Turath for Social Development

National Network

Wadi Al-Sir, Ibn Taleb Street, Rawnaq neighbhood
Amman 11118

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Turath for Social Development a non- profit registered under the number-1281, with the main goal of developing and creating an improved safe community with distinctive social services to rise up the standards of living. The partners of Turath started voluntary activities and initiatives since 2016, focusing on Social community services, health, tourism, arts, heritage and culture, our initiatives were personally funded, had a very positive impact and succeeded beyond our imagination and that encouraged us to legalize our efforts under Turath for Social Development. Turath includes 5 employees, and around 10 voluntaries, since Turath has been established during the corvid spread, it actually started working in 2022, the budget resources at the beginning are personal, however now Turath is concentrating on funds and establishing projects. Turath established an orchestra school in Madaba to teach disadvantage children, youth, adults and refugees, and got fund from AFAC art and culture grant to teach the Syrian refugees music, beside Turath created an agreement with the Families Development Association to run a production kitchen as a project for women empowerment.

Mission and Objectives

Turath's mission: developing and creating an improved safe community with distinctive social services to rise up the standards of living.
1. Develop awareness about the importance of Arts and heritage through the communities across the governorates of Jordan.
2. Contribute to national socio-economic, women empowerment programs in collaboration with local institutions.
3. Strengthen social cohesion peace and respect for diversity through innovative and creative programs.
4. Utilize technology to optimize resources, increase efficiency, and improve beneficiaries satisfaction.
5. Support the tourism and cultural sector.
6. Developing opportunities and better chances to disable persons and venerable women and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Production kitchen a project for women empowerment in Jabal Al-Qusour and in cooperation with Families Development Association.
2) Orchestra School/ Turath Cultural center in Madaba, teaching music and other art activities.
3) Online Orchestra School in cooperation with the International School of Musicians in the UK.
4) Agreement with Haya Cultural Center to run the music academy by Turath.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jawad Abbassi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jawad Abbassi
Contact (2) Full Name
Rana Rizkallah

Vilnius open youth centre ,,Mes"

National Network

Šopeno str. 3
01314 Vilnius Lithuania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Vilnius open youth centre ,,Mes" is based on non-formal learning, activities organized for the young people from 14 to 29 years old based on their capabilities and preferences. Our main source of income is Vilnius municipality (covers salaries and pays for activities). Alternative sources of income are projects (National agency of youth affairs, European Solidarity Corps, National Sports Promotion Fund). We have participated in certain projects in Erasmus+ youth field: 2014-2-LT-KA205-003888 “ Youth work development in Lithuania and Denmark”, 2015-1-NL02-KA105-000916 “Clap lab”, 2016-1-NL02-KA105-001194 “Clap lab 2nd edition”, 2015-2-NL02-KA105-000995 “Big Questions”, 2016-2-NL02-KA105-001362 “Big Questions 2nd edition”, 2017-2-DE04-KA205-015518 “Connected Spaces of Learning in Europe”, 2016-3-LT02-KA205-005089 “Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Youth Work“

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is a safe leisure place for any kind of young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are open youth work, street based youth work, individual consulting, non-formal education, youth information and consultation, execution of youth related projects, organising summer camps and hikes and organising events for youngsters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our strength is open youth work, we are the ones who have a direct link to youth (our centre has 7 open youth spaces directly working with youth on their daily basis). So we are a reliable source of information presenting up to date situation regarding youth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that networking is highly important nowadays as it provides us with new perspectives and opportunities. We can benefit from it by widening our point of view, being encouraged to try new ways working, new methods and being seen and recognised both in national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asta Bieliauskaitė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Director Asta Bieliauskaitė
Contact (2) Full Name
Viktorija Pužienė
Job Title (2)


National Network

26 rue du Chalet
75010 Paris

+33 1 48 74 70 12
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Founded in 1999, EURODOC is an international, selective, in-depth, and intensive training program in creative documentary development and production, boasting a 23-year-long history and community. EURODOC is a non-profit, mainly funded by MEDIA Creative Europe, CNC and diverse national or regional Film Funds across Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Caribeean regions. Its core mission, since its birth, is the conception and the organisation of a yearly training program dedicated to producers based in Europe (70% European, 30% non-European) who are in the process of developing a particular creative documentary project, and more broadly to professionals involved in the institutional, corporate or non-profit support to the nonfiction film sector. Over the years, EURODOC has become an acclaimed label for film production quality. Since 2010, EURODOC has a dedicated Mediterranean fold, EURODOC MED, that championed dozens of producers from MENA countries (especially Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Marocco), and from Southern Europe.

