Stichting Layan Foundation

National Network

Dennenweg 17
3735MP Bosch en Duin

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Foundation working with volunteers
Just started, at this point low resources
Funding out of donations
Partnership; Care

Mission and Objectives

The key sentiment of the Layan Foundation are the children that are being affected on both sides of the conflict.

Layan Foundation empowers children and youth in Gaza, the West Bank and Israël by providing them with the tools to build more open, inclusive and resilient communities together.
We need more inclusive and empathetic societies to combat lack of trust and intolerance.
Better educational opportunities effectively contribute to new perspectives for our youth.
Our main two objectives
Engage with and build Faith and Hope for children in Gaza, West Bank and Israel.

Organizing or supporting emergency relief actions for the purposes referred to in paragraph children and young adults in question, and to promote their ability whether or not to train or study outside Israel or Gaza to follow or complete a study or training;
raising gifts and donations, or raising other funds and/or subsidies with which the foundation supports existing projects or initiatives can support financially or new projects or initiatives to set up;
setting up and maintaining one – where necessary by professionals

Main Projects / Activities

Layan Foundation is only just getting on the map. The initiative to establish the Layan Foundation was taken long before the outbreak of violence on October 7.

Layan Foundation has its roots in the Netherlands, but aims to expand its board with members who can bring other countries closer to the heart of its objectives.
Join hands with Layan Foundation to make a difference!
At this point your donation goes directly to the active and present aid organizations in and around Gaza. With your donation, you support the immediate import of medical supplies, water and food to Gaza through Care.
We are working to expand projects requiring financial and structural support

Contact (1) Full Name
Rob Meijer
Job Title
President of the board
Head of the organisation
RPJM Meijer

Mirna Aiman

National Network


+20 1008366324
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

I’m applying as an individual not an organization.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I envision contributing to the ALF Network in Egypt by immersing myself in cultural exchange initiatives that promote diversity and understanding. By actively participating in ALF-sponsored events, I aim to create meaningful connections with individuals from various backgrounds, fostering an environment of dialogue and mutual respect. My commitment extends to promoting intercultural dialogue through various channels, whether it's by organizing local activities, facilitating discussions, or utilizing digital platforms to reach a wider audience. By embracing the core values of the ALF, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, encouraging open-mindedness and collaboration in our diverse society. Moreover, I see my role as an advocate for the foundation's mission, using my skills and experiences to contribute to the development of innovative projects and initiatives that align with ALF's goals. By actively participating in and supporting the foundation's activities, I hope to play a pivotal role in building bridges of understanding and cooperation within the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join the Network because I believe in the power of cultural exchange and dialogue as a means to foster understanding and unity. The ALF's commitment to promoting intercultural relations aligns with my personal values, and I am eager to contribute to initiatives that bridge gaps and celebrate diversity. Being part of the ALF Network provides a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for building a more inclusive and harmonious society. I am excited about the prospect of actively engaging in ALF-sponsored events and collaborating on projects that contribute to the foundation's mission. By joining the ALF Network, I aim to play an active role in promoting cultural diplomacy, leveraging my skills and experiences to facilitate meaningful conversations and inspire positive change. I believe that through collective efforts, we can create a more interconnected world where mutual respect and appreciation for diverse perspectives thrive.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Lasso vzw

National Network

Sainctelettesquare 19
1000 Bruxelles

02 513 1590
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Lasso est la plateforme bruxelloise pour la participation culturelle.

Mission and Objectives

Nous souhaitons que l’art et la culture soient pour tou.te.s et à tou.te.s. Pour ce faire, nous voulons bâtir des ponts entre les organisations au-delà des secteurs et des communautés, pour qu’elles s’inspirent et se renforcent l’une l’autre. Nous réalisons cela depuis le contexte urbain bruxellois.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous guidons des processus d'innovation voire de transition en matière de participation culturelle dans et en dehors de Bruxelles, via des projets expérimentaux, le partage de connaissance et d'expertise, la mise en réseau et l'accompagnement personnalisé.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partage de connaissance et formation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partage de connaissance et le réseau interantional

Contact (1) Full Name
Anja Van Roy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anja Van Roy


