Femina RY

National Network

Vasamakatu 3 A 3
04230 Kerava

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Femina RY is a non-profit organization with a team of five dedicated staff members. We work closely with a network of partners to achieve our goals. Femina RY's annual budget is approximately 100,000 euros. This funding comes from a variety of sources, including grants, donations, and membership fees. Femina RY uses a variety of modalities to achieve its goals, including: projects, Seminars, conferences, etc. Main partners involved in the organization's projects and activities Femina RY works with various partners, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, international organizations, businesses, and individuals, to achieve its goals. Femina RY's partners provide valuable support through funding, expertise, and networks.

Mission and Objectives

Femina ry committed to creating a more sustainable and fair society by empowering women, children, and youth and advancing education for all. We believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential and that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Advocacy Alliance, Gender journey and young women empowerment programme, Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region 2021-2022, SPREADING, EMPOWERING AND IMPROVING GREEN HABITO NETWORK

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Provide information and resources, translate content, write blog posts and articles, promote the Network. I can promote the Network on social media, in blog posts, and in other online and offline channels. I can also help to organize events and workshops to raise awareness of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join the ALF Network because I believe in its mission to promote gender equality and social justice. I am particularly interested in contributing to the Network's work on education, training, and advocacy for women and girls. I believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential, and I am committed to helping women and girls reach their full potential. I am also passionate about advocating for women's rights and I believe that the ALF Network can play a powerful role in making the world a more just and equitable place for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Larisa Kezhaeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Larisa Kezhaeva

APCB Association pour la promotion de la culture berbère au Luxembourg

National Network

12 Krokelshaff-Strooss
5722 Aspelt

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

L'association a pour objet de faire la promotion de la culture berbère à
différents niveaux: faire découvrir l'histoire et la civilisation berbère en organisant
des colloques, des expositions,
Faire la promotion des différents travaux artisanaux confectionnés par des femmes
des villages berbères du Maghreb (des bijoux, de la poterie, des peintures, des
vêtements traditionnels] en organisant des expositions,
Organiser des rencontres littéraires, des café débats, conférences;
Organiser des rencontres artistiques, des ateliers, artisanat de toute sorte
Faire découvrir la gastronomie berbère
Organiser et mettre en place des actions de développement et d'échange culturels
avec les régions berbères du Maghreb
L'association a pour objet toutes actions qui concourent à la promotion et au
développement de la culture Berbère.
Toute activité qui a vocation à favoriser l’insertion-socio professionnelle, la
diversité et l’inclusion pour les publics reconnus comme appartenant à une classe

Mission and Objectives

L'association a pour objet de faire la promotion de la culture berbère à
différents niveaux: faire découvrir l'histoire et la civilisation berbère en organisant
des colloques, des expositions,
Faire la promotion des différents travaux artisanaux confectionnés par des femmes
des villages berbères du Maghreb (des bijoux, de la poterie, des peintures, des
vêtements traditionnels] en organisant des expositions,
Organiser des rencontres littéraires, des café débats, conférences;
Organiser des rencontres artistiques, des ateliers, artisanat de toute sorte
Faire découvrir la gastronomie berbère
Organiser et mettre en place des actions de développement et d'échange culturels
avec les régions berbères du Maghreb
L'association a pour objet toutes actions qui concourent à la promotion et au
développement de la culture Berbère.
Toute activité qui a vocation à favoriser l’insertion-socio professionnelle, la
diversité et l’inclusion pour les publics reconnus comme appartenant à une classe

Main Projects / Activities

Événements culturels, rencontres culturelles, expositions

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassiba Djerrada
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hassiba Djerrada Guerbouj

إيفاء للتنمية والتدريب

National Network

طريق بغداد الدولي
المفرق 25110

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. Youth and education
General Information

مؤسسة أردنية غير حكومية وغير ربحية، تأسس عام، 2022
بهدف دعم عملية الإصلاح الشامل والمساهمة في الجهود الوطنية الهادفة لتحقيق تنمية مستدامة في البادية الشمالية ومحافظة المفرق من خلال منهجية علمية تشاركية تقوم على تمكين الأفراد والمؤسسات واعداد الدراسات وبناء الشراكات مع المؤسسات المحلية والدولية وفقاُ لأفضل الممارسات التنموية القائمة على تعزيز ثقافة حقوق الإنسان ومراعاة قيم المشاركة والعدالة الاجتماعية وتكافؤ الفرص

