Association Center for Dispute Resolution

National Network

"Yurii Gagarin" 8 Street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

• Juridical Person - a non-profit association;
• sources of financing: project financing and provision of services
• Project "MEDIATION AND COURT IN SUPPORT OF BUSINESS: Popularizing fast, fair and effective dispute resolution through court referral programs to mediation"; Project "Promoting the use of mediation in Sofia Municipality, Nadezhda District"; training; seminars; team-building; civil initiatives; certifying and advanced training for mediators; negotiations; mediation procedures; consulting;
• main partners - municipalities, institutions, organizations; private individuals;

Mission and Objectives

In a world filled with conflicts and differences, our mission is to show a way to overcome them. We believe in the power of dialogue. We educate communities about a type of communication that leads to understanding and accepting each other's positions and points of view. Our path between polarization and distrust is mediation. Through presence, active listening, and effective collaboration, this process allows us to reach the driving motives of each side. Its strength lies in empathy, understanding, trust, and resolving a specific dispute to a feasible solution. Applying the techniques used in mediation in various personal and professional situations enhances the quality of life for the individual. Its use in organizations and institutions strengthens the democratic principles of society as a whole and gives confidence to all people in the fairness and ability to overcome difficulties.
The main goals of the Dispute Resolution Center are:
- to inform and familiarize individuals and key groups in society with the benefits and effects of implementing mediation as a way to resolve disputes/conflicts/problems;
- to assist individuals, legal entities, institutions, organizations, and all communities and groups in resolving conflicts between them through mediation;
- to carry out all related activities that would lead to promoting individuality, tolerance, freedom, and progress for each individual and for society as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR) is the first center in Bulgaria to introduce the service of "mediation in municipality": the "Sredets" district of Sofia Municipality introduced a free mediation service for the residents of the district in 2019, which is still being used to this day. Within the framework of the "Promoting the use of mediation in Sofia Municipality, Nadezhda District" Project, the mediation service is now also offered in the "Nadezhda" district of Sofia Municipality. Our goal is for more districts in the capital to offer this service for the benefit of the citizens, and for it to become accessible to residents of most of the municipalities across the country.
CDR is the organization in Bulgaria that has developed and implemented an educational program on the subject of "Basics of Mediation" in schools. The curriculum is adapted for students in the high school level of education, aiming to enhance their emotional intelligence, reduce aggression in schools, and help students develop their communication and social skills. The training is conducted by qualified teachers - mediators;
CDR organizes and hosts the annual National Students Mediation Competition. Traditionally, teams from universities across the country participate in it. They come from various fields - humanities, technical, even military. Every year, the meetings and exchange of experiences and knowledge with them allow mediation to become more popular and find its application in different professional fields.
CDR organizes and conducts high-quality training for mediators from all over the country. Its training activities as an educational organization are approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria with license LS-04-903/16.05.2013. The Center for Dispute Resolution prides itself on its high professionalism and commitment to quality in training mediators. Thanks to our training program in the field of dispute resolution, we have the opportunity to build strong and competent mediators who know how to successfully participate in international disputes and achieve harmonious results for all parties involved.
Within the framework "MEDIATION AND COURT IN SUPPORT OF BUSINESS: Popularizing fast, fair and effective dispute resolution through court referral programs to mediation" Project CDR is the organization that has trained about one-third of the active mediators in the Republic of Bulgaria.
CDR takes care of improving the qualifications of practicing mediators by conducting specialized training in the areas of family, commercial, and intellectual property mediation.
It organizes and hosts various types of seminars, courses, and training related to enhancing communication skills, special mediator techniques, and methods for successful negotiation management in the form of team-building activities and through the method of "experiential learning".
CDR provides the service of mediation - for family and commercial disputes; workplace disputes; disputes within organizations; disputes between individuals and legal entities.
CDR advises organizations, individuals, and institutions on the effective use of the mediation procedure as an alternative way to resolve conflicts of all kinds.
Takes part in all initiatives about informing society and promoting mediation as a primary method for finding solutions and resolving conflicts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albena Radoslavova Komitova
Head of the organisation
Albena Radoslavova Komitova
Contact (2) Full Name
Teodora Dontcheva Bozhilova

Eurothink - Center for European Strategies

National Network
North Macedonia

Petar Pop Arsov 6-5/2
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia

+389 2 3217 511
Mobile Phone
+389 78 306 598
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, think-tank organization founded in September 2002. Eurothink is made up of an executive office, Steering Board, and member's assembly. It holds a staff of 4 full time employees, 2 part time employees, and 1 intern. Its annual budget runs between 300 000-350 000 Euros. The main sources of funding come from the European Union, as well as other donors such as the National Endowment for Democracy and individual bilateral donors. Primarily, the work of Eurothink is made up of concrete projects. Some of the partners involved in Eurothink's work are ALDA, Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation, NGO Infocentre, and others.

