National Network

Qabrit-Fouh-Kafr El-Sheikh
كفر الشيخ

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Established in 2020 and fueled by the dedication of 28 individuals, our non-profit organization empowers Egypt's youth through self-funded educational programs. Committed to Egypt 2030's vision for development, we work tirelessly to foster an educational boom, independent of external funding.

Mission and Objectives

our mission is to equip young individuals with the skills an support they
need to secure meaningful employment and thrive in their careers.
We believe that every young person has the potential
to make a significant impact on the world, and we are
committed to helping them achieve their goals.

Main Projects / Activities

An educational and awareness project accompanying a field trip for all age groups in the city and the governorate, in addition to attracting universities students.

A community event targeting students of the preparatory certificates to introduce the available schools, the methods of application
and qualification to enter these schools, and the secondary school, to introduce students to the various colleges and institutes, scholarships, and methods of application and

An online training camp for undergraduate students on programming, graphics, entrepreneurship and English language skills.

It is a project for anyone interested in reading
• Its aim is to extend a helping hand to those who want to build the habit of reading and help them to read
• And summarizing books in an appropriate atmosphere and with a team that combines its members with a passion for knowledge and similar interests
• Helping readers choose books and presenting them better through a library that includes summaries of books produced by the beneficiaries of this project.

It is an awareness project based on correcting a number of misconceptions societal and
common among people.
This project is carried out under partnerships
and cooperation with various parties.
And our motto is "Knock on the door.. so that the trace remains.".

It is a community initiative in which we collect and sort winter clothes and quilts and collect donations to buy clothes and quilts for families most in need.

It is a community initiative in which we collect donations to provide foodstuffs to the most needy families on a regular basis throughout the year, starting every Hijri month.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Omar Mohamed Ghazal
Job Title
CEO & Founder
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Omar
Contact (2) Full Name
Donia Ehab
Job Title (2)
Co-founder & Public Relations manager

Empower Hub for Development and Training

National Network

5 Tanzim 888 Moustafa Abu Heif st, Saba Basha, El Raml
Alexandria Governorate

+20 111 301 2712
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

We are a social enterprise based in Alexandria, Egypt that consists of 10 young people who are passionate about impacting their society positively and helping people secure fully-funded scholarships to get quality education as we believe that People who are closest to pain should be closest to power, so we should empower the most vulnerable among us because everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity. Therefore, we were able to partner with +150 youth organizations and student activities to help us provide opportunities to people from marginalized communities. Also, we have partnerships with Women Deliver, the British Council Egypt, the US embassy, Amideast, global shapers Alexandria, Banlastic, and Orgooo. Because of these partnerships, we have been able to implement development programs to help passionate youth to be part of a community where they can make this world a better place.

Mission and Objectives

We want to • Strengthen the technical and language skills of unprivileged youth. • Help marginalized youth explore different careers that aren’t supposed to be for them. • Build a community and a network where we gather all our programs alumni to give it back to their society. • Empowering marginalized youth to get scholarships and other learning opportunities in prestigious educational institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Empower Educational Academies Empower Development Programs One-day Events celebrating specific days of the UN agenda Empower 2030 Leaders Summits

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our main goal is to build a community where people connect to achieve our shared vision and missions, we can help the network find and connect with individuals and organizations that share their goals and interests. Also, we can help brainstorm new ideas and solutions to challenges faced by the network, drawing on my understanding of diverse perspectives and knowledge. Besides, we can foster the network with new projects that can help in raising awareness of gender equality, climate action, and quality education. Finally, we have experts and consultants in the previously mentioned themes that can be part of the workshops or activities implemented by the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are passionate about contributing to ALF's mission and making a positive impact. We believe the Annalindah Network provides a powerful space to collaborate with like-minded individuals which will help us take our advocacy work to the next level. Also, we believe in goal 17 of the SDGs, partnerships for the goal as every organization can share their knowledge and resources to make this world a better place for everyone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amr Mohamed Ramadan Hassan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amr Mohamed Ramadan Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Donia Nashaat Ali Ahmed Darwish
Job Title (2)
General Manager


National Network

18 rue Houcine bouzayen
1000 Tunis

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Fondé en 2012, le collectif DEBO rassemble une nouvelle génération de talents en Tunisie, regroupant des jeunes rappeurs, ingénieurs du son, musiciens, photographes, et artistes graffeurs, entre autres. Axé sur des initiatives culturelles, sociales et éducatives à travers la musique, le collectif DEBO va au-delà de ses activités associatives en possédant son propre studio d'enregistrement. Cette autonomie lui confère la liberté et l'innovation nécessaires pour mener à bien ses projets.

