University of Applied Sciences, grassroots organisations, and public and third-sector organisations.

Mission and Objectives

The mission is to educate, equip and empower immigrants and refugees to be able to make informed decisions concerning their health, and career choices and to ensure proper integration into Finnish Society. The vision is improved quality of life for all immigrants and refugees in Finland through effective health promotion interventions, guidance on education, research and integration.

-Raise awareness of the prevalence of health issues confronting immigrants and their families.
-Educate immigrants on preventing and managing communicable, non-communicable, and other health issues.
-Raise awareness of mental health-related issues among immigrants.
-Host peer support groups on different health-related issues among immigrants
-Empower immigrant women to take the lead on health promotion, education and integration in the family
-Orientate families and young people on education and career choices in Finland
-Empower Immigrant families to be actively involved in their children´s education
-Guide immigrants on key aspects that enhance proper and smooth integration into the Finnish society
-Bridge the gap between culture and other cultures in Finland
-Develop collaboration with organisations involved in health promotion, education and integration issues
-Cooperate with different immigrant communities aimed at empowerment and capacity building.
-Conduct research on issues related to health, education and integration of immigrants in Finland

Main Projects / Activities

-Community outreach work on health and education
- Organizing online seminars/face-to-face seminars on health and education
-Providing cultural mediator training
-Pop-up events on chronic disease awareness
-Hosting town hall events on democracy education
-Counselling on health-related issues

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through research and other small-scale health, education and integration projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

With the world becoming a global village, so too is the complexity of the issues confronting our communities. Joining this network will enable us to expand the work we have been doing, carry out research projects, and share our experiences and best practices while learning from others. Above all, it will be our own way to improve the welfare and well-being of immigrants in Finland and the world. We are stronger together, so we believe working together is key to a sustainable future for all

Contact (1) Full Name
Emmaculate Tamankag
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Queenaline Ngam
Job Title (2)
Financial secretary

Rashet Kheir

National Network

Rue 54 Getaoui Area

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Rashet Kheir is a Lebanese non-governmental organization that empowers youth to build a better future for themselves and their communities. With a team of six dedicated staff members and a network of partners and volunteers, the organization sources an annual budget of around $250,000 from donations by individuals, grants from international organizations, and partnerships with local companies. The organization's modalities of action include concrete projects focused on personal, professional, and community development, as well as arts and culture. Rashet Kheir provides skills training, art therapy, and career development opportunities to youth, while also working on public spaces and community enhancement. The organization partners with local businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations to achieve its mission. Some of its main partners include UNFPA, UN Habitat, UNODC, the Japanese Embassy, and the Australian Embassy. Rashet Kheir's work has a positive impact on Lebanese society by supporting youth and promoting community involvement and volunteerism.

Mission and Objectives

At Rashet Kheir, we are dedicated to empowering marginalized communities in Lebanon through access to education, vocational training, and personal growth opportunities that promote mental health awareness and improve overall well-being. Our mission is to create a more inclusive society where every individual has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and make meaningful contributions to a socially responsible, economically inclusive, and sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

BLAST: Beautiful Lebanese Artists in Strong Times Upcycles damaged furniture and creates job opportunities in arts and crafts Promotes community engagement and provides mental health support Completed 24 restored and 48 new items, 13 wall paintings, and offered 14 psychosocial support sessions to 99 participants The Ripple: Provides vocational and recreational activities for capacity building, psychosocial support, and livelihood enhancement Administered by youth peer educators Provided 153 sessions to 911 young people Gender-based awareness sessions: Delivers awareness sessions on gender-based violence, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual and reproductive health to students in schools and youth hubs Peer youth educators delivered 34 awareness sessions to 107 students and reached an estimated total of 557 youths Paint a Vision: Art therapy program that promotes emotional well-being and empowerment among children Had three versions: first was an event, second integrated into BLAST, and third took place at Laziza Park Drama Therapy: The theatre piece at Rashet Kheir focuses on creating a safe space for strangers to form a healthy partnership through deep self-expression. The theatrical team uses drama therapy exercises like personification, role-playing, and acting out to help volunteers discover themselves and express their feelings. The participants who mostly suffer from social anxiety and lack communication skills, express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their work, creating a comfortable and honest space. The outcome of the program is a special play showcasing monologues written by the participant youths, who perform in shape-shifted characters, emphasizing the openness of Liberty of expression. Tumuhat: Youth-led online platform that empowers the youth to have an active role in society Highlights thought-provoking issues influencing youth’s development across Lebanon Provides a safe space to be seen and heard Advocates for a culture of respect and acceptance, unity in diversity Urban Crossroads: A community-driven initiative that aims to revitalize underprivileged neighborhoods in Lebanon Empowers youth and promotes social cohesion Creates safe spaces for dialogue and collaboration among residents from different backgrounds Implements community-driven urban interventions, such as public space upgrades and art installations Aims to contribute to the building of a more inclusive and peaceful society in Lebanon

