National Network

16 Ahmed Zaki St. behind Obour buildings
Madinaty, New Cairo, B3, G31, Building No. 5
Al Qahirah
Cairo Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 0102 132 046
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Energetic graduate with dual Bachelor's
degrees in Economics and Business.
Merging academic excellence with
practical insights in economics, business,
and entrepreneurship. Transformed
through immersive experiences,
developing leadership, negotiation, and
strategic skills. Proficient in technical
support and customer service. Dedicated
to continuous growth and enthusiastic
about achieving new milestones,

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement:
Driven by a fervent commitment to education and empowerment, my mission is to catalyze positive transformations in individuals' lives. With a solid foundation in Economics and Business, I aspire to impart essential life skills, entrepreneurship acumen, and employability competencies. Through inclusive and dynamic learning environments, I foster personal growth and address the unique needs of diverse learners.

My mission extends to creating impactful training programs that combine theory with practical insights, ensuring learners are equipped for success in entrepreneurship and careers. I relentlessly refine methodologies for engagement and innovation, contributing to thriving learning ecosystems. My proficiency serves to provide seamless support, addressing learners' needs promptly and effectively.

By capturing data and analyzing outcomes, my mission aims to document the positive impacts of education and training. Professionally, I seek continuous development, sharing knowledge, and mentoring colleagues for collective growth. My commitment to community engagement fuels my drive to support local projects aligned with my passions.

In alignment with these goals, my mission transcends titles or roles, forging a path of meaningful contribution and lasting impact.

Main Projects / Activities

With a dual Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business, I aim to make a meaningful impact on individuals' lives by imparting essential life skills, entrepreneurship acumen, and employability competencies. I create inclusive learning environments that nurture growth, using my strategic mindset to address diverse learners' unique needs. Inspired by immersive experiences, I aspire to inspire confidence and positive contributions to society.

My goals include developing comprehensive training programs that blend theory and practical insights, refining methodologies for learner engagement, and fostering dynamic learning ecosystems. I use my proficiency to offer seamless support, ensuring learners' queries are addressed promptly. By contributing to data collection and analysis, I aim to document positive outcomes and impacts.

Professionally, I seek to enhance expertise in advanced training tools and platforms, participate in continuous development opportunities, and mentor colleagues to contribute to growth. My commitment extends to community engagement and supporting local projects aligned with my passions.

These objectives and goals embody my dedication to education, growth, and empowerment, transcending specific roles or titles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business from both Cairo University and The Philipp University of Marburg. My academic journey, coupled with a dynamic work history in customer service, marketing, and sales, has fueled my belief in the transformative power of dialogue and inclusiveness.

I was privileged to participate in the Anna Lindh Foundation's partnership event with Erasmus+ in 2020, where I gained firsthand insights into the Foundation's impactful work. Having undergone the Foundation's debate training, I am committed to its mission of fostering open, empathetic communities. I bring a blend of international exposure, language proficiency in English and Arabic, and a knack for effective communication.

I'm drawn to the Foundation's dedication to combatting extremism and promoting dialogue. My experiences enable me to contribute diverse perspectives, strategic thinking, and collaborative project management. Through the Foundation's network, I aim to drive positive change by leveraging my skills and passion for multicultural exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network because I wholeheartedly resonate with ALF's commitment to promoting dialogue, inclusiveness, and understanding among diverse communities. The foundation's mission to counter extremism through alternative narratives and empower young voices aligns perfectly with my own values and aspirations.

Having previously participated in an ALF event and completed the debate training, I've witnessed firsthand the positive impact of the foundation's initiatives. I believe that by becoming a part of the ALF Network, I can contribute to fostering a culture of empathy, respect, and collaboration, not only within the network itself but also in the broader world.

I am excited about the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and engage in meaningful projects that drive positive change. By collaborating within the ALF Network, I am confident that together we can amplify our efforts and contribute to building a more open, tolerant, and interconnected global society.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Hussien Shawky El Shamy
Job Title
Marketing Manager at Astra Zenceca
Head of the organisation

جمعية مركز أوتار للابداع الفني والثقافي

National Network

Nablus, Old Rafidiah
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

جمعية مركز اوتار للابداع الفني والثقافي، هي مؤسسة أهلية غير ربحية مسجلة في وزارة الثقافة تهتم في المجالات الثقافية والفنية من الفن التشكيلي، الموسيقى، دورات اللغات، سينما، ورشات عمل مختلفة، مقهى ثقافي ادبي، وحفظ التراث. تعمل مع كافة فئات المجتمع من ( شباب، نساء، اطفال، ذوي احتياجات خاصة).

