Šiuolaikinės Intelektualios Klounados Teatras / Contemporary Intellectual Clown Theatre.

National Network

Vinciūniškių sodų 17 g. 13
10241 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The main person in the organisation is a theater direcor Žilvinas Beniušis. Actors of the theater are freelance actors. Main source of funding is Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Mission and Objectives

The Contemporary Intellectual Clown Theatre is a creative house that unites clowning genre performances, humor education and comedy creators. Having worked together and separately for several years in Lithuanian theaters, deepened their knowledge in clowning and theater schools, and presented their works at international theater and circus festivals, Žilvinas Beniušis and Severina Špakovska join forces and open a new page in the history of Lithuanian clowning. The aim of the theater is to create high-quality humorous content on the stages of Lithuanian theaters and in social networks, using the genre of modern clowning, its classic routines, physical comedy and interactive acting without the fourth wall, when the audience feels that the actors are acting that way only because this audience, for example, sitting in the 5th row, the 14th place is in the hall. "Modern clowning is characterized by the fact that the classic bright clown make-up and bright costumes are abandoned, and the clown becomes the main hero from the joker. According to the philosophy and history of clowning, a clown can contain being and non-being, essence and nothingness, constantly remaining authentic and at the same time open to complete changeability. Since the myth of the hero in the theater is often abandoned or even declared dead these days, we offer a new modern hero - the clown." - says director Žilvinas Beniushis, co-founder of the theater. "Our goal is to constantly create professional theater and circus content, educate about theater with the help of humor, and use our work to spread light that uplifts the viewer and inspires him to love his life. We hope that the "roof" of our theater will be able to connect more and more artists creating in this genre." - says the co-founder of the theater, producer Severina Špakovska "Contemporary Intellectual Clown theater" creates for both adults and children, spreading the philosophy of humor not only on stage, but also where it is least expected. S.I.K.T. talks about serious things while preserving their depth and importance, and at the same time reminding us of the sometimes forgotten lightness and laughter.

Main Projects / Activities

Theater, Contemporary Clowning, Education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our knowledge about contemporary clowning, culture of humor in a form of a performance, educational programme or a workshop.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be a part of an intercultural, socially responsable organisation while working towards these goals together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Žilvinas Beniušis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Žilvinas Beniušis

جمعية برامج التربية للطفولة المبكرة الفلسطينية

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

تأسســت جمعية برامج التربية للطفولة المبكرة الفلسطينية عام 1973 ,كجمعيــة خيريــة بترخيــص ورقابــة مــن وزارتــي الداخليــة والتنمية الاجتماعية. حيث تشرف على منظومة متكاملة للطفولة المبكرة، تعنى الجمعية بتقديــم خدمات تربوية تعليمية ترفيهية شــاملة بجــودة عالية للأطفال ما دون ســن السادســة تتوافق مع المعاييــر الدوليــة لإبــراز قدراتهــم.

Mission and Objectives

تسعى الجمعية للارتقاء بمجتمع واعٍ بتربية وتأهيل الأطفال عبر برامج وأنشطة تعليمية وترفيهية حديثة من خلال تعزيز التواصل مع الداعمين والمستفيدين، في سياق متكامل يراعي الأبعاد المتعددة لشخصية الطفل.

تنمية قدرات الطفل عقلياً، لغوياً ونفسياً من خلال استخدام مهارات الاتصال والتواصل بسياسات تعليمية متطورة ومتكاملة
الاهتمام الخاص بالأطفال ذوي الإعاقة وتنمية قدراتهم العقلية والجسمية، من خلال دمجهم بالمجتمع
رفع القدرات التربوية، التعليمية والنفسية لمربيات الأطفال لتحقيق النمو المتكامل للطفل
مساندة أولياء الأمور ومشاركتهم في تربية أطفالهم بأفضل الطرق التربوية

Main Projects / Activities

- برنامج ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة .
- برنامج الدعم النفسي .
- مركز الموارد للطفولة المبكرة .
- برنامج رياض الأطفال .
- برنامج الحاضنات .

