East west organisation for integration of cultures

National Network

Wagramer Strasse 93/3/18
1220 Vienna

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

تأسست جمعية شرق غرب في عام 2015 ومقرها في فيينا النمسا: رقم الترخيص، ZVR-Zahl 166447512 ، هي مؤسسة غير ربحية ويتم تمويل نشاطاتها من قبل وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي في النمسا، وقدمت المؤسسةالعديد من المشاريع التنموية بالتعاون مع نخبة من المدربين الخبراء في مجالاتهم المختلفة. بعض نشاطاتها: "ورش عمل لأطفال المخيمات الحدودية في دول الصراع" " بازار لبيع الاشغال اليدوية لتشجيع الحرف العربية في أوروبا" " اصدار مجموعة قصصية باللغة الألمانية لأبناء الجالية العربية بالتعاون مع رابطة القلم الدولية فيينا" " اصدار مجموعة قصصية باللغة الالمانية لأطفال مخيمات اللجوء" " مشروع لمكافحة التحرش بالأطفال بالتعاون مع نادي اللايونز إسطنبول" " حفل الربيع لدعم الجاليات المهاجرة في أوروبا" وكان أحدث مشاريعها هو "مشروع للتنمية المجتمعية لدمج الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة، المهاجرين والأقليات العرقية". أسفر هذا المشروع عن عرض مسرحي قدم ضمن فعاليات ملتقى "كلنا إنسان" في دار الأوبرا يعمل في الادارة وكمحاسب للمؤسسة السيد توني بوبيك تعمل كنائبة للارئيس السيدة لارا لايتنر تعمل كسكريتر عام للمؤسسة السيدة بسمة الالفي

Mission and Objectives

العمل على تطير الانسان وبنائه والحفاظ على البيئة وانشاء النشاطات والممشريع المستدامة التي تدعم الانسان المستضعف من ذوي الاحتياجات، المراة، ضحايا الحروب كما الارض والبيئة

Main Projects / Activities

نحاول ان نسهل عملية الاندماج بين فئات المجتمع في بلاد المهجر وفي بلاد العالم الثالث كما بين الاقليات والمستضعفين ومن يعانون من التهميش ، تطوير قدراتهم ودمجهم بالمجتمع كما خلق فرص عمل جديدة تكفيهم من افة العوز والتسول والانخراط في عالم المخدرات والجريمة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا وكمؤسسة اوروبية مؤثوقة مستعدين للتعاون مع كل الجهات المقترحة من قبلكم لخلق مشاريع وشركات جديدة مثمرة تخدم الارض الانسان والانسانية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ما قراته عن انا ليند وبعد ترشيح احد اصدقائي للتواصل معكم وجدت انه من الضروري فتح افاق العمل بيننا لما لديكم من تواصل مؤثوق مع الجمعيات المسجلة لديكم وهذا سيعزز عنصر الثقة لنقل اعمالنا خلف الحدود لافادة عدد اكبر من المحتاجين للمساعدة طالما ان مؤسسة شرق غرب كان لها سابقة عمل خلف الحدود وفي اماكن عديدة خارج اوروبا فاتمنا ان يثمر عملنا معا ثمار جيدة تساعدنا وتساعدكم في الوصول الى اهدافنا المشتركة والتي ترتكز على بناء الانسان والحفاظ على الارض وبيئتها واستدامة مواردها

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonia Boumad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sonia Boumad
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Leitner
Job Title (2)
vice president

Compagnie Passaros

National Network

MCC 4,allée de Brotteaux
CS 70270
01000 Bourg-en-Bresse

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Association reconnue d'intérêt général basée dans l'Ain, région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes en France
1 président bénévole, 1 conseil d'administration, 1 salariée à temps partiel, 18 artistes salariés en contrats intermittents du spectacle
Budget annuel 2022 : 85934 €, 2021 : 79741 €, 2020 : 59 856 €
Sources de financements : Fonds propres (dons, ventes de spectacles et prestations, participation des membres à l'activité, adhésions...), subventions publiques, fondations et mécénat
Modes d'actions : échanges entre artistes, accueil de jeunes artistes, séminaires de formation, créations de spectacles, liens avec les publics
Principaux partenaires : Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes, 
Conseil Départemental de l’Ain
, Ville de Bourg-en-Bresse, 
MJC Bourg-en-Bresse
, Centre Culturel de Rencontre d’Ambronay, centre artistique rural (Fresnes en Woevre)
, Cie Col’Jam (Maroc)
, APF (France et Handicap

Mission and Objectives

La Cie Passaros est une compagnie chorégraphique. Crée en 1999, elle a pour but de permettre la recherche, la création, la diffusion et la rencontre autour de l'expression chorégraphique en lien avec différentes formes artistiques. Elle promeut le croisement d'une grande variété de publics, et a pour objectif de rendre accessible à tous la culture chorégraphique.