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rashet Kheir is committed to engaging with the community and contributing to the ALF network in Lebanon. Our organization has extensive experience in community engagement, and we believe that this expertise can benefit the network. We can share our knowledge and experience in youth-led social action, leadership development, and arts-based approaches to social change, which can be utilized in joint initiatives, projects, and events with other members of the network. Additionally, we can help connect the network with our broad network of young people, community leaders, and civil society organizations in Lebanon. Through this network, we can provide support and mentorship to emerging leaders and change-makers, strengthening the overall impact of the network on promoting intercultural dialogue, diversity, and social inclusion in Lebanon.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Rashet Kheir is committed to engaging with communities and promoting social responsibility, innovation, and entrepreneurship. We want to join the ALF network because we believe that working together with like-minded organizations and individuals will help us create meaningful change and contribute to a collective effort to promote intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and youth empowerment. We are eager to share our expertise and experiences in community engagement and youth-led social action, and learn from other members of the network. By joining the network, we hope to foster meaningful collaborations, exchange knowledge, and contribute to building a more inclusive and diverse society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilda Nahas
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Ilda Nahas


National Network

via sarno palma, 236
84087 sarno SA

+39 335 871 5289
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

NICOLA Italy is an association of social promotion, activities/projects aimed at young people. It was founded by a group of youth, who have spent part of their childhood and adolescence in the street, with the help of professionals in the arts and social sectors. NICOLA receives funding from the European Commission to deliver Youth-Exchanges, Training-Course and Capacity Building projects; has support from several Municipalities, private businesses, local organisations and schools; those are our partners. The organization is currently small, about 60 young members, but acts on a fairly large area. The youth meet regularly to deal with social issues and discuss possible strategies to improve their life reality. Through theatre, music, dance, they express positive messages, such as in a song, this gives them the possibility of aggregation, an alternative to the street, cooperating and jointly developing ideas and projects that can turn into a job.

Mission and Objectives

NICOLA (New International Company of Live Arts) is an organization that creates artistic and educational opportunities amongst young people. Our mission is to bring the world together through ARTS! NICOLA objectives are 1. To advance young people’s interest and participation in performance and visual arts 2. To favor the integration of immigrants present in the city. 3. To tackles youth unemployment by promoting opportunities working through: − Guidance of young people on how to get a job and / or start their own business, self-employment or subcontracting; − Develop together with young people marketing plans and materials such as biographies, CVs, interview techniques and logos to help them in theirs professional career; − Inform and direct young people to respect the associated safeguards their use, such as insurance, civil liability, etc.; − Offer internships, in a number of disciplines, across a range of opportunities that can provide young people with valuable experiences of work and references; − Building a network of young professionals who can get involved and take advantage of our projects as work experience; − Create a platform for networking and collaboration; − Helping young artists to launch a career and start earning through music distribution and events; − Offer young people opportunities for internships abroad in a variety of shows / events through our network of contacts that you allow them 4. To address issues such as social cohesion, youth crime, gang culture and social exclusion exaggerated by a lack of alternatives 5. To help young people make a difference in their communities and become ambassadors / role models for their peer groups 6. To promote social inclusion for the public benefit among young people by providing activities that help to prevent them from becoming socially excluded and encourage them to participate in the wider community 7. To help young people, especially but not exclusively through leisure and art activities, so as to develop their capabilities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and become role models and ambassadors for their peer groups. 8. To raise awareness about waste management and recycling by developing creative ideas to generate new products from waste. Generate a new model for youngsters and society in general where products and materials are not seen as finite, but as potential new objects to be used and not thrown away. Also, it is our intention to raise awareness and provide clear evidence on how waste materials are destroying the environment, whilst giving simple guidelines to prevent this harmful impact.