Situé au cœur de Tunis, l'espace du collectif est bien plus qu'un simple studio ; il représente un lieu de rencontre vibrant et un incubateur d'idées qui s'anime grâce à divers partenariats publics et privés. Toutefois, c'est à travers le Rap et la Street Culture que DEBO a véritablement marqué son empreinte.

Les rappeurs du collectif, Vipa, Massi, Tiga Black Na et Pazaman, utilisent leurs textes engagés pour dénoncer la situation politique, l'errance sociale et démocratique, ainsi que la réalité biaisée et fragilisée post-Révolutionnaire en Tunisie.

Dans le cadre de projets visant à développer les structures scolaires en Tunisie, DEBO organise des workshops et des ateliers. Chaque membre du collectif s'attache à transmettre des valeurs citoyennes, urbaines et humaines. Des ateliers de Beat-making et d'écriture de Rap sont spécialement conçus pour atteindre une jeunesse en rupture scolaire, professionnelle et sociale, aussi bien en banlieue de Tunis qu'en région.

Aujourd'hui, DEBO s'investit dans des projets de création et de fusion avec des musiciens de Malouf, Soufi et Mezoued, démontrant un engagement envers la diversité et une ouverture à d'autres genres musicaux. Grâce à des partenariats solides avec le Ministère des Affaires Culturelles Tunisien, l'Institut Français de Tunis, le British Council, le Goethe Institut Tunis, l'Ambassade Suisse, et bien d'autres, le collectif a réussi à concrétiser l'ensemble de ses projets.

Mission and Objectives

La mission du collectif DEBO s'articule autour de l'impulsion d'un impact significatif dans la société tunisienne en utilisant la musique comme un vecteur puissant de changement. Leur engagement se matérialise à travers des projets culturels, sociaux et éducatifs, visant à sensibiliser et mobiliser la jeunesse. Au cœur de leur action, DEBO s'efforce de dénoncer les enjeux politiques, sociaux et démocratiques, en mettant en avant la réalité complexe et nuancée post-Révolutionnaire en Tunisie à travers des textes engagés. Un aspect essentiel de leur mission consiste à catalyser le développement des structures scolaires en organisant des workshops et des ateliers, où chaque membre du collectif transmet des valeurs citoyennes, urbaines et humaines. En s'adressant spécifiquement à une jeunesse en rupture scolaire, professionnelle et sociale, DEBO aspire à créer un impact positif et durable, façonnant ainsi des citoyens conscients et actifs. En élargissant ses horizons, le collectif s'engage également dans des projets novateurs de fusion avec des musiciens de divers genres, exprimant ainsi son désir constant de diversité et d'ouverture musicale.

Main Projects / Activities

DEBO, collectif artistique tunisien, se distingue par une variété de projets innovants. "One Effort" met en avant l'expression des street artistes en période de pandémie, démontrant la réactivité du collectif aux enjeux contemporains. Des projets musicaux comme "Adheka Elibik de VIPA" fusionnent rock et électronique, tandis que "Erkez Hip-Hop" Hip hop et Mezwed et électronique.

DEBO s'investit également dans le cinéma avec "Génération Parking", un film captivant sur la vie urbaine. "Trappa – 1 الأڨدام" intègre la danse à la musique, offrant une expérience artistique complète. Parmi les projets antérieurs, "Prérogative(s) de Synda Jebali" et "Khali Trace" explorent la vie quotidienne et la diversité culturelle.

Des événements marquants tels que "Block Party Mos Def & Debo Fou9 Tawla" et "L’Oratoire" soulignent la capacité du collectif à organiser des spectacles influents. "Urban Days Debo Style" met en avant la collaboration, tandis que des projets individuels comme "Fani Lik de TigaBlack’Na" et "Theosophie de Jihed Khmiri" soulignent la diversité des talents.

Les ateliers éducatifs comme "BeatMake’it Workshops" encouragent la créativité émergente. Ancré dans le quartier populaire de Tunis, "Old 9 School" rappelle les racines authentiques de DEBO. "Tahamata" explore le sound system, ajoutant une dimension immersive à l'expérience sonore. Ces projets illustrent la passion et l'influence positive de DEBO dans la scène artistique et culturelle tunisienne.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Seddik Kekli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Seddik KEKLI


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

L'association a pour but d’accompagner la conception de projets thérapeutiques, en s'appuyant sur plusieurs moyens et actions artistiques :  publier des ouvrages inachevés ou méconnus (publications et films)  ouvrir le regard aux disciplines thérapeutiques  transmettre le savoir-faire traditionnel  organiser des stages et des séances pour le mieux-être de la voix et du corps

