Les Scout de Dar Chabaane El Fehri

National Network

Dar chaabane el fehri , nabeul , tunis 8011
dar chaabane el fehri
8011 dar chabaane el fehri

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

les scout de dar chabaane el fehri et un organisme très fort qui a sont poids dans la société grâce a ces action et ces interventions au niveau de plusieurs domaine(jeunesse , formation , charité , action et évènement, échange, …) plus son honnêteté et transparence surtout au niveau comptabilité qui est supervisé et agréger par la gouvernement chaque année. Dernièrement on a été subventionner par l'ambassade de suisse pour restaurer une école rural et ca a été très bien organiser et comptabilisé aussi on travail avec une association allemende qui nous recommande tout jour ...

Mission and Objectives

principalement formation des jeunes , organiser des camp et des échanges, clubs de spécialités ,toute activité en relation avec les jeunes et son développement..

Main Projects / Activities

cette saison 2022 1- camp de l'union maghrébine (Tunisie , Libye , Algérie ) dans notre auberge 2- organisée un musée d'image 3- organisation d'un festivale et soirée nostalgie qui a reçu plus que 5000 invité au cœur de la ville 4- camp avec 120 personnes 5- participer a un projet de forestation et un autre de compostage 6- participer a des formation 7- des réunions chaque semaine avec les jeunes ...

Contact (1) Full Name
safouane mechmech
Job Title
chef dans les scouts et ingénieur en informatique
Head of the organisation
haythem bachrouch


National Network

Rruga "4 deshmoret", nd. 62

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

AMAD is a non-government, non-profit civil society organization registered with court order 1303, on 24 October 2018, and validated by the European Commission with PIC 887201577 and OID E10304226. Since its creation AMAD has actively worked on projects and initiatives regarding empowering youngsters and advocating gender equality, breaking down traditional stereotypes to empower women on equal rights, having a special focus in marginalized group inclusion for equal opportunities, raising awareness towards antidiscrimination, promoting human rights, and combating hate speech face-to-face and online. AMAD Center aims on inspiring and sharing values about democracy, human rights, empowering those with less opportunities, advocacy, fighting discrimination and vulnerabilities, and empowering people through capacity-building, especially for youngsters, women, and marginalized groups. In past four years of activities, regarding its projects implementation AMAD has contracted some of the best national and EU experts in the fields of Law, Communication, Youth, Mental Health, etc. Funding resources are project based. The 2021 annual budget was around 10,000 euros. Our pillars a) Human rights and democracy: Advocacy, awareness, information, lobbying for human rights and good practices of democracy b) Youth empowerment and European integration: Capacity-building, involvement, support, cooperation and pathing the way to EU c) Gender issues and women empowerment: Advocacy, capacity –building, aware-ness, lobbying for gender equality d) Green policies and development: Contributing according to European and Global Green Policies in the environment and rural sustainable development Our project "Reacting on Hate Speech, Improving Mental Health" under the framework of Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 program was one of our 2022 projects with sub-granter Albanian Media Institute. The action of our project was part of our Non-Discrimination campaign in countering hate speech by raising awareness on the impact of mental health especially among the marginalized and vulnerable groups. The stakeholders, the Alliance Against Discrimination in Albania, staff of education institutions, teenagers 14-18 years old, media and other partners will be involved as active contributors in the activities. The moment to act is Right Now. Diversity complements us and makes us stronger. This project is funded by EU in the framework of Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 Infodemia (disinformation, mal-information, bad information, deformation of the freedom of speech is mentally and sometimes physically hurting real life people.

