Organisation Nationale du Tourisme Durable

National Network

16000 ALGER

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

L’association est dénommée
Loi n° 12-06 du 12 janvier 2012 relative aux associations,ONTD c’est une association nationale reconnue d'utilité publique depuis 2020 , agréée pour la promotion et la valorisation du tourisme et la Protection de la Nature, pour ses activités du tourisme durable et développement durable .
A vocation Tourisme dans sa triple dimension, sociale, économique et écologique, L’Association vise à œuvrer, par tous moyens compatibles avec son objet et ses statuts, à la protection de l’environnement naturel et humain et du patrimoine a travers le tourisme.
les enjeux sont de trois ordres :

- Écologique, avec la conservation des forêts, patrimoine naturel et mondial,
- Economique, avec le développement d’un tourisme responsable, qui améliorera les conditions de vie des populations locales,
- Et Social, avec la création d’emplois, la valorisation des cultures locales

Mission and Objectives

Nos valeurs

Partager des valeurs donne un sens aux actions de l’ONTD. Elles maintiennent la cohésion et sont source de motivation.
ONTD est une association indépendante, apolitique et citoyenne ;

Elle agit avec honnêteté, solidarité, partage, dans un esprit de dialogue ;
Elle entend agir avec compétence, objectivité et sensibilité à l'égard des autres ;
Elle agit dans et pour l’intérêt général ;
Elle considère le respect de la nature comme essentiel au développement des sociétés
Notre Vision
 Une nature grandiose, protégée et valorisée par l‟écotourisme.
 Des déplacements repensés, plus écologiques et bénéfiques pour la santé.
 Des communautés engagées, qui mettent fièrement en valeur leur patrimoine et leur
savoir-faire distinctifs et qui profitent des bénéfices économiques et sociaux de
l‟activité touristique.
 Des touristes responsabilisés, soucieux de leur empreinte sur les milieux visités.
 Des entreprises reconnues pour leurs pratiques exemplaires et innovantes en matière
de tourisme durable.
Notre mission
L‟ONTD a pour but “ la valorisation du tourisme et le développement durable et la
protection de l‟environnement et des sites naturelles dont ils dépendent et, en particulier, le
patrimoine culturel et naturel qui y sont associées ”, et plus globalement le tourisme durable.

Main Projects / Activities

Célébrations des journées nationales et mondiales par exemple ODD ou environnement ou patrimoine ou citoyenneté.
Organisé des séminaires et des activités pédagogiques et des ateliers pour les enfants ......

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organisé des ateliers et séminaires dans la même feuille de route

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

faire un échange d'expérience et ajouter notre connaissance et notre expertise dans votre réseaux.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
secrétaire générale

International Study Programs s.r.o.

National Network
Czech Republic

Pernerova 697/35
18600 Praha

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are International Study Programs, the global center of experiential learning. Since 1999, we’ve organized 2,300+ study trips for universities and colleges. Our professional network of top business speakers stretches across 140+ destinations giving student groups unprecedented access to high-level corporations and organizations. We facilitate career-boosting educational experiences so your faculty can simply focus on your learning objectives and enhancing students’ business acumen.

Through on-the-ground travel, online education, consulting projects and internships we’ve been expertly connecting schools with global businesses and culture for over two decades, making us the go-to provider for short term study abroad programs.

Mission and Objectives

Our purpose is to help future leaders fulfil their potential and maximize their positive impact on their world and the people around them.

Main Projects / Activities

With over 23 years in the educational travel industry, we´ve crafted thousands of high-impact experiences for academic institutions around the world, across 6 continents.
With global study programs, consulting projects and a wide range of online education tools, we are the go-to partner for experiential learning.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

network of 25k+ speakers worldwide
broad variety of topics we are able to cover
global presence
established connections with top-tier universities and corporations worldwide

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share a mutual goal - help future leaders to fulfil their potential.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikola Nagyová
Job Title
Head of Marketing & Regional Business Development
Head of the organisation
Tomáš Chalupník, CEO

جمعية تنوير (ثقافة مستقلة)

National Network

شارع ٢٣ يوليو

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Youth and education
General Information

هيكلية المنظمة (مرفق بملف بأعضاء مجلس الإدارة)

