Association Forum des Etudiants Entrepreneurs de Bejaia

National Network

route national n 09 vers tichy, bejaia, algerie
Université de Bejaia
06000 Bejaia

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Le Forum est une organisation estudiantine fondée par des étudiants de l'université de Bejaia, dans le but de promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat, la jeunesse, la culture et de relever les nouveaux défis auxquels sont confrontés les étudiantes et les nouveaux diplômés, contribuant ainsi au développement de l'Algérie.
La structure est régis par un statut conformément à la législation en vigueurs en Algérie, il est composé d'un bureau exécutive et de membres, la majorité des membres du forum sont des étudiants mais aussi des diplômé issu de l'université de Bejaia.
Les ressources budgétaires et ses sources de financements sont issu des subventions des collectivités local, dons de particulier ou entreprise, infrastructure de l'Université.

Projets concrets : L'organisation initie et soutient des projets visant à promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat, l'insertion professionnelle et la culture par le biais de programmes spécifiques.

Échanges : Le Forum encourage les échanges d'expériences et de connaissances entre étudiants, jeunes entrepreneurs et professionnels, favorisant ainsi l'interculturalité.

Séminaires : L'organisation organise des séminaires et des conférences pour sensibiliser, former et informer les participants sur les enjeux liés à l'entrepreneuriat, à l'insertion professionnelle et à d'autres sujets pertinents.

Les principaux partenaires impliqués dans les projets et activités de l'organisation peuvent inclure l'Université de Bejaia , des entreprises locales, des institutions gouvernementales, des associations professionnelles, et d'autres acteurs de la société civile. Ces partenaires collaborent avec le Forum pour fournir des ressources, de l'expertise et un réseau permettant la réalisation des objectifs de l'organisation.

Mission and Objectives

La mission du Forum est de favoriser le développement de l'entrepreneuriat, l'insertion professionnelle, l'autonomisation des jeunes, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur la wilaya de Béjaia. Il vise à renforcer les capacités, encourager la mobilité et promouvoir l'interculturalité entre les étudiants. L'organisation s'engage à soutenir les étudiants et les jeunes dans leur croissance, en les aidant à se professionnaliser et à concrétiser leurs projets en leur faveur.

Main Projects / Activities

Séminaires, salon de l'emploi , formation, sensibilisation, expositions, échange culturelle

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je vous remercie de l'opportunité offerte pour rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh en Algérie. Nous sommes très intéressés par l'idée de devenir membres de ce réseau et de contribuer activement à la promotion du dialogue interculturel et de la diversité dans notre région. Voici comment nous pourrions contribuer au réseau :

Partage d'expertise : Au sein de notre Forum, nous avons des membres et des étudiants entrepreneurs qui possèdent des compétences et des expériences dans divers domaines liés à l'entrepreneuriat, la jeunesse, la culture et le développement durable. Nous sommes prêts à partager notre expertise avec d'autres membres du réseau et à participer à des discussions et à des initiatives visant à promouvoir ces sujets.

Organisation d'événements : Nous sommes capables d'organiser des événements, des ateliers et des conférences autour de thèmes liés à l'entrepreneuriat, la jeunesse et la culture. Ces événements pourraient contribuer à l'objectif de la Fondation Anna Lindh en encourageant le dialogue interculturel.

Collaboration avec d'autres organisations : En tant que Forum des Étudiants Entrepreneurs, nous avons des partenariats avec d'autres organisations étudiantes et professionnelles. Nous pouvons travailler en collaboration avec d'autres membres du réseau pour développer des projets communs ou des initiatives visant à renforcer le tissu social et culturel de notre région.

Sensibilisation : Nous pouvons sensibiliser notre communauté étudiante et les jeunes entrepreneurs de Béjaia à l'importance du dialogue interculturel, de la diversité culturelle et des valeurs promues par la Fondation Anna Lindh.