Main Projects / Activities

Création de spectacles, créations participatives mêlant danseurs professionnels et amateurs, séminaires de formations, transmission aux danseurs amateurs, stages, recherche avec des universitaires sur la danse inclusive (danse et handicap dans une ouverture à tous), réseaux

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En accueillant des organismes culturels étrangers,
En partageant et transmettant nos expériences,
En permettant à de jeunes artistes de développer leurs projets,
En offrant une plateforme de diffusion lors de notre festival en biennale,
En proposant des formations danse et inclusion, danse et handicap dans une ouverture à tous,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parce que nous partageons les mêmes valeurs de défense des droits culturels et humains,
Pour permettre à nos projets de circuler et de se faire connaître,
Pour bénéficier de l'expérience des autres membres et de la fondation Anna Lindh.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilie Borgo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Barbosa Da Silva Jean-Pierre

Young Women's Christian Association- AlHusun (Y.W.C.A)

National Network

Irbid, Al Huosn, Downtown

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The structure of the organization, including the number of employees hired and/or partners
The administrative body is represented by its chairperson, Mrs. Khitam Rihani.
Number of appointed employees is:8
Number of members: 40

Budget resources available per year
Jordanian Ministry of Development: 1000 JD

Funding sources
Granting internal bodies (Ministry of Development or ministries that hold projects with the association (
The association's projects, including female students' housing
Grants from external bodies (UNESCO and the United Nations)
Annual subscription fee

Work modalities (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, etc.)
Tangible projects: professional courses for the local community
Seminars, lectures and courses: in coordination with experts and specialized trainers
Funded scholarships for poor students through a case study

Key partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Development
Branch of the Mother Association (Young Christian Women of Amman)

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Promoting sustainable development strategies and educating women and society in all aspects such as economic, cultural, social, human rights and development.
Objectives: The association aims to develop the skills and capabilities of Jordanian women and Jordanian society in various fields, to confirm and strengthen its role in actively contributing to the development of society and developing it economically, socially, and culturally, and to educate them about their rights based on the principles of equality, justice, equal opportunities, human rights, and environmental protection.
Vision: A civil society organization working with women's leadership within a global movement to achieve peace, justice, and human dignity, and to provide a suitable environment for women in all areas of life, within the national priorities.
The Message: The YWCA - Al-Hosn is a national women's movement that works to educate and empower them socially, economically, and culturally, and to create youth leaders without racial, religious, or ethnic discrimination, through various programs, activities, courses, and workshops for all aspects of civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

The association’s specialization, field of work, and activities are represented in the following, provided that the required approvals, permits, and permissions are obtained wherever necessary under any of the applicable legislation:

1. Education, as the association aims to develop knowledge and skills for individuals to lead a successful practical life at academic levels and age groups through the development of life skills, training, and rehabilitation.
2. Health, and we work to provide appropriate health services and provide them with appropriate means through health and environmental awareness and education services, and through activities and programs that aim to change the health and environmental behavior of individuals and influence them by all available means.
3. Economic empowerment, and we are working on the economic empowerment of individuals and civil society for the purposes of self-sufficiency through the integration of programs for household industries and handicrafts, support and encouragement of various household products and handicrafts, and contribute to their marketing, which are usually unregistered and non-taxable projects, and managing small income-generating projects for the association And increase the income of associations by managing income-generating projects.
4. Democracy and governance, where we aim to spread the democratic culture, values and skills, and consolidate the rules of democratic work, transparency, oversight, and accountability, the culture and practice of civic participation, strategic communication, the media and the free flow of information, for elections, political participation, legal empowerment, political and democratic empowerment.
5. Social protection and care, by strengthening the social protection and care system for all segments of society with the aim of alleviating their suffering and preserving their dignity, we are working to enhance productivity and reduce poverty, raising and caring for children, protecting and empowering women, caring for the elderly, developing local communities, empowering youth, responsibility societal.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association works to raise awareness of sustainable development, women’s rights, and climate issues through workshops, courses and training programs. The community of Irbid governorate and the town of Al-Hosn, in particular, can be considered a youth community that needs activities and projects that contribute to integrating young people more into developmental volunteer work, and this is what the association aims to do.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Organization is a well-known organization with regard to supporting the Euro-Mediterranean countries and increasing the awareness of the peoples of the region about issues of youth, the environment, and sustainable development. Therefore, the joining of our association to your list of partners will be a wonderful and powerful opportunity to enhance the presence of women and Jordanian society in various activities that support the unity of the Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Khitam Rihani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Khitam Rihani
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Rana AlRabadi
Job Title (2)
Member PR officer