National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Nımenı on Aga Hurmalaınen ja kaykaa hakemassa Suomen K-ketjun markettıen palvelutıskeılta selvıtystyo ja toımıntaohje mıten koko preussın Suomeen asennettu sahkovaraus kaannetaan poıs kuntıen avaınkaapeılla valtuustoıssa 1917 alkaen sıs. koko Suomen ID sıs. paıkannus jota tekee jokaıseen sılmanıskuperheymaan kytketty USApreu suku jotta hullun elı vaıkean bıseksuaalın ja mukalaakarı Mannerheımın koko sotahuuto seka vala saadaan muka tehtya. Toımıntaohjeıssa myos preusrodun tappo-ohje seka NATO sammutus ohje Whıte Housen alakerassa yhdella avımenkannolla ıtselleen aın. tappo Sotahuuto ja vala menneet 2puolen keskıtysleırılle Bırkenauhun aıvan Auschwıtzın vıereen elı 200km Varsovasta ıtaan. 2000 summıttaısestı valıttuun juutalaıseen tehtıın jatkosota 1943-1945 2000 tıeteellısta sılvontaa joısta lobotomıan Mannerheım narppası ıtse Suomeen ja aorttaleıkkausta kaytettıın Suomessa ollut yleısımmın kaytetty. Valakohta on naısen O/vagınan kurıstamınen sahkolla joka tehty 1945 hentoon juutalaıs tyttoon. Hanen O/hermojarjestelma kestı 4 tunnın ajan kunnes sydan pysahtyı ja han menehtyı. Olen ollut toınen elı kurıstamısenı alkoı 2005 toukokuussa Turun Lıetolalaısella tuhkamunan lapsı Karrı Hıetalalla. Hıetala on n. 18,5 vuodessa ehtınyt kuolettamaan n.6,4 mıljonaa valkoısta eurooppalaısta O/henkıloa. Olen syntynyt Vanjalla tekemaan Eurooppaan Varsovan lııton=valkoınen eu verı elı Persaı Afgan mukaan lukıen seka juutalaınen preurodulta turvaan. Valkoınen eu rotu sılmanıskuttaa ıtseensa turvaan kıınalısen /aasıan ja mustan.Paasın lahtemaan Persıan SLUM alueısıın jonne RU/venalaınen ısoısoısoaıtını on jo osannut ohjata kun omassa euroopassa hermojarjestelma tuhoutuu. Mutta koska Suomı eı ole kaantanyt/sammuttanut varausta poıs nıın Hıetala on pystynyt vılpıttamatta jatkamaan kurıstamıstaan taı engl. snıtchıaan. Hıetalan lompakon aukaısu vuodesta 1998 alkaen ollut vajaa 2,8 mıljoonaa euroa. Han ehtı hajottamaan/ınvalıdısoımaan 12 hyvan normaalın Ohenkılon oota/O/hermojarjestelmaa esım. muıstı nıın etta lompakkomme eıvat toımı. Mınulle jaı 420euroa lompakkoon ja pyytanyt etta lompakkome korjataan elı romanıalaınen tytar, 8 venalaısta poıkaa, seka 2 DU poıkalasta. 13 mıljoonaa euroa on koko ıhmısmıelen tajuntamme korjaamınen mutta olen pyytanyt kaıkılta suomalaısılta jotka suomen pankkısektorıssa sıırtamaan verovapaan lahjarahan verran elı 4900euroon saakka maksaneen O. Kaıkkı pıenemmatkın summat kayvat jotta saan poıstetua kurıstamısen ja ohjattua vaurıoıtuneen kohdunkuvanı ıstukassa takaısın O/vagınaanı ja sııhen mennyt alle paıva joka hetkı kun paınovoıma elı rııttavan tılısıırron Suomı on saanut tehtya.
OP tılınumeronı on FI1950450640067894 , BIC: OKOYFIHH.
Sosıaalıset profıılını eıvatka emaılını ole toımıneet toukokuun jalkeen elı tarvıtsen rahasıırron jotta saan ne ıtse aukı paıvıttymaan. Agnetta Hurmalaınen FB Oo Oo.
