Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

National Network

AbuKir, Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria Governorate

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Educational System:
The AASTMT has started its activities in education and training in three fields of specialization Marine Navigation, Marine Engineering and Radio Officers and Marine Technicians. The aim of these courses is to qualify the marine cadets. Later, the offered studies developed to include the Basic Sciences and the bachelor''s degrees for which the American Credit Hours System was adopted. As for the upgrading studies for maritime officers and marine engineers, the English System was adopted. Finally, for the vocational studies, the Japanese System was adopted. All these fields of specialization depend on practical applications.

Certificates Equivalence
The AASTMT has managed to obtain the approval of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities for considering the holders of the High Seas Second Officer eligible for the affiliation with any Egyptian University or any 4-year higher education entity which a student can join after high school. (Thanaweya Amma)

It is worth mentioning that the AASTMT has the precedence in achieving a high degree of flexibility in the process of transferring the marine officers from the path of vocational studies to that which allows them to obtain the bachelor''s degree in Marine Navigation Technology. This is due to the application of the American Credit Hours System. In order to show the importance of this achievement, it would be essential to mention that the holder of the High Seas Captain certificate, when sent to the United Kingdom to obtain the bachelor''s degree, had to start his studies over regardless of his previous studies. However, due to the flexibility of the current system the AASTMT applies, it opened the door for its officers to obtain the bachelor''s degree as well as the eligibility certificate in four years only something deemed by experts an unprecedented achievement.

In addition, the report which was prepared by the Japan Transport Cooperation Association in March 1997 about the AASTMT''s progress over the years and the flexibility with which it switched to science and technology then to science, technology and maritime transport, is considered the most sublime honor the AASTMT has received, especially that the honor is bestowed upon the AASTMT by the country which occupies the first position in the field of maritime transport internationally. The AASTMT has also managed to make all its certificates equivalent to those granted by Egyptian universities in the fields of Engineering and Management.

Students Affairs:
Since its establishment in 1972 until the academic year 2001/2002, the AASTMT has provided a multiplicity of educational opportunities to students from more than 59 Arab, African, Asian, European ...etc. countries. These opportunities were distributed throughout the AASTMT''s long experience in the field of education.

Main Elements of the AASTMT''s Educational Services Distinction:
Stemming from the AASTMT''s concern about the distinction of the services it provides in education, training and research and its belief in its role in the service of the students and their parents - despite the application of the self-finance policy - the AASTMT has extended its activities from its main headquarters in Alexandria, to Cairo, South of the Valley and Latakia in an attempt to offer its distinct services to the sons of all the Arab countries. This is due to the fact that the AASTMT is considered a unique model for the collective Arab work on the lands of Egypt, which owns all of its assets (public property). This is also due to the flexibility and the open educational philosophy, with which the AASTMT is managed under the umbrella of the Arab League (flexible administration). It is also considered a true model for the educational organization that does aim at any financial profit. Indeed, the secret behind the AASTMT''s success and distinction lies in the aforementioned models the AASTMT represents and through them it has taken off from regionalism to the skies of internationalism. The main elements of this success lie in the strategy the AASTMT adopts the strategy of managing the results not the activities. The main assets of this strategy can be summarized in the following points:

The constant development of the syllabi for all fields of specialization according to the latest international systems, resorting to rare expertise, deriving benefits from the greatest educational consultants like Sir Graham Day, educational advisor to the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Dr. Ernest Fraenkel one of the geniuses of the MIT who played a major role in the development of the Maritime Transport in Singapore.
The gradual approximation to the industry, the offering of community service programmes, the adaptation of the syllabi and scientific research in order to achieve that goal and the innovation of new fields of specialization in order to fulfill the needs of the market and the demands of development.
The constant development of the methodology of teaching and the use of modern techniques as effective tools in the educational and administrative processes an example of which is the use of computers, multimedia, CDs, internet and Intranet. The AASTMT has also established 13 libraries, public and specialized, in its main headquarters and the other branches. These libraries contain hundreds of scientific periodicals and more than 60,000 reference books. That is in addition to the scientific studies, dissertations, papers and projects. There is also the e-library service which grants the students and the teaching staff easy access to thousands of books, references and periodicals in the world''s biggest libraries.
The ongoing attempts to attract the distinct teaching personnel and providing them with the suitable financial income and moral appreciation. Due to the adoption of this strategy, the employed teaching staff of the AASTMT reached 639 staff members, 234 of whom are PhD holders. In addition to about 1400 teaching assistants, lecturers, part timers, and seconded staff members from other universities, all of whom, take part in enriching the process of education, training and scientific research.
Realizing the philosophy of considering the student the focal point of the educational process, (the student is the final product), through establishing two deaneries specialized in students'' affairs and services and students'' activities. Both deaneries are responsible for providing various services to the students, patronizing their athletic and cultural activities, caring for their educational, social and medical affairs and adopting the policy that the educational process in the AASTMT is considered a contract between the AAT&MT and the parents. That is why in case of the student''s death - God forbids - the parents get back all the fees paid since the day the student joined the AASTMT in addition to the insurance. Also, if a student loses the family bread winner, he/she is exempted from paying any further educational fees till he/she graduates from the AASTMT. This strategy stems from deeply-rooted Arab values and the fundamentals of Islamic solidarity which are non-existent in any other institution all over the world.
Caring for students after graduation through the establishment of the Graduates'' Affairs Fund in cooperation with the major industrial institutions in Egypt. Through this Fund, the AASTMT creates job opportunities for its graduates, pays part of their salaries for a whole year, after which, a decision whether the graduate continues in the job or receives a certificate of experience that qualifies him/her to work in other places is taken.
Offering grants for outstanding and distinguished students and adopting the system of the gradual reduction of fees for students who have excelled in their high school studies and who wish to join the AASTMT. The AASTMT also adopts the strategy of preventing any increase in educational fees for students once they join the AASTMT until they graduate. Any increase is applied via the strategy of the rationalized increase, and it is applied on new students.
Establishing the Projects Incubation Centre to patronize students'' projects and care for them, an original idea that the AASTMT presents to the world of projects and business in all the Arab countries, starting from Egypt, where the main headquarter is located. This idea creates a new cultural perspective when it comes to employment it corrects the prevailing ideology behind the constant demand for the employment of everyone since no government is able to employ all its subjects. The idea of this centre is based on adopting the ideas of projects students present, the AASTMT helps them, through the teaching staff, prepare the necessary feasibility and marketing studies, then comes the financial aid till the project starts the actual executive steps and comes out as a project with separate financial entity. Many employers share in these projects with students out of their own financial resources. Parents also share in these projects. The AASTMT, thus, achieves many goals the students who contribute to these projects or share in them need not search for employment after their graduation, especially that they are working in the fields that they like and that they have chosen for themselves. The AASTMT also shares in creating new activities for the society through the innovative ideas behind these projects. Even if a project not based on a new idea or if there are similar projects in the market, the AASTMT helps through the Centres'' projects in enhancing the performance of these projects.
Services and Students'' Activities:
The AASTMT adopts a distinct policy when it comes to caring for its students. This policy considers the student the focal point of educational services as well as administrative support. As a consequence of this policy, the AASTMT''s main headquarters includes various activities and services, the aim of which is to make the life of students easier. Among these activities and services are the dorms, hostels and restaurants, which have the capacity for 1300 students, and which are fully equipped with all means of comfort. In addition to these facilities, there is also the girl''s hostel which can accommodate up to 100 girls.