Nous sommes impatients de contribuer activement au réseau et de travailler en étroite collaboration avec les autres membres pour atteindre les objectifs de la Fondation Anna Lindh en Algérie. Nous attendons avec impatience la décision des responsables du réseau concernant notre candidature.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles le Forum des Étudiants Entrepreneurs de Béjaia pourrait souhaiter rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh :

Promotion du dialogue interculturel : La Fondation Anna Lindh se consacre à la promotion du dialogue entre les cultures. En tant que Forum des Étudiants Entrepreneurs, rejoindre ce réseau vous offre une opportunité de contribuer à la compréhension mutuelle entre les différentes cultures présentes dans la région de Béjaia et au-delà.

Élargissement du réseau : En devenant membre du Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh, vous avez accès à un réseau de milliers d'organisations de la société civile dans la région. Cela peut vous offrir des opportunités de collaboration, de partenariats et d'échanges avec d'autres acteurs partageant des objectifs similaires.

Accès à des ressources et à des informations : Le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh peut vous fournir des ressources, des informations et des expertises pour renforcer vos initiatives en matière d'entrepreneuriat, de jeunesse, de culture et d'autres domaines pertinents.

Impact social : En rejoignant le réseau, le Forum des Étudiants Entrepreneurs de Béjaia peut augmenter son impact social en contribuant à des projets et des actions visant à améliorer la société civile et à favoriser le développement durable.

Sensibilisation : Être membre du réseau peut vous aider à sensibiliser davantage à vos causes et à vos initiatives. Cela peut attirer l'attention sur vos projets, renforcer votre crédibilité et encourager la participation d'autres parties prenantes.

Collaboration transnationale : La Fondation Anna Lindh encourage la coopération entre les pays de la région euro-méditerranéenne. En rejoignant le réseau, vous pouvez participer à des projets et des activités internationales qui peuvent élargir vos horizons et renforcer vos compétences.

Dans l'ensemble, rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh peut offrir au Forum des Étudiants Entrepreneurs de Béjaia de nombreuses opportunités de croissance, de collaboration et d'impact positif dans la région et au-delà.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Amirouche Lakif
Job Title (2)


National Network

10 Darb Al-Labana Lane, Citadel Square – Al- Khalifah District In Front Of Sultan Hassan And Al-Rifai Mosques
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Al-Qalam is a social enterprise located at El-Darb El-Ahmar, El Khalifa, Cairo Governorate 4292010, with a capacity of up to 200 individuals. The place operates via five full-time staff members, six part-time volunteers and 12 freelance and independent trainers—our annual budgetary resources are approximately 250000EGP. This channels from self-funding resources such as fees and subscriptions to workshops and training modules, and external funds channelled through renting the space, commissions, partnerships and sponsorships. We are a studio, a non-formative school of Arabic calligraphy, and a shop. Our run community development programmes, field trips and tours, courses and workshops, art galleries, lectures and advisory sessions. The main supports are INJAZ Egypt, Alexandria Bank, Ministry of Youth, QNB ALAHLI, Nahdet El Mahrousa Drosos, and Madad Initiative.

Mission and Objectives

Al-Qalam seeks to promote the Arabic calligraphy and Islamic ornaments scene in Egypt through its various programs: training and workshops, empowering new generations of calligraphers and creating a support system for them, organising exhibitions and educational seminars, providing calligraphy tools and products, and digitising, marketing, and promoting calligraphy artworks. Through years of working on the ground, Al-Qalm developed a deeper understanding of the needs of the Arabic Calligraphy scene and established a strong net of connections with stakeholders and partner organisations.
Some of the Awards and Honors: - The first place and the best cultural art project in the “Initiative” competition launched by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Culture in 2019.
- One of the top 10 projects that support the creative Islamic economy around the world during the GIES Dubai Summit in the UAE in 2018. ,

Main Projects / Activities

Al-Qalam is a youth-led social enterprise started in 2015 with the aim to promote and preserve Arabic calligraphy and Islamic Ornaments in the heart of Historic Cairo in a unique historical environment. It serves as an exhibition and learning space, a design studio, a shop selling calligraphy supplies and art gifts, and a meeting point for creators and artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Al-Qalam will gladly offer to share its space as a hosting organisation with other communities/entities of the local networks when possible, taking timeline constraints and space availability into consideration. This may include but is not limited to hosting art residency programmes, meetings, workshops, seminars, art exhibitions, talks and training and sessions on arts and culture, especially those relevant to the local art scene.
This social enterprise is located in a listed building with high historical significance in the heart of Islamic Cairo. It overlooks the Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan and Rifai mosque and is about three minutes from Cairo Citadel.

