جمعية التقدم للطفل والمراة - Association for the Advancement of Children and Women

National Network

الفاخوره بجوار مكتبة البحرين
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية غير ربحيه مؤسسه تنمويه اجتماعية تقوم بعمل ورشات للسيدات ودعم نفسى لاطفال والامهات ودورات اسعاف اوليه ودورات تعليميه مجانيه العاملين متطوعين مصادر التمويل ذاتى الشركاء هم روضه الامراء ومؤسسات محليه مثل هيئه المستقبل

Mission and Objectives

مهمه هو عمل دورات للامهات ودعم نفسى لانشاء جيل متعلم تطوير وتنميه اطفالنا اسوه باطفال العالم تنمية للخريخين

Main Projects / Activities

الانشطه الرئيسيه دعم نفسى وتعليم انشطه ترفيهيه للاطفال وتقديم مساعدات

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المساهمه هو فتح باب الترحيب والعمل بالمكان ومشاركه وتطوير اولاد البلد

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الاتصال والتواصل والتطوير والمعرفه وتطوير مؤسستنا فى منطقتنا والعمل المدمج من اجل ابناء المجتمع

Contact (1) Full Name
اميره اسماعيل ابراهيم ابو مطر
Job Title
رئيس مجلس اداره الجمعية
Head of the organisation
اميره اسماعيل ابراهيم ابو مطر
Contact (2) Full Name
يوسف خليل ابو مر
Job Title (2)

جمعية رجال الاعمال للتنمية بفرشوط

National Network

شارع الجمهورية بجوار بنك مصر

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

تاسست الجمعية عام 1995 بهدف خدمة المجتمع بمركز ومدينة فرشوط وتهدف الجمعية لتنمية المجتمع المحلى ورفع مستوى الدخل للاسر الفقيرة وخاصة الاسر التى تعولها سيدات كما تهدف الجمعية الى رفع الوعى وتنمية الاهتمام بالفن والثقافة

Mission and Objectives

1- تنمية المجتمعات المحلية .
2- رعاية الأسرة والطفولة والأمومة .
3- حماية البيئة والحفاظ عليها .
4- الخدمات الثقافية والعلمية والدينية .
5- الأنشطة التعليمية والصحية والخدمات الاقتصادية.
6- رعاية الشيخوخة والفئات الخاصة والمعوقين .
7- رعاية المسنين .
8- التنمية الاقتصادية للأسرة وزيادة الدخل .

Main Projects / Activities

أغراض الجمعية :
1- مشاغل الحياكة والتريكو ومركز كمبيوتر وسجاد وكليم .
2- إصحاح البيئة والحفاظ عليها من خلال الندوات واللقاءات .
3- تيسير الحج والعمرة وزيارة بيت المقدس للأعضاء .
4- إنشاء نادى مسنين ونادى نسائى ونادى اجتماعى ثقافى ونادى للمرأة .
5- القيام بعمل أنشطة أدبية مختلفة فى الثقافة والشعر .
6- رفع مستوى اهالى مدينة ومركز فرشوط اقتصادياً واجتماعياً وثقافياً .
7- تقديم القروض الصغيرة للأسرة وبصفة خاصة المرأة .
8- القيام بعمل برامج التوعية الصحية والثقافية والتعليمية والبيئية بجميع برامج التوعية المختلفة .
9- حضانة طفل ورضع .
10- رعاية الأسرة التى تعولها سيدات وإنشاء مراكز تدريب .
11- مكاتب تحفيظ القرآن الكريم .
12- رعاية الشيخوخة ورعاية الفئات الخاصة والمعوقين من خلال إقامة المشروعات.
13- إقامة الأندية الاجتماعية وإقامة أندية للمسنين وإقامة أندية نسائية .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

التعاون مع الاعضاء من خلال التشبيك معهم وتبادل الافكار وتطويرها وتنفيذ المشاريع بشكل مشترك

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للاستفادة من خلال الخدمات التى تقدمها الشبكة لاعضاءها والتى تهدف لتطوير المؤسسات والتى بدورها تعود على تنمية وتطوير المجتمع

Contact (1) Full Name
احمد عبدالفتاح عبدالستار ابوسحلى
Job Title
عضو مجلس الادارة وامين الصندوق
Head of the organisation
محمد محمد كمال خليل
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد محمد كمال خليل
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الادارة

جمعية الفردوس لتنمية المراة والطفل

National Network

مخيم دير البلح
دير البلح
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

عدد الموظفين 7 وموارد الميزانية مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في قطاع غزة ومصادر التمويل مجموعة المؤسسات العاملة في قطاع غزة وتعمل الجمعية ورش عمل تثقيفية للنساء والرجال في مواضيع عديدة وتفريغ نفسي وايام ترفيهية للاطفال والركاء الرئيسيون جمعية الثقافة والفكر الحر ومؤسسة بال ثينك للدراسات الاستراتيجية

Mission and Objectives

التصدي لمظاهر العنف ضد المراة وتمكينها اجتماعيا واقتصايا. تثقيف النساء بحقوقهم ليصبحو فاعلين في مجتمعهم. تمكين النساء اقتصاديا في ظل الظروف الاقتصادية الصعبة. تنميةوتطوير مهارات الاطفال.

