Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage

National Network

Chinar Str. No 1
Bl. 1, ap. 4
1618 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Number of members and structure: five members, including one head of organization (ethnologist, Yana Yancheva), one archivist, one lawyer, one museum curator, one more ethnologist (Zlatina Bogdanova). Fields of Activity: Research and Heritage, Youth and Education, International and Cultural Relations, Advocacy and Community Development. Main goals: Developing and implementing action oriented projects in the fields of culture, education and science; developing cultural programs, public activities and initiatives related to the preservation, socialization and promotion of cultural heritage; promoting international cooperation in the humanities, social and cultural management; providing assistance to ethnic and cultural minorities for preserving and safeguarding their cultural heritage. The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Research in the Area of Cultural Heritage aims to work for encouraging communities’ members to direct their efforts effectively for the preservation and advocacy of their cultural heritage and ‘treasures’, and recognize their potential for the community’s social and economic growth, and realize that each personal involvement has an influential impact on the whole effort. Projects: Our first successful project was related to the participation in the Professional Fellows Program „Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities“ in 2016 and 2017. The program was organized by The Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and Development, financed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and governed by the ECA’s Office of Citizen Exchange. The program aims to transmit the community organizing method to East-European organizations. As a result of its work in the program and using the method of community organizing, The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage assisted the community of the so called Bessarabian Bulgarians in Sofia to establish its representative institution –The Centre of Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria (CBBB). In 2017 the Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage organized two training seminars “Introduction to the “community organizing method” in cooperation with “Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives” Foundation, and with the financial support of the program “Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities” of the Great Lakes Consortium, Ohio, USA. The lecturer guest was Emily Terrana – a manager and organizer in the American organization “PUSH Buffalo”. The first seminar was held on 24.02.2017 at the Family-Consultation Center in Berkovitsa, whose activities are carried out among the Roma communities of Berkovitsa and Varshets. It was attended by psychologists, social workers and assistants (members of the Roma communities). The second seminar was carried out from February 27th to March 1st, 2017 in Sofia with the assistance of the Center of the Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria. More than 20 participants from 11 organizations took part - Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, CBDC, Center for Women's Studies and Policies, “Open Space” Foundation and other NGOs, including international participation from Italy, Spain, Moldova and Ukraine. The participants in the two seminars were introduced to the different components of the community organizing method: making contacts and recruiting organizers, story-telling, “success story-telling” models, one-on-one meetings, self-interest and leading ladder, a framework for campaign planning and its implementation, “community congress model”. In her presentations, Emily Terrana included many examples of her experience, demonstrations, practicing basic skills and exploration games. Sources of funding: National, US, EU funds and programs.

Mission and Objectives

Developing and implementing action oriented projects in the fields of culture, education and science; developing cultural programs, public activities and initiatives related to the preservation, socialization and promotion of cultural heritage; promoting international cooperation in the humanities, social and cultural management; providing assistance to ethnic and cultural minorities for preserving and safeguarding their cultural heritage. The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Research in the Area of Cultural Heritage aims to work for encouraging communities’ members to direct their efforts effectively for the preservation and advocacy of their cultural heritage and ‘treasures’, and recognize their potential for the community’s social and economic growth, and realize that each personal involvement has an influential impact on the whole effort.

Main Projects / Activities

Our first successful project was related to the participation in the Professional Fellows Program „Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities“ in 2016 and 2017. The program was organized by The Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and Development, financed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and governed by the ECA’s Office of Citizen Exchange. The program aims to transmit the community organizing method to East-European organizations. As a result of its work in the program and using the method of community organizing, The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage assisted the community of the so called Bessarabian Bulgarians in Sofia to establish its representative institution –The Centre of Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria (CBBB). In 2017 the Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage organized two training seminars “Introduction to the “community organizing method” in cooperation with “Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives” Foundation, and with the financial support of the program “Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities” of the Great Lakes Consortium, Ohio, USA. The lecturer guest was Emily Terrana – a manager and organizer in the American organization “PUSH Buffalo”. The first seminar was held on 24.02.2017 at the Family-Consultation Center in Berkovitsa, whose activities are carried out among the Roma communities of Berkovitsa and Varshets. It was attended by psychologists, social workers and assistants (members of the Roma communities). The second seminar was carried out from February 27th to March 1st, 2017 in Sofia with the assistance of the Center of the Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria. More than 20 participants from 11 organizations took part - Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, CBDC, Center for Women's Studies and Policies, “Open Space” Foundation and other NGOs, including international participation from Italy, Spain, Moldova and Ukraine. The participants in the two seminars were introduced to the different components of the community organizing method: making contacts and recruiting organizers, story-telling, “success story-telling” models, one-on-one meetings, self-interest and leading ladder, a framework for campaign planning and its implementation, “community congress model”. In her presentations, Emily Terrana included many examples of her experience, demonstrations, practicing basic skills and exploration games.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our expertise in the fields of heritage preservation, community development, museum presentation, youth education and intercultural relations. We are skilled field researchers who are trained in working with various cultural groups. This gives us the opportunity for providing analyses and consultations in the above mentioned spheres. We would like to cooperate with other organizations in Bulgaria, and further develop joint initiatives and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope that by joining ALF Network we will come in contact with professionals and partners useful for developing our ideas. The Network will help us improve our visibility and stimulate our creative development as a team of researchers and experts. Most of all we hope to find partner organizations and funding for developing intercultural projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zlatina Bogdanova
Job Title
Assistant Professor
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Yana Yancheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Yana Yancheva
Job Title (2)
Assistant Professor
Name of Organisation
Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area o

Ignas Skudrickas

National Network

Keramikų g. 32
10232 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Currently my main focus is video work. I am offering video filming and editing services to any customers in Lithuania and abroad. My main education is master degree of electronics. I have worked in electronics for about 8 years in England, Guildford. But most of my life I was and partly still am interested in non-formal education, particularly soft skills (personal and social development), Since I was 6 years old I was attending children camps, then youth camps, and later on I participated in many international trainings. Most of them on personal development subject. More about this you can read at www.oldevechte.com This is where my deep personal development journey started. Today I still have a vision of doing something about education in Lithuania. But first step would be documentary movie about soft skills importance in formal education.