Mission and Objectives

Via son riche réseau arborescent dans l'art et l'éducation et ses outils de transmission non-formels (non-verbal vidéo, théâtre, écriture) mobilise un large panel d'apprenants : formateurs, enseignants, éducateurs socio-culturels, animateurs jeunesse, jeunes (18-35 ans), accompagnateurs socio-éducatifs, migrants, mineurs isolé.e.s. Les actions de sensibilisation s'adressent aussi aux minorités, aux femmes, aux réfugié.e.s. en passant par des techniques du corps et de la voix, outils de bien-être utilisés depuis toujours pour le soin et le thérapeutique. Avec un but majeur d’inclusion et d'innovation, l'Association À LA SOURCE veut stimuler la participation citoyenne, l'expression créative et politique adossée au développement des capacités de toutes formes de langage (non-verbal, onomatopées, gestuelle, sifflement, etc.) peu représentées dans la société d’aujourd’hui. En transmettant les différentes formes de langage, on pourra aussi transmettre les valeurs et les méthodes vers une posture d'amélioration de la société et de l'humanité.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Association À LA SOURCE collabore activement avec des Institution liées à la Santé, les Hôpitaux, les Centres de bien-être, etc. Elle est partenaire de l'Université Populaire TRANS-IRE pour laquelle elle developpe les formations du corps et de la voix.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En apportant les connaissances du corps et de la voix qui sont si précieuses pour developper chaque genre de projet multiculturel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parce que la Méditerranée est la source d'une culture millénaire dont l'Association voudrait bien profiter pour monter des projets à la découverte et à la rencontre de l'Autre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Chargée de mission


National Network

Kopli tn 63-5
10314 Tallinn Harju maakond

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The non-profit association International Women's Network in Estonia is an organization operating in the public interest.

It is composed by 1 board member and 4 members who carry out activities under volunteer bases.
It has not operated under funding.

Modalities of action: Community building events to promote diversity / Informative and networking events to promote women empowerment and migrant experiences / Collaborations with governmental bodies and NGOs in Estonia for creation of articles to address gender issues.

The organization has worked through collaborations per event or article, but not under official projects with partners yet.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to support migrant women in their process of
adaptation and integration to Estonian society; to promote multicultural diversity and
community building in Estonia; to promote solidarity and social justice through gender
equality advocacy in Estonia and in the international community; to give voice to migrant
women experiences; to be a bridge between migrant women and Estonian social
services and associations; to work on the field of elimination of violence against women
and girls; to engage in fund-raising activities to benefit public and private causes of
women in Estonia.

Main Projects / Activities

-Community building events to promote diversity and multiculturalism (e.g. Ukrainian Cultural Days, Solidarity Fest, International Fest, LatinoFest)
- Informative events to empower women through topics of relevance (e.g. elimination of violence against women and girls, mental health, networking, migrant women experiences).
- Collaborative articles to address gender issues

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through collaborative events that bring attention to topics of relevance such as migration, integration, diversity, gender issues.
Being a bridge for multicultural dialogue.
Participating in joint projects where migrant women's voices are given space to share experiences.
Participating in awareness and advocating campaigns.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe in the strength of Networks and team work. We support intercultural dialogues and diversity. We are active in promoting understanding within the society, and we find our areas of activity to be a match with ALF, specially within Social integration
Intercultural dialogue and Gender issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalisa Elory Cisneros Campos
Job Title
Board Member and Head of Organisation
Head of the organisation
Dalisa Elory Cisneros Campos

جمعية هيستوريا للفنون و الثقافة و التنمية

National Network

دار الشباب الحي العمالي
46000 آسفي

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

تحتوي الجمعية على أعضاء مكتب و خلايا مسيرة للحصص الداخلية للجمعية.
لا تحتوي الجمعية على أي مصدر للتمويل من القطاع العام أو الخاص.
تعمل الجمعية على إبراز مواهب شبابها في شتى المجالات الفنية عن طريع إدماجهم في المحيط الفني داخل المدينة.

Mission and Objectives

العمل على إبراز وتنمية مواهب الشباب وصقلها لتحقيق نهضة ثقافية وفنية واجتماعية متكاملة من خلال ورشات متنوعة في ميدان المسرح والموسيقى وكل ماهو فني.
العمل على تأسيس ورشات تربوية وفنية للأطفال لإبراز مواهبهم في شتى المجالات لخلق جيل مثقف و واعي بكل المسؤوليات التي تقع على عاتقه.
العمل على تنظيم حملات توعوية صحية وبيئية.
تنظيم مهرجانات ثقافية و تربوية ترقى الى المستوى المطلوب بمدينة أسفي ونواحيها.
تعزيز الروابط و خلق شراكات مع المؤسسات والهيأت الثقافية والاجتماعية التي تعمل لنفس الأهداف داخل الوطن وخارجه .
الإهتمامبالثرات المحلي والتعريف بتاريخ المدينة.
مكافحة الإقصاء الاجتماعي وإشاعة ثقافة السلم وحقوق الإنسان والتسامح والتعايش والعمل التطوعي لصالح الإنسان والبيئة.
تبني مفهوم المقاربة التشاركية بإشراك كل فعاليات المجتمع، و إدماج الشباب في تسيير شؤونهم المحلية

