National Network

Kasou 3
11364 ATHENS

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Noucmas is an artist-run non-profit cultural organization based in the neighborhood of Kypseli in Athens, Greece. Founded in 2019, Noucmas offers artists studios and an exhibition space for cultural events. The organization has three core members, Katerina Charou, Olga Souri and Vincent Meyrignac and operates on a non-profit basis. In addition to its permanent team, Noucmas collaborates frequently with various artists, cultural managers, curators and researchers on a project basis. The overall yearly budget for 2022 was around 20.000 euros. The organization's budget is mainly derived from self-funding, donations, and project grants from various sources including European private foundations or the Ministry of Culture in Greece. Noucmas mainly implements visual art exhibitions as well as film projections, concerts, talks and workshops. We developed a wide network of independent cultural spaces and collectives in Athens, and all over Greece, as well as in Albania, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, France and Germany.

Mission and Objectives

Noucmas' three main goals are to empower the young Athenian artistic community, to remain in a constant dialogue with the neighborhood, and to promote international artistic and cultural exchanges . Noucmas is committed to addressing social and political issues, such as gender equality, sustainability of artists, urban transformation, minority issues among other thematics. We believe visual art allows us to treat those thematics more profoundly because it necessitates a step back from the mainstream public discourse. We try to demystify the individualistic function of artists and encourage collaboration with other artists and art spaces. We always organize group shows to promote collaboration as we value the critical conversations that an art event can generate in the public.
Lastly, we try to engage with neighboring countries which are geographically and culturally closer to Greece but there are less artistic connections such as Turkey the Balkan region and Eastern Europe. We value establishing links with those regions and promote a conception of art that is not reduced to Greece and Western Europe.
Noucmas also collaborates frequently with other organizations questioning centralized approaches in contemporary art

Main Projects / Activities

Up until now we have produced and presented in our space 12 exhibitions, one concert, two residency, two screenings, numerous workshops for children, talks and roundtables. In 2020 and 2021, we took part in the VAHA program phase 1 where we collaborated with a performance art space (1927) and a bookshop (O Meteoritis) in Kypseli. Together we created the project ‘The Words We Don’t Have’ including three roundtables and a podcast having as a thematic our neighborhood and the independent art spaces. In 2021 and 2022 for VAHA phase 2, we collaborated with independent spaces from Tirana and Diyarbakir for the project 'Concrete Contract’. This phase included traveling to each other's cities and producing exhibitions, talks, discussions, screenings and workshops.
In April 2022, we were invited by U10 art space in Belgrade to organize an exhibition. We curated an exhibition including two Noucmas members and two young artists recently graduated from the Athens School of Fine Art.
A group exhibition of female artists and writers took place in October 2022. Along with the exhibition a publication/visual essay was made. This exhibition was funded by the Ministry of Culture in Greece.

In December our annual ‘Christmas Print Show’ exhibition takes place. Every year we host this exhibition where we invite artists from our neighborhood and around Athens to create prints in any form (digital, silk-screen, etching, stencil etc.) The prints are available to purchase and the benefits go directly to the artists.

In April 2023, London-based sculptor Francis Olvez-Wilshaw will join Noucmas to work with our team and create an exhibition that will highlight the previous function of the space, which was a wood workshop that made furniture. Francis will work with our team to create furniture sculptures.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a unique perspective on the cultural landscape of Greece and are able to connect with other cultural organizations all over the country to foster collaboration and exchange. We are really well connected with the young artists here and we can advise artistic partners for different projects. We are also working on creating different ways to connect with the independent cultural scene and civil society organizations. We have extensive connections with organizations in Europe and beyond, which we can leverage to promote ethics we have in common with the Anna Lindh Network and to foster greater understanding and appreciation for the diversity of cultures and perspectives in the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are excited to join the Anna Lindh Network and to contribute to its mission of promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding in the Mediterranean region. As an organization that is committed to promoting cross-cultural exchange and dialogue through the arts, we believe that the values of the network align closely with our own. We are eager to participate in network events and initiatives, and to share our experiences and insights with other member organizations. We also believe that our focus on promoting emerging artists and addressing important social and political issues will make a valuable contribution to the network. We look forward to collaborating with other member organizations. In fact, with Anadolu Kültür, who is also a member of the Anna Lindh network from Turkey, we developed an artistic mobility program for independent art spaces and artists based in Greece and Turkey, and we plan to kick start this project focusing on the Aegean very soon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincent Meyrignac
Job Title
Co-founder and Project-Manager
Head of the organisation
Katerina Charou