Main Projects / Activities

نفذت الجمعية العديد من المبادرات والمشاريع المتعلقة بالدعم النفسي للنساء ووالاطفال وورش عمل تثقيفية متنوعة لهم بالاضافة الى مخيمات صيفية وايام ترفيهية للاطفال.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تنفيذ انشطة متعلقة بالشبكة في منطقتي

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لانها شبكة تعتني بمؤسسات المجتمع المدني وتعمل على تطويرها

Contact (1) Full Name
ناهض رجب سيد مصبح
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
ناهض رجب سيد مصبح

Center “Shelter Edlira Haxhiymeri”

National Network

Rruga “Pjeter Bogdani”

04 226 1885
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Centre “Shelter Edlira Haxhiymeri" (SEH) is a residential center for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence since 1998, registered with the legal bodies of the Albanian state. The center offers services in accordance with the standards of social care services for victims of domestic violence, in residential, public and non-public centers approved by the Albanian State. The executive director of the center is Mrs. Marsela Allmuça. SEH employs a team of professionals with a long history of working with children, women and other marginalized groups. The organizational chart of the organization consists of the management board (which has a decision-making role), the executive director, financier, project manager and the staff providing psycho-social services.

Mission and Objectives

SEH's mission is to address gender-based violence through supporting victims of domestic violence, raising public awareness, building capacity among professionals, advocacy and contributing to national research to better serve a healthy society and not violent. Objectives; • Provision of direct services to survivors of GBV (women, girls and children); • Strengthening the capacities of professionals/service providers for a better response to GBV and prevention of abuse; • Increasing the awareness of young people and changing the mentality and behavior towards young people regarding the treatment of GBV; • Lobbying and advocacy to support the improvement of legislation and practice by public and non-public institutions; • Research and scientific research on social problems affecting the development of children, the lives of women and girls and gender issues

Main Projects / Activities

1998 - ongoing: Providing support to victims of domestic violence Center "Strehëza Edlira Haxhiymeri" Supporting Agencies/Donors: ICCO, IAMANEH 2004-2005: National Task Force. Revision of the law on "Measures for the prevention of domestic violence". Supporting Agencies/Donors: Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Equal Opportunities. 2019: Project "Advocacy for increased cooperation between police structures and social services for the treatment of DHF and DHBGJ in Tirana" Supporting agencies/Donors: AËEN, Swedish Embassy. 2019: Project: "Domestic Violence Belongs to Everyone - Empowerment for Coordinated Intervention", Supporting Agencies/Donors: SCPA, Swedish Embassy 2019-2020: Project: "Empowerment of victims of domestic violence through rehabilitation and reintegration programs at the "Strehëza Edlira Haxhiymeri" Center. Supporting agencies/Donors: KMOP, EU delegation 2019 -2022: Project: "Providing protection and empowerment of women and girls, including LBT (Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual) women." Supporting Agencies/Donors: UN TRUST FUND 2019 – 2020: Project "Empowerment of families - Protection of Children" - Family Community Center "Add Old". Supporting Agencies/Donors: SHIS, EUD 2020-2021: Project "Strengthening the capacities of service providers for women survivors of all forms of violence in Kurbin and Lezhë municipalities. Supporting donor: UN Women 2020: Project "Improving the situation of victims of domestic violence during and after the Covid-19 emergency in Tirana with a special focus on rural areas". Supporting donor: GIZ/ProSEED 2020: Project: "Addressing gender-based violence during COVID-19 in Tirana and Lezhë". Supporting donor: UNDP 2020-2021: Project: "Addressing Gender Based Violence (GBV) during Covid-19 through Empowering Potential Victims of GBV". Supporting donor: Small Grants Program/US Embassy 2021: Project: "Treatment of GBV in rural areas by providing specialized support services for GBV-GBV and work for gender transformation". Supporting donor: UNDP 2021-2022: Project: "Strengthening the coordinated response of service providers from the police, health, education and local government sectors for the management of cases related to all forms of DHBGJ, in the areas affected by the earthquake of the year 2019". Supporting donor: UN Women 2022 - Project: "Engagement of young people from rural areas in addressing gender-based violence", Supporting Donor: Tirana Youth Capital Program. Main activities: 1. Supporting victims of domestic violence (women, girls and children) in a crisis situation: 2. Supporting children to overcome the crisis situation; 3. Empowering women, survivors of domestic violence, to face and handle other life situations after leaving the shelter: 4. Preventing women and children from being revictimized by any other form of abusive life style/situation; 5. Increasing community and public awareness of issues of gender-based violence and gender equality: 6. Sensitization and capacity building of professionals from various fields and institutions to better respond to the needs of survivors of domestic violence:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution as part of the ALF network will be important in bringing gender issues and violence into focus and working together to address them. SEH, together with other members, will help to address issues of gender-based violence, as one of the serious problems in Albanian society. It will also bring its experience as an organization that has been operating for 25 years in the Albanian reality, with the challenges encountered and the successes achieved throughout these decades.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the Anna Lindh Foundation network - the Albanian Network will be a very good opportunity for our center to develop the cooperation network. Also, this will be helpful for the improvement of the center's capacities and empowerment, as part of a wider group.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marsela Allmuça
Job Title
Executive Directors
Head of the organisation
Marsela Allmuça
Contact (2) Full Name
Marinela Mucobega
Job Title (2)
Project manager

PALTEAM Association for Community Development

National Network

Al-Jala'aa street
In front of Gaza college- beside Aljalaa' Gem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972 599450095
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599492514
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