Contact (1) Full Name
دانا الحداد
Job Title
شؤون ادارية
Head of the organisation
م.احمد فخري رباح

Palestine - Gaza Strip - North Governorate - Jabalia Camp

National Network

Gaza - North Governorate
Jabalia camp
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The North Association for Development and Community Development was established on January 1, 2005 in the northern Gaza Strip governorate, and obtained a certificate from the Ministry of Interior on August 3, 2005 under No. 7455 to work in the social, cultural and psychological fields. The association is run by a council consisting of seven members elected by a general assembly. Composed of 32 members on 3/14/2012, it is a leading and distinguished charitable organization that has an effective contribution to achieving sustainable development in all fields.

Mission and Objectives

1. Developing and establishing scientific and cultural facilities 2. Enhancing the role of extracurricular activities for children. 3. Promoting and consolidating the concepts of democracy in civil society among young people. 4. Developing scientific thought, culture and the arts among young people. 5. Work to provide job opportunities for young graduates b. 6. Investing the capabilities and energies of young people in improving community construction. 7. Spreading community awareness about health and environmental issues. 8. Forming pressure groups in order to achieve developmental and social requirements. 9. Work to achieve social solidarity 10. Providing material and moral care for orphans and needy families to ensure a decent life. 11. Developing and spreading awareness of people with disabilities and working on early detection of disability cases and empowering them in the community by various means

Main Projects / Activities

1. Psychological support projects for children 2. Psychological support projects for people with disabilities 3. Humanitarian relief projects 4. Summer camp projects 5. Psychological support projects for women and men 6. Orphanage projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the network, we can contribute several axes, including participation in raising the level of development among marginalized groups in society, and supporting them economically, psychologically and socially.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان شبكة آنا ليند شبكة كبرى تتكون من الشبكات الوطنية التي تضم اليوم أكثر من 4000 مؤسسة من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في شتى أنحاء المنطقة والتي تعمل من أجل تعزيز الحوار بين الثقافات. وتعمل في مجالات من ضمنها العلاقات بين الثقافية والتراث والدين والبحث وحقوق الإنسان والديمقراطية والتنمية المجتمعية والفنون والشباب والتعليم والجندرية والبيئة والتنمية المستدامة والإعلام.

Contact (1) Full Name
Muhammad Abdul-Ghani Muhammad al-Muqid
Job Title
almudir altanfidhiu
Head of the organisation
Muhammad Abdul-Ghani Muhammad al-Muqid
Contact (2) Full Name
Nisreen Salah Deeb Ahmed
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

جمعية النمط الزراعي الخيرية

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

جمعية النمط الزراعي الخيرية، جمعية محلية للتطوير النفسي والاجتماعي والزراعي، تأسست بترخيص من وزارة الداخلية رام الله رقم 7795 عام 2007م، وهي تعنى بشئون المجتمع المحلي الفلسطيني ومقرها الرئيسي بمحافظة رفح، حيث تطـمـح إلـى توفير الرفاه النفسي وتعزيز الصحة النفسية والاجتماعية للأفراد من خلال دمج أنشطة الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي بالزراعة من أجل تلبية الاحتياجات الخدماتية الإنسانية التي تحقق أهدافها ببناء المجتمع في المجالات الاجتماعية والنفسية الزراعية، وتسعى بالتعاون مع مؤسسات المجتمـع الدولي والمحلي لاستثمار قدرات الفئات المستهدفة من السيدات والأطفال والشباب والرجال لتحسـين جـودة حـياتهـم مـن خـلال البرامج المتعددة والتـوعيـة وبـنـاء القدرات بشكل يساهم في عملية التنمية المستدامة

Mission and Objectives

1. المساهمة في تحسين جودة الحياة للأفراد من خلال التنمية المستدامة للصحة النفسية بدمجها بالأنشطة الزراعية والاجتماعية. 2. تطبيق استراتيجيات تأثير الطبيعة في العلاج النفسي للإنسان من خلال توفير بيئة آمنة وداعمة تسهم في النمو النفسي والتربوي السليم للنساء والأطفال والشباب المهمشين ضحايا العنف والتنمر. 3. العمل على الارتقاء بمستوى الثقافة والوعي المجتمعي لدى مختلف شرائح المجتمع وخاصة الفئات المهمشة. 4. المساهمة في تحسين خدمات إدارة الحالة من خلال تلبية الاحتياجات النفسية والاجتماعية والزراعية وضمان حمايتهم. 5. المساهمة في بناء وتطوير قدرات الجمعية وشركائها من المجتمع المحلي وتعزيز الدور الريادي المجتمعي.