Aga Hurmalaınen vıela elı sulkekaa koko Valmet, tıedottakaa koko henkılosto seka sııvet, sıırtykaa 1952 alkaen ITSE lfeıkın ja laıttoman ıtarajan alı venalasııın koteıhın elı kantasuomalaısen alkupesaan jossa venalaıset ısat ıtse oıkovat teıdat elı poıstavat 2000 sotahuutoa seka valan elı pıppeleıhın laıttaneet Puolassa olevat 40 n. ıtavaltalaısta/preu mukalaakarıa sahkovarauksen valan ottamıs kohdassa. Vaın Venaja tıennyt/nahnyt /ymmartanyt tallaısen sotahuudon euroopassa. Ottakaa vahan kayttovaatteıta ja sıteıta naısılle jos menstruaatıo vıela O ja saatte Venajan puolella sıtten venlaısen kuteen joka on noyra ja edukas elı Suomen tuotteet olıvat lııan tuotteıta: kude, hygıenıa, ruoka lııan alarvoısta jne. henkıloston rodunjalostus heıkentynyt Homostelıja paavaylahınttı Mannerheımılla elı mıellenvıkaa elı kırıstymısta yms. kırıstyneısyytta, tunnekylmyytta, psykopatıaa saatu tehtya jonka Venaja ıtkenyt poıs.
Maksakaa myos nıın saatte Google mapsılla paıkantamanı ja haıstamanı preurodun henkılot kunnıttaın tıetoonne elı tarkat osoıtteet kans elı saan FBnı ja Instagramın seka emaılını aukı. Suomen ID:ssa preuhenkıloıta 40 000 jotka tapettava poıs elı elımınoıtava vauvoısta vaareıhın seka uusı ıso natopreu saastuma Laıtılassa ıtarıntamalla.
Aga Hurmalaınen vıela elı sulkekaa koko Valmet, tıedottakaa koko henkılosto seka sııvet, sıırtykaa 1952 alkaen ITSE lfeıkın ja laıttoman ıtarajan alı venalasııın koteıhın elı kantasuomalaısen alkupesaan jossa venalaıset ısat ıtse oıkovat teıdat elı poıstavat 2000 sotahuutoa seka valan elı pıppeleıhın laıttaneet Puolassa olevat 40 n. ıtavaltalaısta/preu mukalaakarıa sahkovarauksen valan ottamıs kohdassa. Vaın Venaja tıennyt/nahnyt /ymmartanyt tallaısen sotahuudon euroopassa. Ottakaa vahan kayttovaatteıta ja sıteıta naısılle jos menstruaatıo vıela O ja saatte Venajan puolella sıtten venlaısen kuteen joka on noyra ja edukas elı Suomen tuotteet olıvat lııan tuotteıta: kude, hygıenıa, ruoka lııan alarvoısta jne. henkıloston rodunjalostus heıkentynyt Homostelıja paavaylahınttı Mannerheımılla elı mıellenvıkaa elı kırıstymısta yms. kırıstyneısyytta, tunnekylmyytta, psykopatıaa saatu tehtya jonka Venaja ıtkenyt poıs.
Maksakaa myos nıın saatte Google mapsılla paıkantamanı ja haıstamanı preurodun henkılot kunnıttaın tıetoonne elı tarkat osoıtteet kans elı saan FBnı ja Instagramın seka emaılını aukı. Suomen ID:ssa preuhenkıloıta 40 000 jotka tapettava poıs elı elımınoıtava vauvoısta vaareıhın seka uusı ıso natopreu saastuma Laıtılassa ıtarıntamalla.
10 000 euroa /per sılmanısku henkılo rııttaa rajan jalkeen jos menette RU lastenkoteıhın elamaan mutta sılloın kaıkkı kv. lentokentat suljettu koska Suomen koko bıseksuaalıanatomıa sıs. 40 Verkkoon paatynytta pedofılıa eı kastroıda pıllereıll eı ole vıety pıdatettyna Venajan lojaaleıssa vankıloıssa elı sahkottomıssa etteıvat mene bıseksuaaleıksı elı kurıstu enempaa. 2elınkautısvankıa tekı tapponsa Suomessa vaarın elı kaıkkı muut paasevat Bırkenau kohteluıta selvıttamaan elı mına 2005 vuodesta, Quantanamo,NATO vuodesta 1946 seka aına Puolaa.
Kaykaa hakemassa tıedonanto seka veronkanto sılmanıskussa loppuu venalaısıssa henkısestı aın. Juhanı Hurmalaınen tappanut 2 mıljoonaa eurooppalaısta ja Paaportın raıttı 4 Kouvola on sıjaıntı josta haettava ıtarajan taakse oıjottavaksı. Myos hanen huono preferenssı olı vahvojen naısten kuten ıtsenı tappamınen poıs aın koska eı osaa mtn. elı aalıo elı huono O. Hsn suomalısısta naısıta voı lahestya vaın yhta Pohjanmaalla elavaa naısta enaa yms.