This new-growing PALTEAM association was established on 10 January 2022 by a group of women &youth who are leaders in voluntary work, with experience of 8-20 years in civil works &all fields of working against violence, empowerment, besides developing capabilities of youth. Its work is based on four aspects through the Empowerment& Capacity Building Program, Good Citizenship and Governance, Heritage &Cultural Exchange, and the Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance Program. Volunteering is the base on our work, we have 100 volunteers from all governorates. Despite we are new &limited financial resources available &despite we started work on ground at JUNE 2022,we have targeted 1920 benefices. Activities were funded with personal efforts, volunteers &partners as: • Enhancing Human Security (ITF) • GUPW • Palestine Red Crescent Society • Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) • WAC • AlAzhar University • Physical Therapy Asso. • MIFTAH • Nour Institute • Amjad Asso. • Working Women's Asso. • CMC • PALTHINK • Human Appeal org. • Baitona Asso. • Wattan Union

Mission and Objectives

Vision: PALTEAM aspires to take a leading role in achieving an advanced level of integration between supporting resilience and sustainable community development in order to build a Palestinian society that leads change and enjoys social justice and democracy. Mission: PALTEAM is a Palestinian non-profit, independent NGO aimed at promoting the resilience and building of a Palestinian society with social justice in which it capable of leveraging its potential and resources for sustainable social development. By focusing on promoting the role rights of children, boys, young people and women in leading social change through empowerment and capacity-building programmers, good citizenship and governance, heritage and cultural exchange, emergencies and humanitarian assistance. Goals: 1.Contribute to empowering the Palestinian family and strengthening its resilience by all means available to improve and change the Palestinian society for the better. 2. Work to provide a suitable social environment for children and young people to improve the educational and social level. 3. Intervention in emergency situations, crises and disasters through urgent social, psychological and educational programs.

Main Projects / Activities

PALTEAM seeks through activities, projects, youth and women's programs and initiatives to play a prominent role in the development of society and to empower marginalized groups. PALTEAM can access and implement activities at all governorates of GAZA through its partnership with several organizations such as GUPW (General of Palestinian women) , and it can access a very wide category of the Palestinian community, particularly women, disabled people, youth. We target people with disabilities through a project “Empower medical cadres in Palestine” in cooperation with Slovenian Nour Institute and funded by ITF, where 40 physiotherapists were targeted in advanced topics according to their needs, its implemented in partnership with Al-Azhar University and the Physiotherapy Syndicate Additionally this project target people with disabilities with home visits for physiotherapy, and providing help tools with them. The main activities have targeted 1920 beneficiaries in 6 months. They were implemented with partnership concentrate at awareness at GBV, legal issues, political participation, women and youth rights, Good Citizenship and Governance By Empowerment and Capacity Building Program and Good Citizenship and Governance: These programs focus on empowering and building capacities for vulnerable groups specially women to access their economic, political and legal rights through providing multi-sectoral services and promoting their access to opportunities. This includes sensitizing target groups about the international laws and conventions relating their rights specially to women and increasing their access to political and economic rights and opportunities. It also includes the provision of legal aid services that enhance their protection and security and prevent their exposure to violence. By Heritage &Cultural Exchange program PALTEAM has implemented awareness workshops about the Palestinian culture and it has prominent participation in national and heritage events In achieving its vision and mission, PALTEAM is committed to working within a multi-sector human rights approach based on human rights principles, social indicators and national priorities and strongly believes in the importance of women’s role in developing communities, Empowering marginalized groups including women and children and gender mainstreaming into all programs and activities offered. The PALTEAM's philosophy is built on being an organization adopting Human Rights Based (HRB) participatory holistic approach in responding to the needs of the target groups and promoting women’s rights in the Palestinian Society. to promote equality and social justice in the Palestinian society and protect the rights – as defined under international human rights frameworks and international humanitarian law - of women (including those with disabilities) exposed to VAW through their inclusion in mainstream services and initiatives in the Gaza Strip and influencing decision makers and legislators to bring about change at the level of local laws and policies that undermine women’s access to justice. The beneficiaries and stakeholders participate actively and effectively in designing PALTEAM’s interventions and forming its strategic thinking and plans.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 PALTEAM will Exchange and share information on challenges, experiences of work with other members to have new perspectives and ideas to help in our role as a network..  increased Opportunities for Collaboration with other members to carry out joint activities  PALTEAM will contribute with all the capabilities of the association by providing a place to host the activities of the network, participating in all the activities it holds, and contributing with the members of the network to spread the activities of the ALF and highlight to it.  Facilitating the implementation of ALF network activities with institutions in all governorates of the Gaza Strip by virtue of the good relations that bind us with them, and our team will help to facilitate any activities for ALF with other members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PALTEAM strongly believes in team work by contributing our talents, resources and energies to a prosperous Palestine. PALTEAM, this name was chosen to reflect the commitment of the association to build strong and deep ties with the communities and harness all efforts to serve them PALTEAM seeks for a wide-ranging partnership, so we want to join ALF Network to achieve our common strategic goals. We seek to enhance our work, sharing information, resources, activities, and capabilities we can achieve things together that we could never achieve alone, specially that we share same strategic goals. There is a real opportunity to develop new approaches with you that go beyond philanthropy, towards generating shared value. Work with ALF make us able to create a better world through specially action across cultures to change the lives of vulnerable groups specially women and young people, and through other programs such as empowerment and capacity building. ALF will give us the opportunity to Increased Shared Knowledge, confidence, Raising our profile, more opportunities for partnerships and connections with other members of ALF and work together for the best for our community