تركز برامج مركز ايفاء على تمكين الأفراد والمؤسسات للمساهمة في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة، تمكين النساء والشباب لأخذ أدوار قيادية في عملية التنمية، تعزيز المشاركة المدنية لكافة فئات المجتمع، تقديم التوصيات للسلطات التشريعية والتنفذية، وصياغة السياسات والبرامج الوطنية

عدد الموظفين ٤ السبب شركة ناشئة
موارد الميزانيه /دعم جمعيات ومنظمات محليه
مصادر التمويل/منظمات دوليه ومحليه
طريقة العمل / نشاطات ملموسه
عملنا مع IRC نشاط النادي الصيفي محافظة المفرق
اكاديمه اورنج للتدريب
جمعية الزعتري للتنمية

Mission and Objectives

الوصول للفة الشبابية المهمشة

Main Projects / Activities

IRC نشاط النادي الصيفي الزعتري ٢٠٢٣
نشاط تدريبي اكاديمه اورنج /الاتحاد الاوربي ٢٠٢١

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نطمح بتوسيع العمل التنموي التشاركي لتحقيق الاهداف المرجوة لهداف التنمية ال 17 العالمية
نخدم ونغطي شريحه واسعة من الشمال الاردني
ونساهم ان شاء الله في تقديم خدمات مميزة وعادله ومساعدة ايضا للموسسات في المنطقه والعمل على التعريف على الشبكة بشكل كبير جدا

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

توسبع قاعده التشبيك والوصول الحقيقي للعمل التنموي الحقيفي وليس الورقي ونأمل ان نكون على قدر ان شاء الله

Contact (1) Full Name
امجد محمد عوده بني خالد
Job Title
مدير عام
Head of the organisation
امجد محمد عوده بني خالد
Contact (2) Full Name
د.حتمل عوده عيد بني خالد
Job Title (2)
مدير اداري

Associação Faísca Voadora

National Network

Terreiro do Forte 1
2910-683 Setúbal

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

L'Association Faísca Voadora vise à promouvoir l’interculturalité et l’accès à l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie pour toutes les personnes, indépendamment de leur âge, de leur sexe, de leur religion, de leur apparence, de leur sexualité, de leurs capacités, de leur situation sociale ou économique, ou de tout autre critère de ce type. L'équipe permanente comprend deux salariées et une assistante administrative à temps partiel, qui coopèrent avec un pool d'intervenant-es réguliers. L'association travaille en réseau avec la mairie, des associations, des centres de formation, des écoles et centres sociaux, au niveau local et international. Le réseau informel local comprend une dizaine de partenaires, et le réseau international comprend des partenaires d’Europe, du Caucase, et du pourtour méditerranéen. Le flux financier annuel moyen est de 200.000€. Nos sources de financement majoritaire sont la prestation de services pédagogiques via Erasmus+, l’OFAJ, le dispositif Escolhas et les financements municipaux.

Mission and Objectives

L'Association Faísca Voadora est une organisation à but non lucratif basée sur la rive sud du Tage (Setúbal). Fondée en 2018, sa mission est de promouvoir l’interculturalité et l’accès à l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie pour toutes les personnes, indépendamment de leur âge, de leur sexe, de leur religion, de leur apparence, de leur sexualité, de leurs capacités, de leur situation sociale ou économique, ou de tout autre critère de ce type. Faísca Voadora a aussi pour objectif d'explorer et d'expérimenter des méthodes innovantes d'éducation non formelle et informelle, et de créer et promouvoir des espaces de rencontre interculturelle, que ce soit au niveau local, national ou international. De manière transversale, l’association vise à promouvoir les droits humains et lutter contre toutes les formes de discrimination et d'exclusion, en se battant pour l'expression et la visibilité de toutes les personnes et en particulier de celles associées à des communautés exclues ou marginalisées. L’association a comme objectif de ● promouvoir des activités interculturelles, artistiques et pédagogiques sous différents formats, ● proposer des activités innovantes et expérimentales dans le domaine de l'éducation non-formelle et informelle, ● promouvoir l'accès à la culture, à la formation, à tous les processus d'apprentissage pour toutes les personnes à tout moment de leur vie et indépendamment de leur nationalité, religion, situation économique, culture, identité de genre, sexualité, ou tout autre critère arbitraire, ● promouvoir la rencontre entre les différentes cultures (qu'elles soient locales ou nationales), la coexistence au-delà des différences qui peuvent exister, et la compréhension mutuelle, ● agir en faveur des droits humains, promouvoir des actions concrètes et quotidiennes pour l'égalité, contre toute forme de discrimination et d'exclusion, pour l'expression et la visibilité de toutes les personnes et en particulier celles appartenant à des communautés exclues ou marginalisées.