موارد الجمعية من ثلاثة سبل
- اشتراكات الأعضاء وتبرعاتهم
- الدعم المقدم من الحكومة والمنظمات الأخرى
- حصيلة الفاعليات والمعارض

طرائق العمل (مرفق ملف كامل مشروعات الجمعية)

الشركاء الرئيسيون حتى الآن
الجهات الحكومية والمنظمات المحلية الشبيهة

Mission and Objectives

تنوير هي مؤسسة إقليمية غير ربحية، مرخصة برقم 1775 بتاريخ 3/1/2013 تسعى إلى محاربة الجهل والتخلف والإرهاب والتعصب من خلال بصيص الضوء الموجود بيننا والمتمثل في الفنانين والأدباء والمثقفين الشبان وذلك لإعلاء قيم الإبداع والفن والتنوع الثقافي وقبول الآخر والتعايش والديمقراطية لينتج في النهاية مجتمع جديد راقٍ متقدم.
تعمل المؤسسة في نطاق جغرافي يشمل محافظات الدلتا الخمس(الغربية ـ المنوفية ـ الدقهلية ـ كفر الشيخ ـ دمياط).. وذلك لحاجة هذه المناطق إلى المنتجات الثقافية وتعميق الفكر والوجدان.

Main Projects / Activities

مرفق ملف بمشروعات الجمعية وأنشطتها الحالية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نحن كنا أعضاء في الشبكة بالفعل وتم إيقاف عضويتنا بسبب أننا توقفنا عن العمل لحين توفيق الأوضاع وفقا للقانون ١٤٩ لسنة ٢٠١٩ وهو ما حدث بالفعل.
ونحن مستعدون للمشاركة بفاعلية في كآفة أنشطة الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لأربعة أهداف
- التشبيك مع المؤسسات الأخرى أعضاء الشبكة والشبكات في دول البحر المتوسط ومن ثم تبادل الخبرات والتعلم وتحقيق المزيد من الأثر والفاعلية.
- بناء جسور التعاون عبر الحوار والأفكار المتبادلة والمشاركة في أنشطة أعضاء الشبكات.
- تعظيم وتثمين خبراتنا في مجال الثقافة والعمل الأهلي عموما عن طريق نقل المعرفة.
- الاستدامة والتنمية المجتمعية

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
محمد ماهر طه الشرقاوي
Job Title
أمين الصندوق
Head of the organisation
أحمد حسين مصطفى الشيشيني
Contact (2) Full Name
أسامة محمد أحمد محمد
Job Title (2)

Al Balad Theater

National Network

237 prince mohammad street
Amman 11180

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Al Balad Theater is a multi-purpose performing arts space with aims to promote artists from Jordan, the region, and the world by providing rehearsal and performance spaces for their work. Al Balad Theater also contributes to strengthening cultural movements in Jordan by cooperating with a wide range of performing art groups, locally and globally. Al Balad Theatre’s mission is to contribute to the artistic movement and social fabric of the city and the region to create a supportive, nurturing and inspiring environment for young independent artists (of all ages) and to provide safe community spaces for independent artistic expression and production that addresses people's concerns

Mission and Objectives

Al Balad Theatre’s mission is to contribute to the artistic movement and social fabric of the city and the region to create a supportive, nurturing and inspiring environment for young independent artists (of all ages) and to provide safe community spaces for independent artistic expression and production that addresses people's concerns. The theare’s vision and aims are to: Create an inclusive space for the diverse communities from all over Jordan. Create a vibrant cultural space that builds bridges between emerging artists and the communities. Enrich the social fabric of the city through performing arts and cultural projects. Provide safe spaces for independent artistic expression Work along civil society and public institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Al Balad theater carries out many activities such as theatre, dance, urban arts, and music performances as well as three main festivals around the year (Al Balad Music Festival, Baladk and Hakaya Storytelling Festival). It also publishes an online cultural magazine “WAW AlBalad” covering cultural events and disseminating knowledge about them, as well as publishing critical articles of cultural and art issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raed Asfour
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Raed Asfour
Contact (2) Full Name
Raed Asfour
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager

جمعية طلائع فلسطين - tala3palestien

National Network

عمارة أبو خضر شراب، الطابق الثالث
شارع سوق الزيتون
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية طلائع فلسطين, جمعية أهلية خيرية مستقلة غير ربحية, تأسست في مدينة خانيونس بترخيص رقم 7454, مطلع عام2000 بهدف بناء جيل واعي ذو رؤية مستقبلية, ومشاركة مدنية فاعلة, من خلال الارتقاء بمستوى الطلائع الفلسطينية في الجوانب التعليمية والتربوية معتمدة على تقديم العديد من الخدمات والبرامج المتعددة والمتنوعة مثل تأسيس برلمان الطلائع وإذاعة وموقع الطلائع التي من خلالها تسعى لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة للفئات المستهدفة والالتزام بقيم ومبادئ وثقافة حقوق الإنسان. والهيكل الإداري للجمعية يشمل كل من: مدير تنفيذي، مساعد إداري، سكرتارية، مدير برامج، ومدير أنشطة، يتم من خلالها مباشرة وتنفيذ برامج الجمعية المتنوعة الهادفة لدعم وتطوير ومساندة الطلائع باعتبارهم الفئة المستهدفة المباشرة للجمعية والشباب والمرأة كفئة مستهدفة ثانوية حيث تتشكل الجمعية من مجلس إدارة يتم انتخابه من قبل الجمعية العمومية كل ثلاث سنوات، عدد أعضاء مجلس الإدارة (7) وتتكون الجمعية العمومية من (23) عضو. تأسست جمعية طلائع فلسطين استجابة لحاجة تجاه دعم فئة اليافعين واليافعات وفئة الشباب والمرأة للنهوض بجيل الطلائع ( 12-18) وتطوير قدراتهم وتعزيز جوانب التعليم المدرسي والقيمي والتربوي لديهم واكتشاف مواهبهم وتنميتها وايجاد أماكن للعب والترفيه، وتعزيز المشاركة المدنية للطلائع من خلال صقل شخصيتهم, وتحسين الحالة النفسية والاجتماعية لهم كفئات مستهدفة رئيسية وأسرهم وأمهاتهم كفئة ثانوية حيث أن أمهاتهم تعتبر فئة ضعيفة ومهمشة وهشة في المجتمع، بالإضافة لدعم ومساندة الفئة الشبابية والعمل على تمكينهم وتحسين أوضاعهم الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والمعيشية وتوفير فرص عمل لهم. بالإضافة إلى موقع وإذاعة الطلائع التي تعتبر من الإنجازات المتميزة للجمعية ، والتي يتم تطويرهما بشكل دوري لضمان استمرارية تحقيق أهداف كل منهما، من خلال تنفيذ عدة حلقات إذاعية وجلسات مساءلة رقمية ومجتمعية تناقش خلالها قضايا الطلائع وواقعهم وحقوقهم واحتياجاتهم . وتعتبر الجمعية عضو وشريك فعال في الكثير من التجمعات المؤسساتية والعنقودية ، كمؤسسات السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية حيث هي عضو مع شبكة حماية الطفولة بالشراكة مع وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية والأونروا وعدد من المؤسسات الدولية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني في قطاع غزة.

Mission and Objectives

الرؤية: بناء جيل واعي ذو رؤية مستقبلية تحقق التنمية المستدامة، وضمان مشاركة مدنية فاعلة. الرسالة : نسعى إلى الارتقاء بمستوى الطلائع في المجالات المجتمعية وتنمية الجوانب التعليمية والتربوية والمستوى الدراسي وتعزيز المشاركة المدنية لديهم من خلال تقديم خدمات متميزة ومتنوعة في النواحي التعليمية، والثقافية، والإنمائية لهم ولأسرهم في محافظة خانيونس. الهدف العام: المساهمة الفاعلة في تنمية المجتمع المحلي في محافظة خانيونس. الأهداف الخاصة: *المساهمة في حماية وتعزيز مهارات وقدرات و مهارات الطفل الفلسطيني. *تعزيز الدور الاقتصادي الاجتماعي للمرأة الفلسطينية. *بناء قدرات الشباب وتعزيز مشاركتهم في العمل المجتمعي.