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم تظاهرات فنية و ثقافية
دورات تكوينية
ورشات فنية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكن أن نساهم في الشبكة من خلال التعريف بالتنوع الفني الثقافي لبلدنا بمختلف الطرق التي تبدع فرقنا و مدربيهم في تقديمها.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

السبب الرئيسي الذي تريد جمعية هيستوريا الإنضمام لشبكة آنا ليند من أجله هو التبادل الثقافي مع مننظمات من مختلف الدول الأورو متوسطية

Contact (1) Full Name
حسن نيكلة
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
حسن نيكلة
Contact (2) Full Name
رضا المتوكل
Job Title (2)
مدير التنمية بالجمعية

Jove Egypt for Training

National Network

16 Ain Shams street
Ezbet el Nakhl
EL Marg
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

JOVESOLIDES EGYPT is a branch of JOVESOLIDES NETWORK with its headquarters located in Valencia, Spain. The main activities are social entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Jovesolides Egypt has a skilled and experienced staff that manages youth programs. With a team of 5 to 7 people, the organization is made up of professionals with experience in the implementation of national and international programs of voluntarism; specialized in volunteer coordination; with abilities to work with youth groups; experience as trainers and training of trainers; experience in the implementation, monitoring and justification of European projects; administration, etc..

-We are promoting several of the specific priority areas where now the Middle East and Africa are paying special attention as youth employment, youth leadership, social integration and social inclusion for minorities and disadvantaged people, social innovation, and Social entrepreneurship. Those would be our main areas of intervention where we are searching for potential partners and offering ourselves as a strategic partner as well.

-We want to strengthen the Middle East, Africa and European networks with organizations that are focusing on similar issues, in order to share experiences, design and develop interesting and productive social projects, and promote social integration and social innovation to empower society.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: promoting the creation of new opportunities for developing society through strengthening the knowledge of its individuals by using Youth Leadership, Youth Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.

Our Mission: Creating a new generation of Egyptian Youth leaders (18- 30) years Old in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship with different backgrounds and career fields through workshops and training at national and international levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Aims of the organization:
To support youth in entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises.
To Support youth in environmental action and combating climate change.
To support youth in the field of labour market through courses and training in technical and vocational work.
To create conditions for the active involvement of young people both in social, sports and cultural life of society
To Support youth in the field of technological education and digital transformation.
To help solve the integration problem of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants.
To develop respect for public, liberal and democratic values
To develop international youth cooperation, to cooperate with foreign youth organizations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JOVESOLIDES EGYPT, as a branch of JOVESOLIDES NETWORK headquartered in Valencia, Spain, is uniquely positioned to contribute significantly to the Anna Lindh Network in Egypt. Our main activities revolve around social entrepreneurship and innovation, guided by a vision to promote the creation of new opportunities for societal development by strengthening the knowledge of individuals, particularly the youth, through Youth Leadership, Youth Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Innovation.

1. Expertise in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
Our organization brings a wealth of experience in social entrepreneurship and innovation. Through workshops and training at both national and international levels, including Erasmus ESC, KA1, and KA2 programs, we aim to create a new generation of Egyptian youth leaders (18-30 years old) proficient in social innovation and entrepreneurship, spanning various backgrounds and career fields.

2. Addressing Key Societal Challenges:
We are committed to addressing critical societal challenges, aligning with the Anna Lindh Network's goals. Our organization focuses on supporting youth in entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises, environmental action, combating climate change, technical and vocational work, technological education, and digital transformation.

3. Youth Empowerment and Integration:
JOVESOLIDES EGYPT actively supports youth in the labor market through courses and training, fostering their active involvement in social, sports, and cultural aspects of society. Additionally, our organization is dedicated to addressing the integration challenges faced by refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse community.

4. Values Alignment and International Cooperation:
With a commitment to public, liberal, and democratic values, we seek to develop international youth cooperation and collaborate with foreign youth organizations. This aligns seamlessly with the Anna Lindh Network's mission to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding.

