Olive Oil Association

National Network

10, Bonsai, Triq San Martin
Zebbug ZBG1454

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Association has been registered in 2023 and is managed by a Management Committee. The Association is still at its start up phase and will be conducting a membership campaign in 2024 and 2025. The main source of finance will come from donations, funding for projects and third party financing in the form of grants. We are highly interested in international cooperation, seminars, workshops, projects and other form of cooperation.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Olive Oil Association shall be based on the social purpose of: (a) education on the nutrition, health and wellness benefits of olive oil and olive products; (b) the advancement of healthy living through the use of the Mediterranean Diet; (c) the protection of the environment and to carry out research on the cultivation of olive trees, olive oil and the olive sector in general; (d) social and community advancement, including the promotion of the ethical, educational and social aspects of olive cultivation; (e) the advancement of culture, arts and national heritage; (f) the promotion citizen engagement to promote democracy, reconciliation and peace.

Main Projects / Activities

4. The Association shall have the following objectives: 4.1. Engage with the general public in awareness campaigns about Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other olive products on their nutrition, health and wellness benefits; 4.2. Develop and offer to consumers and the general public dietary recipes based on the healthy use of extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet; 4.3. To undertake research and innovation projects on its own or together with other partners, especially through projects funded by the European Union; 4.4. To manage educational campaigns on local radio and TV programs as well as through the use of social media; 4.5. to engage in activities that promote and protect the environment; 4.6. carry out activities and initiatives in community development to build a better green environment; 4.7. create activities related to culture, arts and national heritage to foster appreciation of the historical aspect of olive cultivation in Malta and abroad; 4.8. create opportunities for all citizens to engage in direct campaigns to bolster democracy, reconciliation and peace; 4.9. To engage personnel to accomplish the aims and objectives of the Association outlined herein; 4.10. To promote and present the interests of the Association’s members to the notice of local administration and authorities, international Organisations and other authorities; 4.11. To invest any funds not required immediately for the attainment of the above objectives in the best manner deemed fit by the Executive Committee; 4.12. To raise funds by means of subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the Association in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorized by the Executive Committee; 4.13. To form part of any national/international Organisation/s whose aims are similar to that of the Association; 4.14. To perform any acts deemed necessary for the attainment of any and all of the above.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to cooperate on the local level and also with other partners from the Mediterranean and European Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network in order to commence our mission of cooperation with international, regional and local organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
John Mary Magro
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
John Mary Magro

Next Gen Advocates Ngo

National Network

rruga rrapo hekali,tirana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Next Gen Advocates is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to advocating for individual rights and liberties. Founded with the vision of empowering citizens through education, legal assistance, and advocacy, Next Gen Advocates operates with a commitment to fostering a society where every individual's rights are recognized, respected, and protected. With its headquarters in Gjakova, a city with a vibrant community and a significant history in the heart of Kosovo, the organization is strategically positioned to address both local and national challenges in human rights advocacy. Mission The mission of Next Gen Advocates is threefold: Education: To educate the public about their rights and how to protect them. This involves organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns to inform citizens about their legal rights and the importance of civic engagement. Legal Assistance: To provide legal support and representation to individuals whose rights have been violated. This includes offering free or low-cost legal services to those in need, especially marginalized and underserved communities. Advocacy: To advocate for policy changes that promote human rights and justice. This involves lobbying government bodies, collaborating with other NGOs and stakeholders, and using media platforms to push for reforms that enhance civil liberties. Role and Activities Next Gen Advocates plays a crucial role in the community by serving as a bridge between the public and the legal system. Its activities are designed to address the pressing needs of individuals facing legal challenges, while also working on a broader scale to influence policy and societal norms. Key roles and activities include: Community Engagement: to raise awareness about important political and legal issues. This involves organizing town hall meetings, public forums, and discussions that facilitate a deeper understanding of the political landscape and how it affects individuals' rights and freedoms. Political Education: A core aspect of Next Gen Advocates' mission is to educate citizens on the political process, governance, and how decisions made by elected officials impact their daily lives. The organization provides resources and training on how to effectively participate in the democratic process, including voting, campaigning for candidates or causes, and engaging with representatives to advocate for policy changes. Legal Aid and Representation: Offering legal assistance to those who have been unjustly treated or whose rights are under threat. This includes taking on cases related to civil rights violations, discrimination, and other injustices, providing a lifeline for individuals who otherwise might not have access to legal representation. Policy Advocacy and Reform: Working to influence policy at both the local and national levels. By researching and drafting policy proposals, engaging with policymakers, and mobilizing public support, Next Gen Advocates seeks to bring about legislative and regulatory changes that protect and expand individual rights. Youth Empowerment: Recognizing the importance of engaging the next generation, the organization places a strong emphasis on youth empowerment. This includes educational programs tailored for young people, initiatives that encourage youth participation in politics and civil society, and mentorship opportunities that connect young individuals with leaders in various fields. Collaboration with Other Organizations: Partnering with other NGOs, community groups, and international bodies to amplify their impact. Through collaborations, Next Gen Advocates leverages collective expertise and resources to tackle complex issues and advocate for widespread change.

