Dialógus Platform Egyesület

National Network

Andrassy ut. 16- II.em.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Dialogue Platform Association is a registered charity, established in Budapest in 2005, with the aim of advancing social cohesion by connecting communities, empowering people to engage and contributing to the development of ideas on dialogue and community building. It does this by bringing people together through discussion forums, courses, capacity building publications and outreach. The Dialogue Platform is not a religious or ethnic organisation. It aims to facilitate dialogue on a whole range of social issues, regardless of any particular faith or religion. It stands for democracy, human rights, the non-instrumentalisation of religion in politics, equality and freedom of speech.
Mission and Objectives

The Dialogue Platform is directed by a team of committed staff and volunteers who have a proven track record of working within the community. The team’s expertise is complemented by the input of the Dialogue Platform Board of Advisors, a distinguished group of people who between them represent a very wide range of expertise and experience.
The Dialogue Platform derives its funding from private donations from local business people and professionals, which is testament to its support at the grassroots community level where its work is clearly valued. It achieves a remarkably high level of output in relation to its relatively small budget due to the support of committed volunteers.

Main Projects / Activities

The Dialogue Platform is interested in facilitating dialogue on the following areas of interest:
Dialogue theories and practice
Community cohesion and multiculturalism
Identity, integration and citizenship
Family, education and youth
Media, culture and communication
Human rights and civil liberties
Theology and religious studies
World cultures and societies
Peace-building and conflict resolution

Contact (1) Full Name
Bilal Ömer ALMAK
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Enikö Schradi
Job Title (2)

Yeruham Local Council

National Network

Yeruham 80500

08-6598202 / 201
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Yeruham is one of the first development towns in Israel. Over the years settlers came from many different countries and varied interest groups also settled in the town. Yerucham is on a stride forward with social and business initiatives.  Still the city has a 14% unemployment rate and one third of its population relies on the council's welfare services. The Yerucham council highly prioritizes projects aimed at improving the situation of these families by providing the opportunities for adults and children to get out of the vicious circle of poverty and welfare. Budgetary resources include Government funding, self income and philanthropy. The current Mayor was re-elected  for a second term in November 2014.
Mission and Objectives

The Yerucham council has set out five overriding principles to ensure the city’s continued growth and advancement: 1. Putting Education First: 2. Advancing Young Adults  3. Encouraging environmental awareness and conservation in Yeruham, also to promote tourism projects: 4. Economic Development: 5. Pushing it forward – from poverty to security: 

Main Projects / Activities

The Yeruham city council, together with Yeruham based NGO's, implements many projects promoting its above mentioned principles. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 In the past decade Yeruham has picked up from being a dilapidated developement town to a town bustling with social and buisness initiatives. It is also a town coping with extremely high rates of families on welfare. Yet, coping is the word, Yeruham is inveting in this families from infants to adults, in an effort to promote their situation.
Thus, Yeruham representatives can share their knowledge and experience in all of the above mentioned aspects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF because we would like to learn from others' knowledge and experiences and find suitable partners for social and biusness initiatives. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Merav Raz
Job Title
Resources Developement
Head of the organisation
Mayor Michael Biton
Contact (2) Full Name
Tal Ohana
Job Title (2)
Deputy Mayor

The Knowledge Catalysts Foundation

National Network

Villa Mulberry, Ghajn Tuta Street
Kercem, Gozo KCM 1260

+356 27474414
Telephone (other)
+356 21444490
+356 21806613
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+356 79444990
Mobile Phone (other)
+356 99474412
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Board of Administrators is a collegial organ executing general management and shall be not less than 3 Administrators and not more than 8 members; composed of the Chairperson; the Finance Director; Administrative Director and any board members; The initial endowment is €240 however the organisation is aiming to participate in EU funded projects as main source of income Equity & resources: private contributions; charitable donations; volunteer offerings, EU funds; other sources & income-generating activities EU funded and other Projects, Research and knowledge interchange, educational activities, literature and materials The foundation was set up by management consultant Michael Debono, previously involved in the setting up of the first Europe Direct Network in Malta, Ms. Josianne Debono who is a certified auditor specialising in auditing of EU projects and Mr. Joseph A Tabone, an educationalist, lecturer and researcher in the field of in ICT especially e-government.