Nautical and Marine Engineering students lead a safe and organized life within the campus of the AASTMT, starting from abiding by the uniform to the commitment to leadership and athletic drills. This goes on for the first two academic years.

Throughout the year, all AASTMT students practice their cultural activities through the seminars and lectures organized by the Cultural Activities Department. That is in addition to entertaining trips and athletic activities. In this regard, students are always keen on organizing the annual Parents'' Day in order to improve and enhance the cooperation, and the cultural and social affinity between the students and their parents.

Community Service Programmes and Continuous Education:
Due to the AASTMT''s belief in the role of the educational institutions in serving the community, it has started offering various educational programmes to serve the community of Alexandria. The aim of these programmes is to further develop and enhance the skills of those who did were denied the opportunity of being well qualified or distinguished in the fields of language, computing, secretarial work, aviation tickets reservation, marketing and management. These programmes also grant them a chance for continuous education, and open new tracks for them to pursue other fields of specialization should they choose to.

These programmes start over every three months, and they are ongoing all year round. They are carried out in the AASTMT''s headquarters in Miami, Sidi Bishr and downtown. The programmes are offered according to an evening schedule. These courses attract a considerable number of those who aim at developing and enhancing their vocational skills, as well as gaining new ones. In addition, these courses are sometimes especially designed for groups of employees in a certain company or organizations. The estimated number of those benefiting from these programmes, throughout the year, ranges from 15,000 to 20,000 Alexandrians. Furthermore, there are the summer courses for the education of children which benefit around 5,000 children.

Mission and Objectives

The AASTMT''s strategic plan is based on two main axes, the first is the strategic goals axis, and the second is strategic potentials axis. The first includes strategic objectives that were formulated in the light of the vision and mission of the AASTMT, as well as the values governing performance from 2021 to 2026.

The strategic axes include the strategic objectives of education and learning, the primacy of maritime education, international status, and social responsibility. To achieve those ends, a set of strategic potentials will be used, which comprise intellectual capital, digital transformation, management, governance, and financial efficiency.

Main Projects / Activities

Core Values
# Value Meaning
1 Alignment
We seek a high degree of complementarity and involvement among the AASTMT family around the strategic goals, working on achieving them, and putting it ahead of the personal interest.
We seek to formulate a known and agreed vision and mission among all members of the AASTMT and its organizational units.
We believe that devotion, dedication, and belonging to the AASTMT are our way to achieve leadership on the local and regional levels.
2 Leadership
We seek to provide a model for good leadership as a principal feature that characterizes organizational leadership at the AASTMT on all levels.
We seek to offer academic programs that aim at the development of leadership skills among the graduates, faculty, and staff at the AASTMT.
3 Excellence and
We believe that excellence in education and research, development, and innovation are our way of attaining leadership among universities and educational institutions in the Arab world.
We trust that excellence must be reflected in our relationship with the larger community through our diverse practices in the area of social responsibility.
4 Dignity
We aim at adhering to ethical standards in all professional administrative practices within and outside the AASTMT.
We seek excellence in all areas of educational and administrative work.
5 Respect
We believe that mutual respect among all individuals and organizational units is the basis of work at the AASTMT.
We emphasize this through mutual dealings and relationships between all organizational units.
We believe it''s important to stress the value of diversity (in individuals and Ideas) among all individuals and parts within and outside the AASTMT.
6 Accountability
We believe that each one of us is responsible for the institutional success of the AASTMT, each within his/her occupational terms.
We believe that the right empowerment of individuals and organizational units will help strengthen the concept of accountability.
7 Knowledge
We trust our ability to create a digital smart university capable of dealing with the requirements of modern universities in the age of knowledge in a high degree of excellence.
We have faith that the digital transformation of the AASTMT will help us understand and contribute to the development of scientific and practical solutions to the challenges facing society as a whole.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through pro-active initiatives, sharing knowledge, open new horizons for our students and staff.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