Main Projects / Activities

 العمل مع المجلس الأعلى للشباب والرياضة ضمن المخيمات الصيفية بعنوان الأسرى والمسرى.  العمل مع الهيئة الطبية الدولية IMC بتمويل من USAID.  العمل مع الصليب الأحمر جلسات توعية وتثقيفية عن كورونا ومخلفات الحروب.  العمل مع الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني ضمن مشارع الصحة النفسية وتدريب وتطوير العاملين بالجمعية.  العمل مع جمعية الشبان المسيحية بمشروع جسور "المواطنة الفاعلة والحفاظ على البيئة من خلال الدعم النفسي وتوزيع أشتال زراعية.  العمل مع جمعية بيت المستقبل الشبابي ضمن مشروع الاستجابة للاحتياجات الطارئة بتمويل من جمعية أرض الانسان سويسرا.  العمل مع مؤسسة كاريتاس القدس ضمن مشروع العيادة الطبية المتنقلة بتمويل من IMC.  العمل مع مركز علاج العقل والجسم ضمن مشروع "الطوارئ لعام 2021".  العمل مع مركز اتحاد لجان العمل الصحي ضمن مشروع الوقوف معا من أجل حقوق الجميع".  العمل مع مركز معا التنموي ضمن مشروع الحماية والاستعداد لمواجهة الطوارئ ".  تنفيذ مبادرات للسيدات مع مؤسسة بسمة أمل لرعاية السرطان.  العمل مع مؤسسة الثقافة والفكر الحر ضمن مشروع "المرأة تقود وتعزز آليات حماية المجتمع في المنطقة الوسطى في غزة ورفح.  العمل مع الجمعية الوطنية للديمقراطية والقانون ضمن مشروع "تقديم خدمات المساعدة القانونية للنساء في محافظة رفح ".  العمل مع المركز الفلسطيني لحقوق الانسان ضمن لقاءات متنوعة لتوعية المرأة بحقوقها وتعزيز مشاركة الطفل في مراقبة حقوقه.  العمل مع المركز الفلسطيني للديمقراطية وحل النزاعات ضمن مشروع "تعزيز علاقة المواطن بهيئات الحكم المحلي وتحسين جودة معايير الحكم الرشيد عبر مأسسة المسألة المجتمعية في قطاع الحكم المحلي بقطاع غزة بالتعاون مع

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تطوير قدرات المؤسسة تأثيث وتوفير امكانيات تطوير قدرات العاملين تطوير المجتمع تطوير وتدريب

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تطوير قدرات المؤسسة تأثيث وتوفير امكانيات تطوير قدرات العاملين تطوير المجتمع تطوير وتدريب

Contact (1) Full Name
عبدالله نظمي صالح موافي
Job Title
المدير التفيذي
Head of the organisation
أحمد عليان ابراهيم عيد

Ajyal Association for Creativity & Development (ACCD)

National Network

Shawa Square, Jundiah Building, first floor
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Ajyal Association for Creativity & Development (ACCD) is one of the leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the field of youth and children empowerment across the Gaza Strip. Ajyal thrives to improve qualities of youth who are facing double marginalization and enable them to actively play a positive role in the development of Palestinian community. Ajyal was established in 2003 and registered in the Ministry of Interior under registration number 7329, it aims to contribute at Palestinian society development through providing a series of innovative interventions and pioneering projects. with more than 18 years of working experience, ACCD has successfully forged many partnerships with international and local organizations in pursue of its mandate and achieving desired change at the individual and community levels. Over the last 10 years, ACCD has achieved a quantum leap in the quality of provided services and its responsiveness to youth, children and women concerns, needs and priorities. In addition, ACCD adopted an inclusion approach in services provision and is investing all possible efforts and resources to ensure that "No One is Left Behind".