Main Projects / Activities

Pour atteindre nos objectifs, nous travaillons en réseaux avec diverses entités au niveau local et international pour organiser des rencontres de jeunes et formations, ainsi que des ateliers dans des écoles et espaces de travail de jeunesse et d’inclusion. Nous accueillons des stages em mobilité insérés dans des dispositifs d'insertion professionnelle allant de deux semaines à deux mois et organisons des mobilités formatives pour les professionnels du domaine de la jeunesse et de l'insertion professionnelle. Les outils préférés de Faísca Voadora sont la facilitation interculturelle, l'animation linguistique, la bande dessinée et la facilitation graphique, les formes participatives de théâtre et d'expression corporelle, la traduction et l'interprétation créatives, la radio, les méthodes d'animation en ligne et d'autres formes (inter)culturelles. Nos thèmes principaux sont l'inclusion et la diversité, le genre et les questions LGBTQI*, le changement climatique et la durabilité, les migrations et l'interculturalité. Depuis sa création fin 2018, l'Associação Faísca Voadora a non seulement été partenaire mais a également organisé, en tant qu'organisation de coordination et d'accueil, plusieurs échanges et formations de jeunes ayant rassemblé des équipes et des participant-es du Portugal, de France, d'Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, d'Azerbaïdjan, d'Ukraine, d'Italie, de Géorgie, de Turquie, de Tunisie, du Maroc et d'Algérie.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous espérons contribuer grâce aux métholodogies que nous appliquons et que nous pouvons partagers, mais aussi grâce à nos réseaux locaux et interationaux existants, qui peuvent créer d'intéressantes coopérations. Notre savoir-faire et notre expérience des projets interculturels à l'intersection de l'insertion professionnelle et de l'intervention auprès de populations exclues peuvent être une contribution intéressante. Enfin, nous disposons de ressources matérielles (espace, véhicule, matériel d'entregistrement radio) que nous pourrions mutualiser avec d'autres membres du réseaux. Nous aimons soutenir les réseaux tant en termes pédagogiques que logistiques.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le Réseau car le travail en réseau est au coeur de notre ADN et nos pratiques quotidiennes. Nous croyons fermement en l'importance du travail en réseau, plus que jamais dans le contexte historique actuel qui fragmente et polarise. Cela fait plusieurs années que nous connaissons la FAL mais n'avions pas encore sauté le pas de faire la candidature. L'élément déclencheur a été l'invitation de nos partenaires de l'association Graine de Paix en Algérie, avec qui nous souhaitons déposer une candidature à un appel à projet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Morgane Masterman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Morgane Masterman
Contact (2) Full Name
Susana Costa
Job Title (2)

Jordan Youth Potential

National Network

Al Loloea St. 23
Amman 11191

+962 790603991
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Jordan Youth Potential (JYP) is a Jordanian non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2023 as the result of the needs of youngsters to participate actively into the society. committed to unlocking the boundless potential of young minds. Focusing on women and youth with fewer opportunities through innovative programs and tailored resources, we work on creating transformative opportunities that inspire, educate, and propel today's youth towards a future of excellence. Our unwavering mission is to cultivate leadership, foster creativity, and instill a strong sense of purpose, ensuring that everyone is equipped with the skills and confidence to navigate a dynamic world.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to increase the quality participation for the youth and their inclusion in the society by taking action locally and internationally; and to focus on youth potentials as a base for their development; and to promote our visions of equality, non-violent communication, social inclusion and collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