Mission and Objectives

المهمة تعميق المعرفة التربوية والفنية بالفنون الجميلة والتربية الفنية في المجتمع الفلسطيني

1-النهوض بالحركة الفنية إلى أرقى مستوى لكل الراغبين.

2-إعداد المتخصصين في مجال الفنون بوجه عام بحيث تنسجم مدة الدراسة وشروطها ومحتواها مع حاجات المجتمع الفلسطيني.
3-المساهمة في خلق بيئة عامة للثقافة الفنية بما ينسجم مع القيم الاجتماعية والخلقية وبما يصون القيم الأصيلة ضمن إطار المجتمع المتماسك والمنفتح غير المتحيز وغير عنصري.
4-التأكيد على إثر الفن بوصفه أداة ثورية في بناء المجتمع وتنمية الاتجاهات العلمية بأسلوب التفكير الفني الناقد وتوظيفه في معالجة قضايا المجتمع ومشاكله.
5-توفير الأسباب الفنية والأدبية والعلمية والمادية التي تكفل ممارسة نشاط أعضاء الهيئات التدريسية والباحثين في الفن والتربية الفنية لتحقيق جوانب الإبداع والابتكار.

6-خلق شخصية متوازنة متكاملة للطالب (فكراً وسلوكاً) وتنمية النشاطات المختلفة وبث روح الابتكار والإبداع والتجديد والمبادرة.
7-تقديم الخدمات والاستشارات العلمية والفنية المباشرة لدوائر الدولة والمجتمع.
8-دعم منظمات المجتمع المدني والجمعيات والنقابات والاتحادات العلمية والفنية وتشجيعها وتوفير سبل تطويرها وتنميتها
9-تشجيع المرأة على ممارسة الفنون ومساعدتها وتمكينها اقتصاديا من خلال الفنون والاعمال الفنية.

Main Projects / Activities

انشطة فنية وثقافية من دورات فن تشكيلي، دورات موسيقى وكورال، دورات لغات، سينما، مقهى ثقافي وادبي لكبار السن
امسيات ثقافية وفنية
مشاريع فنية من معارض للفن التشكيلي والتراث الفلسطيني
مشاريع تمكين اقتصادي للشباب والنساء

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تعزيز لغة الحوار الثقافي المتبادل

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتعزيز لغة الحوار المتبادل
علما بأننا مشتركين معكم من 2014

Contact (1) Full Name
سلام عباس قاعود
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
السيد سلام قاعود
Contact (2) Full Name
رند علام عبد الحق
Job Title (2)
منسقة مشاريع

Retold Narratives

National Network

The Castle
Co. Galway

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

I am applying as individual person, and Retold Narratives is the name under which I carry my freelance activities: youth work, youth arts facilitation, training, research and consultancy. My academic background is in Theatre and Performing Arts ( MA and PhD), Youth and Community Development (Diploma), Global Youth Work and Development Education (Certificate), and I am a certified trainer. In my capacity as independent facilitator I work through project-based collaborations, in which the funding is secured by the contracting organisation(s). Since 2018 I have collaborated with National Youth Council of Ireland, Irish Refugee Council, ARD Family Resource Centre Galway, Up Cork LGBTI+ Youth Project, Involve Meath and other local/national organisations and groups. At European level I have been involved in projects with Youth work/Human Rights organisations from Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Finland.

Mission and Objectives

Creating, holding and facilitating spaces for young people and educators to critically reflect and act upon local/national/global justice issues. Objectives: -to promote and actively support inclusion and diversity; - to stimulate, promote and support youth participation, particularly for minority young people; -to provide and facilitate spaces for self-development and critical consciousness through creative methods (Creative Writing and other arts- based approaches).