Mission and Objectives

AMAD aims in implementing projects that better serve its mission, objectives and community needs for action. AMAD’s focus areas of activities are: - Strengthening of instruments that guarantee human rights - Empowering through capacity building - Encouraging youth inclusion and motivate them to engage in community social activities - Awareness on Mental health improvement - Contributing to social cohesion process of marginalized and/or vulnerable groups - Encouraging local and regional cooperation between CSOs and institution of a better integrated interinstitutional approach - Countering hate speech and combating every form of discrimination, bullying, and stigma - Contribute to sharing common Albanian-EU values as a contribution to European Union integration. - Encouraging sustainable development, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Our first and main campaign was #NukHeshtim (#BreakTheSilence) on the mechanism against violence, especially gender-based violence. Also other core action campaigns have been on Discrimination, Mental health, Youth capacity building (special focus for those with fewer opportunities), etc. Since our focus as civil society organization is on human rights and gender-based projects, the modality of action are concrete projects and youth workers exchanges. - In December 2022 we have applied for the European Solidarity Corps Quality Label and we are expecting to have it this spring. - AMAD is the lead organization (coordinator) in COL-Colors of Humanity project under the framework of Erasmus+Youth, with focus on gender issues, discrimination, human right advocacy activities and youth workers capacity building in such issues. - Actually for 2023 we have started implementing two other national project on youth capacity building: Empowering Future Leaders on youth inclusion in decision-making and training in project drafting under the framework of EU4Municipalities, and the other project PowerZone: Youth Capacity Building in Rrogozhina Municipality on digital and soft skills. Our main international partners are Vienna goes Europe and YES Bulgaria, while national partners are the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, some local municipalities in Albania, national television in Albania (RTSH), etc. About 20 projects, initiatives, campaigns and activities implemented during 2018-2020 (its establishing and "building-up" phase) can be found all in this link: https://amad-center.org/en/projects/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution of AMAD to the Network in my country will be promoting and sharing values of diversity, equity and equality, respect for human dignity, intercultural regional and interregional promotion of dialogue and bridging. In every initiative and project AMAD brings fundamental principals approach in tackling the problems to the root and also empowering active participation of the community and stakeholders (governmental institutions, other CSOs, media, education institutions, etc.) Please find what our partners say about us based on our collaboration https://amad-center.org/en/about-us/who-are-we/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the network is always a win-win situation in bringing to life better projects, more engagement, better coordinated actions , and shared experience and values. The same reason stands especially on AMAD request to join ALF Network. We are in continuous growth and have implemented several local and nation project in the past, and lately implementing international project as lead organization of the consortium. We have a considered network of volunteers and activists which are an added values to our activism. AMAD stands for coordinated action on different level which also responds to the purpose of acting as a network. On the other hand AMAD and ALF Network share common values and have in focus common issues, activity areas, and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Voltiza Prendi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Voltiza Prendi

AMKE Kentro Neon Ipirou

National Network

Vissani Pogoniou
44002 Ioannina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

YC EPIRUS has 3 departments: Youth department, Asylum Seeker Integration department, and Europe Direct Information Center. As of January 2023, the organisation employs 31 staff members and 5 contracted full time volunteers and the expected yearly budget for 2023 is around 150.000 Euros (the budget differs year by year). Main sources of funding are the Ministry of Asylum and Migration of Greece, private sponsorships, and several European programs - EDIC, Erasmus+, ESC, and CERV.
YC EPIRUS partners with several local organisations occasionally, and with numerous organisations in other countries, differing every year. In 2022, our organisation cooperated with 6 organisations in Greece and 45 non-governmental organisations in Europe, North Africa, South Caucasus and Middle East on various international projects, such as voluntarism projects, training courses, youth exchanges, youth participation projects, capacity building and innovative projects.

Mission and Objectives

AMKE KENTRO NEON IPEIROU (YC Epirus) is a non-profit company located in Ioannina, Epirus region of Greece and operating since 2011, even though being officially registered since 2015. Main aims of YC Epirus are to improve general environment, promote coexistence and to develop the region of Epirus. Therefore, the main objectives of the organisation are to promote and contribute to youth work and non-formal education, promote values tied to human rights, interculturality, inclusivity and other values of the EU, promote international cooperation, active citizenship and youth participation, promote and support integration of disadvantaged people.