Mission and Objectives

Mission The mission of Next Gen Advocates is threefold: Education: To educate the public about their rights and how to protect them. This involves organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns to inform citizens about their legal rights and the importance of civic engagement. Legal Assistance: To provide legal support and representation to individuals whose rights have been violated. This includes offering free or low-cost legal services to those in need, especially marginalized and underserved communities. Advocacy: To advocate for policy changes that promote human rights and justice. This involves lobbying government bodies, collaborating with other NGOs and stakeholders, and using media platforms to push for reforms that enhance civil liberties. Role and Activities Next Gen Advocates plays a crucial role in the community by serving as a bridge between the public and the legal system. Its activities are designed to address the pressing needs of individuals facing legal challenges, while also working on a broader scale to influence policy and societal norms. Key roles and activities include:

Main Projects / Activities

Community Engagement: to raise awareness about important political and legal issues. This involves organizing town hall meetings, public forums, and discussions that facilitate a deeper understanding of the political landscape and how it affects individuals' rights and freedoms. Political Education: A core aspect of Next Gen Advocates' mission is to educate citizens on the political process, governance, and how decisions made by elected officials impact their daily lives. The organization provides resources and training on how to effectively participate in the democratic process, including voting, campaigning for candidates or causes, and engaging with representatives to advocate for policy changes. Legal Aid and Representation: Offering legal assistance to those who have been unjustly treated or whose rights are under threat. This includes taking on cases related to civil rights violations, discrimination, and other injustices, providing a lifeline for individuals who otherwise might not have access to legal representation. Policy Advocacy and Reform: Working to influence policy at both the local and national levels. By researching and drafting policy proposals, engaging with policymakers, and mobilizing public support, Next Gen Advocates seeks to bring about legislative and regulatory changes that protect and expand individual rights. Youth Empowerment: Recognizing the importance of engaging the next generation, the organization places a strong emphasis on youth empowerment. This includes educational programs tailored for young people, initiatives that encourage youth participation in politics and civil society, and mentorship opportunities that connect young individuals with leaders in various fields. Collaboration with Other Organizations: Partnering with other NGOs, community groups, and international bodies to amplify their impact. Through collaborations, Next Gen Advocates leverages collective expertise and resources to tackle complex issues and advocate for widespread change. Impact in Gjakova and Beyond Headquartered in Gjakova, Next Gen Advocates is uniquely positioned to address the specific challenges faced by the community in Kosovo while also contributing to national and international human rights efforts. Gjakova, with its rich history and diverse population, serves as both a symbol and a practical base for the organization's work in promoting justice, equality, and democracy. By focusing on political education alongside legal advocacy, Next Gen Advocates aims to empower citizens with the knowledge and tools they need to advocate for themselves and their communities. The organization's role extends beyond immediate legal assistance to include a broader commitment to building a more informed, engaged, and equitable society. Through its efforts, Next Gen Advocates contributes to the ongoing development of Kosovo's democratic institutions and civil society, making a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the health of the political system as a whole.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Well, to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network in my country, I would start by researching their ongoing projects and initiatives that resonate with Next Gen Advocates' mission. Once I've identified relevant projects, I'd reach out to the Anna Lindh Foundation or its local representatives to express our organization's interest in collaborating and contributing to their network. I'd emphasize how our work at Next Gen Advocates aligns with their goals, especially in areas like community engagement, youth empowerment, and human rights. Attending their events, workshops, and conferences would be a great way to establish connections with like-minded organizations and individuals. I'd also offer to share our resources, such as educational materials, training programs, or legal expertise, that could benefit the Anna Lindh Foundation's network. Joining any working groups or committees that focus on our areas of interest would be a priority, as it would allow us to actively contribute our insights and perspectives. Moreover, I'd explore opportunities for joint projects or initiatives with the Anna Lindh Foundation to amplify our impact in promoting intercultural dialogue, human rights, and democracy in our country. Attending their capacity-building workshops would help us enhance our organization's capabilities and skills. Promoting cultural exchange programs, dialogue initiatives, and youth engagement activities aligning with their mission is something I'd be proactive about. By advocating for shared values related to democracy, human rights, and intercultural dialogue, both independently and in collaboration with the Anna Lindh Foundation, we can collectively make a difference. Sharing our success stories with their network would serve as inspiration and motivation for others working in similar fields. Collaborating and actively engaging with the Anna Lindh Foundation's network is essential to fostering a stronger and more inclusive society in our country and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization's mission aligns closely with the goals and values upheld by the ALF Network, particularly in the areas of intercultural dialogue, human rights, and democracy promotion. At Next Gen Advocates, our commitment to raising awareness about important political and legal issues, providing legal aid and representation to marginalized communities, and empowering youth to actively participate in the democratic process mirrors the objectives of the ALF Network. We firmly believe that collaboration with like-minded organizations is crucial to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Here are some specific reasons why we are eager to become part of the ALF Network: Shared Values: We are deeply aligned with the values and principles upheld by the ALF Network, which prioritize dialogue, diversity, and human rights. Collaborative Opportunities: We recognize the potential for impactful collaboration within the ALF Network. Partnering with other organizations that share our vision can amplify our efforts and create a more significant impact. Access to Resources: We are excited about the possibility of gaining access to resources, training programs, and expertise that can enhance our organization's capabilities in areas such as cultural exchange and conflict resolution. Amplified Impact: By becoming part of the ALF Network, we aim to contribute to broader initiatives that promote social cohesion and understanding, both locally and on a global scale. Knowledge Exchange: We value the opportunity to learn from others in the network and share our own experiences and best practices in the fields of human rights, youth empowerment, and community engagement. Advocacy and Awareness: Joining the ALF Network will enable us to strengthen our advocacy efforts and raise awareness about critical issues related to democracy, human rights, and intercultural dialogue. We are eager to explore how our organization can actively participate in the ALF Network's initiatives, collaborate on projects, and contribute to the network's overall mission. We look forward to the possibility of working closely with the ALF Network and leveraging our collective efforts to create a more inclusive and tolerant society. Thank you for considering our expression of interest. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details and explore potential avenues for collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
lorenca bejko
Job Title
Excecutive director
Head of the organisation
Lorenca Bejko Executive director