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2021 I am a project-based youth facilitator for the Global Citizenship/Global Youth Work programme at ARD Youth Project, funded by Irish Aid. Bellow I am listing few projects I have contributed to in the recent years: Local level: - at ARD Family Resource Centre Galway: Youth Arts facilitation ( Creative Writing and Video-making workshops), Global Youth Work facilitator for "World Within" Global Citizenship programme funded by Irish Aid. More details about ARD Youth Project participants learning journeys and achievements can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfHQRO4_rXxSl3-wM_CCuQ - dramaturgy and arts consultancy for a theatre show "Grand", directed by Marciana Negrea, premiered at Town Hall Theatre Galway in March 2019. National level: - Irish Refugee Council Youth Group: Youth Arts Facilitator for Creative Writing and Storytelling workshops aiming to promote intercultural learning, celebration of diversity and the sense of belonging -Up Cork LGBTI+ Youth Project: Youth Arts Facilitation for a Creative Writing/Playwriting programme with the purpose of channeling and centring LGBTI+ youth narratives and voices through the creation of a collective play. More details about one this creative writing and learning journey can be read here: https://spark.adobe.com/page/YcAOJiqxvIR9X/ -Involve Meath: consultancy, facilitation and mentoring work with youth workers in a project researching Educational Inequality affecting Traveller young people - Eurobug International: trainer for 'Compass', National Training Course on Human Rights Education with Young People -National Youth Council of Ireland- I have collaborated more consistently with 3 of NYCI's main programmes/departments: Equality and Intercultural, Global Youth Work and Development Education, and Youth Arts, as following -> researcher and consultant for Global Youth Work and Development Education Programme ( Global South Engagement strategy) -> part of Equality& Intercultural Programme's pool of trainers (for Inclusion/Intercultural learning/Racial Justice training programmes addressed to the youth sector) -> Youth Arts facilitator and toolkit/ resource contributor for Identity and Journeying project aiming to provide art tools and guidance to educators on working on the topic of identity with minority young people -> trainer and toolkit/learning resource contributor in "Transforming Hate in Youth Settings" -> guest speaker/contributor to NYCI's online panel discussion: "Rethinking Impact: Legacy and evaluation in a global youth work context", One World Week's conference " What’s in a photo: Unpacking photos of the Global South". European/International level: - researcher and trainer in "Youth Engagement trough Culture" an international partnership for creativity focused on increasing of active engagement of rural and sub-urban youth into community life through enhancement of cultural activities. This partnership was built by three organisations: Asociacija „Viva Sol" Lithuania (coordinating organization), ARD Family Resource, Ireland and APICE, Italy. - Creative writing & storytelling facilitator in "Peripheral Memories" Heritage Education European Seminar organised by La Ponte Eco- Museum organisation (Asturias, Spain) -guest speaker/contributor in online conference on the topic of Youth Participation through Arts: "Peripheral Encounters", organised by EuroImpulse Network organisation (Spain).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to the network by sharing my knowledge and skills, pedagogical approaches, learning practices and creative methods and by supporting the network members' efforts in facilitating and promoting intercultural dialogue and inclusion .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I wish to bring my contribution to ALF's mission, to learn, share, exchange and innovate practices with professionals working in similar areas as myself. I am committed to social justice and wish to promote inclusion and participation of minority young people and/or marginalised groups, and I think joining this network will provide more opportunities and support in these personal and professional commitments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Iancu
Job Title
Youth Worker, Youth Arts facilitator, Trainer and Consultant
Head of the organisation
Cristina Iancu

جمعية مركز أوتار للابداع الفني والثقافي

National Network

رفيديا القديمة بجانب الحمام الشامي
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

جمعية مركز أوتار للابداع الفني والثقافي، هي جمعية أهلية غير ربحية، مسجلة في وزارة الثقافة. تهتم في المجالات الثقافية من الفن التشكيلي والموسيقى، سينما، مقهى ثقافي وادبي، ورشات عمل مختلفة، حفظ التراث. تعمل مع كافة فئات المجتمع ( شباب، اطفال، نساء، كبار سن، ذوي احتياجات خاصة).

Mission and Objectives

تعميق المعرفة التربوية والفنية بالفنون الجميلة والتربية الفنية في المجتمع الفلسطيني. 1-النهوض بالحركة الفنية إلى أرقى مستوى لكل الراغبين. 2-إعداد المتخصصين في مجال الفنون بوجه عام بحيث تنسجم مدة الدراسة وشروطها ومحتواها مع حاجات المجتمع الفلسطيني. 3-المساهمة في خلق بيئة عامة للثقافة الفنية بما ينسجم مع القيم الاجتماعية والخلقية وبما يصون القيم الأصيلة ضمن إطار المجتمع المتماسك والمنفتح غير المتحيز وغير عنصري. 4-التأكيد على إثر الفن بوصفه أداة ثورية في بناء المجتمع وتنمية الاتجاهات العلمية بأسلوب التفكير الفني الناقد وتوظيفه في معالجة قضايا المجتمع ومشاكله. 5-توفير الأسباب الفنية والأدبية والعلمية والمادية التي تكفل ممارسة نشاط أعضاء الهيئات التدريسية والباحثين في الفن والتربية الفنية لتحقيق جوانب الإبداع والابتكار. 6-خلق شخصية متوازنة متكاملة للطالب (فكراً وسلوكاً) وتنمية النشاطات المختلفة وبث روح الابتكار والإبداع والتجديد والمبادرة. 7-تقديم الخدمات والاستشارات العلمية والفنية المباشرة لدوائر الدولة والمجتمع. 8-دعم منظمات المجتمع المدني والجمعيات والنقابات والاتحادات العلمية والفنية وتشجيعها وتوفير سبل تطويرها وتنميتها 9-تشجيع المرأة على ممارسة الفنون ومساعدتها وتمكينها اقتصاديا من خلال الفنون والاعمال الفنية.