Contact (1) Full Name
Rose Mohamed Rabah ElMasri
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Dr. Rose M. R. ElMasri
Contact (2) Full Name
Heba El-Zaeem
Job Title (2)
Vice President

جمعية الفلاحين والزراعيين الفللسطينيين

National Network

شارع الشهداء
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

جمعية الفلاحين والزراعيين الفلسطينيين تأسست عام 2016 لخدمة الفلاح الفلسطيني والنهوض بالقطاع الزراعي بتحقيق واستخدام وسائل حديثة بما يكفل وفرة الانتاج وجودته وترويج المنتجات الزراعية بإيحاد اسواق زراعية وتوفير المساعدات لتنمية المشاريع الزراعية وعمل ورشات توعوية للفلاح الفلسطيني

Mission and Objectives

المساهمة في التنمية المتكاملة والمستدامة للقطاع الفلاحي والتعاونيات الزراعية لمساعدتهم على تحقيق أهدافهم.

Main Projects / Activities

1. تحسين المستوى المعيشي والأمن الغذائي للفلاحين والمرأة الريفية و ذلك من خلال:
• تشخيص المشاكل والصعوبات المعوقات التي تواجه الفلاح الفلسطيني في مختلف المجالات والعمل على إيجاد الحلول الملائمة .
• رفع الكفاءة المهنية للفلاح الفلسطيني لاستيعاب المستجدات العلمية والتطبيقية بعقد الدورات التدريبية المتخصصة والمؤتمرات وورشات العمل .
• عمل مشاريع زراعية وتنموية لخدمة ودعم الفلاح الفلسطيني .
• مساعدة الفلاح الفلسطيني في تقليل تكاليف الإنتاج .
• التوعية في تقنين وترشيد واستغلال كافة مصادر المياه .
• تعزيز الدور التنموي للمرأة الفلسطينية .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

لدى الجمعية فريق واللجان المحلية تنفيذ ومراقبة المشاريع والأنشطة المختلفة بطريقة مهنية في القطاعات التالية:
1. جميع المشاريع الزراعية ،
2. المشاريع المتعلقة بالمياه ، سواء لأغراض الري أو للإستخدام المنزلي للمناطق الريفية المهمشة ،
3. التدريب لكل من الجوانب الزراعية والبيئية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. العمل على توسيع مشاريع الشراكة مع المؤسسات المحلية بتمويل المنظمات الدولية لتأهيل الأراضي الزراعية المتضررة.
2- للنهوض بالفلاح الفلسطيني والدفاع عن حقوقه و والنهوض بالقطاع الزراعي

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد علي اسماعيل الكفارنة
Job Title
رئيس مجلس ادارة الجمعية
Head of the organisation
محمد علي اسماعيل الكفارنة
Contact (2) Full Name
خالد محمد سليمان ابو زر
Job Title (2)
امين الصندوق

General Union of Palestinian Peasants and Agricultural Cooperatives

National Network

Shuhada Street
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

General Union of the Palestinian Peasants and Agric Cooperation "GUPPAC" is one of the non-governmental organizations founded in 1973, it was like "Popular Organizations" before the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority, GUPPAC is a completely neutral, impartial and transparent organization aims to represent and provide services for all farmers regardless their Affiliation. It was and still one of the fundamental pillars of the farmers, it used to defend the rights of Palestinian farmers and the land of Palestine. After the Oslo Agreement and the return back of the Palestinian Authority to the homeland, GUPPAC was re-formed in Palestine to include all Palestinian land in the provinces of North and South governorates to include sixteen branches, eleven branches in Northern Governorates "West Bank" and five in the Gaza governorates. The GUPPAC is a full legal entity representing all branches, agricultural cooperatives and specialized agricultural federations. GUPPAC is a full legal entity (Secretariat), representing all branches and cooperative societies that has agricultural competent and relevant councils institution concerned the affairs of the Palestinian farmers. While it was one of the mainstays of the Palestinian farmers, it was and still engaged in trade & cooperative activities, social & political activities that’s aims to support farmers everywhere, as well as defend the rights of farmers in the Occupied Palestinian territories. Likewise, GUPPAC is supporting farmers to get fair prices for their products throughout interfering to improve the balance of the value chain of their products. GUPPAC used to support farmers & rural communities through the relief and developmental agricultural projects; as well as, to oversee the training courses for farmers, especially rural women and the quest for the development of the Palestinian products through opening new markets, and work to distinguish it to compete in both local and international markets. GUPPAC also seeks to promulgate laws through the competent authorities that protect the farmers from climatic changes and hazards, political and trade fluctuations. GUPPAC is working on linking the agricultural sector with the industrial sector; also, it should be noted that the GUPPAC is working on the implementation of relief and development projects in cooperation with different international donors with coordination with the Palestinian Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture where it could be needed to achieve the results.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Contribute to the integrated and sustainable development of the peasant sector and the agricultural cooperative to help them achieve their goals. General and sub Objectives of GUPPAC: 1. Improve the standard of living and food security for farmers and rural women, which may include: 1.1 Diagnosis of difficulties, problems and constraints facing the Palestinian farmers in the different areas and work to find appropriate solutions. 1.2 Improve the professionalism of Palestinian farmers to understand and applied the new modern agricultural techniques through organizing specialized training courses, conferences and workshops. 1.3 Works to implement more agricultural development projects to serve and support the Palestinian farmers. 1.4 Supports the establishment of a fair marketing process to ensure the principle of fair-trading of agricultural products (Value Chain Concept). 1.5 Help the Palestinian farmers to reduce production costs through using new techniques. 1.6 Continues extended efforts to increase awareness and to codify and rationalize the exploitation of all sources of water. 1.7 Continues approach to enhance the developmental role of Palestinian women. 2. Defending the Palestinian farmers, their land, their right for water, against all threats, dangers and policies, this may include and not limited to the following: The organization of the masses of peasants and make them aware of the historical and national responsibility at home and homeland. 2.1 Participate in the discussion of draft laws and agricultural policies and approval, through the exercise of democratic right to serve the achievement of the institutional interests of the Palestinian farmer. 2.2 The use of all methods of pressure and advocacy within the framework of action. 3. Strengthens and enabling the trade unions and cooperatives sectors of public and social dimensions of the relationship, including the role of agricultural committees of the Union, this may include: 3.1 Enhance the regulatory framework for the movement of peasants within the framework of a regulatory one, including all events and agricultural associations, institutions and individuals. 3.2 Organizing the agricultural committees in all governorates of the country and strengthen its role. 3.3 Promote the principle of coordination and networking among all sectors. 4. Capacity-building and professional management of the Union and its committees to enable it to achieve the vision and strategic plan, this may include: 4.1 Linked to the farmer and its institutions through the establishment of the national branches of the Union at the level of the provinces of the country. 4.2 Representation of the farmers in country as well as outside the homeland both in the Arab and international level .