Main Projects / Activities

1)Youth center organizes and implements local, regional and international level events and projects created by and for young adults (mostly, aged 18-30). The activities are related to topics of quality in non-formal education, research and innovation, voluntarism, environment problems, LGBTQ issues, social inclusion, employment of young people, human rights, asylum seeker integration and policies, health and well-being, EU awareness, cultural awareness and others.
On local level, our volunteers, and youth workers offer leisure and non-formal educational activities to young adults, we implement occasional courses and workshops, informative events, cultural parties, several annual actions such as environmental actions, regional and large scale music festivals, and celebrations. Yearly, several hundred young adults benefit directly from non-formal educational activities and other events of the youth department, and several thousand people attend each of our large scale events.
The Youth department also organizes and participates in international non-formal educational projects such as youth exchanges, training courses, seminars and research, innovation and capacity building projects under programs Erasmus+, ESC, Europe for Citizens, and CERV, each year giving many young adults and some youth workers the opportunity to participate in non-formal education activities and related events.
2)The department of Europe Direct Information Center (EDIC) is a regional community point of access to official information about the European Union, including information about citizens’ rights, available services, funding opportunities, processes, and reports of the EU. Within it, many local and regional events and activities are carried out for all citizens.
3)Within the third department of Asylum Seeker Integration, our organization hosts a facility for 40 unaccompanied and underaged asylum seekers. Within this project, professionals accommodate and fully support the youngsters. The support includes legal work, psychologist and social work, medical and education support and referrals, cultural mediation, and other necessary support. In addition, our YC department volunteers work with the unaccompanied asylum seekers on daily basis and provide them with recreational and non-formal education activities, psycho-social monitoring support, and language education support.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open to network and exchange our practices and expertise with other organisations within the ALF Network. We strongly believe in cooperation when it comes to capacity building and reaching goals – both of our and other organisations' that work in similar fields. Our organisation is intercultural on a local level, by having an international and intercultural team and working with people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and we are very willing to share our experience and good practices in this field and, of course, other fields with other ALF Network member organisations in Greece and beyond.

Additionally, it would be our honor to contribute to any programs, activities, courses, calls, and the Research Centre supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, because we believe in the mission of the Foundation and would be excited to work together with organizations supporting this cause, too.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

When our organisation joined an activity supported by the ALF in 2013, we realized that the foundation brings active people and organisations from different regions together, is strategic and impactful in the areas our organisation is interested, too. It would be an honor and privilege to become part of the ANF Network, to join initiatives and programs supported by the foundation. For example, the Young Mediterranean Voices is a meaningful program for young people coming from our region, and it would be in our interests to promote youth participation in this program. Similarly, there are various resources and courses provided by the Foundation that could be beneficial to the work of our organisation, and moreover, we would benefit greatly from joining the partners' database of ANF, since our organisation is strongly based on cooperation for reaching our aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dace Dora Zaime
Job Title
International Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Thomas Tsikos Tsermelis
Contact (2) Full Name
Thomas Tsikos Tsermelis
Job Title (2)

Association Ain Sbilia Des Arts Populaire

National Network

65400 Debdou

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

نحن جمعية عين اشبيلية للفنون الشعبية تاسست في 30 دجنبر 2003 جمعية ثقافية تهتم بالموروث الثقافي في شقه الفلكلوري لمنطقة دبدو وشاركت في عدد كبير من المهرجانات الوطنية والدولية وقد نظمت 17 عشرة مهرجانا لفن العلاوي ولازالت تحافظ على التراث اليهودي لمنطقة دبدو

Mission and Objectives

المجال الثقافي تنظيم التظاهرات الفنية خلق مشاريع ثقافية والهدف هو خلق التعايش بين الديانات ونبذ العنف والتطرف

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم المهرجانات والمشاركة بالفرقة الفلكلورية في المناسبات والمهرجانات الوطنية والدولية تهتم بالشباب والطفل