Main Projects / Activities

NICOLA ITALY uses arts to involve the youths and through the arts we look at social issues and how to tackle them; we help the young people to start their own Initiative and or Solo Trader through mentoring sessions. All our projects get planned, discussed and decided with our young members. We host youth exchanges, training courses and Capacity Building projects, we are connected with many organisations across Europe and other Continents, we send young people and youth workers in many projects abroad during the year. Locally we organise open mics, art exhibitions and recording music sessions. We also take part in a variety of local festivals where our young artists perform. All the projects we deliver aim to create an international dimension in order to increase the intercultural learning and understanding among both our youngsters, volunteers and our employees. Our young people and volunteers are very interested to participate in shaping the future of Europe and to create and strengthen a unique connection between European youth communities opening further jobs or experience/opportunities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

All our public and private partners, donors, members and followers will be informed about the networking. We are a collective of artists, mentors, entrepreneurs and therapists, which will be a nice addition to the networking.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To create further networking and connections. To learn, share and collaborate with like-minded organisations and people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Ferrara
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Bombalkanica Festival

National Network

Rua das Taipas 115 /4
4050-600 Porto

00 351 913175166
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Bombalkanica was born in January 2022 as the effect of long collaboration between various musicians from Porto and Lisbon who are in love with the Balkan traditional or Balkan inspired music and would like to spread it more among the Portuguese public. In collaboration with the Porto based DJ project Balskandal, which promotes the Balkan originated music since 2016, the festival was created, using various venues around the city. Due to the pandemical restrictions, the first edition was limited to five concerts, two workshops, two nights with DJ sets, two jam sessions and the final event with the Balkan inspired dinner and a surprise concert. The festival was organized by two people (with the help of many other friends), and the first edition surprised with the amount of participants- in the public we welcomed over 100 people, coming not only from Portugal, but also from Spain and France. Since the festival worked very well, we would like to extend the second edition, offering more activities, more venues and being able to invite bands from the Balkans. We are a group of musicians and culture managers fascinated with the Balkan culture and especially its music, part of us has lived in Croatia and from there travelled the whole Balkan Peninsula, getting to know amazing bands and musicians. Our goal is to promote this culture here in Portugal, where it is still not very known and be able to invite the wonderful music projects from the Balkan region to play and give workshops at Bombalkanica. Therefore, networking with the people who live there and stay in close touch with the reality of working with music and organizing cultural events on the Balkans will be an amazing opportunity for us to learn and exchange our knowledge.

Mission and Objectives

Portugal is not a very big country, but people here really appreciate the musical heritage and variety of cultures, our experience with organizing various gigs and the Bombalkanica first edition here confirmed to us that the place is open and welcoming for this type of initiatives. Therefore, we are looking forward to be able to invite the artist and culture managers from the Balkans and prove that, starting from "homemade" ideas, the festivals can become a big thing with a huge heart beating in 7/8! Our goal is to promote the culture of the Mediterranean area, especially the music, and invite the artists from the Mediterranean countries to perform in Porto, also organizing workshops and masterclasses.

Main Projects / Activities

- festival of Balkan music - once a year - workshops and masterclasses of Mediterranean music (singing, rhythms, instruments) - organizing event presenting the culture of the Mediterranean area - movie nights, dinners, talks

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting the international dialogue, exchanging experiences, organizing meetings and exchanges of the artists, educating about the Mediterranean culture

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to meet organizations from other countries with similar objectives and start a collaboration, also promoting our activities in the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Greta Wardega
Head of the organisation
Greta Wardega

NICOLA (the New International Company of Live Arts) Italy APS

National Network

84087 Sarno SA

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Ferrara
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Babel - Cultural Association