New opportunities, networking and giving back for our society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Swidan
Job Title
Associate Professor and Vice Dean of Maritime Research
Head of the organisation
Professor Dr Ismail Abdel-Ghaffar Ismail Farrag

Hermandades del Trabajo, Centro de Madrid (HHTM)

National Network

Raimundo Lulio, 3
28010 Madrid Madrid

+34 914473000
Mobile Phone
34 646629944
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Madrid Centre of Labour Brotherhoods (HHTM) is an association constituted by and for workers, with the ecclesial community and the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid. Members incorporate themselves in their respective working brotherhoods. HHTM has public canonical legal personality and is non-profit. HHTM is registered at Registry of Religious Entities, Ministry of Justice, 011254. HHTM employs staff in charge of key operational tasks, and work directly with workers brotherhoods and volunteers. On March 29, 2023, the Economic Council approved the audited annual accounts for the financial year 2022, which states HHTM has a balanced income statement. Some current programs: Migrant workers and working families, focuses on creating actions to promote the dignity of people and in the promotion and comprehensive development of workers. Integral training: Hispanic language and culture, legal advice and social integration, through Spanish courses. HHTM partners are CEAR, Red Cross, Psychology Without Borders Foundation.

Mission and Objectives

The Pastoral and Social Innovation Plan of Brotherhoods of Labor-Central Madrid (2021-2025) was approved by the Diocesan Council on September 26, 2021. It is an instrument at the service of communion in the missionary task of the Church and the HHT that helps us discover what we want to achieve and establish the actions, resources and means necessary to achieve it. Its general objective is to renew and update the Brotherhoods of Labor so that they continue to be a valid and effective instrument for the comprehensive promotion and evangelization of the world of work in the XXI century. Vision and Mission of HHT has two essential components that must go together: the apostolic dimension (forming Christian workers) and the social (train and fully develop workers). 2022 Objectives: (i) Review and revitalize the HHT Christian community by updating the identity and mission of the militant, of the Apostolic Group and the Brotherhood. (ii) Create a Pastoral and Social Innovation Commission under the responsibility of a pastoral vice president who directs and makescomply with the Pastoral Plan and Social Innovation. (iii) Launch a pastoral programfor the Brotherhood. Initiate a pastoral program for both activities and HHT works and services. Includes the Spanish School for Foreigners,the pastoral program for Social Innovation of the Elderly, the Volunteer program and Artistic Activities program and Sports.

Main Projects / Activities

Migrant workers and working families, focuses on creating actions to promote the dignity of people and in the promotion and comprehensive development of workers. Integral training: Hispanic language and culture, legal advice and social integration, through Spanish courses for immigrants that are taught free of charge at our center. Activities: HHTM provides migrants and refugees with resources for their integration in the family, social, moral, cultural, training and work, promoting equality from diversity, pluralism and intercultural respect with specific programs according to members´needs and rights. The CSB Spanish School has a comprehensive training program for this group of migrants, where the teaching of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture is combined with legal advice free in matters of immigration and asylum. HHTM is becoming a pioneering entity in the social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through continuous training. The intervention procedure with migrants and local workers and families is carried out through individualized insertion itineraries whose main lines are the following:
• Language learning, guidance, advice and information for employment.
• Business prospecting and labor intermediation.
• Training for access and promotion in employment.
• Complaint and awareness-raising actions against employment discrimination.
• Research and preparation of studies on the work reality of refugees and immigrants in vulnerable situations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to exchange good practices and experiences about innovative ways to work the social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through continuous training, legal advice and employment opportunities. To offer the voices of migrants and local workers and families who through individualized insertion itineraries have been empowered and have achieved the following :
• Learn the Spanish language and culture getting an official certification given by Instituto Cervantes, making sure they will be ready to apply to their rights and duties as new members of the Spanish society., offering at the same time the richness and cultures of their home countries.
• Supporting migrants and local workers with their social entrepreneurship idea to cover their needs and to comply with their new duties as citizens.
• Tailored training programmes for accessing and promoting decent jobs.
• Awareness raising and what to do and report against any kind of discrimination.
• Being part of action-research and preparation of studies related to all factors that might affect the economic and labour engagement of refugees and immigrants, especially those in vulnerable situations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have seen the commitment of organizations who are part of the network within the field of migration and labour in which we operate too, that is, our unconditional work towards offering migrant and local citizens all types of services, whether legal, psychological, or linguistic. We believe that our inclusion in the network offers us a much more direct approach to the organizations that correspond to the countries of the people we mostly serve, Northern Africa, especially Morocco. We would like to work closely with organizations based on both shores towards a mutual and more than necessary intercultural dialogue as the situation evolves in the middle east. We are convinced our intercultural approach will be enhanced and enriched working closely with members from different fields, the academic and research, the practitioners and directly with people who benefit from our work. We are commited towards lifelong learning and the sustainable development goals and experiencing others journeys it will be a big asset to improve our current programmes described above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fernando García Adrianzén
Job Title
General Administrator
Head of the organisation
José David Belén Medina


National Network

Raimundo Lulio 3
28010 Madrid Madrid

+34 914473000
Mobile Phone (other)
34 646629944
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Madrid Centre of Labour Brotherhoods (HHTM) is an association constituted by and for workers, with the ecclesial community and the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid. Members incorporate themselves in their respective working brotherhoods. HHTM has public canonical legal personality and is non-profit. HHTM is registered at Registry of Religious Entities, Ministry of Justice, 011254. HHTM employs staff in charge of key operational tasks, and work directly with workers brotherhoods and volunteers. On March 29, 2023, the Economic Council approved the audited annual accounts for the financial year 2022, which states HHTM has a balanced income statement. Some current programs: Migrant workers and working families, focuses on creating actions to promote the dignity of people and in the promotion and comprehensive development of workers. Integral training: Hispanic language and culture, legal advice and social integration, through Spanish courses. HHT partners are CEAR, Red Cross, Psychology Without Borders Foundation.