Created 7 Local projects supporting youth, which took place in various universities and refugee camps. Some brief of our projects:

- "Mind Matters Workshop Series" in universities, aiming to enhance the empowerment and mental well-being of students. The series includes stress management workshops led by mental health professionals, providing practical tools for stress reduction and mindfulness. Peer support circles, facilitated by trained mentors, create a space for students to share experiences and coping strategies, fostering a supportive community. Skill-building sessions focus on practical life skills like time management and effective communication. The workshop series also features a guest speaker series, inviting experts to share insights on mental health and personal development. By combining professional guidance, peer support, and skill development, YEMH's initiative addresses the holistic well-being of university students, equipping them with tools to navigate academic and personal challenges.

- The "Potential for Everyone" Initiative is actively engaged in fostering self-reliance among youth in refugee camps through a targeted Youth Entrepreneurship Training program. Over the course of several weeks, the initiative collaborates with local partners to impart crucial skills to young refugees. Workshops conducted by trained facilitators cover fundamental business concepts, financial literacy, and market research. The program not only equips participants with practical entrepreneurial skills but also instills a sense of empowerment and self-confidence. By focusing on entrepreneurship, the initiative aims to create opportunities for young refugees to build their own livelihoods, fostering a pathway to economic independence and contributing positively to the resilience of their communities. Through this endeavor, the Initiative strives to empower youth in refugee camps, offering them tangible tools and knowledge that can significantly impact their future prospects and overall well-being.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- **Partnerships and Collaboration:**
- Forge collaborations with local organizations, government agencies, and businesses to strengthen the network's reach and impact.

- **Capacity Building:**
- Offer training programs and capacity-building initiatives to enhance the skills and capabilities of network members.

- **Resource Mobilization:**
- Actively engage in fundraising efforts to secure financial resources for the network's projects and activities.

- **Knowledge Sharing:**
- Facilitate knowledge exchange forums, workshops, and conferences to promote learning and innovation among network participants.

- **Advocacy and Policy Influence:**
- Advocate for policies that align with the network's objectives, leveraging the NGO's expertise to influence positive change at the governmental level.

- **Community Engagement:**
- Implement community-based projects and initiatives to directly address local needs and involve the broader population in the network's activities.

- **Technology and Innovation Support:**
- Provide technological resources and support to enhance the network's efficiency, communication, and overall impact.

- **Monitoring and Evaluation:**
- Contribute to effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the network's performance and adapt strategies for continuous improvement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

An NGO might want to be a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation to:

1. **Access a Regional Platform:** Joining the foundation provides the NGO with a platform to engage in dialogue, collaboration, and partnerships with other organizations, institutions, and individuals across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

2. **Promote Cross-Cultural Understanding:** Membership aligns with the NGO's commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, and cooperation, contributing to peace and stability in the region.

3. **Participate in Projects and Initiatives:** The foundation organizes various projects and initiatives that members can actively participate in, amplifying the impact of their work and contributing to the broader goals of the foundation.

4. **Networking Opportunities:** Being part of the Anna Lindh Foundation allows the NGO to connect with a diverse network of stakeholders, enabling the exchange of ideas, best practices, and resources to enhance their own initiatives.

5. **Contribute to Regional Development:** Membership signifies the NGO's dedication to regional development and social cohesion, aligning with the foundation's mission to build bridges and promote shared values in the Euro-Mediterranean context.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Rozanda Alkhlaifat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rozanda Alkhlaifat
Contact (2) Full Name
Asaad Srouji
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager

Wekalet Behna

National Network

1, Al Kanesa Al Maronya
Al Mansheyah Al Kubra
Alexandria Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Re-established in 2019, Wekalet Behna is an inclusive artistic institution with a strong focus on film, contemporary arts, education, and arts research ; organizing public events (film screenings, exhibitions, artists talks), educational programs for artists and writers, fellowship programs and workshops.

