National Network

85330 KOTOR

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The non-governmental association "European Democratic Initiatives" - EDI was founded as a non-profit non-governmental organization that works to develop the rule of law, promote the protection of human rights through strengthening the practice of participatory democracy and initiating partnerships between civil society, state institutions and the private sector.
The purpose and goal of the existence of our non-governmental organization is to contribute to the development of a culture of peace, democracy and active citizenship through "peace-educational programs", by harmonizing legal acts, at all levels, with the highest world standards in the field of protection of citizens' freedoms and rights, advocating for respect for universality human rights and values, the creation of socially responsible personalities who are dedicated to democratic principles, their active involvement and engagement in democratic activities and implementation in domestic legislation.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission: Promotion of active democratic citizenship and positive appreciation of diversity through non-formal educational programs and public representation. We want Montenegro as a society of equal and active citizens who decide on their lives in a democratic legal state with full respect for human rights.
NU "EDI" achieves its goals through the preparation of public policy analyses, the implementation of public advocacy projects and campaigns, and the holding of educational trainings. One of the special goals of EDI is to support civil society organizations in building their institutional capacities and promoting their role in society.

The purpose and goal of the existence of our non-governmental organization is to contribute to the development of a culture of peace, democracy and active citizenship through "peace-educational programs", by harmonizing legal acts, at all levels, with the highest world standards in the field of protection of citizens' freedoms and rights, advocating for respect for universality human rights and values, the creation of socially responsible personalities who are dedicated to democratic principles, their active involvement and engagement in democratic activities and implementation in domestic legislation.

Main Projects / Activities

“Discrimination and tolerance”
The alphabet of children's rights
Active together
Youth employment
Creative third age
The right to employment and work
Culture for everyone
Equal rights for all - Promoting tolerance and peaceful coexistence

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribute to the promotion of the cultural values of Kotor, a city under the protection of UNESCO, to the protection and valorization of cultural values.
Creating intercultural dialogue
Contribute to the implementation of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, social cohesion and sustainable development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Room 37 Artworks

National Network

Pythagora 17
11146 Athens

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Room 37 Artworks is the name of my home-made studio - a creation space, a solution out of necessity during the quarantine, where I started experimenting with the art of cinema, photography, visual arts and radio art. I began by filming my own performances, then landscapes, then people, stories and situations. Room 37 was my ticket to travel the world with my imagination and my work. I owe my artistic independence to the art of cinema, which has opened up endless new horizons and given me the chance to communicate my dreams across borders of all kinds. Break the Ways, Ride the Waves!

Mission and Objectives

Since 2020 Room 37 Artworks has collaborated with many artists, collectives, venues and festivals internationally. The mission and vision is to connect, expand the horizons of creativity and create new hubs, communities around the world working together for fresh and unconventional artistic perspectives.

Main Projects / Activities

Films, Documentaries, Interviews, Performances, Artworks, Cultural Heritage

Filmography :
Work Samples :
Curriculum vitae :

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have collaborated with many venues, festivals, organisations, artists, cultural and research centres. I can contribute to the network by contacting them for specific projects and proposals, bringing together local and international partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I am based in Greece and the work of ALF Network draws the needed attention to the Mediterranean region and the inspiration it can offer to the arts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alkistis Voulgari
Job Title
Actress / Dancer / Filmmaker
Head of the organisation
Alkistis Voulgari

Zeina Coaching Company

National Network

Norsesundsvägen 111B
44163 Alingsås

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Zeina Coaching Company operates as a personal development coaching entity, specializing in empowering immigrant women. Based in Sweden, our organizational structure is designed for flexibility and impact. While we primarily function as a solo operation, collaborations with non-profit organizations enhance our outreach.

Our budgetary resources, though modest, are strategically allocated for maximum efficacy. Funding primarily comes from service fees and collaborative initiatives with our non-profit partners.