National Network

Rua Doutor José Nascimento e Sousa
no. 35-37
2460-042 Alcobaça

+351 918080412
Telephone (other)
+853 63091950
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+351 918080412
Mobile Phone (other)
+853 63091950
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

BABEL is non for profit cultural organization with permanent and part-time collaborators working on-site and remotely. Until now, BABEL has worked with more than a hundred partners locally, regionally and internationally. BABEL was initially funded in Macau (2013) and is now established in Portugal (2022). BABEL relies on its own resources and counts on the regular support of the Macau Government and private companies. BABEL generates research, knowledge production and learning opportunities in art, architecture and the environment through artistic residences, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, workshops, activities, screenings and performances. BABEL partners with various organizations, including Governments, Municipalities, Universities, and other not-for-profit organizations, like the Artist at Risk (Finland) and Orient Foundation (both in Macau and Lisbon).

Mission and Objectives

BABEL’s mission is to generate research and learning opportunities in the fields of contemporary art, architecture and environment. BABEL is conceived as a museum without walls and aims to work between cultures and across disciplines. To achieve its goals, BABEL establishes regional and international partnerships with institutions of recognized educational and cultural merit. Therefore a spirit of collaboration, and the creation of fruitful synergies, is essential to the fulfillment of BABEL mission.

Main Projects / Activities

New Visions - a project for new artistic talents Stolen Objects Stories - a regular conference and online archive about contested heritage. Education Activities - for local community and schools, in partnership with the municipal council Network of Portuguese-Speaking Art Worlds - under development Artistic Residencies - for the artist at risk (war/oppression)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

BABEL can partner with any event within the fields defined in our mission art, architecture and environment (both in Macau and Portugal) or host artists/writes/academics in residence (7 simultaneously), exhibitions (2000 sqm exhibition area), seminars, conferences, workshops activities, screenings and performances in BABEL's new facilities in Portugal with a marvelous 1000 sqm garden for cultural activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To support and promote the Euro-Mediterranean partnerships, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity, to contribute to bringing the peoples of the region closer together and to a better common understanding.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Margarida Battaglia Abre
Job Title
Production Director
Head of the organisation
Margarida Saraiva
Contact (2) Full Name
Margarida Saraiva
Job Title (2)

مؤسسة الجسر المصرى للإعلام والتنمية

National Network

أمام مبنى الإذاعة والتليفزيون - خلف حديقة الشجرة

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
General Information

مشهرة وفقاً للقانون 84 لسنة 2002م برقم ( 1351 ) ، وتم توفيق الأوضاع وفقاً لقانون تنظيم العمل الأهلى 149 لسنة 2019م والرقم الموحد هو ( 22261108410235 ) ومقر المؤسسة مدينة أسوان ويمتد نطاق عملها لكافة ربوع جمهورية مصر العربية .
تم تأسيسها من خلال مجموعة من الخبراء فى مجالات الإعلام والتنمية ، وتعمل المؤسسة على تصميم وتنفيذ برامج التوعية والتثقيف والتدريب والتأهيل لسوق العمل ، وإحياء وتوثيق الفنون التقليدية والحرف التراثية ، وكذلك تصميم برامج الإعلام التنموى المتخصصة والهادفة والمؤثرة والتى تساهم فى تطوير وتنمية المجتمعات المحلية وتمكين الفئات المهمشة والمحرومة خاصة النساء والأطفال والأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة والعمل على تمكينهم وتحسين مستوى معيشتهم ، والحفاظ على عناصر البيئة المحيطة من نبات وحيوان فى إطار تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة .

Mission and Objectives

تصميم وتنفيذ برامج تدريبية متكاملة نظرياً وتطبيقياً للدفع بأجيال جديدة من المهنيين المحترفين فى ميادين الحرف والفنون التقليدية والتراثية للإسهام فى تطوير وتنمية المجتمعات المحلية وتمكين الفئات الضعيفة والمهمشة والمحرومة ، وكذلك توظيف البرامج الإعلامية والفنية المتخصصة والهادفة والمؤثرة ، وصولاً إلى أعلى مستويات الأداء الفعّال والمتطَّور للإعلاميين وخبراء التنمية ، للإسهام في خلق مجال فاعل ومؤثر لقضايا التنمية الإنسانية من خلال الدمج بين محاور الإعلام والفن والتنمية .

