Association écologique Green Taskriout

National Network

Ait Idriss Taskriout Bejaia
06015 Bejaia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Association ecologique green Taskriout est une association de protection de l'environnement et des espèces en vois de disparition, dans le bute d'améliorer l'état actuelle de notre region

Mission and Objectives

Protéger la fonne et la flore de notre region

Main Projects / Activities

_Formation de 50 jeunes dans le domaine environnementale pendant une durée d'une année _ planter 200 arbres forestières et les entretenirs _ lancer 100 lapin dans notre forêt pour reginirer et récupérer le manque de cette espèce

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour améliorer nous connaissance

Contact (1) Full Name
Boulanouar Massinissa
Job Title
Secrétaire général
Head of the organisation
Secrétaire général de l'association
Contact (2) Full Name
Ouazine sofiane
Job Title (2)

المدرسة المعمدانية

National Network

ِشارع أرواد
عمان 17033

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

المدرسة المعمدانية هي مؤسسة تعليمية تتبع لطائفة الكنيسة المعمدانية، وتعتبر مؤسسة غير ربحية. تقدم المدرسة خدمات تعليمية شاملة، حيث يتعلم فيها حوالي 1200 طالب من جنسيات مختلفة. يبلغ إجمالي عدد الموظفين في المدرسة 260 موظفاً.
تعتمد المدرسة بشكل كبير على الإيرادات القادمة من الأقساط المدرسية لتمويل أنشطتها وتطويرها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تسعى المدرسة إلى دعم الطلاب من ذوي الظروف المالية الصعبة عبر منح دراسية تمنح للطلاب الذين يواجهون صعوبات في دفع الرسوم الدراسية.
تتمتع المدرسة بدعم من قبل شركاء في المجتمع المحلي، حيث يقدمون الدعم المالي والمعنوي للعديد من المشاريع والأنشطة التي تقوم بها المدرسة.
باختصار، المدرسة المعمدانية تعتبر مؤسسة تعليمية تعمل بجد لتقديم تعليم مستدام ومتاح للجميع.

Mission and Objectives

تهيئة جيل من القادة ، مؤمن بالله وكلمته، ذي مبدأ، دائم التعلّم، متعاطف ومتوازن روحيًا وبدنيًا واجتماعيًا وفكريًّا، متمتّع بذهنية استعلامية ناقدة، مبادر ومبدع في إيجاد حلول لتخطي التحدّيات، يخدم وطنه ويشارك في خلق عالم أفضل وأكثر سلامًا. نهدف الى تقديم تعليم عالي الجودة من خلال توفير بيئة تعليمية تهدف إلى تحقيق تعليم عالي الجودة يساهم في تطوير مهارات وقدرات الطلاب وتمكينهم من تحقيق إمكانياتهم الكاملة. تعزيز القيم والأخلاق الإنسانية و تشجيع الابتكار والإبداع من خلال توفير بيئة تحفز على التفكير الإبداعي وتطوير مهارات حل المشكلات لدى الطلاب.

Main Projects / Activities

تتميز المدرسة بأنشطتها المنهجية الصفية واللاصفية. ويتعرض جميع الطلاب لمجموعة متنوعة من الخبرات على المستويين الوطني والدولي. يتم منحهم فرصًا للالتقاء والتحدث مع السياسيين والأكاديميين والاقتصاديين والقادة الاجتماعيين والمؤثرين حول القضايا الحالية والتحديات المستقبلية. ويتم تشجيعهم أيضًا على تصميم وتنفيذ الدراسات البحثية والمشاريع العلمية والريادية. تعد برامج التبادل الطلابي والمسابقات وورش العمل والندوات والنشاطات الاجتماعية والعمل التطوعي أمثلة على أنشطة طلابنا، بالإضافة إلى العمل في الجوانب الفنية والإبداعية من موسيقى ومسرح والفنون البصرية. نهتم بطلابنا وخريجينا من حيث تعزيز الهوية الوطنية واضحة وتجسيد الانتماء والمواطنة من خلال العمل على برامج حقوق الإنسان والتعددية الدينية والمساواة الجندرية وحماية البيئة والسعي لتحقيق اهداف التنمية المستدامة.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تمكين الشباب في المنطقة وتعزيز مشاركتهم الفعّالة في الحياة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية و السياسية من خلال فتح المجال لصوتهم وتمكينهم و تدريبهم،و تعزيزيهم و تشجيعهم لاكتساب مهارات وقدرات تجعلهم أكثر تنافسية في سوق العمل, بالإضافة الى تبني ثقافة شمولية ومرونة تعتمد على الحوار والتبادل بين مختلف فئات المجتمع. يتضمن ذلك دعم المجتمع المدني وتشجيع مبادرات الحوار التي تقودها الشباب، حيث يلعب الشباب دورًا محوريًا في تحقيق التغيير والتطوير.
بالإضافة الى أن العمل مع فئة الشباب الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 سنة وفئة الخريجين يمكن أن يكون له تأثير كبير على بناء الهوية الوطنية والوعي الوطني.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