Mission and Objectives

At the moment I don't do any organization work. I used to be part of NGO Synergy LT, where we organized personal development trainings in Lithuania and in Europe with partners from other countries. For now I sometimes deliver training program if I am asked.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment my main focus is to create documentary movie about non-formal education, soft skills development, emotion intelligence, etc. I see it as a first step to bring awareness about how important is to engage kinds from early days to learn self reflection, learning from experience, cooperating, managing conflicts, finding their inspiration, developing emotional intelligence, accepting different believes, etc. There and many other topics are many times talked about outside the schools and formal school doors. But inside it is the place where kinds spend most of their time while passing from kid, to teenager and moving towards adults. But only so little they have to take from that institution called School. I realized it when I attended my firs personal development training in 2003 in The Netherlands. Then I understood how much I missed over those school years. I did not gain any true life skill I was needed when I lest school, or even when I was still growing up. Today there are may non format activities, but they are still outside the school time, and when kinds already are tired from the lessons of the daytime.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can deliver personal or organization trainings on various topics. My most favorite is communication, with includes as well conflict management. But there are many more, such as creativity, taking responsibility, team work, As videographer I do run video filming and editing course alive and I have online programs ass well. I could deliver training on video literacy :) Meaning I can teach how to shoot good looking videos on the phone, or professional camera. How to master basic settings on the phone video camera and get most out of it. As well how to edit videos with free available apps Cap Cut on the mobile device or computer. Or how to event edit and create video with professional editing software Adobe Premiere Pro. I would consider some of this program running to members of the network free of charge as my contribution. Or offer significant discount to wider programs. As well I would offer affordable prices for video service to network organizations to promote their activities. As well I could film and create short video for our network events in Lithuania free of charge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

When I learn that this Network unites like minded people and organizations, who cares about society development, I realized this is the people I want to be surrounded and maybe this ways I will find more team members to start sooner my own ideas about education. Or maybe ever receive some partly funds for this education project. I own domain www.ugdymas.lt and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ugdymas. This is the the platform where I want to spread good practice about non formal education and inspire more and more people to follow and start getting involved or at least support this idea, so one day it becomes part on formal education program with many lessons / workshops where kinds learns not only hard skills, like math, languages, nature science, history, but as well many life, personal, social skill they need in order to become more brave, loving, caring, creating, sharing and cooperating person.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ignas Skudrickas
Job Title
Videographer, Youth trainer
Head of the organisation
Ignas Skudrickas
Name of Organisation
7S Films Academy

ALFinMOTION - Mobility Programme - Seventh Edition

ALF in motion seventh edition

Read the Call in PDF format here



DEADLINE: 12 August 2024 (23:59 CET)

Fostering Stronger Partnerships for a Diverse Mediterranean!

ALFinMotion unites Intercultural Dialogue leaders and empowers civil society entities to tackle pressing challenges. The ALFinMotion programme financially supports representatives from across the Mediterranean, promoting face-to-face collaboration and interdisciplinary solutions.

In this programme, we introduce four distinct modalities (PACK).

Mobility For Partnership: For entities in the process of developing project proposals and are actively seeking international partners for collaboration or creating a consortium and are looking to engage in joint brainstorming exercises and more.

Mobility For Action: For entities participating in face-to-face intercultural dialogue events like workshops, debates, trainings, intercultural performances, etc. and are interested in enriching these events by inviting external parties from different organisations around the Mediterranean.

Mobility For Creativity: For artistic and creative outlets willing to host creative individuals or artists, allowing them to step out of their everyday practices and explore new horizons. Participants in this modality can bring their creative initiatives to life, experiment with new ideas, and collaborate with like-minded peers.

Mobility For Knowledge: For entities partnering with other peers or academic institutions to create knowledge products related to intercultural dialogue. It's an opportunity to co-produce cross-sectoral knowledge in the Euro-Med region.

Apply here for Mobility for Partnership

Apply here for Mobility for Action

Apply here for Mobility for Creativity

Apply here for Mobility for Knowledge

Who can apply?

Applications must be submitted by the organisation (host organisation) that will receive the representative(s) of another organisation(s) (sending organisation) for a joint face to face intercultural dialogue activity. The host organisation can get financial support to receive one or two civil society representative(s). The organisations can be ALF Network member(s) or non-member(s). If an applicant is not a member, it is strongly recommended to apply for ALF membership by the deadline of this call. The activity must take place in the country where the host organisation (applicant) is based in.

The applications must involve at least two different organisations (host and sending organisations) each from complementary shores of the Mediterranean*. If the applicant (host organisation) intends to collaborate with two sending organisations, these, in addition to being both from the complementary shore of the Mediterranean, must be based in different countries.

Only for the Creativity Modality the host organisation can also apply to receive individuals that are not representing an organisation. In that case, the individuals also have to be from different countries.

In very exceptional cases, the Foundation can grant collaborations between entities from the same shore of the Mediterranean, if the consistency and the added value of such proposals of collaboration are clearly and extensively justified.

Please note: The organisations have to be legal persons, registered in one of the 43 Euro-Med Partnership countries. In case of Creativity Modality applications, the individuals mobilised have to be nationals of one of the 43 Euro-Med Partnership countries.

Call open until 12 August 2024 (23:59 CET)

Applications in English, French or Arabic must be submitted before 12 August 2024, 23.59 CET via the online application form only. Mobilities must take place anytime between 1 October 2024 and 31 March 2025, respecting visa application schedules and requirements. The ALF Secretariat will provide letters of support for the selected submissions.

How to apply?

Check below the short description of each mobility modality. Choose one modality to apply for. The same applicant cannot submit more than one mobility proposal under this call. Applications cannot be submitted for activities that are already partly or fully funded by ALF.


Identify the potential organisation(s) to be mobilised (the ALF Network page can help in this regard) and agree to cooperate together in the framework of the chosen mobility modality.


Preview the application form. It is not possible to save text as draft or to make any adjustments after submitting. After the deadline, it is the most recently submitted version of the application that will be processed.