Mission and Objectives


The vision of EUROTHINK is for the Republic of North Macedonia to be a developed, democratic and liberal society based on the principles of justice, equality, freedom and prosperity. We see the EU integration process as the best instrument for achieving our vision.


EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit and secular civic association that supports the integration of North Macedonia in the European Union and Europeanization of society through evidence-based public policy research and policy development, vocational training and advice, regional cooperation, and advocacy for change.

Main Projects / Activities

Media4EU - Civil society program for the participation of media in North Macedonia's EU integration (EU funded)
Towards accountable and transparent policing in North Macedonia (NED funded)
Coalition against Illegal Logging (NDI funded)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through our knowledge and expertise in European integration processes, in particular from the security and media fields. Furthermore, we can add our experience in bilateral relations and trust building between neighbors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be involved in exchange with North African countries, receive new perspectives, and increase our impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitar Nikolovski
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dimitar Nikolovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Frosina Krushkarovska
Job Title (2)
Project assistant

Asia Center for Studies and Translation

National Network

21 Al-Marwa Buildings
Nasr City
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

A sole think tank, which is a specialist in future studies including, political and economic international and regional relations. We carry out consulting, studies, training, and translation. the resources of funding are local and international, recently we received US$ 25000 from China to carry out a project over the past two years with AlAhram Gate under the title of Eye on the Orient, the first political economy podcast in the region. We were guest participants and speakers in two main Central Asian forums with an attendance of 15000 guests in 2023. Also, we issued more than 200 articles in the past two years concerning the future of the world. The main partners were Asian Countries and China.

Mission and Objectives

Please check the attached portfolio of the center

Main Projects / Activities

Eye on the Orient was the main project we carried out via AlAhram Digital Gate and was impressive in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can study the cons of the current organizations in my region or my country and suggest solutions for several defects including the lack of governance, funding, and capacity building. Also, we can build better bridges with the Med network and also guide the Med funders to the right way to deal with the regional network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have a spectrum of suggestions that may refine a better understanding of the role of the organization and facilitate its work in the region, we know exactly what are the main needs and cons how to maintain them properly because our center is a think tank and carried out several studies to develop civil society role in the region as well as the developing partnership with our European side in that respect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Moustafa Moustafa
Job Title
Director & Owner
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Mohamed Moustafa

الجمعية المصرية للتنمية بفرشوط

National Network

الجمهورية بجوار مؤسسة السلع الغذائية

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

الجمعية المصرية للتنمية بفرشوط جمعية أهليه غير هادفة للربح مشهرة برقم 246 فى 1980/5/27 وهى جمعية تعمل على مستوى نطاق محافظة قنا وتهدف إلى رفع المستوى الاقتصادى والثقافى والصحى والاجتماعى والسياسى للمجتمع وتدعيم الجمعيات الأخرى فنيا عن طريق التدريب وخدمة المجتمع والجمعية لديها نظم مالية وإدارية تنظم عمل الجمعية

Mission and Objectives

1- إنشاء الحضانات طفل ورضع ومكتبة طفل ونادى طفل .
2- مشاغل تريكو وحياكة ومركز كمبيوتر وسجاد وكليم .
3- تيسير الحج والعمرة للأعضاء .
4- منح قروض او تمويلات صغيرة لزيادة دخل الأسرة .
5- مراكز التدريب المختلفة لخلق فرص عمل جديدة .
6- التوعية البيئية للحفاظ على البيئة من خلال الندوات .
7- حماية المستهلك من خلال الندوات للتعريف بقانون حماية المستهلك .
8- إنشاء نادى مسنين ونادى نسائى ونادى اجتماعى ثقافى ومكتب رعاية وخدمة الأحداث.
9- القيام بعمل أنشطة أدبية مختلفة فى الشعر والثقافة والمسرح .
10- إنشاء مدارس المجتمع والفصل الواحد ومدارس صديقة للفتيات للحد من التسرب من التعليم.
11 - فتح فصول محو الأمية والعمل على محاربة الأمية .
12 -أقامت المشروعات والأسواق التى تعمل على حماية المستهلك .