Mission and Objectives

The Pastoral and Social Innovation Plan of Brotherhoods of Labor-Central Madrid (2021-2025) was approved by the Diocesan Council on September 26, 2021. It is an instrument at the service of communion in the missionary task of the Church and the HHT that helps us discover what we want to achieve and establish the actions, resources and means necessary to achieve it. Its general objective is to renew and update the Brotherhoods of Labor so that they continue to be a valid and effective instrument for the comprehensive promotion and evangelization of the world of work in the XXI century. Vision and Mission of HHT has two essential components that must go together: the apostolic dimension (forming Christian workers) and the social (train and fully develop workers). HHTM provides migrants and refugees with resources for their integration in the family, social, moral, cultural, training and work, promoting equality from diversity, pluralism and intercultural respect. The CSB Spanish School has a comprehensive training program for this group of migrants, where the teaching of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture is combined with legal advice free in matters of immigration and asylum. 2022 Objectives: (i) Review and revitalize the HHT Christian community by updating the identity and mission of the militant, of the Apostolic Group and the Brotherhood. (ii) Create a Pastoral and Social Innovation Commission under the responsibility of a pastoral vice president who directs and makescomply with the Pastoral Plan and Social Innovation. (iii) Launch a pastoral programfor the Brotherhood. Initiate a pastoral program for both activities and HHT works and services. Includes the Spanish School for Foreigners,the pastoral program for Social Innovation of the Elderly, the Volunteer program and Artistic Activities program and Sports.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project / activities: Migrant workers and working families, focuses on creating actions to promote the dignity of people and in the promotion and comprehensive development of workers. Integral training: Hispanic language and culture, legal advice and social integration, through Spanish courses for immigrants that are taught free of charge at our center. Activities: HHTM provides migrants and refugees with resources for their integration in the family, social, moral, cultural, training and work, promoting equality from diversity, pluralism and intercultural respect with specific programs according to members´needs and rights. The CSB Spanish School has a comprehensive training program for this group of migrants, where the teaching of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture is combined with legal advice free in matters of immigration and asylum. HHTM is becoming a pioneering entity in the social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through continuous training. The intervention procedure with migrants and local workers and families is carried out through individualized insertion itineraries whose main lines are the following:
• Language learning, guidance, advice and information for employment.
• Business prospecting and labor intermediation.
• Training for access and promotion in employment.
• Complaint and awareness-raising actions against employment discrimination.
• Action-research and preparation of studies on the work reality of refugees and immigrants in vulnerable situations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to exchange good practices and experiences about innovative ways to work the social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through continuous training, legal advice and employment opportunities. To offer the voices of migrants and local workers and families who through individualized insertion itineraries have been empowered and have achieved the following :
• Learn the Spanish language and culture getting an official certification given by Instituto Cervantes, making sure they will be ready to apply to their rights and duties as new members of the Spanish society., offering at the same time the richness and cultures of their home countries.
• Supporting migrants and local workers with their social entrepreneurship idea to cover their needs and to comply with their new duties as citizens.
• Tailored training programes for accessing and promoting decent jobs.
• Awareness raising and what to do and report against any kind of discrimination.
• Being part of action-research and preparation of studies related to all factors that might affect the economic and labor engagement of refugees and immigrants, especially those in vulnerable situations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have seen the commitment of the network within the field in which we operate, that is, our unconditional work towards offering migrant and local citizens all types of services, whether legal, psychological, or linguistic. We believe that our inclusion in the network offers us a much more direct approach to the organizations that correspond to the countries of the people we mostly serve, Northern Africa, especially Morocco. We would like to work closely with organizations based on both shores. We are convinced our intercultural approach will be enhanced and enriched working closely with members from different fields, the academic and research, the practitioners and directly with people who benefit from our work and our continuing learning as we continue offering the programs we have described above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fernando García Adrianzén
Job Title
General Administrator
Head of the organisation
Jose David Belen Medina

Residence Teatro

National Network

Khemaissa, El Nadhour, Bir Ali Ben Khlifa
3040 Sfax

54 900 356
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Résidence Teatro, is a private production company founded on March 9, 2022 by two emerging artists Maher Msaddek and Yasin Ben Ali. Based in a culturally marginalized area, it aims to decentralize the practice of theater in Tunisia. Our partners are (Dar El Masrahi, Le Centre des Arts Vivants de Radès, L'association de la Promotion Théâtrale de Djerba, L'association tunisienne des Arts de la Rue, Le centre des Arts Dramatiques et Scénique de Djerba )

Mission and Objectives

Résidence Teatro's main mission is to train young artists and non-artists in theatre. But also to create an artistic scene that fosters dialogue and cultural exchange. This resides in its artistic residency programs, which invite artists from different countries to collaborate with local artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Residence Teatro Lessons: Session 2021
The first year of training took place in partnership with the Centre of Living Arts of Rades and House of Theatre in Bardo. During this 7-month training period, the workshop participants attended a variety of workshops led by various instructors.

