Sfax outdoor sports

National Network

Manzel Chaker Avenue Km2
3042 Sfax

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

120 members
Resources: membership fee, activities for no members...
Sports activities

Mission and Objectives

Encourage people for doing sports, especially the outdoor sports ( speleology, camping, hiking...)

Main Projects / Activities

Outdoor sports: speleology, hiking , cycling, camping, runing

Contact (1) Full Name
Karama Rekik
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Karama Rekik

Estonian School of Diplomacy

National Network

Rävala 12
10143 Tallinn Estonia

+372 6311051
Telephone (other)
+372 53423008
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 53423008
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD) is a not-for-profit educational institution that provides high-quality training to talented people from Estonia and around the world in the fields of diplomatic practice, European integration, international relations, and public administration.

Mission and Objectives

Whether through our 8-month interdisciplinary post-graduate program on International Relations and Diplomacy, or through tailor-made training courses for diplomats from countries near and far, ESD helps our trainees to navigate the complexities of today’s world and to understand the ’big picture’. The Estonian School of Diplomacy is a registered non-profit organisation. In our daily work we operate according to the rules of adult training legislation. ESD’s broader objectives are to promote the development of theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of international relations, European integration, diplomacy, and public administration reform. ESD’s activities aimed at advancing these goals include: Scholarship programmes Advanced custom training courses and study visits for diplomats and civil servants outside Estonia Management and consulting on international training projects Academic and policy research and development Publishing

Main Projects / Activities

ESD is a member of the following organisations that focus on the study and teaching of international relations and related fields: The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) The European Information Network of International Relations and Area Studies (EINIRAS) The International Affairs Network (IAN) The International Forum of Diplomatic Training (IFDT) The International Studies Association (ISA) The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) ESD activities primarily focused on professional education for the MFA and its personnel. In 2005 ESD launched its first joint scholarship program, in cooperation with the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), to enroll students from the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. Soon after, the Estonian and Finnish ministries of foreign affairs provided support that enabled ESD to expand the program to include young diplomats and state officials from Moldova and Georgia. In 2011, the US Department of State supported the training of Belarusian civil society activists at ESD. Cooperation with other countries has been ongoing as well. Over the years ESD has carried out several training projects with the aim of highlighting and sharing best practices derived from Estonia’s experience in implementing reforms and integrating successfully with NATO and the EU. Based on this experience, specific topics covered in these projects have ranged from developing a career foreign service and how to design and carry out public administration reform on the one hand, to more general topics such as international cooperation, the art of negotiating, and state-building, among others. A number of custom short-term training projects have been launched for diplomats and civil servants from Central Asia (including Afghanistan), the Balkan countries, the Middle East, and North Africa. ESD has been actively following developments of the European Union Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), with special interest in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) initiative launched in 2009. That year, ESD began organising and holding multilateral seminars and conferences targeted to state officials from the 6 EaP countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. In the EaP region, ESD has worked closely with its counterpart institutions (diplomatic academies and training centers) in Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine to assist in institution-building and curriculum development Currently, ESD’s scholarship program accepts students from many countries around the world, from the EaP and Central Asian states to Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Current project with Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine " Trilateral Professional Capacity Building Project: UKRAIN’S EUROPEAN WAY" for the period of July 2023 – June 2025

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Vital
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ekke Nõmm

Creativity Lab for Empowerment and Innovation

National Network

Dar Al Salam - Al Basatine - Al Ma'adi
Palestinian Territories

+20 1110538359
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 1110538359
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Creativity Lab for Empowerment and Innovation is an Egyptian non-governmental organization dedicated to creating the next generation of innovators and changemakers through creativity and entrepreneurial learning. The lab was founded by Egyptian experts with extensive experience in the fields of creativity, social innovation, and entrepreneurship.
The goal of Creativity Lab is to empower young people and women to grow their innate creative abilities in order to identify and anticipate the diverse needs of society. Moreover, it empowers them to think entrepreneurially in whichever area they choose to pursue.
We are certified by global platforms that work to achieve and promote the Sustainable Development Goals.
Creativity Lab is committed to innovation with a purpose. It is our goal to develop knowledge not for its own sake but for practical application.

The creativity lab has more than 25 members on its team. The organization also has more than 100 volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, nationalities, religions, and industries. The Creativity Lab team is very diverse and inclusive. As part of this diversity reference, there are different dimensions such as age, task skills, political preferences, and gender equality. Members of the team range from 18 to 55 years. Women make up +45% of the Lab's team when gender is disaggregated. Among the members of this team are both individuals who hold high educational certificates and practitioners. There are four members of the team who are physically disabled. There are team members from all regions of Egypt.

Mission and Objectives

The Creativity Lab's mission and vision align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations (UN): Leave No-One Behind, as articulated in its vision: “We are committed to empowering the next generation to address society’s needs,” and mission statement: “We provide innovative youth programs as well as corporate training and consulting services to foster creativity, social innovation, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement”. Moreover, the Lab connects, inspires, trains, and mentors young change agents and innovators to become global problem solvers guided by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In addition, the strategy envisions the Lab taking on new programmatic roles as a catalyst, enabler, and facilitator to maximize impact and create social value.