Main Projects / Activities

GUPPAC's activities: For Examples and not limited to the following: 1. GUPPAC in cooperation with the Ministry of Health managed to provide free of charge of health insurance for the thousands of poor farmers in all provinces of the country. 2. Contribution in alleviation the burden on the affected farmers in the provinces of the country to distribute aid in cash as partial reimbursement for their losses in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture. 3. Helping the farmers to market their products and signing the international agreements to open markets to Palestinian products, especially olive oil. 4. Working on partnership projects with local organization and financing through international organizations for compensation and rehabilitation of affected land that have been demolished by the occupation forces. 5. Organizing different training courses for farmers to boost their qualifications in cooperation with the Palestinian National Authority- Department of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development "PECDAR". 6. Implementation of different projects for farmers in the governorates of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, mostly implemented in cooperation with international and local organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GUPPAC team and the local committees are able to implement and supervise different projects and activities in a professional manner in the following sectors: 1. All the agricultural and farming projects, 2. Water related projects, both for irrigation or domestic use for rural marginalized areas, 3. Training for both agricultural aspects or water issues, and 4. Distributions and emergency response. 5. GUPPAC has the capacity to coordinate with different stockholders and actors to avoid any double benefits from similar activities in the same duration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GUPPAC has a important vision that Palestinian farmers manage their land and contribute actively to the national plan for the Palestinian State.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdul Sattar Ahmidan Rashid Shaat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdul Sattar Ahmidan Shaat
Contact (2) Full Name
Samir Muhammad Ismail Abu Al-Qumbuz
Job Title (2)

الاصول الطيبة للتنمية والتطوير ظ Alasol.Altayba

National Network

شارع الجلاء
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

عدد الموظفين في المؤسسة : 5 الشركاء: جمعية عايشة لحماية المراة والطفل مركز شؤون المرأة جمعية عبد الشافي الصحية والمجتمعية المركز الفلسطيني للديمقراطية وحل النزاعات وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية مركز الابحاث والاستشارات القانونية لجنة زكاة غزة الاغاثية الانسانية التركية IHH نقابة المحاميين النظاميين هيئة الاعمال العالمية هيئة الاعمال الخيرية (استراليا) الشبان المسيحية مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي اتحاد الشابات المسيحية في فلسطين فارس العرب جمعية العودة الصحية والمجتمعية جمعية امجاد وزارة الاوقاف والشؤون الدينية  ميزانية الثلاثة سنوات الأخيرة =28.630 دولار  إجمالي ميزانية مشاريع الاصول الطيبة = 15.145 دولار  العدد الإجمالي للمستفيدين =1.620 مستفيد/ة

Mission and Objectives

الهدف العام: دعم المجتمع وتنمية قدراته وتوعيته وتدريبه وإمداده بالحاجات الأساسية العلمية التربوية والعينية وتفعيل دور المرأة والطفل والشباب خصوصاً ورعايتهم وتنمية القدرات الكامنة في المجتمع وتفعيلها خلال الفترة من 2019 الى 2023 الأهداف الخاصة: 1. العمل على الارتقاء بواقع المرأة مهنياً وتنموياً واقتصاديا . 2. مساعدة المرأة على الاندماج في سوق العمل وتهيئة بيئة العمل المناسبة لهن. 3. نشر وعي صحي يهتم بالصحة العامة للمرأة والطفل في فترات حياتهم المختلفة وكيفية التأقلم معهم . 4. مشاركة المرأة في الاطر السياسية والاجتماعية . 5. توعية المرأة بكيفية التعامل والعناية بالطفل .