Residence Teatro Lessons: Session 2022
The second cohort of Residence Teatro Lessons completed a 9-month training course with renowned theatre professionals from the Tunisian artistic scene (Abdemonem Chouayet, Younes Ferhi, etc.).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to Alf's network by facilitating the exchange of information and by introducing the foundation to potential collaborators if requested. As well as mentioning its name to all aid solicitors and donors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we intend to collaborate with this organization and its partners by offering the services we are able to provide and by soliciting those of its other partners. But also because our company's guidlines and objectives converge with those of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maher Msaddek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maher Msaddek

انطلاق العروي

National Network

الحسن الثاني العروي
العروي الناظور

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
General Information

العمل على اشكالية مقاربة النوع والمساواة بين الجنسين عن طريق الأنشطة والبطولات الرياضية. تتكون الهيئة من مكتب اغلبه من النساء يفوق 6 أعضاء وكذلك موظفين مختصين في التدريب الرياضي وممارسات للأنشطة الرياضية. الميزانية المتاحة في السنة تقدر ب 100000 درهم جميعها من المؤسسات المانحة العمومية المغربية المحلية والجهوية. طريقة العمل استعمال الأنشطة الرياضية بغبة ادماج المرأة اجتماعيا اقتصاديا

Mission and Objectives

العمل على المساواة بين الجنسين مقاربة النوع وادماج الفتيات والمرأة اجتماعيا اقتصاديا عن طريق الأنشطة والبطولات الرياضية. وفتح آفاق جديدة تمكن المرأة من المساهمة مجتمعيا والبراز قدراتها في مختلف المجالات الحيوية وكذلك ضمان استقلال مالي يمنكها من تطوير نفسها

Main Projects / Activities

خلق فضاءات خاصة بالمرأة في مختلف الفئات العمرية.وتوفير سبل وظروف مناسبة خاصة للممارسة الرياضية وتطوير الذات من ثقافة الانغلاق وعدم القدرة على الاندماج في المجتمع الى تكوين نفسها والبحث عن آفاق جديدة عن طريق الاحتراف الرياضي والاسهم في التنمية المستدامة عن طريق الفرص الهائلة التي تتيحها الرياضة على ضوء الأبعاد الجديدة والادوار التي أصبحت تلعبها الرياضة والمرأة.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

بلورة افكار ومشاريع الشبكة على أرض الواقع والاسهام خلق ديناميكية مهمة تعطي الإشعاع والحضور المتميز للشبكة بوسائل سلسة كالرياضة والروح الرياضية المتقبلة لدي جميع الفئات والجنسيات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

قصد الانفتاح عاى التجارب المهمة والكبيرة وكسب تجربة التعامل مع المنظمات الدولية الحكومية وغير الحكومية والاستفادة من تجاربهم

Contact (1) Full Name
عبد المجيد المنصوري
Job Title
نائب الرئيس
Head of the organisation
نورة المنصوري
Contact (2) Full Name
هاشم الطيبي
Job Title (2)

Iam not a doll project

National Network

11744 athens

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AND expand awareness of the project all over the world

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because i believe we support the same goals!
For a better world

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Kathi Vkeri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kathi Vekri

Leaders Foundation for Management Science and Development

National Network

52 Doctor Mohamed Shahin Street
Giza Governorate

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The "Leaders" Foundation was officially inaugurated in all Egyptian governorates on Saturday, July 14, 2014 with the aim of training, qualifying and empowering all Egyptian youth on "life experiences of various developmental, political, economic and social issues, and implementing the strategy and national orientation to build the modern Egyptian state ,created distorted political awareness" among most of the youth. Our permanent slogan is "Rehabilitation for empowerment in a studied scientific framework and with international training mechanisms." The "Leaders" Foundation has a headquarters in the Mohandessin the Giza region and a number of offices in the various govern orates of Egypt .
The Principles of “Leaders”
1- Our motto is "Egypt first" for all Egyptian people who volunteer to join us)
2- Support the Egyptian State's plan in its steps towards the future.
3- To strive for administrative, economic and social development and to raise the standard of living of citizens.
4- Work to foster a sense of belonging and citizenship among young people
5- The Constitution and the Law are the authority and main arbiter in all the activities of the institution.
6- We require the leaders of the Leaders Foundation to stand at the same distance from the political parties to apply neutrality in training, qualification, receiving ideas and selecting members... All those working in political parties and practitioners "have equal distance" with regard to the Leaders Foundation and the Egyptian Council of Youth Leaders .

The Foundation relies on the founders and the Board of Trustees for its funding

*"What has been accomplished" 620,000 trainees, 596 courses and programs
More than 620,000 young people in 27 governorates have been trained "free of charge" through 596 comprehensive training courses in addition to 110 symposiums on development, politics and the economy. The Foundation has given an opportunity to all Egyptians without conditions and for all age groups. This phase is ongoing throughout the year, and we hope to train one million young people in a period of no more than five years.
The Leaders Foundation is targeting an action plan in line with the Egyptian state vision (Sustainable Development Strategy 2030)
and its implementation plans at the level of the various development goals

The mechanisms and methods used depend on innovation, creativity and leadership
and the various participation's
Work is done by signing formal cooperation protocols with the Authority
The target is to train its members. The institution shall bear the costs of specialized lecturers in accordance with the targeted program and provide the scientific material to the trainees, while the body shall
Collaborating Providing Trainers, Preparing Training Headquarters and Providing Training Tools
Thanks to God and his success, no official entity in Egypt has ever been ahead of us in training, educating, educating and rehabilitating young people (free of charge). More than those who were working with the same ideology were inaugurated
Later on, we were very happy, and we were very proud of the idea that it spread and worked in real life, and that others tried to apply it later, even if it wasn't effective in their application on a small scale .
Marketing and promotion