Centre Loisirs et Culture

National Network

immeuble Ghassan jawhary
Rue Sabil Quartier Hara

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Le centre Loisir et Culture, actif depuis Avril 2015 (centre Sport & Culture), est une association laïque à but non lucratif. Elle encourage des activités culturelles, sportives, artistiques et éducatives dans une approche non-compétitive et non discriminatoire ouvertes à tous. Dans le budget de l'annee precedente nous avons un projet de permaculture " Permevert" finance par Maksense avec 10000 dollars. le campagnard finance par COSVE avec 17 000 dollars un projet de tourisme solidaire finance par le ministere des affaires etrangeres francais 6000 euros grandir et agir finance par l institut francais avec 5020 euros Le projet caravane culturel avec Cobiac Nos partenaires : COBIAC- collectif kahraba –: Institut français Liban- Hammana artist house- Maksense- Solidarite laique- ligue de l'enseignement- animateurs sans frontieres - Centre social de la gavotte peyret . nous faisons partie du groupe rive 2 jeunes qui englobe la Tunisie, la France, le Liban et le Maroc.

Mission and Objectives

Notre mission : L’accès à la culture et au sport pour tous Valeurs : ouverture à l’autre, esprit critique, démocratie, liberté, justice sociale,

Main Projects / Activities

Nos activités Culturelles : le théâtre, le plaidoyer, le débat, l’heure du conte dans notre bibliothèque publique- bibliobus- sirigami- atelier d'ecriture- life skills- soutien scolaire- Caravane Culturelle annuelle, Le ciné-club Projet culturel et artistique et organisation de festival avec hammana artits house et l institut francais du liban la permaculture projet d’agriculture Le centre encourage le tourisme solidaire et les cooperatives de femmes via le projet : le campagnard. Des échanges interculturels se font depuis Juillet 2016 entre notre centre et le centre social de la Gavotte Peyret: sejour de femmes et de jeunes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faire partie du reseau nous permet de contribuer avec les autres membres du reseau a mettre en place des projets culturels qui permettront l'acces a la cullture et a la lecture a tous. Echanger avec les autres sera une occasion pour promouvoir l echange interculturel et l'ouverture a l'autre. notre centre pourraiot etre un local de rencontre pour les differents

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous partageons avec vous les memes valeurs et les memes objectifs et nous aimerions collaborer avec vous en faisant partie du groupe pour que le travail soit plus fructif.

Contact (1) Full Name
wahoud Ghoussoune
Job Title
Directrice et responsable des relations exterieures
Head of the organisation
Ismail Chahine
Contact (2) Full Name
El fakih Hiam
Job Title (2)
Responsable des projets

Association Volontariat Sans Frontière

National Network

Street Halima Saa'dia
6041 Gabès

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

1. VSFr is made up of the executive office, employees and volunteers: The EO is composed of 7 members and also it includes 2 employee and about 60 volunteers and participants. 2. The association's budgetary resources are mainly from the LTV within VSFr and the projects that we apply for. 3. Projects, workcamps, longterm volunteering. 4. VSFr is working mainly on trainings, youth exchanges local concrete projects 5. Main partners are SCI France, SCI Italy, SCI Catalunya, SCI Belgium, SSD Jordan, EVO Morocco, ACC Palestine, House of youths, house of culture,schools, Kid's club, ...