Mission and Objectives

Ajyal Association for Creativity & Development in the Gaza Strip is a rights-based, independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization that aims to empower youth and children (women, men, girls and boys) through well-designed interventions responding to its target groups rights, issues and priorities using innovative techniques and approaches such: capacity development, skill rehabilitation, job creation and awareness raising and advocacy and lobbying by creating local, regional and international partnerships.

Main Projects / Activities

ACCD’s Strategic Niche is premised on empowering youth and children (women, men, girls and boys) through strong engagement in defining, owning and driving development efforts based on their concerns, needs and priorities. Specifically, our programmatic focus for 2022-2024 is structured around the following key areas:  Education: The skills gap between the educational services provided by universities and needs of labour markets are amongst the main challenges facing youth (women and men). Annually, around 20,000 students (50% are women) graduate from universities in the Gaza Strip. Among them, only 1% are employed at public jobs and there are no available data on employment in the private, non-governmental organizations and informal sectors.  Socio-economic empowerment: The fragile living conditions of Gaza residents have been further undermined by the deterioration in economic conditions due to the subsequences of COVID-19 cuts around the world and in particular in Palestine, as well as the cancelation of the social security support provided to 1200 families and a 30 percent reduction for the rest of the social security beneficiaries, imposed by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) since 2018. Overall, the majority of Gaza residents are living under severe socio-economic conditions and limited access to no stable source of income.  Protection: The deteriorating humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip has exacerbated Gender-based Violence (GBV) in all its forms, including sexual violence, domestic violence and forced marriage, resulting in a continued acute need for GBV multi-sectorial services; in addition to that, the psychological conditions of different community members and specially youth and children (women, men, boys and girls) are collapsed as a result of unstable political situation and the renewed conflicts against the Gaza Strip.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By including the objectives of the network in the strategic plan and activities of the organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ACCD believe and promote the following values in all that we do: Accountability, integrity, transparency, equality, justice, rule of law and inclusion.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation

Bena Association for Development and Empowerment

National Network

Salah al-Din Street
North Gaza - Jabaliya Al-Balad
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Bena Association for Development and Empowerment is a non-profit, civil organization that deals with cultural and community development issues. It provides services to women, children and youth

Mission and Objectives

the mission Enhancing the role of women, children and youth in society to enable them to obtain the necessary opportunities to increase their effective participation in their complex through training, educational and educational programs and development projects. Objectives 1- Child care and contribute to alleviating the suffering of needy children and their families 2. Promoting equality between women and men and working to empower women in society 3. Contribute to ensuring health care, appropriate education, and psychological and social support for all segments of society 4. Contribute to building the economic capacities of vulnerable members of society

Main Projects / Activities

environmental training project Permanent summer camp Youth project towards democracy Summer Games Project Tutoring project Youth capacity building project Psychological support programs for children and women

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By providing the necessary services and related programs Work to advance community and civil work

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network To strengthen I continue to communicate with international organizations When the network carries a distinguished administrative work Joining the organization increases the workforce on the ground To obtain financial grants to achieve the goals

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Fouad Eid
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Fouad Ibrahim Eid
Contact (2) Full Name
Osama Al-Najjar
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

جمعية بناء للتنمية والتمكين

National Network

صلاح الدين
شمال غزة - جباليا البلد
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

جمعية بناء للتنمية والتمكين مؤسسة أهليه غير ربحية تعني بأمور الثقافة والتنمية المجتمعية تقدم خدامتها للمرأة والطفل والشباب

Mission and Objectives

المهمة .. تعزيز دور المرأة والطفل والشباب في المجتمع لتمكينهم من الحصول علي الفرص اللازمة لزيادة مشاركتهم الفعالة في مجمعهم من خلال البرامج التدريبية والتعليمية والتثقيفية والمشاريع التنموية الاهداف 1- رعاية الطفولة والمساهمة في تخفيف المعانة عن الاطفال المحتاجين واسرهم 2. تعزيز المساواة بين المرأة والرجل والعمل علي تمكين المرأة في المجتمع 3. المساهمة في ضمان الرعاية الصحية والتعليم الملائم والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي لكافة شرائح المجتمع 4. المساهمة في بناء القدرات الاقتصادية لافراد المجتمع من الفئات الهشة

