Leaders Foundation for Management Science and Development

National Network

52 Doctor Mohamed Shahin Street
Giza Governorate

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The "Leaders" Foundation was officially inaugurated in all Egyptian governorates on Saturday, July 14, 2014 with the aim of training, qualifying and empowering all Egyptian youth on "life experiences of various developmental, political, economic and social issues, and implementing the strategy and national orientation to build the modern Egyptian state ,created distorted political awareness" among most of the youth. Our permanent slogan is "Rehabilitation for empowerment in a studied scientific framework and with international training mechanisms." The "Leaders" Foundation has a headquarters in the Mohandessin the Giza region and a number of offices in the various govern orates of Egypt .
The Principles of “Leaders”
1- Our motto is "Egypt first" for all Egyptian people who volunteer to join us)
2- Support the Egyptian State's plan in its steps towards the future.
3- To strive for administrative, economic and social development and to raise the standard of living of citizens.
4- Work to foster a sense of belonging and citizenship among young people
5- The Constitution and the Law are the authority and main arbiter in all the activities of the institution.
6- We require the leaders of the Leaders Foundation to stand at the same distance from the political parties to apply neutrality in training, qualification, receiving ideas and selecting members... All those working in political parties and practitioners "have equal distance" with regard to the Leaders Foundation and the Egyptian Council of Youth Leaders .

The Foundation relies on the founders and the Board of Trustees for its funding

*"What has been accomplished" 620,000 trainees, 596 courses and programs
More than 620,000 young people in 27 governorates have been trained "free of charge" through 596 comprehensive training courses in addition to 110 symposiums on development, politics and the economy. The Foundation has given an opportunity to all Egyptians without conditions and for all age groups. This phase is ongoing throughout the year, and we hope to train one million young people in a period of no more than five years.
The Leaders Foundation is targeting an action plan in line with the Egyptian state vision (Sustainable Development Strategy 2030)
and its implementation plans at the level of the various development goals

The mechanisms and methods used depend on innovation, creativity and leadership
and the various participation's
Work is done by signing formal cooperation protocols with the Authority
The target is to train its members. The institution shall bear the costs of specialized lecturers in accordance with the targeted program and provide the scientific material to the trainees, while the body shall
Collaborating Providing Trainers, Preparing Training Headquarters and Providing Training Tools
Thanks to God and his success, no official entity in Egypt has ever been ahead of us in training, educating, educating and rehabilitating young people (free of charge). More than those who were working with the same ideology were inaugurated
Later on, we were very happy, and we were very proud of the idea that it spread and worked in real life, and that others tried to apply it later, even if it wasn't effective in their application on a small scale .
Marketing and promotion

Mission and Objectives

Leaders' Areas of Action
First: We train and qualify young people on administrative, political, economic, and developmental experiences through workshops and training courses, in which a group of scientists lecture each in his field in a specific time period, appropriate training hours, and study and discussion to achieve results.
Second: We offer specialized courses in various fields, such as "raising awareness of national security and its impact, contributing to its preservation", training young people to engage in political experiments "local and parliament", training in administrative work and human development, training and economic training for the leadership of large companies, and the establishment of giant and small economic projects through well-researched economic feasibility studies, training on various media programs, how to make public opinion issues, challenges and obstacles carried out by anti-state media, and how to confront the national media... training on transforming the director into a leader, and the difference between the leader and director, within a scientific, studied and practical training framework .
Thirdly, social activities for women by raising awareness of their role, educating them, the positive participation of men in political life, supporting young innovators and inventors, and contributing to their coming into effect.
Fourth: Specialized programs for those who wish to assume senior leadership positions, including ministers, governors, deputy ministers, governors, heads of major companies, and city leaders. This program is the first in the Middle East. Many of the disbursements have been graduated, with the participation of state institutions. Successive disbursements are being completed in the coming period. It is an extended program that does not stop .
Fifth: Public awareness programs in the areas of literacy, political literacy, legal and constitutional awareness, medical education and blood donation campaigns
Sixth: To sign scientific cooperation protocols with a number of Egyptian, Arab, international and regional giants through which we have carried out a number of experimental and rehabilitative activities.