In case of technical problems or questions related to the call, please send questions to: ALFinMOTION.call@bibalex.org. The ALF Secretariat will answer your questions during the information session and post them online.

Pre-established lump sum allocations & payment modality

Lump sums and minimum duration of stays supported by the ALF for each modality are as follows:

Mobility Modalities Maximum of mobilised persons     Minimum duration of the stay abroad Lump-sum per hosted organisation Maximum contract value
Partnership Up to 2 from different countries 7 days 1.300 euro 2.600 euro
Action Up to 2 from different countries 2 days 1.300 euro 2.600 euro
Creativity Up to 2 from different countries 1 month 2.500 euro 5.000 euro
Knowledge Up to 2 from different countries 7 days 1.500 euro 3.000 euro

No pre-financing payments are foreseen. The lump sum amount will be transferred to the host organisation bank account. These allocations will be released as soon as the mobilities have taken place, upon reception and approval of the final reporting required documents. Upon request, a pre-financing equal to 60% of the lump sum amount can be issued. In those cases, the host organisation will assume the estimated cost of the bank transfers amounting 120 euro that will be deducted from the lump sum allocation. Beneficiaries have to comply with the ALF communication and visibility guidelines when implementing the intercultural dialogue initiative.

Indicative timeline

30/06/24 Launch of the call

15/07/24 Online information session (details will be published on the ALF’ website)

12/08/24 Deadline to receive mobility submissions

02/09/24 Publication of the selection results

09/09/24 Signature of the contracts

16/09/24 Zoom meeting with the host organisations to share common ground

01/10/25 Earliest possible start date of the intercultural initiatives benefiting from this call

31/03/25 Latest possible end date of the intercultural initiatives benefiting from this call

April 2025 Zoom meeting with the host organisations to carry out an ex-post evaluation of the call


Selection criteria will be based on the quality of the complete mobility submissions received. Priority will be given to submissions: that address peacebuilding, conflict resolution, living together and coexistence, inclusive dynamics, disinformation, misinformation; where all the involved organisations are members of the Anna Lindh Foundation; where ALF members are the host organisation; that don’t involve mobilised persons that already benefitted from the programme. A gender, youth and geographical balance between regions and countries must be observed.

For the evaluation procedure, the following elements will be considered:

  • Relevance of the proposed initiative in terms of Intercultural Dialogue as indicated in each modality (20%)
  • Added value of the involved organisation(s) in relation to the proposed mobility (20%)
  • Pertinence of the specific experience of the beneficiaries/mobilised person(s) in relation to the proposed mobility (30%)
  • Complementarity between the host and the beneficed/mobilised organisation(s) profile/background (30%)

Description of the modalities

Below you find the detailed descriptions of the four modalities. If you are interested in applying, follow the link (in red) to the specific application form.

Mobility for Partnership

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is seven days for a maximum of two beneficiary(ies)/mobilised person(s) from two different sending entities which must be based in different countries

Its purpose is to encourage the joint formulation of intercultural dialogue project proposals to be submitted to a pre-identified national or international donor. The project proposals shall be directly related to concrete aspects of intercultural dialogue, and address specific needs identified at the local, national, or regional level. The ALF will prioritize project proposals with innovative approaches and oriented towards youth, gender equality, media literacy and climate change or with social inclusion purposes. Apply here

Final reporting requirements: Nominative boarding passes for flight tickets or tickets for other means of transportation, a minimum of three high-quality photographs capturing mobility’s engaging moments, the concept note of the project proposal elaborated with the following minimum elements: summary, description and relevance, in accordance with the template and the online evaluation report provided by the ALF Secretariat.

Preview of the online form.

Mobility for Action

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is two days for a maximum of two beneficiary(ies)/mobilised person(s) from two different sending entities, which must be based in different countries

Its objective is to support the active involvement of different kind of actors in face to face intercultural dialogue initiatives, which are carried out by the host organisation. The number of beneficiaries/mobilised persons shouldn´t exceed 20% of the participants in the proposed intercultural initiative. Apply here

Final reporting requirementsNominative boarding passes for flight tickets or tickets for other means of transportation, a minimum of three high-quality photographs capturing mobility’s engaging moments, communication support(s) and audiovisual material(s) produced, participation sheet(s), news elaborated following the guidelines for the ALF Corporate Website Network News Section and an online evaluation report provided by the ALF Secretariat.

Preview of the online form.

Mobility for Creativity

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is one month for a maximum of two beneficiary(ies)/mobilised person(s) which must be based in different countries

It invites creative agents of the Euro-Mediterranean space from various disciplines and sectors to co-create cultural/creative initiatives related to Intercultural Dialogue. The host organisation must provide beneficiaries/mobilised person(s) with the space and means to work. The creative outcomes could be showcased at the premises of the ALF Secretariat in Alexandria and/or in some other countries upon agreement with the potential concerned ALF members of the Civil Society National Networks. ALF particularly welcomes initiatives that specifically involve migrant communities, encouraging social engagement or with an outreach purpose. Apply here

Final reporting requirements: Nominative boarding passes for flight tickets or tickets for other means of transportation, a minimum of three high-quality photographs capturing mobility’s engaging moments, communication support(s) and audio-visual material(s) produced, participation sheet(s), news elaborated following the guidelines for the ALF Corporate Website Network News Section and an online evaluation report provided by the ALF Secretariat.

Preview of the online form.

Mobility for Knowledge

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is seven days for a maximum of two beneficiary(ies)/mobilised person(s) from two different sending entities which must be based in different countries

Its aim is the creation of tandems with Civil Society Organisations and Research/Academic Institutions (think-tanks, specialized research centers or universities) to co-produce cross-sectoral/cross-border knowledge on relevant aspects of Intercultural Dialogue. The ALF maintains co-ownership of the final knowledge product's publishing rights and intellectual property. Preference will be given to submissions related to the production of new methodologies, innovative approaches or analytical/propositional documents. Apply here

Final reporting requirements: Nominative boarding passes for flight tickets or tickets for other means of transportation, a minimum of three high-quality photographs capturing mobility’s engaging moments, the final knowledge product, an executive summary elaborated and published following the guidelines for the ALF Intercultural Dialogue Resource Centre and an online evaluation report provided by the ALF Secretariat.