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

الشبكة هي منظمة دولية كبيرة تهتم بالشباب وتعليمهم كيف يحبون بعضهم لبعض لهذا مساهمة جمعيتنا يكون في خلق التعارف بين الاجيال الصاعدة وتعليمهم كيف يحبون بعضهم لعض عدم التطرف والعصبية وحبهم للاخر ثم تنظيم ملتقيات ثقافية وفنية وتعليم الشباب فن العلاوي والنهاري والمنكوشي

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتعريف بمنظمتي الثقافية والفنية والمشاركة مع انا ليند في المحافل الدولية للتعريف بالموروث الثقافي لمنطقة دبدو الامازيغي اليهودي

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ali hamdaoui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ali Hamdaoui


National Network

rue abou ali ben rahal imm 12 app 17 v.n
50000 Meknes

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

FIFAW est une association de membres regroupés en vue de mener des réflexions, études, débats , conferences et manifestation sur tout sujet à caractère économique, social, culturel, ou de développement durable. FIFAW entreprend ses activités sur des sujets d’intérêt local, régional, national et international. A cet effet, ses membres peuvent se réunir en tout lieu. FIFAW ambitionne de fonctionner comme un organe de veille et de proposition pour le développement du Maroc. FIFAW se positionne dans son environnement à travers ses valeurs de démocratie, de réalisme, d’écoute et de proximité vis à vis des attentes de la société marocaine ainsi que par son engagement pour le progrès et le développement et la promotion culturelle. FIFAW s’inscrit également dans le respect de l’ensemble des fondamentaux et des acquis garantis par la constitution. Tous les membres de l’Association doivent adhérer à ces valeurs et veiller à leur promotion. Les membres de FIFAW, par leurs comportements et leurs actes, doivent donner l’exemple de la droiture, de l’honnêteté et de la probité intellectuelle. Les membres de FIFAW se doivent solidarité, assistance et respect mutuel.

Mission and Objectives

d’encourager et promouvoir la recherche et les études sur le développement en général et le développement social et humain en particulier ;  d’effectuer toute étude ou recherche par les commissions ou groupes d’experts Ad hoc créés à cet effet ;  d’alimenter les décideurs en informations, idées, réflexions, raisonnements ;

Main Projects / Activities

 de participer à des études ou des recherches nationales ou internationales poursuivant les mêmes buts ;  d’établir des liens avec tout organnisme , public ou privé, national ou étranger, ayant les mêmes buts,  de réaliser ou de participer à toute publication, périodique ou à toute édition sous forme de manuels, livres, brochures, documents audiovisuels ou nouvelles technologies de l’information traitant du sujet ;  d’organiser au profit de ses membres et au profit de tout public des manifestations scientifiques, séminaires, congrès, colloques, tables rondes, conférences publiques relatives aux domaines d’intervention de l’association ;  d’organiser des voyages d’études pour ses membres ou pour tout public, et d’accueillir toute personne étrangère susceptible d’aider l’association dans son activité ;  d’encourager, de promouvoir et de réaliser la création d’une bibliothèque et d’un centre de documentation matérielle ou virtuelle dans les domaines d’intérêt de l’association ;  Et plus généralement toute action à caractère culturel, scientifique ou intellectuel contribuant directement ou indirectement, de près ou de loin, à la réalisation des objectifs de l’asso

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

je suis membre

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

j'etait membre du reseau et le chef de fil n'as pas renouveller mon adhesion

Contact (1) Full Name
Arij Boussouf
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Arij Boussouf


National Network

Lagja nr 2 ish Grumbullimi

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

AKS is an organization created in March 1998 and registered according to national legislation in the Tirana Judicial District Court and tax offices. The Management Board is the highest decision-making body of the organization and consists of 3 members with equal voting rights. The Executive Director is the person who legally represents the organization. AKS has a small staff consisting of 3 people, but with extensive experience and expertise in the civil society sector. Also, 2 advisors (1 each in the legal and cultural fields) offer their pro-bono services. 5 volunteers are engaged in the activities of the organization. For 2022, the organization did not receive financial support from donors for projects. Currently, AKS has no projects in implementation. Main partners: Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Librazhd and Prrenjas.