Main Projects / Activities

1- نشاط تمويل المشروعات متناهى الصغر ترخيص رقبة مالية رقم 123
2-حضانة رضع وطفل ورياض أطفال
3- مدارس التعليم المجتمعى
4-تأهيل ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة
5- مشروع تنمية المشاركة السياسية للمرأة بقنا
6- فصول محو الأمية وتعليم الكبار
7- قاعة اجتماعات مجهزة لجميع المناسبات
8- نادى اجتماعى ثقافى بالجهود الذاتية
9- مركز طبى تخصصي بالجهود الذاتية
10- مركز تدريب كليم وسجاد يدوى وخياطة

Contact (1) Full Name
عبدالعزيز محمود رضيوى أبوسحلى
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
عبدالعزيز محمود رضيوى أبوسحلى
Contact (2) Full Name
نور عبدالعزيز أبوسحلى
Job Title (2)
المدير التنفيذى

Hope Revival

National Network

Değirmiçem, Gökseven İş Merkez, Şht. Mehmet Sait Elçi Sk.
27090 Gaziantep/Gaziantep

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

HRO is authorized to implement our projects in Turkey and Syria (Northwest Syria). We are dedicated to alleviating the suffering and ensuring the well-being and dignity of conflict-affected populations and those living in fragile settings. We focus on responding to the needs of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Syria and refugees in Turkey, providing specialized and focused non-specialized interventions through community-based, context-related, and culturally appropriate approaches.

Our core areas of focus include:

• Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS): We provide multi-layered MHPSS services according to the IASC MHPSS Pyramid, offering a range of interventions from psychiatrists and mhGAP doctors to psychologists and psychosocial workers (PSWs). We also integrate MHPSS services into health facilities and community centers to make them more accessible and reduce stigma.
• Protection: We address issues such as gender-based violence (GBV), child protection, and general protection, including risk education awareness-raising and legal awareness counseling by local lawyers on civil status documentation, housing, lands, and properties.
• Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and child safeguarding: We implement robust policies and procedures to protect vulnerable individuals from PSEA and ensure child safeguarding measures are in place.
• Peacebuilding and community resilience: We facilitate peacebuilding initiatives and community resilience programs to foster social cohesion, mutual understanding, and collaboration within affected communities.

HRO combines humanitarian and development approaches to provide immediate relief while laying the groundwork for long-term impact. We emphasize local participation, integration of services, and strategic partnerships to maximize our impact. We also focus on civic skills development to empower communities to find, design, and implement solutions that work best for them.

HRO has strategic partnerships with leading humanitarian organizations such as IOM, WHO, OCHA, UNFPA, GIZ, IRC, and Canadian Government (CFLI), as well as renowned Syrian NGOs like SEMA and SAMS. We are also active members of global networks such as The Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, NEAR Network, The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, HelpAge International, and MenEngage Alliance.
We are seeking partnerships with organizations that share our commitment to humanitarian aid, human rights, and community development. We believe that collaboration can amplify our impact and create a more just and resilient world for conflict-affected populations.

Mission and Objectives

Vision Statement:
To build a safe environment that inspires, encourages, facilitates, and promotes a wide range of social and humanitarian initiatives, to eliminate human suffering and foster a safer world.

Mission Statement:
To empower people to live in safe and compassionate communities, protecting their rights and enhancing their well-being regardless of gender, age, ability, or any other factor.

Main Projects / Activities

Our unique projects include:
• Rethinking Arts for Cohesion, Trust, and Inclusion: This EU-funded project, in partnership with ARCS and Bologna University, developed and published an art therapy training toolkit in three languages for NGOs working with vulnerable youth.
• Bridging the Gaps in MHPSS Services and Integrating MHPSS Services into Health Facilities: This GIZ-funded project developed a detailed manual for integrating MHPSS services into health facilities.
• Clinical Supervision Framework: This framework, developed in partnership with CVT, provides guidance and support for MHPSS staff.
• Academic Research: Care for Carers: This ELRHA-funded study, in partnership with UNSW University, aims to improve the quality of MHPSS programming through video conferencing clinical supervision.
• Child Rights Protection against Violence: This Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)-funded project uses child-friendly content to develop children's advocacy, defense, and human rights comprehension skills.
• Peacebuilding and Community Resilience: This GIZ-funded project strengthens community resilience through capacity building for key community figures.
• GBV Prevention and Mitigation: This UNFPA-funded project targets girls and women at risk of GBV through initiatives like the "AMAL" and "Girls' Dreams" programs.
• Psychosocial Support for Syrian Victims of War Crimes: This SJAC-funded project provides psychosocial support to Syrians who may testify or participate in European universal jurisdiction trials.
• Human Rights Advocacy Toolkit: In partnership with NEAR, OXFAM, and UNHCR, HRO developed and disseminated a human rights advocacy toolkit to address protection gaps in Syria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuliana Ciucci
Job Title
partnership officer
Head of the organisation
Mustafa Alokoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustafa Alokoud
Job Title (2)
Executive director