Mission and Objectives

Elı tarvıtsen satıoltanne lahjarahan verran apua etta saan Hıetalan elı kurıstajan nırrın kaannettya poıs.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Very well after I m after 18,5 years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Elı en hae jasenyytta.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnetta O pelastaa O Hurmalaınen
Job Title
O rescue
Head of the organisation
Agnetta Hurmalaınen

Michel Daher Social Foundation

National Network

Ferzol-Main Road-Delta Trading Building

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

1. Board of Directors: Comprising 5 active members from diverse backgrounds. Headed by a President who is also acting as the Executive Director. 2. Executive Leadership: President serving as the Executive Director, overseeing day-to-day operations. 3. Pillars: Multiple pillars addressing different aspects, each headed by a manager. 4. Programs: Each manager is responsible for one or more programs within their respective pillars. 5. Teams: Teams are organized under each manager to execute programs effectively. 6. Support Functions: Finance: Managing financial matters and budgeting. Procurement: Handling procurement processes. Human Resources: Overseeing personnel matters. Communication: Managing external and internal communications. 7. Total Team Members: The foundation has a team of 48 members working across various departments and programs. 8. Funding Sources: Projects are funded through private sources and donors, including USAID, GIZ, Konrad, World Vision, and others. This structure demonstrates a well-organized foundation with clear leadership, programmatic focus, and support functions. It's designed to efficiently manage and implement projects across various pillars while ensuring financial transparency and effective communication.