National Network

37 Algalaa, Victoria
Alexandria Governorate

+20 109 885 8537
Mobile Phone
+20 122 613 0045
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The organization consisted of a director, executive manager, general coordinator, financial officer, administrative officer, secretary, program coordinator, volunteers coordinator (with 2-4 volunteers) and logistic officer. Using this resource, we can implement projects by applying for open calls in the fields of art, handcrafts, women empowerment, and gender issues, such as the British Council, the Centre d'etude Alexandrines - CEAlex, the French Institute in Egypt, GIZ, Medico International, the Minority Right Group, the Mediterranean Women's Fund, and Torraha is also involved in a number of European Solidarity Corps projects and Erasmus+ projects. As of today, we have implemented 19 projects in various fields for community development and empowerment of women, youth, children, and refugees from different nationalities since the company was established in 2014. More details are available in the enclosed profile

Mission and Objectives

Empowering women socially and economically, while promoting opportunities for youth and children to create a space for dialogue and expression through creative means.
Providing art as a space for dialogue, expression and inclusion of socially excluded groups in order to enable them to participate in formulating sustainable development priorities.
Generate training opportunities on creative practices to raise awareness in social environments that are less fortunate in accessing public services.
Develop partnerships, networks, and coordination at the local, regional, and international levels in order to enrich the programs with different visions and experiences related to global changes and the requirements of community compatibility with them.
Organizing awareness and advocacy campaigns that are necessary to create an environment stimulating innovation and creativity in order to integrate young artists into gender issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Field of work: Planning, implementing, and managing programs, training, and cultural spaces using art as a bridge to development, especially for those in need. Our main activities include art, social, and heritage projects.
Details concerning the implemented project are available in the enclosed profile

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Teamwork with diverse experiences from different backgrounds in cultural and developmental work, each one of them has participated according to his/her job in many national and international institutions, projects, and activities.
• A good track record of managing national and international volunteers -
• A team of local and international volunteers; Torraha has succeeded in obtaining accreditation as a partner in Erasmus+ program ,ESC
• Good networking with domestic and international partners
• Legal registration type: The institution is legally registered as a Limited Liability
• Company, which allows a wider margin of freedom in dealing with governmental interference.
• Torraha has a branch at Siwa Oasis that enables Torraha to implement projects concerned with heritage, crafts, gender, youth, and education within the oasis.
• Hedigda Camp is being developed as an artistic space to host artistic and cultural events in Siwa Oasis