جمعية معاكم للتنمية والمساعدات

National Network

عمر بن عبد العزيز، حلوان البلد

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

الهيكل الوظفيى جمعية عمومية ثم مجلس الادارة مدير تنفيذى مدير برامج ومشروعات مدير مالى مدير موارد بشرية اخصائى محاسب مالى عامل خدمات عدد الموظفين 5 لدينا برتكولات تعاون مع جمعيات اهلية ومؤسسات مجتمع مدنى وكذلك شراكة مع اكت وكير فى مشروع بناء قدرات منظمات المجتمع المدنى وقامت الجمعية بتنفيذ عدة مشروعات مجتمعية داخل مناطق مجتمع حلوان كما تقوم الجمعية على مناهضة العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعى من خلال تمكين المرأة اجتماعيا ونفسيا اقتصاديا من خلال شراكات الجمعية مع مؤسسات اخرى

Mission and Objectives

رؤية الجمعية مجتمع الحرية والعدالة والمساواة واحترام وقبول التنوع والاختلاف والتمتع بكافة الحقوق الإنسانية اما رسالة الجمعية فهى (جمعية معاكم للتنمية جمعية أهلية غير هادفة للربح تسعى إلى قيادة المجتمع نحو تحقيق أهداف التنمية الشاملة والمستدامة المرتكزة على حقوق الإنسان وذلك من خلال تمكين كافة المواطنين، وخاصةً الفئات الأكثر احتياجًا وتهميشًا في المجتمع وفي مقدمتهم النساء والأطفال وذوي الهمم ، اجتماعيًا وثقافيًا واقتصاديًا وسياسيًا وتعليميًا وصحيًا عبر تنفيذ برامج ومشروعات وأنشطة بالتعاون مع جميع الجهات والمنظمات الحكومية وغير الحكومية بالتأكيد على الالتزام بقيم العدالة والمساواة بين الجنسين وقبول التنوع والاختلاف ومناهضة العنف في جميع صوره وأشكاله والقائم على النوع الاجتماعى)
الاهداف :-تحسين القدرات المؤسسية للجمعية من حيث النظم والسياسات واللوائح العامة - وبناء قدرات الجمعية العمومية ومجلس الادارة والهيكل الوظيفى والعاملين والمتطوعين .- تنمية موارد الجمعية من اجل ضمان استمرار تنفيذ البرامج والانشطة المختلفة وبدأ انشطة وبرامج جديدة خاصة التى تساهم فى حل مشكلات وقضايا المرأة .

Main Projects / Activities

1 مشروع رفع قدرات المجتمعات المحلية دياكونيا
2 تعزيز الديمقراطية من الريف الى المدينة م والاتحاد الاوربى
3 مشروع بناء قيادات محلية من الكوادر النسائية المركز المصرى لحقوق المرأة
4 رفع المستوى التعليمى بعرب غنيم الوكالة الالمانية GIZ
5 تطوير البنية التكنولوجية بمدرسة ام المؤمنين بحلوان مؤسسة افاق جديدة
6 تعزيز ثقافة التسامح من اجل السلام مؤسسة افاق جديدة
7 مشروع (معاكم للخير ) مؤسسة الامل للتمويل متناهى الصغر
8 مشروع بدايتى للتمويل المشروعات جهاز تنمية المشروعات
9 مشروع متناهى الصغر جهاز تنمية المشروعات
10 مشروع رفع الوعى السياسى للشباب والمنظمة الدولية للنظم الانتخابية (ايفس )
11 مشروع التربية المدنية والسياسية للمجتمعات المحلية شركة كريتف مصر والمعونة الامريكية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

مساعدة الجمعية على تعزيز التواصل وتبادل المعرفة بين الافراد والمؤسسات على المستوى المحلى والاقليمى وسوف تتيح هذه الشراكة فرصة للتعرف على افراد ومنظمات اخرى ذات الصلة بالقضايا الخاصة بالنوع الاجتماعى . التعاون ونشر اهداف الشبكة والمساهمة فى انشطة ومشروعات الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتوسيع دائرة العلاقات والاتصال وعمل شراكة لتنفيذ اهداف ومشروعات الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
امل حميد نصر
Job Title
مدير مشروعات
Head of the organisation
رسمية عبد الله عطية
Contact (2) Full Name
رباب سمير
Job Title (2)
مدير تنفيذى