مدرستنا المعمدانية تعتبر واحدة من الجواهر التعليمية في الأردن، حيث نولي دائمًا اهتمامًا كبيرًا بدور الشباب وأهميته على جميع الأصعدة. يُعَدّ هذا الالتزام جزءًا لا يتجزأ من رؤيتنا في تشكيل القادة والمؤثرين على الساحتين الوطنية والدولية.

ونظرًا لأن مدرستنا تسعى دائمًا للتميز والتفوق، فإن انضمامنا إلى شبكة آنا ليند يعد خطوة استراتيجية تعكس التزامنا ببناء جسور التواصل والتفاهم بين الثقافات المتنوعة. هذه الشبكة الدولية، التي تضم هيئات المجتمع المدني والمواطنين من جميع أنحاء العالم، ستساهم في تمكين شبابنا بطرق افضل و أعمق و ستعمل على تعزيزعمليات التعلم وتشجيع التفكير النقدي بين الشباب

ستساهم فرصة انضمامنا إلى شبكة آنا ليند بمساعدتنا للتعلم من ثقافات مختلفة وتوسيع مداركنا وفهمنا للعالم من حولنا.

باختصار، مدرستنا تسعى دائمًا لتحقيق التميز التعليمي وصناعة القادة والمبتكرين، وانضمامنا إلى شبكة آنا ليند سيسهم بشكل كبير في تحقيق هذه الرؤية الطموحة.

Contact (1) Full Name
سهى جوعانة
Job Title
المديرة العامة
Head of the organisation
سهى جوعانة
Contact (2) Full Name
أماني جوزع
Job Title (2)
رئيسة قسم تطوير البرامج و الجودة

Udruzenje za internacionalni razvoj muzike, teatra i multimedije

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Obala Kulina bana 24
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Udruzenje za internacionalni razvoj muzike, teatra i multimedije (Association for the development of music, theatre and multimedia) iMTM Sarajevo was established in Sarajevo for all forms of arts and training in the field of culture with the primary objective to develop education in the fields that do not exist in BiH. With three full time employees and 10 associates iMTM is one of the main actors in enriching Sarajevo's cultural scene producing concert, theatre musicals and various culture events. iMTM organisation consists of 3 members of the Steering board and Assembly. Based on collective references, most recently iMTM was given membership in the International Theatre Institute and UNESCO's Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts and is the only representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to date. iMTM partnered with RSL Awards London and is their representative for internationally accredited music education in the fields of singing, music production, musical theatre, acting, music instruments (guitar, piano, bass guitar, drums, violin, ukulele), music theory and modern dance (jazz and street).

Mission and Objectives

iMTM's mission is to foster creativity, innovation, and excellence in the fields of music, theatre, and multimedia by providing education, resources, and a collaborative environment for artists, scholars, and students. It seeks to explore the intersection of these art forms, pushing the boundaries of traditional performance and storytelling through the use of technology and multimedia. Our goal is to provide young people with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in your chosen profession, and to encourage risk-taking and innovation in the creation of new works, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in music theatre and multimedia. iMTM provides a multi-qualification educational program in a professional environment, adequate to the individual needs of the participants; iMTM creates artistic and educational environment where performers can reach the highest possible standard and build a bridge to a successful career in musical theatre and multimedia; iMTM encourages participants to collaborate as a theatre group, through interaction in the team as well as with those already active in the profession and regularly provides opportunities for performances in a wide context both informally and formally; iMTM stimulates habits of self-awareness and self-criticism, which will prepare students for challenges in the profession and encourages students to interact with other performers and composers from the country and region;