Main Projects / Activities

The below summary gives a broad overview of the activities implemented during the last three years.

Young Social Entrepreneur: A young social entrepreneur program has been developed by the Creativity Lab with funding from local donors to "promote social innovation education in Egyptian schools." As a result of this project, Palestinian young people can use their creativity to address social issues and build a more caring, egalitarian, and fair society. We achieve this by providing a customized program to empower and support young people to realize their potential as social innovators. This program provides the skills and confidence they need to address the social issues facing them, their communities, and society as a whole. Students in different Egyptian districts were targeted for the 12-month initiative. The students worked in groups to explore and develop creative solutions to social problems that concern them. It also targets teachers who assist the participants in developing new practices that meet the needs of their communities. As a result, it is important to conclude that the project has contributed significantly to improving the students' psychosocial well-being and increasing their resilience during COVID-19. Sub-objectives of the project include:
SO1: Empower and support school students to become social innovators and entrepreneurs, providing them with the skills and confidence to tackle social issues facing them, their communities, and society in general.
SO2: Guide Egyptian teachers in developing new practices that respond to the most complex needs and problems of society
SO3: Enhance the quality of the Egyptian educational system, taking into consideration the main pillars of social innovation education.

SDGs Market Place The SDGs Market Place is a series of workshops for Egyptian and Arab youth and entrepreneurs. Workshops are designed to: Introduce the Sustainable Development Goals and Design Thinking. Provide participants with an opportunity to explore community needs and connect them with the Sustainable Development Goals. Provide participants with an opportunity to design solutions and build prototypes. The marketplace allows participants to pitch their ideas. 5 marketplaces were conducted in 2021. 150 youths were involved (80 young women and 70 young men). Creativity in Hard Times A creative person is no different from a non-creative person; there is only a difference between those who use creativity and those who do not. Every individual is born with creativity, but too many individuals and companies prevent it from flourishing. It is impossible to develop an innovative organization that can deliver improved services and products while maintaining sustainable competitive advantages without creativity. There is a new era of disruptive innovation sweeping the globe that promises to transform every workplace and sector of society. Creativity is the new literacy, and adaptation is the emerging norm. Learn how creativity can be strategically used by entrepreneurs to solve problems and to increase motivation, job satisfaction, and engagement. Learn how creativity can be harnessed at the organizational level and, with the right processes in place, serve as an engine of innovation.

The Creativity in Hard Times is a series of workshops for Palestinian youth and entrepreneurs. The workshops aim to define innovation and creativity and identify the 4 components of creativity. Supporting the Egyptian youth and entrepreneurs to recognize their creativity, and build their creative environment. Explaining the importance of creativity and innovation in organizations Recognizing elements that foster an innovative and creative work environment Use individual and group techniques to help generate creative ideas Implement creative ideas.

Focus: The Focus program, provides technical assistance to Palestinian and Arab entrepreneurs and assists them in obtaining financing and investment. The Lab works with 20 entrepreneurs (10/Egypt, 8/Palestine, 1/Jordan and 1/Lebanon).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creativity Lab is one of the few Egyptian organizations specializing in social innovation. It is our belief that joining Anna Lindeh Network (Egypt) will allow us to utilize our techniques in order to establish a physical space and/or process where collaboration between different actors can be supported in order to develop new projects, processes, models, products, regulations, etc. The use of Human Centered Design and Design Thinking will enable us to work with the Egyptian network partners on developing solutions to the most complex problems we face and supporting the Egyptian network's efforts in raising awareness about the importance of intercultural communication through public awareness campaigns.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation runs the largest network of civil society organizations involved in intercultural dialogue promotion across the Euro-Mediterranean region. The foundation empowers youth voices by providing platforms for young people to build more open, inclusive, and resilient communities. As a result of the network, other civil societies can be inspired and we can multiply our impact in this way. We believe that these purposes and values are in line with our vision and mission. The wide range of partners also provides a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience and establish future collaborations.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohammad Issa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Hasan Mohammad Issa
Contact (2) Full Name
Eng. Mohammad Abdel Hay
Job Title (2)
Senior Advisor

Goethe-Institut Barcelona and Madrid

National Network

c/ Roger de Flor 224
08025 Barcelona Barcelona

+34 93 2926006
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

As the globally active cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Goethe-Institut advocates for understanding between Germany, Europe and the world. The framework agreement with the German Federal Foreign Office is the foundation for this work. Worldwide, the Goethe-Institut provides information about the cultural and societal diversity of Germany and Europe. 158 Goethe-Institutes in 98 countries together with numerous partner institutions form the basis of its global network. It generates around a third of its revenue itself through income from language courses and examinations. It also receives support from the European Union (EU), further German federal ministries as well as foundations and companies.
In Spain, the Goethe-Institut has two representations in Barcelona and Madrid with a total of around 90 employees. Both Goethe-Instituts in Spain have a broad network of local and international partners in the fields of culture and education. They are also members of the European National Institutes for Culture Clusters in Spain (EUNIC).