Al-Qalam possesses a well-equipped small studio to document and produce adequate audio-video content. This entails lighting units, microphones, tripods, camera sets, and lenses. We are delighted to share those resources upon the previous agreement of both parties at reduced and affordable rates.

Besides, the hub is a network of a diverse group of calligraphers, researchers, artisans, handicraftsmen, photographers, jewellery designers and programmers involved with the arts of Arabic calligraphy and ornamentation and their applications in daily life. We would assist and facilitate establishing networks of this group and all interested local networks of ALF, as well as sharing opportunities of local funds and grant opportunities with them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Al-Qalam is hoping to utilise the network of ALF in the local and Mediterranean regions to establish a dialogue on Arabic calligraphy and its applications, traditional and contemporary, in daily life. In the broader sense, we aim to investigate the relevance of arts and culture in producing knowledge and mitigating vulnerabilities.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Wahdan
Job Title
Creative Director
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Wahdan
Contact (2) Full Name
Nedaa Mahboub
Job Title (2)
General Coordinator

SB Overseas

National Network

rue de progrès 231
1030 brussesls

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Soutien Belge Overseas is a non-profit ASBL with its headquarters in Brussels monitoring and managing national and international activities. It operates on an average of 350.000 Euros from private sector donations, grants and project funds such as (King Roi Baudoin Foundation, COCOF, etc) with a staff of 5 and a group of volunteers. SBO operates education, professional training and empowerment centers for children and women in the middle east, organize integration programs for minor refugees and empowerment workshops for vulnerable women in Belgium. SBO has also an advocacy branch partnering up with platforms such as 11.11.11, CNCD, girls not bride, PICUM, MiddleEast platform, etc. In case of humanitarian crises, SBO tries to do all it can to be amongst the first on the ground providing urgent support and assisting in securing camps for relocated victims of war or natural disasters.

Mission and Objectives

The overall SB OverSeas strategy is: Improving the living conditions of refugee communities in Europe and in the Middle East and empowering local communities in developing countries by developing projects, programs and activities aimed at fostering the human, social and cultural rights and capabilities of refugee communities and by building strategic partnerships at the local, European and international levels undertaking a multi-stakeholder approach while conducting advocacy work for the respect of refugee’s communities’ social, economic and cultural rights globally.

Main Projects / Activities

- SB Espoir program
- SB O2 Program
- Her choice, Her future
- SB Harmony
- Annual Event
- Bukra Ahla centre
- Arsal centre
- Jasmin Camp
- Home Away From Home
- Dafsheh Helwe
- Refugee Journal

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By creating synergies and partnership in the aim of promoting intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region. We can contribute to the "on the field" programs in Lebanon, Turkey & Europe as well as joining forces in advocacy efforts. We also could offer toolboxes in our areas of expertise and organise workshops as well as "train the trainer" programs in our headquarters in Brussels.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have a bigger reach and a larger impact by partnering up with the network's civil society and to benefit from funds and projet calls available only to the ALF Network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lamia Daadouche
Job Title
Project management & communication
Head of the organisation
Louma Albik
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalilah Berrajaâ
Job Title (2)
project and development officer

Bildungsstätte Einschlingen

National Network

Schlingenstr. 65
33649 Bielefeld

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are an institution of adult education organizing seminars for apprentices (future educators and caregivers) and individuals (in the domains music, health, creativity). Our focus lays on education for sustainable development, which is a theme of our seminars and a cross-sectional-task for our organization. We own a congress house where most of our seminars take place. Our work and our congress house is certified by the land North-Rhine-Westphalia also with the focus on sustainable development. We have a team of 19 employees and many free-lancers. Our budget is about 1.000.000 Euros, about half of it is funded by the land North-Rhine Westphalia (law of adult education). We are part of several EU-projects in the fields of inclusion and sustainable development. Our main partners are schools, vocational colleges and social organizations.

