Abrazo Cultural

National Network

Villarroel 15
08011 Barcelona Barcelona

615 655 736
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Ofrecemos formaciones y actividades interculturales impartidas por personas refugiadas.

Somos 3 socias fundadoras, todas migrantes (Marruecos, Brasil y Argentina).

Nuestro modelo de financiación está basado en la venta de nuestros cursos y talleres a empresas, lo que nos permite ofrecer otros de manera gratuita a escuelas y asociaciones.

Hemos recibido subvenciones de Barcelona Activa, del ayuntamiento de Barcelona y de ACNUR.

Nuestros ingresos anuales están en torno de 20 a 24 mil euros.

Trabajamos con diferentes partners y en diversas redes: Consell de Inmigración de BCN, Acnur, Lafede, XES, y alianzas con CEAR, Cruz Roja, Impact Hub, Sietar, y otros.

Mission and Objectives

Nuestra misión es apoyar la equidad y la inclusión de las personas migrantes y refugiadas, permitiendo que sean protagonistas, compartan sus culturas y talentos en primera persona y tengan su propia voz. Queremos cambiar la narrativa que existe de personas debiles y pasivas a personas que aportan valor a la ciudad de acogida.

Main Projects / Activities

Cursos de idiomas (árabe y portugués, actualmente)
Formaciones en interculturalidad (sesgos, racismo, gestión de la diversidad, discriminación, comunicación inclusiva, competencia y comunicación intercultural)
Talleres de cocina, música y baile de más de 15 diferentes países
Actividades culturales como cenas y tours con temas interculturales

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Podemos compartir nuestros talleres y formaciones y colaborar con otras entidades de la red, ayudando a fomentar la inclusión y el dialogo intercultural en Barcelona y en toda España realmente.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participo actualmente de la red con Sietar y creo que desde Abrazo Cultural podriamos aportar valor y también ser beneficiados al formar parte (con nuevas alianzas y accesos a subvenciones).

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Moço Lopes
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Helena Moço Lopes

Aleh Santos

National Network

Rua do Sol a Santa Catarina

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Aleh Santos is a musician that works to promote arts and culture in Lisbon.

He's originally from São Paulo, Brazil and emigrated to Lisbon, Portugal following his dream and becoming a musician.

He works to make activism through music and stand for the rights of migrants and black people.

He believes that music can be a tool to transform society and bring value to our people.

Mission and Objectives

Transform the world we live in through music.

Empower immigrants.

Empower black people.

Revitalize arts and culture in a materialistic world.

Main Projects / Activities

Concerts everywhere: streets, bars, restaurants, houses, sqares, festivals, forums, etc.

Education through music and musical education.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can bring artistic approaches and contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I discovered that they promote interculturality and arts and creativity.

I want to participate in events and training courses.

I want to help with my work

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexandre Santos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alexandre Santos

Jimdandy Unipessoal Lda.

National Network

Rua Nova do Loureiro 77 R/C
1200-294 Lisboa

+351 96 36 79 888
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Jimdandy Unipessoal Lda. was created in 2015 with the purpose of creating a Tourism more sustainable and involving the local community instead of put a side the traditional commerce and the person that leave in the city. At the moment our company has 5 employees, each one is responsible to work with the community and promote cultural events like cinema festival (DocLisboa) and theater (Companhia Teatro de Almada). We also cooperate with Associação Aequalitas. Having a internacional group that works in creating sustainable tourism with organization from Belgium, Spain, France and Italy.

Mission and Objectives

Creating and more sustainable tourism developed together with the community. Having good practices ecological good practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Creating a model of a sustainable Tourism Ecological good practices in Tourism Developing in international organization of fair Tourism

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Giving tools to the members in ecological good practices day by day work. Our experience in how we work with the local community in away of inclusion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we can improve the way we work the community and have access to new members that can help developed a better model of Tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lourdes Pinto
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lourdes Pinto
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomás Lemos Menezes
Job Title (2)

Samir Éditeur SAL

National Network

Camille Chamoun, Jisr al-Waty, Sin al-Fil

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Publishing house founded in 1947 Specialized in French and Arabic textbooks and fiction (around 750 titles) Exclusive distributor of Oxford University Press in Lebanon, Helbling Languages, ELI Publishing, Black Cat – Cideb in the Middle East and Gulf countries 33 employees and 3 partners

Mission and Objectives

Improve the quality of learning Offer textbooks and fiction books in French, Arabic and English

Main Projects / Activities

Textbook Catalogue: 2 series to learn Arabic as a Native Language / one series to learn Arabic as a Foreign Language 4 series to learn French as a Native Language / 3 series to learn French as a Second Language / 6 series to learn French as a Foreign Language Children and Young Adult Catalogue: Picture books, non-fiction, novels (79 in Arabic and 79 in French )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Samir Editeur SAL has been offering its expertise in publishing and education through decades in Lebanon and the MENA region. Despite the crisis, Samir Editeur SAL managed to offer constant quality at a competitive rate. Our network has more than a hundred of schools across Lebanon. We were also nominated Best Children's Publishers of the Year, Asia winner at the Bologne Children Book Fair in 2022. Our effort and perseverance to make great books available in three languages can only strengthen the education field in Lebanon. We can offer our publications to remote communities who struggle to access quality education due to the unprecedented crisis.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join ALF Network to build a better future for education. We want to get involved in a positive action by introducing our books to the most relevant actors who are trying to build dialogue for a more inclusive society. What better way than reading and learning a language to achieve this goal?

