Breathing Art Company

National Network

Via Borrelli
70125 Bari BA

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

“The Breathing Art Company” was founded in 2005 by Simona De Tullio and since then has been working to promote the development and diffusion of dance in Italy and abroad. The company, which is part of the “Albo dello Spettacolo della Regione Puglia”, has presented works in Germany, Spain, Hungary, Albania, Puerto Rico and the USA (Miami, New York, Charlotte, Newport), developing an international network supporting the “Premio Internazionale di Danza San Nicola”, the annual highlight of the company’s productions. The ultimate goal of any company should be to develop emerging talent and this is why dance school “The Studio” in Bari is considered an important support.

Mission and Objectives

The company since its infancy, has seen the discovery and development of new talents as its main focus, encouraging workshops with such influential teachers as: F. Monteverde, T.Assam, R. Cerloj, J. Green, A. Taylor, M. Causey, M. Van de Westeringh, G. Santucci, L. Saillot, F. Esposito, plus many more. “The Studio” in Bari facilitates all the courses, workshops, rehersals and activities of the company.

The company is also heavily involved with the local authorities in activities focused on the rehabilitation through art of youngsters with problems and also with programs for the elderly. These collaborations and projects were made possible thanks to the support from Comune di Bari and Municipio 2, where the school is located
The productions of the “Breathing Art Company” have been presented throughout Italy and abroad in festivals and events promoted by a variety of different theatres, companies and artistic networks. Brucia Strega Brucia, Suite Rouge, A Qualcuno Piace Donna, Madame, Rendezvous, Human Beings… Be Human, Il Brutto Anatroccolo, Principessa Per Caso, Tutte Le Donne di William are the main works that brought the company to prominence, as well as guest appearances in local events supported by the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese- Regione Puglia.

Main Projects / Activities

The Premio Internazionale di Danza San Nicola, the Galà Città di Bari and Ai Confini del Corpo are three well known events in the national schedule of dance, events of a high quality and great opportunities for young dancers to shine and for schools to meet and exchange ideas.

The company is also involved in events and activities in which dance is not the only medium of expression, but the arts in general.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our company is already involved in international collaborations and we'd like to improve our network and offer new chances of exchanges with new partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WE want to improve our exchanges and host new realities to show the community the importance of sharing and discovering new cultures

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Simona De Tullio
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Simona De Tullio

Tolerant Youth Associacion (Tolerantiško Jaunimo Asociacija)

National Network

Rinktinės st. 47-68
09206 Vilnius Vilniaus

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

General meeting members consist of all 210 TYA members. A Board is a collegiate ruling body of the Association, which leads the Association in between the General meetings of members. A Chairperson is a ruling body of Association consisting of one person, who is elected by the Board. Yearly budget 50.000-80.000 Eur funded by projects. Currently we are implementing Active Citizenship Project "Rainbow Challenge for LGBT+ rights and possibilities" and Erasmus+ project "Rainbow Peer Forces". In 2022 we implemented projects: 2 funded by the municipality of Vilnius, 1 by Agency of Youth Affairs and 1 by Rosa Luxemburg foundation. In 2022, we mostly cooperated with the human rights portal, Lithuanian Social Democratic Youth Union, Lithuanian Psychology Students' Union, Night Vilnius Hive, University LGBT+ group, Lithuanian Falcon Union, Demos Critical Thought Institute, Coalition of Human Rights Organizations and its member organizations, and Family Planning and Sexual Health Association.

Mission and Objectives

What do we aim for? To develop respect for every person, their choice and opinions. To encourage respect for various social groups, protection of human rights and integration of minorities. To unite all open-minded people to work together and strengthen their co-operation with and support for each other, at the same time promoting international co-operation and political activities. Our vision Inclusive Youth in a society that respects human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we are implementing Active Citizenship Project "Rainbow Challenge for LGBT+ rights and possibilities" and Erasmus+ project "Rainbow Peer Forces". In 2022 we implemented projects: 2 funded by the municipality of Vilnius, 1 by Agency of Youth Affairs and 1 by Rosa Luxemburg foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tolerant Youth Association operates actively in the field of human rights, also works upon the problems related with refugees, non EU, non EEE countries citizens, sexual minorities and other vulnerable social groups. During the 15 years of existence of the Association many activities have been and are being implemented: educational activities, trainings, related to LGBTQI+, intercultural, human rights, diversity issues, for schoolpupils, teachers, youth, LGBT community, human rights activists; educational and cultural events for vulnerable groups (LGBTQI+, TCN) and society; educational publications, researches; monitoring and advocating human rights, shadow reporting on human rights, preparing and proposing draft laws, organizing social and political awareness raising actions and campaigns adressing human rights related topicalities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for ways to grow by developing an intercultural context. Exchange information, participate and engage in creating a society based on respect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arturas Rudomanskis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chairperson Arturas Rudomanskis