National Network

Alexandria - Al-Awayd
Alexandria Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Mernan , a Luxury Media production and Digital Marketing Company, is dedicated to instigating transformative change within the industry. Renowned for its distinctive ancient Arabic theme and inspiration, Mernan operates with a team of 8 members, comprising a COO, Manager, Salesman, Filmmaking Team (comprising Video Editors, Videographers, Graphic Designers, and Photographers), and a Marketer. Owned by three individuals, Mernan relies solely on organic funding, meaning it sustains itself using revenue generated internally. Currently, the company has no partners outside its existing client base, with projects spanning across Egypt and aspirations for expansion throughout the Middle East.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make a significant impact worldwide, striving for greatness fueled by our unwavering belief in the quality of our work and our boundless potential. We explore every avenue to drive improvement for ourselves and our company.


To expand operations to Saudi Arabia within the next few months.
To establish a physical Mernan headquarters.
To acquire all necessary equipment and tools to eliminate the need for rentals.
To establish our reputation for delivering work characterized by themes of Islamic influence, luxury, creativity, intelligence, and consistently exceptional standards.
Note: Our current funding model poses the sole barrier to reaching our next level of success, often proving challenging and inconvenient.

Main Projects / Activities

At present, our primary focus lies within the automotive industry throughout Egypt. This sector is where we are directing our efforts to build awareness and establish our reputation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mernan has the potential to significantly contribute to Egypt's network, particularly in the realms of media and filmmaking where our professionalism is greatly needed. We are committed to allocating a substantial portion of our earnings to support various large businesses, foundations, and individuals in need within Egypt.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We recognize that a collaboration between Mernan and ALF will bring significant benefits to both parties, fulfilling each other's needs effectively. Viewing Mernan and ALF as partners, we acknowledge the mutual advantages we can offer each other within our respective industries. Additionally, we anticipate that ALF's support will address our gaps, paving the way for substantial successes that will greatly benefit us both.

We appreciate this opportunity and welcome you to reach out to us at any time.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
01279399484 Mohamed Ragab Mohamed Ali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdelrahman Ragab Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
01279618754 Abdelrahman Ragab Mohamed Ali
Job Title (2)

Mernan Media Production

National Network

Fleming Mustafa kamel
Abdel fattah eltaweel St.
Alexandria Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Mernan (مرنان) is a Luxury Media production & Digital Marketing Company focused on making impactful change in the industry, Mernan is known for it's unique ancient Arabic theme / inspiration, we currently have 8 team members (COO / Manager / Salesman - Filmmaking Team {Video editors & videographers & Graphic designers & Photographers} - Marketer). Mernan is owned by 3 individuals and it's source of funding is purely organic (Meaning we fund the company with only what we make in revenue from the company itself, so Self-funded).
We currently have no partners other than the clients we already have, and all our projects take place all around Egypt & currently working on expanding the business to all the middle east.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to achieve greatness and leave a strong impact all around the world, we believe in our Quality of work and we know all about our limitless capabilities, and we try every possibility we have as long as it bring improvement for us and the company.
To work in Saudi Arabia in the upcoming few months.
To have a On-Ground Mernan headquarters.
To own all our equipment and tools we use, and not have to rent anything missing.
To be known for our work theme (Islamic, luxury, Creative, Smart, and always outstanding).

Note: The only thing that is preventing us from going to the next level, is our current funding system, which can be difficult and very inconvenient at a lot of times.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently working (and focused mainly on) with the Auto-Motive industry all around Egypt. That's how we want to start our awareness and how we want to be known.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mernan in fact, can contribute a lot to Egypt's network, as it is in need (in terms of everyone) of the professionality we provide, as in Media & Filmmaking, and especially, we do plan on contributing a large portion of our made money to many large businesses and foundations and even people in-need here in Egypt.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see that Mernan Collaborating with / joining / working with ALF is gonna be a large benefit to each side, and we both will be covering what we both need.
Plus, we see Mernan & ALF as partners with many thing t offer to each other each in our industry.
We also see that ALF will be able to help & cover what we are missing, leading to huge successes (Which will happen) which will largely benefit us both.