In essence, JOVESOLIDES EGYPT is well-equipped to contribute to the Anna Lindh Network in Egypt by leveraging its expertise in social entrepreneurship, innovation, and youth empowerment. Through our mission, aims, and international collaborations, we are poised to actively participate in the network's initiatives, fostering a more inclusive, innovative, and socially responsible Egyptian society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network due to the profound resonance between the mission and values of our organization, JOVESOLIDES EGYPT, and the objectives set forth by the ALF Network. Our motivation stems from the following key reasons:

1. Shared Commitment to Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
The Anna Lindh Foundation Network's dedication to fostering intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation strongly aligns with our organization's core focus on social entrepreneurship and innovation. We believe that by joining the network, we can contribute to the promotion of social innovation and entrepreneurship among Egyptian youth, in harmony with the ALF's overarching goals.

2. Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development:
The ALF Network's emphasis on youth engagement and leadership development perfectly resonates with our mission to create a new generation of Egyptian youth leaders proficient in social innovation and entrepreneurship. Through workshops, training programs, and international collaborations, we envision a synergistic relationship with the network to empower young individuals to become effective change-makers.

3. Common Objectives in Environmental and Social Initiatives:
The Anna Lindh Network's focus on addressing societal challenges, including environmental action and combating climate change, mirrors our organizational aims. We are committed to supporting youth in areas crucial to sustainable development, and by being part of the ALF Network, we see opportunities for collaborative initiatives that amplify our impact.

4. International Collaboration and Exchange of Best Practices:
We are enthusiastic about the prospect of engaging in international youth cooperation facilitated by the ALF Network. The network provides a platform for the exchange of best practices, ideas, and experiences, enabling us to learn from other organizations and contribute our unique insights. This collaborative environment aligns seamlessly with our values of openness and cooperation.

5. Contribution to Inclusive Societies and Democratic Values:
Our organization's commitment to developing respect for public, liberal, and democratic values aligns closely with the principles upheld by the Anna Lindh Foundation. By becoming a part of the network, we aspire to contribute actively to the promotion of inclusive societies that celebrate diversity and mutual understanding.

In conclusion, our desire to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network stems from a genuine belief in the power of collaboration and collective action to drive positive change. We are eager to leverage this platform to share our experiences, learn from others, and collectively contribute to the advancement of the Foundation's mission of building a more interconnected and harmonious world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amr Hassan
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Amr Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Aya El Husseiny
Job Title (2)
ESC program Coordinator

Future Visions

National Network

Imm.Neodeme Av 14 Janvier GP1 Messadine Sousse
4013 Sousse

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Future Visions, fondée en 2017 par des jeunes ambitieux, est une association tunisienne à but non lucratif. Notre équipe compte actuellement 20 volontaires et 3 salariés, collaborant avec 5 partenaires stratégiques. Nous disposons d'un budget annuel de 23 000 euros, provenant principalement de diverses sources de financement telles que des subventions, des partenariats privés et des donations. Nos actions comprennent la mise en œuvre de projets concrets, des échanges éducatifs, des formations et des compétitions pour les jeunes talentueux. Nous sommes convaincus que ces initiatives sont essentielles pour renforcer les compétences des jeunes, encourager leur participation active dans la société et stimuler des solutions novatrices. Parmi nos partenaires clés, on compte des organisations gouvernementales telles que le Ministère de l'Éducation, l'Université de Sousse, ainsi que d'autres organisations non gouvernementales nationales et locales. Ensemble, nous travaillons sur des projets visant à créer un impact significatif et durable, favorisant ainsi une société plus inclusive et prospère.

Mission and Objectives

Renforcer et inspirer les jeunes en leur fournissant les compétences, connaissances et opportunités nécessaires, leur permettant ainsi de participer activement aux processus décisionnels et de promouvoir des solutions efficaces et innovantes.

Main Projects / Activities

- "Visions Circles" : des cercles de discussion où les jeunes explorent et débattent des enjeux sociétaux. Ces espaces favorisent la libre expression et le respect mutuel, permettant aux participants de partager des perspectives variées sur des sujets multiples. L'objectif est de stimuler la créativité et l'analyse critique, incitant à la proposition de solutions concrètes. En encourageant cette réflexion collective, l'initiative vise à cultiver l'engagement civique et à autonomiser les jeunes en tant qu'agents de changement. -"Summer School" : Pendant les vacances estivales, on propose un programme de formations dynamiques pour les jeunes de 13 à 25 ans. Ce programme, couvrant des sujets passionnants et d’actualité comme le développement web, le design graphique, et la communication, vise à enrichir les compétences des participants qui explorent de nouveaux domaines. -“Visions Round” s'engage dans une exploration des réalisations et de l'impact des organisations de la société civile en Tunisie. Grâce à des visites, des interviews, des enquêtes et des discussions, cette tournée offre une vision des initiatives de ces organisations et de leur influence sur des communautés locales. -"La Dictée Géante" une compétition de dictée trilingue (Arabe, Anglais et Français) entre élèves de diverses régions. Cette initiative, évoluant à chaque édition avec une nouvelle thématique, a débuté à l'échelle du gouvernorat pour s'étend au niveau régional, puis national.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Future Visions est déterminée à jouer un rôle dynamique au sein du Réseau dans notre pays. Nous envisageons de contribuer en partageant nos expériences et bonnes pratiques, mettant particulièrement en lumière notre expertise dans l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies au service de la société.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En nous associant au Réseau de la FAL, nous espérons élargir notre impact en collaborant avec d'autres organisations partageant les mêmes idéaux. Nous croyons fermement en la force du collectif pour susciter des changements positifs dans nos communautés.