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Promote volunteering to raise awareness and provide support for young people, ensuring effective implementation of the concepts of international solidarity and peace-building as a vector for sustainable development. Objectives: ✓ Define and maintain Oasis Cultural Traditions. ✓ Revitalize the cultural life of the region. ✓ Enhance the sense of citizenship. ✓ Disseminate the spirit of volunteerism in different sectors of society. ✓ Organize and participate in cultural and social events. ✓ Support various projects in the region tghrough promoting volunteering for development in the field of youth ✓ Exchange experiences and best practices on peace building and international solidarity, both nationally and internationally. ✓ Encourage young people to participate in various social and cultural events for inclusion and integration ✓ Promoting an oasis-friendly lifestyle to encourage young people and schoolchildren to engage socially through youth awareness campaigns. ✓ Maintain the oasis identity and sense of belonging to succeed in having a leadeur generation that help the prosperity of the region and Tunisia.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Leader training on eco-volunteering Visual Storytelling Bioconstruction Promoting ecomeeting Promoting eco-construction Promoting ecoresistance Promoting eco-citizenship Advocacy Youth ecovolunteering Seminar on challenges and opportunities in the euro-mediterranean region EAU'Oasis: l'eau c'est la vie Raising awareness among young learners on eco -responsability and selective sorting Raising awareness among citizens on the eco responsability and recycling cycles for plastics, cartoons, green waste Training on non violent communication and conflict resolution among youths Training on climate change an inclusive responsability Activities on permaculture an inclusive factor between local and foreign volunteers. Training on photolanguage Workshops on green jobs Workshops on culinar tourism Workshops on project management Workshops on intercultural exchanges....

Contact (1) Full Name
Naim Abdessalem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Naim Abdessalem
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaoula Jaoua
Job Title (2)


National Network

Alkamenous 11b
10439 Athens

Telephone (other)
211 013 3919
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Network for Children’s Rights (NCR) is a Greek non-profit association founded in 2004, with the aim of defending the rights of the child, as defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is run by the Board of Trustees and has an average staff number of 45 employees. It has received funding by UNHCR, UNICEF, the City of Athens, Attica Region, Ministry of Culture, European Commission, Save the Children, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Alstom Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Open Society Foundation, Latsis Foundation, BeMed, Intersos. It has partners in Greece (i.e IRC, SolidarityNow, EPAPSY, schools) and in Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania, France). Network has a range of experience and expertise in refugee issues, child protection, non-formal education, training to professionals and support to children, youth and their families.

Mission and Objectives

Its mission is the best interest of the child and the vision of a world where children will grow up healthy and happy, their opinion will be taken into account and their rights will be respected. Through its programs, it not only gives access to non-formal education programs to vulnerable children to acquire skills and access to the arts but also gives them a platform to express their opinion while through awareness and advocacy it aims to defend the rights of the child.

Main Projects / Activities

NCR is addressed to all children, regardless of ethnic origin, race, gender, religion and language, organizing and implementing specialized pedagogical programs, creative group activities and non-formal education activities in 4 places in the center of Athens [1.Cultural Lab-Children’s Library / Mobile Library, 2. Youth Center / Young Journalists, 3. Info Center-Support & Mobile Unit for Unaccompanied Minors, 4.Protection for All Minors (unaccompanied and separated minor refugees] At the same time, it runs awareness-raising campaigns and institutional interventions are being developed.
Its projects are recognized in European level as the holistic model in the context of implementing the European program FEAD (accompanying measures) has been included in the European Commission's list of good practices for this program. The Young Journalists' program with the printed and digital Newspaper “Migratory Birds” a journalism program that brings together girls and boys of 12-20 years of age, of different nationalities, recognized as one of the best integration practices and included in the edition of the Council of Europe ('Promoting child-friendly approaches in the area of migration: standards, guidance and current practice', 12/2019, p.92).
The work, professionalism and experience in the refugee filed and more specifically in the unaccompanied refugee minors is recognized as the organization was selected as a main partner in the National Tracing and Protection Mechanism for unaccompanied children in precarious conditions, from the Special Secretary for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum and UNHCR, which has been implemented since January 2021. The Child Protection Unit (CPU) for has been active in Athens’ urban area since October 2017, founded by UNHCR.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NCR aligns with the activities of ALF and its network. Starting from the common goal- from empowering young people to promoting intercultural dialogue- NCR has a number of beneficiaries and specialized staff who could participate in the actions. Moreover, NCE can contribute with ideas and activities in Greece. NCR has the Youth Center, a free and safe space where young people participate in a number of activities- recreational, employability, music, arts, educational programs etc, phychosocial support- including the project Young Journalists/Migratory Birds. It is a project which gives voice to young people ( refugees, migrants and host population) with web only articles and a print issue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NCR aligns with the activities of ALF and its network. NCR participates in all relevant networks, working groups, workshops and meetings, such as Eurochild, Network for the Rights of Children on the Move, Racist Violence Recording Network, Athens Coordination Committee for Migrants and Refugees (ACCMR), UNHCR working groups, Network of Greek Libraries; therefore we believe ALF Network is a network where we should participate in; meeting/collaborating organisations from all over the world. It is useful to participate in a network where you can exchange knowledge, have funding and training opportunities.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Alexia Karapatsia
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Myrofora Papadopoulou