Main Projects / Activities

انشطة ثقافية وفنية من دورات رسم ودورات موسيقى، دورات لغات. مشاريع فنية من اقامة معارض فن تشكيلي، امسيات موسيقية، مشاريع تمكين اقتصادي للشباب والنساء.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تعزيز ثقافة الحوار علما بأننا مشتركين مع شبكتكم من 2014

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نحن مشتركون سابقون من 2014 وهي تعتبر جزء من ثقافتنا ولغة الحوار المتبادلة.

Contact (1) Full Name
سلام عباس قاعود
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
السيد سلام قاعود
Contact (2) Full Name
رند علام عبد الحق
Job Title (2)
منسقة مشاريع

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability

National Network

Caracas st. Garnet bldg. 1st Fl.
Zalka 55511966

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability, founded in Beirut registration No 229/AD is an International ngo with representations in 5 continents.
Its headquarters is in Beirut - Lebanon, and consists of 22 volunteer members. It gets personal funding mainly from its board members, international patrons and project partners.
Main projects: Art Therapy workshops & TOT for trauma victims (2007-present)
Organizing & curating International Art Exhibitions & Biennials in Venice-2018-20-22, Civitanova-Novara-Verbania, Louvre-2017-18 Paris, Miami-2017, Tijuana-Mexico 2019-21, Jakarta-Bali 2010-12-13-15-16-18, Beijing-Shanghai-Hubei-Dafen-Changzhou-2008-10-12-13-14-15-17-19 China, Palma de Majorca 1997, Dhaka-2015-17-19-22, Mamaia, Constanta- Cluj 2015-16-18, UAE 2016, Sarajevo-Banjaluka-2004-06-08-10, Beirut-Sidon 2003-07-10-14-18-19-20-21, Barcelona 2015, Jollabuk do 2012 S. Korea.
Partners: UNESCO Beirut office, European Cultural Centre, Paint Pals-Art Reach-USA, SNBA-Paris, FAM ngo Greece, CETYS University Mexico, American University of Beirut, DAK University- NABAD , AMEL ngo, St. George Hospital, CMC Hospital affiliated with Johns Hopkins, One Design Lebanon, RestArt Beirut, Hamazkain ngo, Beirut, Bourj Hamoud & Sidon Municipalities, Ancol Sea Resort, Jakarta Indonesia, Jimbaran Hub Bali, Indonesia, Civitanova municipality, Italy, Cluj Art Museum, Napoka Romania, Hubei Cultural Center, China, Joelbuk Do Municipality, S. Korea, Sarajevo & Banja Luka Municipalities, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mission and Objectives

MEADOWS engages in programs collaborating with the governmental and non-governmental sectors, as well as with all kinds of specialized international institutions by organizing seminars, exhibitions, and orientation programs within the cultural and sustainable development realms.
MEADOWS ngo has over the years grown and spread with its regional and international representations worldwide creating a network engaged in cultural dialogue through a wide spectrum of cultural and social activities that promote art, free outside the box thinking, art therapy, awareness to the importance of safeguarding the environment, social activities in collaboration with talented and established artists worldwide, using the arts as one of its major tools.