مؤسسة شيلد للتنيمة والخدمات المجتمعية

National Network

الاحنف بن قيس

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information

نحن مؤسسة خير وتنموية تم اشهارها فى صعيد مصر لتنمية المجتمعات الأكثر مجلس أمناء المؤسسة بالكامل من النساء، فقرا من خلال مجموعة من المساعدات الإنسانية وحزمة من التدريبات على المشروعات الصغيرة ومتناهية الصغر، وكذلك دعم الفئات الضعيفة والمهمشة وعلى وجه التحديد المرأة مع الأخذ فى الاعتبار الأهداف الأممية للتنمية المستدامة

Mission and Objectives

تسعى المؤسسة إلى القضاء أو الحد من الفقر والجهل والمرض داخل المجتمعات التى تعمل بها

Main Projects / Activities

1- المساعدات الاجتماعية
2- مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة
3- التمكين الاقتصادى وريادة الأعمال
4- المحافظة على البيئة والحد من تأثير التغيرات المناخية

Contact (1) Full Name
هبه السيد فرغل عارف
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الأمناء
Head of the organisation
هبه السيد فرغل عارف

منظمة متطوعون بلا حدود -Volunteers Without Borders/Palestine

National Network

رام الله، برج عمار، ط 4
رام الله
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

متطوعون بلا حدود - جمعية فلسطينية ، نسعى لتفعيل دور الشباب في التغيير المجتمعي والارتقاء بالعمل التطوعي بمختلف مجالاته ..

Mission and Objectives

جمعية المتطوعين بلا حدود هي منظمة غير حكومية فلسطينية، تعمل بشكل أساسي على الأنشطة التطوعية وتنمية الشباب. أهدافنا الأساسية هي خلق جو يحفز الشباب على المشاركة في الأنشطة التطوعية ، وزيادة الوعي بأهمية العمل التطوعي للمجتمع لمختلف الأعمار. نركز أيضًا على تحسين المهارات القيادية للشباب المختلفين من أجل خلق قادة شباب جدد فعالين من خلال تقديم دورات تدريبية مختلفة تمكن الشباب من استخدام المفاهيم النظرية في الحياة العملية. بالإضافة إلى أهدافنا الرئيسية ، نعمل أيضًا على دعم اللاجئين من خلال الأنشطة التطوعية لأن العديد من أعضائنا ينتمون إلى مخيمات اللاجئين. كما نولي أهمية خاصة للأنشطة الثقافية التي تهدف إلى تعزيز الثقافة الفلسطينية من خلال الفنون ، ورقص الدبكة (الرقص التقليدي الفلسطيني) ، والموسيقى ، والحرف اليدوية ، والمطرزات.

Main Projects / Activities

الندوة الدولية للهجرة والمهاجرين - جمعية الغاز - فرنسا - تدريب تنمية القيادات - الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني. - الشراكة مع المنظمات الدولية من القلب إلى القلب وتكافؤ الفرص. - القضية الفلسطينية قرارات دولية مهمة بشأن قضايا المهاجرين والأسرى الفلسطينيين. ندوة الدنمارك. - معسكر الشباب الدولي والاحتفال بافتتاح منظمة محلية - النرويج. - مخيمات صيفية وشتوية للأطفال. - فعاليات التطوع الشبابي مع المنظمات المحلية. - استضافة طلاب الإعلام الدنماركيين مرتين في العام. - أنشطة تطوعية في رمضان المبارك. - دورات اللغة: الإنجليزية والإسبانية والإيطالية. - مهرجان الربيع الفلسطيني - فرنسا. - تدريب على القيادة وريادة الأعمال مع وزارة التربية والتعليم وبلدية البيرة. - اتفاقية المنظمات الدولية - المغرب. - تشجير دار الرفاه للمسنين. - دعم مشروع دكان - مؤسسة دالية. - إعادة تأهيل منتزه نادي الأطفال في مخيم قلنديا. - ورش عمل فنية وحرفية للأطفال في مخيمات وقرى قلنديا وقدورة والجلزون قرب الجدار العازل. - دوري كرة القدم السنوي للقرى. - فعاليات ركوب الدراجات الهوائية - بلدية رام الله.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