Mission and Objectives

We initiate and accompany transformative educational processes, aiming the emancipation of people through collective learning processes. The unfolding of the own personality and the development of social skills are central issues in our seminars. We see the strengthening of inidividual self worth as the basis for socio-political changes including more soidarity, tolerance and social justice.

Main Projects / Activities

Or main activities are seminars lasting several days in the fields: education for sustainable development, trainings in pedagogical fields and health-care (working with refugees and youngsters with traumatic experiences, sexual education and prevention of sexual violence, working with children with defiant behaviour, working with persons with disabilities, communication trainings i.e. communication with dying persons and their relatives), outdoor-trainings for strengthening individual and social skills.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our insights in the field of education for sustainable development, including the Whole Institution Approach and know-how in planning seminars in social, pedagogical and creative fields including strenghtening of individual and social skills. We have an own congress house with 27 rooms for up to 56 persons, so we can host seminars with accomodation and catering.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to extend our activity in the field of education for sustainable developmement and work on the SDGs 16 (peace, justice and strong instittions) and 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals). We think the intercultural encounters of people working on issues of sustainablity is very important in order to find common answers for human-caused climate change and global challenges. Working together offers a multiperspective approach and increases tolerance and understanding, which are the basis for freedom.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Adina Stinghe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Adina Stinghe
Contact (2) Full Name
Ecevit Avci
Job Title (2)

Jordan Youth Potential

National Network

Al Loloea St.
Amman 11191

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Jordan Youth Potential (JYP) is a Jordanian non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2023 as the result of the needs of youngsters to participate actively into the society. committed to unlocking the boundless potential of young minds. Focusing on women and youth with fewer opportunities through innovative programs and tailored resources, we work on creating transformative opportunities that inspire, educate, and propel today's youth towards a future of excellence. Our unwavering mission is to cultivate leadership, foster creativity, and instill a strong sense of purpose, ensuring that everyone is equipped with the skills and confidence to navigate a dynamic world.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to increase the quality participation for the youth and their inclusion in the society by taking action locally and internationally; and to focus on youth potentials as a base for their development; and to promote our visions of equality, non-violent communication, social inclusion and collaboration

Main Projects / Activities

We have worked with Erasmus+ and we were part of multiple youth exchanges, training courses and conferences tackling vital social issues.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Asaad Srouji
Job Title
Projects Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Rozanda Alkhlaifat

love people

National Network

Adanon 17
Nea Filadelphia
14341 Athens

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

We support educational opportunities in Africa and in Greece,especially for the benefit of underprivileged children and minorities in need in general. All programms are carried out by volunteers. Our members fees (200 aproximately) and supporters donations support our programms financially.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to built a world with more smiling faces and less tears. To give hope and to keep it alive in the hearts of all people.

Main Projects / Activities

Building schools in Burundi,Africa.
Παιδιά καρδιάς (Children of the heart),
Visiting prisoners
Recreational activities and keeping company to hospitalized children, social work within the boundaries municipality of Nea Filadephia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgia Xatzivei
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Georgia Hatzivei
Contact (2) Full Name
Stella Halepaki
Job Title (2)

Association Nour pour femmes

National Network

03 rue mamar mazwar Qu sidiabdlkerim Safi
03 rue mar mzwar Qu sidiabdlkerim safi

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Association Nour pour femmes

Mission and Objectives

Traiter et aider à trouver des solutions pour tous les problèmes q u ont peux détecter en tant qu une association .