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع التدريب البيئي المخيم الصيفي الدائم مشروع شباب نحو الديمقراطية مشروع العاب الصيف مشروع دروس التقوية مشروع بناء القدرات للشباب برامج الدعم النفسي للطفل والمرأة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال تقديم الخدمات اللازمة والبرامج ذات العلاقة العمل ع النهوض بالعمل المجتمعي والاهلي

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نريد الانضمام الي الشبكة لتقوية اواصل التواصل مع المنظمات العالمية لما تحمل الشبكة من عمل اداري مميز الانضمام الي المنظمة يزيد من قوة العمل علي الارض للحصول علي منح مالية لتحقيق الاهداف

Contact (1) Full Name
محمود فؤاد عيد
Job Title
رئي مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
محمود قؤاد ابراهيم عيد
Contact (2) Full Name
اسامة جمال النجار
Job Title (2)
مدير تنفيذي

Gaza- Al Wehda St.

National Network

Alwehda street
Infront of Al Sahaba Bulding
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Basma Society for Culture and Arts: The Basma Society for Culture and Arts - BSCA, hereafter known as BASMA was established in 1991 and was registered in 2006 at the Ministry of Interior under registration No. 7591 as a local NGO. BASMA is a Palestinian non-profit organization that aims at reinvigorating the Palestinian cultural movement through providing quality interactive arts and cultural, psychosocial support and skills development activities. It works in the field of culture and the arts and specializes in theater, drama and psychosocial support, with the aim of contributing to the development of Palestinian society by providing cultural, educational and recreational activities and psychosocial support activities to different social segments and people with disabilities within the foundation's programs and projects. Its activities are designed to target Palestinian children, youth, and women including persons with disabilities. They are courses and campaigns to defend the rights of marginalized groups and persons with disabilities, psychosocial support programs and DEAL tools, youth empowerment programs, volunteering promotion activities, youth initiatives to serve the community and training programs to build the staff capacities in the technical field of acting, directing and scriptwriting. Vision: BASMA aspires to excellence and leadership in reinforcing the principles of Palestinian civil society through participation, cultural and artistic works, and psychosocial support to reach a conscious and educated society."