Preview of the online form.


The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures (ALF), (https://www.annalindhfoundation.org), created in 2005, as an international intergovernmental organisation based in Alexandria. The Foundation, inspired by Anna Lindh's legacy, is committed to fostering intercultural dialogue within its mission of nurturing inclusive societies where diversity is celebrated and everyone's voice is valued. By promoting peace, justice, and strong partnerships, the Foundation strives to create a world where people from diverse backgrounds live in harmony through open and meaningful intercultural exchanges.

ALF brings together organisations, institutions, policy makers, and other change makers from all Euro-Med countries to open a dialogue and cooperate. People meet, learn, and collaborate, through the Foundation’s different projects and initiatives in different fields to empower them to create a chain of positive change that touches more lives and communities. Its action grounds on the two main bodies of the Foundation: It’s Civil National Networks with more than 4,500 members and the 42 Members States of its Board of Governors.

Framework and financial allocation

This Programme is developed in the framework of the Action Grant NDICI-GEO-NEAR/2022/434-371. The indicative overall amount allocated to this call is 95.000 euro. The ALF Secretariat reserves the right not to disburse all available funds.

*Category 1:   Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Türkiye
Category 2:   Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden

ALF Hands-On: Open Call for Participation! - Second Cycle Round 2

ALF Hands-On: Open Call for Participation! - Second Cycle Round 2

Read the Call in PDF format here



Application deadline: 30 July 2024 (23:59 Central European Time)

Apply here

ALF HANDS ON If you are an experienced professional that works in a civil society entity then this call is for you! We are bringing you an opportunity to level up your skills and enhance your professional capacity with free online non-theoretical training from individuals who walked the same path as you are now. This is a peer-to-peer e-learning opportunity designed by and for civil society organisations to empower the capabilities of professionals in management and intercultural dialogue fields. You will get to choose from 18 expertly crafted expertise sharing programmes.

ALF Hands On is more than just a training programme; it is a platform for peer-to-peer collaboration, real-world application, and community building.

Why Peer-to-Peer?
Traditional training programmes often lack the interactive and collaborative elements needed for effective skill development. Peer-to-peer learning goes beyond conventional teaching methods by fostering direct engagement, shared experiences, focusing on practical and field experience. Through peer-to-peer training, participants will have the opportunity to learn from experts who understand the specific challenges and contexts faced by intercultural dialogue and civil society practitioners in the Euro-Mediterranean region. It encourages dynamic interactions, knowledge exchange, and the co-creation of innovative solutions.

You may choose up to two enhancing capacities modules. In the online application form below, please specify your preferences as per the order of priority. The ALF Secretariat will try as much as possible to accommodate your interests. Upon completion, a certificate will be awarded to those who actively participate in 100% of the 3 sessions modules, at least 80% of the 6 sessions modules and at least 75% of the 9 sessions modules.

Preview the application from here

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 1: Bridging Borders: Empowering Civil Society Through Intercultural Collaboration and Economic Synergy (in English)

Led by Organisation Youth Rights & Citizenship Initiative - Albania

October 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 29th, & November 5th, 7th, 12th, and 14th from 18:00 to 20:00 CET

What you will learn?

  • Explore the role of cultural understanding in legal and economic cooperation between civil society organisations
  • Explore various frameworks for cross-border collaborative initiatives within civil society
  • Identify funding opportunities to support international civil society cooperation
  • Utilize online platforms and tools to facilitate effective collaborations
  • Develop metrics and methodologies to assess the efficiency of partnerships

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 2: Strengthening Societal Resilience Against Radical Propaganda on Media (in English)

Led by Copenhagen Youth Network - Denmark

October 11th, 18th, 25th & November 8th, 15th, 22nd from 15:00 to 17:00 CET

What you will learn?

  • strengthening the resilience against extremist propaganda, through recognising different risk factors online and offline
  • Understanding the different processes to radicalisation
  • Learning different tools for critical thinking and media literacy analysis which could be particularly helpful for practitioners who work with vulnerable groups

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 3: Peacebuilding into Action (in English)

Led by Educuality - Egypt

October 3dr, 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, and 12th from 19:00 to 21:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Gain a foundational understanding of peacebuilding concepts, principles, and global practices
  • Explore the unique role and contributions of women in peacebuilding, emphasizing the gender perspectives
  • Discover how various art forms can be utilized as tools for peacebuilding, expression, and community engagement
  • Understand the power of storytelling in shaping narratives, fostering empathy, and building peace
  • Acquire skills to design, plan, and implement social initiatives that contribute to peacebuilding efforts

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 4: التخطيط وإدارة المشروعات المشتركة بين الثقافات (in Arabic)

Led by Bubinga Agency - Egypt

October 14th, 17th, 21st, 24th, 28th, 31st & November 4th, 7th, 11th from 18:00 to 20:00 CET.

What will you learn?

  • Acquire fundamental skills in project planning using the logical framework
  • Understand funding sources and learn how to develop a financing plan
  • Design monitoring and evaluation plans, executive plans, and budgets
  • Enhance knowledge and skills in using checklists and establishing essential mechanisms to form sustainable partnerships

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 5: الحوار بين الثقافات - التعددية الثقافية (in Arabic)

Led by Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development - MYF - Egypt

October 26th , 27th from 14:00 to 16:00 CET & November 9th from 14:00 to 17:00 CET & 10th , 16th from 14:00 to 16:30 CET & 17th , 23rd and 24th from 14:00 to 16:00

What will you learn?

  • Explore stereotypical templates through individual perceptions
  • Present the perspective of cultural diversity and ground its concepts in different societies
  • Recognize the fundamental elements of culturally diverse societies and dynamic tools for their application
  • Explore the role of youth in supporting and enhancing intercultural dialogue

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 6: Start Me Up : réseaux, soft-skills, coopération et stratégie pour le développement interculturel (in French)

Led by Occitanie en scène - France

October 8th, 9th, 10th, 29th, 30th, and 31st from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM CET

What will you learn?