Our modalities of action encompass a spectrum, ranging from impactful seminars and workshops to personalized one-on-one coaching sessions. Key to our success is the synergy with main partners, particularly non-profit organizations, fostering a community-driven approach to personal development.

Mission and Objectives


Empowering immigrant women on their journey to personal growth and success. Zeina Coaching Company is dedicated to providing transformative coaching and resources that enable women to overcome challenges, unlock their potential, and thrive in their new environment.


1. Facilitate Personal Development:

Offer personalized coaching sessions, workshops, and seminars to foster holistic personal development among immigrant women.

2. Cultivate Resilience:

Equip women with the tools and strategies to navigate challenges, promoting resilience and adaptability in their new cultural and professional landscapes.

3. Build Supportive Communities:

Collaborate with non-profit organizations and community partners to create a supportive network for immigrant women, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual empowerment.

4. Enhance Employability:

Provide resources and guidance to enhance women's employability, bridging the gap between skills and opportunities in the labour market.

5. Promote Mental and Emotional Well-being:

Prioritize mental health by addressing stress, burnout, and other emotional challenges through coaching and awareness programs.

6. Cultivate Leadership Skills:

Empower women to become leaders in their communities and workplaces by nurturing leadership skills and fostering a sense of agency.

7. Advocate for Diversity and Inclusion:

Actively contribute to the promotion of diversity and inclusion, advocating for equal opportunities and fair representation for immigrant women.


Main Projects / Activities

These activities showcase a diverse range of initiatives, from educational projects with institutions to outreach programs supporting vulnerable populations.

1. **Private Coaching Sessions:** - Offering personalized one-on-one coaching sessions to individuals seeking personal and professional development.

2. **Public Seminars and Workshops:** - Conducting public seminars and workshops open to a broader audience, addressing various aspects of personal growth and empowerment.

3. **Collaboration with Uppsala Folkuniversitet:** - In 2021, participated in the WeCan project, teaching entrepreneurship to immigrant women. - Currently collaborating on the DigitalEmpowerHer project, focusing on establishing an educational platform for immigrant women.

4. **Collaboration with Egypt Scholars Organization (2021-2022):** - Collaborated to offer private coaching sessions and public seminars, potentially focusing on issues relevant to international academics, researchers and graduate students.

5. **Collaboration with Markandia Sweden AB (2022):** - Collaborated with Markandia Sweden AB in 2022 to develop a tailored program for entrepreneurship coaching aimed at empowering immigrant women.

6. **Collaboration with Somaya Center (2023):** - Collaborated to offer a program for women in shelters, specifically those affected by domestic violence.

7. **Collaboration with Support Group Organization (2024):** - Ongoing collaboration to provide a 4-week personal development coaching program for immigrant women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am eager to contribute actively to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Sweden by leveraging my expertise in personal development coaching. Here are several ways I envision making a meaningful impact:

1. **Workshops and Seminars:** - I can organize and conduct workshops and seminars aligned with the foundation's mission. These sessions would focus on themes such as empowerment, skill-building, and resilience.

2. **Collaborative Projects:** - I propose collaborating on projects that address key objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation. This could involve initiatives related to women's empowerment, diversity, or community development.

3. **Mentorship Programs:** - Offering mentorship programs, particularly directed at women and immigrants, aligns with my coaching expertise. I believe mentorship can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

4. **Active Participation in Events:** - Attending and actively participating in foundation-organized events, such as conferences and forums, provides an opportunity to share insights and learn from fellow contributors.

5. **Resource Contribution:** - I am prepared to contribute resources—be it expertise, or materials—to enhance the successful implementation of the foundation's projects.

6. **Digital Engagement:** - Leveraging digital platforms for engagement, including sharing relevant content and participating in online discussions, is a channel through which I can extend my contribution.

7. **Advocacy for Diversity and Inclusion:** - I am committed to advocating for diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the foundation's activities, and I will actively contribute ideas and initiatives to promote inclusivity.

8. **Educational Initiatives:** - Collaborating on educational initiatives, such as training programs, scholarships, or the provision of educational resources, aligns with my commitment to supporting learning opportunities.