Contact (1) Full Name
SeifAllah Ben Salem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
SeifAllah Ben Salem
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Yassine Ben Abdelkrim
Job Title (2)

Madaba for Supporting Development

National Network

Madaba - King Abdaleh Street
Madaba - AlMamuneh -
Madaba 17110

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

At the beginning of 2006, a group of Jordanian youth from governorate of Madaba –located 35 km south of the capital, Amman, regarded as one of the poorest areas, predominantly rural and tribal and includes various ethnic and religious differences that contribute to social tensions sometimes- initiated to set up the foundation without being under lights or waiting for rewards but to satisfy their values of generosity.
We are working with new vision on developing local communities in order to perceive the outputs of age and interact with them throughout new methodologies, so that society institutions can perform a role in development and peace-making processes side by side with the private sector institutions, as well as applying the effective decentralization and democracy, in terms of participation, transparency and rule of the law, and to perform friendly-surrounded projects away from extremism and fanaticism.
As a response to that, Madaba for Supporting Development fulfils several programs and activities that contribute to reduce physical and forced violence occurred among different groups of society, especially school and university students, through programs and trainings on disputes resolutions and communication skills between conflicting parties, it also develops new programs and prepares documents to prevent applying forced violence, and then to reduce revenge phenomenon and killing for honor, to work on issuing new law to restrict having and selling arms in Jordan and it also invites the Jordanian government to sign the international arms conventions.

So MSD participated in creating Arab network of non- violence co-founded by civil society organizations in the Arab world, sent students to study non-violent stream at the university of non-violence in Beirut, participated in all training opportunities concerning with disputes resolutions with international and Arabic organizations, the foundation also is an active member in the international network for reducing small arms abuse and cooperates with Jordanian government to create the plans and to implement programs for reducing violence among schools students and it is the only party found the boards of tolerance and non-violence at schools since 2004 that watch verbal and physical violence among students.

Mission and Objectives

Madaba for Supporting Development motivates youth people and serves society, strengthens individuals abilities and skills and creates the partnerships in Middle East and world to prevent conflicts and reduce disputes of different types, consequently having a better future for the coming generations, preventing disputes to be occurred among unlike religious followers and confirm applying international and local human rights and small arms conventions throughout the following assumptions:

The right to live in peace:
Madaba for Supporting Development settles the principle of living peacefully for humanity and enjoying a safe physical, religious and psychological life away from all violence manners, whether physical or psychological.
This was achieved through a variety of courses, workshops and conferences that it holds at schools, communities and universities for students, Woman , teachers and activists from civil society organizations on violence alternatives to provide a safe environment and security for all.
These programs can be managed through:
1- Schools of education:
Schools provide the fertile ground for violence among students, Madaba for Supporting Development creates the different plans and programs concerned with reducing violence among students since 2006 up to date and have a focus on training the violent students the strategies of reducing violence, its alternatives into schools and mechanisms to move away through different skills that the foundation staff train on, as well as the foundation cooperates with instruction and administrative bodies to put a training programs to educate them about disputes resolutions skills and classroom direction through programs related with (physical violence alternatives at schools).
2- Civil society institutions:
Madaba for Supporting Development works coordinately with local civil society institutions, universities and schools to study violence reasons among students and youth people in general, the mechanism of reduction taking into consideration its alternatives and social Customs and traditions influence to restrict its diffusion, whether armed violence or another, foundation also trained the youth aged of (18-25) for -those activists from all over the kingdom especially marginalized areas that pass through the poverty and unemployment- to decrease violence effects .