Main Projects / Activities

عملت الجمعية على عدة مشاريع بالتعاون مع التجمعات المؤسساتية والعنقودية ، كمؤسسات السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية حيث هي عضو مع شبكة حماية الطفولة بالشراكة مع وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية والأونروا وعدد من المؤسسات الدولية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني في قطاع غزة. وسوف نرفق بالسفل قائمة بتلك المشروعات والمبادرات التي تم العمل عليها سابقاً ونحن بصدد تطوير واستنهاض المؤسسة للعمل على المزيد من المشاريع والمبادرات والتعاون مع عدد جديد من المؤسسات الخاصة ضمن مسؤوليتها الاجتماعية مثل بنك فلسطين، البنك الاسلامي الفلسطيني، الاتصالات الفلسطينية.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

الجمعية تستهدف فئة الطلائع (12-18) والشباب والمرأة وبالتالي تركز فلسفة المؤسسة على التدخلات التي يمكن من خلالها تحقيق تنمية مستدامة للفئات المستهدفة من خلال الالتزام بالقيم الإيجابية المتطورة السائدة في المجتمع الفلسطيني وتقوم على مشاركة أصحاب المصلحة من الفئات المستهدفة (الطلائع- الشباب- المرأة ) في مراحل التخطيط والتنفيذ للبرامج والمشاريع والأنشطة وذلك لضمان ايصال الخدمة المقدمة لهم بالشكل الملائم لطبيعة احتياجاتهم، بالإضافة الى مشاورة أصحاب القرار من الجهات الحكومية والبلديات ومؤسسات المجتمع المحلي في البرامج التي تقدمها الجمعية من خلال اللقاءات، ورش العمل، الزيارات الميدانية والاحصاءات وذلك لضمان تحديد الاحتياج الملائم للفئات المستهدفة وتحقيق التغيير والتنمية المطلوبة لهم. حيث تقوم بتطوير قدرات الطلائع وتعزيز جوانب التعليم المدرسي والقيمي والتربوي لديهم واكتشاف مواهبهم وتنميتها وايجاد أماكن للعب والترفيه، وتعزيز المشاركة المدنية للطلائع من خلال صقل شخصيتهم, وتحسين الحالة النفسية والاجتماعية لهم كفئات مستهدفة رئيسية وأسرهم وأمهاتهم كفئة ثانوية حيث أن أمهاتهم تعتبر فئة ضعيفة ومهمشة وهشة في المجتمع، بالإضافة لدعم ومساندة الفئة الشبابية والعمل على تمكينهم وتحسين أوضاعهم الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والمعيشية وتوفير فرص عمل لهم.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أهم انجازات الجمعية المميزة والتي يعمل على تطويرها وتحسين أدائها بشكل دؤوب ومستمر موقع وإذاعة الطلائع، لضمان استمرارية تحقيق أهداف كل منها، ومن أهم أعمالها تنفيذ عدة حلقات إذاعية وجلسات مساءلة رقمية ومجتمعية تناقش خلالها قضايا الطلائع وواقعهم وحقوقهم واحتياجاتهم. بهدف بناء الثقة و تحسين التفاهم المتبادل. وهذا يتلاقى مع برنامج صوت شباب المتوسط لديكم والذي يهدف لتمكين الشباب من تعزيز ثقافة الحوار، والمساهمة في السياسة العامة وتشكيل الخطابات الإعلامية، وخلق فهم مشترك مع نظرائهم في جميع أنحاء منطقة البحر المتوسط حول كيفية معالجة القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك لمجتمعاتهم. إلى جانب أن الجمعية تعمل على ثلاث برامج مهمة كلها تتلاقى مع عمل مؤسستكم الكريمة وهي: 1. برنامج بناء القدرات: يهدف برنامج بناء القدرات لتطوير البنية التحتية للجمعية وتطوير سياساتها واستراتيجيتها وأنظمتها المختلفة ونظم المعلومات و تنمية الموارد البشرية لديها ونسج العلاقات وتعزيز التشبيك مع الشركاء وأصحاب المصلحة والعضويات مع الائتلافات والاتحادات المحلية والاقليمية والدولية وتطوير إذاعة وموقع الطلائع. 2. برنامج التربية والتعليم: يهدف برنامج التربية والتعليم في المساهمة في تنمية الجوانب التعليمية والتربوية للطلائع من خلال تنمية قدراتهم التعليمية وتحسين مستواهم التعليمي وتعزيز وترسيخ القيم والمبادئ الأخلاقية لديهم واكتشاف الطلائع الموهوبة واشراكهم في النوادي الثقافية والاعلامية والصحية وتشبيكهم مع المؤسسات الداعمة للطلائع الموهوبين في كافة المجالات ومحو الأمية التقنية لأولياء الأمور للطلائع وتثقيفهم وتوعيتهم حول آليات غرس القيم والمبادئ الأخلاقية في نفوس أبنائهم, بالإضافة لتطوير قدرات الفئات الشابة من الميسرين والميسرات. 3. برنامج المشاركة المدنية: يهدف هذا البرنامج لتعزيز شخصية الطلائع وتحسين الحالة النفسية والاجتماعية لهم ولأسرهم وتطوير وتحسين وتنمية مهاراتهم الحياتية وتنفيذ برامج وأنشطة ومبادرات تناصر حقوقهم وتعزز روح القيادة والمشاركة لديهم وتوفير البيئة الترفيهية داخل مقر الجمعية للطلائع من غرف ومساحات للعب والتفريغ النفسي.