Mission and Objectives

We believe in the potential of international cultural exchange. Our cultural events take place in partnership with governmental and non-governmental institutions and initiatives from civil society in our guest countries. We qualify, advise and interlink cultural professionals and support the development of sustainable structures in the cultural and creative economy by advanced training measures for cultural entrepreneurs or the internationalization of creative companies. We offer stakeholders from civil society a protected space and scope for a sincere exchange of views.
Via our digital information and educational programs we offer a space to learn, meet up and participate. We use innovative technologies, seize the opportunities of digitalization and, at the same time, reflect on their implications for people and society. Through diverse formats such as information trips for multipliers, specialist exchange between experts, youth exchange programs and international festivals we enable communication on a worldwide basis.

Main Projects / Activities

The Goethe-Instituts in Spain have a special focus on cultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region and plan projects with cultural professionals, multipliers from education and culture and young target groups. As lead partner of an international consortium, the Goethe-Institut has proposed a 30 month-project called “The Oceans speak” for the EU programme "Horizon Europe: Ocean & Water and Arts". In collaboration with the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona and partner organisations in Tunisia, the Goethe-Institut Barcelona will coordinate the Western Mediterranean hub of the project and bring together and dynamize stakeholders from science, art, culture and civil society on the topic of "The beach as a membrane between the city and the sea". The Goethe-Institut Madrid has put a focus on working with young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods, integrating artistic perspectives from different cultural backgrounds. In 2023, we have invited artists from the Arab world to exchange with local communities about the representation of the other in Spanish cultural institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With their project work on the Mediterranean cultural area, the Goethe-Instituts in Spain primarily support dialogue in the western Mediterranean region and exchange between north and south. The connection to Germany, to experts in various fields and committees is an added value that the Goethe-Institut Spain is pleased to bring to the joint project work with the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Goethe-Instituts in Spain would like to become part of the ALF in order to develop Mediterranean projects in the cultural and educational sector together with potential partners from the network. The Goethe-Institut Barcelona in particular is developing a Mediterranean profile that will characterise the work of the Goethe-Institut in Barcelona in the future. The Goethe-Institut Madrid would like to further deepen its ties to cultural operators and artists as well as educational institutions in the Mediterranean reagion in order to connect local communities to their counterparts. In this context, the ALF (and IEMed) is one of the most important partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ronald Gätz
Job Title
Director Goethe-Institut Barcelona
Head of the organisation
Ronald Grätz (Barcelona) and Antonia Blau (Madrid)
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonia Blau
Job Title (2)
Director Goethe-Institut Madrid

Bijna Management

National Network

Douglashout 68
5621DE Eindhoven

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Bijna Management is a consultancy based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, specialising in facilitating partnerships between non-profit organizations in Europe and the MENA region for cross-cultural collaboration and sustainable impact. Our budgetary resources are fluid and depend on the partnerships we facilitate.. Our funding primarily comes from service fees, partnerships, and grants. We operate through a variety of modalities, including project coordination, exchange programs, and customized solutions for our clients.

Mission and Objectives

Bijna Management's mission is to foster cross-cultural collaboration and sustainable impact by connecting non-profit organizations with partners and resources that align with their missions and objectives. Our main objectives are to bridge the gap between organizations in Europe and the MENA region, enabling them to work together to address pressing global issues, such as education, youth empowerment, and climate challenges. We aim to facilitate meaningful partnerships, customized solutions, and knowledge sharing, creating a network that empowers organizations to achieve their goals and maximize their impact. Bijna Management seeks to create an interconnected, empowered world where organizations can drive positive change and reach their full potential.

Main Projects / Activities

Our commitment to bridging gaps and promoting cross-cultural understanding is at the heart of all our endeavors. We actively work on designing initiatives and partnerships that will serve as catalysts for positive change and collaboration. Our projects bring together individuals, organizations, and communities from Europe and the Middle East, fostering a sense of unity and shared goals. We aspire to create opportunities for impactful dialogue, social innovation, and problem-solving that transcends geographical boundaries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By leveraging our expertise in cross-cultural collaboration and fostering partnerships, particularly in the context of the Euromed region. We have a deep understanding of the MENA region and its development dynamics, having facilitated collaborations in areas such as education, youth empowerment, and sustainability. We can bring this knowledge to the Network to help establish and strengthen connections between Dutch and MENA-based development practitioners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Bijna Management aims to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network to actively contribute to and benefit from the diverse collaborative opportunities and resources it offers. Our core mission is to facilitate partnerships that drive positive change, particularly in the Euromed region. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, we can broaden our horizons and work towards fostering intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Baraka
Job Title
Founder and Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Nada Baraka