Main Projects / Activities

MEADOWS has been engaged in indirect communal therapy projects both applied indoors and outdoors, by creating a visual environment that has a positive impact on the viewers and indirectly contributing to lowering anxiety levels. Examples of indoors projects are the artwork furnishing of Hospitals in many countries e.g. The CMC - Clemenceau Medical Center affiliated with John Hopkins in Beirut, Dubai and Riyadh. The Bellevue Medical Center, many medical facilities and clinics. As for examples of outdoors projects, The Embellishment project of the Ain Mreisse, Avenue de Paris Corniche Waterfront ornamented with colorful ceramic benches stretching over 3 km. Similarly creation of visually appealing landmarks along public walkways, gardens, in the form of monuments, murals inside and outside tunnels all using colorful cut ceramics thus impacting the general public while walking, jogging or driving by with a visually pleasing elements that has an indirect effect of calming and relaxation. The direct method is through the application of Art Therapy program through workshops for people from all walks of life covering professionals, millennials, social workers, war traumatized children, teenagers and schools children. A program that has helped relieve the anxiety of thousands of people that followed the program. Having extensive presentations, talks about the relationship between city embellishment and Art Therapy and the different methodologies developed and implemented over the years through our team of experts in the field.
Organization and curating of Art exhibitions, as well as participation through MEADOWS in international Biennales, Salons and exhibitions through providing a platform for established and emerging artists to have the exposure internationally.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the implementation of joint cultural and artistic projects with ALF would have a positive impact on the Lebanese social fabric and promote the concept of sustainable development championed by MEADOWS.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining a reputable international organization like ALF would certainly enhance the credibility of our ngo both locally and internationally. Similarly the exchange of expertise would, without any doubt enhance many aspects of collaboration and improve our performance and broaden our horizon in all the fields of mutual interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Kelekian
Job Title
Founder / International president
Head of the organisation
Lena Kelekian
Contact (2) Full Name
Hagop Sulahian
Job Title (2)
Co- Founder / Board member

مؤسسة صوارى للتنمية

National Network

212 محور المحمودية- برج طيبة - محرم بك - الإسكندرية - مصر

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Youth and education
General Information

تتكون المؤسسة من مجلس الأمناء ويضم رئيس وأمين صندوق و3 أعضاء و8 أعضاء مكتب تنفيذي و42 لجنة وكل لجنة تتكون من رئيس ونائب و3 أعضاء و 2 من الموظفين بالإضافة الى الهيئة الإستشارية العليا , وتم عمل العديد من البروتوكولات مع جمعيات تنموية ومؤسسات أهلية (روافد للتنمية - إسكندرية للأطفال - - رامتان - الشطبية - أهالي الظاهرية - التنمية الإيجابية للشباب - زواد الخير) والهيئات والمؤسسات الحكومية وغير الحكومية ( قصري ثقافة الأنفوشي والشاطبي - جامعة فاروس – الإدارة العامة للسياحة والمصايف - وكالة الأتحاد العربي للدعاية والأعلان ) وقد كانت موارد الميزانية خلال السنه مساهمة مجلس الأمناء وإيجارات قاعة وتبرعات وأنشطة إجتماعية وتعليمية وفنية وكانت مصادر التمويل من خلال التعاون مع مركز الإبراهيمية للإعلام وتنفيذ مجموعة من التدريبات للفتيات وأيضا من خلال رئيس مجلس الأمناء , طرق العمل تدريبات وكورسات وورش فنية وتعليمية ومبادرات وحملات توعوية وتثقيفية، الشركاء الرئيسيون مركز الإبراهيمية للأعلام , مديرية التنظيم والأدارة , الأتحاد الإقليمي للجمعيات والمؤسسات الأهلية .

Mission and Objectives

الريادة في توفير برامج وقائية وتوعوية فكرية وسلوكية وتهيئة بيئة مميزة لتنشئة أجيال متميزة قادرة علي الإبداع والإبتكار وتعزيز المهارات بحس وطني ووعي قومي يتسق مع رؤية مصر 2030 بمبادئ الجمهورية الجديدة .
الأهداف :_
تنمية الوعي الطلابي لدي المدارس والجامعات .
تعظيم الحس الوطني لدي النشئ .
تعميق أثر الإنتماء لدي الشباب .
الحفاظ علي الهوية المصرية من الطمس والإندثار .
توكيد أواصر المحبة والأخاء بين جموه الشعب المصري .
المساهمة الفعالة مع مؤسسات الدولة والمجتمع المدني .
توطيد العلاقات الإنسانية والإجتماعية بداية من الأسرة نواة المجتمع .
غرس مبادئ الإنتماء وإستحدار الروح المصرية الأصيلة للبراعم من أطفال المدارس .

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع القيادة التحويلية إنهضي
ورش تدريبية كلية اللغات والترجمة جامعة فاروس
أنشطة فنية وتعليمية وثقافية وتدريبات لجميع الفئات
جلسات توعية وتخاطب وتعديل سلوك وصعوبات تعلم وتنمية مهارات
ورش ودورات لغة إنجليزية وتركية وتدريب صوتي ودوبلاج وفويس أوفر
دورات برمجة وتكنولوجيا
دورات تطوير الذات والمهارات الشخصية
ورش ودورات تأهيل الفتيات والشباب للقيادة ومناهضة التطرف والعنصرية والعنف وتقبل الأخر
ندوات ثقافية وتوعوية عن التعامل مع الفئات المختلفة والثقافات المختلفة
رحلات علمية وترفيهية للفئات المختلفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