Thank you for this Opportunity.
Reach us anytime.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Danny Bsat
Job Title
COO - Co Owner - Salesman - Copywriter
Head of the organisation
Abdelrahman Mohammed Ragab
Contact (2) Full Name
Adelrahman Ragab
Job Title (2)
Co Owner - Head of Media team

الجمعية التونسية للقوى الفاعلة

National Network

12 نهج زكرياء الانصاري بومهل البساتين
2097 boumhel bassatine

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

الجمعية التونسية للقوى الفاعلة هي منظمة وطنية تونسية تتمتع بهيكلة فعالة ومترابطة حيث تتكون من الجلسة العامة التي هي أعلى سلطة في الجمعية وتضم كافة المنخرطين الذين يبلغ عددهم 130 منخرطا . وتتولى الإشراف على شؤون الجمعية هيئة مديرة منتخبة من طرف الجلسة العامة . وللجمعية لجان وطنية متخصصة في شؤون المرأة والشباب والرياضة والتربية والتعليم والتنمية المستدامة . وتبلغ موارد الجمعية المتاحة في السنة ثلاون ألف دينار تونسي .وتتأتى موارد الجمعية من معاليم الإنخراطات السنوية ومن الدعم الذي تتحصل عليه في تنفيذ مشاريعها حيث أن مصادر تمويلنا تتمثل في معاليم الإنخراطات وفي دعم تحصلت عليه الجمعية من طرف وزارة الشباب والرياضة ومن دعم تحصلت عليه الجمعية من سفارة فرنسا بتونس . وتتمثل طريقة عمل الجمعية في صياغة وتنفيذ مشاريع ملموسة تدخل في نطاق إختصاصاتها . وتعتمد الجمعية في تنفيذ مشاريعها على جانب الإبتكار والتجديد على مستوى وسائل التنفيذ . ونتيجة للبعد التجديدي في مشاريعها فقد حظيت مشاريع الجمعية بمقبولية سواء من الجهات الداعمة أو من الأطراف الشريكة . ومن أبرز شركاء الجمعية نذكر النادي الثقافي علي البلهوان ، جمعية شباب سيدي حسين ، جمعية " نحب نعيش مع أمي وبابا " ، الإتحاد الوطني للمرأة التونسية ، سفارة فرنسا بتونس ، المعهد الفرنسي بتونس ، مؤسسة إنسان للأعمال الخيرية والتنمية بدولة ليبيا .

Mission and Objectives

الجمعية التونسية للقوى الفاعلة هي جمعية تعنى بالتنمية المجتمعية المتضامنة في أبعادها الشبابية والثقافية والرياضية والبيئية . وتهدف إلى :
- تحقيق الإدماج الإجتماعي الفاعل عن طريق المحامل الثقافية والمدنية البدلية
- تعزيز دور المرأة في المجتمع وتأكيد إسهامها الفاعل في بناء مجتمع متماسك ومتضامن
- نشر ثقافة الإعتدال والتسامح ونبذ الخطاب المتطرف

Main Projects / Activities

‎ * ‎مشروع " نادي الشباب الفاعل " ( بالشراكة مع النادي الثقافي علي البلهوان ) والذي يعنى بتدريب المجموعات ‏الشبابية في اليات الإتصال والتواصل وتعزيز الثقة بالنفس وتنمية القدرات وقصل المواهب الشبابية ‏‏. ‏
‏ * مشروع " أنا شاب ومواطن تونسي " ( بالشراكة مع وزارة الشباب والرياضة ) والذي تمثل في تنظيم حوارات القرب مع ‏الشباب وإقامة دورات تكوينية لمجموعات شبابية نسوية في "صياغة وبعث المشاريع الصغرى"‏
‎ * ‎عدة دورات تدريبية في عدة مجالات : التثقيف المالي للمرأة الريفية ، الإعداد الذهني للرياضيين ونجاعة بيداغوجية ‏النجاح ، ‏
• تنفيذ مشروع " تطوير المساواة بين الجنسين عن طريق الرياضة " بالشراكة مع سفارة فرنسا بتونس والمعهد ‏الفرنسي بتونس ‏

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكننا المساهمة في الشبكة ببلدنا من خلال لعب دور قيادي في نشر وترسيخ ثقافة المساواة بين الجنسين عبر محامل مبتكرة متعددة على غرار الرياضة والثقافة البديلة . كما يمكننا بالتعاون معكم أن نساهم في نشر بحوث ودراسات تتعلق بالإدماج الشبابي والإدماج النسوي الفاعل .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نرد الإنضمام لشبكة أناليند حتى نستفيد من خبرتكم في العمل المدني وخاصة في مجال المساواة بن الجنسين ونشر ثقافة العيش المشترك ونبذ التفرقة على أساس الجنس .