Leading Hands Organization

National Network

شارع المصارف بناية سيتي سنتر طابق الخامس
طرابلس 1300

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

هي منظمة غير حكومية ناشئة تأسست في طرابلس، شمال لبنان. منذ نشأتها، انطلقنا في فكرتنا الفريدة والرائدة بسبب المعاناة والظروف الصعبة والأزمات التي تواجهها مجتمعاتنا. لقد سعينا جاهدين إلى تعزيز دورنا الفاعل ومساهمتنا في مساعدة المجتمعات والأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض على التغلب على الفقر والبطالة. ومن خلال تمكين ودعم النساء في المشاريع الإنسانية الحيوية، نهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم وتوفير الفرص الاقتصادية المناسبة لهم، وتمكينهم من الاعتماد على أنفسهم، ومساعدتهم في بناء دورهم الفعال في المجتمع.
إثر الظروف الصعبة والمعاناة التي يعيشها الشعب اللبناني، تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة على يد مجموعة من الفتيات اللبنانين عام 2019، وتم تسجيلها رسمياً عام 2020 تحت رقم 1153. ومن خلال الجهود والمبادرات الإنسانية، عملنا بلا كلل على تخفيف المعاناة من خلال تقديم المساعدات الفعالة والمباشرة، وتحسين حياة الفئات المهمشة، وتنفيذ المشاريع الإنسانية والتنموية للنساء ، لتمكينهم وتعزيز دورهم الفاعل في المجتمع.
في منظمة الأيدي الرائدة، لدينا حاليًا ما مجموعه 16 نساء متفانيات وموهوبات المساهمة بمهاراتهم وخبراتهم في مهمتنا. بالإضافة إلى هؤلاء النساء الرائعات، هناك 2 رجال يتمتعون بنفس القدر من الكفاءة والالتزام، ويشكلون معًا جزءًا لا يتجزأ من فريقنا ، - علاوة على ذلك، نحن فخورون بالاعتراف بالمساهمات القيمة التي قدمها 33 شخصًا المتطوعات اللاتي يقدمن وقتهن وطاقتهن بسخاء لدعم مبادراتنا. هُم يلعب التفاني والعاطفة دورًا حاسمًا في نجاح مشاريعنا. أحد الجوانب البارزة في ثقافة منظمتنا هو أن جميع النساء العاملات في Leading Hands كذلك تشارك بنشاط في عملية صنع القرار.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف ومجالات العمل الرئيسية نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعم وتمكين النساء ، وتعزيز قدراتهم النمو والقدرات، من خلال توفير برامج شاملة، وموارد الدعم المتنوعة، والتدريب والتوجيه. مهمتنا هي مساعدتهم في تحقيق الاستقلال الاقتصادي والمهني النجاح، والمهارات القيادية التي تمكنهم من إحداث تغييرات إيجابية في مجتمعاتهم. الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء "الأيادي الرائدة " هو السعي للحد من البطالة بين النساء ومعدلات الفقر مع تعزيز مهاراتهم في التوظيف. وسيتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع تساهم في تعزيز التعاون والمساواة والعدالة في المجتمعات في مختلف المجالات، بما في ذلك التعليم والعمل الخيري والتنمية الاقتصادية، وغيرها من المبادرات الاجتماعية.
Women empowerment , women development , livelihoods

Main Projects / Activities

ملخص الأنشطة
مشروع " إختلاف وليس خلاف " 2023: نظمت المنظمة مشروع تحت عنوان " إختلاف وليس خلاف " يركز على الحوار بين أتباع الأديان والثقافات، والتأكيد على أهمية المرأة ومساهمتها الفعالة في تحقيق السلام. الحفاظ على مجتمعنا وتحقيق التعايش
والقبول والانسجام في وجهات النظر والحقائق والهويات. وفي تفسير آخر، تضمنت الورشة التدريبية ضمن مشروع «اختلاف لا خلاف» التمثيل المسرحي من خلال التدريب على التمثيل ولعب الأدوار. دورة "فيد لتستفيد " 2022: نظمت منظمة leading Hands بالتعاون مع alert international بتمويل من الممول للبرنامج الأوروبي للتنمية والحماية الإقليمية (RDPP)، هي مبادرة أوروبية مشتركة تدعمها جمهورية التشيك والدنمارك والاتحاد الأوروبي. دورة تدريبية ضمت 25 مشاركة غطت الدورة العمل التطوعي، وأهمية المنظمات الدولية في تعزيز التماسك في المجتمعات المهمشة، وأهمية تقييم وتلبية الاحتياجات المحلية لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع على الصمود. وكان الهدف هو تزويد المشاركين بالمهارات الحياتية والاجتماعية الأساسية لإدارة الوقت والإنتاجية والعمل الجماعي الفعال. مخيم بحنين - للإغاثة من الحرائق 2020: بالتعاون مع بلدية بحنين
بتاريخ 30 كانون الأول 2020، وبالتعاون مع جمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، قامت المنظمة بمساعدة المهاجرين السوريين، المتضررين من حادث حريق في بلدة المنية. وشمل الدعم المقدم الملابس والمواد الغذائية. "حملة "معاً للخير"، امتد هذا المشروع على ست جولات من عام 2020 إلى عام 2022، حيث تم توزيع الملابس والحلويات على العائلات المحتاجة، وتنظيم ألعاب للأطفال، وعروض الطبول والرقص، واستضافة العديد من الأنشطة الجذابة الأخرى، وهي من أبرز فعالياتنا. ونظرًا للنجاح الملحوظ الذي حققه البرنامج، فقد أجرينا بالفعل ست حملات معا للخير (أي "معًا من أجل الصالح العام"). تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع فريق عمل الجامعة اللبنانية، وبلدية طرابلس، وجمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، وشركاء اخرين ، إفتتاح معهد كومبيوتر بالتعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، مهرجانات بل تعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، عرس جماعي تزويج ١٤ شخص وغيره من المشاريع