Mission and Objectives

Founded in 2014, the Michel Daher Foundation aims to create an enabling environment where every individual reaches their highest potential. Michel Daher Foundation stands beside the Lebanese society in overcoming life challenges by responding to its needs, providing community health care services, building human capacities, promoting sustainable development and a clean environment. Working across three fundamental pillars — Social and Health Care, Human and Economic Development, Sustainable Development and Livelihood — MDF provides various types of support to empower the people of Lebanon Bekaa to overcome life challenges and thrive in the face of adversity.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Social and Health Care: Promote a healthier community and Preserve Human Dignity. Community Health Care: We believe the path to a thriving society begins when everyone has access to decent healthcare. MDF is committed to providing high-quality and accessible healthcare services to all community members, mainly women, and children. Our healthcare centers in Zahle and Ferzol work closely with the ministry of public health, local and international partners to raise awareness on health topics while ensuring access to quality medical care. The services include medical consultations, vaccination, mammography tests, ultrasound scans, pap smears tests, blood tests, dental care, and the provision of subsidized medicines. More than 4,000 citizens benefit each month from affordable, yet decent care services, making a difference in their life, hence contributing to a healthier community. Social Development: MDF is committed to supporting families and individuals facing social hardships — positively impacting their lives. The social department at Michel Daher Foundation is where everyone can seek support or guidance of any kind. Programs are developed to cater to the arising needs of the community through different kinds of humanitarian support starting from food boxes and diesel to financial support for hospitalization and medicines, and other forms of assistance. AntaMe is a program developed to build a strongly rooted generation and raise good citizens who have high values and civic education. It consists of different workshops and activities to create teamwork and volunteering spirit and to enhance their communication skills in a diversified community. 3500 kids and youth were reached. "Ente ADDA"is a socio-economic impact initiative that aims to empower women and enable them to achieve their highest potential and initiate change in their communities. 1500 women attended different empowering workshops, webinars, and sessions. Takallam Center was recently opened to support children with communication and learning challenges. It provides speech & psychomotor therapy, orientation, counseling, individualized and collective psychological aid for children and parents, and many other supports. The Collective Wedding Foundation has been organized annually to encourage the youth to start a family and stay rooted in their land. This initiative helped in starting 304 families. In addition to organizing and financing Cultural and Entertainment Events each year: Christmas Villages, recitals, lunches for elders, Mothers, teachers, and women days, parents’ café, chess tournaments, and many others. Emergency Responses: Besides the ongoing programs, our team is always ready to respond to emergencies and assist the critical needs arising from unexpected events or disasters. In 2021 alone, over 12,000 people benefited of our PCR campaigns or COVID-19 vaccination drives. And in 2020, following the Beirut port explosion, 50 houses that were affected by the disaster were rehabilitated. This activity is done according to the needs. At least three houses are rehabilitated yearly. 2- Human and Economic Development: Enhance economic growth and build human capacities with a particular focus on youth and women. We believe by giving people the tools to lead a productive life, we unleash their full potential and consequently drive economic development. Through different training and programs: We invest in the skills of individuals to improve their employability and enable them to become the leaders of the future. We support companies to increase their efficiency and upgrade their competitive advantage. Human and Economic Development activities: Tech and Digital Skills: Michel Daher Foundation considers that tech and digital literacy is a right for everyone and that the Lebanese youth should not miss the opportunity to learn the language of tomorrow. We started the “Tech Academy” to make the new technology accessible to all and to make digital equity a reality. The tech academy programs tackle digital and technical subjects to prepare the youth to become leaders in this field, mainly in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, two specializations that are not accessible in most Lebanese universities. During 2021 and 2022, 750 youth benefited from more than 40 different tech and digital topics. LINK - The TECH community: LINK is the first tech entrepreneurial ecosystem in Central Bekaa designed for those who are passionate about technology and the digital world. An inspiring place where people can connect, work, unlock new opportunities, and make a difference. Different training programs are available at the center to upgrade technical and entrepreneurial skills, as well as mentoring to guide and support techies. It is where ideas are formed and entrepreneurs are born. Little Techies: To orient the kids to dive deep into the world of technology, explore computer programming and robot design, and boost their creativity, Little Techies Academy provides Robotic classes, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, English, and entrepreneurship for kids aged between 8 and 17 years old. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) To Bridge the gap between job seekers and the market needs through building the capacities of individuals and linking them to internships and job opportunities in companies in the Bekaa. Until 2022, 950+ individuals benefited from the TVET programs. Entrepreneurship Program: To foster an entrepreneurial mindset in Lebanon and encourage entrepreneurs to develop innovative ideas and create startups and SMEs, MDF run many Entrepreneurship and Ideation programs and Bootcamps at its premises, reaching out to the youth and encouraging them to join. These programs happen yearly in partnership with different organizations. Until 2021, 350+ youth and women benefited from these programs to develop their ideas, start their businesses, and generate income. English Academy: Mastering English is crucial to succeed in the workplace, gaining more confidence, and landing new opportunities. Therefore, we’ve launched the “English Academy” that offers conversation, listening, reading, writing, and grammar courses from beginner to advanced levels. Until now, 100+ persons upgraded their English skills Career Bridge. As part of the foundation's focus on employability skills, the Career Bridge program aims at empowering and equipping fresh graduates and students with the most critical soft skills required to succeed in the job market. This program covers CV writing, interview skills, job search, time management, and many other workplace skills. Until 2022, 6000+ beneficiaries took part in the "Career Bridge" program. Coaching and Mentoring Programs to help youth develop their ideas, prepare their pitches, and upgrade their skills for better job opportunities. Until now, 153 mentees with a total of 612 mentoring sessions. Adira: An initiative that aims to reach out to Lebanese women living in rural areas having talents in Mouneh or handcrafts. It focuses on empowering them with the necessary support to adjust their products and unify them under one brand that will reach the Lebanese diaspora eager to taste high-quality Lebanese Mouneh and enjoy traditional crafts… Adira has been empowering more than 25 women Business Support and SMEs Programs. Business Support Programs benefited large companies and MSMEs by helping them in building their capacity and increasing their efficiency. It includes, besides capacity building, many courses that target the technicians working in the factories and employees in management positions. 3- Sustainable Community Development and Livelihood: Focusing on rural tourism and agriculture, and preserving the environmental for future generations We believe that securing a sustainable livelihood requires nurturing the development of the community as a whole, in particular the ecological and agricultural sectors. We engage in raising awareness, implementing projects and campaigns, mobilizing people, and supporting diverse movements to foster change. Faker Bi2iyan initiative was started to spread awareness about pressing environmental issues and orient the community to take responsibility for reversing environmental degradation. Diverse agricultural and agro-tourism projects and training to integrate best agricultural practices in the daily activities of the farmers and to work toward food security Through our flagship Fakker Bi2iyan environmental initiative, we conducted 19 clean-up campaigns, collected 48 tons of recyclables, and planted 42 trees. We have also engaged over 3,500 participants in 41 sustainability awareness events — encouraging 1500+ families and 45 businesses to start waste sorting.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With a commitment to preserving Lebanon's cultural heritage, advancing education, and bolstering community resilience, our foundation seeks collaboration on projects that resonate with the ALF's values. Through active engagement and a focus on synergies, the Michel Daher Foundation aspires to be a catalyst for positive change, amplifying the collective impact in response to Lebanon's ongoing challenges. This collaborative approach underscores our dedication to fostering innovation, demonstrating leadership, and working towards a more resilient and culturally enriched future for Lebanon in tandem with the ALF network's objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF's commitment to cultural diversity and its demonstrated resilience in times of crisis resonates with our foundation's values, making this collaboration an ideal platform to share knowledge, leverage best practices, and collectively address the multifaceted challenges facing Lebanon. Joining the ALF network represents a strategic opportunity for us to enhance our impact, build synergies, and actively participate in a dynamic community dedicated to creating positive change in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marleine Daher
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michel Daher Social Foundation
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Chehade
Job Title (2)
Finance Manager