Ezzat Ezzat Contemporary Dance Studio

National Network

6 Obida Ben El-Garah street. Faisal
Giza Governorate

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

EECDS is an individual registered company, led by Artistic Director Ezzat Ismail Ezzat, consists of two dance studios and a residency space. Our revenue streams encompass various sources, such as income from dance classes, photo shoots, studio rentals, and commissioned projects. We actively participate in collaborative projects with associated artists, skillfully adapting to diverse project requirements while upholding a unified artistic vision.

In recent times, we have delved into exploring corporate partnerships with the goal of integrating business support while preserving the distinctive contemporary essence of EECDS. We aspire to achieve a seamless fusion of artistic expression and corporate collaboration.

Mission and Objectives

Ezzat Ezzat Contemporary Dance Studio (EECDS) is an independent artistic organization concerned with the performing arts, particularly contemporary dance; established by Ezzat Ismail Ezzat in early 2012, EECDS aims to enrich and develop the independent contemporary dance scene in Egypt, by holding and co-producing artistic projects and events, as well as organizing workshops to support young artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Preparatory Training Program (PTP) (2014 - 2023)
Contemporary Dance Night Series (2011 - 2023)
Yalla Dance Studio (A multipurpose room for any artistic digital work)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EECDS, with its vibrant blend of artistic innovation and cultural expression, stands poised to make meaningful contributions to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network of countries. Our diverse collaborative projects, ranging from dance performances to educational programs, serve as bridges connecting cultures. Through the universal language of dance, EECDS fosters cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. The studio's commitment to pushing artistic boundaries aligns seamlessly with the Anna Lindh Foundation's mission, offering a unique perspective and enriching the cultural tapestry within the foundation's network. As we dance towards shared goals of creativity and cultural exchange, EECDS envisions becoming an integral thread in the vibrant fabric of the Anna Lindh Foundation's global community.

The technical prowess and administrative finesse embedded in EECDS, particularly under the guidance of the Artistic Director, pave the way for extensive possibilities in forging collaborations with cultural organizations both nationally and internationally. EECDS, spearheaded by its Artistic Director, has successfully taken the reins of large-scale projects, demonstrating a remarkable impact on the art scene.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Annalyn Foundation Network holds immense appeal for EECDS as it unlocks a vast realm of possibilities. The foundation's involvement in diverse artistic propositions and fields provides a broader canvas for our contemporary dance studio. By becoming part of a network where collaboration and innovative approaches to art thrive, EECDS aims to weave its unique threads into the fabric of multidisciplinary artistic forms. The synergy with like-minded individuals within the Annalyn Foundation Network creates a powerful platform for building robust connections. EECDS envisions drawing strength and inspiration from this dynamic network, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that propels both our studio and the foundation to new heights

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ezzat Ismail
Head of the organisation
Ezzat Ismail
Contact (2) Full Name
Ezzat Ismail
Job Title (2)
Artistic director and Founder

هوب يوث لتدريب الشباب/هايتك

National Network

شارع اسكان اللاتين - دوار التوتة
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

شركة هوب يوث لتدريب الشباب تهدف الى تطوير الطلبة من خلال تدريبهم على المهارات التكنولوجية من خلال تعليمهم الدورات الاكاديمية مثل دورات حاسوبية (اكسل، ويرد، بوربوينت…الخ) ودورات إدارية (تخطيط، تنظيم، توجيه، رقابة)، بالإضافة الى تدريب الطلبة على الدورات المهنية (دورة قش، دورة شمع، دورة مطرزات واكسسورارات، دور صابون).