Main Projects / Activities

La santé/ la formation et la sensibilisation/ l education / la jeunesse/ les femmes / les droits humain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour nous améliorer et aussi apprendre des compétences et se motive à partir des projets et des activités d autres associations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khadija betebat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Betebat khadija
Contact (2) Full Name
Tounzi Amna
Job Title (2)


National Network

296, avenue Brugmann
1180 Bruxelles

0479 57 41 66
Mobile Phone
0479 57 41 66
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

L'asbl Pizzicato organise des concerts de musique classique dans des endroits sortant des sentiers battus (Atomium, Palais de justice, Design Museum Brussels, parc de Wolvendael à Uccle).
Notre structure est très petite et ne comporte que trois membres bénévoles. Il n'y a pas de salariés.
Le CA annuel est d'environ 10 000 euros. Tous nos concerts (cachets des musiciens) sont financés par les pouvoirs publics : Ville de Bruxelles, la commune d'Uccle, la Cocof et l'OIF.

Mission and Objectives

Au printemps 2023, nous avons initié le projet "Afrique lyrique". Il repose sur plusieurs piliers : mettre à l'honneur et accroitre la visibilité des chanteurs lyriques d'origine africaine ; lutter contre le racisme ; promouvoir un environnement égalitaire, inclusif et diversifié ; favoriser l'accès et la participation de tous les publics sans distinction d'âge, de sexe, de nationalité, de race et de religion aux événements et activités culturelles ; promouvoir la citoyenneté, les valeurs et la démocratie.
Trois concerts gratuits ont eu lieu dans des endroits prestigieux et emblématiques qui font rayonner l'image de Bruxelles et qui sont encore trop méconnus : 3 avril - Halidou Nombre (baryton français) à la Salle gothique de l'Hôtel de ville à Bruxelles, 8 mai - Raphaële Green (mezzo-soprano belge) à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 27 juin - Cyrielle Ndjiki Nya (soprano française) à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique. Ces concerts ont été soutenus financièrement par la Ville de Bruxelles (Culture et Egalité des Chances), par la Cocof et par l'OIF et ont attiré, au total, environ 500 personnes.

Main Projects / Activities

Forte de ce succès, l'asbl Pizzicato souhaite renouveler l'expérience en 2024, à Bruxelles et à Namur.
A Bruxelles, la programmation est clôturée. Trois concerts gratuits auront lieu : le 4 mars - Rosy Kintoki (soprano belge) à la Salle des glaces du Parlement bruxellois, le 22 avril - Nadège Meden (soprano française) à la Salle des glaces du Parlement bruxellois et le 6 mai - Raphaële Green (mezzo-soprano belge) à la Salle gothique de l'Hôtel de ville.
Nous sommes en train de finaliser la programmation à Namur.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Les écarts entre les groupes sociaux se sont accentués. La culture est ce qui nous fait exister ensemble. Rassembler des publics divers autour d’une activité culturelle permet de créer des moments de partage et d’amorcer des sujets d’échanges, de façon conviviale et ludique. Permettre à tous de participer physiquement aux activités culturelles est une dimension essentielle de la promotion d’une société inclusive. Enfin, promouvoir activement la participation aux activités culturelles favorise notre désir commun de paix, de bien-être et d’apaisement dont nous avons tellement besoin en ce moment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons favoriser les opportunités de rapprochement social entre les diverses catégories de population qui fait toute la richesse de celle-ci. Il s’agit de cultiver une potentielle rencontre, de permettre la fréquentation de personnes différentes du milieu habituellement côtoyé dans l’esprit d’ouverture et de découverte de l’autre. Il s’agit aussi d’affirmer un principe démocratique en favorisant la mobilité et l’accès de toutes et tous aux lieux patrimoniaux et emblématiques (tels l’Hôtel de Ville à la Grand-Place ou le Parlement bruxellois) qui participent à l’image de Bruxelles.
Par ailleurs, nous souhaitons élargir notre projet "Afrique lyrique" (qui touche, pour l'instant, à l'Afrique subsaharienne) aux pays du bassin méditerranéen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Witkowska
Job Title
membre fondateur, déléguée à la gestion journalière
Head of the organisation
Marianne Pétré