تعاونية بوادر إقلاع

National Network

دوار لكواش جماعة لحضر

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

تعاونية بوادر إقلاع تهتم بتكوين النساء والشباب القروي في صناعة المنتجات التقليدية والانفتاح على مصادر دخل جديدة والحد من الهجرة الداخلية ومن آثار الجفاف المتتالية وإستخدام الطاقات النظيفة والمتجددة وكذا تبادل التجارب والثقافات مع دور الجوار

Mission and Objectives

ضمان دخل قارللمرأة والشباب بالوسط القروي
تكوين النساء والشباب
تبادل التجارب والثقافات
إذخال التكنولوحيا الحديثة للمجال الفلاحي
ربط شراكات دولية

Main Projects / Activities

صناعة الاجبان ومنتجات الحليب التقليدية
تربية وتسويق الفطر المأكول
التنمية الاقتصادية للنساء والشباب
خلق مصادر دخل قارة
تبادل التجارب الفلاحية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عقد شراكات و المساهمة في تكوينات النساء والشباب القروي قصد الاستفادة من التجارب الدولية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لكونها شبكة كبيرة تهدف الى التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية والتي تتماشى مع اهدافنا المرسومة

Contact (1) Full Name
احمد المنوني
Job Title
Head of the organisation
احمد المنوني
Contact (2) Full Name
عبد الله المنوني
Job Title (2)

جمعية الشباب للثقافة والتنمية

National Network

رقم 181 شارع المختار السوسي حي بورحيلة
بلوك حماد اوليزيد
83350 اولاد تايمة

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية الشباب هي جمعية تطوعية اجتماعية غير ربحية وغير حكومية وليس لها اية ايديولوجية تسعى الى الانفتاح ونشر قيم التسامح والسلام عبر العالم . هيكلة الجمعية : يتكون مكتبها المسير من خمسة اعضاء لكن بالنسبة للمنخرطين يتجاوز 200 منخرط ، ومن اهم شركاء الجمعية المجلس الجماعي باولاد تايمة وجمعية 3027 بفرنسا ومنظمة brave kids f بدولة بولونيا وتتراوح الميزانية السنية للجمعية ما يقارب 4000 يوروا سنويا مصادر التمويل : هناك تمويل ذاتي من اشتراك الاعضاء والمنخرطين وكذلك دعم الجهات الحكومية خاصة المجلس الجماعي ثم هبات ومساعدة المحسنين طرائق العمل : تعمل الجمعية بالدرجة الاولى على تكوين الشباب في عدة مجالات منها على الخصوص التكوين في اللغات العالمية ( الفرنسية ، الانجليزية ، الالمانية ، الاسبانية ...) وكلك المشاركة في