Main Projects / Activities

iMTM aims to promote arts with special emphasis on the development of musical theatre. In this area, iMTM produced Grease (2013), Footloose (2014), Dirty Dancing (2015), Annie (2016-2019), and Flashdance (2017) as well as children's plays Mravko Travko (2018) in cooperation with the Sarajevo Youth Theater, National theatre Sarajevo and finally Gala concert Broadway-West End musicals of the 80ties, Cabare Nowadays, Mjuzikl za novi svijet, Kabare zenske price as well as No One but you in co-production with BKC Sarajevo and in HKD Ivana Brlić Mažuranić in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. The projects were seen by over 10,000 people and 98 students of the University of Sarajevo, 108 children were educated through them. iMTM cooperated with EUSR, U.S. Embassy in BiH and British Embassy in Sarajevo on several projects in the field of musical theatre in the past.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

iMTM Sarajevo can contribute significantly to the Network in Bosnia by fostering creativity, innovation, and collaboration in the fields of music, theatre, and multimedia. To maximise its impact, iMTM can actively collaborate with local cultural organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions, as well as seek partnerships with international cultural networks and funding sources. Through these efforts, iMTM can become a hub of artistic and cultural activity that enriches the Network in Bosnia and contributes to the country's cultural identity and development. By offering educational programs and workshops, iMTM can also provide opportunities for local artists, performers, and students to develop their skills and knowledge in music, theatre, and multimedia. This contributes to the growth of the local artistic community. In addition it can facilitate cultural exchange with artists and institutions from other countries to promote Bosnia's cultural identity on a global scale. It can also provide opportunities for Bosnian artists to gain exposure and recognition abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network would provide access to a network of like-minded individuals and organisations working towards similar goals. This network can be a valuable resource for collaboration, sharing knowledge, and leveraging collective efforts therefor joining the ALF Network will demonstrate a commitment to fostering cooperation and mutual respect across borders. Joining the foundation allows individuals and organizations to contribute to advocacy efforts aimed at raising awareness about the importance of intercultural dialogue and civil society engagement. This can lead to projects encouraging collaboration between Bosnian artists and international artists or institutions to create unique and culturally rich productions. Joint projects can help cross-pollinate ideas and techniques, leading to innovative performances. Participation in the foundation's activities can lead to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the rich cultural diversity of the Mediterranean region and beyond. Finally joining Anna Lindh Foundation can enhance the reputation and impact of an individual or organisation in the fields of intercultural dialogue and civil society engagement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irma Mulic
Job Title
Performing arts department leader
Head of the organisation
Jasmin Ferovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Alma Ferovic Fazlic
Job Title (2)
Deputy chairman of the Steering Board


National Network

via Quittengo 41
10141 Turin TO

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Mais is an Italian ETS legally registered under the Ministry of Foreigner Affairs and the EU. It works in collaboration with local partners in several countries like, Egypt, Senegal, Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Vietnam thanks the support of public and private donor to realize project for the socio-economic empowerment of the communities through a human - based rights approach. Its budget is around 500 hundred thousand Euros for year.

Mission and Objectives

M.A.I.S.’ objectives: To work in favour of sustainable and participated development of the global South, particularly for small-scale producers, the children and women, promoting the rise of local capacity. To promote exchange of expertise both within the countries where it works and between the North and the South of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

M.A.I.S.’s projects in the global South aim at: Contrasting sexual and work exploitation of the children and supporting their education Contrasting women’s sexual exploitation and supporting their education Supporting the production and trade of small farmers’ products and claiming the importance of family farming Developing community organisation and primary services (water, schools, natural medicine) Supporting small producers and trade in the urban settings Promoting and supporting the unions’ and labours’ claims in the global South Supporting distance adoption and promoting school twinning between Italian and foreign countries’ schools