Brussels African Art Center

National Network

Avenue Palmerstrom 2
1000 Brussels

+33 6 23 39 51 67
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

BAAC is a non-profit association incorporated in 2022. The directors are Fabien Marie & Olivier Renson. The advisory committee is made up of 11 influential people (see brochure). Our annual budget is approximately EUR 100,000. Our sources of funding Sources of funding: subsidies, sponsorship, donations, recipes. Our methods of action are : Publishing, Research Centre, Documentations & Archives, Cultural Meditation, Young Ambassadors, Residencies, Events, Mentoring & Masterclasses. Our main partners are : InExca, SNCB, TETRA AFRICA, COCOF Commission Communautaire française, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Minisistère de la Culture de la République Togolaise, Prométhéa, AAC55, Africa Film Festival, Claes Gallery, Inside_Out Gallery, LAB.AN, MUS Africa, Palais de Lomé, ASAKAN, ON ART, LE NOUVEAU REPORTER.

Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to explore the creative cross-fertilisation resulting from deep and complex interactions between individuals, cultures and values, in order to bring to the fore unique and hitherto unseen visual and visual works. The Brussels African Art Center is a protean contemporary art centre open to Africa and its influences. Various artistic projects and cultural programmes will be devised and offered to the public. Afro-descendant, Belgian, European and non-African artists who approach and question Africa through their artistic approach will also be invited and integrated into the Centre's programming.

In BAAC's view, the creation of an art center today (both its vision and its missions) must be approached in the light of societal and socio-cultural changes, as well as current economic and political mutations, all of which are synergistically upending the world of contemporary creation and the universe that surrounds it, modes of consumption and cultural usage. The art world is entering a new era, which represents a unique opportunity to re-imagine the territories of art. With this paradigm shift in mind, we have decided to revisit the concept of the art centre to create a resolutely new, agile structure of artistic representation, interconnected with globalised Africa and the rest of the world. A structure in tune with the needs of the pan-African creative scene, market players and audiences of all generations.

B.A.A.C's missions are focused and coherent. They revolve around the current and future needs of artists, audiences and market players; three inseparable and permanent components of contemporary artistic creation :

1) Propulsor of Artists & Creators
To transform the pan-African artistic fabric by developing a tailor-made support service for established artists and young creators.
This offer will enable them to benefit from high-quality advice, training, mentoring, networking, operational support, promotion and dissemination, enabling them to make a lasting impact on the global artistic landscape. This offer will enable them to benefit from high-quality advice, training, mentoring, networking, operational support, promotion and dissemination, enabling them to make a lasting impact on the global artistic landscape.

2) Cultural Mediation & Archiving
To encourage dialogue between artists, their works and audiences by setting up specific cultural mediation programmes aimed at raising awareness and forging knowledge of Pan-African contemporary creation on a large scale. This work will be made possible thanks to (1) the conservation of documentary resources relating to B.A.A.C's exhibitions and artistic projects, including archival sources, and (2) free access for all.

3) Facilitator
To create bridges between artists - creators, curators, gallery owners, collectors, buyers and all other players from the private and public sectors. To open up the art market and become a genuine interface of facilitation and trust for all parties.