3- Government and parliament:
Madaba for Supporting Development is actively involved with governmental agencies such as Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, public security and the parliament to study the legislations and legal procedures adopted by the government to reduce violence phenomenon among the various society groups, especially the forced violence which was on rise during the last few years. Madaba for Supporting Development –through advocacy campaigns cooperated with civil society institutions and universities – successfully urged the government to reconsider the law of arms and ammunition of 1952, it also submitted a proposal for setting up a new law discussed these days by technicians, it urged the Jordanian government to sign the international convention for reducing arms abuse which has been called for by the World Campaign, as the arms use in Jordan related with tribal dimensions referring back to those inherited traditions of having the arms.
Madaba for Supporting Development believes that the just and everlasting peace can be achieved only by applying the principles of justice and equality of rights and applying the just international law too, it also sustains all of the activities and trainings that contribute to create a generation believes in just peace away from terrorism and extremism. Next generations have the right to live freely and peacefully, so foundation encourages those works contribute to create the opportunities to the youth worldwide to visit each other in order to break the barriers and to be acquainted with the customs and traditions that promote love and peace spirit including being free of fears from the other.
These will com through educating youth about human security, human rights and sustainable human development.

Main Projects / Activities

• To promote youth participation in volunteering inside NGOs. (Non governmental organizations)
• To hold awareness courses in the field of woman and child rights and reduce abusing them
• To promote youth participation in reducing bad customs in the society
• To promote the spirit of citizenship and put the plans and programs to reduce violence among youth people.
• To promote the democracy and dialogue among youth people in Jordan and worldwide.
• To spread the spirit of love and peace and being away of extremism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization MSD has good relations with civil society in the south and the Middle Badeah , through our projects that we implement on the topics of peace, peaceful coexistence, and rejection of violence in all its forms specially the gun violence .
This work makes us look to build our capabilities further on the issues of peacebuilding and interfaith coexistence, especially since our city Madaba is considered an grate example of Christian-Muslim coexistence.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

first thing we looking to build our capacity with your Network in the interfaith coexistence . and we work with youth in Madaba and Middle Badeah about peace and non-violence .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Fraij Alzenat
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ali Al-Zenat
Contact (2) Full Name
Sokina alqaisi
Job Title (2)

youthful MINDSET organization YMO

National Network

shemesani -prince shaker bin zaid street.

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

The Youthful Mindset Organization operates as a non-profit dedicated to youth empowerment. With a lean and efficient structure, we currently employ 5 full-time staff members, 5 part-time and mobilizing the energy of 25 dedicated volunteers. As a start-up NGO Our planning annual budget, averaging 250000$, is primarily will be sourced from a diverse funding strategy, encompassing grants from international organizations, private donations, and collaborations with local foundations. Our modality of action includes executing concrete projects in education, skills development, and environmental stewardship. We foster intercultural understanding through youth exchanges, conduct seminars, and offer scholarships to underprivileged youth. Key partners in our initiatives include Haya Cultural Center, ELTIZAM, Nofeed, and various governmental and non-governmental entities, collectively driving impactful youth-focused projects.

Mission and Objectives

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is driven by a mission to empower and uplift the youth through holistic development. Our primary objectives include:

Educational Empowerment: Enhance access to quality education, providing scholarships and resources to underprivileged youth.

Skills Development: Equip young individuals with practical skills, fostering leadership and personal growth.

Environmental Stewardship: Raise awareness about climate change and sustainability, engaging youth in eco-friendly initiatives.

Cultural Understanding: Promote intercultural dialogue through youth exchanges, encouraging global citizenship.

Community Engagement: Execute concrete projects addressing local needs, collaborating with diverse stakeholders for lasting impact.

Media Literacy: Enhance digital, financial, legal, climate, and media literacy among youth for effective communication.

Through these objectives, YMO aims to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset in youth, contributing to their overall well-being and societal development.

Main Projects / Activities

As a startup organization, the Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is committed to implementing impactful projects and activities focusing on youth development. Our initial projects include:

Scholarship Initiative (YMO-SI):

Purpose: Provide financial assistance to underprivileged youth, enabling access to quality education.
Action: Award scholarships based on academic merit and financial need, creating opportunities for higher education.
Skills Workshop Series (YMO-SWS):

Purpose: Equip youth with practical skills for personal and professional growth.
Action: Organize workshops covering leadership, communication, and vocational skills, enhancing employability.
Green Youth Initiative (YMO-GYI):

Purpose: Foster environmental stewardship and awareness about climate change.
Action: Organize tree-planting campaigns, environmental workshops, and engage youth in sustainable practices.
Community Needs Forum (YMO-CNF):

Purpose: Address local community needs through collaborative initiatives.
Action: Conduct forums to identify pressing issues, mobilize resources, and implement community-centric projects.
Youth Exchange Program (YMO-YEP):