9. **Networking:** - Actively connecting with other members of the Anna Lindh Foundation is crucial for establishing collaborations and partnerships.

10. **Contribution to Research:** - If there are research initiatives aligned with the foundation's focus areas, I am open to contributing insights and perspectives gained from my experience in personal development coaching. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network and believe that my background and skills align with the foundation's mission and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am inspired to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network because of the shared commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting diversity, and empowering communities. The ALF's mission aligns closely with my personal and professional values, particularly in the realm of personal development coaching for immigrant women.

1. **Alignment of Values:** - The ALF's dedication to promoting mutual respect and understanding among different cultures resonates deeply with my belief in the transformative power of dialogue and collaboration.

2. **Empowering Women and Immigrants:** - I am passionate about contributing to the empowerment of women, especially immigrants, through personal development coaching. Joining the ALF Network would provide a platform to extend this impact and collaborate on initiatives that support this demographic.

3. **Commitment to Diversity:** - The commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion is a core principle that I prioritize in my work. I see the ALF Network as an ideal community to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collectively work towards creating more inclusive societies.

4. **Global Collaboration:** - The ALF Network's global reach presents an exciting opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations from different parts of the world. I am eager to contribute my expertise and learn from diverse perspectives.

5. **Advocacy for Positive Change:** - I believe in the power of collective action to bring about positive change. Joining the ALF Network would allow me to contribute to and benefit from a network that actively seeks to address societal challenges through dialogue and cooperation.

6. **Learning and Growth:** - Engaging with a network of professionals and experts within the ALF would provide a unique learning experience. I am eager to expand my knowledge, gain insights from others, and contribute to the pool of expertise within the network.

7. **Participation in Impactful Initiatives:** - The opportunity to participate in and contribute to the ALF's initiatives, projects, and events is a compelling reason for my desire to join. I am enthusiastic about being part of initiatives that create a positive impact on communities.

8. **Networking Opportunities:** - Building connections with individuals who share a passion for cultural understanding, dialogue, and positive change is a significant motivator.

The ALF Network serves as a valuable platform for networking and establishing meaningful collaborations.

In conclusion, my aspiration to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network is driven by a shared vision for a more inclusive and harmonious world. I look forward to actively contributing to and learning from this vibrant community.


Contact (1) Full Name
Zeinab Hefny
Job Title
Transformational coach
Head of the organisation
Zeinab Hefny