  • Understand the benefits of collaboration in fostering creativity, innovation, and career opportunities, and to adopt a collaborative mindset that values mutual contribution over competition
  • Mobilize insights from neuroscience to enhance personal and professional development
  • Identify the five main dysfunctions limiting cooperation and teamwork and develop action plans to address these issues
  • Master basic concepts of strategic planning and sustainability, to build individual strategic and sustainable plan

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 7: Intercultural Communication & Conflict Resolution Effective Methods for Connection and Adaptation (in English)

Led by InterCultur gGmbH - Germany

October 9th , 16th , 23rd and 30th from 10:00 to 13:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Reflect on value-based conflict potentials and gain experience in interpersonal conflict resolution
  • Explore cultural values shaping behaviours in societies or organisations, influencing intercultural interactions and potential irritations or synergies
  • Practice interculturally sensitive communication and interactions, and develop strategies for implementing intercultural competence into everyday life

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 8: Exploring Diverse Practices; Digital Training on Social and Solidarity Economy (in English)

Led by The Beehive Community - Greece

October 23, 30 & November 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 18:00 to 20:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Undertake a comprehensive exploration of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
  • Explore collective stewardship and community dynamics around common resources
  • Simplify the understanding of governance structures in SSE, emphasizing equity in management and decision making
  • Explore complex financial structures within SSE organisations, covering ideas like social value, surplus reinvestment, and financial equity

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 9: InterculturAbility: Enhancing Project Management for Coexistence (in English)

Led by Legambiente Trani - Italy

October 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th, 15th, and 17th from 18:00 to 20:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Recognize the importance of intercultural aspects in project design and management
  • Foster the creation of interest groups and identify specific intercultural challenges
  • Gain insights into peer-to-peer expertise in intercultural project management

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 10: Enhancing Communication Skills for CSOs (in English)

Led by Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security - Italy

October 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 17:00 - 20:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Develop and master intercultural communication skills tailored for CSOs enabling effective communication with the media
  • Design effective media campaigns for advocacy purposes

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 11: التفكير التصميمي لمشاريع التأثير المجتمعي (in Arabic)

Led by The Valve Design Studio - Jordan

October 7th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 21st, 24th from 13:00 to 15:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Master the initial steps of design thinking and related tools
  • Learn techniques for identifying the right problem to solve
  • Learn how to cultivate and align ideas to achieve innovative outcomes
  • Understand how execution and practice can reveal hidden challenges
  • Learn about the value of early failure and the process of iterating on the model

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 12: Culture Shapers: Enhancing Capacities for Intercultural Dialogue in Civil Society Sphere (in English)

Led by Forum Connecting Cultures - منتدى تواصل الثقافات - Morocco

October 23rd , 25th , 30th & November 1st , 6th and 8th from 16:00 to 19:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Create and lead inclusive teams that value diversity in intercultural environments
  • Enhance cultural competence in project communication, emphasizing effective cross-cultural communication strategies
  • Manage and resolve conflicts within intercultural teams and projects
  • Explore strategies for establishing and sustaining successful intercultural partnerships
  • Conduct advocacy and awareness campaigns with cultural sensitivity

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 13: الحوار بين الثقافات في البحر المتوسط :الإبحار في مجال التنوع و التعاون  (in Arabic)

Led by Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs (PCS)- Palestine

October 7th, 10th, 14th, 21st, 24th, and November 4th, 11th, 19th, and 25th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CET

What will you learn?

  • Better understanding of common cultural challenges in the Mediterranean region and develop effective interaction skills to navigate with them
  • Build leadership and management skills for culturally diverse teams and develop effective strategies for managing joint projects
  • Enhance leadership skills of civil society organisations by developing strategic planning capabilities and improving governance

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 14: تعميم مراعاة المنظور الجنساني في الإدارة متنوعة الثقافات (in Arabic)

Led by Povod institute for culture and development of international relations in culture- Slovenia

November 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 12th from 09:00 to 11:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Deconstruct concepts of equality and diversity from diverse cultural perspectives
  • Strengthen personal commitment to gender equality and diversity within social and cultural contexts
  • Integrate a gender perspective throughout the project’s life cycle in the Mediterranean region, improving understanding of issues and decision-making processes
  • Develop sustainable proposals that are monitored and implemented through tools that generalise a gender perspective

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 15: Création de Contenus Scénarisés et Médiatisés : Une narration pour le Vivre Ensemble (in French)

Led by CREI.corp, Centre de ressources et d'expertises interculturelles - Spain

November 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, and 23, from 18:00 to 20:00

What will you learn?

  • Understand fundamentals of living together and identify social issues
  • Gain proficiency in using Scenario and Mediation tools
  • Explore different media formats and production techniques tailored
  • Apply acquired knowledge in a practical workshop and present projects within a group setting
  • Participate in a project evaluation session led by trainers to assess and refine projects

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 16: Facilitating Conciliation, beyond Conflict Resolution (in English)

Led by Instituto de Asuntos Culturales, España- Spain.

October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 22nd, 23rd and 24th from 11:00 to 14:00 CET

What will you learn?

  • Explore the nature of conflict and discrimination and identify different levels of conflict
  • Learn methods and tools for conciliation and anti-discrimination efforts
  • Engage in the implementation process, by co-designing complex conciliation processes, and establishing follow-up mechanisms for peer-to-peer support and networking

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 17: Negotiation: Competences and Strategies For Better Agreements (in English)

Led by Strait Up - Spain October 1, 8, and 15 from 16:30 to 18:30 (CET)

What will you learn?

  • Gain an understanding of the basic concepts of negotiation and how to analyse conflicts
  • Reflect on personal negotiation approaches concerning interests and power dynamics

Apply here

Enhancing capacities module 18: Intersectional Project Management and Networks (in English)

Led by PeaceWorks Sweden - Sweden

October 3rd, 8th from 10:30 to 12:30 CET, & 10th , 15th from 10:30 to 13:30 CET & 17th, 22nd, 24th and 29th from 10:30 to 12:30 CET

What will you learn?