Mission and Objectives

The main goals of EURODOC programmes are multi-folded: to improve the development of bold documentary projects with European, mediterranean and international potential; to champion creative documentary and producers who defend their authors, in a market context that is not fully supportive of the genre; to strengthen the international dimension of small and medium-sized companies; to foster transnational and multicultural cooperation, within Europe, with the Mediterranean region, and between Europe and the Global South; to set-up a robust network of people, skills, production capacities; to empower professionals hailing from European countries with low production capacity but also from the Global South; to contribute to the sharing of good practices in the sector, i.e fair co-production, ethical filmmaking, diversity and gender parity, sustainable and eco-friendly actions; to act as a laboratory for innovative production tools when it comes to new documentary formats and broadcasts.

Main Projects / Activities

The main Yearly programme (funded by MEDIA) is structured in 3 one-week residential sessions, held annually in 3 different European venues, between March and October. Every cohort is thus trained over 8 months. Additional online activities are organized in between the sessions. Throughout the training, basic fundamentals to very technical aspects of production are covered. Participants acquire strong skills, diverse know-how and improve their projects on all grounds. EURODOC organizes other sessions and shorter workshops throughout the year, dedicated to specific cohorts: directors, producers in specific regions (Marocco, Corsica, Mallorca...), female producers, documentary TV commissioning editors (Al Jazeera, ARTE, HBO...), etc. EURODOC is a professional network encompassing sixty nationalities, that holds events at major film festivals in Europe and partners with dozens of festivals and film markers. EURODOC is also a partner of EWA, Collectif 50/50, in order to push for gender equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EURODOC is currently rekindling its Mediterranean programmes and has launched new workshops with Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria. A special focus will be made on female professionals. EURODOC works on cross-cultural exchange and cooperation, international film coproduction across the Mediterranean, shared ethics and good practices in the documentary industry. We share values and missions with the Anna Lindh Foundation and wish to contribute indeed by extending the ALF network to the film industry, and specifically to the nonfiction film industry.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to organize events that have a core Mediterranean value in dialogue with the ALF, and we wish to intensify our actions towards gender equality within the film industry and across borders. We are very open to discuss these perspectives with the ALF team.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nora Philippe
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Head Coordinator

Zimam for Creativity and Development - Non-profit company

National Network

Mobaadeen Street, VIP Building No.1, Floor 6 – Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine.
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Zimam (“reins” or “taking the initiative” in Arabic) is a pioneering grassroots youth movement that challenges the status quo. We invest in young leaders and provide them with the skills, confidence, and network they need to transform themselves and their society. We believe that if we empower progressive young leaders to be the voices of tomorrow and inspire the silent majority to speak up against extremist thinking, corruption, and political decay, Palestine will necessarily become more democratic, more peaceful, more tolerant, and more innovative. We work across 11 governorates in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem and have been active for 7 years. Our main audience and target groups are young women and men between the ages of 18 and 35. In terms of our organizational structure, we are governed by a board of trustees who oversee both programming and finances. The executive director is accountable to the board and employees are accountable to the executive director. Operationally, we work with partners across 11 local communities in both the West Bank and Gaza. These partnerships provide a deeper understanding of local contexts and ensure legitimacy and agency for both organizations and communities. In terms of finance and accounting, these are done by a third party (accounting firm) to ensure transparency and accountability throughout all financial transactions. Such high-level service ensures that project financing, invoicing, and documentation are all done in accordance with the highest international standards. Additionally, Zimam’s senior management team has just completed a financial management training program by Humantum. Zimam received funding from a diverse body of individuals as well as institutional donors including the European Union, the United Nations Democracy Fund, the European Endowment for Democracy, the PeaceWorks Foundation, and the Porticus foundation. Working with multiple institutional donors, Zimam’s team and our accounting service providers, Granada, are well-versed in high-level financial management. At last, Zimam’s 8-year experience in the field of citizenship, democratization and conflict resolution and the experience of the staff who on average have 10 years of experience in the field, position us to implement this project with high precision and focus on outcomes. Our staff has formal and informal training in citizenship and democratization. For example, both our project director and coordinator are organizers by practice and hold a BA in political science and an MA in development.