Mission and Objectives

Mission: BASMA seeks to contribute to the empowering of the Palestinian cultural and artistic movement, psychological and social support, and strengthen the role of the theater, as a tool to highlight, discuss and present solutions to community issues, through reaching out to all segments of society. BASMA Objectives: 1. To empower the Palestinian cultural movement and enabling citizens to access cultural and artistic activities. 2. To meet the needs of the local society, highlighting cultural, social and psychological problems. 3. To contribute to the building of a healthy civil society and promoting dialogue and cultural exchange between different segments. 4. To promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance which contributes to building a Palestinian civil society. 5. To protect children's rights and address all forms of violence against children. 6. To empower, develop, and enhance women capabilities and their position in the society. 7. To promote young people and the values of giving, volunteering and community initiatives. 8. To develop the BASMA administrative and technical capabilities which leads to high quality services, and to enhance funding opportunities to ensure the continuity of mission.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Program 1 / The Culture and Arts Program: The program aimed at activating the cultural and artistic movement, discovering and developing talents, introducing the importance role of art in culture, activating and developing the role of professional theater and upgrading public taste, developing concepts, integrating awareness and education with entertainment, encouraging intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange between different countries and cultures, contributing to the building of a Palestinian civil society, and promoting a culture of democracy. 2- Program 2 / The Psychosocial Support Program: This program is aimed at increasing the advocacy initiatives to the marginalized groups in society, giving them skills, socio-cultural and psychological issues and problems, and psychological and social support. 3- Program 3 / The Civil Society Program: This program aims to contribute to reducing the problems of Palestinian society, improving a culture of dialogue and tolerance and promoting sustainable practices based on community accountability to build a Palestinian civil society. 4- Program 4 / The Palestinian Youth Network Program: This program of the Palestinian Youth Network (PYN) consists of a group of teams, initiatives and youth groups active in the Gaza Strip who signed MoU and expressed their willingness to unite youth efforts and coordinate among them for joint cooperation and for sharing experiences and knowledge. These youth groups are full ready to work within the framework of the PYN in order to contribute to the achievement of its objectives, and seeks to activate the role of young people in political and community life and in the interest of the youth and marginalized groups in the Gaza Strip. BASMA areas of work, activities and experiences:  The new developed tool “I-DEAL” for teaching life skills to children.  The new developed tool “Big-DEAL” for teaching life skills to Adolescents.  The new developed tool “Parents-DEAL” for teaching life skills to parents.  Theatre training courses for children and adults.  Youth Empowerment projects for promotion of volunteerism and community participation.  "Mobile Theatre" and "Puppet Theatre for children".  Theater for Adult and thought-provoking.  A global and cultural exchange through the theater.  The Advocacy Program for defending Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) through theater.  Children cinema through video presentation in schools and organizations.  Drama and self-dumping courses for children  Animation production courses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Meeting new people, making sure you’re dressed appropriately, and trying not to make a fool of yourself… Business networking is terrifying. But it doesn’t have to be. Not all networking takes place in a stuffy conference hall, where business cards are traded and conversation is forced. Often, your friends, classmates, and former colleagues will follow career paths that you find interesting, or have relevant connections to you in their own networks. You never know when someone you’re speaking to might know of an opportunity you’d never find online or be able to connect you with someone else who’ll be in a position to offer you experience – or even a job. If you’re unsure which direction in life to take, keeping in touch with your old connections could inspire you to chase a similar career path. Just don’t forget to pay it forward: One day, you may also be in a position to help someone in your own network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanding your knowledge – Most professional organizations have a diverse membership which includes the opportunity to meet and hear about other business, trends, and talk to other sales people or business owners about what is trending. Taking charge of your career path – With so many professionals in one place at one time, you will be expanding your knowledge and guiding your career down a path toward success. You never know who you might meet. Enhancing you Network – Everyone would like more business. Making connections is critical. Although on-line methods to connect and network has come a long way, you cannot substitute a face to face connection. Be a leader – All professional groups have committees and opportunities to take the lead. Joining a networking group allows you to take charge, join a subcommittee or lead in ways you might not have existed previously. Mentoring – This can be a most rewarding part of joining any group. Giving back allows you to have friendships and find other people with similar backgrounds and interests. Make new friends – Once you leave school it becomes more difficult to break out of your shell. Joining a professional networking group is a great way to forge new business and personal relationships. Community – There is a certain pride in giving back to the community. Many networking groups have members that spearhead community efforts for the homeless or other local charities. Staying Inspired – Staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge. Being part of a strong networking group can mean the difference in any company that joins one. You can often be inspired by people in your group who might help you along in your journey of success.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahid Hannoona
Job Title
Excutive Maneger
Head of the organisation
Nahid Hannoona
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanin El Samak
Job Title (2)
Projects maneger

جمعية الشمال للتنمية والتطوير المجتمعي

National Network

غزة - محافظة الشمال
مخيم جباليا
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

تأسست جمعية الشمال للتنمية والتطوير المجتمعي في تاريخ 1/1/2005 في محافظة شمال قطاع غزة وحصلت على شهادة من وزارة الداخلية بتاريخ 3/8/2005 تحت رقم 7455 لتعمل في المجال الاجتماعي والثقافي والنفسي ويدير الجمعية مجلس مكون من سبعة أعضاء منتخب من جمعية عمومية مكون من 32 عضو بتاريخ 14/3/2012، وهي جمعية خيرية رائدة مميزة لها مساهمة فاعلة في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة في جميع المجالات