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We strongly believe in Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and are committed in Italy as well as in Egypt to building and spreading a culture of knowledge and respect, which sees diversity as an opportunity for mutual improvement. Participating in this network will help us share our experiences, learning in turn, from those of others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our action strategy is based on the creation and consolidation of partnerships between different actors for building inclusive societies that value human beings in all their different dimensions. We seek to be part of networks that reflect our values, with a view to sharing experiences and amplifying our voice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Di Campli
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Stefania Di Campli
Contact (2) Full Name
Natascia Mascia
Job Title (2)
Egypt Representative


National Network

via Quittengo 41
10141 Turin TO

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Mais is an Italian ETS legal registered under the Italian Ministry of Foreigner Affairs working in the field of International Cooperation and Global Citizenship Education. It works in collaboration with local partners in several countries, such as Egypt, Senegal, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Vietnam. Its annual budget amounts to about 500 thousand euros, which is derived from the support of public and private donors for the implementation of socio-economic empowerment projects of local communities with a human -right oriented approach.

Mission and Objectives

M.A.I.S.’ objectives:

To work in favour of sustainable and participated development of the global South, particularly for small-scale producers, the children and women, promoting the rise of local capacity.
To promote exchange of expertise both within the countries where it works and between the North and the South of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

M.A.I.S.’s projects in the global South aim at:

Contrasting sexual and work exploitation of the children and supporting their education
Contrasting women’s sexual exploitation and supporting their education
Supporting the production and trade of small farmers’ products and claiming the importance of family farming
Developing community organisation and primary services (water, schools, natural medicine)
Supporting small producers and trade in the urban settings
Promoting and supporting the unions’ and labours’ claims in the global South
Supporting distance adoption and promoting school twinning between Italian and foreign countries’ schools

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Di campli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Stefania Di Campli
Contact (2) Full Name
Natascia Mascia
Job Title (2)
Egypt Representative


National Network

via Quittengo 41
10154 Turin TO

+39 011657972
+39 011657972
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

It is an Italian registered ETS association, working in several countries, in MENA, Latin and Central America, Africa and Asia.
Its resources are mainly from public funding for the implementation of socio-economic empowerment activities for people and communities. All initiatives are implemented in partnership with local associations.

Mission and Objectives

To work in favour of sustainable and participated development of the global South, particularly for small-scale producers, the children and women, promoting the rise of local capacity.
To promote exchange of expertise both within the countries where it works and between the North and the South of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Contrasting sexual and work exploitation of the children and supporting their education
Contrasting women’s sexual exploitation and supporting their education
Supporting the production and trade of small farmers’ products and claiming the importance of family farming
Developing community organisation and primary services (water, schools, natural medicine)
Supporting small producers and trade in the urban settings
Promoting and supporting the unions’ and labours’ claims in the global South
Supporting distance adoption and promoting school twinning between Italian and foreign countries’ schools

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Di Campli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Stefania Di Campli
Contact (2) Full Name
Natascia Mascia
Job Title (2)
Egypt Representative

V4 Music Foundation

National Network

Orsó utca 27. FE. 2

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The V4 Music Foundation is a non-profit organization led by American-Hungarian violinist Miranda Liu, Concertmaster of the Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra. It manages classical music and educational projects throughout Europe, with a focus on promoting Hungarian and Central European cultural traditions. The budgetary resources available in a year may vary depending on the funding received. The foundation receives its funding through grants, governmental support, and sometimes ticket sales and course fees. These financial resources enable them to carry out various activities, including concerts, festivals, and educational programs. Their modalities of action encompass organizing events such as the New Millennium International Chamber Music Festival and Academy, as well as collaborations with local venues, concert halls, artists, cultural institutes, and non-profit organizations in Hungary and abroad. These partnerships enhance their ability to fulfill their mission.

Mission and Objectives

The V4 Music Foundation's primary goal is to spread Hungarian and European high-level culture and provide high-quality music education to students of all ages and nationalities. Through their unique collaboration, the organization aims to deepen cultural connections between the countries of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic) and represents a beautiful example of European sentiment and collaboration among different EU nations. They recognize the challenges faced by many music students, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds, who lack equal opportunities for quality music education. To address this issue, the foundation welcomes students of any age, gender, nationality, and background to participate in its educational programs, offering equal opportunities to learn and grow artistically.
Furthermore, the V4 Music Foundation is dedicated to making high culture and classical music accessible to everyone. They aspire to create a compassionate society that values open society and democratic principles. In addition to their cultural mission, the foundation is committed to education and plans to partner with local music conservatories and universities to share their rich cultural heritage and teach the next generation of musicians how to be successful. This commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a sense of inclusivity and social imagination underscores their dedication to both cultural enrichment and the broader ideals of an open, democratic, and harmonious society.