حشد المتطوعين لتنفيذ أنشطة ابداعية المشاركة في برامج ومشاريع وورشات أنا ليند المساهمة في تطوير الرؤى التنموية الشبابية تنشيط التبادل الشبابي الاقليمي والدولي

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لانها شبكة ناجحة وتنموية للمشاركة في تطوير العلاقات بين المؤسسات

Contact (1) Full Name
حكمت بسيسو
Job Title
Head of the organisation
حكمت بسيسو
Contact (2) Full Name
عمر الحايك
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الادارة

Ecological Manifesto - ManEco

National Network

16 Lozenetz Str.
1421 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Foundation was created on the basis of the Ecological Manifesto, urging humanity to rethink its life on Earth and prepare for a new way of life - more generous, ecological, energy and resource efficient and sustainable. With its activities, the organization helps to increase democracy, the inclusion of young people in civil society and the fight against climate change. ManEco is foundation run by 6 people from which 2 working full time. We have 8 permanent partner organizations and many more with which collaborate.

ManEco depends on both national and international funding as from this year the annual budget of the organization will reach 50 000 EUR for the first time. We organize educational workshops and develop projects in the area of sustainable tourism, environmental education, youth empowerment, circular economy and more. Our main partners are Junior Achievement Bulgaria, WWF Bulgaria, Wind of Change. We are also part of international networks such as YOUNGO and FYEG.

Mission and Objectives

We strongly believe that humanity can change and deal with climate change. But if we want that to happen we should work in all possible ways to keep the global temperatures well below 1.5 degrees Celsius. The ideological framework of the Ecological Manifesto is much in line with the concept of the Deep Ecology Movement of Arne Naess. We appreciate technology and its potential but we prefer to change the morals of the people for the better so that technology can be managed properly and used only to ease our lives or solve problems.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of “Ecological Manifesto – ManEco” are:
- raising awareness events such as movie screenings, photo exhibitions and discussions;
- projects – environmental education, sustainable tourism
- research on topics such as climate change, conflicts, ecological diplomacy, recycling, sustainability, circular and shared economy, youth;
- consulting on topics like climate change, carbon footprint, just transition, circular economy and green entrepreneurship
- work with youth – trainings, youth exchanges

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can represent the ALF Network in the country or if there are more organizations part of it we can be coordinators and encourage them to be more active. We can share opportunities and experience through our channels of communication and encourage people to be more involved in related topics.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network is chance for us to meet like minded organizations, form new partnerships, be inspired with new ideas, adopt new practices and provide new opportunities for Bulgarian citizens and youth.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Vihren Mitev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vihren Mitev
Contact (2) Full Name
Magdalena Babacheva
Job Title (2)
Youth and Volunteering Activities Coordinator

Caféturc Music & Arts

National Network

Kükürtlü Mah. 5. Kiraz Sok. No:4 Akman Apt. D:11
16080 Bursa/Bursa

+90 539 494 86 60
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Founded in Paris in 1996, established in France and Turkey, Caféturc Music & Arts specializes in project design, management and booking in music and performing arts.
2 staffs : 1 founder, 1 director.

1 culture center on Aeagean Coast, in Ayvalik: Karagoz Art Center.

Approx. 30.000 € yearly budget.

Sources of funding: public and private, national and international funds. And ressources from or management and booking activities.

Modalities of action: artistic creation, projet design and organization, artistic residencies, management and booking in music and performing arts.

Partners: Spaces of Culture, European Cultural Institutes and Consulates based in Turkey, festivals in France and Turkey.

Mission and Objectives

Our motto and reason of being is: Feel like a tree, alone and free, rustle together like the trees of a forest. Through music and art.

Artistic creation, projet design and organization, artistic residencies, management and booking in music and performing arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the 1990s, we have been advising and developing innovative programs with cultural institutions (Cité de la Musique de Paris, Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, Scènes Nationales, etc.).

More than 200 activities and projects.