Beirut and Beyond

National Network

Voie 13
Semaan building

+961 3 524 400
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+33 7 78367215
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Beirut and Beyond is a Non-Profit Organization registered in Lebanon with full-time director and program manager, and a part-time administrative/logistic coordinator. We hire freelancers for projects and the festival editions.
The structure is financed mainly by the Norwegian Embassy in Beirut, with additional support from the AFAC, the French Institute in Beirut, and the British Council in Lebanon; in addition to partnerships with entities like Music Halls in London, the World Culture Museum in Gothenburg, and FIMU in Belfort.
The yearly budget varies between 70,000 and 120,000 USD depending on the project requirements and challenges.
Our set list of projects includes a yearly edition of the showcase festival, workshops and residencies. We also work on exchange and collaboration projects for export of talent and decentralization.
Our founding partner is Oslo World in Norway, and our current partners for residencies are Prozess in Switzerland, and Rumman in Lebanon.

Mission and Objectives

One of the most important aspects of our work is to promote the talent from Lebanon and the MENA region. We believe it is our duty to introduce promising, under-the-radar artists to our international partners and network so that we can export music from the region to the world.
As a continuation of our initial mission, we are dedicated to developing the local scene by identifying weak points and needs and providing solutions for them to be able to strengthen the infrastructure of the music scene and create opportunities.

Our objectives are:
Promote independent musicians through our yearly showcase festival
Create opportunities for musicians by connecting them with music professionals during the festival and through the collaborations created with local and regional partners
Become an agent of change and development towards a transparent, equal, and professional music scene in the region, by exhibiting good practice and offering new work models
Establish and foster long-term collaborations and partnerships within the music industry both locally and internationally
Expose audiences to a wide range of musical genres celebrating the universality of music
Develop new audiences by providing access through affordable prices, targeting youth and developing decentralized programs
Boost creative development by providing artists with residencies and the right tools to progress their career
Emphasize capacity building through workshops and support programs for artists and practitioners
Offer a platform for freedom of expression and positive intercultural exchange in a fragile and conflicted region

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly showcase festival (BBIMF)
Local residencies
International residencies
Support programs
Panel discussions
Cultural exchange

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We learned a lot and gained valuable experience during our 10 years of activity in Lebanon, the region and abroad. We have established beneficial connections and managed to form a good understanding of the different aspects of the music scene and industry in Lebanon and abroad. We have been working hard on inclusivity, be it in terms of offering equal opportunities to musicians from different backgrounds/level of expertise/music genres, or by fighting for gender equality in a generally male-dominated music scene. We believe that we will bring valuable insight to the Network in our country, and we look forward to sharing our tools, resources and connections with the members of the Network, in addition to building potential partnerships with them. We look forward to searching for common grounds with the local Network members and working towards a more solid and concrete infrastructure in the music industry in a way that helps us achieve our goals and theirs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining the ALF network will help us bridge a lot of gaps in the way we operate by opening up to different discourses and narratives about issues that other ALF Network members might have more expertise in.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amani Semaan
Job Title
Co-founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Amani Semaan
Contact (2) Full Name
Yara Mrad
Job Title (2)
Program Manager


National Network

Areos 49
1015 Nicosia

+357 99 317278
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

D6:EU is a new cultural NGO based in Cyprus, developing new opportunities for artists and cultural collaborations in Cyprus, Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. With an expertise in visual arts practice which supports social and environmental justice, we collaborate with artists, communities and policy makers in valuing the role of the arts as the fouth pillar of sustainable development. We have a board of voluntary directors and plan to appoint permanant staff in 2024.

D6:EU works with cultural and civil society partners. We are the arts lead on a new Creative Europe programme with partners in 11 countries considering the impact of European Coloniality and on a British Council/Goethe programme with partners in the UK, Istanbul, Paris and Irbid (Jordan) and the Cyprus Refugee Council working with artists in exile. In addition we have been funded by Cultural Services, and have a number of smaller European applications pending. We are a young organisation, our planned turnover for 2023 is c€22k rising to a minumum of c€74k in 2024.