Mission and Objectives

The Objectives of the Foundation shall be: To encourage and develop activities of a social nature that promote social inclusion of marginalised sectors, participation, e-democracy, the eradication of poverty of all hues; To promote and participate in activities of a cultural nature, that disseminate knowledge about arts, sports, history, theatre, geography and other facets, with the aim of increasing the knowledge on such necessary aspects for the enrichment of social life; To promote activities that promote research and innovation, sharing of best practices, studies on new technological and economic developments that aim to improve the standard of living of the population through the furtherance of the knowledge economy concept; To promote educational activities, including workshops, conferences, training and similar activities, that act as catalyst for the diffusion of knowledge; On a political level to continually renew the role to be played by Malta in all international fora, be they European and elsewhere, with the aim of promoting peace, human rights, multi-culturalism, inter-cultural dialogue, transfer of ideas and good practices and other worthy causes including but not limited to sustainable economic and ecological development in the Mediterranean Basin; To participate in European Union projects with the aim of furthering the above goals and also to further integrate Malta within EU structures and systems whilst retaining those particular characteristics that Malta boasts of that require constant nurturing and renewal.

Main Projects / Activities

Organise or participate in EU funded and other projects that have the same objectives of the Foundation To conduct and promote research and interchange of scientific and practical knowledge related to socio-economic To conduct educational activities in the form of seminars, workshops, conferences etc, that aim to strengthen the furtherance of knowledge dissemination to all sectors of society and to different cultures and countries; To prepare, publish and distribute related literature and materials; The Foundation website is under construction

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Knowledge Catalysts Foundation will continually renew the role to be played by Malta in all international fora, be they European and elsewhere, with the aim of promoting peace, human rights, multi-culturalism, inter-cultural dialogue, transfer of ideas and good practices and other worthy causes including but not limited to sustainable economic and ecological development in the Mediterranean Basin; The Fundation will also participate in European Union projects with the aim of furthering his objectives and also to further integrate Malta within EU structures and systems whilst retaining those particular characteristics that Malta boasts of that require constant nurturing and renewal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF as we view it as an essential platform for our international affairs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Debono
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michael Debono
Contact (2) Full Name
Josianne Debono
Job Title (2)

Common Purpose Deutschland

National Network

Max-Brauer-Allee 40
22765 Hamburg

+49 (0)40 380 38 699
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Common Purpose bietet seit 25 Jahren Leadership-Programme an, die den Teilnehmenden die Inspiration, die Fähigkeiten und Kontakte vermitteln, um effektiver komplexe Veränderungen anzuleiten - am Arbeitsplatz und in der Gesellschaft. Wir bieten Programme für Führungskräfte an (ob etabliert, aufstrebend oder im angehenden Ruhestand), ebenso wie für Studierende und für Schüler. Das besondere daran: wir bringen Menschen mit den verschiedensten Hintergründen und aus dem privaten, öffentlichen und gemeinnützigen Sektor zusammen und helfen ihnen zu verstehen, wie andere Menschen "ticken". Unsere hoch strukturierten Programme erstrecken sich über einen oder mehrere Tage und finden an ungewöhnlichen Orten statt, wie Gefängnissen, Börsen, Schulen, Fabriken u.s.w. Mittels Methoden des Erfahrungslernens bringen wir die meist rund 30 Teilnehmer in einen direkten, offenen Austausch untereinander und mit externen Impulsgebern, alle Entscheider aus der Praxis, die mit ihren echten Führungsthemen und Erfahrungen inspirieren. Dadurch unterstützen wir die Teilnehmer darin besser und schneller Silos oder kulturelle Grenzen zu überwinden auch außerhalb ihrer Komfortzone effektiv zu führen noch besser komplexe Veränderungen zu bewirken

Mission and Objectives

Unsere Vision ist es, den "Raum", der zwischen den unmittelbaren Verantwortlichkeiten jedes Einzelnen und auch des Staates liegt, zu füllen... mit Menschen aus allen Berufen und Bereichen, mit Unternehmen und Organisationen, die das Gemeinwesen heute und in der Zukunft im Blick halten. Unser Ziel ist es, bei Führungskräften ebenso wie bei jungen Menschen das Bewusstsein für die Gesamtzusammenhänge von Führung und Gesellschaft zu wecken sowie für die gesellschaftliche Relevanz ihrer Entscheidungen. Der Soziologe Sir Ralf Dahrendorf erklärt in einem Artikel für das britische 'Common Purpose Journal', warum zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in den westlichen Industrienationen seit 1989 zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Er nennt Common Purpose ein exzellentes Beispiel für Zivilgesellschaft "in Aktion".