Broccoli for Capacity Building

National Network

Al Madina Al Monawara 258, office 404
Amman 11953

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Broccoli is a Non–Profit Organization based on the very innovative young community of Jordan. With a vision to see the community of Jordan living with dignity, purpose and hope, Broccoli creates opportunities for holistic development through three key areas: capacity building, innovation, and social partnership. We are looking to the future as new chances and opportunities to make this globe a better place to live in.
Broccoli team as Lead Organization has more than 20 years of accumulative experience in the relevant fields of the project including entrepreneurship capacity building, investment, Business development, and empowering and supporting Vulnerable Populations Experience, as well as Mobilization of Local Host Communities and MSME Local Economic Development and Increased Competitiveness:
- Skill Gap and Training Needs Analysis to identify opportunities and interventions to stimulate economic and social development in Jordan with an emphasis on social entrepreneurship and angel investment sectors.
- Broccoli in collaboration with number of local business associations such as:
- Association of Communications and Information Technology Companies "Entaj".
- Jordanian Businessmen Association
- Jordanian Business and Professional Women Association
- Iraqi Business Council in Jordan
- Al-Rakhaa Association for Businessmen
- East Amman Industrial Investors Association
- Jordan Free Zones Investors Association
- Jordan-Italian Business Council (GIPCO)
- Businessmen Association for Investment Development Development
- Jordanian Businessmen Association
- Jordanian Exporters Association
- Jordan Investors Association
- Association of Banks in Jordan
- Jordanian Canadian Association
- Jordan European Business Association (JEBA)
- Jordan Tree and Tobacco Association
- The General Federation of Jordanian Investment Associations
- Jordanian Palestinian Council
This kind of cooperation with these bodies specialized in developing the business sector will have a significant impact on the success of the project and amplify its positive effects.
Social entrepreneurship: Broccoli focuses its local development efforts by helping the unprivileged communities participating in creating new opportunities of social economic impact business, to develop cohesion and reducing stress including developing new business and investment opportunities for this communities.
Broccoli has a wide network of well known, successful role models and icons who have succeeded as vocational professionals, entrepreneurs, mentors in Jordan and more importantly started from modest beginnings
Broccoli Results-based M&E Approach: Broccoli has applied a results-driven monitoring and evaluation (M&E) approach across its programs with a dedicated M&E unit, and a rigorous DCED data collection, analysis and reporting methodology tailored to youth programming development in cooperation with ILO Taqeem. Moreover gender parity is essential across Broccoli programmes with 55% women beneficiaries and specific projects dedicated to women empowerment among vulnerable populations.
Broccoli capacity to reach out to vulnerable groups: to reach out to vulnerable groups the Broccoli will engage its pool of CSOs and International Humanitarian and Development Agencies that have referral lists, as well as its alumni. Also the Broccoli will mobilize its local community network and local leaders able to recommend vulnerable households to target specifically.
Broccoli International cooperation for designing and implementing trainings: Broccoli has a dedicated training department made up of a pool of 50 practitioner trainers.
Broccoli Trainers: Broccoli’s services are delivered by an elite group of practitioners who have outstanding expertise in their fields. Broccoli's pool of 50 trainers and consultants possess the technical, interpersonal and coaching skills that enable them to deliver world-class programs and services with guaranteed impacts and are selected based on highly competitive and demanding requirements.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to invest in young talents, and support them to participate effectively in building the future of their societies by raising their abilities to use and develop modern technologies for commercial and social use through using mutual benefit strategies.

Main Projects / Activities

Education for Employment: a unique project in Jordan that provides upskilling traing for the youth with significant women participation (min 40%) based on the real market demand with guaranteed employment in the sector of focus (the project includes on-the-job training to ensure employment of the participants).
Job Without Borders: the project aims to build capacities of young unemployed people with focuse on self employment and freelance and ensuring access of the Jordanian freelance specialists to the global job market.
Social Investment Hub: the project is focused on small entrepreneurs with social impact and angel investors. SIH is a tool to build capacities of young entrepreneurs on one hand and angel investors on the other hand followed by matchmaking.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Broccoli has practical experience of implementing youth & women empowerment projects and building capacities of vulnerable groups of people and can share this experience with other players in the field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Broccoli is interested in expanding the network of partners and exchange experience with relevant organizations in order to increase its social impact in Jordan and neighboring countries of the region.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Emad Al Shehab
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Emad Al Shehab
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga Korobchuk
Job Title (2)
Project Development Consultant

we impact

National Network

fatima ezzahraa street Elhanna city c morneg , Ben arous ,Tunis
2090 Morneg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

we impact is a non profit organisation , based on three axes environmental , cultural and social our budgetary is the average of 6000Dt , resources of funding are self based , on the cultural level the culture minestry finanaces our cultural and artistic activities . our projects are enviornmental such as green station which is financially supported by a Dutch organisation .

Mission and Objectives

to ensre cultural c enviornmrntal and social stability in our region as well on the national level

Main Projects / Activities

theater , enviornment and social awareness

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by working on the three levels mentioned before , the cultural v environmental and social

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to have international networks to share knowladge and learn from peers having the same objectives and goals !