تهتم الشركة بتدريب الطلبة وتطويرهم وتهيئهم لسوق العمل من خلال توفير (دورات اكاديمية) و(دورات مهنية) سواء دورات وجاهية واونلاين (الكترونية) والتواصل مع الطلبة من خلال موقع المشروع او مواقع التواصل الاجتماعية.

يتم حاليا التسجيل في وزارة التربية والتعليم، وننتظر حصولنا على الرخصة باقرب وقت ممكن.

Mission and Objectives

الغاية والاهداف للشركة

الحد من نسبة البطالة في فلسطين.
توظيف الطلبة العاطلين عن العمل ضمن تخصصاتهم.
خلق فرص تسويقية ومشاريع انتاجية والمساهمة في تطور وتقدم المجتمع الفلسطيني.
دمج الطلبة وانخراطهم في سوق العمل.
المساهمة في زيادة دخل الاسرة.
انجاز مشاريع مستدامة تساهم في تحقيق طموح الافراد (تحقيق الذات)

Main Projects / Activities

1- توفير دورات اكاديمية: لغات، تنمية بشرية، حاسوب، برمجة،..الخ.
2- توفير دورات مهنية: صابون، شمع، مطرزات، اكسسوارات، زراعة بيتية، اعادة تدوير.

برامج تدريب الخريجين/ات للتوظيف.
مدرسة الفكرة الرائعة - نظام AFTER SCHOOL
المدرسة الصيفية "لانه بكرا احلى"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تطوير الشباب في فلسطين،
ودعم المشاريع الريادية،
ودعم المشاريع الابتكارية.
دمج الخريجين/ات لسوق العمل.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تعرفت على شبكة آنا ليند من خلال عضو مشترك في الشبكة،
ولان الشبكة تتقارب اهدافها مع اهدافنا في الشركة.
وكذلك هدفنا التوسع في الانشطة والفعاليات، بهدف استفادة اكبر عدد ممكن من الشباب والخريجين/ات والباحثين عن فرص عمل.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jumana Wasaya
Job Title
مديرة الشركة
Head of the organisation
Jumana Wasaya
Contact (2) Full Name
بيتر صبحي ميخائيل سعادة
Job Title (2)
شريك في الشركة


National Network

Mansoura Egypt
Dakahlia Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information


Mission and Objectives

Help people

Main Projects / Activities

Help people

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Abdelmottleb Shehab
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

بور فؤاد - بور سعيد

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The “Hayaah” initiative was founded in 2021 by a group of students. It is an initiative to raise awareness and educate young people, university students, individuals preparing for marriage, and newlyweds about the importance of choosing a life partner, reproductive health, family planning, and children’s mental health.
The "Hayaah" initiative aims to empower young people to make healthy and informed decisions in their emotional and family lives.

Mission and Objectives

The “Hayaah” initiative was founded in 2021 by a group of students. It is an initiative to raise awareness and educate young people, university students, individuals preparing for marriage, and newlyweds about the importance of choosing a life partner, reproductive health, family planning, and children’s mental health.
The "Hayaah" initiative aims to empower young people to make healthy and informed decisions in their emotional and family lives.

Main Projects / Activities

- The initiative works to spread awareness and knowledge through workshops, lectures, and interactive discussions in universities and youth gathering places.
- The initiative provides innovative and engaging content to ensure that young people interact with and absorb information effectively.
- It also provides an intensive training course called “Hayaah Course" that extends for five days, including interactive activities and group discussions.
- The “Hayaah” application is available to facilitate access to information and services, including educational articles and direct booking of private sessions with experts and psychiatrists to provide individual support and professional counseling.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Elsaid Radwan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Radwan


National Network

Rua dos Mercadores 3
3800-000 Aveiro

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Agora Aveiro is a non-profit and non-governmental, grassroots, private NGO, founded under Portuguese law in 2010 in Aveiro, Portugal, by a group of young professionals from different areas and different cultural backgrounds. Our main goal is the promotion of active citizenship and participation among young people. Most of the activities are built around the topics of inclusion, solidarity, and environmental awareness. There are 2 full-time employees, 5 board members, around 30 local volunteers and over 3000 members in the association. Annually we earn and re-invest close to 150000 euros that comes from donations, sponsorships and grants. Our main projects are educational workshops/mobility projects, comprehensive volunteering programmes and the TEDxAveiro event happening annually in Aveiro. Also, we organise human libraries and other events tackling social inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

Agora Aveiro operates under a mission "Be the Change", and with the objective of promoting active citizenship. In 2010 it arose from the urge to “make it happen”, as there was no other local association for young people that was questioning paradigms, and promoting active citizenship and participation hands-on. We are here with the will to join our efforts and skills to change the community and the world around us, to be a part of a solution and not simply complain about problems. We provide learning opportunities to youngsters and young adults, using non-formal education and mentoring. We help them conduct projects that contribute to society and have the potential to transform what surrounds us. We create spaces where youth can share ideas and opinions, and we encourage the development of a critical, proactive and constructive attitude.