Main Projects / Activities

Die Idee hat ihren Ursprung 1989 in England. Als unabhängige, überparteiliche, gemeinnützige Organisation führt Common Purpose mittlerweile lokale Programme in 35 Städten weltweit durch, sowie globale Projekte für Führungskräfte aus über 100 Ländern. Jährlich nehmen rund 4.000 Leader an unseren Trainings teil. In Deutschland haben in den letzten zehn Jahren über 1.000 Organisationen Führungskräfte, Studierende oder Schüler in unsere Kurse entsendet. Der gemeinnützige Common Purpose Deutschland e.V. wurde 2003 ins Leben gerufen.  2010 etablierte der Verein eine gemeinnützige GmbH, deren einziger Gesellschafter der Verein bis heute ist. Verein und GmbH sind beim Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main unter HRB 86898 registriert und beim Finanzamt Frankfurt am Main III unter der Steuernummer 45 250 7351 9 als gemeinnützig anerkannt. Beide sind durch eine Lizenzvereinbarung an den Common Purpose Charitable Trust gebunden, der von der Tochtergesellschaft, der Common Purpose Global Customised Ltd., gemanagt wird. Ziel und Gegenstand von Common Purpose Deutschland werden in der Satzung wie folgt beschrieben: "[...] die Förderung von Bildung und Erziehung für das Gemeinwohl und im Besonderen von Personen mit unterschiedlicher geographischer, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft sowie politischem und wirtschaftlichem Hintergrund durch die Behandlung von institutionellen, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen unter Betonung von Gemeinsinn und sozialer Verantwortung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, insbesondere in deutschen Großstädten und den sie umgebenden Regionen."

Contact (1) Full Name
Riekje Linnewedel
Head of the organisation
Katharina Rahne & Lena Meyer

Mifalot Education and Society Enterprises

National Network

Halochamim 8
Tel Aviv 61084

+972 35 18 8491 #2
#972 35 18 8490
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mifalot Education and Society Enterprises (“Mifalot”) is the largest and most diverse sport for development non-profit organization operating in the Middle East. Founded in 1997 by the then owners of the Hapoel Tel Aviv football team, we now have over 30,000 annual participants, from underserved peripheral communities, in over 500 programs just across Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. Mifalot offers fine-tuned educational sports programming according to the needs and challenges faced by disadvantaged and marginalized communities. We partner with local organizations at home and all over the world, including in Rwanda, Haiti, and the Philippines. Mifalot employs 42 full-time staff and has over 120 part-time employees and over 200 volunteers. Our annual budget is $6.5 million dollars, which is comprised of contributions from national governmental offices, philanthropic partnerships, local partner fees (which are heavily subsidized and based on ability to give), private donations, corporate donations, and in-kind contributions.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to use sport to create positive social change by way of life skills training for disadvantaged populations and promote understanding and coexistence among different groups in Israel and the region. Mifalot harnesses the power of sport for enrichment and values education, to bolster gender quality, teach life skills to children with special needs, promote the integration and inclusion of immigrants and refugees, and create bonds of friendship among children from diverse backgrounds, as well as helping them to maximize potential and ability.