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

our work' policy is based on the concept of "women to women support", and the empowerment of women contributes more to the well-being of society as a whole, and that the change in social attitude requires a cultural change, in addition to empowering women economically to achieve their financial independence. Torraha has realized the nature and size of its role in the local community, so it adopted the strategy of networking with other organizations and partners to be more effective in that context, for example, Torraha has carried out a project titled "My Right" in cooperation with the British Council to train 200 young people on the concept of citizenship and gender, the outputs of this project were 4 artistic initiatives to combat violence against women.
Also, Torraha has participated with "The New Woman Foundation" in projects related to domestic violence against women and unpaid domestic labor. Furthermore, Torraha has developed health awareness programs based on gender issues by using artistic means to allow the beneficiaries to express themselves and their own experiences. Torraha has also expanded its projects to include women of different nationalities because as observed, at the time when seeking asylum is imposing more restrictions on females, they were forced to leave their homes and their lives, meanwhile, they are facing an increased burden of adapting to new communities.
Torraha has implemented several vocational programs that targeted mainly women with initial experiences to consolidate and develop their competence to obtain job opportunities and sources of income for them - as well as prepare them to become training cadres.
Also, the involvement of young people was not limited to gender issues, but also extended to programs related to the possession of tools for free expression, Torraha is committed to putting forward the concepts of gender equality in its work with all targeted groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Azza Mohamed Ahmed Abu Mandour
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Ola Mohamed Ahmed Abu Mandour
Contact (2) Full Name
Ola Mohamed Ahmed Abu Mandour
Job Title (2)

مجلس شباب نموذج الأمم المتحدة

National Network

39000 نطوان

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

هيئة شبابية مغربية مواطنة للتربية والثقافة، والتراث، والتكوين، والتنمية المستدامة والتنمية البشرية ومنبر شبابي للحوار والتنشئة والتغيير والقيادة والتمكين وتبادل الفرص وإشاعة قيم التسامح وحقوق الانسان والعيش المشترك يحقق المجلس أهدافه من خلال برنامج أنشطة ومشاريع عمل دورية وسنوية في المجال الثقافي، والتربوي، والاجتماعي، والدبلوماسي: - تنظيم مؤتمر نموذج الأمم المتحدة تطوان - حضور وتنظيم ورشات عمل تطبيقية، عروض نظرية وفنية وتربوية، لقاءات، ندوات، مناظرات، معارض، دورات تكوينية، موائد مستديرة حول قضايا التربية والتنمية والتفاعل مع المواضيع المستجدة والقضايا الراهنة، وتقديم توصيات واقتراحات في إطار برامج ومشاريع وأنشطة متنوعة ومؤطرة. - حضور وتنظيم أنشطة ثقافية إشعاعية مشتركة في إطار شراكات مع مؤسسات رسمية وجمعيات المجتمع المدني، والمؤسسات الخاصة وجميع الجهات المهتمة بالتنمية الثقافية والتربوية والاجتماعية داخل المغرب وخارجه. - تنظيم أنشطة للترفيه والدعم الاجتماعي للفئات الهشة ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة (حملات تعبئة وتوعية ومحو الأمية، الوساطة والإنصات، رحلات، أمسيات، مخيمات، مهرجانات، خرجات استكشافية وعلمية وزيارات ميدانية، الاحتفاء بالأيام الوطنية والدولية... - إحداث موقع الكتروني، وإصدار منشورات ومجلة للمجلس. واستعمال كل وسائل الإعلام والنشر الحديثة المتاحة - أنشطة تكوينية في المهارات الحياتية لتعزيز قدرات الشباب، وتنشيط الحياة المدرسية والجامعية... - بلورة وإنجاز مشاريع تنموية لفائدة شباب مدينة تطوان والمغرب تتكون موارد المجلس من: - واجب الانخراط السنوي - المساعدات والمنح المالية والعينية التي تحصل عليها المجلس من السلطات العمومية والجماعات المحلية أو من جمعيات محلية أو دولية. - التبرعات والهبات المقدمة من بعض الأشخاص من داخل أو خارج المجلس أو مؤسسات خاصة يتكون المجلس من تسعة أعضاء الرئيس، الرئيس المنتدب، نائبان، ثلاث كتاب عامون، أمين مال ونائبه