إقامة مشروعات تدعم الشباب من الجنسين عن المواطنة وتأثير الرقمنة والتعليم علي الحوار بين جميع المجتمعات والقضايا المجتمعية المختلفة مثال تمكين المرأة ومناهضة جميع أشكال العنف القائم علي النوع الإجتماعي والعيش بسلام مع جميع الفئات المختلفة والحد من الكراهية والعنف والقضايا البيئية المختلفة والإعلام وتأثيرة علي الشباب بالموضوعات التي يتم عرضها .
تأسيس مبادرات للتمكين الإقتصلدي للمرأة والفئات المهمشة والأسر الأكثر إحتياجا في ظل ظروف الأزمة الإقتصادية العالمية .
عقد ورش وبرامج تدريبية للتعريف والتوعية بأهداف الأمم المتحدة ال 17 للتنمية المستدامة .
التعاون مع عدد من رواد الأعمال للتعاون نحو التحول الإقتصادي الأخضر .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتعاون البناء في تنفيذ الأنشطة والمشروعات التي تهدف للتنمية المستدامة وتعزيز العلاقات بين الدول .
المساهمة الفعالة في تنمية الفرد والمجتمع من خلال سياسة التشبيك والتشريك مع الجهات المعنية من خلال الشيكة والمؤسسة .
تعزيز التواصل المثمر مع الثقافات المختلفة من خلال المؤسسات غير المصرية المنضمة بالشبكة عالميا .
تعميق سبل المشاركة نحو تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة .
إثراء المجتمع المصري وبخاصة الإسكندرية بالوعي الكافي والفكر المعرفي عن الحضارات الشقيقة بالبحر المتوسط للتعاون معها في الحفاظ علي الثروات الطبيعية والبيئة الغنية الممتدة منذ قرون في هذه المنطقة الجغرافية المميزة .

Contact (1) Full Name
هيثم محمد محمد عبد العزيز سراج الدين
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الأمناء
Head of the organisation
هيثم محمد محمد عبد العزيز سراج الدين
Contact (2) Full Name
صابرين إسماعيل محمد عبد القادر
Job Title (2)
المسئول المالى والإدارى

PLIS - Para la inteligencia social

National Network

Calle Almachar 4 Primero C
29640 Fuengirola Málaga

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information

PLIS was founded in 2022 in Fuengirola, Andalucia, Spain. Para La Inteligencia Social - PLIS is a very active association, learning, and project centre devoted to fostering professional, personal, and social skills.
With a shared objective, we strive to conceive, implement, administer, and support projects that revolutionize society. This entails creating spaces that enhance the quality of our relationships with ourselves, others, and nature.
We aim to empower and uplift young individuals, adults and professionals, to unlock their utmost capabilities by fostering a culture of ongoing personal and career growth.

We provide the tools to inspire and educate individuals, encouraging their active participation in society; it means becoming active leaders and creating positive transformations to create more sustainable, efficient and ethical futures.
The goals of PLIS are:
• To advocate for promoting non-formal education and volunteering as a critical concept fueling personal and professional development.
• To encourage leadership and civic participation in young people.
• To disseminate the concepts of community building and entrepreneurship as a continuous life-learning process
• To establish inclusive environments where individuals feel a sense of belonging
• To propagate European values and build a sense of belonging
• To foster cross-sector collaborations for social innovation (schools, municipalities, other associations and organisations).
At PLIS, we aim to cultivate social and professional skills through an integrated methodology. We are committed to nurturing entrepreneurial and leadership mindsets, social-emotional proficiency, and promoting the engagement of marginalized groups within society. Our approach encompasses self-awareness practices, leadership tools, assertive communication, mindfulness, embodiment, and principles of emotional intelligence. We tailor our methodologies to suit the specific requirements of each project.
PLIS actively engages in training, experiential learning, long-term projects, and research endeavours, cultivating professional and personal competencies among social entrepreneurs, educators, and youth workers, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Principles of sustainability and consciousness consistently guide our efforts.
We strive to align our objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as well as other pressing issues such as professional skills, emotional intelligence, stress management, mental health, inclusion, diversity, belonging, and happiness.