Main Projects / Activities

Among the special programs of Mifalot are:
The Game of Life
For special needs populations
Children, youth and adults suffering from mental and physical disabilities, communication impairments, autism, and behavioral disorders from all sectors, take part in this unique program. Its goals are to strengthen life skills development, provide sport and healthy lifestyle training, teach coping mechanisms for one’s social stigma, and create a positive self-image. The project is one academic year long and models social integration and life skills training in a way that carries over from the field and group discussions into everyday life. Today, over 2,500 individuals with special needs participate in our programs in over 150 projects all over Israel. Mifalot works in cooperation with our national partners: the Israeli National Insurance Institute, The Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Social Affairs, and our local partners: disability institutions across Israel, such as the Levtzaler Residence in Herzliyya, Kfar Tikva in Tivon, and AKIM Israel.
Know Your Neighbor
Shared living
This program brings together boys and girls from diverse backgrounds -- Jewish, Muslim and Christian, Arab, Bedouin, Druze, immigrant, and refugee – to play together on mixed teams, create friendships, learn peace values, overcome stereotypes, and become “change agents” in their local communities. Mifalot works with academic experts to evaluate the social impact of this project and the results are extremely encouraging. Based on pre-, mid- , and post- evaluations, almost all the children who participate demonstrate an almost complete abandonment of negative attitudes towards the other side. Especially during tense times, this program is a shining light of hope for the ability of children to see past skin color and religion to find what unites us.
Civil Service Programs
Social inclusion
The civil service program is a Mifalot initiative created in 2009 and designed for full-time, young-adult volunteers who are not recruited for service in the IDF, including Arab Israelis, ultra-Orthodox, and Jewish young-adults at risk. The volunteers, both male and female, receive extensive training and serve for hundreds of hours each in their home communities. Particularly for our Arab Israeli participants, the program helps them enjoy greater social equality and more basic rights, including financial benefits in the short term and helping to eradicate discrimination in the longer term. At the grass roots level (local government and civil society) there is a growing movement to support civil service for Arabs that would empower local leadership, serve the local community, and attain equal rights.
Ensured Future
Employability skills for youth at risk
This program, which began in 2012, uses football to develop the employment and social capabilities of at-risk youth. Our participants come from broken homes, deal with an array of emotional issues, and sometimes live in residential boarding schools, since they are unable to be cared for at home (these homes are known as “pnimiyot” in Hebrew). This project provides a safe and empowering place for these troubled youth to learn employability skills such as responsibility, team-work, and communication, and get them to believe in themselves and their own abilities. After completion of the program’s educational training (including seminars, day tours, and outdoor workshops), the youth earn a certificate certified by the state allowing them to work as guides, coaches, and counselors – a huge accomplishment and confidence booster for them. We currently have over 700 youth in the North, Center, and South of Israel taking part in this program, including several “Ensured Future” projects for Bedouins in the South of Israel. Our original partner for the program was the Foundation for Children and Youth At-risk, but once it was recognized as an important and leading educational model, other partners joined in, including the Negev Development Authority and ORT Israel Schools, Israel’s largest educational network of schools and colleges.
Beyond the Net
Female empowerment
A female empowerment program designed to bring more females into Mifalot’s activities by offering a sport that is more attractive to girls than football: catchball, a sport based on volleyball. It promotes values of cooperation, healthy lifestyle, leadership, and self-esteem. Participation in the program gives young girls higher self-confidence, an enriching social experience, and in many cases, a road to future employment as sports counselors. Mifalot works with Jewish girls in local schools and residential boarding homes, Bedouin girls in the Negev, and Arab Israeli girls looking to change cultural stigmas surrounding females and sports.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mifalot has a long and storied history of partnerships at home and internationally which have allowed us to grow as an organization and build the capacity of smaller organizations. We are a relatively large organization that has the capability of conduction projects on a very large scale. With the support of USAID and the European Union we've impacted thousands Israeli and Palestinian youth, trainign them to be coaches for social change. By joining the Network, Mifalot will be able to contribute insight and best practice information to dozens, if not hundreds, of organizations that also undertake work in marginalized communities. After lmost 20 years of programming and evaluation experience, we have a lot to share regarding  flexibiltiy, fine-tuning, and addressing local needs through specialized educational programming.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mifalot would like to join the ALF Network to exapand our reach and ability to partner with others in the field of social change. The ALF Network would offer a convenient way to contact other organizations with similar missions and combine our talents.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amanda Widom
Job Title
Foundation Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dr. Meir Orenshtein
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Meir Orenshtein
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

The Society of Women Graduates

National Network

Allababidi ST.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Society of women graduates in Gaza strip is non-governmental and non-profit organization, established in Gaza in 1974. The society basically works on developing and empowering the women graduates' potentials in Palestine, which effects on them, their families and the Palestinian society in general positively.

Mission and Objectives

Mission of SWG: The Society of Women Graduates in the Gaza Strip is a non-governmental, non-profit independent organization that aims to empower women university graduates through capacity building development programs, skill rehabilitation, education, awareness-raising, job placement and advocacy for their rights by creating local, regional and international partnerships SWG does its effort to achieve its objectives which are : 1) Gathering  the educated women power in Gaza Strip.   2) Creating  job opportunities for the un-employed women graduates . 3) Encouraging  women graduates  on thinking and scientific research. 4) Orienting women graduates in cultural, social and legal fields . 5) Encouraging women graduates to spend their leisure time in constructive Entertainment activities. 6) Relief the families of needy women graduates.  

