C.so Imbriani 119/b
76125 Trani BT
- Environment/Sustainable development
Legambiente Trani is a non-profit ASSOCIATION working to improve the promotion of sustainable development at local, regional and international level and it has engaged in guarantying the respect of human rights against any form of prejudice and social exclusion. Using art (theatre dance human library..) as a tool in projects of dialogue between cultures and sustainable development with partners in the Balkans and the Middle East. It is structured on a voluntary basis and it benefits from the constant collaboration of 40 voluntary members and trainers, besides the numerous activities of young people, students and citizens actively engaged with Legambiente projects. Permanent partner of Trani municipality and local schools and universities and of migrant reception centres and the health care service. Year Budget around €. 35.000 from Europen Project -Erasmus ESC program-Municipality _local Foundation. Concrete projects, from training, exchanges, seminars, study visit,scholarships, peacekeping, rolepay,wokcamp, refuge camp activity (as in the linked “portfolio”).
Linked with the net of National Legambiente a pacifist and independent movement supported by more than 115,000 members, donors and by projects and businesses that are in line with the organization’s principles. LegambienteTRANI is full engaged in training and community involvement activities on sustainable development and climate change and the diffusion of alternative energies and the reuse of resources. Legambiente Trani’ projects implement cultural activity, for safeguard of nature and dialogue and the co-operation between individuals and people without limits o borders. And it collaborates with other associations to develop cultural dynamics involvement local culture with diffusion of environmental pacifist and social culture against any exclusion.thinkung globaly and acting localy to engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change
Is currently active in good practice dissemination campaignsi. Is engaged in an activity, with European funds, for the promotion of Green Jobs. Climate change and educational campaigns for the reduction of waste and pollution in Lebanon, Tunisia and Albania.Legambiente Trani gives advices and provides help to private citizens and institutions also thanks to the strict and daily interaction with schools and local institutions by non formal activity ad Forum Theatre. So Legambiente Trani, with its voluntary members, identifies as its target urban and rural environments, all the citizens, migrants, prisoners and schools (from primary schools to high schools) with which it has been collaborating. Now Legambiente Trani, besides the habitual yearly campaigns, is involved refuges and ucrainian in monitoring waste dumps and in protection of an humid area situated at the north of urban perimeter. It is also involved in monitoring the coastal and rural pollution, in the safeguard of artistic and cultural heritage, also through public events. Other activities carried out by Legambiente are concerning with door to door activities, waste sorting, sustainable mobility, activities of sensitization in schools, in which students are actively involved, such as protection and cleanliness of the territory with the help of prisoners( even migrants) of local penitentiaries. Organize together with local municipalities and associations the festival of peoples in the squares involving the resident communities (Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Christian)
Actively interacting for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, fostering the visibility and action of the Euro-Mediterranean Involving in Partnership the municipality of Trani and working in the Region of Apulia for twinning projects in middle east and promoting schools activity and seminars for peace and dialogue also activating eco-pacifist events and artistic festivals. Also provide expertise as European environmental law experts, environmental educators, environmental tutors, intercultural workers, migrant educators. Competences in international environmental law and national and international environmental education activities and campaigns
Having already taken part in activities such as “ALF 1001 actions for dialogue” and having carried out activities in Palestine Lebanon Syria Israel, Tunisia Kosovo Albania and Bosnia we need a peace network to channel energies and especially the enthusiasm and artistic expression of our young volunteers to collaborate in a bigger network to alternative narratives to fight extremist and promote more inclusive and empathetic societies build a culture based on dialogue and cultural exchange