Mission and Objectives

We provide the tools to inspire and educate individuals, encouraging their active participation in society; it means becoming active leaders and creating positive transformations to create more sustainable, efficient and ethical futures.
The goals of PLIS are:
• To advocate for promoting non-formal education and volunteering as a critical concept fueling personal and professional development.
• To encourage leadership and civic participation in young people.
• To disseminate the concepts of community building and entrepreneurship as a continuous life-learning process
• To establish inclusive environments where individuals feel a sense of belonging
• To propagate European values and build a sense of belonging
• To foster cross-sector collaborations for social innovation (schools, municipalities, other associations and organisations).
At PLIS, we aim to cultivate social and professional skills through an integrated methodology. We are committed to nurturing entrepreneurial and leadership mindsets, social-emotional proficiency, and promoting the engagement of marginalized groups within society. Our approach encompasses self-awareness practices, leadership tools, assertive communication, mindfulness, embodiment, and principles of emotional intelligence. We tailor our methodologies to suit the specific requirements of each project.
PLIS actively engages in training, experiential learning, long-term projects, and research endeavours, cultivating professional and personal competencies among social entrepreneurs, educators, and youth workers, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Principles of sustainability and consciousness consistently guide our efforts.
We strive to align our objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as well as other pressing issues such as professional skills, emotional intelligence, stress management, mental health, inclusion, diversity, belonging, and happiness.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a very active association at local and international levels.
Some of the activities are:
1. MindGen. One of the most critical initiatives because it has an enormous impact besides being a long-term project. MindGen is an idea and initiative of adolescents that proposes Ted-like talks delivered by a group of diverse teens (speakers are typically between 13 and 17 y.o.) to the rest of the world. The aim is to enable young people to raise their voices on issues of utmost importance today in the space of more inclusion. In our group, we have people with disabilities, transgender, and a large variety of cultural, ethnic, religious and races. It translates into "Youth empowering youth. Youth supporting youth". The initiative has the backing of the Fuengirola council. The program addresses topics of the future, science, diversity, psychology, neuroscience, and ecology, among others.
So far, we have had two beautiful editions and are working on the third. We had 35 teenage speakers, 11 teenage organizers, two councillors from Fuengirola Council, and eight professional speakers who travelled from different cities in Spain to cooperate with us and me. We have an ongoing community of about 80 people. We create a diverse community that includes people with disabilities and various races, religions, nationalities, gender, generations and occupations.
From the group, some youth facilitators arise, and they support us (the association) in facilitating the process. It is a very successful local initiative with an ongoing community. PLIS is responsible for building the space, streamlining the process, empowering youth, holding the space and organising the whole process and event. We use mindfulness, embodiment, arts, awareness practices, emotional intelligence, community building process, reflective thinking, environmental support, and many other innovative learnings.
We had the nomination for social innovation prizes from the Malaga province.
Here are some articles about the experience:
Here are some videos of the youth reflecting on the work:
2. PLIS has an official initiative for Erasmus + information in the City called “InfoEuropa”.
It is an initiative promoted by the Youth Council of Fuengirola Town Hall and offered by the PLIS Association and consists of a varied list of activities such as:
• Informative talks in educational centres
• Personalised advice in the Youth Department
• Dissemination of European mobility project opportunities
• Information on critical competencies and how the YouthPass works
• Pre and post-project mobility activities

3. “Empowerment and self-awareness” We run training for people with disabilities in soft skills for their professional development at ABAD association.
4. PLIS, using the same methodologies, have been collaborating with an N.G.O. that has programs for disadvantaged people, other entrepreneur’s communities, organizations and local initiatives.
5. We deliver programs in different universities where we work with university students and teachers on themes of interculturality, resilience, gender, and conflict transformation. (In Latin America, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Lithuania, Rumania and Spain)
6. Community building activities. We create different events intending to gather the community around an intention. The last one was "1000 cranes for peace”, which we did with other partner associations simultaneously. We did for the year of the war. You can have more information here—and other meaningful local events.
7. Also, we receive mobilities, study visits, international training program experiences, job shadowing programs and learners in our adult centre. We are a sending organisations to different youth exchanges and training courses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are active in raising youth voices, we can contribute to our extensive community and the passion that we strive to empower youngsters. For more than 4 years, we have been weaving the youngster community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of the more significant movement where I can learn from others and have the chance to expand our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Débora Sabrina Barrientos Ortega
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Débora Sabrina Barrientos Ortega
Contact (2) Full Name
Juan Ignacio Berutti
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

جميلة حسن محمد عفانة

National Network

لواء عين الباشا مخيم البقعة

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

جمعية خيرية تعنى بتقديم خدمة مجتمعية
تمكين الشباب وتمكين المرأه والعناية بذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

Mission and Objectives

خدمة مجتمعية

Main Projects / Activities

تدريب وتمكين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتعزيز دور المشاركة مع مؤسسات ومنظمات

Contact (1) Full Name
جميلة حسن محمد عفانة
Job Title
رئيسة جمعية
Head of the organisation
جمعيةبالخيرنغير مستقبلنا

Akhiam Association

National Network

Ksar Agdal Bouzmou Imilchil 25
52433 Imilchil

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The organization I work for here in my village in the atlas mountains is called AKHIAM ASSOCIATION. The organization has above 20 members and hundreds of active participants around the world. It receives funding from both Moroccan and eurepean associations and organizations as well the American fun for democracy. The association works on project related to environment and planting of trees, youth empowerment as well as education.