Main Projects / Activities

  The Society provide its services to the target group through : - The training Unit. - women graduates Cultural Forum. - The Computer  Center. - The Projects Unit. - The Employment and Assistance Unit. - The library.   1. Women Graduates cultural forum: every Saturday, a meeting is conducted in the forum by a number of professors from different associations in different topics include: Prepare for the labour market, health and Legal awareness, educational, hygienic, social, psychological, gender and culture.. etc. these topics are identified based on the needs of women graduates. Each year more than 1200 women graduates  participate and attend  the meetings which conduct in the forum. 2. Computer center : Through the computer center SWG aim to serves the women graduates and develop her skills and help her to cope with the information revolution and the technological progress. Recently, 6 training courses on ICDL for 120 fresh women graduates  and a training program for 10 fresh women graduates on IT  were completed. 3. Training unit: In this unit we conducting short training programs does not exceed a period of three months in different fields and getting use of the experts and specialists. Recently, a training course entitled Early detection of mental disorders was completed for 15 women graduates specialty psychology and social service. Also, a set of workshops on domestic violence awareness-raising in the Community were completed by participating 20 women graduates. The aim of these workshops was to  empower the capacities of these women  so they can exercise freedom of choice and become their own best advocates . Currently, a training course on French  language for 15 women graduates is conducted. SWG has already finished  project of Emergency Psychosocial Programme for Children and Parents After war 2014 which helped in providing psychological support sessions for the 4800 children and their parents after 2014 war through 40 qualified female psychologists. This Project funded by Pontifical Mission. Currently, SWG implements project of Creation of temporary Job Opportunities for 90 female graduates from  the Families  Who Had Their Homes Totally Destroyed As Result of Gaza Assault 2014 . This project funded by Welfare Association.  .Furthermore, SWG is now in partnership with Civil Society Program (CSP)  in GIZ 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

exchange the experiences with the other members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange the experiences with the other members

Contact (1) Full Name
Wedad Sourani
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Lili Saba
Contact (2) Full Name
Haifaa Shuhaibar
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager

Euro-Mediterranean University Insitute EMUI (EMUI_ EuroMed University)

National Network

EMUI_ EuroMed University-Monasterio degli Olivetani / Dipartamento di Storia, Società e Studi sull'Uomo-Università del Salento
EMUI_Universidad Complutense, San Bernardo 49, 28015, Madrid
00152 Roma

0034 670 056 584
Telephone (other)
0039 331 571 7674
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
The Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI) was founded in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid host to our Spain Campus, and an EU, Maghreb and Middle East University Consortium. Officially launched in Malta on October 16th 2007, the events were hosted at the Mediterranean Conference Centre (Valletta), with institutional support from the Government of the Republic and the Embassy of Spain. The Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI) arises in Spain as a Research University Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). In cooperation with the homologue institutions in Malta and Fes (Morocco), the creation of the EMUI_UCM implies the consolidation of the Euro-Mediterranean Southern University. The Complutense Institute – EMUI was approved by the UCM Government Council on December the 16th, 2009. EMUI_  EuroMed University Headquarter: Monastero deggli Olivetani, Lecce (Italia)
Mission and Objectives

1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Economy and Environment
2. History and Civilization
3. European Union and Mediterranean Law
4. Political and Social Sciences
5. International Relations and Cooperation
6. Arabic and Islamic Studies
7. EuroMed: Social Technology and Digital Citizenship
8. EuroMed: Equaliy and Gender Studies
Scientific Specialization
0. Social and Juridical Sciences

Contact (1) Full Name
Paloma Criado-Veira
Job Title
Head of the Precidency Cabinet
Head of the organisation
Román Reyes