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Celine Khoury
Head of the organisation
Dany Nasr

Intercultural Citizenship in the Making

Public space is essential to foster a sense of belonging among immigrants and racialized groups. This is especially true for groups who are still framed as different in relation to an abstract but taken-for-granted notion of we-ness that remains strongly connected to colonial thinking (Mayblin & Turner, 2021), according to which people perceived as white and western represent the norm in European societies.

Digital Media Diary

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

I would like to update my work platforms on your database and this is my new website that was a supporter of my blog, it's a totally self-financed website and is still in the first steps to be popular.
This website specializes in all aspects relevant to digital media, new media, social networking sites, and media in general in all of its previously existing and current forms. Also, it offers numerous media, advertising, and research services, as well as articles that talks about internet privacy concerns and data storage and usage difficulties.

Mission and Objectives

Raising awareness of privacy issues via the Internet and issues of preserving and using data, and providing various media, advertising and research services.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing media content aimed at raising awareness through various media on issues such as the proper use of social networking sites, positive digital integration with society and the environment, as well as protecting the user from the dangers of the Internet and various social networking sites, such as children's addiction to social networking sites.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

It would be great for me to have membership in this organization, as my interactions with the local and external community will be organized and purposeful in a way that increases my knowledge and increases my experiences.
I have been working in the field of journalism and content writing for 5 years, and my first goal is to educate society about sensitive issues that have strong repercussions on our society as a third-world country.
Through my website and the articles I publish, I will work to spread awareness and articles supported by data and facts that contribute to the development of my country and the Mediterranean region as a whole, the most important of which is the digital media integration of environmental issues, sustainable development, and the protection of society, women and children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network has an excellent reputation and good and practical opportunities that enable me to increase my knowledge of the issues and solutions facing our region, as well as being an international organization that will be a milestone in my practical and scientific career as well, through which I can improve my country and my society.

Contact (1) Full Name
rana alrabadi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rana AlRabadi

جمعیه الامل للمعاقین الخیریه

National Network

جنين /فقوعة
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

اهداف الچمعیه 1_الوصول الی الاشخاص ذوی الاعاقه المعرفه احتیاچاتهم 2_توفیر الاچهزه المساعده لهم 3_اشراک المعاقین فی الانشطه المجتمعیه ودمجهم بالمجتمع المحلی 4_التخفیف من الاعبا۶ الاقتصادیه عن الاشخاص ذوی الاعاقه واسرهم ومعرفه احتیاچاتهم یبلغ عدد المعاقین فی القریه ‌72معاق من اعاقات مختلفه الحرکیه والسمعیه والبصریه والتوحد وتعمل الچمعیه ایضا خارج القریه والقری المچاوره من خلال تقدیم الادوات المساعده من ووگرات وکراسی متحرگه وعگازات وفرشات طبیه واسره طبیه اسطوانات اوکسچین اچهزه تبخیره یوچد فی الچمعیه مرکز تعلیمی للطلاب اعطائهم دروس تقویه

Mission and Objectives

الوصول الی الاشخاص ذوی الاعاقه المعرفه احتیاچاتهم 2_توفیر الاچهزه المساعده لهم 3_اشراک المعاقین فی الانشطه المجتمعیه ودمجهم بالمجتمع المحلی 4_التخفیف من الاعبا۶

Main Projects / Activities

انشطه الچمعیه توفیر طرود غذائیه لاسر الاشخاص روی الاعاقه توزیع لحوم اضاحی علی اسر الاشخاص ذوی الا عاقه تنظیم ایام طبیه مجانیه توفیر تامین صحی بالتعاون مع اتحاد المعاقین تنظیم ایام فرح ومرح وافطارا ت چماعیه لدمج المعاقین بالمجتمع المحلی

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال تبادل الخبرات والتشبيك مع المؤسسات المحلية والدولية المنتسبة للجمعية .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل التشبيك والاستفادة من برامج ومشاريع مؤسسة انا ليند

Contact (1) Full Name
علي زيدات
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
علي زيدات

Association AYEN

National Network

CSP - Auberge de jeunsse de Tizi Ouzou
15300 Tizi Ouzou

+213 698 06 07 42
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association algérienne enregistrée, composé d'une cinquantaine de bénévoles actifs et un bureau de 4 personnes.
L'association AYEN compte aussi une coordinatrice salariée.
L'association AYEN est financer par le ministère de la jeunesse algerienne, la direction régionale de jeunesse et quelques bailleurs fonds ( SCAC),
L'association AYEN a l’ambition de participer au processus d'émancipation de la jeunesse en contribuant au renforcement des capacités des jeunes à se construire en tant que personne et en tant que citoyen, devenir un adulte actif avec les moyens d'agir sur son environnement, acquérir des compétences, rencontrer les autres, sortir de son quartier, expérimenter, découvrir, se confronter au collectif, être créatif, apprendre, s'exprimer, s’épanouir, ce qui lui permettra de se faire une place dans un collectif et d'exercer sa citoyenneté.