Mission and Objectives

Éducation Youth And environment

Main Projects / Activities

Preserving the environment Workshops on youth development Education In rural areas

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelkarim OUADIL
Job Title
Teacher of English
Head of the organisation
Hssain zanni

Association Médicale pour Assistance aux Personnes Âgées en Afrique

National Network

28310 TOURY

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

AMAPA AFRIQUE est une organisation sans but lucratif qui agit sur l'autonomie des personnes âgées, la plaidoirie des droits des personnes âgées en Afrique dans le secteur de la santé, médico-social, éducation à la citoyenneté, formation des jeunes ou femmes et développer des actions génératrices de revenus à destination des personnes en situation de handicap, des personnes âgées, les femmes vulnérables et des jeunes défavorisés, participer au projet de développement social, économique et durable en faveur des personnes âgées dans le respect de leur fragilité physique, psychique ou sociale.
Nous travaillons avec quelques organisations : internationale Humatem (Solidarité et Coopération biomédicale) et locales comme Action Communautaire pour le Développement Intégral (ACODI-NK/RDC), Association pour les Enfants Orphelins de Rutshuru (AEORU)… dans différentes domaines d’interventions. C’est ainsi que AMAPA AFRIQUE est une organisation française, réjouit de la loi Française 1901 publié au journal officiel du 28/01/2006, N° 493 ; Enr N° 0913014583 et N° SIRET 494013980 00029 et autorisée à fonctionner en RDC sur l’accusé réception F92/43/920 N° JUST/SG/20/22/852/2021 et avec les résultats positifs sur terrain
Participer au service publique qui peut accueillir toutes personnes en France ou en Afrique ayant besoin d’une aide importante dans les domaines médicaux ou la réinsertion ;
Apporter aux personnes dévalorisées où les besoins s’en fera sentir tout secours et toute aide directe ou indirecte, morale, physique surtout médicale, quelque soient les options des bénéficiaires ;
Réalisation ou réhabiliter les infrastructures sociales pour favoriser les actions visant à soigner suffisamment les personnes âgées et les personnes en difficultés ;
La Protection, l’assistance, l’information, l‘éducation et la formation auprès des enfants dans la préparation de leur avenir ;
Former et informer les professionnels de santé compétente, capable en matière de gérontologie pour que les personnes soient accueillies et soignées dans les établissements de santé, grâce à une collaboration avec les organismes internationaux et le gouvernement.
Nous avons 6 personnes salariés. Actuellement on fait les projets grâce à nos efforts personnels.

Mission and Objectives

La mission concerne l’ensemble des domaines médicaux-sociaux, formation socioprofessionnelle

Participer au service publique qui peut accueillir toutes personnes en France ou en Afrique ayant besoin d’une aide importante dans les domaines médicaux ou la réinsertion ;
Apporter aux personnes dévalorisées où les besoins s’en fera sentir tout secours et toute aide directe ou indirecte, morale, physique surtout médicale, quelque soient les options des bénéficiaires ;
Réalisation ou réhabiliter les infrastructures sociales pour favoriser les actions visant à soigner suffisamment les personnes âgées et les personnes en difficultés ;
La Protection, l’assistance, l’information, l‘éducation et la formation auprès des enfants dans la préparation de leur avenir ;
Former et informer les professionnels de santé compétente, capable en matière de gérontologie pour que les personnes soient accueillies et soignées dans les établissements de santé, grâce à une collaboration avec les organismes internationaux et le gouvernement.

Main Projects / Activities

Assistance médicaux-sociales aux personnes âgées démunies ou vulnérables ;
La Lutte contre la pauvreté, la faim, l’isolement, la maltraitance, l’exclusion des personnes âgées en institution.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exécuter quelques projets en République Démocratique du Congo précisément dans le province du Nord-Kivu.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour contribuer aux objectifs de la FAL

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Coordonnateur provincial AMAPA AFRIQUE NORD-KIVU
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)