Main Projects / Activities

- تنفذ المؤسسة مشروع " جسر الخير " وهو مشروع معنى بتقديم الخدمات والمساعدات الخيرية ( المادية والعينية " للحالات الإنسانية من الأيتام والمسنين.
- إفتتحت مركز " توازن " لإعلام المناخ ويشمل : وحدة تنمية الثروة الحيوانية ، وحدة الرفق بالحيوان ، وحدة التنمية الزراعية
- إفتتحت المؤسسة مركز " معاً من أجل التراث " Together For Heritage وجاءت فكرة المركز تتويجاً للأنشطة والفعاليات الوطنية التى تتبناها المؤسسة لخدمة الشباب سواء داخل أوخارج مصر ، وهذا ما يتماشى ويتطابق مع أهداف القيادة السياسية والحكومة المصرية خاصة ما يتعلق بالمبادرة الرئاسية “اتكلم عربي”، التي أطلقتها وزارة الهجرة والمصريين بالخارج ، وتستهدف بالأساس الحفاظ على الهوية المصرية وربط شباب المصريين بالخارج بالوطن حتى لا يشعروا بالإغتراب، ليس من خلال اللغة فقط وإنما من خلال المعرفة بتراث وطنهم مصر الضارب بجذوره في عمق التاريخ وحضارتها العريقة، لذلك فإن التوعية بالآثار المصرية والتراث المصري جزء لا يتجزأ من هذه الأهداف
- إفتتحت المؤسسة مركز " الحياة الذكية " (smart life ) وهو معنى بتدريب وتأهيل النشئ والشباب على البرامج الإليكترونية الحديثة .
- يوجد بالمؤسسة مركز " ابنى " وهو معنى بتقديم الخدمات المتخصصة للأطفال ذوى الإعاقات الذهنية وأسرهم من خلال فريق عمل من الخبراء المؤهلين .
- تنفذ المؤسسة مشروع إحياء الحرف اليدوية بأسوان "حلى أسوان" ، ويهدف المشروع إلى الحفاظ على الحرف اليدوية المصرية التقليدية، كجزء من التراث الثقافي المصري، من خلال بناء قدرات ومهارات الشباب والشابات المصريين ، لخلق جيل جديد من الحرفيين الماهرين ، وذلك من خلال برامج للتدريب المهني، وفرص عمل، ودعم بدء الأعمال التجارية للشباب المصري الموهوب في صناعة الحرف اليدوية. ويسعى الشركاء في هذا المشروع جاهدين لتلبية الإحتياجات المحلية من خلال تمكين القوى العاملة المختصة في الصناعة التي تلتزم بمعايير الجودة العالمية .
- كانت مؤسسة الجسر المصرى أحد الجهات المنظمة والمشاركة في فعاليات مؤتمر الشباب الدولي الأول للتراث عبر منصة “زووم” خلال الفترة من 25 إلى 27 يوليو 2022م والذى يهدف إلى تشجيع شباب الباحثين والعاملين في مجال المتاحف والتراث على حضور المؤتمرات وإعداد الأبحاث بمبدأ “من الشباب وإلى الشباب” بحيث يكون التنظيم وإدارة المؤتمر بشكل كامل من خلال لجنة مكونة من الشباب في العالم العربي لإعداد جيل من القادة والباحثين قادرين على تنظيم المؤتمرات الدولية وإعداد الأبحاث العلمية بشكل إحترافي ومواكب لتسارع العصر .
- نفذت المؤسسة مشروع " طاقة يدوية " لتدريب مجموعه من السيدات والفتيات من ابناء قري بنبان بمركز دراو بمحافظة اسوان علي مهنه تصنيع الكليم اليدوى وذلك وتأهيلهن لسوق العمل بهدف خفض معدلات البطالة بمنطقة بنبان في إطار المسئولية المجتمعية لشركات الطاقة الشمسية بالمشروع القومى للطاقة الشمسية باسوان خلال الفترة بدايةً من شهر يناير 2022م .