Main Projects / Activities

Agora Aveiro is the most active youth association locally and regionally, and some of our signature local projects are: - TEDxAveiro - an annual conference for 700+ people in the audience where we, by bringing extraordinary speakers, promote innovation, solutions and creativity when it comes to different areas including citizenship; - I love Aveiro - a project that educates our citizens, but also tourists, about the deep culture, uniqueness, and traditions (and changes in them) of our city and how to avoid the traps of seeing culture superficially and learn something from it. We interview people with stories to tell, publish these stories and intervene with urban art pieces in our city; - Human libraries - this is an educational project when it comes to inclusion. We provide opportunities for our citizens to have 1 on 1 conversations with members of excluded groups of people, such as refugees, people with different disabilities, with cultural or social obstacles, among others. Each year we organise a couple of Human Libraries. - several environmental projects where we raise awareness of environmental issues (a very important issue in Portugal due to forest fires, but also in general), educate about the protection of the environment and put the education into practice by planting thousands of trees with the help of hundreds of volunteers, clean up the beaches, etc; Besides, we have coordinated dozens of Youth in Action and Erasmus+ mobility projects, hosting over in Aveiro for short and long-term mobilities over 600 people in the last years. We have been active in EVS/ESC programmes, and several of our projects were awarded as the best EVS/ESC practice project of the year in Portugal, by our National Agency for Erasmus+. Our several local ESC projects were awarded as the best practice / inspiring project of the Year by our NA, such as “Heroes of Aveiro” in 2021.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong presence locally, regionally and even more and more on the national level and therefore we can help build visibility of ALF in Portugal. We can always contribute with our best practices, exchanging experiences and we are happy to brainstorm about what we can do within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We completely share the values of ALF and we think that by joining the network our voices will become stronger. In the last few years, we have been concerned about raising radicalisation and just now while we write this we hear in the news that the far-right political party in Portugal reached 21% on surveys for the next elections. We believe that only together we can amplify our voices and therefore build more inclusive and resilient communities. We believe in Dialogue as a tool and Deliberation as methodology and we would like to focus more on that in the coming years. We would like to join the network because we understand that you are leading this movement. We would like to contribute to it so that we can multiply the impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Golosin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nataša Golosin - co-founder, Catia Lima - president of the board

Istituto Ellenico di Cultura

National Network

Via Giusepe Giacosa 31
20127 Milan MI

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Board of Directors - 5 members, Scientific Committee - 6 members
Financial resources: Fees from training, members contributions
Language Traning programmes, organisation of cultural events
Main partners are cultural organisations and educational institutions in Greece and Italy

Mission and Objectives

Istituto Ellenico di Cultura in a non-profit, non governmental organisation, whose aim is to promote ideas, values, traditions,
arts, history and other features of the Greek culture and identity according to the principles and practices of cultural
The institute aims at promoting peace and equality among people and nations through intercultural dialogue.
In order to achieve this, the institute is involved in the organisation and management of cultural, artistic and entertainment
activities of particular social interest to promote culture, volunteerism and activities of general interest. Its goal is to promote
a culture of peace and non violence, to promote and protect human, political and social rights, as well as equal opportunities
and solidarity. It aims at promoting university education, scientific research, interventions to protect and promote cultural
heritage. It promotes vocational education and cultural activities for educational purposes. It can organise and manage
tourist activities of cultural or religious interest and can promote development and cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Language training programme
Cultural events
Promotion of culture professionals

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our expertise in developing the network in Italy and furthering cooperation with institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have more networking opportunities, beyond Greece and Italy and to participate in projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikos Frangos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nikolaos Frangos
Contact (2) Full Name
Katerina Dimitriadi
Job Title (2)
Head of Training and EU projects

G and G pour les jeux vidéos

National Network

007, Ennadhour, Bardo
2000 Tunis

+216 56 599 640
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Un bureau composé de 3 membres : un président, un trésorier et une secrétaire générale.
13 membres actifs, dont 10 sont des salariés à mi-temps.
77 joueurs professionnels licenciés.
Ressources budgétaires disponibles sur un an : 120 000 DT collectés sur l'année 2024.
Sources : 65 % sponsoring et partenariat ; 20 % vente des merchs et prix des tournois ; 15 % fonds personnels.
Mode d'action : Participation aux tournois internationaux et nationaux tout au long de l'année ; Organisation des événements et tournois esports en ligne et offline ; Organisation de sessions de formations en gaming et sport électronique.
Principaux partenaires : RIOT Games, Everience Tunisia, Zoom Informatique.