Mission and Objectives

1. تطوير وانشاء المرافق العلمية والثقافية 2. تعزيز دور الانشطة اللامنهجية للطفل . 3. تعزيز وترسيخ مفاهيم الديمقراطية في المجتمع المدني لدى اوساط الشباب. 4. تطوير الفكر العلمي والثقافة والفنون عند الشباب. 5. العمل على توفير فرص العمل للخريجين الشبا ب. 6. استثمار قدرات وطاقات الشباب في تحسين البناء المجتمعي. 7. نشر الوعي المجتمعي تجاه القضية الصحية والبيئية . 8. تكوين جماعات ضغط بهدف تحقيق متطلبات تنموية واجتماعية . 9. العمل على تحقيق التكافل الاجتماعي 10. توفير الرعاية المادية والمعنوية لليتيم والاسر المحتاجة بما يضمن حياة كريمة. 11. تنمية ونشر الوعي لفئة ذوي الإعاقة والعمل على الاكتشاف المبكر لحالات الإعاقة وتمكينها في المجتمعي بشتى الوسائل

Main Projects / Activities

مشاريع الدعم النفسي للأطفال مشاريع الدعم النفسي للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة مشاريع الإغاثة الإنسانية مشاريع المخيمات الصيفية مشاريع الدعم النفسي للسيدات والرجال مشاريع الايتام

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكننا المساهمة من خلال الشبكة عدة محاور منها هي المشاركة في رفع مستوى التنمية لدى الفئات المهمشة في المجتمع ، ودعمها اقتصادياً ونفسياً واجتماعياً

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان شبكة آنا ليند شبكة كبرى تتكون من الشبكات الوطنية التي تضم اليوم أكثر من 4000 مؤسسة من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في شتى أنحاء المنطقة والتي تعمل من أجل تعزيز الحوار بين الثقافات. وتعمل في مجالات من ضمنها العلاقات بين الثقافية والتراث والدين والبحث وحقوق الإنسان والديمقراطية والتنمية المجتمعية والفنون والشباب والتعليم والجندرية والبيئة والتنمية المستدامة والإعلام.

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد عبدالغني محمد المقيد
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي
Head of the organisation
محمد عبدالغني محمد المقيد
Contact (2) Full Name
نسرين صلاح ديب احمد
Job Title (2)
المدير الاداري

Gaza- Al Wehda St.

National Network

Alwehda street
Infront of Al Sahaba Bulding
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Basma Society for Culture and Arts: The Basma Society for Culture and Arts - BSCA, hereafter known as BASMA was established in 1991 and was registered in 2006 at the Ministry of Interior under registration No. 7591 as a local NGO. BASMA is a Palestinian non-profit organization that aims at reinvigorating the Palestinian cultural movement through providing quality interactive arts and cultural, psychosocial support and skills development activities. It works in the field of culture and the arts and specializes in theater, drama and psychosocial support, with the aim of contributing to the development of Palestinian society by providing cultural, educational and recreational activities and psychosocial support activities to different social segments and people with disabilities within the foundation's programs and projects. Its activities are designed to target Palestinian children, youth, and women including persons with disabilities. They are courses and campaigns to defend the rights of marginalized groups and persons with disabilities, psychosocial support programs and DEAL tools, youth empowerment programs, volunteering promotion activities, youth initiatives to serve the community and training programs to build the staff capacities in the technical field of acting, directing and scriptwriting. Vision: BASMA aspires to excellence and leadership in reinforcing the principles of Palestinian civil society through participation, cultural and artistic works, and psychosocial support to reach a conscious and educated society."