Contact (1) Full Name
ألاء أحمد عبد محمود أبو مصطفى
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي للجمعية
Head of the organisation
نبيل خليل الشنا
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد جمال أبو شمالة
Job Title (2)
مسؤول دائرة المشاريع

Bursa Innovative Volunteering and Sports Association

National Network

Hamitler Mahallesi Firuze Sokak No:37 A Osmangazi/BURSA
16150 BURSA/Bursa

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The number of our volunteers is 1020, the number of our staff working periodically is 3 people. Our average annual budget is around 350,000,00 TL. Our funding sources are project-based studies. National and international institutions, grant programs of public institutions.


Institutions and organizations that we received grants from, German International Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Spor Toto Organization Presidency, Think Civil Program

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
To ensure that young volunteers are at the center, - accessible to all young people, with a rights-based approach, and to produce solutions to social problems together by enabling young people to work together. To create dialogue among young people. With the network-based approach model, it is to cooperate with civil society, public, private sector and activists and to provide young people with competencies by producing projects.

Our goals are to enable young people to act together, to be accessible to every young person, to produce solutions to human rights problems, to contribute to the development of young people, and to raise awareness of active citizenship, making them conscious, sensitive and responsible for the society.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Worker Training (2019)
In 2019, 8-day youth worker training was given to 100 individuals. Staff of non-governmental organizations working in the field of youth and officials working in public institutions participated in this training. Trainings were given using the non-formal education model in education.

Precious Times Project (2019)
In 2019, in the city of Manisa, Turkey, sports and artistic trainings were given for 6 weeks in 5 districts for 6 weeks so that children between the ages of 09-15 in the disadvantaged regions can spend a productive time. (Skating, Skateboarding, Swimming, Badminton, Court Tennis, Baglama, Guitar, Charcoal Training, Bocce, Creative Drama Training etc.) A total of 1250 children were reached in 6 weeks.

Bursa Development Cafe Project (2021)
It is a project that we have carried out for 10 months within the scope of Youth Projects Support Program of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to support the social and cultural activities of young people as well as their personal development. Within the scope of this project, English, Arabic, Spanish and Japanese language trainings were given. In addition, trainings such as Mind and Intelligence Games Training, Book Reading Marathon, Project Writing Trainings, Youth Workshops were organized. Within the scope of this project, 5000 young people were reached in 10 months.

Mobile Library Project (2021)
In the project we carried out within the scope of the Youth projects support program of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, we distributed books to 4500 children aged 07-12 in disadvantaged areas in Bursa for 7 months.

Nexus Project (2022)
Career Guidance and Social Cohesion Nexus project and Ministry of Youth and Sport implementing Life skill development ToT Program for the youth leaders who is working centres MoYS and Turkish & Syrian volunteers who is selected by youth centres managers and trainers who is implementing training program behalf of Nexus project and MoYS.
After completing of Training provided by the GIZ – Nexus Project, trained youth leaders and volunteers will develop small project ideas in the program fields defined by MoyS and agreed with GIZ – Nexus projects which are as follows.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can increase the visibility of the projects carried out by the organizations in the network. We can share our skills, competencies and experiences with non-governmental organizations in the Network and collaborate. We can develop local, national and international projects and contribute to social change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Developing projects on common problems with non-governmental organizations in the Network and improving civil society cooperation. To strengthen our capacity and to continue stronger activities by taking part in the projects of the ALF Network. Developing collaborations and intercultural dialogue with local, national and international member institutions. Contributing and gaining skills in the formulation of public policies. We want to take part in the ALF network to contribute to the local and national dissemination of European Union values