Mission and Objectives

Leaders' Areas of Action
First: We train and qualify young people on administrative, political, economic, and developmental experiences through workshops and training courses, in which a group of scientists lecture each in his field in a specific time period, appropriate training hours, and study and discussion to achieve results.
Second: We offer specialized courses in various fields, such as "raising awareness of national security and its impact, contributing to its preservation", training young people to engage in political experiments "local and parliament", training in administrative work and human development, training and economic training for the leadership of large companies, and the establishment of giant and small economic projects through well-researched economic feasibility studies, training on various media programs, how to make public opinion issues, challenges and obstacles carried out by anti-state media, and how to confront the national media... training on transforming the director into a leader, and the difference between the leader and director, within a scientific, studied and practical training framework .
Thirdly, social activities for women by raising awareness of their role, educating them, the positive participation of men in political life, supporting young innovators and inventors, and contributing to their coming into effect.
Fourth: Specialized programs for those who wish to assume senior leadership positions, including ministers, governors, deputy ministers, governors, heads of major companies, and city leaders. This program is the first in the Middle East. Many of the disbursements have been graduated, with the participation of state institutions. Successive disbursements are being completed in the coming period. It is an extended program that does not stop .
Fifth: Public awareness programs in the areas of literacy, political literacy, legal and constitutional awareness, medical education and blood donation campaigns
Sixth: To sign scientific cooperation protocols with a number of Egyptian, Arab, international and regional giants through which we have carried out a number of experimental and rehabilitative activities.

Main Projects / Activities

National programs implemented by the Foundation
Leaders Setup Project (QLP)
(Under the banner of Rehabilitation for Empowerment)
1- Senior Management and Executive Leadership Development Program
2- Program for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the personnel of State institutions
3- Program (Local Leaders Program)
4- Youth Tomorrow Leaders Program
5- Program for the preparation of political leaders
6- Sports Leaders Preparation Program
7- Program for the preparation, qualification and training of technical education graduates
8 - Women Leaders Development Program
9 - Economic Leaders and Entrepreneurship Program
10. Media Leaders Program
11 - T . O . T
1,000 African Leaders Project
in partnership with the Graduate School of African Studies, Cairo University and the General Information Authority
Afro-Asian-Arab Project
In partnership with the General Authority for Information and the Library of Egypt General Authority for Books - Ministry of Culture
(Commander-in-Chief Project)
(Example Initiative)
Sponsored by the Minister of Youth and Sports
Awareness Ambassadors Program
Social Solidarity Minister
Our Sons Project Ambassadors
* Entities involved in and cooperating in the implementation of projects:
1- General Organization for Information
2- National Council for Women
3- Sadat Academy of Management Sciences
4- General Federation of Trade Unions of Egypt
5- General Bar Association
6- Ministry of Youth and Sports
7- Damanhour University
8- Damanhour University College of Veterinary Medicine
9- Ministry of Defense Cooperation and Nasser Higher Military Academy
10- Military Research Organization
11- Ministry of Education (Menoufia Directorate of Education Department of Education Department of Qweesna)
12- Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, Alexandria University
13- Dakahlia Engineers Syndicate
14- Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions in Gharbiya Governorate
15- General Bar Association
16- Al-Nahda University of Beni Suef
17- Western Nursing Association
18- Western Health Sciences Association
19- Union of Public Sales Taxes Workers of Western
20- General Farmers Union
21- International Center of Excellence and Consulting
22- Center for Information and Decision Support at the General Office of the Governorate of Beheira
23- a number of Egyptian parties through the participation of youth parties in the courses they organize
24- Lake Engineers Association
25- National Council for Women (Dakahlia - Assiut - Qalyubia)
26- Graduate School of African Studies, Cairo University
27- Damietta Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology
28- Misr Public Library
29- General Syndicate of Engineering and Metal Industries
30- General Union of Building, Timber and Construction
31- Ministry of Social Solidarity (Sponsored by Minister of Solidarity)
32- Kafr El-Sheik Pharmacists Association
33- Higher Institute of Ajami Administrative Sciences

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in Activities: Organizations can actively have interaction within the sports organized by means of the Anna Lindh Foundation and its network. This can include collaborating in meetings, seminars, workshops, and training packages centered on intercultural dialogue, diversity, and social cohesion.

Collaborate on Projects: Organizations can initiate or take part in collaborative initiatives with other individuals of the community. These projects may be in various fields together with training, arts and way of life, media, social inclusion, and young people empowerment. Collaborative initiatives promote talk, exchange, and mutual knowledge amongst extraordinary cultures and societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and Collaboration: The ALF Network presents opportunities for corporations to connect and collaborate with other like-minded establishments, civil society agencies, and individuals who share a common interest in selling intercultural communicate and expertise. Joining the community can facilitate partnerships, know-how sharing, and joint projects.

Access to Resources: Membership within the ALF Network may offer access to funding possibilities, presents, and assets for imposing initiatives and activities associated with intercultural communicate. The network can also offer financial guide or assist agencies discover potential resources of investment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moustafa Kamel Badr
Job Title
International Relations manger
Head of the organisation

Well-being Lab

National Network

211 25 Malmö Skåne län

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

NGO " Well-being Lab" is an educational organisation gathering psychologists, coaches, youth workers, project writers, facilitators and trainers. We work with and for the youth and adults hungry for well-being in Malmö, Sweden and internationally.