Mission and Objectives

- المساهمة في تنشئة الشباب اجتماعيا على المبادئ والقيم الأخلاقية والإسلامية والوطنية والإنسانية وتربيتهم على قيم الحوار والتسامح والمواطنة وحقوق الانسان واحترام الرأي والرأي الاخر ونبذ التطرف؛ - الإسهام في التأطير والإرشاد والتوجيه التربوي والمهني والاخلاقي للشباب، وتنمية روح التعاون وتبادل الخبرات بينهم وإتاحة الفرصة لاستثمار مواهبهم العلمية والأدبية والجمالية وقدراتهم في الإبداع والتجديد والابتكار وتعزيز أدوارهم للمشاركة في العملية التنموية وعملية صنع القرار والتغيير الايجابي؛ - المساهمة في تقوية وبناء قدرات الشباب في المهارات الحياتية وتنمية وتدريب القيادات الشبابية الواعدة وزرع الثقة بالنفس واستنبات المبادرات الإيجابية ودعم هذه المبادرات وتأهيلها لتمكينهم من لعب دور فاعل ومؤثر في الحياة الاقتصادية، والسياسية والاجتماعية والثقافية، لخلق جيل من الشباب يمتاز بتفكير إيجابي قادر على تحمل المسؤولية ويتحلى بروح المبادرة ومتفتح على محيطه وينبذ عقلية الاتكال. - تعزيز قيم التكافل الاجتماعي والفعل التضامني وتنظيم العمل الاجتماعي الهادف لخدمة المجتمع والمساهمة في ترسيخ ونشر قيم العمل التطوعي وروح المبادرة في الأوساط الشبابية، وتأهيلهم للمشاركة المواطنة؛ - المساهمة في تجويد الحياة المدرسية والجامعية والتحفيز على الانخراط في الاصلاحات التربوية بما يساهم في الحد من الهدر المدرسي ودعم التعلم والتنشيط السوسيوثقافي وتجسيد السلوكات السليمة والمواطنة في الفضاءات التربوية وإعادة الاعتبار لأدوارها التربوية في التنشئة الاجتماعية وبعدها التنموي الشامل؛ وانفتاحها بما يضمن تحقيق التواصل مع الأطفال والشباب في الوطن العربي والعالم بما يخدم طموحاتهم وقضاياهم المختلفة. - المساهمة في النقاش المجتمعي حول القضايا الراهنة بالنقد والتحليل وتوفير منبر لتبادل الأفكار والنقاش الشبابي حول تنزيل النموذج التنموي وأهداف التنمية المستدامة؛ - المساهمة في تنمية مندمجة ومستدامة محورها الإنسان وكذلك الانخراط في مسلسل التنمية الشاملة الذي يعرفه المغرب عن طريق المشاركة الفعلية للشباب في مختلف مجالات الحياة التي تهم الفرد والمجتمع، للمساهمة في تأسيس وإرساء مجتمع ديموقراطي وحداثي مرتكز على المبادئ الكونية لحقوق الإنسان كما تنص عليها المواثيق الدولية؛ - المساهمة في الاشعاع التراثي المادي واللامادي للمدن والبوادي، وتسليط الضوء على البعد الحضاري، قصد ارساء معرفة بالثقافة الوطنية والإنسانية. - خلق وتعزيز نظام للتواصل والتعاون والحوار الداخلي والخارجي مع جمعيات محلية ووطنية ودولية ذات أهداف مشتركة أو متقاربة.

Main Projects / Activities

المؤتمر السنوي نموذج الأمم المتحدة أنشطة سوسيوثقافية تستهدف الشباب

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

توفير منتدى للحوار بين الشباب المغربي حول القضايا الإنسانية وتبادل الفرص والإمكانات...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تقاطع الاهتمامات والاهداف خاصة في مسألة تمكين الشباب وتنمية مهاراتهم...