Mission and Objectives

D6:EU is a visual arts organisation based in Cyprus, developing new opportunities for artists and cultural collaborations in Cyprus, Europe and the Middle East. Built upon the creative synergy between Founding Directors Clymene Christoforou and Argyro Toumazou, D6:EU draws on their extensive experience of European collaboration within the cultural sector, focussing on international capacity building and working with artists, cultural producers, heritage professionals and policy makers, to promote the sustainable development of our neighbourhoods. D6:EU was established in 2021 to develop Cypriot cultural capacity and international co-operation accross the following Objectives:

To promote culture and the European Green Agenda
To promote participation and equity in cultural engagement
To work with cultural actors to address the interection of Heritage and Diversity

Our shared values underpin a new programme of activity, encouraging equity and social and environmental justice. Our values are:

Equity - Fairness in engagement

Sustainability - Care for our people and our planet

Curiosity - Open, innovative and interested

Generosity - Listening, collaborating and welcoming

The time is right for the cultural sector to contribute to solutions for the good of our people and our planet.

Main Projects / Activities

ACT – Artists Connecting in Transition is a collaboration between studios who support artists in exile in Jordan, Turkey, UK and Cyprus, the Fanak Fund in Paris, supporting collaboration between the artists from the Arab speaking world and Europe and the Cyprus Refugee Council

CONTESTED DESIRES: Constructive Dialogues (CDCD) engages contemporary artists to consider the problematic legacy of European colonialism held in museum collections and heritage sites. CDCD explores how artists and organisations work with communities to create dialogical exchanges, expositions, events, and other activities that can build shared understanding of the colonial past and what it can mean to different citizens of a multicultural Europe. It is a partnership between D6:EU (Cyprus), D6: Culture in Transit (UK), BJCEM (Belgium), Creative Court (Netherlands), ECCOM(Italy), H401 (Netherlands), Interarts (Barcelona), La Bonne (Spain), La Fabrique (Tunisia), Museo delle Civiltà (Italy), Museo Egizio (Italy), Museum of Memory and Human Rights (Chile), National Museum of Natural History and Science(Portugal), Nubuke Foundation (Ghana), Pro Progressione (Hungary) and Xarkis Festival (Cyprus) and Larnaca 2030.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The themes of our confirmed and planned programme underpin the values of ALF Network. We are establishing new programmes centred around intercultural dialogue pursing both social and environmental justice, and consciousness raising. Our work, whilst still very young, has already resulted in major international programmes where we raise interesting areas of discussion around ethics, engagment and equity.

As a visual arts organisation we can bring sector knowlege which is both local, European and wider (our board is both local and international)

As part of the cultural sector locally we can advocate for the value of the arts in creating a fairer, kinder and greener society. (we are members of Culture Action Europe and other networks promoting the value of culture)

As international operators we can support partnership projects connecting the local to the international.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network is an extraordinary platform for civil society organisatons. As a newly established NGO our projects and partners are starting to be wide reaching connecting to both arts and broader civil society partners. The network on both a local Cypriot level and internationally would be an interesting opportunity to widen our local knowlege and share joint social and environmental concerns.

The ethos of ALF is vital to pursue an equitable approach to intercultural dialogue. The wealth of resources available are valuable and the breadth of members both locally and in other country networks so interesting.

D6EU would hugely benefit from the knowledge learning and exchange opportunities our membership would bring.

Contact (1) Full Name
Argyro Toumazou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Argyro Toumazou
Contact (2) Full Name
Clymene Christoforou
Job Title (2)

Youth Rights & Citizenship Initiative

National Network

"5 Maji" District, "Doko" Complex, 2d Floor, Elbasan, Albania

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization is registered in the legal form of a Centre, being a rather new organization but with an extensive experience of operating as an informal group and with highly developed Human Resources. It is currently operating through its Executive Director, and three Board Members, as well as around 20 youth volunteers who engage in its day-to-day operations, while also having around 90 registered young people in its database, who become part of its activities. The funding is mainly outsourced through project applying; however, the centre aims to cover its administrative costs through course offering against a minimal fee.
The modalities of action range from trainings, workshops, service offering in career counselling and capacity building, to mobility, exchanges and projects based on the main pillars of the NGO.
We are yet establishing our pool of partners, being a rather new NGO. Nevertheless, we have already established cooperation partnerships with NGOs not only from WB but also in European Level (ALMA Italy, CEPER, LINIGRA Croatia, Fundacja Cooperacja, etc), while in national level we can mention Women Centre for Development and Culture Albania.