Mission and Objectives

Depuis sa création, GnG esports s’est donnée pour mission de transmettre aux jeunes la passion et les valeurs portées par la pratique des sports électroniques, et aussi de les éclairer sur l’impact positif que cette discipline peut avoir sur leurs vies, qu’il s’agisse des jeux en équipe ou en solo, GnG esports œuvre à révéler les atouts cachés de cette jeunesse, en lui offrant un environnement sain et stimulant, pour l’aider d’une part à cultiver son potentiel technique, mais aussi à développer au fil du temps son bagage intellectuel et cognitif.

Main Projects / Activities

- L'équipe GnG esports :
Cette équipe rassemble les meilleurs joueurs dans différentes disciplines sur la scène tunisienne du gaming. Nous sommes l'équipe représentative de la Tunisie dans la région MENA. Ce projet vise à recruter les meilleurs joueurs tunisiens déjà confirmés et à leur fournir tout ce dont ils ont besoin (salaires, matériel adéquat, connexion Internet, frais de déplacement, etc.) afin qu'ils puissent mieux représenter la Tunisie dans les tournois internationaux.

- GnG esports Academy:
Ce projet consistera à créer une académie de sports électroniques, la 'GnG Academy'. Il s'agit d'un lieu de rencontre destiné aux gamers amateurs de tout âge. L'académie sera équipée de tout le matériel nécessaire, comprenant des ordinateurs de gaming, des consoles de jeux et des accessoires de jeu. De plus, elle disposera d'une connexion Internet à très haut débit dans le but de créer un environnement sécurisé et inclusif. L'académie sera encadrée par des entraîneurs ayant une grande expérience dans le monde de l'esport. L'objectif est de détecter des joueurs talentueux, de les soutenir et de les façonner pour en faire les élites de demain. Ces futurs professionnels des sports électroniques seront capables de rivaliser avec des sportifs et des équipes de haut niveau, représentant ainsi au mieux la Tunisie à l'échelle internationale. Un programme sera mis en place pour chaque adhérent, afin de travailler sur l’affinement de ses compétences techniques comme gamer, mais aura aussi comme objectif de se focaliser sur le développement des soft-skills des joueurs pour une progression personnelle et cognitive. Nous comptons aussi coopérer avec des associations et des centres d'orphelinat, pour permettre aux jeunes des quartiers défavorisés d'assister aux événements organisés par l’académie, et aussi programmer des journées portes ouvertes dans nos locaux pour qu’ils puissent venir assister aux séances d'entraînements de nos joueurs. Ils auront alors la chance de côtoyer un monde nouveau, inspirant et porteur d’espoir.

Tunisia Gaming Festival 2024 :
Nous comptons organiser le premier salon international d'esports et de gaming en Tunisie. Que ce soit en termes de nombre participants, de nombre de tournois, d’activités, de prix à gagner, etc ; Nous visons grand ! Par ailleurs, nous espérons par le biais de cet événement marquer le début d’une série d’events durables et continus pour les années à venir, visant toujours une communauté plus internationale et variée. La 'TGF 2024' ne marque que le premier pas de notre aventure!

Bien que ce ne soit pas le premier événement gaming en Tunisie, nous voudrions nous démarquer et apporter du nouveau à la 'TGF 2024'. Tandis que les précédents événements ont été locaux, nous voudrions franchir le pas, et organiser un événement de nature internationale, composé d’une audience venue de toute part. En effet, le tourisme esportif est bien réel et bien présent dans plusieurs pays de l’Occident. La région MENA elle suscite maintenant de l'intérêt, et a un besoin réel de trouver une ‘capitale du gaming’ la représentant. Suite à une évaluation faite grâce à notre expertise et à notre expérience dans le milieu en tant qu’organisateurs, nous jugeons la Tunisie comme terrain idéal pour cela et voudrions faire de Tunis la capitale du gaming de l’Orient. Ceci est principalement dû au fait que la Tunisie entretienne de bonnes relations avec la plupart des pays de la région MENA, la permettant d'accueillir plusieurs nationalités arabes et africaines avec peu de problèmes, grâce à sa géopolitique correcte maintenue depuis des années maintenant, sans oublier que la Tunisie est facile d’accès et représente une destination qui convient au budget de tous.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promotion des valeurs des sports électroniques : Depuis notre fondation en 2016, notre mission principale a été de partager la passion et les valeurs des sports électroniques avec la jeunesse tunisienne. Nous croyons fermement que les sports électroniques peuvent jouer un rôle positif dans la vie des jeunes en favorisant le développement de compétences techniques, intellectuelles et cognitives. En collaborant avec la Fondation Anna Lindh, nous pouvons étendre cette sensibilisation et encourager des comportements inclusifs et empathiques au sein de notre communauté.