Contact (1) Full Name
عبد اللطيف الفحصي
Job Title
Head of the organisation
عبد اللطيف الفحصي

Finnish Human Rights Advocates Ry

National Network

Flemimgimkatu23 C 70
00500 Helsinki

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The main goal of FHRA is to stand up for human rights, particularly in cases of
government racism, discrimination, and persecution. FHRA works towards achieving
this goal by:
1. Advocating for the recognition and protection of human rights including the rights of
marginalized and vulnerable communities.
2. Monitoring government policies and actions for potential human rights violations
and taking action to prevent and address such violations.
3. Providing legal and practical support to individuals and groups who have
experienced human rights abuses, including access to legal representation and
4. Educating the public and raising awareness about human rights issues through public
campaigns, events, and outreach programs.
5. Building partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and groups
working towards the promotion and protection of human rights.
6. Lobbying government officials and policymakers to adopt and implement policies
that are in line with human rights principles and standards.
7. Providing training and capacity-building opportunities for individuals and
organizations working towards the promotion and protection of human rights.
Through these actions, FHRA aims to ensure that every person is treated with dignity
and respect and that their human rights are protected and upheld, regardless of their
background or identity.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Finnish Human Rights Coalition (FHRC) is to promote and
protect human rights in Finland through advocacy, education, and outreach.
FHRC is committed to creating a society that respects and upholds the rights of
all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

support and stand up for human rights,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

create wider network , cooperate and support

Contact (1) Full Name
Moustafa Tito Desouky
Job Title
Director Manager
Head of the organisation
Moustafa Desouky

How can intercultural learning contribute to sustainable living? A study case in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Several pieces of research highlight the importance of culture as a driver of sustainable development. Yet, there is a need for participatory research as empirical evidence on how intercultural learning enabled by migration contributes to Sustainable Development. This case study starts by accumulating a theoretical framework that highlights crossing points where intercultural learning contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs of Agenda 2030.

Section Casablanca Settat/Centre des Droits des Gens

National Network

Centre Fondation MEDV Alounk Casablanca Anfa
20053 Casablanca

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Notre Osc plaide pour le droit à l'éducation et à la formation et l'accompagnement à l'insertion socio-professionnelle. Nous sommes une section autonome à Casablanca Settat du Centre des Droits des Gens. Nous gérons un projet d'école de deuxième chance depuis maintenant quatre années en partenariat avec le ministère de l'éducation nationale. nos ressources sont surtout des subventions étatiques et des subvention de bailleurs de fond qui ne sont halas pas pérennes. Nous comptons parmi nos partenaires des institutionnels à savoir le ministère de l'éducation, l'entraide nationale. nous avons parmi nos partenaires des entreprises et des association de e la société civile

Mission and Objectives

notre objectif est de: Former et accompagner les jeunes en situation de décrochage pour la vie active. Notre mission: Faire valoir le droit à l'éducation et à la formation pour tous les enfants et jeunes y compri les migrants

Main Projects / Activities

1- la deuxième chance; 2- accompagner les migrants à l'insertion socio-professionnelle

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- Partager notre expérience; 2- S'enrichir mutuellement par l'échange avec les autres membres du réseau

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- Bénéficier des opportunités facilitant la pérennité de notre action; 2- Avoir l'occasion d'échanger avec d'autres osc qui sont en avance sur nous à propos de notre domaine d'action

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Said Errakib
Contact (2) Full Name
Ajgad Mohammed
Job Title (2)

فنون بلادي للتنمية الاجتماعية بالشماعية

National Network

دار الشباب الشماعية
46050 الشماعية

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية فنون بلادي للتنمية الإجتماعية بالشماعية تشتغل في ورشة الأطفال في وضعية صعبة بشراكة مع التعاون الوطني و تهتم بشؤون الأطفال

Mission and Objectives

تنشيط التربوي و الثقافي تأطير أطر المخيمات

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم مخيمات تنظيم مهرجانات تنظيم صبيحات الأطفال