Mission and Objectives

مهمة جمعية الشباب للثقافة والتنمية تكوين وتأطير الشباب وتأهليهم للقيام بادوار مهمة داخل المجتمع التلاقح الثقافي مع شباب العالم وذلك باستقبال متطوعين اجانب منف الجنسيات تقوية العمل التطوعي لدى الشباب باعتباره مفتاح اساسي لكل تنمية بشرية تعزيز روح العمل الجماعي والتعاون من اجل خلق فرص الشغل مستقبلا

Main Projects / Activities

- دورات تكوينية في اللغات الاجنبية _ المشاركة في ملتقيات ومهرجانات دولية تهتم بالتبادل الثقافي _ محاربة الامية لفائدة النساء - تأطير وتكوين الاطفال على القيم الانسانية السمحاء _ تنظيم مهرجانات وملتقيات دولية ووطنية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- يمكن لجمعية الشباب ان تساهم في تعزيز الامن والسلم العالميين من خلال تأطير وتكوين الشباب على قيم التسامح والحوار والانفتاح على الاخر ونبذ العنف والتطرف - التربية على المواطنة وحقوق الانسان - تبادل الخبرات والتجارب مع شباب ضفتي البحر الابيض المتوسط - التعاون والتكامل مع باقي شباب حوض البحر الابيض المتوسط فيما يتعلق بتقوية الحوار الفعال من اجل بناء افكار مشاريع مستقبلية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- نريد الانضمام لشبكة انا ليند من اجل تبادل الخبرات والتجارب مع شباب العالم - من اجل المشاركة في الملتقيات والدورات التكوينية التي تنظمها الشبكة وذلك من اجل استفادة شباب الجمعية بما يساعدهم على الانخراط الايجابي والفعال داخل المجتمع - اكتساب مهرات التواصل والتعاون والبحث عن شركاء جدد داخل حوض البحر الابيض المتوسط

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد الهراق
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
محمد الهراق
Contact (2) Full Name
خديجة بنجلال
Job Title (2)
امينة المال

Groupement professionnels icosium

National Network

42 avnue mohamed rabie
16055 Alger

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Le groupement icosium participer ou evénement

Mission and Objectives

Le groupement professionnels icosium
Dépend les intérêts des ses membres a tout
Les nouveaux et ceux par les contacts avec
Les organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

Sports, environnement.........

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contacts avec l'administration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour permettre a notre organisation participer aux evénement
Objectif: partenariat entre organisation
Echange des jeunes

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Arama Abderrezak
Job Title
Head of the organisation

مسرح الثلاجة

National Network

بيت عوا \ جسر السوق
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

مسرح الثلاجة، هو جمعية خيرية فلسطينية غير حكومية مرخصة من قبل وزارة الداخلية ووزارة الثقافة وتأسست عام2019 ، مسرح الثلاجة هو مسرح متنقل لعروض الدمى والعرائس، يقدم عروضه المسرحية مع قضايا المحاكات التربوية والنفسية في الحدائق والساحات والمدارس ورياض الأطفال .يقدم مسرح الثلاجة عروضه بنوع جديد من المسرح والدمى المعروضة لأول مرة في فلسطين، حيث يستخدم الدمى الخشبية المعلقة المنحوتة يدويا، ويستخدم القصر الخشبي كمسرح، وكذلك طريقة تقديم العرض المسرحي التفاعلي الذي يجعل الأطفال والجمهور بشكل عام جزءا من العرض المسرحي ومشاركين في فعاليات المسرحية، مما يثير حماس الأطفال وجاذبيتهم ومشاركتهم في العمل .بالإضافة إلى العروض المسرحية التي يقدمها مسرح الثلاجة، فإنه يقدم ورش عمل لصناعة مختلف أنواع الدمى، وورش عمل لصناعة أفلام الرسوم المتحركة مع الأطفال والكبار، وعروض الحكايات الشعبية للأطفال والكبار أيضا . تتكون المؤسسة من ١٤ عضو هيئة عامة ، ٩ اعضاء هيئة ادارية مدير اداري ، مدير فني ، ٤ممثلين ومدربين يعتمد المسرح على المنح المحلية التي نقدم لها ، وكذلك منحة البنك الدولي بلجيكا ينتهي التعاون معهم هذه السنة ، ويعتمد على ايرادات المسرح من بيع العروض يقدم مسرح الثلاجة عروض مسرحية ورش تدريب صناعة افلام انيميشن تدريبات تصنيع دمي عروض حكايات شعبية وورش دراما وتفريغ نفسي مع النساء