The company includes between 5 and 10 full-time employees, but also collaborates with artists and cultural workers, calls for freelancers when needed, and volunteers in its archive. Most of its funding is coming from partners' contracts. We count 8 regular partners, including DROSOS for the fourth year ; AFAC for the third year ; NAS Network (Alternative Arab Screening).

Mission and Objectives

At the core of Wekalet Behna's mission lies a spectrum of programs designed to deconstruct critical discourses prevalent in dominant cultural practices and systems. These initiatives aim to challenge and reassess established cultural concepts and structures, fostering a continuous reexamination and evolution of inherent cultural norms.
By unravelling prevailing images and connotations that shape virtual relationships between practitioners, cultural professionals, artistic institutions, and the public, Wekalet Behna seeks to dismantle rigid definitions : its objective is to foster a dynamic environment that encourages ongoing reconsideration and revision, promoting a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape.

Main Projects / Activities

In addition to our interaction with the local and regional cultural scene, we seek to offer activities in particular to all practitioners and people interested in culture in Alexandria and its surrounding towns, which sometimes lack central cultural services.
Within Wekalet Behna, three different spaces are used as platforms for their public events, screenings or workshops :
El Wekalah ("Agency") features versatile medium-capacity rooms, suitable for low-attendance events such as artistic workshops and specialised seminars.
El Plateau (“Studio”) is designed as an artist's studio, equipped with all the material needed for the work - it is also suitable for film screenings, literary seminars and extended workshops.
El Makhzan (“Warehouse”) is the latest addition to the public spaces - hosting bigger-scale exhibitions and film screenings.

Wekalet Behna stands as a proactive contributor to the local artistic and cultural scene through a diverse spectrum of projects: dialogues, collaborations, publications, and both artistic and educational programs. The institution is dedicated to fostering critical dialogue and continually reassessing traditional beliefs, striving to challenge and refine contemporary discourses.
The institution's ultimate goal is to create an intellectual safespace that not only encourages critical dialogue but also actively challenges societal beliefs and stereotypes. By providing such an environment - conducive to intellectual development and creative exploration - Wekalet Behna seeks to leave a lasting and significant imprint on the Alexandrian cultural landscape.

Wekalet Behna is also hosting the archival fonds of the Selection Behna Films, one of the most important Egyptian cinematic distribution companies, active from the late 20s to the early 60s.
Notably, they produced Egypt's first Arabic talking and musical film, 'Onshondat Al-Fuad,' in 1932 and the first Egyptian animated film, 'Mish-Mish Effendi,' in 1936. Becoming the primary distributor for Egyptian films, the company expanded its presence across the Arab world, North Africa, and Europe. The Wekalah houses a vast archive consisting of around 50 linear metres of documents and 6000 images, predominantly in French and Arabic. These archives are much more than a mere collection, representing a historical and cultural legacy. There are 287 Egyptian films, 7 foreign films, records of 119 Egyptian cinemas, and 100 cinemas abroad, providing a comprehensive overview of Egypt's cinema evolution from the 1930s to the present.
Wekalet Behna has started restoration efforts, renovating archives, and initiating conservation activities since June 2020, aiming to preserve and protect this invaluable cultural heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our main mission is the development of the local artistic scene.
We also have a wide network with other art institutions in Egypt, and if needed, we have some spaces in Alexandria that we can share with other members.
During the last three years, Wekalet Behna was one of the main places to receive human sciences’ researchers in the country. By keeping a close and trustful relationship with them, we can be a key partner for diverse upcoming research projects - which can help increase the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We’re currently seeking new partnerships and most importantly new ways to collaborate with other cultural actors in the Mediterranean. We are seeking to develop our network and meet new institutions to work with.
At this moment, our priority is set on trying to find partners to help support our archives’ project. After having an introductory meeting with ALF responsibles for the local network, they encouraged us to join.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omayma Shafy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Omayma Shafy
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiana Kader
Job Title (2)
Archives' manager

الجمعية اللبنانية الخيرية للإصلاح والتأهيل

National Network

التل - شارع السنترال - بناية الوزير - الطابق الخامس
طرابلس 0000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
لا يوجد
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