Organisation d'événements et de tournois : Nous avons acquis une expertise dans l'organisation d'événements et de tournois de gaming en Tunisie. En nous associant au réseau de la FAL, nous pouvons partager nos connaissances et notre expérience pour promouvoir des événements qui favorisent le dialogue interculturel et renforcent les liens communautaires.

Formation et encadrement des jeunes talents : Notre transition vers une équipe esport en 2022 reflète notre engagement à encadrer et à soutenir les jeunes talents tunisiens dans le domaine des sports électroniques. En collaboration avec la Fondation Anna Lindh, nous pouvons développer des programmes de formation et d'encadrement qui permettent aux jeunes de développer leurs compétences et de réaliser leur potentiel dans ce domaine en pleine expansion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous aspirons à rejoindre le Réseau de la FAL car nous partageons la vision de construire des communautés ouvertes, inclusives et résilientes. La communauté gaming en Tunisie est vaste et nécessite un encadrement ainsi que la création d'espaces où les passionnés peuvent se réunir et partager leur enthousiasme pour les sports électroniques. Nous croyons qu'avec notre expérience et le soutien du réseau, nous pouvons offrir à cette communauté une plateforme enrichissante.
En tant qu'acteurs du gaming, nous sommes fermement convaincus du pouvoir de cette industrie à promouvoir le dialogue et la compréhension interculturelle. Actuellement, la région MENA suscite un vif intérêt et éprouve un réel besoin de désigner une "capitale du gaming" pour la représenter. Après une évaluation approfondie basée sur notre expertise et notre expérience en tant qu'organisateurs, nous considérons la Tunisie comme le lieu idéal pour cette distinction et souhaitons faire de Tunis la capitale du gaming de l'Orient.

Cette vision repose en grande partie sur les bonnes relations entretenues par la Tunisie avec la plupart des pays de la région MENA, facilitant ainsi l'accueil de diverses nationalités arabes et africaines avec peu de complications. Cette stabilité géopolitique, maintenue depuis plusieurs années, associée à l'accessibilité de la Tunisie et à son attrait budgétaire, en font une destination idéale. Nous aspirons à contribuer à la vision globale de la FAL en mettant en avant les sports électroniques comme un vecteur de changement positif.

Notre objectif ultime est de favoriser l'inclusion et l'empathie au sein de la communauté gaming tunisienne. Nous sommes convaincus que notre engagement dans le Réseau de la FAL renforcera nos efforts, amplifiant ainsi notre impact et consolidant la position de la Tunisie en tant que capitale régionale du gaming.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Khalil Gharbi
Job Title
Président de l'association
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Khalil Gharbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Aymen Jadallah
Job Title (2)
Directeur esports

association innocence pour la protection de l'enfance menacée

National Network

Av. Hedi Chaker
3000 Sfax

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Baraa, fondée en 2019 avec une mission visant à consacrer à la protection de l’enfance menacée. Depuis ses débuts, elle est engagée à défendre les droits humains, en particulier ceux des enfants qui sont les plus vulnérables parmi nos engagements. Notre organisation se compose d'une équipe dynamique et multidisciplinaire, comprenant le bureaux élus , Bureaux exécutifs , 46 membres répartis dans différents comités tels que la communication, la comite de migration, comite de l'exploitation économiques ,comité de santé et comité de violence extrémisme. Nous avons également établi des partenariats stratégiques avec plusieurs collaborateurs externes gouvernementaux tels que les délègues , la municipalité et les ministres et internationaux tels que l'OIT, l'ambassade d'Allemagne, Terre D'asile, J2R,OCDE,PAAIP, IPA-SWITCH Board, qui contribuent à la réalisation de nos projets. Nos sources de financement proviennent principalement de subventions gouvernementales et des bailleurs du fonds. Notre organisation dispose d'un budget de 212888.70 TND l'anneés de 2022/2023 ce financement est alloué de manière équilibrée entre les frais de fonctionnement, les projets de recherche, le développement de nouveaux programmes, et les investissements technologiques nécessaires à nos activités.

Mission and Objectives

En tant qu'association humanitaire , spécialisée dans la protection des enfants en danger et en situation de vulnérabilité.
Parmi nos objectifs sont :
- Contribuer à protéger les enfants des risques psychologiques, sociaux, économiques et sanitaires.
-Consolider, développer et protéger les acquis de l'enfance en Tunisie contre toute menace où violation.
-Diffuser la sensibilisation aux droits de l’Homme.
- Surveiller les conditions et divers problèmes dans l’environnement enfantin.