Mission and Objectives

Mission: BASMA seeks to contribute to the empowering of the Palestinian cultural and artistic movement, psychological and social support, and strengthen the role of the theater, as a tool to highlight, discuss and present solutions to community issues, through reaching out to all segments of society. BASMA Objectives: 1. To empower the Palestinian cultural movement and enabling citizens to access cultural and artistic activities. 2. To meet the needs of the local society, highlighting cultural, social and psychological problems. 3. To contribute to the building of a healthy civil society and promoting dialogue and cultural exchange between different segments. 4. To promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance which contributes to building a Palestinian civil society. 5. To protect children's rights and address all forms of violence against children. 6. To empower, develop, and enhance women capabilities and their position in the society. 7. To promote young people and the values of giving, volunteering and community initiatives. 8. To develop the BASMA administrative and technical capabilities which leads to high quality services, and to enhance funding opportunities to ensure the continuity of mission.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Program 1 / The Culture and Arts Program: The program aimed at activating the cultural and artistic movement, discovering and developing talents, introducing the importance role of art in culture, activating and developing the role of professional theater and upgrading public taste, developing concepts, integrating awareness and education with entertainment, encouraging intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange between different countries and cultures, contributing to the building of a Palestinian civil society, and promoting a culture of democracy. 2- Program 2 / The Psychosocial Support Program: This program is aimed at increasing the advocacy initiatives to the marginalized groups in society, giving them skills, socio-cultural and psychological issues and problems, and psychological and social support. 3- Program 3 / The Civil Society Program: This program aims to contribute to reducing the problems of Palestinian society, improving a culture of dialogue and tolerance and promoting sustainable practices based on community accountability to build a Palestinian civil society. 4- Program 4 / The Palestinian Youth Network Program: This program of the Palestinian Youth Network (PYN) consists of a group of teams, initiatives and youth groups active in the Gaza Strip who signed MoU and expressed their willingness to unite youth efforts and coordinate among them for joint cooperation and for sharing experiences and knowledge. These youth groups are full ready to work within the framework of the PYN in order to contribute to the achievement of its objectives, and seeks to activate the role of young people in political and community life and in the interest of the youth and marginalized groups in the Gaza Strip. BASMA areas of work, activities and experiences:  The new developed tool “I-DEAL” for teaching life skills to children.  The new developed tool “Big-DEAL” for teaching life skills to Adolescents.  The new developed tool “Parents-DEAL” for teaching life skills to parents.  Theatre training courses for children and adults.  Youth Empowerment projects for promotion of volunteerism and community participation.  "Mobile Theatre" and "Puppet Theatre for children".  Theater for Adult and thought-provoking.  A global and cultural exchange through the theater.  The Advocacy Program for defending Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) through theater.  Children cinema through video presentation in schools and organizations.  Drama and self-dumping courses for children  Animation production courses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Meeting new people, making sure you’re dressed appropriately, and trying not to make a fool of yourself… Business networking is terrifying. But it doesn’t have to be. Not all networking takes place in a stuffy conference hall, where business cards are traded and conversation is forced. Often, your friends, classmates, and former colleagues will follow career paths that you find interesting, or have relevant connections to you in their own networks. You never know when someone you’re speaking to might know of an opportunity you’d never find online or be able to connect you with someone else who’ll be in a position to offer you experience – or even a job. If you’re unsure which direction in life to take, keeping in touch with your old connections could inspire you to chase a similar career path. Just don’t forget to pay it forward: One day, you may also be in a position to help someone in your own network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanding your knowledge – Most professional organizations have a diverse membership which includes the opportunity to meet and hear about other business, trends, and talk to other sales people or business owners about what is trending. Taking charge of your career path – With so many professionals in one place at one time, you will be expanding your knowledge and guiding your career down a path toward success. You never know who you might meet. Enhancing you Network – Everyone would like more business. Making connections is critical. Although on-line methods to connect and network has come a long way, you cannot substitute a face to face connection. Be a leader – All professional groups have committees and opportunities to take the lead. Joining a networking group allows you to take charge, join a subcommittee or lead in ways you might not have existed previously. Mentoring – This can be a most rewarding part of joining any group. Giving back allows you to have friendships and find other people with similar backgrounds and interests. Make new friends – Once you leave school it becomes more difficult to break out of your shell. Joining a professional networking group is a great way to forge new business and personal relationships. Community – There is a certain pride in giving back to the community. Many networking groups have members that spearhead community efforts for the homeless or other local charities. Staying Inspired – Staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge. Being part of a strong networking group can mean the difference in any company that joins one. You can often be inspired by people in your group who might help you along in your journey of success.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahid Hannoona
Job Title
Excutive Maneger
Head of the organisation
Nahid Hannoona
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanin El Samak
Job Title (2)
Projects maneger