  • Develop vision, goals, and objectives for projects/organisations, utilizing ideas from intersectional peacebuilding concepts
  • Create strategies and tools to identify suitable methods and activities for projects/organisations
  • Learn how to assess risks based on ideas, develop a timeline, and allocate responsibilities through using inclusive dynamic methods
  • Explore different approaches to dynamize budgeting and evaluation

Apply here

ALF Euro-Mediterranean Young Professionals Programme

ALF Euro-Med Young Professionals

Read the call in PDF format here.

The ALF Euro-Mediterranean Young Professionals Programme is a full-time professional experience designed for young professionals at the beginning of their careers who are eager to expand their intercultural expertise through dedicated work. The programme aims to empower talented graduates under the age of 30 from the 43 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region by providing them with firsthand professional experience in intercultural dialogue. Professionals also benefit by contributing to the Foundation's mission to foster youth inclusion through empowerment and engagement, enhancing their competitiveness in the job market

What the Programme Offers:

Successful applicants will begin their professional journey of up to 12 months at the ALF Secretariat in Alexandria, Egypt. During this time, they will:

  • Gain invaluable work experience and insights from the daily operations of the ALF Secretariat, understanding practical objectives and goals of intercultural and civil society dialogue
  • Work in a vibrant, multicultural, and multilingual setting, which will prepare them for the job market, equipping them with practical skills for navigating the global intercultural dynamic
  • Experience professional growth by working in a prestigious intergovernmental entity
  • Build a network with like-minded professionals and experts in the field of intercultural dialogue, enriching both their personal and professional life

Young professionals’ fields   

The ALF Euro-Mediterranean Young Professionals Programme 2024 offers young professionals the opportunity to gain a year of professional experience in one of the following five fields:

  • Public Policies

Its objective is to facilitate and encourage research community, policy-makers, civil society organisations, and EU and ALF Member States institutions from different disciplines and sectors to collaborate, exchange ideas with the aim to create and disseminate knowledge useful to promote sustainable transformations in intercultural public policies and practices at the Euro-Mediterranean level with human-centred approaches.

  • Civil Society

It is dedicated to actively develop exchanges and interactions between the ALF Secretariat and the Heads and grassroots members of ALF Civil Society Networks and to provide structured support to carry out activities and tasks with the aim to give cohesion, engage and mobilise them for the development of intercultural dialogue activities at national and regional levels. Also manages training and mobility programmes at the Euro-Mediterranean scale.

  • Corporate Communication

It has an essential role for increasing visibility of the action of the Foundation. By targeting both internal and external communication strands, it ensures that institutional bodies of ALF, its members, and the wider public are all kept in the loop and engaged. Its added value lies in its four main communication tools: the ALF website, the social media outreach, the monthly newsletters, and the Intercultural Dialogue Resource Centre.

  • Quality Control

It is a pivotal factor in enhancing performance, establishing the success of implementation, demonstrating the impact of activities, and communicating outcomes to stakeholders, including donors.  It is adopting an evidence-based approach via quantitative and qualitative data collection that goes beyond mere monitoring to ensure continual improvements to ALF programming, enhancing the overall efficiency of the system.

  • Fundraising and institutional partnerships

It is a crucial aspect of the ALF’s current strategy of diversification of sources of funding, as it implies the identification of potential funding sources, the conceptualization and elaboration of project proposals and reference frameworks and the identification of suitable partners to joint implementation. It complements the structural action of the Foundation in specific fields where the Foundation has a particular added value, both in terms of methodologies and strategic alliances.

Young professionals will be asked to choose two of the fields detailed above in order of preference and they will be assigned to the ALF Units according to their previous experience and motivation, depending on the specific needs of the ALF Secretariat.

Starting date, Duration, and Job location

 The estimated start of the contract is foreseen for 1 September 2024, with a duration of 12 months terminating on 31 August 2025, during which the selected young professionals will develop their responsibilities in Alexandria, Egypt, from the Foundation premises.

Eligibility Criteria

The criteria that will be taken into account in the selection process are the following:

  • Age Applicants must be under 30 at the start date of the contract (1 September 2024)
  • Nationality Applicants should be nationals of one of the 43 member states of the Union for the Mediterranean 43member states of the Union for the Mediterranean
  • Bachelor's degree in a field relevant to the chosen fields
  • Master’s degree in a field relevant to the chosen fields
  • Knowledge of English (Excellent written and oral communication skills, at least C1 level)
  • Proven experience in the chosen fields

Selected young professionals will be assigned to the different fields according to their areas of study, previous experience and motivation, according to the specific needs of the ALF Secretariat, regardless the modalities chosen as first or second option. There is also the possibility to rotate or be assigned to other field/s subject to ALF Secretariat necessities.


Interested candidates must complete and submit the online form available in English only before 24 July 2024, at 23.59 Central European Time (CET).

Candidates must upload a motivation letter of no more, nor less than two pages (Arial 11, simple space) and a detailed Curriculum vitae of no more than four pages, which has to follow the Europass template (https://europa.eu/europass/en), both in English only.

A confirmation message will automatically be displayed upon submission of the application. Only complete applications, meeting the eligibility criteria and submitted before the deadline will be considered.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Preview of the online application form

Apply here

Transformative Youth in Action


Read the Call in PDF format here



Apply here


The Mediterranean Youth in Action (MYA) programme embodies a dynamic approach toward fostering positive change in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Grounded in the principle of experiencing through action, MYA empowers young pioneers to become catalysts for transformation and advocates for societal progress. With a steadfast commitment to peer sharing and learning, MYA cultivates a vibrant community where young leaders collaborate, exchange ideas, and harness their collective potential. Embracing a Euro-med vision, the programme bridges cultural divides and promotes dialogue, understanding, and cooperation across borders. Through initiatives aimed at empowering young people to shape public policy and promoting active citizenship, MYA positions youth as the true agents of change, envisioning a future where they play pivotal roles in shaping the societal landscape of the Mediterranean region.