Mission and Objectives

We are aiming at enlarging and strengthening the pool of young people, who are part of our network, as well as approaching to more youngsters, not only locally but nationally and internationally, on the basis of multiculturalism, experience sharing, peacebuilding, and capacity raising through a special emphasis on soft skills and VET.
Our objectives also involve:
To prepare and inspire the new generation of youth on the commitment and empowerment for a sustainable future in the service of humanity through cooperation, educational and cultural exchange, advocacy and volunteering in an atmosphere of equality and shared values, cooperation and mutual understanding;
To prepare and develop youth and citizens to appreciate and acquire the values of creativity, innovation, work, service and appreciation of the environment, gender equality and a wide constellation of social, economic or cultural topics, also prioritizing the proper use of technology;
To develop cooperative partnership programs with other organizations and non-governmental organizations for the highest interest of projects, initiatives, activities and target-groups defined or inclusive.

Main Projects / Activities

Workshop "Project writing and project management for youth"
Training “Unlocking Brilliance: Empowering Youth Through Creative Thinking & Educational Games"
Yoga Days
Social Media Campaign on Women Empowerment "She Inspires"
Online business course "From Idea 2 Income"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a relatively new young people's organization aspiring to become part of an ALF network in Albania, there are several ways we can add value to the network and contribute to its collective mission and objectives:

Fresh Perspective and Innovation: As a young organization, we bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the network. Our youth-driven approach and creative thinking can help find new solutions to existing challenges and foster a culture of continuous improvement within the network.

Youth Empowerment and Engagement: Our organization focuses on empowering and engaging young people. We can contribute to the network's efforts to involve and mobilize youth in decision-making processes, thereby increasing youth representation and ensuring their voices are heard in key matters.

Social Media and Digital Outreach: Being part of the younger generation, we are likely to have a good grasp of social media and digital outreach strategies. We can help the network expand its online presence, reach a broader audience, and engage with stakeholders through various digital platforms.

Specialized Expertise: While we are a new organization, we might have specialized expertise or knowledge in specific areas that complement the existing skill sets within the network. This could include expertise in emerging technologies, youth mental health, social entrepreneurship, or other relevant fields.

Collaborative Projects: We are enthusiastic about collaborating with other NGOs within the network. By joining forces, we can initiate joint projects and initiatives that leverage each organization's strengths, ultimately having a more significant impact on the communities we serve.

Capacity Building and Training: As a young organization, we recognize the importance of capacity building and training for sustainable development. We can contribute to the network by offering workshops, training sessions, and skill-sharing programs for members, empowering them to improve their effectiveness and impact.

Advocacy and Awareness: Our organization is passionate about advocacy and raising awareness about critical issues affecting young people. By being part of the network, we can participate in joint advocacy campaigns, effectively amplifying our collective voices on social and policy matters.

Local Focus and Grassroots Connection: Being a relatively new organization, we might have a strong connection to local communities and understand their needs intimately. We can bring this grassroots perspective to the network, helping ensure that its initiatives are relevant and directly address the concerns of the people they aim to support.

Youth-Led Events and Activities: We can organize youth-led events and activities within the network to foster collaboration, networking, and skill-sharing opportunities. This can further enhance the network's cohesiveness and create a positive environment for its members.

Fundraising and Resource Mobilization: While being new might mean limited resources initially, we are eager to learn and contribute to fundraising and resource mobilization efforts. By pooling our collective efforts, we can strengthen the network's financial sustainability and capacity to achieve its goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the Anna Lindh Foundation network because its core objectives align closely with the values and mission of our young people's organization.

Empowering Young Voices: ALF emphasizes providing platforms for young people to express themselves, build more inclusive communities, and be actively involved in decision-making processes. As a youth-driven organization, we believe in the power of young voices and their role in shaping a more tolerant and diverse society. By being part of the ALF network, we can collaborate with like-minded organizations to amplify the voices of young people in Albania and advocate for their needs and aspirations.

Influencing Policymakers: ALF's efforts to introduce impactful research on international policymaking and offer a unique understanding of conflict dynamics through opinion leadership resonate with us. We recognize the importance of evidence-based advocacy and the need to inform policymakers about intercultural issues and their implications on society. By joining the network, we can contribute to research initiatives and participate in advocacy efforts to influence policies that foster intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, and youth empowerment.

Leading a Movement: As an emerging organization, we are eager to be part of a larger movement driven by the ALF network. By collaborating with other civil society organizations within the network, we can multiply our collective impact and create a stronger force for positive change. This sense of unity and solidarity is vital in addressing the growing mistrust and polarization among societies, both locally and regionally.