Mission and Objectives

Zimam (“reins” or “taking the initiative” in Arabic) is a pioneering grassroots youth movement that challenges the status quo. We invest in young leaders and provide them with the skills, confidence, and network they need to transform themselves and their society. We believe that if we empower progressive young leaders to be the voices of tomorrow and inspire the silent majority to speak up against extremist thinking, corruption, and political decay, Palestine will necessarily become more democratic, more peaceful, more tolerant, and more innovative.

Main Projects / Activities

Leadership Incubator: This program comes as a response to Palestine's leadership crisis on the one, hand and to the lack of educational institutions that teach Public Policy on the other. The Leadership Incubator is an 18-month master’s-like training program focused on good governance and policy thinking and formulation. The program brings together 40 young activists from the West Bank and Gaza to gain the skills, confidence and network that they need to be effective leaders within their communities. Zimam Ambassadors: A one-year education in history, narratives, diplomacy, and negotiations which aims to equips the next generation of leaders and diplomats with the tools and understanding required to play an effective role in conflict transformation and represent their country in the best way possible. CITIZENS: A capacity-building program for 8 Palestinian civil society organizations and 80 young leaders and organizers from underprivileged communities .Participants receive intensive trainings on democratic life and problem solving. They also get an opportunity to solve real-life problems in 8 different localities in the West Bank and Gaza. Election Action: Zimam led the Election Action online campaign that aimed to increase the number of registered voters, and encourage democratic practices for the 2.8 million people with right to vote in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Implementing joint-programs that serves the vision of the two organizations. - Expanding ALF network in Palestine. - Promotion of intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe our foundations and morals are very similar to ALF mandate and what they do, for the past years we have been one of the leading organizations to support the youth voices and empowering them to participate in different civil activities. We believe that the key to social and economic prosperity on the one hand and ending the occupation on the other is one and the same: accountable leadership and a responsible society. Being part of ALF network will also enhance Zimam work by the support of such respectful foundation such as ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Obada shtaya
Job Title
Director of Advancement
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Hamarsheh
Contact (2) Full Name
Yanal Hammouda
Job Title (2)
Head of advisory board

Transformational Leadership Egypt

National Network

El-Nabi Danial st.,
Alexandria Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Transformational Leadership Egypt is a space to train, support and inspire young leaders in Egypt and around the world. We offer leadership trainings, leadership and life coaching, support groups, support new startups, transforming organizations…etc. We are working to be a registered company. One staff member with the help of volunteers. Self-funded through the fees of workshops and coaching. We participated in some projects with Erasmus+, Jesuit cultural Center in Alexandria, Planning now workshops with Goethe Institut….

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support the young women and men who will be the leaders of tomorrow. We want to empower the young leaders offering them authentic opportunities of learning and support. We want to inspire the leaders of tomorrow to work for peace, justice and dialogue. We want to encourage leaders to lead from within, from balues that we believe could create a better world for the coming generations.

Main Projects / Activities

- Transformational Leadership workshops.
- One to one coaching.
- Support groups.
- Youth camps and retreats.
- Youth exchange programs.
- Supporting new initiatives .
- Supporting organizations change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


We believe we could partner with other local organizations in Egypt to work together for the leadership training of the Egyptian young women and men, to give them voice and allow them to find meaning of their works in such a challenging society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe we share with ALF the same values and same objectives. We believe that being a part of an international network will allow us to reach more youth around the world and learn from other cultures experiences. That dialogue with other cultures will allow us to take our work further and deeper.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fadi George
Job Title
Founder & general manager
Head of the organisation
Fadi George

Almost there (formerly Changemaker AB)

National Network

Järntorget 3
41304 Göteborg

+46 70 969 24 52
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Rethinking regional development. Fueling circular business models. Accelerating impact startups. Attempting to solve world problems over dinner with friends and foes. We are almost there. Or are we just almost starting?