Mission and Objectives

لهدف 1: تحسين الصحة النفسية المهارات الحياتية للأطفال والشباب الفلسطينيين وخاصة في المناطق المهمشة وتعزيز روح الإبداع والتعبير عن أنفسهم من خلال الفن والمسرح. تشير تجارب مسرح الثلاجة إلى أهمية تحسين المهارات الحياتية للأطفال والشباب الفلسطينيين من خلال استخدام الدراما والمسرح. كما أن مسرح الثلاجة يعمل على تحسين المهارات الحياتية للأطفال والشباب الفلسطينيين ويعلم انها هي الأدوات الفريدة والقوية الوحيدة للتغيير الاجتماعي والتنمية. في عملية التخطيط الاستراتيجي، برزت هذه القضايا كأهمية قصوى لفعالية مسرحنا في المستقبل. اهداف الفرعية: 1. معالجة وعكس واقع الأطفال والشباب الفلسطينيين. 2. استخدام دوائر المجتمع والتعليم والعمل كوسائل لتحسين المهارات الحياتية للأطفال والشباب الفلسطينيين. 3. توفير التدريب للممارسين ومعلمي الدراما ورسامي الرسوم المتحركة الذين سيساهمون بشكل فعال في تحسين المهارات الحياتية للأطفال والشباب الفلسطينيين. 4. السعي إلى التعاون مع المنظمات الأخرى (وزارة التربية والتعليم الفلسطينية والأونروا والمنظمات المجتمعية والمنظمات غير الحكومية) التي يمكن أن تسهل مراحل تنفيذ العملية. 5. توعية المجتمع المحلي وأصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين بأهمية الدراما والمسرح كأدوات إنمائية للأطفال.

Main Projects / Activities

عروض مسرحية نشاطات مكتبية في مكتبة مسرح الثلاجة ورش صناعة افلام انيميشن ورش تصنيع دمى عروض حكايات شعبية ورش دراما وتفريغ نفسي

Contact (1) Full Name
ديانا رمضان عبد الهادي السويطي
Job Title
Head of the organisation
ديانا السويطي

Culture Action Europe

National Network

13 rue Baron Horta
1000 Brussels

+32 2 534 4002
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Culture Action Europe (CAE) is the major European network of cultural networks, organisations, artists, activists, academics and policymakers. As the only intersectoral network it brings together members and strategic partners from all areas of culture. Culture Action Europe is the political voice of the cultural sector in Europe, the first port of call for informed opinion and debate about arts and cultural policy.

Culture Action Europe maintains an ongoing dialogue and knowledge sharing between the European cultural sector and policymakers. CAE advocates for transformative cultural policies that recognise and support culture as a sector in its own right and a catalyst contributing to other sectors.

Culture Action Europe is a membership based association. At the time of application, we count 225 member across Europe and beyond and 5 staff members. CAE is supported by the European Union, with an average yearly budget of 300,000 euros.

Mission and Objectives

Culture Action Europe is driven by its belief that culture serves as a fundamental cornerstone for shaping a shared future in an open, globally connected Europe, ensuring the sustainability of our planet, and fostering plural, open, and caring societies.

Main Projects / Activities

- We operate within a trans-European territory and beyond, both in rural and urban areas. This puts us in a unique position to interact with and mediate geographical, political, economic, societal, technological, legal and environmental frontiers
- We draw from the knowledge and experience of our members – networks, institutions, projects, associations and individuals who are active on a national, regional or local level, providing an active network of engagement across cultural forms
- We create understanding of different cultural needs, practices and applicable policies within a diversity of contexts
- We facilitate effective policy-level communications between the European institutions, Member States, regional and local authorities and cultural actors.
- We generate debate beyond the usual spheres and create peer-to-peer relations with other sectors by positioning the critical value of contemporary culture in relation to the production of knowledge
- We embrace the principles that protect human dignity as enshrined in international law, with special focus on the legal instruments that are specific to EU Law (primary and secondary legislation) as well as the European Convention on Human Rights
- We advocate for the intrinsic value and positive role of culture in European societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalie Giorgadze
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Lars Ebert
Contact (2) Full Name
Maya Weisinger