Main Projects / Activities

The V4 Music Foundation is renowned for its contribution to the New Millennium International Chamber Music Festival and Academy (NMICMF), founded in 2019. The NMICMF serves as a dynamic international community that gathers musicians from Hungary and an array of countries, including Spain, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Portugal, Romania, England, Bulgaria, Austria, the Czech Republic, and others. This diverse ensemble of artists fosters cultural exchange and collaboration, embodying the foundation's commitment to promoting diversity and strengthening artistic ties. Held annually in the heart of Budapest, typically at the end of August or beginning of September, the festival has garnered considerable attention from both the Hungarian and international press, appearing in printed publications, on radio, and television broadcasts. The NMICMF actively engages over 80 students from more than 25 different countries, offering a platform for talented young musicians to develop artistically and facilitating cross-cultural connections. One of the festival and academy's core objectives is to unite not only different countries but also different branches of art, opening doors to future artistic collaborations among musicians and artists from various backgrounds. Furthermore, the NMICMF extends its global reach through collaborations with international partners; in 2023 alone, it organized events in Spain and Bulgaria in association with "Edition Vilagarcía" and "Edition Ruse," respectively.

In addition to the NMICMF, the V4 Music Foundation oversees various activities, including those of the V4 String Quartet, the Central European String Quartet, and numerous concert series and classical music projects not only in Hungary but also in other EU countries. Among these initiatives, the Central European String Quartet's International Composition Competition stands out, highlighting the foundation's dedication to promoting contemporary classical music. With a focus on nurturing talent and facilitating artistic collaboration, the V4 Music Foundation plays a vital role in fostering cultural exchange and artistic growth on both national and international scales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The V4 Music Foundation aims to contribute to the network by promoting diversity, gender equality, environmental consciousness, and inclusivity in the cultural and educational fields. They are open to collaborating with other foundations and companies to add cultural value to projects. Their commitment to inclusivity and their experience in organizing international events make them valuable potential partners for the ALF Network. By joining the network, they hope to engage in new international collaborations and become part of the global community supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, aligning with shared objectives to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation in the arts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The V4 Music Foundation is eager to become a part of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, the ALF Network's objectives closely align with those of our foundation. Both organizations share a commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting diversity, and strengthening collaboration among different countries and cultures. This alignment makes us believe that our involvement in the ALF Network would be mutually beneficial and highly synergistic.
Additionally, being a part of the ALF Network opens up new opportunities for international collaborations and engagement with a global community of like-minded organizations and individuals. We recognize that cultural exchange and understanding are vital components of a harmonious world, and the ALF Network provides an ideal platform to facilitate such exchanges. Through this network, we hope to expand our reach, share our experiences, and contribute to the broader mission of promoting cultural diversity and cooperation on an international scale. In essence, joining the ALF Network is a strategic move to amplify the impact of our cultural and educational initiatives and to be part of a collective effort to promote peace, dialogue, and cultural exchange worldwide.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miranda Liu
Job Title
Founder, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Miranda Liu

Kaunas Artists' House

National Network

V. Putvinskio st. 56 - 1
44211 Kaunas Lithuania

+370 37 22 31 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+370 37 22 31 44
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Kaunas Artists' House (KMN) is a contemporary art and culture institution presenting emerging artists, new ideas and cultural experiments. The institution's directions include socially engaged contemporary cultural activities, coordination of inclusive cultural and community events and dissemination of cultural information. The institution currently employs 17 staff. The main sources of funding: Kaunas City Municipality, Lithuanian Council for Culture Foundation, EU Japan Foundation, Norway Grants and etc. Average annual budget: municipal funds: €220,000, project funds: around €85,000. The main modalities of action are: events of all types and scales (from chamber events for specific social groups to city events); film screenings, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, camps and educations for young people, residencies of Lithuanian and foreign artists. Main partners include NGO Artscape, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Centre for Culture of Different Nations, NGO Rupertas, NGO Community Laboratories, Lithuanian Film Foundation and other Kaunas budgetary institutions (galleries, museums).