Main Projects / Activities

National programs implemented by the Foundation
Leaders Setup Project (QLP)
(Under the banner of Rehabilitation for Empowerment)
1- Senior Management and Executive Leadership Development Program
2- Program for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the personnel of State institutions
3- Program (Local Leaders Program)
4- Youth Tomorrow Leaders Program
5- Program for the preparation of political leaders
6- Sports Leaders Preparation Program
7- Program for the preparation, qualification and training of technical education graduates
8 - Women Leaders Development Program
9 - Economic Leaders and Entrepreneurship Program
10. Media Leaders Program
11 - T . O . T
1,000 African Leaders Project
in partnership with the Graduate School of African Studies, Cairo University and the General Information Authority
Afro-Asian-Arab Project
In partnership with the General Authority for Information and the Library of Egypt General Authority for Books - Ministry of Culture
(Commander-in-Chief Project)
(Example Initiative)
Sponsored by the Minister of Youth and Sports
Awareness Ambassadors Program
Social Solidarity Minister
Our Sons Project Ambassadors
* Entities involved in and cooperating in the implementation of projects:
1- General Organization for Information
2- National Council for Women
3- Sadat Academy of Management Sciences
4- General Federation of Trade Unions of Egypt
5- General Bar Association
6- Ministry of Youth and Sports
7- Damanhour University
8- Damanhour University College of Veterinary Medicine
9- Ministry of Defense Cooperation and Nasser Higher Military Academy
10- Military Research Organization
11- Ministry of Education (Menoufia Directorate of Education Department of Education Department of Qweesna)
12- Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, Alexandria University
13- Dakahlia Engineers Syndicate
14- Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions in Gharbiya Governorate
15- General Bar Association
16- Al-Nahda University of Beni Suef
17- Western Nursing Association
18- Western Health Sciences Association
19- Union of Public Sales Taxes Workers of Western
20- General Farmers Union
21- International Center of Excellence and Consulting
22- Center for Information and Decision Support at the General Office of the Governorate of Beheira
23- a number of Egyptian parties through the participation of youth parties in the courses they organize
24- Lake Engineers Association
25- National Council for Women (Dakahlia - Assiut - Qalyubia)
26- Graduate School of African Studies, Cairo University
27- Damietta Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology
28- Misr Public Library
29- General Syndicate of Engineering and Metal Industries
30- General Union of Building, Timber and Construction
31- Ministry of Social Solidarity (Sponsored by Minister of Solidarity)
32- Kafr El-Sheik Pharmacists Association
33- Higher Institute of Ajami Administrative Sciences

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in Activities: Organizations can actively have interaction within the sports organized by means of the Anna Lindh Foundation and its network. This can include collaborating in meetings, seminars, workshops, and training packages centered on intercultural dialogue, diversity, and social cohesion.

Collaborate on Projects: Organizations can initiate or take part in collaborative initiatives with other individuals of the community. These projects may be in various fields together with training, arts and way of life, media, social inclusion, and young people empowerment. Collaborative initiatives promote talk, exchange, and mutual knowledge amongst extraordinary cultures and societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and Collaboration: The ALF Network presents opportunities for corporations to connect and collaborate with other like-minded establishments, civil society agencies, and individuals who share a common interest in selling intercultural communicate and expertise. Joining the community can facilitate partnerships, know-how sharing, and joint projects.

Access to Resources: Membership within the ALF Network may offer access to funding possibilities, presents, and assets for imposing initiatives and activities associated with intercultural communicate. The network can also offer financial guide or assist agencies discover potential resources of investment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moustafa Kamel Badr
Job Title
International Relations manger
Head of the organisation