The main areas of our work are non-formal education, well-being and mental health. We use different approaches and methods in our work to bring the understanding of well-being, mental health, inclusion, and empathy-based communication.

Our mission is to create a platform for young people from different backgrounds and youth workers in Sweden and abroad to talk about well-being and their mental health so that we can prevent burnout and mental health-related illnesses and live a healthier and more balanced life.

Mission and Objectives

Well-being Lab was formally established as an NGO in 2019 in Malmo (Sweden) by a group of trained practitioners, who were working with varied activities since 2016 with a focus on well-being workshops and seminars, consciousness, psychology, inclusion, youth events, mentoring, coaching and healing practices.

We have continued this legacy of work today and our main objectives of the organization is to help young people and youth workers to gain new knowledge and competences through non-formal education methods on the areas of well-being, mental health, and empathy building. In addition to this, we are empowering young people from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds to participate actively in the civil society. We are promoting the development of the well-being practices for inclusion and better mental health.

Main Projects / Activities

Specific activities we actively work with are: Community workshops, open for everyone, introducing youth work and well-being tools Youth exchanges and training courses Professional Trainings for youth workers on well-being methods 9 months long Well-being Facilitators training Erasmus+ partnerships Well-being retreats in Sweden and abroad

Contact (1) Full Name
Ieva Ulianskaite
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Karina Minda
Contact (2) Full Name
Karina Minda
Job Title (2)


National Network

Kooli Building, 3rd Floor, Appt 34 10, Rue Hamidia (Formerly Rue 7000)
Montplaisir 1073 Tunis, Tunisia
1073 Tunis

(+216) 71 905 161
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Interlinks is an NGO founded in July of 2021 in Tunis, Tunisia. It comprises a dedicated team of nine staff members compromising psychologists, an administrative and financial manager, project managers, and eight volunteers working under the direction of a Director. Our organizational structure is overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of a President, Treasurer, and General Secretary, providing governance and strategic guidance.

For the current year, we operate with an annual budget of $100,000, sustaining our activities through a diverse range of funding sources including grant writing, project initiatives, donor engagement, and strategic partnerships with organizations and institutions. Notable partners in our projects and activities include the Australian High Commission of Malta, Réseau Amen Enfance Tunisie, Doctors of the World, Institut Français Tunisie, OECD, Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), and the UNDP.

Our initiatives encompass a wide range of projects, such as the "Sehaty" project in collaboration with local Doctors of the World, the "experiential citizenship learning" project funded by the OECD, and ongoing projects supported by GCC and UNDP, among others. These projects target a variety of issues, including mental health, youth empowerment, sustainable development, and community well-being.

Mission and Objectives

Interlinks is a proactive non-governmental organization dedicated to empowering vulnerable communities, promoting social inclusion, and eliminating discrimination. With a focus on key target groups such as people with disabilities, children and youth without family support, migrants in precarious situations, and individuals experiencing socio-economic vulnerability, Interlinks provides comprehensive support programs tailored to their specific needs.

One of Interlinks' core objectives is to create inclusive societies that value diversity and ensure equal opportunities for all. We actively promote social inclusion by fostering a sense of citizenship and social cohesion among community members. Through community mobilization efforts, awareness campaigns, and capacity-building initiatives, Interlinks encourages active participation and collaboration. We adopt a developmental and social approach to our work, recognizing that sustainable change is achieved by nurturing the potential within communities and promoting their active participation in local life.

Interlinks serves as a catalyst for positive change, striving to build a society where everyone has equal opportunities, rights, and a voice.

Main Projects / Activities

- Sehaty project: implemented in three middle schools in collaboration with the local Doctors of the World (DoW) organization. It focuses on organizing information and awareness days, as well as establishing clubs dedicated to mental health, disabilities, and reproductive and sexual health.
- Experiential Citizenship Learning: promoting youth empowerment and gender equality at "Ibn Khaldoun" middle school. It involves a range of activities, including the establishment of a cinema club focused on citizenship, organization and monitoring of citizenship education workshops, facilitating workshops on cinematographic writing, and arranging visits to promote awareness of disabilities and inclusivity.
- Humanitarian initiatives, including the collection and distribution of essential items. We've provided infant milk and optical glasses to families facing socio-economic challenges.
- Promoting University Students' Mental Health: this ongoing initiative offers virtual and in-person mental health care, a team of psychologists in universities, and a dedicated helpline, collectively creating a comprehensive support system.
- Specialized Care Space and Workshops: a specialized care space for individuals with profound multiple disabilities and no family support. This space provides tailored care and sensory stimulation. A set up of a workshop focusing on crafting rattan products to enhance professional skills and creativity, as well as a workshop on essential oil extraction, combining education and therapy.
- Social and Community Inclusion Initiative : Located in Sidi Hassine, Tunisia, aims to proactively promote social and community inclusion among young people. It involves transforming the Youth Center into a hub of opportunities for youth, focusing on skills development, vocational training, and mental health support. The project also fosters economic inclusion through dialogue with public and community actors and supports local civic initiatives, ultimately aiming to create an inclusive and dynamic community where young people are catalysts for positive change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Interlinks offers specialized psychological expertise in areas such as clinical psychopathology, child and adolescent psychology, clinical neuropsychology, and disability-related fields. With these skills, we can contribute to the network by offering a deep understanding of the psychosocial needs of vulnerable populations, strengthening the network's efforts to combat exclusion and discrimination. Furthermore, our experience in civil society work, especially in areas related to social inclusion and citizenship, allows us to share best practices and collaborate effectively with other network members. We also have plans for intercultural cooperation projects and future initiatives aimed at promoting a more inclusive society, fostering significant collaboration opportunities within our country's network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several important reasons. Firstly, our organization, Interlinks, places a high value on teamwork, which is a fundamental element in our organization's dynamics and strategy. We strongly believe in the power of collaboration, open-mindedness, and the inclusion of diverse perspectives to address complex social challenges. By joining the ALF network, we aim to expand our network of partners and discover new organizations that share our values in different regions. The ALF network provides a unique opportunity to connect with numerous organizations and foundations that have similar goals across the Euro-Mediterranean region. This diversity of partners and perspectives will enhance our skills, enable more effective collaboration, and allow us to work together to build more inclusive, empathetic, and open societies. Joining ALF would be a significant step in strengthening our commitment to dialogue, tolerance, and the promotion of common values within our network and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Aymen Ben Abbes
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Aymen Ben Abbes
Contact (2) Full Name
Noor Azaiez
Job Title (2)