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال المساهمة في تعزيز الحوار والتبادل و التعاون بين اعضاء الشبكة و إقتراح الافكار و المشاريع و لتنظيم مبادرات تعمل على تعاون و تضامن و تحقيق الاهداف الانسانية إتباعاً لي اهداف الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

إريد الانضمام إلى الاهداف الرائعة الذي تقمون بهم . إريد الانضمام لان هذه الشلكة معروفة عالمياً بل اهداف التي تنشئها ، لقد اثار اهتمامتنا لتطوير منظمتنا و اكتساب الخبرات. و لبناء مجتمع افضل و منتج و متعاون ، إيماننا بالعمل الجماعي و الخدمة المجتمعية ، رغبتنا المستمرة في التطور و التواجد يشبكة تتطور العاملين معهم ، في الحقيقة نؤمن بشدة باتباع نهج تعاوني من اجل تحقيق هدف مشترك ،
لذالك تقدمنا بطلب تقديم العضوية

Contact (1) Full Name
بلال النمل
Job Title
مؤسس و رئيس
Head of the organisation
بلال النمل
Contact (2) Full Name
هفاف خباز
Job Title (2)
نائبة رئيس

Leading Hands Organization

National Network

شارع المصارف بناية سيتي سنتر طابق الخامس
طرابلس 1300

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

هي منظمة غير حكومية ناشئة تأسست في طرابلس، شمال لبنان. منذ نشأتها، انطلقنا في فكرتنا الفريدة والرائدة بسبب المعاناة والظروف الصعبة والأزمات التي تواجهها مجتمعاتنا. لقد سعينا جاهدين إلى تعزيز دورنا الفاعل ومساهمتنا في مساعدة المجتمعات والأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض على التغلب على الفقر والبطالة. ومن خلال تمكين ودعم النساء في المشاريع الإنسانية الحيوية، نهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم وتوفير الفرص الاقتصادية المناسبة لهم، وتمكينهم من الاعتماد على أنفسهم، ومساعدتهم في بناء دورهم الفعال في المجتمع.
إثر الظروف الصعبة والمعاناة التي يعيشها الشعب اللبناني، تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة على يد مجموعة من الفتيات اللبنانين عام 2019، وتم تسجيلها رسمياً عام 2020 تحت رقم 1153. ومن خلال الجهود والمبادرات الإنسانية، عملنا بلا كلل على تخفيف المعاناة من خلال تقديم المساعدات الفعالة والمباشرة، وتحسين حياة الفئات المهمشة، وتنفيذ المشاريع الإنسانية والتنموية للنساء ، لتمكينهم وتعزيز دورهم الفاعل في المجتمع.
في منظمة الأيدي الرائدة، لدينا حاليًا ما مجموعه 16 نساء متفانيات وموهوبات المساهمة بمهاراتهم وخبراتهم في مهمتنا. بالإضافة إلى هؤلاء النساء الرائعات، هناك 2 رجال يتمتعون بنفس القدر من الكفاءة والالتزام، ويشكلون معًا جزءًا لا يتجزأ من فريقنا ، - علاوة على ذلك، نحن فخورون بالاعتراف بالمساهمات القيمة التي قدمها 33 شخصًا المتطوعات اللاتي يقدمن وقتهن وطاقتهن بسخاء لدعم مبادراتنا. هُم يلعب التفاني والعاطفة دورًا حاسمًا في نجاح مشاريعنا. أحد الجوانب البارزة في ثقافة منظمتنا هو أن جميع النساء العاملات في Leading Hands كذلك تشارك بنشاط في عملية صنع القرار.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف ومجالات العمل الرئيسية نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعم وتمكين النساء ، وتعزيز قدراتهم النمو والقدرات، من خلال توفير برامج شاملة، وموارد الدعم المتنوعة، والتدريب والتوجيه. مهمتنا هي مساعدتهم في تحقيق الاستقلال الاقتصادي والمهني النجاح، والمهارات القيادية التي تمكنهم من إحداث تغييرات إيجابية في مجتمعاتهم. الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء "الأيادي الرائدة " هو السعي للحد من البطالة بين النساء ومعدلات الفقر مع تعزيز مهاراتهم في التوظيف. وسيتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع تساهم في تعزيز التعاون والمساواة والعدالة في المجتمعات في مختلف المجالات، بما في ذلك التعليم والعمل الخيري والتنمية الاقتصادية، وغيرها من المبادرات الاجتماعية.
Women empowerment , women development , livelihoods