We are member of ZONE FRANCHE, the French network of world music.

We are cofounder and board member of Festival Villes des Musiques du Monde in Paris (World Music Cities Festival).

"Suda Balik Oynuyor" project in 2021. Artistic creation and civil society projet around performing arts for youth, bringing together structures in the field of performing art and pedagogy. Project implemented in Ayvalik and the Karagoz Art Center. With the support of Spaces of Culture program.

In 2005, we opened on the Aegean Sea coast the Karagöz Art Center to invest field of artistic creation, and to organize events in performing and visual arts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Local and internaitonal network.
Karagoz Art Center in Ayvalik.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop collaboration and projects with civil society, on local-regional-international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ekim Öztürk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ekim Öztürk
Contact (2) Full Name
Kenan Öztürk
Job Title (2)

Visual Arts Forum

National Network

Ein Musabah
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Visual Arts Forum is a leading Palestinian institution in the field of culture and Visual Arts, which aims to promote community development in the arts sector for youth and children. It was established in 2002 as a non-profit organization and is registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior. Through its activities, the forum instils important values of equality, voluntary action, transparency and accountability. Its programs in politically and socially marginalized and culturally deprived Palestinian communities all across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Over the years, the Forum has impacted around 19,000 children, youth, teachers and artists. VAF contain 7 employees (part and full time), VAF cover its cost through the Visual arts schools and the grants project or provide services. we work all over West Bank in partnership with MOE, MOSD, and work with funds from world vision, UNRWA, war child, Drosos, Tawoon and arab fund,

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Towards a Palestinian society that is aware of its culture and identity, and believes that art and creativity are essential tools for expression, change, development, and the promotion of free thought. Mission: We seek to provide opportunities to learn the visual arts, expand their uses in creating change, and promote free thought.

Main Projects / Activities

The Forum, through its four programs, offers a range of services and activities related and specializing in visual arts. These programs are: - Visual Arts Education Program: Evening school visual arts classes target two groups; Young children 5-11 years old, and adults over 12 years old. The forum's work in arts education for adults is organized into an academic curriculum consisting of 12 levels, and two levels for the young category, as each level consists of 48 training hours that are carried out within 3 months. Currently, work is underway to develop a curriculum for teaching visual arts to young people through an artistic committee that supervises and works on preparing the curriculum. The number of students enrolled in the Visual Arts School varies; more than 140 students were enrolled during 2020. However, now, due to the impact of the Coronavirus, the number has decreased to about 70 male and female students. The Forum offers arts education in three educational semesters (Winter, Spring and Fall). The period of each semester extends for three months, and is estimated to cost each student approximately 700 shekels. -Psychosocial Support Program: The program seeks to harness the visual arts to serve psychological and social support, through training specialists in psychological and social counseling, and training social counselors in schools on how to benefit from visual arts in providing guidance to students. The forum works to develop its curriculum in the field of psychosocial counseling, in partnership with the Palestine Red Crescent. - Community Awareness Program in the Visual Arts: The program seeks to explore talents and enhance community awareness on the importance of visual arts. - Economic Empowerment Program through Visual Arts: The program aims to provide job opportunities in the field of visual arts, by providing training in some areas of visual arts that is relevant to market needs, such as: storytelling, animation, and the integration between visual arts and psychological and social support. The program also aims to provide opportunities for practical training through on-the-job training, whether in the local market or abroad, and it aims to create links and relationships between trainees and potential employers in the targeted fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Implement common projects, share knowledge

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share knolwdge and find new partner, implement projects with ALF network

Contact (1) Full Name
Deema Ershaid
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Deema Ershaid
Contact (2) Full Name
Bayan Nakhleh
Job Title (2)
Communication officer

جمعية الجيل الاخضر

National Network

شارع عبدالله العازب
تلاع العلي
عمان 11953

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

جمعية الجيل الأخضر وهي جمعية بيئية شبابية مستقلة غير ربحية، تأسست في عام 2014 تهدف الى تنشئة جيل جديد قادر على الاستيعاب والتأقلم مع التغيرات البيئية العالمية والتي تحدث باستمرار، وصنع قادة للمستقبل يتمتعون بالكفاءات والمهارات اللازمة والتي تمكنهم من مواجهة التحديات البيئية والمناخية.