Mission and Objectives

Association AKS is a non-profit, independent, non-partisan organization that works to protect cultural heritage, to protect the rights of artists and to develop intercultural dialogue.

Mission: AKS is committed to active citizenship in the shaping of the living environment by promoting real community organization, democratization of institutions and enrichment of cultural life.

Main Projects / Activities

Areas of work AKS • Works for the promotion of cultural heritage, increasing the level of cultural information. AKS has become one of the organizations with credibility and most trusted by citizens in Librazhd. AKS is seen as one of the organizations that has managed to arouse the criticism of citizens in Librazhd, to mobilize citizens, journalists and other actors, and to have an impact on various developments at all levels. AKS has managed to have an impact even on the processes for which it is thought that citizens cannot advance public interests, including cultural heritage or local transparency. 1. Deepening of commitment, with a focus on Librazhd and Prrenjas. 2. Better understanding and advocacy about the needs and alternatives for improving the quality of life of citizens. 3. Interaction with institutions in order to ensure healthy relations between citizens and institutions. 4. Increasing impact through effective communication with different groups/communities to transmit the cultural message. 1998: Albanian women in the clutches of prostitution, supported by the Soros Foundation 1999: Creation of cultured environments in schools, supported by REC 2001: Rehabilitation of the 8-year school, Mirakë-Plane (Librazhd) supported by MCI/USAID 2002: Days of friendship between cross-border NGOs supported by OSFA 2007: Voto Natyren, project supported and implemented with the group "Ekolevizja" 2000 onwards: Publication of the newspaper "Librazhdi" 2017 Project: "Citizens, the pillar of good governance", supported by AMSHC. 2017 Project: "To keep the fire of the cultural heritage of Shkumbin valley polyphony burning, for the new generation", supported by the Ministry of Culture 2018 Project: "Together for the protection of cultural heritage to the new generation", supported by the Ministry of Culture. 2019 Shkumbin Valley Polyphony Festival. 3rd edition, supported by the Ministry of Culture. 2019 Partner with the organization "Center for Bridging Communities" in the Project: Together with the community, against violent extremism in the Municipality of Librazhd and Prrenja, supported by "Divided Past Joint Future" 2021 Project: "Heritage, education, innovation" supported by the Ministry of Culture How can you contribute to the Network in your country? AKS has a staff with great experience and expertise in the civil society sector. The Executive Director has 24 years of experience working for cultural NGOs, legal advisors, program managers, project coordinators, administrators. He has a lot of experience working in the cultural field not only in terms of project management, research, legal expertise, but also working in direct contact with vulnerable groups (mainly women and girls), in organizing and carrying out meetings with the community in city and rural. areas. Having worked for a long time for cultural organizations, AKS staff are very familiar with the challenges facing cultural heritage in Albania. AKS can contribute to the network by sharing with other members the expertise gained from working on cultural issues and by bringing staff experience to strategies for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. Why do you want to join the ALF Network? AKS wants to join the ALF Network because it is a dynamic network and a good opportunity to connect with other professionals and NGOs, to exchange information and experiences and hopefully implement joint initiatives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AKS has a staff with great experience and expertise in the civil society sector. The Executive Director has 24 years of experience working for cultural NGOs, legal advisors, program managers, project coordinators, administrators. He has a lot of experience working in the cultural field not only in terms of project management, research, legal expertise, but also working in direct contact with vulnerable groups (mainly women and girls), in organizing and carrying out meetings with the community in city and rural. areas. Having worked for a long time for cultural organizations, AKS staff are very familiar with the challenges facing cultural heritage in Albania. AKS can contribute to the network by sharing with other members the expertise gained from working on cultural issues and by bringing staff experience to strategies for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AKS wants to join the ALF Network because it is a dynamic network and a good opportunity to connect with other professionals and NGOs, to exchange information and experiences and hopefully implement joint initiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haxhi Balliu
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Haxhi Balliu