Contact (1) Full Name
أسامة بناج
Job Title
Head of the organisation
أسامة بناج

Institute for Albanian Municipalities

National Network

(A): Rr. 'Skerdilajd Llagami'
Nd.3, H.1, Ap.9

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
General Information

Institute for Albanian Municipalities Organizational Profile The Institute for Albanian Municipalities is a civil society organization, with an interest in contributing to local, regional, and national progress and development, for good governance and decentralization through assistance, research, studies, and professional training, using legal and democratic means. The Institute for Albanian Municipalities is a continuation of the Association of Albanian Municipalities carrying the expertise and the experience of the Association with the same human resources and the same office infrastructure. Due to developments with the Associations of Municipalities in Albania, it became important to transform the Association into a spin off organization as the Institute for Albanian Municipalities. Therefore, the whole documentation provided will also refer to the documentation pertaining to Association of Albanian Municipalities. The Institute was established as such on 6 September 2022, and it was registered with the Tirana District Court with Decision no. 1778, date 20 December 2022. IAM has the status of a non-profit organization (center) with legal personality. Its ongoing efforts aim awareness of the structures and institutions of the central government to accelerate the process of decentralization and strengthening the role of municipalities in their governance role, providing continuous concrete results. 1 • • • • • • The Overall Support for the restructuring of administrative bodies according to the most sustainable and effective models, in accordance with international and functional standards for local governance bodies. Support for the creation of work networks in activities and interests between small units of local government. (Networks). Resolving legal and administrative conflicts. Support for local leadership. Increasing citizen participation in decision-making. Information system, openness and transparency of power and public consultations. Structure of IAM is as follows: • Board of Directors composed of founding members of the IAM, is the highest body of the Institute. • The Experts’ pool, composed of experts with experience in the structures of local government, economy and local development, infrastructure and urban development, social affairs and education, legal and administrative issues, local finances, agriculture and land use, administrative units. • Executive Staff composed of the Executive Director, appointed by the Board of Directors, Legal Officer, Finance Officer, and IT.

Mission and Objectives

The IAM purpose is to strengthen the levels of local self-government, local democracy, decentralization, and integration. It aims to assist in improving the management and technical capacities and skills of municipal bodies and administrative units, related to the design of strategies, making policies and their execution, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of governance in improvement of public administrative services, responsibilities, accountability, and transparency in decision-making. Goals of the Institute are: • Increasing the administrative skills of civil servants and creating new capacities. • Creating a basic and sustainable culture in public administration in these units. • Encouraging and promoting the use of human resources in administration and management, engagement, and gender equality. • Support for reforms and deeper decentralization processes. • Increasing the decision-making abilities of local and elected bodies, in deep and rural areas,