الجمعية تتألف من هيئة إدارية وهيئة عامة - مدير مشاريع - موظفين - متطوعين
المنظمة ليس لديها موظفين ثابتين بل لديها موظفين يعملون بشكل جزئي على المشاريع والمبادرات والأنشطة .
ميزانية الجمعية :
الميزانية الإجمالية لعام 2021 هي 94,817,250 ليرة لبنانية
الميزانية الإجمالية لعام2022 هي 449,125,000 ليرة لبنانية
الميزانية الإجمالية لعام 2023 هي ميزانية 633,622,500 ليرة لبنانية
منذ عام 2005، عملت الجمعية اللبنانية الخيرية للإصلاح والتاهيل مع العديد من الجهات المانحة والشركاء لتنفيذ المشاريع والأنشطة ذات الصلة لحقوق المرأة في السجون، وفي المناطق الضعيفة وخاصة عكار وطرابلس، والشباب المستضعفين في المناطق المعرضة للخطر. بعض الأمثلة:

• مشروع المواطنة النشطة لمدة 15 شهرًا مع المجلس الثقافي البريطاني بميزانية قدرها 32,000 دولار أمريكي
• هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة من خلال مؤسسة الصفدي لتمكين السجينات بميزانية قدرها 50 ألف دولار أمريكي
• مشروع التدريب المهني للسجينات لمدة عام بتمويل من السفارة الأمريكية بتكلفة 150 ألف دولار
• دورة إصلاح وصيانة الهواتف المحمولة، دورة إصلاح وصيانة الكمبيوتر، دورة فيديو وتصوير ومونتاج، المدة ستة أشهر، نسبة التوظيف 15%، الميزانية 30,000 دولار أمريكي. وقد تم تمويل المشروع من قبل المعهد العربي للتنمية الحضرية
• تصفيف شعر للسجينات لمدة شهرين بتكلفة حوالي 10000 دولار وتم تمويله ذاتياً ودعمه من قبل سوار.
• دورة محو الأمية للسجينات تكلفة 3000 دولار مع نادي الروتاري.
• دورة تزيين البالونات والمسامير والشوكولاتة والصواني من أنيرا. المدة ثلاثة أشهر والميزانية 24.000 دولار أمريكي. تم زيادة معدل التوظيف لهذا النشاط بنسبة 30%
• دورة اللغة الإنجليزية لمدة شهرين بميزانية قدرها 6000 دولار مدعومة من معهد اللغة الإنجليزية.
• دورة تدريبية في الرسم للسجينات لمدة شهرين بميزانية قدرها 10000 دولار تمويل ذاتي من المنظمة
• دورة تأهيلية لمدة شهرين عبر برنامج زومبا بميزانية 10000 دولار مع أنيرا وإصلاح وتاهيل.
• التأهيل والتوعية من المخدرات من خلال سلسلة من الورش التوعوية التثقيفية وألعاب كرة القدم وكرة السلة والكرة الطائرة. تبلغ الميزانية 30 ألف دولار أمريكي مقدمة من وزارة الثقافة والجهات المانحة الخاصة الأخرى.
• مشروع التدريب المهني والمهارات الحياتية بتكلفة 13000 دولار بتمويل من RDFL (صندوق الائتمان الأورومتوسطي)
• التدريب المهني والمهارات الحياتية للشباب بتمويل من مؤسسة رينه معوض (اليونيسف) بميزانية قدرها 19,000 دولار أمريكي.
• مشروع تمكين إقتصادي للمرأة بتمويل من UN WOMEN بميزانية 50000 دولار
•مشروع التماسك الإجتماعي للفئات المهمشة بتموبل من المؤسسة اللبنانية للسلم الأهلي الدائم بقيمة 17000 اورو .
• مبادرة دعم نفسي إجتماعي للسجينات عبر كرة السلة بتمويل من أديان بقيمة 6000 دولار
• تنفيذ مسابقة شعرية تنافسية للسجينات داخل السجن بقيمة 10000 دولار

