
National Network

12 rue de Domrémy
75013 Paris

+33 683904565
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Berdahi is a dance company based in Paris, France ("association loi 1901") founded in 2017. Eleni Karachontziti, senior lecturer in education sciences in INSPE Normandie Rouen-Le Havre, is Berdahi's president. Sandra Jabalera-Llorca, photographer, is the vice-president and Andreas Goudelis, physics researcher in Clermont-Ferrand University, is the treasurer. Currently Berdahi employs up to 10 artists and educators per year, using fixed-term contracts ("intermittents du spectacle") : these are dancers, actors, musicians, movement educators, technicians, costume designers. For 2022, Berdahi had budgetary resources at a level of 22700 €, coming from performance sells, regular classes and workshops. In previous years, Berdahi has received co-production funds from institutions such as Birmingham University, Paris-Saclay University, Sorbonne University, as well as artistic mobility grants from European programmes such as "Be Mobile Create Together" and "i-Portunus", managed by the Goethe Institute and the French Institute among others.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the association is the creation, implementation and promotion of artistic and cultural projects, in particular live performances and workshops, which mainly evolve around the theme of the body and the exploration of its intercultural and interdisciplinary potentials.

Main Projects / Activities

détailler les projets

Contact (1) Full Name
Mairi Pardalaki
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eleni Karachontziti

Space for Sustainable Development

National Network

Ajloun, Anjara, Queen Rania St.

+962 7 8822 9987
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Space for Sustainable Development is a Jordanian non-profit, non-governmental organisation. Since
2018, Space SD has been a partner organization of the Service Civil International SCI movement which
is an organization founded in 1920.

Space SD is an organisation that works for youth and with youth, particularly those living in
marginalized areas, to promote gender equity and achieve the change that the youth from the local
communities aim to create. Space SD contributes to the long-term socio-economic and cultural
development of society, and works to enhance social and environmental justice, and sustainable

Space SD also strives to protect the health and sustainability of the environment, and advocates for digital
youth work

Mission and Objectives

Develop spaces in which young people can be supported, guided, and given the opportunities, they need to overcome the challenges they face in their communities.

- To stimulate the youth to take their individual and communal responsibilities.
- To develop skills among youth and digital technologies.
- To advocate for a sustainable environment and sustainable lifestyles.

Main Projects / Activities

- Digital youth work
- Environment and climate change
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamza Al-Shayeb
Job Title
Communication Officer
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Albooel

Other Music Academy e.V.

National Network

Ernst-Kohl-Str. 23
99423 Weimar

+49 (0) 3643-858310
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
General Information

The Other Music Academy (OMA) is a new kind of socio-cultural centre. Its interdisciplinary and intercultural projects always are led by its highest goal, the empowerment of participating individuals and social groups. Projects are developed based on locally pressing questions with communities and set into motion in cooperation with locally rooted partners in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. OMA projects are always hands-on practical, using artistic and scientific methods and practices and are driven by the Academy's social and intercultural vision. The OMA has its home in a former three storey school building and runs an office with 10 part-time staff, longterm volunteers and project managers. Its funders include the German Cultural Foundation, the Thuringia State Chancellory, Bosch and Mercator Foundation, the European Union, Aktion Mensch, and many more. Depending on the year, our budget is around 1mio €, including the costly and slow renovation of our building. Its projects have received recognitions including the Shimon Perez Prize, the Federal Innovation Prize Socioculture, and the "Best Practices in Favor of the Roma Community award" from the European Commission.

Mission and Objectives

The Other Music Academy [OMA] is our vision of a new kind of institution – an Empowerment Center. To us, “empowerment” means developing and strengthening the human potential for autonomy, creativity, efficacy, and social connection. To reach that goal we also have to understand and overcome prejudices and structures that stand in its way. The goal of the OMA is an open and inclusive society in which the most diverse kinds of people participate actively in the design of shared culture. Thus, the OMA is a frankly utopian vision. We believe that many people today are experiencing a crisis of meaning. Neither increased consumption, the embrace of religious or political fundamentalism, nor cynicism can offer satisfactory answers to this crisis. Rather, our society needs new frameworks in which people from all backgrounds can develop their autonomy and creativity together through social connection, inclusion and participation. This is especially true for people whose opinions are usually not counted. To exclude them from actively shaping our culture is harmful not only to them, but to all of us. An institution that seeks to empower society must include everyone, not only those with the “right” kind of vocabulary and social prestige. What would such a radically inclusive platform look like? The OMA is meant to be a place where just such innovations can be imagined, tested and continually improved. The goal is a platform for creative social reconfigu- rations, based not on “tolerance” or “co-existence” but on the vision of a profound and mutually enriching transformation and shared being. All of our projects are conceived as practical research to further develop the methods, approaches and connect people and communities to co-shape our vision of bottom-up civil-society empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

OMA projects include: annual intercultural study trips with Klassik Stiftung Weimar and AFS Intercultural Programs, the international festival Yiddish Summer Weimar (, the OMA Improvisation Project, "Can we afford a Vision" (Nouakchott/Weimar), "Cabinet of Local Wonders" (Antalya/Altenburg), "Contes Imbriqués" (Bamako/M'hamid/Aken) or the #openpavillon social construction sites with its cultural boat Mary Jane ( Our work includes community arts productions as well as laying the foundations to the formation of new intercultural bands and collectives, originating from our 20 years of Yiddish Summer Weimar as an intercultural summer institute with changing annual or bi-annual topics. A selection of our artistic and community productions can be seen here:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The OMA always works in regional and international cooperations with partners and we are eager to expand our network, share practices and co-create with communities across regions. We are engaged in several international and national networks, such as Bosch Alumni, Mercator Global, the various MitOst programme communities (especially TANDEM and VAHA), as well as networks on cooperation and development in rural (East) Germany, such as the "Engagierte Land" and "Neulandgewinner". Through this, we would like to contribute to the community by connecting actors, contributing to others' initiatives as well as inviting partners into our open ended work contexts. We are engaged in discussing and furthering cultural policies in the context of performing and community arts, within the national and regional offices for socioculture and performing arts in Germany. We are eager to bring impulses from these work groups into civil society work across the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the past ten years, OMA has increasingly cooperated with partners across the Middle East, North and West Africa. We want to continue co-creating meaningful exchange and involve the communities around us into hands-on intercultural exchange work, to better understand each others hopes, struggles and political realities. Through the ALF, we hope to connect to an active network of civil society organisations across wider Europe and the Mediterranean, and learn from their approaches and work methods. Especially the focus on young voices and engagement of youth has been central so several of our past years projects and we want to connect to the work realities of others in that field.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Schmitges
Job Title
Member of Board, Curator Yiddish Summer Weimar, Project Manager, Treasurer
Head of the organisation
Dr. Alan Bern
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentin Schmehl
Job Title (2)
Project Manager, Artistic Director #openpavillon / Altenburg am Meer / Culture Boat Mary Jane , Artist, OMA Development

ProQvi - international association for women and youth

National Network

Parkgatan 12
26776 Ekeby

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Non-governmental non-profit organization ProQvi was established in 2010 and started as a forum for women with foreign background to meet and support each other’s ambitions, ideas and learning. Proqvi promotes women and youth empowerment, cultural meetings and active citizenship in segregated areas, primarily for women and young people. We are fully volunteer-driven, non-partisan organisation. Today the organisation has office in Helsingborg and a learning center /training location in Hästveda/Hässleholm, Sweden.

There are about 50 members in it and we work through personal coaching, opinion building, arranging events and projects to promote cross-sectoral collaboration, social entrepreneurship and intercultural dialogue.

Our specific focus is in raising awareness and doing case studies of issues connected to the local policies and conditions for personal development, limitations and problematic premises where needs of an individual or a group of people get underprioritized due to lack of research, attention, knowledge or because of a strong tradition that has an inhibiting effect on local development.

The social context that we operate in can be described as area with strong segregated values (e.i. conventional occupations, lack of interest for social innovations and entrepreneurship, a low value of education and career building, low trust in active citizenship position, high rate of inequality and hostile attitudes towards representatives of other ethnical groups) so we build our our resilience as we go.

Main operation areas in Sweden: Skåne, a local department in Stockholm and Halmstad. We implement projects with West Africa and Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Main directions of work:

  • experiments on the edge of culture and social challenges,
  • gender issues
  • social entrepreneurship and local development,
  • identity search support and
  • recognition of deviant competences.
Main Projects / Activities

We have been working with matters of gender equality, inclusion and diversity in youth work for more than 10 years now and our particular focus lays in recognition of skills and competences and countering outsidership. Our projects usually target "shadow kids", young people whose premises are neither good nor bad enough to be clearly addressed, therefore they lack common ways of being involved in democratic participation. How would that happen... Often we end up in discussions around mental ill-health &co but also inclusive project design (activities rather done by than for the target groups) and systems of public administration of such initiatives. Quite a diversity for a topic right there. 

We constantly search for how to lift the least discussed questions by supporting our members’ initiatives. Whatever daring they might appear, there is a lot of learning in each experiment. We believe that the way to a strong and sustainable society lies through each and every person’s happiness, and happiness is when you are safe, surrounded by those who understand you, and doing what you love.

Through time, the activities within the organization have developed. From Saturday meetings when we were practising Swedish and training physically, we have moved on to the local society information support, swimming school for adult women and even widened our views to include youngsters’ and experimental events: culture festivals and exchanges.

Find out more -  -

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am searching for more opportunities to connect to other organisations working for sustainble future, to learn from each other and to empower projects and initiatives together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatsiana Bauder
Job Title
Founder and Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Tania Bauder
Contact (2) Full Name
Eve Rodríguez Armas
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator (part-time)

Festival Arabesques - Uni'sons

National Network

475 Av. du Comté de Nice
34080 Montpellier

04 67 10 06 79
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Créé en 2006 par l'association UNi’SONS, le festival Arabesques encourage la visibilité des artistes arabes et promeut le dialogue interculturel. C'est désormais le festival le plus important en Europe dédié aux arts du monde arabe. Le festival propose une programmation pluridisciplinaire mêlant musique, théâtre, contes, le cinéma, danse, humour, calligraphie… pour valoriser la culture du monde arabe, de ses expressions artistiques traditionnelles à ses formes contemporaines. Arabesques est devenu un rendez-vous incontournable où se retrouvent à la fois des artistes émergents et des « légendes vivantes ».

Mission and Objectives

Implantée dans le quartier de la Paillade à Montpellier, UNi’SONS place la culture, du hip-hop aux arts du monde arabe, au cœur de ses missions. Parce que nous croyons que la culture est un vecteur de cohésion, d’insertion et de vivre ensemble. Au quotidien, UNi’SONS s’engage auprès des jeunes, des professionnels de la musique ainsi que des personnes les plus éloignées de la culture. Au fil du temps, nous avons élargi notre champ d’action parce que nous savons l’importance d’une vision d’ensemble : éducation artistique et culturelle, insertion sociale, professionnalisation des musiciens, évènements artistiques…

Pour notre 20ème anniversaire, nous nous lançons un nouveau défi, celui de l’ouverture d’un lieu, L’art est public, prolongement naturel des actions de proximité menées au quotidien, mais aussi continuité évidente des efforts mis en œuvre pour la promotion de la diversité culturelle.

L'action d'UNi'SONS se structure autour de 4 pôles :

L'éducation artistique et culturelle
La professionnalisation des musiciens
La cohésion Sociale
Les événements artistiques

Main Projects / Activities

Éducation artistique et culturelle (Ateliers hip-hop, Renc'Art, Jeunesse en Arabesques
Professionnalisation des musiciens (Accompagnement des musiciens, Formation MAO, Accompagnement artistique, Creative Agora)
Cohésion Sociale (L'Art est Public, Coulisses Solidaires)
Événements artistiques (Festival Arabesques, Caravane Arabesques)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous désirons inviter des agents créatifs, partager nos actions, élaborer des nouveaux projets et partenariats en Méditerrannée autour du dialogue interculturel. Notre organisation promeut les arts du monde arabe en France.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons participer au réseau de la FAL afin de pouvoir développer notre réseau en Méditerranée et créer de nouvelles actions avec des nouveaux partenaires.

Contact (1) Full Name
Habib Dechraoui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Habib Dechraoui


National Network

475 Av. du Comté de Nice
34080 Montpellier

04 67 10 06 79
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Créé en 2006 par l'association UNi’SONS, le festival Arabesques encourage la visibilité des artistes arabes et promeut le dialogue interculturel. C'est désormais le festival le plus important en Europe dédié aux arts du monde arabe. Le festival propose une programmation pluridisciplinaire mêlant musique, théâtre, contes, le cinéma, danse, humour, calligraphie… pour valoriser la culture du monde arabe, de ses expressions artistiques traditionnelles à ses formes contemporaines. Arabesques est devenu un rendez-vous incontournable où se retrouvent à la fois des artistes émergents et des « légendes vivantes ».

Mission and Objectives

Implantée dans le quartier de la Paillade à Montpellier, UNi’SONS place la culture, du hip-hop aux arts du monde arabe, au cœur de ses missions. Parce que nous croyons que la culture est un vecteur de cohésion, d’insertion et de vivre ensemble. Au quotidien, UNi’SONS s’engage auprès des jeunes, des professionnels de la musique ainsi que des personnes les plus éloignées de la culture. Au fil du temps, nous avons élargi notre champ d’action parce que nous savons l’importance d’une vision d’ensemble : éducation artistique et culturelle, insertion sociale, professionnalisation des musiciens, évènements artistiques…

Pour notre 20ème anniversaire, nous nous lançons un nouveau défi, celui de l’ouverture d’un lieu, L’art est public, prolongement naturel des actions de proximité menées au quotidien, mais aussi continuité évidente des efforts mis en œuvre pour la promotion de la diversité culturelle.

L'action d'UNi'SONS se structure autour de 4 pôles :

L'éducation artistique et culturelle
La professionnalisation des musiciens
La cohésion Sociale
Les événements artistiques

Main Projects / Activities

Éducation artistique et culturelle (Ateliers hip-hop, Renc'Art, Jeunesse en Arabesques
Professionnalisation des musiciens (Accompagnement des musiciens, Formation MAO, Accompagnement artistique, Creative Agora)
Cohésion Sociale (L'Art est Public, Coulisses Solidaires)
Événements artistiques (Festival Arabesques, Caravane Arabesques)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous désirons inviter des agents créatifs, partager nos actions, élaborer des nouveaux projets et partenariats en Méditerrannée autour du dialogue interculturel. Notre organisation promeut les arts du monde arabe en France.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons participer au réseau de la FAL afin de pouvoir développer notre réseau en Méditerranée et créer de nouvelles actions avec des nouveaux partenaires.

Contact (1) Full Name
Habib Dechraoui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Habib Dechraoui

Information Network & Active Citizenship

National Network

Aqif Pasha Boulevard, hotel turism Skampa, 312 office, Elbasan, Albania

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Non-Governmental Organization: Information Network & Active Citizenship Court registration: 14.02.2017, nr. 5542 Address: Hotel-turizmi Skampa, office 312, Elbasan, Albania, +355695688008 The mission of INAC is information, transparency and accountability of governance toward community, promotion of active citizenship through influent individuals, support to fewer opportunities groups, youths, marginalized group, families and community for an active role in governance, with the goal for better services, higher level of life quality and also in favor of instruments against corruption in public institutions. INAC archived projects from the beginning on field of participation of community in municipality budget, transparency and advocating of youth, against violent extremism and empowerment of youth, environment stories on local media, smuggling emigrants and empowerment of youth journalists. INAC has a board of 5 members and a staff of 5 persons on specific fields of the projects implementing.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Information, transparency and accountability of governance toward community, promotion of active citizenship through influent individuals, support to fewer opportunities groups, youths, marginalized group, families and community for an active role in governance, with the goal for better services, higher level of life quality and also in favor of instruments against corruption in public institutions. Objectives: 1-To inform and promote transparence in local and main government aiming a greater participation of citizens in decision-making. 2-Promote the accountability of power holders to citizens 3- Support civil activism in service to transparence, fighting corruption and participation in governance. 4-Prop up democracy development and empowering social cohesion through encouragement of social caring services, integration and participation of families in need. 5-To address social problems as poverty, violence, sexual abuse, social exclusion, discrimination and inequality within Republic of Albania. 6- To boost civil consciousness, volunteering and social solidarity for community development and better quality of life.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Information and transparence about decision-making processes 2-Activization of individuals to encourage the accountability of governance toward citizens 3-Information, consultancy and civic education about legislation, about citizen’s participation, about public consultancy and also instruments against corruption. 4-Building/offering social caring services inside the community to prevent, support and integrate individuals and families in need. 5-Psycho-socio and economic support for people with special needs, families in need, minorities and small groups in order to soften the poverty and encouragement of social integrity. 6- Trainings about strengthening institution capacity, structures and subjects which operate in information field, transparence and community activism. 7-Analyzes, studies and researches about problematic in information field, transparency, activism, poverty and social problematic. 8-Encouragement of investigative journalism and citizens to fight corruptive practices and to raise the transparence in central and local level. 9-Encouragement and support of civil media and multimedia platforms for informing, transparency, fighting against corruption and the participation of community in this media in service of better local and central governance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ee are a local organization that works in the field of media, youth and we have carried out a series of projects with the community. Our contribution is the connection with the local community and the implementation of joint local initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

BecauseALF is the the largest Network of civil society organisations across the Euro-Mediterranean region and being part is our benefit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatbardha Nergjoni
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Fatbardha Nergjoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Erjona Shahini
Job Title (2)
project asistent

جمعية الكمال لتنمية المجتمع

National Network

منقباد -عزبة الفاتح من عزبة ابو القاسم امام مركز شباب ابو القاسم

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

بالجمعيه هيكل وظيفى مدرب ومتخصص عبارة عن مدير تنفيذى ومسؤل مالي بالجهاز الوظيفى بالمركز الطبى " المستوصف" وسكرتارية وستة موظفين اخصائين ادارة وتشغييل وعدد مدرب خياطه واثنان عمال بمشغل الخياطة لتدريب وتشغيل الفتيات وبالجمعية مجموعة شركاء مثل مديرية الصحة ومديرية التربية والتعليم لتنفيذ انشطة مشتركة بين الطرفين كما يوجد بروتوكول تعاون مع بيت العائله المصرى لتنفيذ موضوعات التى يحتاجها المجتمع والمنطقه المحيطه للجمعيه مثل المواطنة والتسامح ونبذ العنف نشر روح السلام وقبول الاخر بمحافظه اسيوط وايضا يوجد بروتكول تعاون مع بعض الجمعيات المحيطة ومن اهمها جمعيه كل الناس للتنمية والسلام وهى عضو فى شبكه اناليندا ونقوم بتنفيذ بعض الانشطه بالشراكه سويا
وتقوم الجمعية بتنفيذ كل انشطتها بالجهود الذاتية حتى الان من خلال الموارد القادمة من مشغل الخياطة والمركز الطبي " المستوصف طريقة العمل تقوم الجمعيه بتنفيذ بعض الندوات وورش العمل بالتعاون مع الازهر الشريف وجمعية كل الناس للتنمية والسلام وبيت العاائله المصرى وخاصة ان الجمعيه تعمل مع جميع فئات المجتمع

Mission and Objectives

مهمة الجمعية
هى الريادة فى التنمية المجتمعية وبناء المجتمع وتمكينه وتواصل الاستثمار في التعليم والتدريب وتزويد ابنائنا بالمعارف والمهارات اللازمه لوظائف المستقبل بجوده عاليه واسلوب متميز يكسبها ثقة المجتمع وترجمة احتياجاته ومتطلباته الي نشاط اجتماعى مستمر
اما الاهداف فهى
1 - توفير الرعاية المادية والمعنوية وتقديم المساعدات في مواجهة المشكلات التى تواجه المواطنين والاهالي
2 - ضمان الجوده فيما تطرحه الجمعية من خدمات وبرامج
3 - تعزيز الاتصال والتكامل بين كافة مؤسسات المجتمع الاهلية لتقديم برامج وخدمات المجتمع
4 - رفع مستوى قدرات افراد المجتمع تماشيا مع اهداف وخطط التنمية المستدامة
5 - مواكبة المستجدات فى حقول المعرفة والبيئة ذات العلاقة باهتمامات المجتمع والمواطنين بعدل ونذاهة وحرفية

Main Projects / Activities

المشاريع والانشطه الرئيسية بالجمعية
1 - مركز طبي متخصص يخدم اكثر من 4000 مواطن بنتايج استبيانية
2 - مشغل لتدريب وتعليم الفتيات علي فنون الخياطه والتطريز و السرفلة
3 - انشطة توعية ثقافية وطبية وتنموية بقاعات مقر الجمعية
4- حضانة تربوية وترفيهية وجارى انشاء قسم لدمج الاطفال ذوى الاعاقة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تستطيع الجمعيه المساهمة في نشر انشطة شبكة اناليندا في القرى والمجتمع التى تقع حول الجمعية والمناطق المحيطة ونظرا لانه لا يوجد جمعيات تابعه لشبكه اناليندا فى منطقه شمال شرق المحافظه بالكامل

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان شبكه اناليند من اكبر الشبكات القوية علي مستوى العالم ولديها خبرة كبيرة مع الكثير من الجمعيات البارزة ونحن كفريق الجمعية نرى في الانضمام الي شبكة اناليندا العريقة باننا سوف نكون جزء من هذا الصرح للمساهمة فى بناء فريق العمل لدينا وتبادل الخبرات وتنفيذ انشطة مشتركة لخدمة وتنمية المجتمع وتلبية متطلباته المستمرة

Contact (1) Full Name
بيترعاطف رتبى راغب
Job Title
امين صندوق الجمعية
Head of the organisation
روجيتا مظهر افرايم بسطوروس
Contact (2) Full Name
روجيتا مظهر افرايم بسطوروس
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس ادارة الجمعية

جمعية الغد الافضل للتنمية البشرية. تطوان

National Network

زنقة الزاوية رقم 21/06. تطوان. المغرب
رقم صندوق البريدي 7652تطوان. المغرب
93000 تطوان. المغرب

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

جمعية تاسست 2010 تشغل في مجال التنموي والاجتماعي والثقافي خصوصا بالعالم القروي

Mission and Objectives

لها اهداف تنموية اجتماعية

Main Projects / Activities

التعليم الاولي .. محاربة الأمية بالعالم القروي

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تمثيل الشبكة احسن تمثيل

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل جسور التواصل

Contact (1) Full Name
سعيد الزغاري
Job Title
رءيس جمعية
Head of the organisation
سعيد الزغاري

Unfinished Foundation

National Network

1/111 St Albert St

00356 99431420
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Unfinished Foundation is an independent, NGO and voluntary organisation. It is a very small organisation, with only three members, but is very active, producing exhibitions and projects on a regular basis. Established in 2019, we are now looking at collaborating more with other organisations.Our annual budget depends on funding and some commissions.Funding is mainly from Arts Council Malta, although we are now also participating in a Creative Europe project.Our activities involve producing and supporting experimental and contemporary art in Malta, either by commissioning and producing exhibitions or research projects, or by advocating for the rights and activities of artists in a relatively closed artistic environment.Our main stakeholders are individual artists that we collaborate with, although we collaborate regularly with Spazju Kreattiv – Malta’s national centre for creativity, as well as other institutions such as Arts Council Malta, Magna Żmien Foundation, and ŻfinMalta.

Mission and Objectives

Vision: To contribute to the development of positive environments for intercultural exchange through creativity and the arts Mission: To create spaces that enable exchange, the development of connections and conversations between creatives and cultural operators in order to address current social issues in Europe and the Mediterranean through discussion, cultural collaboration, artistic projects and open-ended processes. Objectives: To facilitate intercultural discussion, creative expression and exchange through workshops and meetings; To provide a physical and online space for research To nurture intercultural exchange through the support of community and institutional engagement To explore the themes of contemporary artistic expression and intangible cultural expression through exchange of experience, theory and practice To research and exchange experiences of intercultural management and intercultural exchange To link local and international initiative through cultural practice

Main Projects / Activities

Research projects such as Farfara 2013 ( and The Laboratory of the Pelvis ( Exhibitions such as The Ordinary Lives of Women ( and Such Stuff As Worlds Are Made On ( Interdialogue projects such as Debatable Lands (

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through intercultural exchange, experimental practice, interdisciplinary projects, and creating a space for dialogue and exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to reach out to other organisations in the Mediterranean Region, and work in line with our vision through dialogue and interdisciplinary and experimental art practice.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Margerita Pulè
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Margerita Pulè
Contact (2) Full Name
Karsten Xuereb
Job Title (2)