Contact (1) Full Name
aymen guibene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
aymen guibene
Contact (2) Full Name
kerkeni takoua
Job Title (2)
english teacher

Lisbon International Cultural Association

National Network

Calçado do desterro, 5Lj
1150-125 Lisboa

+351 920572880
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Lica association is composed of two employees, a coordinator, a mediator, and several volunteers. Its main mission is to provide Portuguese courses at levels A1 and A2 to immigrant populations, primarily from Southwest Asia. Recently, the association won a program called BipZIp, awarded by the Lisbon region, to help diversify its actions and enable it to offer more training, free of charge, to the public already frequenting its premises. The budget allocated to these missions for the year is €37,748. The name of the project is Efficiency and Employability. This project aims to contribute to reducing inequalities in access to employment and a dignified life for the migrant population. Migrants face various challenges in their integration, such as cultural and language barriers, and difficulties in proving their experience and qualifications in the Portuguese job market. Thus, this year, we will be able to offer training in hospitality and catering, as well as free Portuguese courses, allowing us to achieve a multidimensional approach to integration. We rely on our close partners: Bandim, a cooperative for migrant women in sewing; Renovar in Mouraria, focusing mainly on administrative issues associated with immigration; Inovinter, a state-recognized training center that provides our training programs; and Cozinha Popular, an association that promotes access to healthy and affordable cuisine.

Mission and Objectives

Lica stands out as an association created by members of the community themselves, fostering an environment of trust due to mutual understanding of needs. This inherent trust leads to greater sustainability in our actions. This year, our goal is to empower migrant individuals in specific areas tailored to their needs and interests. We recognize that the language barrier poses a major obstacle to employment for this population. Therefore, we prioritize practical training in hospitality and catering alongside Portuguese language instruction to enhance professional advancement opportunities. Additionally, we emphasize the possibility for caregivers to bring their children to training sessions, thereby facilitating their participation. The areas we target have been informally identified, ensuring alignment with community interests. Furthermore, we aim to encourage informal interactions among project participants, providing opportunities to share difficulties and support each other, thus fostering cooperation and combating isolation. In addition to our primary missions, we strive to build a strong network of partners, acknowledging the complexity of integration issues, which can range from access to information and documentation to employment assistance, language acquisition, and physical and mental health support. Therefore, we place paramount importance on active participation in various networks addressing cultural, educational, and integration issues. In addition to our close partners, we have informal partnerships that naturally develop within Lica due to the strong sense of community within our establishment. Moreover, the precarious nature of civil society actions in Portugal, resulting from limited resources and short funding cycles often lasting no more than a year, underscores the necessity for a developed partner network. Integration challenges cannot be adequately addressed within such limited timeframes. The fragility of employment conditions in the civil society sector necessitates strong networks for each association to effectively fulfill its missions.

Main Projects / Activities

This year, our missions are primarily centered around the following activities: 1. Portuguese Classes: This activity involves providing Portuguese classes to migrant participants in the project. Although our association already offers Portuguese classes, they are paid. Therefore, we aim to include free access to these classes for project participants, thereby contributing to greater integration and empowerment. We believe that many interested individuals may not have the financial means to attend our classes otherwise. 2. Housekeeping: This activity entails conducting a certified housekeeping training program designed for migrants who wish to acquire or improve their professional skills in this area. The training sessions/workshops may cover topics such as laundry and linen management, cleaning techniques, hygiene, disinfection, and guest communication. The training will be conducted by a qualified and experienced trainer, while workshops will be led by migrants with practical experience in the field. 3. Culinary Arts: We offer culinary training sessions/workshops for project participants interested in this field. The sessions will cover cooking techniques, food hygiene, quality standards, sustainability, customer service, diversity, and culinary innovation. The training will be delivered by qualified and experienced trainers, with workshops facilitated by migrants with practical experience. 4. Child and Elderly Care: This activity involves providing training sessions/workshops on child and elderly care for those interested in working in this field. The training will be conducted by qualified and experienced trainers, as well as migrants with relevant experience in the sector. 5. Experience Sharing: This activity aims to facilitate 6 sessions of experience sharing among participants. These sessions are crucial for creating a welcoming and friendly environment, providing opportunities to meet people going through similar experiences and challenges. Experience sharing sessions are fundamental to the project as they not only motivate and integrate participants but also contribute to the creation of informal networks, fostering the adaptation and success of immigrants in Portugal.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As highlighted earlier, we are an association founded by members of the community themselves. Our main strength lies precisely in the diversity of our technical team and the variety of Lica users. The diversity within our technical team brings a wealth of perspectives, experiences, and skills. By bringing together individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and life paths, we benefit from a multitude of ideas, approaches, and solutions to address the diverse needs of our community. Similarly, the diversity among our users is an invaluable source of enrichment. By welcoming members from various backgrounds, ethnicities, languages, and socio-economic levels, we create an inclusive space where everyone feels valued and respected. This diversity also promotes cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and solidarity within our community. Together, by leveraging this diversity within our team and among our users, we strengthen our ability to understand, support, and effectively serve the varied needs of our community. It is this unique asset that distinguishes Lica and guides our commitment to inclusive integration and a fairer society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