Useful to women and Communities

National Network

Kongresi Elbasanit
Pall 21/a

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The Association "Useful to Women and Communities" (SH.D.F.SH.K.P) is a non-profit association that operates in the city of Elbasan in providing social services,capacity building and integration of communities in need by helping and strengthening the development of communities. It operates since 1.08.2017 registered in the First Court of Instance Tirana, with decision no. 5652. The targeted and supported groups by the SHDFKSHP include vulnerable groups,especially women, girls, youth and children.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: The Association “Useful to Women and Communities” aims to exert a prominent role in protecting the human rights and equal opportunities through offering services for women, youth, children and the communities in need, through education programs , awareness, advocacy, economic empowerment and psycho-social services. “Useful to Women and Communities” aspires and advocates for policies of equalities and social progress.
Vision Statement: Together for an inclusive society, free from violence and discrimination

Main Projects / Activities

During the years 2017-2022 as a result of the implementation of projects of donors Swiss Contact, Woman Forum & UN Women, Mediterranean Women´s Fund, GADC, AWEN, REACTOR, the organization has had a wide activity through:- providing concrete services for women and youth from vulnerable communities- supporting Women and Girls Economic Empowerment and Integration in the labor market, launching Awareness Campaign on Violence, Gender Equality and Active Citizenship- organizing trainings and capacity building, lobbing and advocating for the protection of women's and girls' rights, advocating for responsive gender budgeting etc

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our experience and our work we belive that we can contribute to our common goal- build a more open,inclusive and resilient society and we would like to give our contribution in multiplying the impact .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our daily work focuses on empowering young voices, empowering women voices and influencing policy makers. By joining AFL Network we think that our impact is multiple and also we can share our experience with others and also take good models and increase our capacities in these fields. We firmly believe that Together we are stronger.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dritmira gremi
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Bukuroshe Manaj

جمعية المجمع العلمي للابحاث والتنمية

National Network

الرام-مفرق الضاحية
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

استند طاقم المجمع العلمي للأبحاث والتنمية في تنفيذه للمشاريع والأنشطة إلى الفكرة الرئيسية التي تأسس من أجلها، وهي الاحتكام والاسترشاد بالمنهجية العلمية في تنفيذ المشاريع التنموية الحيوية والهامة في مدينة القدس وباقي المحافظات الفلسطينية، والذي انبثقت عنه رؤية المجمع بأن يكون المؤسسة الرائدة عالية المهنية في تبني سياسات ونماذج تنموية تحتكم لمفهوم التنمية المستدامة للمساهمة في تمكين الفئات الاجتماعية المهمشة في المجتمع الفلسطيني وخاصةً محافظة القدس.

Mission and Objectives

استند طاقم المجمع العلمي للأبحاث والتنمية في تنفيذه للمشاريع والأنشطة الواردة في التقرير السنوي 2021 إلى الفكرة الرئيسية التي تأسس من أجلها، وهي الاحتكام والاسترشاد بالمنهجية العلمية في تنفيذ المشاريع التنموية الحيوية والهامة في مدينة القدس وباقي المحافظات الفلسطينية، والذي انبثقت عنه رؤية المجمع بأن يكون المؤسسة الرائدة عالية المهنية في تبني سياسات ونماذج تنموية تحتكم لمفهوم التنمية المستدامة للمساهمة في تمكين الفئات الاجتماعية المهمشة في المجتمع الفلسطيني وخاصةً محافظة القدس.