Mission and Objectives

لتمكين الشباب من إحداث التغيير المستدام في القضايا البيئية والمناخية في مجتمعاتهم، وذلك من خلال التعليم وبناء القدرات، بالإضافة إلى استخدام المناصرة والحوار والتمكين لحل التحديات المتعلقة بالبيئة والمناخ.

تنشئة جيل أخضر من القادة الشباب الذين يمتلكون القدرة على حل القضايا البيئية والمناخية.

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع بناء قدرات المجتمع المحلي في التغير المناخي
مشروع اشراك الشباب في سياسة التغير المناخي في الاردن
برنامج العاملين الخضر
مسيرة المناخ
المؤتمر الشبابي الاردني للمناخ

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تصميم و بناء برامج مشتركة و تعزيز العمل المشترك لتحقيق الاهداف الوطنية والاقليمية و العالمية في مكافحة اثار التغير المناخي
تعزيز المعرفة ونقل الخبرات و التجارب بين اعضاء الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نود الاستفادة من الموارد التقنية و المالية للشبكة لتعزيز الوصول الى اهداف و رسالة الجمعية خصوصا فيما يخص الاستدامة الخضراء
نؤمن أن التعاون و التشبيك الاقليمي مهم جدا للوصول الى قيادة شبابية خضراء حيث شبكة انا ليند تتيح هذا المنصة لنا
محاولة تنفيذ برامج عابرة بيئية عابرة للحدود بين المؤسسات الاعضاء داخل الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah Dreiat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
د. ضياء الروسان
Contact (2) Full Name
Amjad Bani Issa
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Hewar for independent theater and performing arts

National Network

Sidi Kamal

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Research
General Information

Hewar Company for Independent Theater and Performing Arts Hewar is an independent non-profit theater and performing arts company based in Alexandria Egypt. ‘Hewar’ is the transliteration of the Arabic word for dialogue "حوار"; dialogue is the main value around which our artistic practice revolves. Through our work, both locally and internationally, we are always working towards opening and facilitating Dialogue. Hewar Theater group has been working since 2005. In 2012, after the Arab Spring and the momentum of the political and social movement in the region, a need arose to establish the company and expand our projects beyond producing theater pieces to Theater Is A Must Independent International Theater forum, and international collaboration projects. This transformation was also provoked by our emerging desire to be able to change cultural policies and have a say in the operation of our cultural context.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission To create spaces and forums for - and sometimes provoke - dialogue on different humanitarian and social issues among and between cultures, artists, performers and people in general. Objectives Create and present contemporary theater productions. Reinforce the position of independent theater and performing arts in the Arab region. Create a link and a network between young Arab theater makers and their European counterpart. Advocate new forms of theater and performing arts aesthetics. Create, document, and archive works of contemporary political theater and performing arts in the Arab region and Europe. Create an open and uncensored space for young artists and critics to discuss theater and performing arts today in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and all the drastic global political transformations that followed. Assert the necessity of theater as an interactive entity capable of initiating change, breaking taboos, and providing societies with a much needed reflection.

Main Projects / Activities

Theater Is A Must International Independent Theater Forum/Festival Platform for political and contemporary theater Theater Is A Must International Theater forum/festival in Alexandria, Egypt is an annual forum/festival presenting contemporary political and socio-political global, regional, local theater and performing arts productions created in the wake of the Arab Spring. Since we may be considered the only festival in the Arab Region focusing on political theater as an emerging genre, the performances that make it through the selection process are mainly politically engaging, aesthetically challenging, and/or relatively experimental. In our curatorial approach, our selection is guided by each edition’s theme. Recognizing that theater is the most naturally embracing and fertile ground for conceptual and practical Interdisciplinarity, the forum is often including film screenings, concerts, panels, readings, and dance pieces into the programming of each edition. Every edition, Theater Is A Must offers a variety of workshops for young theater and performing arts practitioners across different specialties, topics, and needs. Thus far we have organized 7 successful editions of Theater Is A Must Forum/Festival and within the framework of these editions we have organized: 31 Performances and 9 Public events (Readings, public discussions, presentations) with artists from Egypt, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, The Netherlands, Kenya, South Africa, USA, Palestine, Syria, the UK and Lebanon. 18 workshops with local and international trainers (Egypt, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Syria, Kenya, the UK). 9 film screenings. 4 music concerts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Mohammad abdelwahab
Job Title
Artistic director
Head of the organisation
Adel abdelwahab