Mission and Objectives

L’Association « AYEN » Association for Youth and Engagement, est issue d’un mouvement de jeunes intéressés par les sciences, les nouvelles technologies et le numérique. Ils se sont regroupés autour d’une initiative citoyenne, dont l’objectif est de vulgariser les sciences et le numérique pour développer l’esprit critique et d’analyse chez les jeunes et les enfants, à travers des animations, des expériences et des jeux.

Le nom AYEN est composés des initiales de Association for Youth and Engagement, mais aussi AYEN veut dire en Tamazight : Pourquoi ou comment ? et ça donne tout le sens de notre démarche qui est la stimulation de l’esprit critique et d’analyse chez les jeunes et les enfants à travers des actions de renforcement de capacités (formations, animations, expériences, sorties pédagogiques…), pour contribuer à la formation de citoyens conscients des enjeux qui entourent, capables de construire leurs propres opinons et d’être actifs dans leurs écosystèmes.

L'association AYEN propose des activités à deux catégories :
Les jeunes (18/35 ans) : à travers nos actions de sensibilisations, de formation et d’accompagnement, l'association AYEN contribue au renfoncement de leur capacités et leur crée un espace pour devenir acteurs dans notre société : par exemple des formations pour devenir animateurs, porteurs de projets à impact …etc.
Les enfants et les ados (4 à 12 ans et de 13 à 17 ans) : Les jeunes formés par notre association proposent des activités scientifiques, numériques, écologiques… qui sont souvent ludiques et intuitives pour les enfants et adolescents leur permettant ainsi de stimuler leur esprit critique et leur curiosité.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association AYEN a l'ambition de porter plusieurs chantiers en lien avec la jeunesse, les sciences et la citoyenneté, notamment :
Mener des activités scientifiques (parascolaires) à l’intention des jeunes et des enfants ;
Œuvrer à généraliser et à vulgariser les sciences et la Technologie afin de développer les capacités, les connaissances, l’esprit critique et l’esprit d’analyse des jeunes et des enfants ;
Organiser des formations dans le domaine de l’animation en sciences et Technologie et des formations/formateurs;
Sensibiliser, encourager et soutenir toutes les initiatives citoyennes des jeunes ;
Stimuler de nouvelles dynamiques auprès des jeunes en soutenant des projets ayant un fort impact dans les domaines de la science et de la Technologie ainsi que ceux liés au développement local ;
Créer et organiser des événements en rapport avec les sciences et la technologie ainsi que tous les domaines ayant attrait aux jeunes et à la citoyenneté.
Initier des chantiers solidaires en collaboration avec les populations locales, missions de volontariat, bénévolat, agro-stages… ;
Organiser des sorties dans le domaine de l’éco-tourisme;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'association AYEN a l’ambition de participer au processus d'émancipation de la jeunesse en contribuant au renforcement des capacités des jeunes à se construire en tant que personne et en tant que citoyen, devenir un adulte actif avec les moyens d'agir sur son environnement, acquérir des compétences, rencontrer les autres, sortir de son quartier, expérimenter, découvrir, se confronter au collectif, être créatif, apprendre, s'exprimer, s’épanouir, ce qui lui permettra de se faire une place dans un collectif et d'exercer sa citoyenneté.
Notre association peut mettre en place des actions à destinations des jeunes et des acteurs du réseau FAL en Algérie.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le réseau FAL pour plusieurs raisons:
- Un besoin de réseau entre les acteurs de la société civile en Algérie,
- Mettre en place des actions communes et des projets collectifs avec le réseau FAL,
- Avoir un soutien financier, logistique...etc, à nos actions et projets,

Contact (1) Full Name
Mellal Samir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mellal Samir
Contact (2) Full Name
Karima Bouberka
Job Title (2)
Coordinatrice des activités associatives

Youth Empowerment in Europe’s Neighbourhoods* : Challenges and Prospects in a Post-Covid-19 Era

Youth empowerment is recognized internationally by both states and international organisations as a key element in building strong and sustainable democracies. With reference to young people, stakeholders recognize them as the bearers of hope towards more inclusive, more adaptive, more innovative communities. Thus, actual youth participation in decision-making and in active citizenship are crucial to improve our way of living.

Intercultural Dialogue and Civil Society: a Policy, a Practice, a Tool

The Mediterranean basin, historically, has been a crossroads of cultures and civilisations, as well as a theatre of operations and confrontation between major powers and empires. This has implied an interaction, be it of military, commercial, or human nature. From a different perspective, the Mediterranean Sea has also been perceived as a frontier, one that divides the Western (European) world from that of the Arab and Islamic one, whereas the nation-state framework has further exacerbated divisions between the societies in the region.