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
بسام العلبوشي
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
بسام العلبوشي
Contact (2) Full Name
سناء الطالبي
Job Title (2)
الكاتبة العامة

Photography Museum of Kalamaria Municipality "Christos Kalemkeris"

National Network

Andrea Papandreou 48A
55132 Kalamaria
55132 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

The "Kalemkeris Museum" (officially named: Photography Museum of Kalamaria Municipality "Christos Kalemkeris"), was founded in 2001 as a public legal entity. It was established following a special regime and the donation of a private collection of historical photographs by Christos Kalemkeris, a notable figure from Kalamaria. This collection is considered one of the largest and most artistically significant in Greece, encompassing over 40,000 photographic documents and marking the museum as a specialized center of culture highlighting the cultural heritage of Greece. The museum's activities include hosting exhibitions, seminars, and educational programs. It is heavily involved in publishing, with over 15 titles distributed both in Greece and internationally, including a four-volume encyclopedia on the history of Greek railways which received an award from the Academy of Athens. These publications highlight the museum's dual role as both a cultural repository and an educational institution.
The museum has partnered with various cultural organizations, universities, museums, and governmental bodies. Notably, it participates in collaborative projects and has received recognition from the Greek Ministry of Culture and other institutions. Its "independence" was recently recognized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Greek state based on the body's work performance, expertise, and social recognition. Funding for the museum comes mainly from the Municipality of Kalamaria but also includes grants from the Ministry of Culture and participation in cultural funding programs sporadically.
The museum's use of technology and digital applications, particularly in the context of cultural and artistic programs, sets it apart. It is involved in several digital initiatives, including virtual tours and exhibitions and educational programs reflecting a commitment to modernizing and expanding its reach. The museum's efforts in cultural diplomacy, public relations, and management reflect a strong focus on preserving and promoting Greek cultural heritage.

Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of the Kalemkeris Museum, are centered around preserving, promoting, and enriching the cultural heritage of Greece, with a specific focus on the art and history of photography.
Preservation of Cultural Heritage: At its core, the museum's mission is to safeguard the extensive and historically significant photographic collection donated by Christos Kalemkeris. This collection, with over 40,000 photographic documents, provides a unique window into Greek history and culture. The museum strives to maintain and protect this collection, ensuring its longevity for future generations.
Education and Public Engagement: The museum aims to educate the public about the historical and artistic value of its collection. This involves organizing exhibitions, seminars, and educational programs that cater to various age groups and interests. The goal is to foster an appreciation for the art of photography and its role in documenting and interpreting history.
Publishing and Research: Another key objective is to engage in publishing activities, producing books and materials that delve into various aspects of Greek history and the evolution of photography. These publications serve both as educational tools and as means to disseminate knowledge to a wider audience.
Collaborations and Partnerships: The museum actively seeks collaborations with other cultural institutions, universities, and governmental bodies. These partnerships aim to enhance the museum's offerings, share expertise, and participate in larger cultural dialogues.
Technological Integration: Embracing modern technology, the museum incorporates digital applications and platforms to expand its reach and engage with a broader, more diverse audience. This includes virtual tours and digital exhibitions, making the museum's collection more accessible and interactive.
Community Involvement and Cultural Diplomacy: The museum also focuses on playing a key role in the community and engaging in cultural diplomacy. By organizing events and participating in international programs, it aims to promote Greek culture and history both nationally and globally.
In summary, the Kalemkeris Museum's mission and objectives revolve around the stewardship of its significant photographic collection, educational outreach, collaborative efforts, technological innovation, and active participation in the cultural sector, all aimed at celebrating and sharing the rich tapestry of Greek history and culture through the medium of photography.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects and activities of the Kalemkeris Museum of Photography in Kalamaria:
Photographic Exhibitions: The museum frequently hosts exhibitions featuring selections from its extensive collection, including rare and historic photographs, as well as contemporary works. These exhibitions often revolve around themes of Greek history, culture, and the development of photography as an art form.
Educational Programs and Workshops: The museum is actively involved in educational initiatives, offering workshops and seminars on photography and its history. These programs are designed for various age groups and skill levels, aiming to educate the public about the technical and artistic aspects of photography.
Publishing Activities: The museum operates as a publishing house, producing books and catalogues that complement its exhibitions and research. This includes works on the history of Greek railways, historical monographs, and collections of photographs depicting various aspects of Greek history and culture.
Digital and Interactive Projects: In recent years, the museum has embraced digital technology, developing online exhibitions and virtual tours. This includes innovative projects like "The Hellenic Mosaic," a digital cultural and educational project celebrating 200 years of Greek independence.
Collaborative Cultural Projects: The museum engages in collaborations with other cultural institutions, universities, and organizations. These partnerships often result in joint exhibitions, cultural events, and research projects that extend the museum's reach and impact.
Historical Research and Documentation: An important part of the museum's activities involves researching the historical context of its collections, ensuring the preservation and accurate interpretation of the photographs and documents it houses.
Community Engagement and Cultural Events: The museum actively participates in the community through various cultural events, including outdoor photography exhibitions and cultural commemorations, often highlighting significant historical events or cultural themes relevant to Greek history.