Building Dialogue and Exchange: ALF's focus on dialogue and exchange aligns with our organization's commitment to fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse communities. By engaging in dialogue activities facilitated by the network, we can bridge cultural gaps, break down stereotypes, and promote mutual respect and appreciation of different cultures.

Learning and Collaboration Opportunities: Being part of the ALF network provides us with valuable learning and collaboration opportunities. We can benefit from the expertise of other experienced organizations within the network, share our own insights, and collectively work towards improving our initiatives and projects. This collaborative environment can help us grow as an organization and maximize our impact.

Regional and International Reach: As a network that operates in multiple countries across the Euro-Mediterranean region, ALF offers a broad regional and international reach. By joining the network, our organization can access a wider network of stakeholders, partners, and resources. This opens doors for potential partnerships, exchanges, and cooperation that can contribute to the success of our projects.

Overall, joining the Anna Lindh Foundation network provides our young organization with a unique opportunity to be part of a larger movement that shares our commitment to intercultural dialogue, youth empowerment, and social cohesion. We believe that by collaborating with ALF and its member organizations, we can enhance our impact, learn from others, and work collectively towards building a more inclusive, tolerant, and interconnected society in Albania and beyond

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliona Gremi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Eliona Gremi
Contact (2) Full Name
Dorina Zhuka
Job Title (2)
Chair of the Board of Directors


National Network

1 ش محمود صدقي (خلوصي)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

يمتد نشاط كاريتاس مصر ليشمل نطاق جمهورية مصر العربية ، وذلك من خلال عدد 7 مكاتب فرعية بمحافظات : الأسكندرية – دمياط -المنيا-أسيوط –سوهاج –الأقصر/قنا-أسوان بالأضافة إلى المكتب الرئيسى بالقاهرة يعمل بها ما يقرب من 1200 موظف(ه) ومتطوع. تعتمد الجمعية على البرامج والمشروعات الممولة بالتعاون مع العديد من الشركاء بداخل وخارج مصر. تستهدف برامج الجمعية

Mission and Objectives

مجتمع واعى يتمتع فيه كل إنسان وبصفة خاصة الفقراء والمهمشين بالمحبة والكرامة والعدالة.
نحن كاريتاس مصر الذراع الإجتماعى للكنيسة الكاثوليكية، نسعى إلى التنمية الإنسانية الشاملة والمستدامة ونعمل بروح التعاون الأخوى والشراكة من أجل الارتقاء بحياة الإنسان وكل إنسان من خلال بناء مجتمعات أكثر وعياً ومرونة وأفرادا قادرين على المشاركة الفعالة في المحافظة على استدامة مجتمعاتهم والتجاوب مع المتغيرات والأزمات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية.

Main Projects / Activities

البرامج الرئيسية
1. رعاية وحماية الطفل
2. المرأة والفتاة
3.الشباب والقيادة
4. الإعاقة والدمج والتأهيل
5. الإقراض والتمكين الاقتصادي
6. اللاجئين والهجرة
7. رعاية وتأهيل الفئات المهمشة ومحاربة الوصمة والتمييز

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال الخبرة الممتدة لجمعية كاريتاس-مصر على مدار 56 عاماً في مجالات التنمية المجتمعية وبناء الوعي والثقافة ودعم ومساندة الفئات الفقيرة والمهمشة على مثال ذوي الاعاقة واللاجئين والمرأة والشباب بالاضافة الى خدمات الدعم والاغاثة في اوقات الازمات يمكن لجمعية كاريتاس-مصر من خلال مختلف برامجها ومشروعاتها ومراكزها المجتمعية من تبادل الخبرات وتعزيز القدرات المهنية والمؤسسية بالاضافة الى تبني المبادرات على المستوى القومي والمحلي في مجالات دمج وقبول اللاجئين والتعايش المشترك وتمكين الشباب والحد من الهجرة الغير شرعية وتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين وتعزيز آليات الحوار والانفتاح المجتمعي وبناء ثقافة التعلم من اجل السلام والعيش المشترك والاستدامة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لما تتمتع به مؤسسة آنا ليند من حضور اقليمي على مستوى دول حوض البحص الابيض المتوسط بقارات اوروبا واسيا وافريقيا ما يعزز من

Contact (1) Full Name
ايمن صادق
Job Title
المدير العام
Head of the organisation
المستشار الدكتور جميل حليم
Contact (2) Full Name
رجاء حبشي
Job Title (2)
اسشتشاري تنمية الموارد