Main Projects / Activities

مشاريع التنمية وبناء القدرات: 1 الاستجابة الشاملة والحماية للسكان المتضررين من النزاع في قطاع غزة (مسيرات العودة) 2 التربية الايجابية والصحة الانجابية 3 توزيع مكافئات مالية على الاطفال المشاركين في مشروع (مسيرات العودة) 4 رحلة ترفيهية للأطفال (الاناث) المشاركين في مشروع (مسيرات العودة) 5 رحلة ترفيهية للأطفال (الذكور) المشاركين في مشروع (مسيرات العودة) 6 مشروع حماية الفتيات من خطر التشرد 7 تعزيز الحماية القانونية للنساء المعنفات 8 رحلة ترفيهية (فتيات) المشاركين في مشروع حماية الفتيات من خطر التشرد 9 توزيع لحوم اضاحي 10 حماية كرامة ربات الاسر المعيلات 11 الورشة القانونية ضمن مشروع (حماية كرامة ربات الاسر المعيلات) 12 توزيع مكافئات مالية للمشاركات في مشروع (حماية كرامة ربات الاسر المعيلات) 13 ورشة عمل ضمن ورشات توعوية حول وصول النساء والاطفال الى العدالة لمشروع (نحو مستقبل آمن وعادل للناس في قطاع غزة) 14 حملة (أبي اقرا لي) مشاريع الإغاثة: 1. مشروع توزيع وجبات افطار رمضانية على الاسر المستورة 2. مشروع توزيع الحقيبة الصحية على ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة الممول من مؤسسة عايشة لحماية المراة والطفل. 3. مشروع توزيع لحوم اضاحي الممول من هيئة الاغاثة الانسانية التركية 4. توزيع مكافئات مالية نقدية على عدد من الاسر المستفيدة لدينا الممول من مؤسسة عايشة لحماية المراة والطفل

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال نشر سياسة الوعي والمساواة وتحقيق كافة الاهداف .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتوسيع دائرة الوعي لدى الفئات المستهدفة وتحقيق اهداف المؤسسة

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
ماجدة خليل طه جعرور
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
ماجدة خليل طه جعرور
Contact (2) Full Name
هديل فتحي حسن احمد
Job Title (2)
مسؤول العلاقات العامة

Veridas Foundation

National Network

Gorazd 78
3700 Vidin

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

"Veridas" Foundation is a private non-profit cultural organization established in 2013, and in the last 4 years it has successfully developed and implemented projects in the field of promotion of educational creative programs/type of studios, as well as provides performance and demonstration of artists and artisans - amateurs in front of an audience of forgotten authentic techniques and crafts from all ages. It supports and provides alternative spaces of a residential type in a non-urban environment for the realization of cultural innovative production by independent artists and authors.

Mission and Objectives

To support the public, economic and social development of the region and the country in the processes of European integration and the strengthening of the democratic foundations of civil society; - To support the preservation of the national and cultural heritage and build a highly developed national self-awareness combined with a pan-European cultural identity; - To support the spiritual and intellectual realization of citizens through tolerance, mutual understanding, freedom of thought and speech, justice and equality, respect for human rights, exchange of experience and development of communication between different public groups in society. - To support young and enterprising people in their desire for educational and professional realization, employment and qualification improvement; - To support the social cohesion of different social groups to overcome social differences and isolation; - To support the implementation of activities related to the rational use of natural resources, ecology and development of tourist destinations in the region and the country; - To expand social, economic and cultural cohesion through the use of diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The regular activity of the organization is related to maintaining a creative space in Gomotartsi, Vidin municipality and creating conditions for creative provocation and inspiration for amateur artists, local craftsmen and self-made people and independent established authors in the creation of innovative and attractive cultural production by applying spatial innovations to attract audiences in non-urban environments, in open spaces and residential-type spaces. The experience of the organization in creating successful educational programs, holding creative workshops and presenting street performance was upgraded through the implementation of the "Danube Airarium" project, and the current project proposal is a continuation of the achieved results in terms of implementing mechanisms for expanding and attracting public through new cultural production, maintaining and developing the creative potential of art lovers, including refugees. Innovations and new cultural production: Innovations created with an interactive approach provided more targeted solutions that were easier to implement, as the process is conducive to accelerating the introduction and adoption of new ideas. The interactive model that was used relied mainly on collaboration, knowledge sharing and brokered methods of imparting knowledge and skills between amateur creators, artisans and established authors. This approach helped to develop the initial results of creative inquiries into practical applications and generate new ideas through cross-fertilization between participants. The audience had the opportunity to participate in the outdoor performances, which encouraged the creation of a community of those who participated in the outdoor stage events. The public sees the conquest of new spaces, including outside the city, as a demonstration of how art can be made anywhere. Their relationship to art and to space and nature changes, the audience had the opportunity to explore their own talent, so that the audience gains a connection to the culture and space, because the audience develops when they are inspired. The same goes for artists. The creative space itself became an experimental stage for testing with approaches and methods during the art studios, during the residency program, the creation of a joint stage product by a newly formed creative team without disturbing the authentic environment, which attracted a new audience, turned the space into a creative destination for reflection and free experimentation, exchanging radical moments, breaking the barriers between creator and audience. The new stage production "Danube Airarium" was created in an alternative residency, combining the aesthetic achievements of puppet theater art and authentic local craft techniques in the field of intangible cultural heritage. The main theme is the powerful connection between art and nature. Neither overshadows the other: each piece is placed in harmony with its surroundings to create an incredible synergy in the environment. The advantages of applied innovation are achieving a creative balance in terms of interdisciplinary cultural experimental innovation, a prototype that can be tested and upgraded over time, which will increase its reliability, organizational skills and team support capacity, economy and providing easy access of artists and audiences to cultural products, scenes, spaces. Innovative approaches were used in the creation of the educational program / creative workshops of the residential type / which offer the trainees the opportunity to get acquainted with authentic and forgotten techniques, which will be significantly improved for the creation of new modern creative products, with elements of decoration in the field of fashion design, interior and exterior design and others and presenting them to the public. The foundation's resident education program and shared space will foster long-term audience interest in cultural products, while helping the organization adapt to the need for new ways to engage with today's and future audiences. Innovative approaches support amateur and independent artists and the sector to develop the new skills they need by learning from each other, building networks and collaborating to contribute to the development of new methods and new sources of income. Audience development is an important new focus in this context. It is decisive for the post-crisis recovery of the sector. In order to achieve short-term and long-term results, emphasis is placed on improving the conditions and quality for presenting to an audience / physical and virtual / the rich cultural heritage through the application of interactive and modern techniques, digital products and methods of combining achievements in theatrical production and authentic techniques from everyday life and folklore