LICA positions itself as a comprehensive response to current challenges, adopting an integrated and coherent approach to foster a more inclusive and resilient society. We prioritize giving space to our community to express its needs and strive to address them actively. Our collaborative initiatives foster exchanges of ideas, experiences, and perspectives, placing dialogue at the heart of positive change. We aim to empower individuals and communities to drive progress and promote better mutual understanding. We also believe that the Anna Lindh Foundation can help enhance our mission. By providing us with broader insights into international policies, assisting in expanding our network, and facilitating exchanges with partners across different territories from Portugal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Gonçalves
Job Title
Project Coordenator
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Helal Uddin
Contact (2) Full Name
Farhana Akter
Job Title (2)
Cultural Mediator

Station Europe

National Network

Zorilor 137
115200 Costesti

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Station Europe is an NGO that believes in the power of creativity and is committed to creating a portfolio of ready-to-scale solutions, encouraging people from all backgrounds to connect with nature, respect diversity, and acquire new digital, resilience, and green skills. Station Europe's organization model targets sustainability, ensuring that our projects benefit the economy, society, and the environment. All our products, services and projects aim to empower our target groups to develop new skills and knowledge about the surrounding environment. They would then be able to use what they learned further to do good in their local communities while having a long-term and sustainable approach that would be beneficial for the next generations. Annual budget: 250K Euro 60% Erasmus+ funds 25% Civil society partners 10% Educational training services 5% Media production services We received a series of funding grants totaling over 700,000 EURO from partners such as Romanian United Fund (USA Diaspora), Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany), Erasmus+ (EU), TechSoup Europe (Poland), Schwarzkopf Stiftung (Germany), and others. Our team consists of 4 full-time persons and 51 volunteers. Our action plan: we test ideas at the local level, and once our projects are validated, we extend them to other countries through our partners' networks. We aim to become competitive in Europe through international partnerships and collaborations to increase the impact and reach of our organization's programs and initiatives.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that everyone has a role to play in the future of their communities. We proudly represent the voices of youth in Europe 💪 through creative projects and initiatives that bring out a fantastic mixture of tech & digital knowledge, creativity, resilience, and green skills. 💚 Station Europe's mission is to give young generations the power to bring useful ideas and initiatives to life, create stories that celebrate diversity, and inspire communities to act for a sustainable and democratic future. We imagine a world where creativity, the environment, innovation, and social impact go hand in hand. A world where the next generation of European leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs are inspired and supported to bring their bold ideas to life, creating a sustainable and equitable future for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are some: Creators for Change – a vibrant and inclusive group of young activists committed to using the latest digital platforms to create impactful campaigns that raise awareness on climate justice; We lead the Alliance for Education and Society, which unites 24 Romanian educational partners. We created a women-led group of trainers as part of Understanding Europe, a non-formal education network that activates in 14 European countries, which delivers 80+ workshops yearly to 2470 students; We created Reality Lab, a centre for inclusive digital innovation and creativity. This is where we explore and build new inclusive-first educational products. Our solutions are available in 8 European countries and reach over 6000 students annually; It's Time – gathered 30+ youth worldwide to form a Youth Council to fight against air pollution and biodiversity loss; Blooming Schools wishes to bring a touch of green activism into schools from 4 European countries by investing in the creation of wildlife gardens. Station Europe is in the Digital working group of the European Commission in a 3-year mandate.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Station Europe can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Romania by promoting intercultural dialogue, empowering youth, building capacity for other NGOs and social actors, and developing new participatory and environmental solutions. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the network and work together towards creating a more sustainable future for our communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Station Europe wants to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network because we believe it offers a unique platform for collaboration, access to resources and expertise, and opportunities to amplify our impact, all in alignment with our mission and values. We are excited about the prospect of becoming active network members and working with other social actors to promote dialogue, foster youth empowerment, and contribute to positive social change in our region and beyond. ALF Network is our step further in creating long-lasting social impact in society.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Alin Gabriel Gramescu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Station Europe