Main Projects / Activities

We have 8 departments: Publishing, Research Centre, Documentation & Archives, Cultural Meditation, Young Ambassadors, Residencies, Events, Mentoring & Masterclasses (see brochure for details).
These are our next projects:
- Unveiling, B.A.A.C's inaugural evening and publication of Gopal Dagnogo's book.
- Capture(s)" by Derrick Ofosu Boateng (2023), Viewing Room #02
- Faces & Tales" by Nù Barreto, Solo show & programme
- Mwézé', Tribute to film-maker Dieudonné Mwézé Ngangura
- Une recherche sans fin" by Jorge Luis Álvarez Pupo (2024), Viewing Room #03
- Restore" by Jean-Pierre Muller & Aimé Mpané, Biennale de Dakar't 2024
- Africa +" Xpo - Sale in aid of Unitlife, sponsored by Philippe Douste Blazy, Cannes May 2024
- Confrontations", Sadikou Oukpedjo, Nù Barreto, Monica Musoni & Luc Vleugels, Venice 2024
- Lita Cerqueira, Solo show in collaboration with Ricardo Fernandes, guest curator
- Résidence 0 + guests , Restitution, presentation, meetings, talks, debates and screenings
- African Elections" by Abel Brutus, Viewing Room #04
- "Design + Africa" Kossi Aguessy, Kool Koor, Ola-dele Kuku & Hicham Lahlou
- "Multitudes", Panorama of contemporary African creation, guest curator: Catherine Goffeau

The most important projects are our presence at the two biennials in Venice and Dakar.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can serve as active supporters of the ALF's activities, promoting them among our network and beyond.
Our willingness to initiate and lead collaborative projects will add value to the ALF Network in Belgium, fostering intercultural dialogue through joint efforts. Acting as a bridge between Belgian cultural organizations and partners from the Mediterranean, we aim to facilitate cross-cultural exchanges and connections, strengthening the network's regional reach. With an extensive network of partners, professional artists, scientists, and talents, we can provide valuable resources and expertise to contribute to the success of the network's initiatives. In addition to ideas and connections, we offer tangible support by providing logistical assistance, including space, materials, curation, documentation, and archives for the efficient execution of ALF Network activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are genuinely aligned with the values and mission of the ALF, making it a natural fit for our organization's goals and principles.
Our strong interest in collaborative opportunities with like-minded organizations is driven by the belief that working together can achieve more significant and lasting impacts. We are confident that our dynamic approach, ongoing projects, and unwavering passion for intercultural dialogue will be a valuable addition to the ALF, aligning seamlessly with its mission and objectives. We are interested in ALF programmes and grants, particularly those related to artists' mobility and youth engagement, which will enable us to expand our intercultural dialogue initiatives. As a young organization, our membership in the ALF Network represents a scalable approach for growth and underscores our long-term commitment to intercultural dialogue through art. One of our exciting new initiatives, the Young Ambassadors Programme, is designed to flourish during our mandate within the ALF, making this a strategic partnership for its development and impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Agbessi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sandra Agbessi
Contact (2) Full Name
Léa Hetz
Job Title (2)

جمعية الأمل للتنمية والتواصل

National Network

حي النهضة 2 شارع النيجر رقم 49 تيفلت
15000 تيفلت

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information

عدد المستخدمين 02 عدد المنخرطين 120 عدد الأعضاء 11 متوسط الميزانية السنوية للجمعية 388500.00 درهم مصادر التمويل وزارة التربية الوطنية والتعليم الأولي والرياضة وكالة محو الأمية المجالس الترابية المنتخبة

Mission and Objectives

مجال التعليم والتأهيل المهني مجال الدعم الاجتماعي المجال الحقوقي المجال الصحي والبيئي المجال الثقافي والرياضي

Main Projects / Activities

مجال التعليم والتأهيل المهني الترافع المدني التكوين المجال الحقوقي تشغيل النساء و الشباب

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المساهمة في التنمية الاجتماعية و التربوية والثقافية والرياضة ضمان أقصى حد من تكافؤ الفرص المساهمة في رفع من جودة التعليم المساهمة في إحداث مشاريع تنموية مدرة للدخل لفائدة النساء والشباب المساهمة على تثبيت الثقافة المقولاتية بين الشباب والنساء التكوين للنساء والشباب

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

المساهمة في رفع من جودة التعليم المساهمة على تحسين ظروف العمل للنساء والشباب المساهمة في إحداث مشاريع تنموية مدرة للدخل لفائدة النساء والشباب

Contact (1) Full Name
عبد الصمد معلم سطي
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
عبد الصمد سطي