Main Projects / Activities

ملخص الأنشطة
مشروع " إختلاف وليس خلاف " 2023: نظمت المنظمة مشروع تحت عنوان " إختلاف وليس خلاف " يركز على الحوار بين أتباع الأديان والثقافات، والتأكيد على أهمية المرأة ومساهمتها الفعالة في تحقيق السلام. الحفاظ على مجتمعنا وتحقيق التعايش
والقبول والانسجام في وجهات النظر والحقائق والهويات. وفي تفسير آخر، تضمنت الورشة التدريبية ضمن مشروع «اختلاف لا خلاف» التمثيل المسرحي من خلال التدريب على التمثيل ولعب الأدوار. دورة "فيد لتستفيد " 2022: نظمت منظمة leading Hands بالتعاون مع alert international بتمويل من الممول للبرنامج الأوروبي للتنمية والحماية الإقليمية (RDPP)، هي مبادرة أوروبية مشتركة تدعمها جمهورية التشيك والدنمارك والاتحاد الأوروبي. دورة تدريبية ضمت 25 مشاركة غطت الدورة العمل التطوعي، وأهمية المنظمات الدولية في تعزيز التماسك في المجتمعات المهمشة، وأهمية تقييم وتلبية الاحتياجات المحلية لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع على الصمود. وكان الهدف هو تزويد المشاركين بالمهارات الحياتية والاجتماعية الأساسية لإدارة الوقت والإنتاجية والعمل الجماعي الفعال. مخيم بحنين - للإغاثة من الحرائق 2020: بالتعاون مع بلدية بحنين
بتاريخ 30 كانون الأول 2020، وبالتعاون مع جمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، قامت المنظمة بمساعدة المهاجرين السوريين، المتضررين من حادث حريق في بلدة المنية. وشمل الدعم المقدم الملابس والمواد الغذائية. "حملة "معاً للخير"، امتد هذا المشروع على ست جولات من عام 2020 إلى عام 2022، حيث تم توزيع الملابس والحلويات على العائلات المحتاجة، وتنظيم ألعاب للأطفال، وعروض الطبول والرقص، واستضافة العديد من الأنشطة الجذابة الأخرى، وهي من أبرز فعالياتنا. ونظرًا للنجاح الملحوظ الذي حققه البرنامج، فقد أجرينا بالفعل ست حملات معا للخير (أي "معًا من أجل الصالح العام"). تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع فريق عمل الجامعة اللبنانية، وبلدية طرابلس، وجمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، وشركاء اخرين ، إفتتاح معهد كومبيوتر بالتعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، مهرجانات بل تعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، عرس جماعي تزويج ١٤ شخص وغيره من المشاريع

Contact (1) Full Name
بلال النمل
Job Title
مؤسس و رئيس
Head of the organisation
بلال النمل
Contact (2) Full Name
هفاف خباز
Job Title (2)
نائبة رئيس

Global Society Institute / Organization for Science Education and Global Society

National Network

Floating House
Punta Camorro, Sendero de La caleta Parque Natural
11380 Tarifa Cádiz

+49 40 809081 380
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Global Society Institute is an academic institution with the aim of promoting a global society for sustainable development.

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
- Volunteer based interorganizational non-profit entity, with around 20 membersw and 8 partner organisations and around 7

Budgetary resources available in a year
- 100-500k

Sources of funding
- Donations and Grants

Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
- SDG projects in the natural and social sciences, scholarships, seminars

Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
- Universities of Malaga, Berlin, Stuttgart; Fraunhofer; Organization for Sciences, Education and Global Society; SDW Association Germany; United Nations

Mission and Objectives

The institute brings together people and institutions who want to actively shape the future of civil society, who initiate projects in the spirit of the United Nations Global Goals, and who conduct research and education on current global society issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects are initiated in the fields of research, education, economy and culture. They contribute to one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and make a recognisable contribution to shaping a sustainable and progressive global society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GSI can contribute to the ALF network in Spain through various competencies:

Existing network of academic and social actors in multiple countries all working in line with the SDGs in a spirit of intercultural communication. This richness of experience and capability allows GSI to lead and implement international projects in all of the key action areas of ALF.

As a foundation headquartered in Germany, we have chosen our second site in Tarifa Spain with great intention. Our physical location where two continents and two oceans meet symbolizes our objective to bring together people, with all their knowledge, capabilities, and intercultural diversity. We want to collaborate and learn from other entities with similar objectives, and network with like-minded associations in the South med area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our entity has the capacity to support and empower other smaller local actors working in the area in the field of intercultural dialogue. We aim to use our resources to encourage smaller actors to participate at the local level, on both shores of the Mediterrean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Serrano Catalá
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Christoph Geisler
Contact (2) Full Name
Rea Fraser
Job Title (2)

borderline-europe Human Rights without Borders e.V.