Social Research and Policies institute

National Network

30 St. Stambolov Str
2700 Blagoevgrad

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Social Research and Policies Institute is a Bulgarian non-governmental organization working in the public interest. SRPI conducts state-of-the-art research on various topics within the SHH domain, supports and evaluates policies, activities and programs to overcome acute social problems; and supports and aids in developing public and state institutions and actors.

Mission and Objectives

It was established with the mission to contribute to the advancement of Bulgarian society by enriching knowledge on various problematic social issues and promoting and supporting the employment of SSH's new developments in policies. A key to achieving the goals of the Institute is the state-of-the-art research conducted by the scientists and experts from leading Bulgarian academic institutions united in the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

SRPI has grown as a centre of excellence in analyzing current social, economic and political processes and phenomena. SRPI has partnered in the implementation of several projects, among which the most important are: HUMCORE "Humanitarian Corridors Integration pathways: fostering better integration opportunities for people in need of protection through strengthened private sponsorship schemes" (AMIF, ongoing); Project "The Regulatory Reform in Bulgaria - Five Years of Standstill or Development?" (OP "Good Governance"); COVID-19 "Optimizing policies and neutralizing the negative effects of Covid – 19" (Active Citizen Fund).

Contact (1) Full Name
Lyuba Spasova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lyuba Spasova

مؤسسة تاثير للعمل البيئي

National Network

٩ ش بن الوردي من ش عمار بن ياسر مصر الجديدة

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

يتكون مجلس امناء مؤسسة تأثير من ٧ افراد و في خلال اول ٧ اشهر للمؤسسة فزنا بعدد من المشاريع الممولة من جهات مثل الاتحاد الاوروبي والجى اى زيد ويونسكو وشاركنا بوفد الى cop28 بالامارات
مصادر التمويل من جهات مانحة و تدريبات ممولة

Mission and Objectives

نستهدف في خطتنا الاستراتيجية ٢٠٢٣-٢٠٢٦ العمل على ٣ محاور رئيسية (العدالة المناخية-ريادة الاعمال المراعية مناخيًا -التحول الرقمي والحوكمة)
وهدفنا هو رفع الوعى البيئي والمناخي وإشراك كافة أطياف المجتمع في العمل البيئي والمناخي محليًا و دوليًا ،تطبيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة ،تحقيق العدالة المناخية

Main Projects / Activities

-برامج تدريبية ( البرنامج المتقدم للقادة البيئين - برنامج إنسباير لتدريب سيدات من نيجيريا على مشاريع صديقة للبيئة و مراعية للمناخ)
-مشاريع ( مشروع كلايماثون صعيد مصر) تحت رعاية وزارة البيئة والاتحاد الاوروبي و الچي اى زيد
( مشروع تخضير التعليم ووظائف المستقبل) تحت رعاية اليونسكو و وزارة التعليم الاماراتي

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال خبرتنا في مجال البيئة والتنمية المستدامة و علاقتنا القوية بصناع القرار و الجهات المانحة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