Main Projects / Activities

Commençant par projet WECHANGE qui a le but de promouvoir la participation active des jeunes dans la gouvernance des maisons des jeunes, WE CHANGE est implémenté dans la maison des jeunes de cité Simar.Le choix de cette maison de jeunes se justifie par le fait qu'elle est la plus proche des quartiers populaires marginalisés de Saltnia surtout que la maison des jeunes Saltnia a fermé ses portes. C'est une nouvelle création encore confrontée à beaucoup de difficultés. La réticence des jeunes quant à l’intégration de cette maison des jeunes est la plus importante : la diminution des jeunes inscrits par rapport aux années précédentes (année 2019/2020 :694 jeunes -année 2020/2021 :256 jeunes) chiffres tenus de la direction de la maison des jeunes cité Simar) . On a réalisé : Des sessions de formation des professeurs de jeunesse et de sport de la maison des jeunes en team building , en gestion de conflits, démocratie participative. Des sessions de formation pour les jeunes en leadership et en démocratie participative. une visite guidée à l’instance supérieure et indépendante des élections (l’ISIE) , un workshop pour la préparation du programme annuel des clubs proposés par les groupes de jeunes et un Workshop Présentation des programmes par les représentants des groupes à l'administration et aux cadres de la maison des jeunes, débat et préparation un programme participatif. On a relise aussi, le Projet Takwini Yamini vise a la Contribution à la lutte contre le travail des enfants, à l’intégration sociale des enfants victimes d’exploitation économique et à leur préparation pour l’intégration économique. A la base des chiffres alarmants tels que notre zone d’intervention de Thyna, dans le gouvernorat de Sfax, 200 élèves ont quitté les écoles au niveau primaire (126 garçons-74 filles). Dans l’enseignement secondaire, 2028 élèves ont mis fin à leurs études avant terme .A cause de l’absence d’une seconde chance pour les enfants déscolarisés à retourner à l’école, de plus la pauvreté représente la principale raison du décrochage scolaire . Nous avons implémenté Un centre d’écoute et d’orientation et d’accompagnement, appuyé des parents par des mini projet dans des activités génératrices de revenus , nous avons développé une plateforme numérique d’orientation professionnelle à distance, aménagé et équipé une salle de formation technique polyvalente dans le centre de cdis, appui pédagogique des complexes d’enfance avec des livre parascolaire ,distribution des fournitures scolaire pour les enfants en danger de rupture scolaire à cause des raisons économique et social, Des convention de partenariat ont été est élaborée et signée et enfin femmes ont été formé dans les thématiques de gestion de coût et de gestion des petits projets. Projet Ecoschool ,Un projet pilote d’une école écologique, vise de consacrer d’une installation des panneaux photovoltaïques et installation d’un système de récupération d’eau de pluie et création d'une unité de compostage En parallèle, on a créer un club d’environnement comprenant des formations au profit des bénéficiaires. située à Agareb puisqu’elle considérée parmi les délégations rurales les plus éloignées géographiquement de Sfax Ville qui ont les taux les plus élevés du marginalisation 10,7 %.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En tant qu'association dédiée à la protection de l'enfance menacée, notre contribution au réseau dans notre pays s'articule autour de sensibilisation et l'échange de bonne pratique.
Nous utilisons le réseau pour sensibiliser le public aux problèmes auxquels font face les enfants vulnérables. À travers des articles informatifs et des partages sur les réseaux sociaux, nous cherchons à éduquer la population sur les enjeux liés à la protection de l'enfance.
Le réseau offre également la possibilité d'échanger des idées et des meilleures pratiques avec d'autres organisations travaillant dans le domaine de la protection de l'enfance. Cela nous permet de bénéficier de l'expérience d'autrui et d'améliorer continuellement nos approches et nos programmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Rejoindre le Réseau de la ALF peut offrir une multitude d'avantages:
offrant une plateforme propice à la collaboration entre diverses associations et organisations partageant des objectifs similaires. En rejoignant le réseau, on peut accéder à un pool de ressources partagées, partager des expertises et optimiser les efforts collectifs pour atteindre des objectifs communs.
De plus, faire partie du réseau peut renforcer l'impact des actions menées. En unissant les forces, les membres de la ALF peuvent amplifier leur voix, accroître leur influence et maximiser leur efficacité dans la lutte pour leurs causes respectives, que ce soit la protection des droits humains, l'environnement, la santé, ou d'autres enjeux sociaux.
Aussi, c'est un canal d'accès à des opportunités de financement. En faisant partie du réseau, nous pouvons être informés des subventions, des partenariats et des programmes de financement disponibles.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
houssem chkaroun
Job Title
president de l'association
Head of the organisation
Houssem Chakroun
Contact (2) Full Name
Asma Gafsi
Job Title (2)
chargée des relations exterieurs