Main Projects / Activities

- أنشطة تفعيل قطاع التعليم في مدينة القدس - أنشطة تجنيد الموارد للقطاعات التنموية الرئيسية في القدس -أنشطة الدفاع القانوني في مدينة القدس -إنجاز أربعة بحوث خلال العام 2022: أ‌. بحث التعليم التعاوني في مدارس القدس 2022. ب‌. بحث مستجدات احتياجات قطاع الإسكان في مدينة القدس. ت‌. بحث واقع قيادة الفرق الافتراضية في مدينة القدس. ث‌. بحث احتياجات تأهيل ذوي الإعاقة في القدس 2022.

Contact (1) Full Name
رنا صالح مصطفى
Job Title
مدير المشاريع
Head of the organisation
د. امجد جميل الافغاني

Carnica Institute

National Network

Cankarjeva 18
4000 Kranj

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information

Carnica Institute is a cultural non-governmental organisation based in Kranj, Slovenia. It employs 9 people and has contracts with more than 20 people regularly. As a center of cultural life in the city of Kranj the organization is partner with several non-governmental and public organization in Kranj as well as the Gorenjska region. As a organization managing 4 galleries we are connected to art academies and faculties with art, design, textile and architecture focus. Our yearly budget is 250 000 EUR, and we are co-financed by Municipality Kranj (50%), Ministry of culture Slovenia, EU funds, sponsors, partner funds (30%), and own resources (20%). Since it was established in 2010, the main activities of the Carnica Institute have been managing cultural public infrastructure, managing and organizing cultural and social events, activities and campaigns, implementing the connections and collaborations between communities, cultural operators and local government, and developing and implementing cultural strategies.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Carnica Institute has developed a sustainable and repeatable business model in cultural and creative industries which was acknowledged by experts focused on heritage economics. Together with artists Carnica envisions an international cultural hub, a community of artists and cultural workers. Every year Carnica welcomes volunteers to understand cultural non-governmental work. Carnica hosts several international events and runs Artists-in-residence programme. Also it has produced up to ten large size murals and collages in the city of Kranj. Carnica supports the idea of regional development through culture and strives for Kranj to become a city of art festivals.

> connecting non-governmental cultural, educational and urban organizations of Gorenjska region and beyond
> combining interdisciplinary art and cultural heritage research with co-creation
> internationalize annual program of artist-in-residence center
> support under-represented contemporary art such as collage, textile, land art, mosaic, piano music, kinetic ceramics

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2010, Carnica has been managing the Layer House, a cultural center in the city of Kranj, Slovenia, and since 2019 it manages the Pungert Tower, children cultural center in the Old Town. The Carnica Institute is contracted by Public Institute Prešeren Theatre Kranj to co-manage the programme of the Škrlovec Tower. The Carnica Institute initiates urban changes in the city of Kranj and its Old Town, as well as cooperates in several cultural, civil and urban renewal projects. Carnica is a producer of many art and music projects and festivals:
> Textile Art Biennial BIEN
> Contemporary Collage Festival KAOS
> Piano Music Festival Pianopolis
> Musicians-in-Residence Cycle Dvocikel
> Artists-in Residence Layer
> Art Exhibitions Program
> Layer Publishing and Writers-in-Residence

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We connect organizations from Mediterranean to Alpine region. We wish to internationalize our activities, especially in the field of art and cultural heritage. We have a fully equipped artists-in-residence center with 3 apartments, 2 venues, studios, 4 indoor galleries and 1 outdoor street gallery. We support artists working on large scale murals in the city.
Our primary aim is to connect mobility projects to ongoing activities, such as biennial of textile art, contemporary collage festival, contemporary piano music festival, kinetic ceramics exhibition etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strengthen the international connections in the Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zala Orel
Job Title
Project and program manager
Head of the organisation
Selman Čorović, general manager

AKROPODITI Dance & Performing Arts Centre

National Network

Iroon Polytechniou 84
84100 Hermoupolis, Syros

+30 22810-80690
Mobile Phone
+30 6944-771449
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information

The non-profit organisation Akropoditi based in Syros island since 2013, operates the Akropoditi Dance and Performing Arts (DAPA) Centre, organises the International DAPA Festival “Akropoditi DanceFest” annually and hosts artistic residencies of performing artists from all over the world .
The organisation employs 5 staff full time for festival operations and DAPA Centre -2 weeks in July-,15 volunteers, and hosts 40-45 guest artists.DAPA Centre employs 10 permanent teachers, 3 permanent external collaborators.