Founded in 1998 by Tom Løyche and Per Myrén, Almost there (formerly Changemaker) was born as a consultancy agency aimed to stir things up and facilitate change management. More than twenty-five years and hundreds of scribbled notebooks later, things have evolved. From Zero to One, we continue to seek situations where we can help people, organizations or societies take the first step from nothing to something. Learning is always at the center of the process; no one has all the answers, but we are smarter together.

We’ve established, run and sold the higher vocational educational schools Changemaker Educations and Futuregames. From this we bring with us the legacy of helping thousands of students enter and make a mark on the labour market. As well as helping companies grow with new ideas and talent. Several large European and EU-funded projects have been entered to make a sustainable impact on local societies. We continue to work with a strong focus on regional development in the North of Sweden and other remote locations around the world. We’ve also bought and reimagined a 17th century farm in Boden; now acting as a testbed for our circular methodology.

We are Almost There. We are consultants in regional development and change management. Project leaders and partners in collaborative global projects. And an Accelerator for impact startups; supporting people, organizations or societies with either big or small ambitions to make the world better.

Mission and Objectives

Everything we do revolves around change and development; be it for ideas, products, schools or businesses.

We help our clients to change themselves or aspects of their businesses successfully, by implementing our long knowledge of change methods, leadership and project leading, as well as a deeper understanding of the change process and its different phases.

Main Projects / Activities


We run and engage in national and international projects to drive sustainable change. From regional development and European learning projects to fast paced explorational journeys in the intersection of arts and technology, and the crafting of hand-made board games. Take part of our learnings from ongoing and completed projects. Or reach out for a digital fika to explore new opportunities.

In the last few years, Almost There has been involved in several Erasmus+ projects dealing with the circular economy and more in general with environmental sustainability.

In the SCRCE project, in particular, the partnership developed “The Circular Economy Manual” which aims to help the reader see how he can change his consumer behaviour with small, simple steps in order to make it more eco-responsible and in accordance with circular economy principles.

In the Circular Skills project, we developed different training programmes in “Circular economy for SME”, “Circular Economy for unemployed” and “Circular economy for the social cooperative sector”.

Almost There is the owner of Peetgården, a 400-year-old building, which is used for conferences and meetings and which Changemaker aspires to transform into a centre for sustainable development in Northern Sweden.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Olivier
Job Title
EU-project leader
Head of the organisation
Tom Løyche (CEO)
Contact (2) Full Name
Anne Franze-Jordanov
Job Title (2)
EU Projects Coordinator

جمعية حي العودة البيئة و التنمية

National Network

حي العودة رقم 85 السمارة
صندوق البريد رقم 20 السمارة
75000 سمارة

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

شكرا جزاكم الله خيرا على المجهود الطيب

Mission and Objectives

التنمية الاجتماعية

Main Projects / Activities

محو الامية الكبار ... الدعم المدرسي للصغار

Contact (1) Full Name
ابراهيم ناجي
Head of the organisation
ابراهيم ناجي


National Network


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية شباب أداي هي جمعية تنموية غير ربحية عدد أعضائها 19 عضوا و مداخيلها تقتصر على الانخراطات و المساهمات .
تهتم بالمجال الثقافي و البيئي و بالطفولة

Mission and Objectives

الاهتمام بالتعليم الأولي و الاشراف على تسيير روض الجمعية
تنظيم تظاهرات رياضية
الاهتمام بقضايا الشباب

Main Projects / Activities

بناء روض الأطفال
تنظيم ملتقيات رياضية
تكوينات لفائدة الشباب و الفلاحين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

خلق شراكات مع المنظمات التي تجمعنا معها نفس الأهداف

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتبادل الخبرات و التجارب في مجال العمل الجمعوي

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية شباب أداي هي جمعية تنموية غير ربحية عدد أعضائها 19 عضوا و مداخيلها تقتصر على الانخراطات و المساهمات .
تهتم بالمجال الثقافي و البيئي و بالطفولة