Mission and Objectives

Kaunas Artists' House aims to contribute to the strengthening of democracy and the inclusion of socially vulnerable communities in the field of culture and beyond; to bring together a community of artists, cultural professionals and local activists; to encourage the involvement and support of young and community artists, to create active links with local and international communities; to raise the awareness and dissemination of contemporary arts and co-creative practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of Kaunas Artist's House (KMN) - KMN offers a varied repertoire through long-term curated programmes and projects with partners in Lithuania and abroad. - KMN runs thematic residency and event programmes for artists, curators and cultural researchers who critically examine regional identity, gender and sexuality, and other contemporary themes. - KMN's educational programmes offer activities based on contemporary cultural practices, with an emphasis on the inclusion of vulnerable youth groups, participant voice and democratic communication. - KMN organises city-wide cultural and community festivals (e.g. CourtYard festival, Fluxus festival and etc.), the Carillon Music Festival, the Kaunas Culture Fair, and the Putvinskis Street Day. - The KMN Infocentre coordinates the cultural field in Kaunas: it connects artists, institutions and cultural consumers, as well as collects and disseminates cultural information. - KMN also runs film and video art programmes, experimental and industrial music projects and co-creates projects with cultural and social partners and the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kaunas Artists' House is an organisation that is more than 50 years old and has recently been actively renewing itself and looking for new ways of cooperation. Using our experience and contacts, we can share information, open calls, etc. - the KMN Infocentre is directly dedicated to this. We are also looking for new ways to involve different social groups, to raise topical issues for discussion, to do more networking (we cooperate intensively at local level, but we want to grow international links). We aim to do this through cultural actions, so we can simply organise concerts, trainings, workshops, and we can use our resources to communicate this (including the Kaunas municipality level).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF's mission and activities are in line with what Kaunas Artists' House does and aims to achieve. This foundation seems to be an opportunity to expand our activities, contacts and to find new opportunities for cooperation in the field of youth inclusion, equality and diversity. These are topics that still receive insufficient attention in Kaunas, but our goal is to put them in the center of attention with the help of cultural activities. I have no doubt that cooperation with ALF can be extremely beneficial in achieving the set goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aiste Paukste
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Simona Savickaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Povilas Mintautas
Job Title (2)
Information specialist

Abdelaali Chettoum

National Network

21052 SKIKDA

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

I want to know more about many fields

Mission and Objectives

I am an individual

Main Projects / Activities

Translation , education and culture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am ready to contribute to the network in my country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to benefit from your experiences and help and guidance. I am looking for a job within your organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Graduate with a bachelor in translation
Head of the organisation
I am individual

مؤسسة توفيق زياد للفنون والثقافة والتنمية

National Network

شارع منير مرسي
شمال غزة
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

مؤسسة ثقافية ، تنموية، مستقلة، غير ربحية، تعمل في تطوير الثقافة والفنون و التربية في فلسطين ، بالتركيز على الأطفال، والمعلمين، والمبدعين الشباب و أصحاب الهمم " ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة " إنطلقت في أكتوبر 2021 " مركز توفيق زيّاد للثقافة والفنون " وسُجلت مؤسسة توفيق زيّاد للثقافة والفنون والتنمية العام 2023 كمؤسسة خيرية (رقم CA-1270-CU)، حيث يتركّز عملها، في شمال قطاع غزة " مخيم جباليا – بلدة جباليا – بيت لاهيا – بلدة بيت حانون والمناطق الفرعية ، تتكون المؤسسة من 27 موظف، بالشراكة مع مؤسسة الكمنجاتي، ومؤسسة القطان، ومؤسسة، والوكالة السويسرية للتعاون والتنمية، والمركز الفرنسي الثقافي، تتراوح ميزانية المؤسسة في السنة بقيمة 10000 دولار، وتعتمد بتمويلها على المنح الخارجية من العديد من المؤسسات الدولية أو خارج البلد، يتم تنفيذ المشارع من خلال عقد كورسات ودورات تدريبية بمقر المؤسسة لتعليم الموسيقى، وأيضا اقامة العديد من الورشات التي تدعم كل مشروع على حد سواء حسب نوعية المشروع، وذلك بمساعدة الشركاء في المشاريع منهم: مؤسسة القطان، مؤسسة الكمنجاتي، شبكة الفنون الأدائية الفلسطينية، دوروس السويسرية، والوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون.