National Network

Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin

+49 30 23880311
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+49 176 42027655
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Borderline-Europe is a non-profit organization with offices in Berlin and Palermo. In Berlin 3 employees working with the support of 2-3 interns and 20 and 25 volunteers. We are closely connected with other Human Rights Organisations focussing on asylum and migration. We are funded by private donations, applications to Foundations, and to the Europe for Citizens Program. Workshops and panel discussions are often supported by the Heinrich-Böll- respective by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation or the Evangelic Church. Our networking activities towards Northafrica are supported by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. Other public activities are organized in cooperation with different networks and CSO`s, or self-organized refugees. On average our yearly budget is around 150.000.- Euro. But a high percentage of our work is only possible through the activities and the engagement of our volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

Some of us work full-time while others volunteer. We all have different experiences and expertise and combine these in our work. borderline-europe thrives on the initiative, exchange, and participation of everyone. Our mission and objectives are diverse ○ We research and produce comprehensive and reliable documentation on the events in the border regions. ○ We work in transnational networks, bring different actors together, and support civil society and activist collaborations. ○ We engage in direct humanitarian interventions. ○ We organize and support protests, events, and actions in local and transnational contexts. ○ We provide information online on our website and social media about current developments in the EU migration policy. ○ Our goal here is to present the increasingly complex migration policy and its effects to a broad public. We want to create an active, political, and critical awareness that can counteract the racist structures and the deadly consequences of isolation policy. We are sending a signal of solidarity against the indifference of politics and society because humane solutions can only be found if we have the courage to face reality.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The "Nomade House project" is an international cultural project initiated and supported by the Company Nouveaux Disparus. It is a project carried out under the Europe Creative program in partnership with organizations from six other countries (Belgium, France, Tunisia, Greece, Italy and Germany). The "Nomade House project" is a process of creation and artistic dissemination as well as scientific research on the topic of migration. The project consists of multidisciplinary creative workshops, a theatre performance, and various cultural activities such as a traveling exhibition and conference debates. The aim of the project is to give space and attention to people from both shores of the Mediterranean on the run and activist groups and their demands by disseminating these life stories through this traveling cultural center and enabling a change in consciousness. 2. Criminalization of migration and solidarity, We work transnationally with those affected (e.g. #Paros3 , #Samos2 , Iuventa Crew ) and support them or their family members in networking with relevant actors such as finding lawyers, litigation, fundraising for legal aid costs and through public relations work. Our work focuses on supporting people from third countries, often refugees, who usually have no or very limited financial resources and support structures in Europe and receive little public attention. This is done in close cooperation with local NGOs such as Porco Rosso in Sicily, the Human Rights Legal Project (Samos), Legal Center Lesvos, and Aegean Migrant Solidarity (formerly CPT - Lesvos) in Greece. 3. Central Mediterranean info 2.0: Since January 2021, we have been sharing parts of our collected data from the Central Mediterranean (Central Med) with the public at the end of the month. These contain all the information we have access to on arrivals, rescues and push- and pullbacks in Central Med. In this way, we contrast the figures from the Italian Ministry of the Interior and the UN with a civilian observation. We collect and process all the information that is available to us via various channels and networks in multiple statistics and tables. In addition to arrival and departure locations, nationalities, ages, and gender, we record any characteristics that may enable individual people or groups to be traced. 4. Externalisation of the borders Within the framework of our research and our work on the outside borders of the EU we are focussing since around 5 years on the externalisation of the borders towards North African countries. Since than we have hosted interns from countries like Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia in cooperation with the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA). We are interested to get into contact with Human Rights Organisations from these countries to create networks and also to get to know their perspective and view on Europe and it´s migration policy. As one of the results of this networking activities we are running a project in cooperation with the African Center for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) from Sudan to create a database against enforced disappearances. This is a practical result for our intercultural interaction throughout the Mediterranean to confront the eurocentric perspective with the view from the south and to foster greater inclusivity and diversity within the borderline-europe team.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Borderline-Europe can make a valuable contribution to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Germany as we have strong roots and connections to the nonprofit sector here, in particular human rights defenders and experts. By fostering a diverse and inclusive environment to promote freedom of movement and human rights in Germany, we ensure active participation in shaping positive change and decision-making processes. We do this by creating a safe space for intercultural dialogue and sharing perspectives and by aligning our missions and activities with the foundation's goals. Furthermore, we intend to invest in joint activities and campaigns to show how powerful unity is through our presence in the Network and of course set an example for the rest of the German civil society. ALF Network, along with borderline-europe can leverage our resources and expertise to have an insightful exchange as we have experience with EU migration policies, legal defense for people on the move, artistic expression, and culture. Together, this unifying mechanism will allow the network to synchronize, and achieve goals while amplifying the positive impact in our country and have a fruitful outcome, both internally and externally, in terms of learning, skill-sharing, advocacy, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networks often provide access to resources, including funding opportunities, research, and expertise. As borderline-europe, we always seek to establish new partnerships and work collaboratively with different organizations. We believe that joining the ALF Network will allow us to network with a broader range of stakeholders, including cultural, social, and political entities, to advocate for and promote human rights issues. These networks provide a platform to collectively push for policy changes and address systemic challenges. Being part of a larger network will also increase the visibility and reach of human rights initiatives, it allows organizations to amplify their messages and influences, raising awareness about human rights violations and mobilizing more support. Cultural dialogue networks foster understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and backgrounds. By joining the ALF network we believe we can promote intercultural dialogue and bridge gaps between different communities, contributing to a more inclusive and tolerant society. Mutual learning is also a very important layer as inclusive networks encourage the exchange of knowledge and experiences among members. Mutual learning between organizations can increase and enhance the effectiveness and impact of each.