Mission and Objectives

رسالتنا: زرع بذور اإلصالح والتأهيل في كل ربوع الوطن.
رؤيتنا: معا" نحو طفولة اكثر إشرافا" ،ومجتمع خال من المخدرات ، وشباب أصيل وسجون إصالحية تأهيلية .
-1 العمل داخل األراضي اللبنانية على مساعدة المساجين داخل وخارج السجون.
-2 العمل على حماية األحداث
-3 انشاء مراكز ومعاهد في جميع األراضي اللبنانية
-4 رعاية عائالت المساجين والفقراء واأليتام والعمل على كفاالتهم
-5 إقامة دورات تدريبية ومهنية وثقافية وعلمية وفنية
-6 مكافحة المخدرات

Main Projects / Activities

المشاريع الرئيسية
دورات محو امية الكترونية بالتعاون مع جمعية دوت ليبانون
دعم نفسي إجتماعي للسجينات
إستشارات قانونية
جلسات توعية حول افة المخدرات
جلسات توعية حول العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي
مسابقات شعرية بين السجينات
إصار الكتاب الثاني من تأليف سجينة داخل السجن

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال التشبيك والتعاون ونقل خبرات انا ليند وتطبيقها في بلدنا

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الجمعية لا تزدهر الا بالإنضمام الى شبكات ومنظمات لأن بالتشبيك والتعاون يكون العمل أنجح من هنا يشرفنا الإنضمام الى شبكتكم لإكتساب الخبرات والمشاركة بكافة التدريبات لنستطيع تطبيقها في جمعيتنا وليستفيد منها أكبر عدد ممكن من اطياف المجتمع .

Contact (1) Full Name
فاطمة بدرا
Job Title
رئيسة الجمعية
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
نورا ارناؤط
Job Title (2)
امين سر


National Network

Blågårdsplads 5
2200 København N

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

En non-profit organisation etableret i 2018, I Finjan synes vi, at vi ser hinanden for lidt og ved for lidt om hinanden på tværs af kulturer. Nogle af de kulturer, som mange af os er novicer i, er de mellemøstlige, og det er ærgerligt, for de har så meget at byde på. Derfor arrangerer Finjan begivenheder, der omhandler mellemøstlig kultur, herunder litteratur, kunst, film, musik, mad og filosofi. Se hvilke events vi afholder, og læs mere om os på vores hjemmeside www.finjan.dk."

Mission and Objectives

Create a diverse and engaging cultural café experience for every person that steps into our space. Finjans mission er at fremme forståelse og forbindelse mellem mennesker, uanset deres baggrund – og specielt mellem mennesker med vestlig og mellemøstlig baggrund. Vi ønsker at skabe en platform hvor alle kan dele deres oplevelser og erfaringer, positive som negative, og deres kreativitet med et engageret publikum.

Main Projects / Activities

Finjan plans to continue and expand its Kulturcafe activities, also reaching out to communities outside Copenhagen. As a main rule, activities is taking place once a week every Monday, and will include: - Screenings of films/documentaries (Syrian Doc Days) www.syriandocdays.dk - Thematic panel/discussions - Communal dinner events - Bazaar events - Exhibition - Literature - Open mic - Music - Poetry

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Finjan Kulturcafé is excited to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation in various ways. We will be more than happy to share our practices from our work over the past 5/6 years. We're more than happy to host ALF events at our café in Blaagaarden, organizing engaging workshops and panel discussions. We're also keen on actively participating in ALF's programs, attending events, conferences, and training sessions. This will allows us to gain new insights, connect with other organizations and contribute to discussions on intercultural dialogue. Collaborating on research projects. We will be happy to participate in any online forums, connect with fellow members and explore partnership opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Finjan Kulturcafé is thrilled to be/come part of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF). We strongly believe in the power of dialogue, inclusiveness and cultural exchange, which align perfectly with ALF's mission. By joining (ALF), we'll hopefully have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, tap into their resources and broaden our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agob Yacoub
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Agob Yacoub
Contact (2) Full Name
Assem Swaid
Job Title (2)