Mission and Objectives

الاهتمام بالتعليم الأولي و الاشراف على تسيير روض الجمعية
تنظيم تظاهرات رياضية
الاهتمام بقضايا الشباب

Main Projects / Activities

بناء روض الأطفال
تنظيم ملتقيات رياضية
تكوينات لفائدة الشباب و الفلاحين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

خلق شراكات مع المنظمات التي تجمعنا معها نفس الأهداف

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتبادل الخبرات و التجارب في مجال العمل الجمعوي

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

10179 Berlin

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Project based orchestra of 15 musicians Administrative and artistic team of 4 people Funded by the City of Berlin/Senate of Berlin/additional funding is secured by different music related organizations Music projects with orchestra members and guest musicians - focus on the MENA region Workshops given to children/teenagers in music composition, notation of different music styles Partners: Conservatory for Turkish Music Berlin (BTMK)

Mission and Objectives

Babylon ORCHESTRA, founded in 2016, is an urban Berlin fusion ensemble that combines European and Middle Eastern music with the sound of a big band and a contemporary orchestra. Our aim is to promote intercultural artistic cooperation and thus to give different musical traditions and cultures a place in a common, new and unique sound world of the present. To this end, the ensemble develops a repertoire that brings the traditional music of the Near and Middle East into dialogue with the musical cultures of Europe, and especially urban elements of the Berlin music scene. In this way, we bring people with their stories, traditions, instruments, rhythms and sounds into a creative inter action and believe that this contribution is also important for a deeper understanding of cultural values - more than that: that it can also create dialogues of tolerance and respectful interaction in the future. Because this is our second major concern: to find our own answer to a changing world with immense social challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Babylon ORCHESTRA stands for a lively and contemporary exchange between cultures. Our artistic vision also matches our values: our project aims to be the best example of dialogue between cultures and to show that joint artistic creation forms a bridge that enables harmonious, respectful and peaceful intercultural exchange, in which all participants learn from each other and at the same time create unique artistic forms. Together with our cooperative partner, the Conservatory of Turkish Music in Berlin (BTMK), we organized the concert series "Between the Euphrates and Elbe. New songs between the rivers". Thanks to a generous grant from the Capital Cultural Fund we had the opportunity to invite a special selection of high-quality artists from around the world and to make the intercultural musical and literary exchange with them accessible to a broad audience of the Berlin music scene. This special collaboration has resulted in a musical repertoire that also shaped our debut album, which was released in mid-2020. Featuring on the album, among others, are the Kurdish- Persian singer Hani Mojtahedy, the Syrian singer Rebal Alkhodari and exceptional soloists such as Osama Abdulrasol (Qanoon), Alaa Zouiten (Oud) as well as Layale Chaker and Maias Alyamani (both violin). In June 2019 the starting shot was fired for our current series "Babylon ORCHESTRA unVEILed" in which we will play seven concerts at both established and alternative venues in Berlin until the end of 2020, thanks to the support of an open-species funding program of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. The main focus will be on cross- genre collaboration with international visual and acoustic artists, during the course of which the orchestra's ensemble will now also test alternative stage concepts in various locations of the Berlin cultural scene with composer performers, visual artists and other multimedia artists. In the past we have performed in such renowned Berlin venues as the Komische Oper, HAU (Hebbel am Ufer), Deutsche Oper, Volksbühne and Heimathafen. Together with the Grand Brothers, we performed at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn as well as at the Festival Mozaique and De Doelen in Rotterdam.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could make the network more known via our different networks and cooperation partners and we could offer to start projects in Germany/Berlin which could travel abroad to make the common goals more present and stronger allover. We believe in exchange and connections, discussions and conflict solving.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would love to connect to like-minded people and organizations also of other domains to build a stronger awareness for the marginalized communities to make sure we do everything in our power to make this world a little better. The more we are the better we are heard. We find it important to connect with organizations from different countries and exchange our experiences and create new ones together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Surgutschowa
Job Title
Orchestra manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mischa Tangian
Job Title (2)
artistic director