Berdahi dance company

National Network

12 rue de Domrémy
75013 Paris

+33 683904565
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Berdahi is a dance company based in Paris, France ("association loi 1901") founded in 2017. Eleni Karachontziti, senior lecturer in education sciences in INSPE Normandie Rouen-Le Havre, is Berdahi's president. Sandra Jabalera-Llorca, photographer, is the vice-president and Andreas Goudelis, physics researcher in Clermont-Ferrand University, is the treasurer. Currently Berdahi employs up to 10 artists and educators per year, using fixed-term contracts ("intermittents du spectacle") : these can be dancers, actors, musicians, movement educators, technicians, costume designers. For 2022, Berdahi had budgetary resources at a level of 22700 €, coming from performance sells, regular classes and workshops. In previous years, Berdahi has received co-production funds from institutions such as Birmingham University, Paris-Saclay University, Sorbonne University, as well as artistic mobility grants from European programmes such as "Be Mobile Create Together" and "i-Portunus", managed by the Goethe Institute and the French Institute among others.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the association is the creation, implementation and promotion of artistic and cultural projects, in particular live performances and workshops, which mainly evolve around the human body and the exploration of its intercultural and interdisciplinary potentials.

Main Projects / Activities

Berdahi's projects evolve around the performing body and its intercultural and interdisciplinary connections. Berdahi's work aims to be accessible to every audience, with a focus on under-represented, minority and refugee groups. Berdahi often presents work outdoors, away from the theatre building, in order to reach audiences that are not necessarily in touch with the performing arts. Using dance, music and text, often implementing a multitude of languages, Berdahi transmits simple yet well researched messages. Creating works in relation to science, archive research and literature, Berdahi ventures into collaborations beyond the French borders and has presented its work in England, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and Turkey. The company works equally with professional performers or complete beginners. Choreographer Mairi Pardalaki often conducts workshops with young refugees from various backgrounds in France and the Paris suburbs. More specifically, Berdahi has created: “Piccole Marquisakis” is a coming-of-age dance-theatre piece about the tragicomic encounter of three young girls coming from France, Italy and Greece. The Neutrino Passoire” is an arts & science performance initiated with physicist Dr. Kostas Nikolopoulos of the University of Birmingham. Merging dance and particle physics, the performance narrates in a simple way the story of the neutrino particle, thus reaching non-scientific audiences. For his work on "The Neutrino Passoire", Kostas Nikolopoulos was awarded the 2020 Public Engagement with Research Award from the European Research Council. "The Strange Love” is a performance created alongside cellist Gaspar Claus, narrating the love story of a horse and a poplar tree. A dance-theater play for a public of all ages, based on the homonymous book by Christos Boulotis, “The Strange Love” uses text, dance and a musical theme of the 15th century called “Folia” to narrate how two beings from completely different worlds deeply understand each other. "i wake up" is a short feminist film made in Istanbul, produced by the "Be Mobile Create Together" residency. Poetry meets performance, coming together on screen through images in stop-motion. "Bam! Charge" is a short arts & science performance co-created and performed with a group of physicists, talking about plasma, the 4th state of matter. "Bam! Charge" uses artificial intelligence captors to create its original music score. It is co-produced with Sorbonne University. "Kolye de Perles" is Berdahi's upcoming project for 2023. It is a bilingual Greek-Turkish performance inspired by 19th century archives. It has received mobility funding from the "i-Portunus" European grant. Berdahi's second upcoming project for 2023 is co-produced by Paris 8 University and includes the creation of a performance with a young group of refugee students at Raymond Poincaré college in La Courneuve.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Berdahi can contribute to the Anna Lindh network in France by fostering connections about intercultural dialogue among Anna Lindh Foundation members and its own project partners. It can promote the work of the Anna Lindh Foundation and spread awareness about its missions among its own companions in the French territory, which can lead to new projects and innovative actions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Mediterranean region being the focus of both Berdahi company and ALF, common ways can be found together to amplify the young and under-represented voices of these territories. With an emerging cross-border action cultivating collaborations from different sides of the Mediterranean sea, Berdahi wishes to create long-lasting ties with the Anna Lindh Foundation and imagine new projects with ALF members in the future.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mairi Pardalaki
Job Title
artistic director, choreographer
Head of the organisation
Eleni Karachontziti