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To support cultural exchange and maintanance if cultural heritage and production of modern art performances of artists. The organization currently maintains a creative space "Veridas" in Gomotartsi and successfully works together with established creatives and amateur artists to create attractive forms of performing arts and production, to expand and attract new audiences in non-urban cultural centers and by offering alternative spaces for a resident type creation. Project "Cultural-creative space - Veridas" is a project that started 6 years ago, the main goal of which is to create conditions for professional development and experimental space for artists - actors, directors, designers, set designers, artists and other representatives of the creative industries. Until now, the main building "House for Creative Meetings" and partially other spaces have been renovated with private funds from the Foundation and donors. A significant part of the repair work was carried out with voluntary labor. In 2020, NFK financed the project "Danube AERARIUM - a shared cultural space for creative and stage performances", within the "ONE-YEAR PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FIELD OF THE ARTS". The project was successfully implemented and renovation activities were carried out on open and closed spaces, which are provided free of charge for the implementation of the activities of the current project. The program helped the long-term financial stability of the organization, because through the renovated spaces, a residential-type material base was created, which will attract artists all year round. The art studio with adjacent open stage and support spaces provide the necessary conditions for a shared creative process, which will undoubtedly generate financial income and deepen local and international partnerships. Link to materials and channels www.veridas-artspace.com; https://www.facebook.com/watch/artveridas/. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwNWthqheR2BlGr8g5v8SA https://bnr.bg/vidin/post/101545594 - Bulgarian National Radio broadcast live the performance "Danube Airarium" and the filming of the event on 22.10.2021 in Vidin, as well as published news about the event on its Facebook page.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To cooperate in international plan with organizations and diseminate the know-how of our organziation as follows: The activities of the organization include local craftsmen, self-made people and children of different ages, as well as established authors and artists. Access is free, without restrictions. Main directions in which the organization works: The project "Educational creative programs and workshops and presentation to the public" was implemented with own funds during the period from 2017 to the present. Within the framework of the project, educational programs were developed for art studios for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, such as various authentic techniques in the field of artistic crafts and folk traditions. The main educational creative workshops are held in the city of Vidin and in the creative space "Veridas" in the village of Gomotartsi, where the participants learn on the spot the forgotten skills of knitting with corn cobs, hemp, weaving, creating a new design of clothing through folk ornamentation , creation of household items through ecological materials and decoration, renovation of old furniture, reconstruction and restoration of outdated elements of national costumes and customs, etc. As part of the project, more than 70 participants have been trained so far, and the foundation also provides the opportunity to perform in front of the public with participation in the defile of authentic folk costumes, bazaars, demonstrations and restoration of folk customs, etc. All materials, consumables and public appearances of the participants within the project are provided free of charge by the foundation. Participants in educational creative programs have the opportunity to experiment with different techniques, materials, work together with other participants in a different environment and shared space, exchange ideas, under the guidance of a mentor, as well as have the opportunity to present their creative products to an audience - thematic cultural events , such as bazaars and festivals, fashion shows, to present folk customs. There are no age restrictions regarding the participants. Within the framework of the educational programs, visits were organized to DCT-Vidin, where the participants / children / on the spot got acquainted with the process of creating a stage product, as well as participated in creating elements of puppets and sets. One of the most attractive workshops for adults is Corn Heart. Participants have the opportunity to become familiar with basic techniques and elements in the field of weaving, as well as acquire the skills of corn cob knitting of various household items. "Cinnamon Cones", is an educational demonstration program through which participants have the opportunity to create their original minimalist gift ideas using organic waste pine cones and bark, fimo, potpourri /dried flowers and cotton leaves, herbs and spices/. "Old Painted Bottles" - is a creative educational program that includes the decoration of old glass bottles to serve again as a convenient kitchen accessory, as well as a demonstration of design ideas for a kitchen arrangement for storing products, spices and liquids "Ecological decoration workshop" for adults and children, in which they participate in a demonstration of techniques for creating and decorating objects from ecological and recycled materials - knitted objects from hemp, wall panels from wood waste, decoupage and decoration of old objects and their reuse use in everyday life, reconstructing old elements of folk costumes and creating a new contemporary design for clothing. "The Color of Abandoned Schools" is an initiative of the Veridas Foundation, which supports young creative artists by providing creative grants for materials, supplies in order to ennoble outdoor and indoor spaces and to attract the public and institutions to take care of these spaces and buildings. Every single space has a story, a human story that is part of the school of life. One of these authors is the young talented artist Teodora Obretenova, who participated in a number of projects in the summer of 2020, as well as created and implemented a creative concept for a mural on a site around the building of the country's first wine school in Vidin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miglena Georgieva Todorova
Job Title
Chairperson of Management Board
Head of the organisation
Miglena Georgieva Todorova