Dive into the world of transformative action with the Mediterranean Youth in Action (MYA) programme! This call is all about empowering young leaders to make a tangible impact on their communities. Through MYA, young transformative leaders from both shores of the Euro-Mediterranean region are invited to take the reins and implement grassroots initiatives addressing local needs and promoting inclusion. It is about hands-on involvement and real change. Moreover, these initiatives at the local community level will serve as exemplary models, showcasing the relevance and effectiveness of community action at the broader Euro-Mediterranean scope. This call is a dynamic opportunity for young leaders to unleash their innovation and drive lasting, positive change in society. So, if you're ready to roll up your sleeves and be part of something truly meaningful, MYA is calling your name. Join us, and let's turn vision into action!

Who can apply?
Young Transformative Leaders of age between 18 and 35, who have the nationality of one of the 43 countries of the UFM, affiliated with youth-led or youth-oriented organizations active at the community level.

What should the initiative be about?
The initiatives should be locally transformative, addressing community needs and promoting inclusion. They can tackle various issues, such as social, economic, public policy, or other issues, as long as there is a clear demonstration that these concerns align with the needs of the community. The implementation should be in one of the 43 countries of the UFM.

How to apply?
Initiate your involvement by submitting your online application via the available online form only  before 21 July 2024 23.59 Central European Time, CET. Ensure alignment with the criteria, demonstrating your commitment to driving positive change in your local community. Craft a concise initiative outline, limited to 500 words, focusing on local transformative initiatives that address community needs and promote inclusion.
Only complete applications, meeting the criteria and submitted before the deadline will be considered.
Please note that it is not possible to save the application as a draft or to make any changes after submitting it. At the close of the call, the most recently submitted version of the application will be processed. The same applicant cannot submit more than one proposal under this call.
Due to the high volume of expected applications, responses to individual requests will not be provided. Only pre-screened candidates will be contacted.
In case of technical problems or questions related to the call, please send questions to: myaprogramme@annalindhfoundation.org

Programme phasing

Embark on a vibrant journey with the Transformative Youth in Action by acquainting yourself with the process. Here is a detailed breakdown to guide you seamlessly through each step:

  1. Application submission

You will kickstart your journey with MYA by applying by the specified deadline, ensuring you meet the eligibility criteria, and showcasing your dedication to contributing to the Euro-Mediterranean vision. This includes the submission of an outline for a transformative initiative of up to 500 words These outlines should focus on transformative initiatives at the local level, addressing community needs and promoting inclusion in an innovative manner.

  1. Online practical training (for 50 Pre-screened young transformative outlines)

A selection committee will pre-screen the top 50 outlines. If your proposed outline is among the pre-selected 50, engage in an enriching online training programme. Led by expert facilitators, this training will bolster your skills in project cycle management, communication, and dissemination, preparing you for the subsequent phases.

  1. Extended proposal

Following the online practical training, you'll be tasked with developing an extended proposal, providing a detailed description of your initiatives and relevant indicators. Based on the evaluation of the extended proposal, the top 25 initiatives will be selected.

  1. Face-to-face kick-off engaging meeting (for 25 selected leaders)

The selected 25 young transformative leaders will convene for an immersive in-person kick-off meeting in one of the Euro-Mediterranean countries. This meeting offers a unique platform for sharing approaches, refining methodologies through peer reviews, and fostering collective engagement. Special attention will be given to reviewing all aspects of the proposed initiatives, ensuring clarity in narrative and financial reporting. Moreover, this gathering presents a unique opportunity to foster a sense of community and collaboration on the Euro-Mediterranean scale, enhancing connectivity and synergy among young leaders from diverse backgrounds.

  1. Implementation of community-based transformative initiatives

With up to 8,000 euro, the selected leaders will implement their initiatives, emphasising multiplier effects and alliances with local entities. Robust measures, including online intermediate sessions and continuous accompaniment, will be in place to maximise results and address potential challenges.

  1. Face-to-face evaluation and results-sharing meeting (MYA Forum)

The 25 participants from the kick-off engaging meeting will be invited to participate in the MYA Forum that brings together youth, decision-makers, and stakeholders from the Euro-Mediterranean region at the end of each cycle. It provides a platform for sharing insights, fostering collaboration, and addressing key issues related to youth empowerment, and intercultural dialogue. The MYA Forum will provide the opportunity to evaluate the impact of the “Transformative Youth in Action” component to improve further editions. The MYA Forum will take place back-to- back to the ALForum, scheduled to take place in the first quarter of 2025.

1.Skills enhancement (50 pre-selected young community leaders):
Elevate project management, communication, and transformative leadership skills through an online training programme. Receive a certification endorsed by the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Secretariat.
2.Face-to-face kick-off meeting (25 selected young community leaders):
Join a kick-off meeting in person in one of the Euro-Mediterranean countries for peer review and discussions. Refine methodologies, build connections, and prepare for the initiative's implementation phase.
3.Financial support (25 selected young community leaders):
Receive up to 8,000 euro for implementing community-level initiatives. Foster alliances, contribute to sustainable change and explore potential additional funding sources.
4.Networking opportunities:
Connect with leaders, stakeholders, and civil society representatives. Build a robust network for potential collaborations and future endeavours.
5.Evaluation and learning support:
Receive continuous accompaniment and support. Engage in online intermediate sessions, ensuring timely and collaborative problem-solving. The ALF Secretariat is committed to supporting participants at every stage.
6.Communication contribution:
Young leaders will actively contribute to communication initiatives, creating diverse content to share their insights. These will include direct testimonies from the young community leaders about their experiences and knowledge gained during their participation in the MYA programme. Financial compensation will be provided for these contributions.
Additional benefits: participation in Euro-Mediterranean dialogues and MYA forum
As a selected young community leader, your journey with "Transformative Youth in Action" offers an exclusive opportunity to actively engage in participatory and policy dialogues within the Euro-Mediterranean region. This includes participation in events such as:
•  ALF youth dialogues:

The top-performing young leaders will have the opportunity to activly participate in dynamic events and dialogues organised at the Euro-Mediterranean scale, amplifying youth voices and perspectives, fostering dialogue, and connecting with stakeholders and peers across the region.
Participating in these events not only enhances your visibility and network but also provides a unique platform to contribute to meaningful dialogues shaping the Euro-Mediterranean narrative.