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of the Association
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Association Vice President

e-genclik Association

National Network

Karaman Dernekler Yerleşkesi Tuna Cd. Akasya Sk. No:1/39 Karaman Mh. Nilüfer
16200 Bursa/Bursa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

As an idea, e-genclik.Net Youth Platform was constructed in 2003 and since then the e-genclik.Net team took part in many different projects, works and seminars, and in the last quarter of 2006, e-genclik.Net Youth Platform was established by young people who are experienced in social, cultural and sustainable development projects. In September 2007, The structure of the organization changed and “e-genclik Association” was established.

Our sample projects;
We were partner organisation two European Youth Congress which is in Austuria 2007 and Slovenia 2009,
4th World Youth Water Forum, Gender Journey,
5th World Youth Congress Türkiye 2010,
Alpha Omega Musical, European Volunteer Service,
Action projects-ESC-Erasmus+
Our economic resources;
Grant projects,
Project-oriented sponsorships,
Our association team consists of volunteers. During the activities and projects, the expenses of our volunteers are covered according to the type of the projects.
In this direction, our 3-year budget;
Year 2020: 209.415,67TL
Year 2021: 502.127,67TL
Year 2022: 1.988.301,90TL

Mission and Objectives

Who We Are?
e-genclik Association is an NGO and a local and national network between young people who are working in youth-led development area and aims to encourage young people to create and act in social, cultural and sustainable development projects. Our center is in Bursa, Turkey but our members are in many different cities of Turkey from different universities or different sectors and working in variety of youth-led development projects.

Our Mission
• Eliminating the distances between young people in different locations by using the benefits of internet to develop better cooperations and to access eachothers experiences quickly.
• Encouraging young people to be a volunteer and participate into civil society and encouraging them to create and participate in social, cultural and sustainable development projects.
• In the light of our motto,“Think young, create the change...”, turning young peoples’ power into social benefit.
• Creating self confident, enterprising and sensitive generations who seek sollutions to the problems around their living environment.

Main Projects / Activities

To contribute for formation of a youth which is self-esteemed, energetic, sensitive to problems surrounding him/her and tries to find solution to these problems
To ensure participation in social responsibility programmes of NGOs and establish partnerships with these organizations
With our motto “Think young, create the change!” to encouraging youth to participate in voluntary activities and civil society, and
To help young people to develop necessary skills that would prepare them for social and economic life
To bring together concepts of “friendship” and “production” and to facilitate socialization
To produce projects in accordance with the norms of the European Union, United Nations and international conventions

Operating Princples;
Respect of differences
Local participating
Team Work
Education and Training

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think our organizational skills are good. It is because our volunteers who work in the field that strengthen our organizational skills are within the organization of the association.
Our association skills;
Project Management Training
Time Management Training
Risk Management Training
Strategic Management Training
Content Editor Training
Effective Presentation Techniques Training
CV Preparation and Job Interview Preparation Training
Creative Thinking Techniques and Innovation Training,
Sustainable Development Goals Training
Leadership education
Politics – Policy Development
Youth Program Development,
Social Development Policies Education
Organizational Skills Development Training,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an organization that knows the importance of cooperation. Only full-fledged businesses can be stepped in with collaborations. That's why we want our association to be included in this network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Elvan AKAY
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World

National Network

St Cronans BNS
Vevay Road
Co. Wicklow
A98 NW42

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

80:20 is a development education (DE) organisation promoting popular education on human development and human rights with its roots and mandate located in that sector for over 20 years. For 80:20, education is fundamental to understanding the shape and nature of our unequal world, to interacting with it as well as imagining and shaping a different world. 80:20 (charity number: 20034221) is governed by 8 trustees, has 3 staff members and a team of contractors and partners who have been working with 80:20 for more than 10 years. Budgetary resources: annual budget circa 150K 80:20 is currently refreshing its strategic plan for the next 5 years (2023-27) and is being finalised in early 2023. Modalities of action include: seminars, programme work, conference development, in-service training, adult & community education and third level support training, education resource productions and commissions, Recent partners involved in our work include: NALA, NYCI, Trócaire, Concern Worldwide, Self Help Africa, Aidlink, Euromed Rights (the Gender Justice Working Group, in particular), the Trade Justice Group in Comhlámh, Common Ground Bray,