These projects and activities reflect the museum's dedication to preserving photographic heritage, educating the public, and promoting an appreciation for the art of photography, both as a record of history and as a form of artistic expression.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Kalemkeris Museum can contribute significantly to the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network in Greece in various ways, leveraging its unique assets and expertise:
Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue: The museum's extensive collection of photographs documenting Greek history and culture is a valuable resource for promoting intercultural understanding. The museum can organize exhibitions and events that highlight the shared histories and cultural exchanges within the Mediterranean region, contributing to ALF's objective of fostering intercultural dialogue.
Educational Programs and Workshops: By developing and participating in educational initiatives focused on intercultural understanding and the art of photography, the museum can support ALF's educational pillar. This could include workshops for young people and educators, seminars on cultural heritage preservation, and programs on the role of photography in cultural expression.
Collaborative Projects and Research: The Kalemkeris Museum can collaborate with other members of the ALF Network in Greece on joint projects, research, and cultural events. This would facilitate knowledge exchange and showcase the role of Greek culture in the Mediterranean context.
Empowering Young Voices: By involving young artists, photographers, and students in its activities and programs, the museum can contribute to empowering young voices, a key focus of the ALF. This could include mentorship programs, youth-focused exhibitions, and collaborative projects with schools and universities.
Cultural Policy Influence and Advocacy: The museum's involvement with ALF could also extend to participating in policy discussions and cultural advocacy initiatives. Its expertise in cultural heritage and photography could provide valuable insights for policy-making processes related to culture and education.
Digital and International Outreach: Utilizing digital platforms for virtual exhibitions and online cultural exchanges, the museum can extend its reach and participate in ALF's international and intercultural activities, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of Greek and Mediterranean cultures.

Overall, the Kalemkeris Museum's participation in the ALF Network in Greece could enhance the Foundation's efforts in cultural dialogue, education, and policy influence, while simultaneously elevating the museum's role in the cultural landscape of the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network aligns well with the mission and objectives of the Kalemkeris Museum. The ALF, as a prominent international organization, emphasizes empowering young voices, influencing policymakers, and building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of societal mistrust and polarization​​.
By becoming a part of the ALF Network, the Kalemkeris Museum would have the opportunity to engage in a large network of civil society organizations across the Euro-Mediterranean region, dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue​​. This can enhance the museum's capacity to:
Broaden Its Cultural Impact: Through collaborations and partnerships within the network, the museum can extend its reach beyond national boundaries, exposing its unique photographic collection and cultural heritage initiatives to a wider, more diverse audience.
Participate in Intercultural Dialogues: ALF's focus on cultural, educational, media, youth, and gender aspects resonates with the museum's objectives of education and cultural diplomacy. The museum could contribute to and benefit from shared learning activities, events, and resources focused on intercultural understanding and dialogue​​​​.
Enhance Educational Outreach: Aligning with ALF's commitment to education, the museum can play a role in developing and participating in educational programs and initiatives that promote cultural understanding and respect for diversity​​.
Engage in Policy Influence and Cultural Advocacy: Being part of ALF would enable the museum to be involved in initiatives that influence cultural policies and contribute to shaping a more inclusive and empathetic society​​.
Expand Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: The vast network of ALF offers potential collaborations with various cultural and educational institutions, enabling the museum to participate in joint projects, exchange programs, and cultural events on a regional scale​​.

Overall, joining the ALF Network could significantly bolster the Kalemkeris Museum's efforts in cultural preservation, education, and international cultural diplomacy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pavlos Kalemkeris
Job Title
President of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Pavlos Kalemkeris