Main Projects / Activities

Target groups: The Institute supports and assists local government units (Administrative Unit and Municipality), local public administration, government and management structures and bodies in these units, as well as central institutions at the local level. Specifically: • Employees of local administrations. • Local elected officials, Chairman of the Council, councilors, and Mayor. • Individuals who aim to work in the local administration. • Individuals aiming for a career in managerial duties and responsibilities. • Heads of departments/ young and new in the professional career. • Leaders of public enterprises in local units, etc. • Other local actors who support the sustainable development of the local government.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Trainings: In the area of legislation o Knowledgeandinterpretationoflawsandelementsintheconstitution,especiallyforthe part related to the law on local government. o Knowledge and understanding of various laws and legal acts of local government operation. o Knowledge and interpretation of civil service legislation and the labor code. 2 o Knowledge and comparative analysis with the legislation of different countries from where we can implement experiences. o Familiarity with drafting a legal act. o Familiarity with the drafting techniques of legal acts issued by local government bodies. In the area of decentralization and European integration o Familiarity with the European Chart of Local Self-Government o Programs and news related to the continuation of the decentralization reform processes. In the area of administrative reforms o Familiarity with the reform programs in the state public administration and that at the local government levels. o Training related to logical norms for the compilation and drafting of missions and visions for local self-government units. o Trainingrelatedtotheanalysisofpublicadministration,thetreatmentofSWOTanalysis. o Personnel management, and selection and qualification techniques. o Evaluationandclassificationanddescriptionofworks. o Internal control system o Citizen's card, etc. In the area of general management o Use of land, forests and pastures. o Management of local government properties. o Sustainable environmental developments o Management of human resources o Management of natural resources o Building a sustainable culture in local public administration o Environmentmanagement. In the area of political action and development o Political leadership o Administrativeleadership o Communitydevelopment. o Communication with the public and other local actors o Knowing and finding the necessary mechanisms and instruments for sustainable local developments. o Decision-making, etc. In the area of financial management and control o Financing methods and systems. o Budgetandincomemanagement. o Design and Management of projects. In the field of local public services o Management of waste, assets and natural capital in the municipality o Environmental issues and control of the territory and its protection o Agricultural development and rural tourism o Local economic development and partnership with business o Integrated social services and one-stop offices 3 Studies: o Watersupplyandsewageservice. o Managementandprotectionfromrisks,etc. • On classification of problems in the local government bodies referring to the factors present in the respective units, especially with the progress of the decentralization reform. • Comparative studies and analysis with local government systems in other countries, from which we can get the best practices. • Studies related to the structures and organizational chart of local administrations. • Studies of European documents pertaining to local government. Technical Assistance • Assistance in the field of project design. • Technical assistance and consultancy in the field of training. • Technical assistance and consultancy in the field of personnel management and administration restructuring. • Assistance and consultancy in the implementation of Local Agenda 21 and SDGs. • Assistance in investment planning, • Assistance and consultancy in the drafting of regulations. • Assistance and consultancy in the drafting of strategic development plans • Assistance and consultancy for archiving documentation • Assistance and consultancy in drafting the profile of the municipality or municipality • Assistance and consultancy for drafting the profile and structural organization of municipalities and administrative units.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partnership Connection Network Sharing experience Sharing value Added value

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Cacaj
Job Title
Legal Expert
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Klea Kambo
Job Title (2)
Financial officer and logistics

Mohamed Fathy

National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a medical student and health & climate advocate, I believe I can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in my country by leveraging my skills and experiences in promoting intercultural dialogue and raising awareness on issues related to health, climate change, and sustainability. Specifically, I can organize and participate in events and initiatives that foster dialogue and exchange among different cultural and social groups, including youth-led, women-led, and men-lead organizations that work in the field of climate action, nature action, and pollution & chemicals action, similar to my work with UNEP as a UN Volunteer. Furthermore, I can support and participate in activities and programs that promote personal development and skills enhancement for young people, including training and capacity-building workshops, mentorship programs, and social entrepreneurship initiatives. I can also leverage my digital marketing skills to promote the Anna Lindh Foundation Network and its activities through different social media platforms and online channels, similar to my role as a content creator and marketing head in different organizations. Overall, I am committed to promoting diversity, inclusion, and social cohesion in my community and country, and I believe that the Anna Lindh Foundation Network provides an excellent platform for achieving these goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a medical student and a health and climate advocate, I strongly believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of taking action towards creating positive change. The Anna Lindh Foundation Network provides a platform for individuals and organizations to come together and work towards common goals in areas such as intercultural dialogue, sustainable development, and youth empowerment. By joining the network, I will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations, share knowledge and experiences, and collaborate on initiatives that can have a positive impact on my community and beyond. I am excited about the potential for growth and learning that comes with being a part of such a diverse and dynamic network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Rafat
Head of the organisation

Imene djabali

National Network

Cité Des 400 Logts
16000 Alger

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Je travaille pour l'ambassade d'Angleterre, et je souhaiterais être membre de cette association

Mission and Objectives

Je ne suis pas chef d'entreprise

Main Projects / Activities

Comme mentionné au par avant, je suis un particulier et non une entreprise.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Avec les contacts

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je suis très intéressée par les sujets qu'abordent votre association et les valeurs qu'elle essaye de transmettre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Imene djabali
Job Title
Manager Ambassade Uk
Head of the organisation
Imene djabali