Mission and Objectives

Through education, 80:20 seeks to realise a world which is more equal, more just and more sustainable than is currently the case. 80:20 believes that the concept of human development rooted in an international human rights framework offers the hope, dignity and the basis for, such a world. The organisation is dedicated to pursuing educational strategies for developing global citizenship as a fundamentally important priority in international development strategies. 80:20 has 7 overarching goals as part its approach. These are: Goal 1: Design, develop and deliver high quality information, research, resources and publications Goal 2: Build educational opportunities to develop capacities, cultivate dispositions and grow leadership on human development and human rights realities Goal 3: Strengthen and support the consortium strategic partnership Goal 4: Engage in appropriate opportunities to demonstrate the impact of our work in education, human rights, women’s rights, climate change and human development. Goal 5: Continue to consolidate effective and added-value partnerships Goal 6: Maintain accountable, transparent and effective policies, procedures and practices across all operations, including finance, administration, governance, environment and employment. Goal 7: Achieve cost-efficient financial stability.

Main Projects / Activities

80:20’s main activities include: • Let’s Talk – an education project which aims to give young people a chance to become involved in discussing and taking action on issues such as climate change, conflict, sustainable development, peace and reconciliation. • Catch Them If You Can – an education project for young adults and educators on how the international financial system systematically disadvantages the poor of the world to the advantage of the rich and what you can do about it. • 7th Edition, 80-20 Development in an Unequal World – supporting the production and engagement of teachers, civil society activists and students in the best-selling educational resource – now used internationally in South Africa, Australia, the UK, the US, Zambia and, of course Ireland. The 7th edition of 80-20 is co-published with the New Internationalist. • – 80:20 maintains and works in partnership on a key development education reference point in Ireland,, as a partnership-based project that supports and delivers popular education on development and education issues, guided and financed by a consortium of non-governmental organisations including Aidlink, Concern Worldwide, Self Help Africa, the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA), the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) and Trócaire. • Facts Matter: A Guide to Building Critical Media Literacy in Today’s World – a partnership project with the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) to develop an introductory guide for adult literacy and adult education practitioners who wish to build their students’ knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence in critical thinking, media and digital literacy. The guide also supports tutors to engage with what it means to live in an increasingly unequal world and to invite students to question and challenge this (such as tackling online abuse against women and girls, tackling hate speech and de-escalating hate). • Production and publishing – as a small publisher, 80:20 is involved in all stages of production in conceiving and developing multimedia and resource products, both as part of its own programme work and in collaboration with others. Our work has included non-formal education and curriculum specific resources. Got an idea that you’re interested in exploring with us? Get in touch. • Curriculum development work – engaging and advocating in curricular and policy reform opportunities (and joint submissions) on a regular basis, including, for example, during the consultation phase of the National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (2014) and periodic subject reform at the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. • Consultancy and evaluation – research, evaluation and resource production consultancy activities and initiatives in development and human rights education such as resource production (across all stages of production), be-spoke global citizenship and human rights education workshops and capacity building training.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

80:20 can: - link in with other members of the network to explore and build collaborative partnerships - produce resources - we offer resource productions support within our sector (such as training guides, podcasts, video materials, poster work, resource guides and books etc.) - bring our international work into the Network, for example as a member of Euromed Rights - mix education, the arts and activism as part of educational productions (for example, we organised the Irish Global Solidarity in 100 Objects exhibition in 2020, which is now online - we are the lead agency and consortium member of and can support members re distributing resources and stories of change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

80:20 has always had an active youth agenda as part of its programmes over the last two decades. 80:20 wants to join the ALF Network in particular to: - access and learn about the lived experiences of young people and members across the Network to inform our own 'thinking', resource production priorities, training materials and programme design. - integrate our planning and work agenda with ALF as part of the next strategic phase of work from 2023-27 - engage in strong partnership work across the Euro-Mediterranean region - seek funded opportunities to build considered, valuable and tangible opportunities in supporting young people's voices, spaces, co-collaborations and the agency of young participants to advocate for and influence decision makers (for example via policies, local structures, companies etc.) - not just in an ad hoc manner! - to blend education, the creative arts and 'educational activism' as an approach to challenge extremist narratives and doing 'literacy' work on key issues such as women's rights, anti-racism, climate justice and global justice.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Tony Daly
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Valerie Lewis (chairperson)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ciara Regan
Job Title (2)
Education and Research Officer