Sources of funding: monthly fees from the DAPA Centre dance school, Space rental, organisation of workshops/shows.The Festival is supported by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, South Aegean Region, Syros Ermoupolis Municipality, Embassies, Institutes. Part of the Festival’s income is derived from workshops’ tuition fees and performances' tickets.
Permanent collaborations of the Festival are: Local organisations: Association for the Disabled Rights, Association Aid (visually impaired persons)
National organisations: Group Ω (Movement), Athens Video Dance Project

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Akropoditi is to promote dance and performing arts on a local and international level; to make the capital of the Cyclades a place of meeting and cultural exchange between established and new creators from the field of dance and performing arts, from Greece and abroad; to foster the inclusion of vulnarable groups through alternative forms of physical exercise and rehabilitation, to advance research processes in the field of movement and expression.

The objectives are
to create and maintain through the Akropoditi DAPA Centre Studio the appropriate environment for familiarisation and contact with classical dance and aspects of contemporary dance, and advance the research process in the field of movement and expression; to host alternative forms of physical exercise and rehabilitation.
The main objectives of the Akropoditi DAPA Workshop Centre are the cultural development and promotion of the island, hosting and organising artistic and educational programs, performances and offering artistic residencies to creators from around the world. The space is open to partnerships with local organisations, residents, and artists of Syros, as well as national and international stakeholders, inviting people of all ages to participate in its activities.
to offer housing to any form of art, expression, and creation that support the cultivation of spirit and body, free creation, individual and group initiative through any action that contributes to the fulfilment and the development of perceptual and expressive possibilities.
to organise the International Dance and Performing Arts Festival “Akropoditi DanceFest” with international participations of performing artists
to contribute to the empowerment of socially vulnerable groups by offering free activities (Workshops and Performances) every year in order to widen accessibility and include people with limited financial means; to support their integration into the community, to express themselves and improve their motor skills.

Main Projects / Activities

The International Dance and Performing Arts Festival “Akropoditi DanceFest” now its in 10th edition, takes place every summer in Syros for two weeks and includes:
– Training workshops and presentations
– Dance and Dance- Theatre performances
– Open Jams
– Video projections
– Parallel activities throughout the island of Syros
The Festival hosts artists from Greece and abroad, combining theoretical and practical workshops with diverse content. Depending on their content, the workshops are addressed to amateur or dance and theatre professionals .

The Artistic Residencies (usually September-June) every year 4 to 7 artistic residencies of performing arts from all over the world are hosted. 5 exchanges developed with the hosted artists: members of Akropoditi organisation were invited to perform and/or teach in the countries of the hosted artists .

Dance courses all year round.
Hosting workshops and performances (September-June)
The core team is creating performances /activities and cultural events (all year round).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Akropoditi believes that our participation in the network will bring our 10th year experience in international exchange and cooperation through the arts and will contribute to open the discussion in order to confront common challenges and opportunities.We are willing to offer genuine assistance and support to interested members in intercultural dialogue through the arts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in opening the door to the ALF Network, both nationally and internationally in order to develop new projects and synergies that empower local communities in the Mediterranean and inspire inclusion in all its members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angeliki Sigourou
Job Title
Artistic Director of the Akropoditi Dance & Performing Arts Centre Artistic Administration and Management of the International Dance and Performing Arts Festival “Akropoditi DanceFest” , Choreographer of the Akropoditi Dancetheatre
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Photini Papahatzi
Job Title (2)
Development Coordinator