CEO and programs manager

National Network

5 Tanzim 888 Moustafa Abu Heif st, Saba Basha, El Raml

+20 155 019 0074
Telephone (other)
+20 120 259 3577
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Empower Hub is a youth-led, SDG-oriented social enterprise empowering everyone to study and volunteer in their dream institutions. Also, we are a team of 10 passionate young leaders. Our main sources of funding are Embassies, international organizations and other private sectors that have SDGs on their mandate. As we believe that People who are closest to pain should be closest to power, so we should empower the most vulnerable among us because everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity. Therefore, we have +150 partnerships with local youth-led organizations and students’ activities to be able to provide more opportunities to those from marginalized communities. We also had partnerships with the British Council Egypt, the US embassy, Amideast, and Women Deliver. Those partnerships have been helping us execute development programs related specifically to gender equality, quality education, climate action, and generally to the SDGs where we can contribute to solving some societal issues.

Mission and Objectives

Empower Hub’s vision:
We believe that people who are closest to pain should be closest to power, so we should empower the most vulnerable among us because everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity.

Empower Hub’s Goals: We want to
• Strengthen the technical and language skills of unprivileged youth.
• Help marginalized youth explore different careers that aren’t supposed to be for them.
• Help unprivileged youth know how to start their social enterprises and initiatives or work individually with multinational companies remotely as freelancers.
• Empower marginalized youth to get scholarships and other learning opportunities in prestigious educational institutions.
• Make a community where we gather all people from different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs to support each other as they have the same interests and passions.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Empower Educational Academies
2. Empower Development programs
• Empower 2030 Leaders
• Active Citizens
• Gender and Climate Guidebook
• Youth Voices
• Climate Leaders Hub
• Tech Leaders Hub
• Women Leaders Hub
• California Activity Club
3. One-day Events celebrating the international days of the UN agenda
4. Empower Hub summits

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we have a great record in implementing development programs, interactive workshops, and raising awareness about specific issues, we can contribute with the following:
1. Organize exchange programs between Egyptian youth and their counterparts from other Mediterranean countries, facilitating cultural immersion and dialogue on shared challenges and opportunities.
2. Create and moderate online forums and social media groups for young people from different cultures to engage in discussions on various topics, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
3. Organize and co-host workshops and other interactive events that celebrate the international days of the UN agenda.
4. Develop and deliver educational materials and workshops on intercultural competency, conflict resolution, and human rights, raising awareness and appreciation for diverse perspectives.
5. Create media campaigns that promote positive narratives about intercultural relations and challenge stereotypes, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
6. Train and empower young people from marginalized communities to develop and implement sustainable social enterprises that address local challenges, creating positive social and environmental impact.
7. Organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and community projects on climate change and environmental protection, engaging youth in finding solutions for a sustainable future.
8. Implement programs that empower women and girls in Egypt, focusing on access to education, economic opportunities, and leadership roles, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.
9. Utilize Empower Hub's extensive network of youth organizations and partnerships to reach wider audiences and ensure community engagement in Anna Lindh Foundation activities.
10. Share Empower Hub's expertise in skill development, career exploration, and social enterprise development through workshops, training programs, and mentoring initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network focuses on intercultural dialogue, understanding, and sustainable development and aligns with Empower Hub's values of empowerment, inclusivity, and social justice. This shared ground creates a strong foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership. Also, joining the ALF network allows Empower Hub to reach a wider audience across the Mediterranean region, amplifying the impact of their programs and initiatives. Besides, ALF provides a platform for knowledge sharing and capacity building through workshops, conferences, and exchange programs. By joining the network, Empower Hub can learn from best practices and expertise from other members, enhancing their programs and skills. Additionally, it can lead to valuable partnerships with other organizations, NGOs, and institutions. This can open doors to new funding opportunities, joint projects, and resource sharing, expanding Empower Hub's reach and impact.
Ultimately, joining the ALF Network presents a multitude of benefits as it enhances impact, fosters knowledge sharing, builds valuable partnerships, and strengthens youth engagement in crucial issues like intercultural dialogue and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amr Mohamed Ramadan Hassan
Job Title
CEO and programs manager
Head of the organisation
Amr Mohamed Ramadan Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Donia Nashaat Ali Ahmed Darwish
Job Title (2)
Operations and financial manager


National Network

25 rue st messkl
13014 Mrseill

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)