جمعية وفاق لرعاية المرأة والطفل

National Network

شارع الجوازات
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

جمعية نسوية فلسطينية مستقلة غير ربحية لديها خبرة عملية تفوق الـ 26 عاماً في تقديم خدمات دعم ومناصرة وتمكين وحماية النساء والأطفال من خلال طواقم مهنية مدربة ومختصة من 20-35 موظف وموظفة ، حيث عملت وفاق منذ عام 1996 و حتى عام 2009 تحت مسمى دائرة المرأة تحت مظلة برنامج غزة للصحة النفسية, ومن ثم استقلت في العام 2010 كجمعية أهلية غير حكومة مرخصة. منذ تأسيسها سعت وفاق إلى تحقيق المساواة الجندرية، والحد من نسب العنف بشتى أنواعه، من خلال برامج الدعم النفسي والتمكين الاقتصادي وزيادة الوعي بالقضايا النفسية والاجتماعية والقانونية والاقتصادية المهمة لدعم الفئات المهمشة في جنوب قطاع غزة خصوصا محافظتي رفح و خانيونس، آخذه بعين الاعتبار إدماج الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة والسيدات مريضات السرطان والمعيلات لأسرهن والأطفال فاقدي الرعاية الأبوية والمعرضين للخطر في جميع الأنشطة والبرامج التي تتبناها وفق خطتها الاستراتيجية، وذلك استجابة للاحتياجات المحددة للنساء والأطفال حيث تصنف هذه الفئات فئات ذات هشاشة متعددة الجوانب في تلك المناطق، تعتمد في تمويلها على المشاريع ومن شركاءها: الاغاثة الاسلامية -Action aid -OCHA-OXFAM-Brodly Trust وغيرها.

Mission and Objectives

1. المساهمة في تحسين خدمات الوقاية والاستجابة الإنسانية للنساء والأسر الهشة ضمن المعايير الإنسانية والدولية وصولاً للحياة الكريمة الآمنة. 2. المساهمة في حماية وتمكين الناجين والناجيات من العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي في قطاع غزة من خلال تقديم خدمات متنوعة وفقاً للأنظمة الوطنية والدولية. 3. المساهمة في حماية وتمكين النساء والفتيات ذوات الإعاقة في قطاع غزة من خلال تقديم الخدمات متنوعة القطاعات وفقاً للأنظمة الوطنية والدولية. 4. المساهمة في توفير بيئة آمنة للأطفال والأطفال ذوي الإعاقة لحمايتهم وتنمية قدراتهم من خلال خدمات الدعم النفسي والتعليمي والصحي والغذائي.

Main Projects / Activities

تقدم جمعية وفاق خدمات الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي والقانوني وادارة الحالة وخدمات متعددة القطاعات كما أنها وضعت خطة استراتيجية تعمل على دمج النوع الاجتماعي في جميع مجالات الإدارة، وقد كان ذلك واضحًا في المشاريع المنفذة مسبقًا فيما يتعلق بحقوق الإنسان وتمكين المرأة ومناهضة العنف ضد المرأة والقضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة والطفل، تعرض القائمة أدناه عينة من المشاريع المنفذة خلال 2022-2023 - مشروع نحو علاقة تعاقدية بين العاملات والقطاع الخاص وفقاً لقانون العمل الفلسطيني يستهدف النساء وذوات الإعاقة والعاملات - مشروع خدمات متكاملة مستجيبة للعنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي للنساء والفتيات في محافظة رفح يستهدف الناجيات من العنف من النساء والفتيات من سن 12-17 للفتيات من سن 18-59 للنساء والنساء والفتيات ذوات الإعاقة - برنامج الحقوق والصمود يستهدف الناجيات من العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي - مشروع تعزيز الخدمات الشاملة والمنسقة للفئات الأكثر هشاشة من النساء والفتيات في القرية السويدية-محافظة رفح. يستهدف النساء والفتيات الذين يعانون من وضع نفسي في المناطق المهمشة - برنامج رعاية الايتام

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تمكين وتعزيز دور الشباب في المشاركة المجتمعية والسياسية من خلال تطوير قدراتهم والقيام بحملات المناصرة وكسب التأييد للوصول الى دمجهم في كافة القطاعات من أجل بناء ثقافة تعتمد على الحوار والتبادل نعمل على تنظيم جلسات حوارية مع مسؤولين واصحاب القرار ليكونوا اكثر حساسية ومسؤولية اتجاه تعزيز مبدأ المساواة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

انطلاقا من أهدافنا الاستراتيجية والتي تتلاقى مع غاية شبكة أناليندا والتي تسعى الى تمكين دور الشباب والشابات في المجتمع و تطوير المهارات المعرفية الضرورية لجعلهم اكثر فاعلية في المجتمع والعمل على دمجهم في كافة القطاعات من خلال المناصرة وكسب التأييد كذلك تعمل وفاق من خلال انشطتها ومشاريعها على نبذ العنف والحد من العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي للوصول الى مجتمع اكثر شمولية واستقراراً . تعزيزاً لثقافة الحوار والتبادل لجعل المجتمعات اكثر تسامحا

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