Bursa Kalkınma Derneği / Bursa Development Assocation

National Network

Konak, Seçkin Sk. 23/1 Nilüfer Bursa
16110 Bursa/Bursa

+90 554 851 76 14
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Bursa Development Association is a non-profit, non-governmental organization operating in the Nilüfer district of Bursa. Our association supports social change and development by producing projects, organizing workshops, training and campaign activities for Erasmus+, Ministry, Embassy and local funds on youth, gender equality, climate change, children's rights, disasters and emergencies.

The board of directors of our association consists of young individuals. It houses 4 teachers, 3 youth workers and 2 social workers in different branches. Our employees are experienced people who have taken part in Erasmus+ youth exchange, training courses, European Solidarity Program, ministry and rights-based projects. We do not have any paid staff. We do our activities voluntarily with our board members and volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

The goals, values and missions of our association are as follows:

- To increase solidarity among the society.
- To support development with new and creative ideas.
- To develop the skills and competencies of our target audience.
- Encouraging youth mobility through Erasmus+ programs
- To contribute to the protection and ownership of rights.

Our Values:
- Inclusiveness: Involving all segments of society.
- Innovation: New and creative ideas.
- Equality: Opportunities for all, respecting differences.
- Social Transformation: Increasing active citizenship.
- Multiculturalism: Intercultural learning.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize activities in our city to promote mobility opportunities among young people, to create social change and support development in the fields of gender equality, climate change, children's rights, disasters and emergencies, youth work.

- We organize workshops on human rights and the fight against hate speech in partnership with youth councils and youth centers in our local area in order to ensure that the communication language of young people is suitable for democratic life and to gain a rights-based perspective.

- FridaysforFutureBursa is established in partnership with Nilüfer Youth Council and FridaysforFuture, enabling young people and children who demand climate justice throughout the province to combat climate change. As Bursa Development Association, we support this work and take an active role in organizing and conducting capacity strengthening and awareness organizations for young people and children.

- In partnership with our association, e-gençlik Association, Bursa City Council, we organize information and workshops in order for young people to learn about Erasmus+ funding sources, to support their mobility abroad with mobility and solidarity programs, to become multicultural individuals, to have European values, and to gain experience and skills.

- - We are conducting an awareness project to increase women's participation in decision-making processes in non-governmental organizations. Project name, we are partners in decisions! Within the scope of the project, we provided campaign design and advocacy training, produced digital and printed materials, and held meetings with associations. This project is supported by the EU Think Civic Programme.

We are currently cooperating with KAVŞAK NETWORK, Disaster Cooperation Network, Local Youth Associations Network, e-youth Association, Mediterranean Youth Association, Pi Association, Nilüfer City Council, Bursa City Council, Gemlik City Council.

Our association was established in August 2021. Since its establishment, we have not received any direct financial resources in our operations. We carried out our activities with in-kind contributions.

We have cooperated with more than 15 associations and contributed to the social development of more than 500 young people through the projects, trainings and workshops we have carried out since the day we were founded.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can increase the visibility of the projects carried out by the organizations in the network. We can share our skills, competencies and experiences with non-governmental organizations in the Network and collaborate. We can develop local, national and international projects and contribute to social change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Developing projects on common problems with non-governmental organizations in the Network and improving civil society cooperation. To strengthen our capacity and to continue stronger activities by taking part in the projects of the ALF Network. Developing collaborations and intercultural dialogue with local, national and international member institutions. Contributing and gaining skills in the formulation of public policies. We want to take part in the ALF network to contribute to the local and national dissemination of European Union values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasin Ömür
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yasin Ömür
Contact (2) Full Name
Eda Kurt
Job Title (2)
Board member

هزيل عيسى

National Network

تيارت زعرورة
14000 تيارت

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

انا مهندس دولة في العلوم الزراعية و متحصل على شهادة ماستر2 في التنوع البيئي

Mission and Objectives

القيام بارشادات و توجيهات فيما يخص التنمية الميتدامة بالاضافة الى تاطير

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال توفير معطيات الدقيقة التي تساهم في تطوير المجتمع

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل دعم مشاريعي البحثية

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation