Next Energy Consumer

National Network

Corso Brescia 62
10152 Turin TO

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Next Energy Consumer, a policy consulting firm specialized on the social aspects of energy and climate transitions.

Mission and Objectives

Our work brings together the demands and perspectives of civil society, scientific groups, corporations, and government.

Main Projects / Activities

Research, consulting, public speaking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Connections with ALF WORK

Contact (1) Full Name
Marine Cornelis
Job Title
CEO and founder
Head of the organisation
Marine Cornelis

Nafs for Empowerment Institution

National Network

West Bank/ Ramallah/ Balou' street
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

By assisting its members in achieving psychological and social adaptation that fosters, promotes, and empowers creativity, we hope to strengthen Palestinian society. The Board of Directors, Executive Staff, and Volunteers of Nafs for Empowerment all work in favourable conditions that are constantly being improved by the organization. The Board of Directors is made up of 9 members who are experienced at monitoring and directing the institution's operations. On the other hand, we have 7 workers who are experienced in the field, and more than 10 volunteers. Nafs raised fund from major donors that contributed in financing its activities. We collaborated with GIZ for 3 years, and the Japanese Front Line Corporation for 3 years. Our initiatives are founded on the Psycho-Social Support Program, which Nafs implements with the goal of assisting people in overcoming trauma, post-traumatic symptoms, and the effects that emerge from it. Additionally, the Community Awareness Program aims to encourage community participation by encouraging people to initiate local projects. Finally, the Program for Lobbying and Advocacy, which represents one of the main themes of the Society's activities at all levels.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: An Empowered Palestinian Society, enjoying psychosocial welfare, psychological health and social justice. Our Mission: Nafs institution is a Humanitarian Palestinian institution based in Ramallah, a pioneer institution contributes to create capable people to adapt to reality according to Human rights and humanitarian international and Palestinian resolutions. Our Goals: Help and rehabilitate the Palestinian society members through empowering them psychologically, socially and legally in order to achieve the psychosocial well-being. Contribute to decreasing the psychological problems for the marginalized groups (Women, Children, Youth and people with special needs) who are suffering from poverty, unemployment, abuse and discrimination. Intervene to achieving psychosocial balance for the people suffering of wars, torture and disasters in the Palestinian community

Main Projects / Activities

Here are some of the activities that Nafs for Empowerment did during the last 5 years. Psychosocial care for children in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank project, in collaboration with Japanese Front Line Corporation, which targeted students from Jalazone and Qalandia Camp, and it was funded by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2017-2020). Also, The Young Citizen Project, which was a collaboration with Young Women’s Christian Association YWCA, which targeted youth and students in the villages of East Ramallah, and it was funded by Young Women’s Christian Association YWCA (2019-2022). Another project was, Psychosocial support in the Jordan Valley communities’ project, in collaboration with Cooperation Foundation for Conflict Resolution, which targeted children from the Jordan Valley, and it was funded by French Development Agency AFD (2019-2020). Also we have worked with GIZ in three projects. Firstly, Empowering psychosocial youth through volunteering, in collaboration with Support and stability program for Palestine (GIZ Palestine), which targeted youths from the western and eastern Ramallah villages, and it was funded by the German Foreign Ministry (Feb- June 2019). Secondly, Active youth for change project, , in collaboration with Support and stability program for Palestine (GIZ Palestine), which targeted youths from western and eastern Ramallah villages (Oct – June 2019). Finally, Youth Leading the Community –Masahat-, in collaboration with Support and stability program for Palestine (GIZ Palestine), which targeted youths from the western and eastern Ramallah villages, and it was funded by the German Foreign Ministry (2022-2023).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NAFS has a network in European and South Med of youth organizations and human rights institutions. We work together to develop projects, capacity building, and new partnerships in the region. This can support the National ALF network in Palestine to enhance the collaboration in the region and bring added value partnerships and projects that make Palestine active and a contributor in the network. NAFS has a mandate to support youth and service providers with psychosocial support through different types of activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NAFS is seeking to collaborate in the EuroMed region under a recognized national umbrella of network such as the ALF national network and is willing to support potential projects and get involved in relevant calls and consortiums to contribute to the improvement in the EuroMed collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nasser Youser Mattar
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Nasser Yousef Mattar
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamad Ibrahim Mousa
Job Title (2)

ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organisation of Macedonia - Thrace

National Network

4, Eratosthenous Str., Anthokipoi Polichnis, 56429 Thessaloniki, Greece
56429 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Esai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia – Thrace is a Cultural Association activated in the Fine Arts era, in Cultural conscience & Cultural issues related to "Quality of Life" and "Sustainable Environment" development. EER is strongly connected to Fine Arts Innovation, Research & Education and supports youth activism via creativity and arts. Through regular artistic activities and festivals EER facilitates Artists’ sociability and Cultural Heritage vigilance. EER cooperates with public authorities and private associations or companies sharing common aims or interests. EER was a non-formal group of artists between 1997-1999. Since 2013 EER festivals have been acknowledged for their importance as to be nominated “under the aegis” of Ministries of Tourism, Infrastructure & Transport, Culture & Sports, Education, Foreign Affairs & Interior (Macedonia -Thrace Region). EER Activities EER collaborates with other institutions and Associations related to Fine Arts, Tradition, Research, Health and Education, Sustainable Environment, Social Solidarity and Quality of Life aiming to the quality EER services development linear to contemporary social needs and ICT standards; EER participates in research & innovation projects relevant to Sports and Fine Arts in education; health; ecosustainability; elite performance; innovation; social solidarity. For more about our Annual Activities, please visit our official website under the label SERVICES > “Projects”.

Mission and Objectives

MISSION We strongly believe that quality of life could be generated through sharing the opinion that «everybody is as important as to influence community’s social status and cultural development». Youngsters are from their nature the most appropriate age-group as to attract the entropia of a better world. They just need guidance and support to learn how to use their power and how to build their self-protection through setting personal limits according to their needs and desires without annoying or disturbing the common «good». Thus, EER supports Youth Actions and Young Artist Activities claiming their importance in Social Life via Arts & Physical Rehabilitation in Society.

Main Projects / Activities

ACTIVITIES Our volunteers are mainly young people, who are seeking opportunities for personal development or they are interested in gaining professional experiences in the sector of performing and visual arts. Some of our members are also interested in supporting activities of social interest or they have a minority social profile (youth with fewer opportunities, learning difficulties, mild mental disorders, disabled, etc). EER is interested in projects supported from the European Solidarity Corps, KA1, KA2, kA3 erasmus+ and Creative Europe Projects. COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS EER collaborates with other institutions and Associations related to Fine Arts, Tradition, Research, Health and Education, Sustainable Environments and Quality of Life aiming on upgrading the quality of its services linear to contemporary needs and ICT standards. Some of the most important and regular affiliated partners are Institute of Nutritional Research & Education (support in QoL activities), Konstantinion Research Center of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology (EER implication in Research), Children’s Creativity Center KDAP PLATON, Club of Sign Language Distribution, etc. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES EER is participating in research projects related to Fine Arts and a) education, b) health, c) elite performance, d) innovation and e) disabled.EER SOCIAL MINORITY ACTIVITIESEER is supporting Social and Special Population Minorities to participate in Art-Creation & Sport activities with a manner that promotes the positive rather the negative options and perspectives of their social identity. Disabled communities participate in the annual festival of inclusive culture, where we are one of the four main coordinators. Moreover, disabled youth 15-25 years old are able to participate to activities of talent promotion in the field of arts and all of our activities as active citizens offering their services, promoting our activities or participating in them ( Our upcoming festival, focusing to creative minds with much of innovation and contemporary fast-track skills and competences upgrades in fine arts is the handiedancefestival CAREER ORIENTATION AND TALENT PROMOTION in ART-RELATED OCCUPATIONS EER core has only one department concerning professionalism and career practice of youth. That is the EER Department of Dancetheater. Since 1997 is EER regularly producing dance-theater and dance performances, cooperating with several dance-companies, performers, choreographers, directors, musicians, scenography designers and technical assistants. The productions concern and deal with Greek social social topics or Greek culture and tradition. Moreover, since 2004 EER implements young artists' nights and since 2017 screening tests of young talents in Fine Arts ( ECO-PROJECTS EERcomt is located near to a former military camp, now on, a park without clear legal identity; nowadays it is claimed by many public and private bodies, which are arguing about its final formation. WE are trying to promote the idea of developing the area to one of the largest city-parks and to promote this idea across the citizens where the green is less and the pollution elevated. Our planned activities are sports & artistic events and campaigns about the park and its hidden treasures! Since Autumn 2019 we are trying to include those activities to ESC. We also started on claiming our participation to several local Eco-campaign activities of PavlosMelas Municipality of Thessaloniki Region (in which region we belong). Exhibitions EERcomt has to show very few regular Outdoor activities and more rarely Exhibitions were our Members have the chance to expose their sport or artistic talent through team work or independently. Publications EERcomt is supporting her own sector of Publishing. The publications are open to public and are related to EERcomt actions or aims. Art-Studio Members of EERcomt are meeting each other in outdoor places rather in a classical indoor dance-room, jamming through arts and creativity. All the activities are open to public. The seminars and studio activities are free of charge and concern the activated EERcomt members. EER CLUBS • Artistic club very Monday with EER artists guiding and supporting for making several creations within the park, interacting with the natural environment, recycling, etc. Also appropriate with disabled population • Sport Club every Wednesday and Friday; fitness by utilizing bike or running routes that EER Volunteers created; cleaning the park; taichi, crossfit, yoga, aerobics, fitness, etc depending the will of the group and the trainer/ supervisor that leads the group • EER mind game clubs: every Sundayavailable to all, several mind games for the public, available to all with the presence of volunteers throughout a non formal learning process (learning by others). • EER touring: within park or to nearby parks and out of the city (with bus) depending the participation. This happens every 2 months (February, April, June, August, October, December) • EER handiedance events: appropriate also for schools (several visits to schools after being invited) and every 2 months a special event within a park (every January, March, May, July, September, November).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EER QUALITY & IMPACT (A) QUALITY ASSURANCE OF ACTIVITIES THAT WE ARE IN CHARGE OF EER has an experience of over 20 years in project management of short term projects. During the last three years, we started on coordinating more complex activities with annual duration. Our activities are under the aegis of Ministry of Interior (Sector of Macedonia - Thrace) & for some cases, with the support or quality accreditation of Ministry of Education & Religion & Ministry of Culture & Sports. EER is: an official member of the International SKILLMAN Network in the educational sector as an Area Coordinator; subscribed in the Portal of Cultural Associations of the Ministry of Culture; accredited with the badget of Socially Responsible Organization 2020 in Sports era; member of the "Youth Work Today" Community of Professionals; ESC & EVS Accredited Organization; member and supported of the Life. Beyond Funding Campaign. EER has been awarded in 2021 with the Best Health and Wellness Award via Arts and Sports (by GHP International) and in 2022 has got official membership in Global Waste Cleaning Network. (B) ENHANCEMENT OF ALF networks VISIBILITY EER based upon a managerial construction that facilitates dissemination of activities and achievements, can be a precious member in ALF partners' group, supporting ALF visibility and empowering with our expertise the common ground priorities mainly in regional and local level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we strongly believe that the basal principle of fulfilling our basic mission is to ensure strong alliances, be involved in networks of a great significance and work for common purposes as a group rather individually.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Kavazidou
Job Title
Projects' Supervisor; Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Eleni Kavazidou
Contact (2) Full Name
Yiannis Fragoulis
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director

جمعيه الامل للتنميه الشامله بالجماليه

National Network

قريه الجماليه
مركز قوص

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

تعمل الجعيه فى عده مشروعات تنمويه وتهتم بحقوق الانسان والمراه والطفل وسبق لها المشاركه فى العديد من اداره المشروعات المختلفه

Mission and Objectives

الارتقاء للافضل وتقديم خدمات للمجتمع

Main Projects / Activities

مشروعات تنمويه

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق تنفيذ الاعمال التى سيتم التكليف بها
عن طريق وسائل التواصل الاجتماعى والزيارات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتطور للافضل واكتساب مزيد من الخبرات

Contact (1) Full Name
امل على محمد عبد الله
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الاداره
Head of the organisation
امل على محمد عبد الله
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد صلاح كامل
Job Title (2)
مدير تنفيذى

Gradsko kazalište mladih Vitez - Youth City Theatre Vitez

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 1
72250 Vitez
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The town theater of Youth in Vitez has more than 100 members, and among them three professional actors. There are two professionaly engaged actors at the moment, and the available funds for the last year were around 50 000 euros. Next to our own there are a few sources of funding, our activities are supported by the municipality of Vitez, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, the Minstry of Civil Affairs Bosnia and Hercegovina, Ministry of Regional Development and Eu Funds of Republic of Croatia, and the Central State office for Croats Abroad.
The main activities are directed at the production and the performing of theatrical plays, but also at the organizations of artistic camps, education and seminars. A large amount of activities are directed towards art festivals as well as co-productions and cooperations with partner organizations. Partner organizations like the Youth resource Center in Tuzla, DIS Theater Banja Luka, European home Bosnia and Hercegovina, the Youth association „Enter“ Vitez, association „Klik“ Travnik, ALF network in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Town Theater of Youth in Vitez lies in improving the quality of life of the youth, active participation of young people in all aspects of cultural life and the local community, the recognitions and prioritarization of the youth as well as education and in helping them in acquiring new knowledge and skills, that is in developing creative skills.
The objectives in creating GKM Vitez (Town Theater of Youth in Vitez) are:
-the contributions of cultural education of children and young people.
-the promotion above all else of theater art, and through that impact to contribute in all aspects of audio-vizual art and art in general.
-the development of theater, film, radio, literary art.
-the organization of traditional manifestations, festivals, plays and other happenings in local and surrounding communities.
-gathering and conecting of all Bosnian and Hercegovian citizens and foreigners.
GKM Vitez (Town Theater of Youth in Vitez) is a firm beliver in international standards of respect and democracy, freedom and human rights protection, childrens and youths rights protection as well as the advancment in culture, dialogue and the exchange in ideas thrugh thetric plays and other theatric manifestations such as films, symposiums, festivals, conferences etc.
GKM Vitez (Town Theater of Youth in Vitez) also nurtures, where needed, the publishing of books within the goals and tasks of working with children and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are directed towards the production and the realizations of theatrical plays, but also in organizing art camps, education and seminars. A large portionf of our attention goes towards the organizations of art festivals, as well as co-production and cooperation with partner organizations.
We would like to highlight the projects of theatrical festivals, production and co-production of theatrical plays that have won countless prizes, as well as conferences and educations which we organized.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As one of the most successful amateur theaters in Bosnia and Hrecegovina, with a positive image, we will for sure contribute to the strenghtening of the ALF network in Bosnia and Hercegovina. A large amount of successfuly realized projects, and successfu partnerships with numerous partner organizations qualifies us as very perspective organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Bosnia and Hercegovina is one of the most important networks in Bosnia and Hercegovina, as well as in the Mediteranian region. Just like we have actively participated in numerous projects in the past periods that were organized by ALF Bosnia and Hercegovina, as well through partnerships with numerous members of the network and accordingly to the same goals we belive ourselfs to be a part of the ALF Bosnia and Hercegovina family.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Sajević
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ivan Sajević
Contact (2) Full Name
Bruno Grebenar
Job Title (2)

جمعية المرأة المناضلة

National Network

شارع كابل زنقة رمانة رقم 1 تطوان
39000 Tetouan

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information

جمعية غير ربحية تتكون من مكتب مسير و منخرطين. نعمل حاليا على مشروعين: 1.أصوات التغيير مع منظمة أوكسفام حول الابتكار الاجتماعي علاقة بمنظمات المجتمع المدني. 2.مشروع مع جمعية ملتقى المرأة بالريف حول إدراج مقاربة النوع الاجتماعي في برامج عمل الجماعات الترابية من أجل المساهمة في تحقيق المساواة بين الجنسين و تفعيل اليات الحوار و التشاور بأيات للدموقراطية الشتاركية. مجموع الميزانية بين المشروعين 300000 درهم.

Mission and Objectives

جمعية حقوقية نسائية غايتها إقرار مساواة حقيقية بين النساء و الرجال من خلال المناصفة و تكافؤ الفرص في الولوج و التحكم في الموارد و الحقوق و المسؤوليات.تهدف لتغيير القوانين و خلق بيئات حاضنة للحقوق الإنسانية للنساء من جهة ، و من جهة ثانية ملانة السياسات العمومية و إدراجها للحاجيات الانية و الاستراتيجية للنساء. كذلك للتوعية و التحسيس و إذكاء الوعي بالحقوق الإنسانية للنساء.

Main Projects / Activities

اخر المشاريع المنجزة: 1.مشروع جميعا من أجل مزيد من الاعتبار لكجهود النساء بسراكة مع المنظوبية الوزارية لحقوق الإنسان لتغيير المادة 49 من مدونة الأسرة. 2. المباردة الترافعية من أجل إدماج بعد النساء المتعاطيات للمخدرات في البرامج و السياسات الترابية المحلية بشراكة و دعم من جمعية الحمامة البيضاء لحقوق الأشخاص في وضعية إعاقة. 3.مشروع أصوات التغيير بشراكة مع منظمة أوكسفام يهدف لإحداث تغيير استراتيجي في أساليب عمل المنظمات باستعمال أدوات الابتكار الاجتماعي التيكنولوجي.*قيد الإنجاز* 4.مشروع ترافع و مواكبة و تقوية القدرات لهيئات المساواة و تكافؤ الفرص و مقاربة النوع الاجتماعي و المجالس المنتخب بالجهة بسراكة مع ملتقى النساء بالريف و جمعية الأنوار النسوية. تقديم العرائض : سبق و قد تم تقديم عريضة للجمعة النرابية لتطوان. تقديم المذكرات الترافعية: سيق و قد تم تقديم مذكرة ترافعية للمندوبية الوزارية لحقوق الإنسان. الجمعية عضوة في لجنة الإشراف في مبادرة تطوان جماعة منفتحة و التي تندرج ضمن مبادرة الحكومات المفتوحة. حملات توعية و حسيس لفائدة النساء بالأحياء الهامشية. حملات توعية و تحسيس لفائدة تلميذات و تلاميذ المؤسسات التعليمية عن طريق السينما التربوية، التشكيل...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكنني المساهمة من خلال العمل على الالتقائية و تكثيف الجهود بيننا و باقي أعضاء المنظمة من أجل تجويد العمل و ضمان الفاعلية. كذلك من خلال تبادل الخبرات و المعارف فيما بيننا. كذلك من خلال العمل الذي نقوم به من خلال مشاريعنا و عملياتنا و انشطتنا.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل تبادل التجارب و الخبرات. توسيع مداركنا و تقوية قدراتنا. ضمان الالتقائية و تكثيف الجهود. المساهمة في تحقيق أهداف و غايات الشبكة.

Contact (1) Full Name
نصيرة الخمليشي
Job Title
نائبة الرئيسة
Head of the organisation
ثريا البراج
Contact (2) Full Name
ثريا البراج
Job Title (2)

صندوق حياة للتعليم

National Network

شارع الملكة رانيا - خلف جريدة الدستور - مجمع حياة
عمان 00000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

هيكلية المنظمة، بما في ذلك عدد الموظفين و/ أو الشركاء = 10 موظفين
موارد الميزانية المتاحة في السنة = منح خارجية وتبرعات
مصادر التمويل= منح خارجية وتبرعات
طرائق العمل (مشاريع ملموسة، تبادلات، حلقات دراسية، منح دراسية، إلخ.) = منح جامعية + تدريب مهني
الشركاء الرئيسيون المشاركون في مشاريع/ أنشطة المنظمة = الهيئة الخيرية الكويتية

Mission and Objectives

رؤيتنا :
خريج متمكن، مبادر، صاحب بصمة وأثر إيجابي في مجتمعه ومكان عمله.

رسالتنا :
لأن التعليم حياة وبه تسمو المجتمعات؛ نسعى لدعم حق التعليم للطلبة المتفوقين غير المقتدرين ماديا في الجامعات والمعاهد المهنية الأردنية، وتعزيز قدراتهم، وتمكينهم لسوق العمل.

غاياتنا :
1. تقديم جميع أشكال المساعدة والعون للطلبة الفقراء .
2. تقديم القروض للتعليم الجامعي للطلاب الفقراء .
3. إقامة المشاريع التدريبية والتأهيلية للطلاب لمساعدتهم للدخول لسوق العمل .
4. إدارة مشاريع صغيرة من خلال زيادة دخل الجمعية عن طريق إدارة مشاريع مدرة للدخل.
5. تنمية المهارات التقنية والمعرفية اللازمة للمشاركة الفاعلة في سوق العمل وربط الفرد مع فرص عمل.
6. دعم وتشجيع المنتجات المنزلية المختلفة والحرف اليدوية والمساهمة في تسويقها.
7. تأمين التدريب الملائم لرواد الأعمال لإنشاء أو توسعة مشروع مدر للدخل والمساهمة في تسويق خدماته أو منتجاته.

قيمنا :
الشفافية .. أن تكون البيانات والمعلومات المتعلقة بالعمل والقرارات والخطط المستقبلية متاحة بشكل واضح ومفهوم ومنهجي لجميع الأطراف ذوي العلاقة وضمن مستوى الصلاحيات المقرة؛.

العدالة .. أن يعمل الصندوق وفق مجموعة من النظم والمعايير المهنية والإدارية، التي تهدف لتحقيق المساواة بموضوعية وحيادية.

المهنية .. العمل وإنجاز المهام وفق مجموعة من القواعد والآداب السلوكية والأخلاقية والإنسانية

المبادرة والعمل الجماعي .. تشجيع موظفي الصندوق على استثمار الفرص وتحقيق السبق في اقتراح و/أو تنفيذ أفكار جديدة تساهم في عمليات التحسين والتطوير المستمر لمشاريع الصندوق وبرامجه ، وأن تدعم قيادة الصندوق العمل بروح الفريق والمشاركة في اتخاذ القرارات وتنفيذها.

التميز .. أن يتفوق الصندوق بجميع أقسامه وموظفيه في تقديم الخدمات بكفاءة وفاعلية، بما يلبي ويتجاوز وتوقعات كافة الأطراف المتعاملة مع الصندوق.

Main Projects / Activities

برنامج دعم التعليم الجامعي
برنامج التدريب المهني
برنامج تعزيز القدرات
برنامج توظيف الخريجين وربطهم بسوق العمل
برنامج الخدمة المجتمعية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المشاركة في مسارات التخطيط - كبناء الأهداف أو تعريف المشكلة

التبرع بالمال أو المساعدة في جهود جمع التمويل

القيام بأبحاث أو كتابة مشاريع من أجل المنح أو التعاطي مع المراسلات

حضور نشاطات عامة كالتجمعات أو الجلسات المحلية أو نشاطات جمع التمويل أو التبرعات

الخدمة في لجان تركّز على مشكلات أو نشاطات محدّدة

أخذ أدوار قيادية في شراكة مجتمعية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لغايات التطوير واكتساب خبرات ومهارات عالية للفريق

Contact (1) Full Name
علا زياد الحلبوني
Job Title
مدير العلاقات العامة
Head of the organisation
المهندس موسى الساكت
Contact (2) Full Name
خالد العالم
Job Title (2)
المدير التنفيذي


National Network

rue de la Natation 22
1030 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Cineuropa est un portail d'information en ligne qui fait la promotion du cinéma et de la culture dans le monde entier. Le site est mis à jour quotidiennement en quatre langues (anglais, français, italien et espagnol) et est spécialement conçu pour un public plus large et des lecteurs de l'industrie. Plusieurs collaborations avec des festivals de films, des institutions culturelles, des fonds de films et des programmes de formation ont été mises en place. Après avoir été un site purement cinématographique, Cineuropa a depuis étendu son champ de couverture en réalisant plusieurs analyses sur l'état de la culture en Europe et dans les pays tiers. Cineuropa offre une vaste sélection de contenus: reportages, focus pays, making-of, bases de données de films et de sociétés, analyse de scénarios et cours de formation en ligne, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. Au cours des dernières années, Cineuropa a établi de nombreux partenariats avec des organisations axées sur des activités non européennes, afin d'élargir sa gamme d'industries de l'information et de soutien qui nécessitent une attention européenne. De 2001 à 2014, Cineuropa a cogéré le programme Euromed Audiovisuel de l'Union européenne, une action de coopération avec les pays du sud de la Méditerranée. En 2014, Cineuropa a organisé le premier festival du film européen à Alger, offrant une sélection de 26 films et en organisant plusieurs tables rondes et conférences. Cineuropa organise régulièrement des conférences et des formations au sein des plus prestigieux festivals du monde, comme Cannes, Venise ou Berlin. Cineuropa a réalisé plusieurs études pour différents clients: rédaction du business plan du FESPACO, étude sur le statut de l'artiste en Afrique... Depuis 2019, Cineuropa gère un projet de support pour l'organisation de festivals organisés par les délégations de l'Union européenne dans le monde.

Mission and Objectives

Diffuusion de la culture et du cinéma européen dans le monde

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion du cinéma à travers le site Organisation de formations Organisation de festivals dans le monde

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Groupe de travail Appels à propositions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous travaillons avec plusierus pays du sud de la Méditerranée et nous souhaitons élargir notre réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Caruso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Valerio Caruso
Contact (2) Full Name
Frédéric Bernard
Job Title (2)
Directeur financier


National Network

Roskildevej 289 st
2610 Rødovre

+45 29409896
Mobile Phone
+45 29409896
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Jambatan is a non-profit art and culture association founded by multidisciplinary artist Amir Zainorin and anthropologist Pia Poulsen in Copenhagen in 2008. The Malay word Jambatan translates ‘Bridge’ in English. The name promotes interconnectivity between people and recognizes the potential to create a community that serves as a catalyst for generating new forms for collaboration and activities across borders of nationality, culture, language and belief.
Jambatan specializes in interdisciplinary audience engagement collaborating with museums, art institutions, schools and organizations creating a platform for artists to share their works through dialogs, archival, pedagogy and development of imaginative and investigative exhibitions in Denmark and Internationally. We are also looking forward to work with performance artists that are experimenting with new media and put importance in research in their works.

Mission and Objectives

Jambatan works within the themes of migration, displacement, memories and decolonization based on the overall factors such as imperialism and global economic segregation impervious to the hierarchization of humanity into a racial or cultural center. It gives focus on the diaspora and minority community regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion or sexual orientation in a so called ‘world divided into compartments,’; where we see growing inequalities between the North and the South and between the haves and the haves not.
It contributes to bigger public awareness about the work of diaspora artists and offers nuances to the dialogue of the global movements of migration. It explores the notion of belonging and experiences of hybridity that exists in having multiple cultural heritage. It sparks an interest in art that enables a transnational connectedness and seeks for a sustainable lifestyle.

Main Projects / Activities

Arts festival, art workshop, symposium, art talks

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Inviting artists from other countries to participate in our activities and collaborating with different institution, organisation or artist association or collective in making art projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For networking and building working relationship to make art projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amir Zainorin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amir Zainorin

Sustainable Change for Development

National Network

Al Makhfeya
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Sustainable Change for Development is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 2019 with a structure of 8-10 employees, by a group of Palestinian civil society activists who are committed to paving the road for democracy, development, and peace for the State of Palestine. SCD engages in a series of interventions that can lead to the establishment of a mutual understanding to work together and to find a sustainable path to a productive and healthy environment for effective state building. SCD created cooperation and partnerships with the organizations listed below: GIZ/ZFD GIZ/MJO PalThink - Gaza Shashat women films School Of Performing Arts - Nablus Arab Center Activist - Gaza Jerusalem Association for youth welfare Women Center - Askar Camp Palestinian Peace Coalition The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development - Reform

Mission and Objectives

The aim of SCD is to promote and enhance democratic values, support ‘state-building readiness’, engage in environmental interventions, build various capacities of the Palestinian society, empower youth, women, and a culture of peace and act as a catalyst for non-violent communication within the Palestinian society and among its stakeholders. Furthermore, SCD aims to strengthen Palestinian grassroots movements and help them fulfill their social and political aspirations. Tackling and reducing the levels of violence in the Palestinian camps.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Psychological Mask 2022-2023: Contract Period: 15th of July 2022- 15th of June 2023 Targeted group: social and psychological workers (Northern West Bank). Partner: GIZ/ZFD (Civil Peace Service CPS). Activities: Self-care (Supervision), Yoga, Filmmaking, Online Harassment, Gender-based-violence, and Toolkit. 2) PART II- WAJEB 2022-2023 Contract Period: 15th of September 2022 – 15th of September 2023 Targeted group: 20 youths from Balata camp and the camp organizations. Partner: GIZ/ZFD (Civil Peace Service CPS) PART II. Activities: Research paper, Stress Relief, social and Conflict Transformation, Advocacy, creative thinking, and media skills. 3) Mirsat 2022-2023: Contract Period: 1st of November 2022 – 1st of August 2023 Targeted group: young leaders and mid-level professionals who come from various political/ideological and social backgrounds. (All areas of West Bank). Partner: Bridging Insight Activities: Soft skills training, Conflict transformation, Negotiation, Peacebuilding, Human Rights, and democracy training. 4) Skilling and Entrepreneurship for Vocational Development Program – Drops 2021-2022: Contract period: Targeted group: 2 groups of participants from Jenin and Nablus Camps. (Each group includes 30 participants.) Partner: GIZ/MJO - More Job Opportunities. Activities: Digital Marketing training. (40 participants in Nablus and Jenin) Speech Therapy (20 Participants in Jenin and Nablus).

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdullah Kharoub
Job Title
Co-Founder and Executive director
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Kharoub
Contact (2) Full Name
Sewar Abdulhadi
Job Title (2)
Administrative and Financial officer