اريد التوسع في التأثير الإيجابي وتوسيع نطاق عمل المؤسسة

Contact (1) Full Name
سوسن العوضي
Job Title
رئيس مجلس امناء المؤسسة
Head of the organisation
د سوسن العوضي


National Network

Egnatias 156
54636 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Univation is a dynamic nonprofit startup with a lean organizational structure comprising three co-founders and a dedicated team of 15 volunteers. Operating with an annual budget of around €40,000, primarily sourced from consultancy projects with various European universities, Univation is just beginning its fundraising efforts. The organization specializes in providing a comprehensive platform for incubators and accelerators, offered for free to universities. This platform includes features like an Idea Canvas, mentor lists, course creation tools, and more, inspired by leading startup accelerators like Y Combinator and Startup School. Looking forward, Univation is excited about launching a new platform designed to connect professors at over 100 universities with a diverse range of mentors, including entrepreneurs, Y Combinator founders, AI researchers, and even Nobel laureates. This initiative aims to enrich the academic experience by bringing real-world expertise into the classroom. Univation's main partners are prestigious institutions, collaborating with over 35 universities across Europe and renowned colleges like Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia.

Mission and Objectives

Univation's mission is to empower student entrepreneurs and facilitate innovation in the academic sector globally. The primary objective is to bridge the gap between academia and the entrepreneurial world, providing students and faculty with the tools and connections necessary to transform ideas into viable businesses. By offering its platform free of charge to universities, Univation aims to democratize access to high-quality entrepreneurial resources and mentorship.

Main Projects / Activities

Univation's main projects and activities focus on fostering entrepreneurship in academia. Key initiatives include:

Free Platform for Universities: Offering a comprehensive digital platform to universities, which includes tools for idea development, course creation, and mentorship programs.

Mentorship Program: Launching a new platform connecting students and faculty with a diverse network of mentors from various fields, including successful entrepreneurs and Nobel laureates.

Workshops and Hackathons: Organizing interactive events that encourage entrepreneurial thinking and practical skill development among students.

Consultancy Projects: Engaging in consultancy for European universities, assisting them in developing and enhancing their own entrepreneurial programs and incubators.

These activities are aimed at bridging the academic-entrepreneurial divide and equipping the next generation of innovators with the necessary tools and knowledge.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Greece, Univation can contribute significantly to the educational and entrepreneurial ecosystem through the following strategies:

-Partnerships with Greek Universities and Institutions: Collaborating with Greek universities and educational non-profits to offer our digital platform, which includes mentorship opportunities and tools for idea development and course creation.

-Tailored Support for Local Communities: Providing customized support to local educational communities in Greece, helping them develop their entrepreneurial initiatives and adapt to the unique challenges and opportunities in the Greek context.

-Promoting Innovation and Idea Realization: Encouraging Greek students and educators to bring their innovative ideas to fruition, supported by our network of global mentors, including successful entrepreneurs and industry experts.

-Organizing Local Events: Hosting workshops, hackathons, and seminars in Greece to inspire entrepreneurial thinking, practical skill development, and networking among students and educators.

-Enhancing Connectivity and Exchange: Facilitating connections between the Greek educational sector and our extensive international network, thereby promoting cross-cultural exchanges and collaboration.

Univation's engagement in Greece aims to empower the local academic community, fostering a robust environment where innovative ideas can thrive and transform into successful ventures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Univation is eager to join the ALF Network primarily to apply for the mobility partnership program, recognizing the immense potential in engaging with other network partners. This collaboration aligns with our mission to develop youth entrepreneurship across the Mediterranean and Europe. By joining ALF, we anticipate fostering meaningful partnerships, sharing knowledge, and gaining insights that will enhance our ability to empower young entrepreneurs. This network presents a valuable opportunity for us to expand our reach, collaborate on innovative projects, and contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Minas Marios Kontis
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Head of the organisation
Minas Marios Kontis