Mission and Objectives

يرتكز عملنا في مسارات متعددة " الثقافة والفنون " بهدف توفير الدعم والتشجيع المادي والمعنوي للمواهب وللطاقات الخلاقة، لاسيما الشابة منها، في مختلف حقول الإبداع، من أجل الإسهام في بلورة مواهب هذه الطاقات وانطلاقها إلى آفاق إنسانية أكثرَ سعة ورحابة، وذلك من خلال تقديم منح وجوائز لرعاية التميز الإبداعي، ‏ودعم التطور المهني والفني والأكاديمي لدى الشباب نهدف إلى : تطوير وإتاحة إنتاجات ثقافية من شأنها توسيع قاعدة الجمهور وتحفيزه على التفاعل والفعل . تعزيز بنية ثقافية فنية و تربوية حيوية قادرة على علمية إنتاج معرفة نقدية وتحررية وإثرائها . دعم بيئة حاضنة و مساندة وممكنة لدور المؤسسة ورسالتها . التأكيد على كون " مركز توفيق زيّاد " مؤسسة ريادية سباقة تشكل نموذجاً ملهماً يقتدي به . ضمان الاستدامة المالية .

Main Projects / Activities

تم انجاز العديد من المشاريع والمبادرات، منها: مشروع من التبعية الى الصمود نحو قطاع ثقافي فلسطيني مستدام ، بتمويل من مؤسسة دوروسوس. مشروع ثقافة وفنون ومشاركة مجتمعية ( همزة وصل )، بتمويل من الوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون SDC مشروع مهرجان الكمنجاتي (حفل موسيقي)، بتمويل من مكتب ممثلية جمهورية المانيا الاتحادية – رام الله

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ذلك بالمساعدة بتحقيق اهداف الشبكة في العديد من المشاريع التي سيتم تمويلها من قبلكم، وأيضا الترويج عن المؤسسة وبيان اهتماماتها وانجازاتها في ورشاتنا وما إلى ذلك.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نحن كمؤسسة توفيق زياد، نسعى لتحقيق أهدافنا بمساعدتكم وذلك لما يعود عليه من منفعة تبادلية بيننا، وبناء على اشتراكنا بجزء من الأهداف التي منها تمكين الأصوات الشابة، واقامة العلاقات بين المجتمعات لتحسين العلاقات والتواصل بينها تعزيز اقتصاديات الموسيقيين المستدامة التي تدعم الموسيقيين من خلال خلق اقتصاد حيث يمكن للموسيقيين بغض النظر عن خلفيتهم الاجتماعية والاقتصادية أو الجغرافية السياسية ، أن يجلعوا الموسيقى مهنة بدوام كامل توفير الوصول والفرص المتكافئة لجميع مجموعات المجتمع للمشاركة في تجارب الموسيقي ، وتعزيز إمكانية الانضمام إلى المجتمع المهني للموسيقى وتشجيع التعبير عن الذات . تحفيز الدعم من المجتمعات المحلية ومجموعة كبيرة من الرعاة والممولين والشركاء الدوليين المتنوعين نحو مستقبل أفضل للموسيقى في مناطق الصراع إجراء جمع البيانات والبحوث التي تغطي تطوير القطاع الثقافي والتعليم ومساهمة المرأة في الموسيقى لتقييم احتياجات المجتمعات التي نخدمها وتقييم تأثير عملنا وذلك بتحقيق الهدف الرئيسي للمؤسسة بشكل تام يعود بالنفع على المجتمع.

Contact (1) Full Name
أ. محمد فايز أبو الجديان
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الإدارة بمؤسسة توفيق زياد
Head of the organisation
أ. محمد فايز أبو الجديان
Contact (2) Full Name
أ. محمد فايز أبو الجديان
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الإدارة