Selection criteria

The selection process is designed to ensure fairness, diversity, and relevance. ALF considers the following criteria to identify local transformative initiatives that will contribute meaningfully to the Euro-Mediterranean discourse:

  1. Alignment with Local Community Needs (25%)

Demonstrated understanding of local community needs and a clear articulation of how the proposed initiative addresses these needs at the grassroots level. This includes analysis of the context (15%), and the targeted beneficiaries (10%) 

  1. Background and Experience (15%)

Diverse background and experiences showcasing the applicant's ability to contribute unique perspectives and approaches to the initiative, and that they have community engagement experience.

  1. Feasibility and Clear Implementation Plan (25%)

A feasible and well-detailed implementation plan, including a clear description of activities, appropriate indicators for outputs and outcomes, and an understanding of potential challenges and mitigation strategies and feasible in terms of the maximum financial support offered (up to 8,000 euro). This includes main objectives (10%), and activities outline (15%).

  1. Innovation of the Transformative Initiative (25%)

Explain what your innovative approaches are to address the main objective. What it its added value.

  1. Usefulness at the Euro-med scale (10%)

Demonstrates how the proposed initiative is relevant to and aligned with the broader Euro-Mediterranean context, taking into account the unique socio-cultural, economic, and political factors of the region.

ALF is dedicated to promoting an inclusive and non-discriminatory atmosphere within the Transformative Youth in Action. Applicants are encouraged to showcase how their projects contribute to diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities in their communities. Additionally, a gender and geographical balance between regions and countries will be observed. This commitment underscores our goal to create a diverse and equitable community, fostering sustainable and inclusive development in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

مركز إنماء الفلسطيني للتنمية وحقوق الإنسان

National Network

القدس _ العيزرية
شارع القدس _ أريحا
القدس ورام الله
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

مركز إنماء الفلسطيني هو مؤسسة غير ربحية تهدف الى تعزيز احترام الحقوق والحريات وتعزيز دور المرأة والشباب في رسم السياسات العامة مكون من مجلس ادارة ومجلس استشاري وعدد من منسقين البرامج عملنا سابقا مع الاتحاد الاوروبي والوكالة الامريكية للتنمية وممولين محليين

Mission and Objectives

مركز إنماء الفلسطيني هو مؤسسة غير ربحية تهدف الى تعزيز احترام الحقوق والحريات وتعزيز دور المرأة والشباب في رسم السياسات العامة .

Main Projects / Activities

برامج تدريب السياسيين الشباب مؤتمر التوظيف السنوي للخريجين برامج دعم صمود المواطنين في القدس الاكاديمية الفلسطينية لتنمية المواهب وهي جسم دائم في المركز

Contact (1) Full Name
شادي قاسم أبوعرة
Job Title
المدير العام والمستشار القانوني
Head of the organisation
المستشار شادي قاسم أبوعرة
Contact (2) Full Name
فاريهان رشدي فراح
Job Title (2)
مسؤولة برنامج المرأة والشباب والعلاقات العامة

ALF Closing the Circle


We are proud to unveil the launch of our series of Public Policy events that will take place this year. Through this series of events, we aim to bridge the gap between research, policy-making, and on-ground implementation. ALF Public Policy initiatives are designed based on a Euro-Mediterranean participatory approach, by linking civil society entities with researchers and policymakers.

In 2024, our events will cover three main intercultural public policy themes: Unpacking the process of youth engagement in participatory dialogues and decision-making, fostering an intercultural approach to the ethics of AI, and promoting the concept of living together.

These series of public policy events will help us enhance our programmes, strengthen civil society networks’ capacity, and our contribution to Euro-Med Policy frameworks.

On May 21st and 22nd, 2023, we held our latest public policy debate on Protecting Pluralism in Brussels which covered our third and last driver.

We convened a diverse group of experts, including representatives from international organizations, academia, civil society leaders, and youth advocates. Together, we explored various perspectives, innovative approaches, and multi-stakeholder strategies to protect and promote pluralism in the EuroMed region.

The policy dialogue addressed the urgent need to safeguard pluralism. Through panel discussions on complementary topics, we collectively developed actionable recommendations. These included measures to protect pluralism, enhance civil society engagement for community participation, empower youth advocacy, and preserve cultural and religious heritage.

We are grateful to the European External Action Service for hosting this important event.

Our second #ALFClosingTheCircle public policy dialogue on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence happened in Brussels on May 14th and 15th.

Over the two-day event, we gathered a group of prominent academics and practitioners in the field of AI ethics. They shared insightful perspectives on how to implement pragmatic approaches to the ethical development of AI technologies across our region.

By bringing together these distinctive individuals from both shores of the Euro-Med region, our goal was to contextualise the opportunities and challenges of AI ethics in today's world. Analysis on how intercultural dialogue can serve as a multilateral tool in designing unbiased and equitable AI algorithms were explored.

Through this debate, #ALFClosingTheCircle has taken two steps closer to bridging the gap between theory and practice by connecting research, policymaking, and real-world application of ethical AI.

Our first Multistakeholder Policy debate event took place on April 17th and 18th in Brussels.

The event's objective was to address the challenges and prerequisites for involving youth in the Euro-Med region. The event successfully brought together a wide range of participants, including experts, academics, practitioners from civil society organisations, and representatives from various institutions. During the ALF Multistakeholder Policy debate, participants delved into crucial topics such as how to effectively reach and identify youth who embody the diverse perspectives prevalent in the region. The focus was on ensuring their legitimacy and representativeness. Additionally, discussions revolved around the roles that governments, institutions, and civil society organisations play in equipping youth with the necessary skills, knowledge, resources, and opportunities. By doing so, they can empower young people to make meaningful contributions to participatory and decision-making processes.

Special thanks to the EESC - European Economic and Social Committee for hosting us throughout these last 2 days.