- نفذت المؤسسة مشروع " مهارات 1 " لتدريب عدد 21 طالب من طلاب مدارس التعليم الفني من أبناء قرى بنبان بمركز دراو بمحافظة اسوان علي ثلاث مهن هي ( الكهرباء والنجارة والسباكة ) وتأهيلهم لسوق العمل بهدف خفض معدلات البطالة بمنطقة بنبان في إطار المسئولية المجتمعية لشركات الطاقة الشمسية بالمشروع القومى للطاقة الشمسية باسوان بدايةً من شهر مايو 2022م .
- المنسق المحلى على مستوى محافظة اسوان لمنحة ( من أجل فرصة عمل أفضل للأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة )
- مشروع ( قصتنا في حرفتنا ) للتدريبات الحرفية للأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة في محافظات ( اسيوط - سوهاج - قنا - اسوان ) خلال عامي 2019م ، 2020 م
- تدريبات للأشخاص ذوي الاعاقة في مجال التمكين الإقتصادي وتأهيل أولياء أمور الأطفال ذوى الإعاقة الذهنية بالطرق الصحية والمهارات الحياتية منذ عام 2017
- تنفيذ 6 دورات تدريبية حرفية خلال عامى 2016م ، 2017م
- عدد ( 2 ) تدريب على حرفة العرجون بمحافظة اسوان خلال عام 2018م
- عدد ( 4 ) ندوات توعية للمزارعين بقرى محافظة اسوان خلال عام 2018م
- تدريب على صناعة الأفلام القصيرة والمتعلقة بقضايا المرأة خلال 2019م
- تدريب على الأشغال اليدوية وريادة الأعمال وإدارة المشروعات الصغيرة خلال عام 2018م
- تدريب ذوى الإعاقة على مهارات العمل الإعلامى خلال عامي 2018 م ، 2019م
- مشروع سر الأرض للتدريب على ريادة الأعمال وإدارة المشروعات الصغيرة خلال عام 2017 م
- المؤتمر الجماهيرى بعنوان ( رؤى شبابية لإستثمار مخلفات النخيل باسوان ) تحت رعاية محافظ اسوان في الثانى عشر من أبريل عام 2016م
- برنامج للتمويل متناهي الصغر خلال اعوام 2016 م ، 2017 م ، 2018م، 2019م
- برنامج للتمويل متناهي الصغر خلال اعوام 2018م ، 2019م
- برنامج للتمويل متناهي الصغر خلال اعوام 2021
مبادرة بعنوان ( صورة تجمعنا ) لتحسين صورة الأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة في وسائل الإعلام خلال عام 2015م
- توفير فرص عمل لشباب محافظة اسوان خلال عام 2015م
- عدد ( 2 ) تدريب على حرفة العرجون كأحد مخلفات النخيل خلال عام 2015م
- قافلة بيطرية بعدد من قرى محافظة اسوان خلال عام 2015 م
- تدريب لأصحاب الخيول والحنطور باسوان خلال عام 2016 م
- مبادرة بعنوان ( طلة ) لتشجيع السياحة الداخلية خلال عام 2014م
- المؤتمر العلمى الدولى الأول بعنوان ( التربية للتنمية وتعديل المسار الأخلاقى ) تحت رعاية محافظ اسوان من 4 إلى 6 فبراير عام 2014م

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكن أن تساهم مؤسسة الجسر المصرى للإعلام والتنمية بما تملكه من شبكة علاقات قوية داخل مصر وخارجها ، كما أن بها فريق من الخبراء فى مجالات العمل الإعلامى والأهلى والتنموى والحقوقى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لأن شبكة آنا ليندا تتمتع بسمعة كبيرة من حيث القدرات والإمكانيات والخبرات ، وهى تعتبر إضافة حقيقية لأى كيان ينتمى إليها خاصة فى مجال تعزيز قيم ومبادئ حقوق الإنسان

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد جاد عبدالسلام
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الأمناء
Head of the organisation
محمد جاد عبدالسلام
Contact (2) Full Name
حسين نصر الدين حسن
Job Title (2)
المدير التنفيذى