Purpose: Promote intercultural understanding and global citizenship.
Action: Facilitate cultural exchange programs, allowing youth to experience different perspectives and cultures.
Digital Literacy Campaign (YMO-DLC):

Purpose: Enhance digital literacy among youth, covering technology, media, and online communication.
Action: Conduct workshops and awareness campaigns on safe and responsible digital practices.
Expression through Art (YMO-ETA):

Purpose: Provide a platform for creative expression among youth.
Action: Organize art exhibitions, creative writing contests, and performance events to showcase artistic talents.
Youth Resilience Program (YMO-YRP):

Purpose: Build resilience and coping mechanisms among youth.
Action: Conduct workshops and counseling sessions, addressing mental health challenges and promoting well-being.
These projects reflect YMO's commitment to addressing various aspects of youth development, from education and skills acquisition to environmental awareness and cultural understanding. As a startup, our focus is on creating a positive impact and laying the foundation for sustainable growth and community engagement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is eager to contribute meaningfully to the network in our country through a multifaceted approach:

Youth Empowerment Programs: YMO specializes in designing and implementing youth empowerment programs. We can contribute by organizing workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs that focus on skill development, leadership, and personal growth.

Cultural Exchange Initiatives: YMO is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity. We can organize cultural exchange programs, events, and workshops that bring together youth from different backgrounds, fostering intercultural understanding and cooperation.

Environmental Sustainability: YMO actively engages in environmental stewardship projects. We can contribute to the network by organizing initiatives that raise awareness about environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and involve youth in eco-friendly projects.

Literacy Enhancement: YMO's comprehensive literacy programs cover financial, legal, digital, climate, and media literacy. We can collaborate with the network to implement literacy initiatives that enhance various skills among the youth, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges of the modern world.

Media and Arts Engagement: YMO has initiatives in media and arts that encourage creative expression. We can collaborate on projects that utilize media and arts as tools for communication, storytelling, and promoting positive messages among the youth.

Community Outreach: YMO has a strong presence in the local community. We can actively engage in community outreach activities, organizing events, seminars, and campaigns that address community needs and involve youth in community development projects.

Global Citizenship Education: YMO's programs aim to instill a sense of global citizenship among youth. We can collaborate with the network to develop educational materials, workshops, and projects that promote a global perspective and cross-cultural understanding.

Technology and Innovation: YMO is involved in technology and innovation programs, fostering digital literacy and innovation among youth. We can share our experiences and collaborate on initiatives that leverage technology for educational and empowerment purposes.

By actively participating in the network, YMO aims to contribute to the overall mission of fostering dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among diverse youth communities in our country. We are open to collaboration and look forward to sharing our experiences while learning from and supporting other organizations within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons:

Shared Mission and Values: The ALF Network aligns closely with YMO's mission of empowering youth, fostering cultural understanding, and promoting positive social change. The shared commitment to intercultural dialogue and collaboration resonates with our organizational values.

Global Collaboration: Joining the ALF Network provides a platform for global collaboration and networking. YMO believes in the power of collective action and sees the network as an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, share best practices, and contribute to impactful initiatives on an international scale.

Learning and Capacity Building: YMO recognizes the ALF Network as a hub of knowledge and expertise. We are eager to learn from other organizations within the network, share our experiences, and engage in capacity-building opportunities that will enhance our effectiveness in youth development and intercultural initiatives.

Visibility and Partnerships: Being a part of the ALF Network offers increased visibility and opportunities for partnerships. YMO aims to leverage the network to expand its reach, establish collaborative partnerships, and access potential funding sources that will enable us to amplify our impact.

Access to Resources: The ALF Network provides access to a diverse range of resources, including research, best practices, and funding opportunities. YMO is excited about the prospect of tapping into these resources to strengthen our programs and initiatives for the benefit of the youth we serve.

Contribution to Regional Dialogue: YMO recognizes the importance of contributing to regional dialogue and cooperation. Joining the ALF Network allows us to actively participate in initiatives that promote dialogue and understanding within the Euro-Mediterranean region, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect.

Opportunities for Collaboration: YMO is enthusiastic about collaborating on joint projects and initiatives facilitated by the ALF Network. By actively participating in network activities, we aim to contribute our expertise, share innovative ideas, and engage in collaborative efforts that align with the network's overarching goals.

In summary, the Youthful Mindset Organization sees the ALF Network as an instrumental platform for collaboration, learning, and collective impact. We are eager to become active members of the network, contributing to its mission and benefiting from the diverse opportunities it offers for organizational growth and collaboration.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maisoon Al Amarneh
Job Title
Founder -CEO
Head of the organisation
Maisoon Al Amarneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ghalia al Eses
Job Title (2)
program manager