Moroccan Fashion Cluster

National Network

89, Boulevard d'Anfa, Immeuble Ibn Zaydoun , N 30
20370 Casablanca

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Le Moroccan Denim and Fashion Cluster, établi en 2014 en réponse à un appel du ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce du Maroc, joue un rôle central en tant qu'association de soutien aux entreprises (BSO). Dirigé par trois collaboratrices dévouées, Meryem Jaadane Rachdi, directrice générale depuis la création, Leila Jaafari, directrice du Pôle Conseil, et Ayat Saaida Sabry, chargée de projets mode & Innovation, notre cluster se concentre sur le développement durable, la valorisation et le recyclage, l'innovation mode et l'accès au marché des produits créatifs. Nos actions incluent des formations, des événements, de la promotion et des études d’intérêt collectif. L'association compte environ 30 membres, dont des start-ups, créateurs de mode et entreprises textiles.

Mission and Objectives

Notre vision et nos objectifs s'articulent autour de la création d'un écosystème d'innovation dédié aux professionnels de l'industrie de la mode. Nous visons à renforcer leurs compétences, à accroître leur accès au marché, quelles que soient les tailles et catégories de produits, et à positionner Casablanca en tant que centre régional de la mode. Cette ambition s'étend aussi bien au marché de la mode rapide qu'à celui des créateurs de renom. Nous nous efforçons de stimuler la créativité, d'incuber des idées novatrices, de concrétiser des projets et de fournir un suivi constant et un soutien adapté pour maximiser les retombées positives de nos initiatives

Main Projects / Activities

"Ideas Worth Stitching : Un programme dédié aux startups et aux porteurs de projets dans le secteur de la mode, Ideas Worth Stitching se décline en quatre axes majeurs : la formation, le mentorat, un hackathon mode et la promotion. Cette initiative vise à offrir aux entrepreneurs de la mode les outils et les ressources nécessaires pour développer leurs idées innovantes et promouvoir le secteur. Programme GTEX MENATEX pour les créateurs de mode : Conçu spécialement pour les créateurs de mode et les marques "Made In Morocco", le programme GTEX MENATEX se focalise sur deux piliers fondamentaux : la formation technique et le mentorat individuel. Son objectif est d'accompagner les talents locaux dans le développement de compétences techniques et la croissance de leurs entreprises de mode, renforçant ainsi l'ecosyteme au Maroc."

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En tant qu'association d'aide aux entreprises dans le secteur de la mode, notre engagement en faveur de la diversité culturelle et du développement durable nous pousse à rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh dans notre pays. Nous croyons fermement que la mode, malgré les défis environnementaux qu'elle pose, pourrait jouer un rôle essentiel dans la sensibilisation aux enjeux du développement durable et du dialogue interculturel. Nous pourrions contribuer en intégrant des éléments de diversité culturelle dans nos activités, en collaborant avec des créateurs de différentes cultures, en soutenant des projets de mode interculturelle, et en mettant l'accent sur la durabilité. Nous pourrions participer aux initiatives de la Fondation, organiser des ateliers éducatifs, et utiliser nos plateformes en ligne pour sensibiliser. En unissant nos efforts, nous sommes convaincus que nous pourrions renforcer le dialogue interculturel et promouvoir des pratiques plus durables dans le secteur de la mode, contribuant ainsi à la mission de la Fondation Anna Lindh dans notre pays.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tout d'abord, nous partageons profondément les valeurs de la Fondation Anna Lindh, notamment la diversité culturelle, la compréhension mutuelle et la collaboration interculturelle. Ces valeurs correspondent parfaitement à notre engagement en faveur de la promotion de la diversité culturelle à travers la mode. En rejoignant votre réseau, nous espérons établir des partenariats fructueux et collaborer avec d'autres acteurs du secteur de la mode partageant nos objectifs. Cette opportunité de réseautage régional et international est précieuse pour notre association. "Notre engagement envers le développement durable est une priorité pour nous. Nous croyons fermement que l'industrie de la mode, reconnue comme l'un des secteurs les plus polluants au monde, peut jouer un rôle clé dans la sensibilisation aux enjeux du développement durable. À travers nos actions, nous avons déjà travaillé considérablement sur cette question, et nous aspirons à collaborer avec d'autres organisations pour créer des synergies et accroître davantage notre impact."

Contact (1) Full Name
Meryem Jaadane Rachdi
Job Title
Directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Meryem Jaadane Rachdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayat Saaida SABRY
Job Title (2)
Chargée de projets Mode et Innovation