Contact (1) Full Name
Harald Glöde
Job Title
member of the board
Head of the organisation
Andrea Stäritz, Sara Bellezza, Harald Glöde
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Stäritz
Job Title (2)
member of the board

Leading Hands

National Network

North Governorate, Tripoli District, Tripoli, Banks Street, Mini City Center, 5th Floor.
Property No: 218, division No: 23 from Tall District in Tripoli.
tripoli 1300

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

هي منظمة غير حكومية ناشئة تأسست في طرابلس، شمال لبنان. منذ نشأتها، انطلقنا في فكرتنا الفريدة والرائدة بسبب المعاناة والظروف الصعبة والأزمات التي تواجهها مجتمعاتنا. لقد سعينا جاهدين إلى تعزيز دورنا الفاعل ومساهمتنا في مساعدة المجتمعات والأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض على التغلب على الفقر والبطالة. ومن خلال تمكين ودعم النساء في المشاريع الإنسانية الحيوية، نهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم وتوفير الفرص الاقتصادية المناسبة لهم، وتمكينهم من الاعتماد على أنفسهم، ومساعدتهم في بناء دورهم الفعال في المجتمع.

إثر الظروف الصعبة والمعاناة التي يعيشها الشعب اللبناني، تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة على يد مجموعة من الفتيات اللبنانين عام 2019، وتم تسجيلها رسمياً عام 2020 تحت رقم 1153. ومن خلال الجهود والمبادرات الإنسانية، عملنا بلا كلل على تخفيف المعاناة من خلال تقديم المساعدات الفعالة والمباشرة، وتحسين حياة الفئات المهمشة، وتنفيذ المشاريع الإنسانية والتنموية للنساء ، لتمكينهم وتعزيز دورهم الفاعل في المجتمع.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف ومجالات العمل الرئيسية نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعم وتمكين النساء ، وتعزيز قدراتهم النمو والقدرات، من خلال توفير برامج شاملة، وموارد الدعم المتنوعة، والتدريب والتوجيه. مهمتنا هي مساعدتهم في تحقيق الاستقلال الاقتصادي والمهني النجاح، والمهارات القيادية التي تمكنهم من إحداث تغييرات إيجابية في مجتمعاتهم. الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء "الأيادي الرائدة " هو السعي للحد من البطالة بين النساء ومعدلات الفقر مع تعزيز مهاراتهم في التوظيف. وسيتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع تساهم في تعزيز التعاون والمساواة والعدالة في المجتمعات في مختلف المجالات، بما في ذلك التعليم والعمل الخيري والتنمية الاقتصادية، وغيرها من المبادرات الاجتماعية.(Women development, women empowerment and livelihoods)

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع " إختلاف وليس خلاف " 2023: نظمت المنظمة مشروع تحت عنوان " إختلاف وليس خلاف " يركز على الحوار بين أتباع الأديان والثقافات، والتأكيد على أهمية المرأة ومساهمتها الفعالة في تحقيق السلام. الحفاظ على مجتمعنا وتحقيق التعايش
والقبول والانسجام في وجهات النظر والحقائق والهويات. وفي تفسير آخر، تضمنت الورشة التدريبية ضمن مشروع «اختلاف لا خلاف» التمثيل المسرحي من خلال التدريب على التمثيل ولعب الأدوار. دورة "فيد لتستفيد " 2022: نظمت منظمة leading Hands بالتعاون مع alert international بتمويل من الممول للبرنامج الأوروبي للتنمية والحماية الإقليمية (RDPP)، هي مبادرة أوروبية مشتركة تدعمها جمهورية التشيك والدنمارك والاتحاد الأوروبي. دورة تدريبية ضمت 25 مشاركة غطت الدورة العمل التطوعي، وأهمية المنظمات الدولية في تعزيز التماسك في المجتمعات المهمشة، وأهمية تقييم وتلبية الاحتياجات المحلية لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع على الصمود. وكان الهدف هو تزويد المشاركين بالمهارات الحياتية والاجتماعية الأساسية لإدارة الوقت والإنتاجية والعمل الجماعي الفعال. مخيم بحنين - للإغاثة من الحرائق 2020: بالتعاون مع بلدية بحنين
بتاريخ 30 كانون الأول 2020، وبالتعاون مع جمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، قامت المنظمة بمساعدة المهاجرين السوريين، المتضررين من حادث حريق في بلدة المنية. وشمل الدعم المقدم الملابس والمواد الغذائية. "حملة "معاً للخير"، امتد هذا المشروع على ست جولات من عام 2020 إلى عام 2022، حيث تم توزيع الملابس والحلويات على العائلات المحتاجة، وتنظيم ألعاب للأطفال، وعروض الطبول والرقص، واستضافة العديد من الأنشطة الجذابة الأخرى، وهي من أبرز فعالياتنا. ونظرًا للنجاح الملحوظ الذي حققه البرنامج، فقد أجرينا بالفعل ست حملات معا للخير (أي "معًا من أجل الصالح العام"). تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع فريق عمل الجامعة اللبنانية، وبلدية طرابلس، وجمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، وشركاء آخرين.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
bilal el namel
Job Title
Founder of the organization
Head of the organisation
leading hands
Contact (2) Full Name
Hafaf Al Khabbaz
Job Title (2)
Leader of the organization