National Network

Calle Fray Tomás del Valle 7 5b

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Who are we? Synergy is a youth, nonprofit association whose main purpose is to create a space for dialogue and a multicultural meeting place for young people. Our mission is to create an "international meeting point" where young people of the Campo de Gibraltar can connect with people from other nationalities and cultures. They can speak other languages ​​and can learn and participate in international and European, activities and youth initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are to:
Promote meetings of languages ​​as a means of cultural exchange.
Promote activities, courses and meetings that promote personal and professional development of young people.
Serve as a point of connection with activities and youth initiatives at an international and European level.
What is our vision?
We believe that learning new languages ​​and intercultural dialogue is essential for the personal development of young people in today's global society. We are also convinced that young people have much to contribute to society and that through commitment can consolidate a society that promotes dialogue, tolerance and integration of all people regardless of their nationality or culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Key actions.
1. Synergy Language Exchanges
Synergy has been running for two years, coordinating and organizing weekly meetings in Algeciras where local and international people gather to practice new languages. In our exchanges we mainly speak English but also support the practice of other languages ​​such as French, German or Italian, as demanded by the participants.
2. Info Point.
The main objective of this new project is to create a platform for information, support and mediation for young people of the Campo de Gibraltar to participate in international projects such as cultural exchanges, trainings or courses on topics such as human rights, social entrepreneurship, cultural awareness peace and ecology among others.
Specific objectives include:
Creating an information / direct helpdesk and workshops for young people who are interested, in which we publicise types of programs, courses and initiatives there are and what you can expect from them.
Assisting young people interested in performing applications, organizing travel, course preparation and help translate applications into English.
Endorsing the candidates of local youth projects organized by partner associations.
Enhancing feedback and spreading of skills acquired once they return to the "EXPERIENCE". To do this, downstream projects and activities in which young people can put into practice what they have learnt. The aim is to create a network of young people in the region with international experience interested in spreading and help future participants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our community, there is not an association like ours and we believe in a union with yours can both grow and fulfill our vision.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe that unity and cooperation is strength. The more connections and cooperation are in the world, we can better achieve dialogue, multiculturalism and equality. We believe that Anna Lindh Foundation is doing a very good job and we believe that you are a network where we can fit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virginia Vilches Such
Head of the organisation
Virginia Vilches Such

AGORA pour la Formation et l’Appui aux Initiatives des Jeunes - Bejaia

National Network

392 bâtiments A1 N° 09
06000 Béjaia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Au regard de la situation que vit le mouvement associatif en Algérie et  conscient du rôle que peut jouer la jeunesse dans  la promotion  d’un développement durable et solidaire dans la Wilaya de Bejaïa,  des universitaires et des représentants associatifs ont  crée   l’association Agora pour la  formation et l’appui aux initiatives de jeunes afin de répondre aux  attentes des acteurs locaux et réaliser des projets novateurs en réponse aux besoins exprimés. Agora œuvre pour la création des espaces de rencontres aux seins desquels les jeunes pourraient échanger leurs expériences, identifier des outils et des ressources en vue de promouvoir l’éducation à la citoyenneté, à la démocratie, au dialogue interculturelle  et encourager la participation de la jeunesse et de la femme  aux politiques publiques. Nous souhaitons valoriser le potentiel social, économique et culturel de la région  Bejaia en poursuivant le renforcement de son rôle traditionnel de pont entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée, pour la construction d’un espace plus ouvert et solidaire entre les peuples.
Mission and Objectives

L’Association Agora s’est fixé pour objectifs :
• Soutenir et former les jeunes et les associations locales.
• Améliorer et enrichir le travail associatif à travers l'échange et le partage d'expériences et de pratiques avec des associations locales.
• Mettre en place un partenariat avec les acteurs locaux nationaux et internationaux
• Encourager les activités de développement visant à promouvoir la diversité culturelle
• Promouvoir la participation effective des femmes dans le travail associatif 
• Élaborer et mettre en œuvre des projets associatif, éducatif et pédagogique, soutenir le travail de jeunes militants dans le domaine du développement local et le travail social
• Développer  des échanges culturels, artistiques et sociaux au niveau local, aux niveaux national et international;
• Organiser des festivals culturels et artistiques dans les municipalités ;

Main Projects / Activities

L’association Agora pour la formation et l’appui aux initiatives des jeunes propose des formations/outils de lecture et d’actions. Elles s’adressent à tous les acteurs sociaux, professionnels ou militants, dans les champs de l’animation, de l’éducation, de l’action culturelle, de l’action sociale et du développement local.
L’association organise ses activités conformément à ses objectifs sous forme de :
• Expositions, Projection des films/théâtre, le tout suivi de débats.
• Conférences débats et tables rondes.
• Séminaires.
• Visites/ Echange national et international de jeunes
• Universités d’été.
• Stage et formation au niveau local, national et international.
• Participation aux activités organisées par nos partenaires nationaux/internationaux.
• Galas artistique, expositions de peintures
• Constitution de fonds documentaires Publication sous toutes ses formes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- L'échange de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine  de la jeunesse, le dialogue interculturel et l'éducation non formelle
- Rencontrer les organisations de la jeunesse, les jeunes travailleurs ou des militants qui  travaillent sur la  résolution des conflits, le dialogue interculturel, la communication non-violente et de l'éducation de la paix au niveau local, national et international
- Développer de nouveaux projets de mobilité, renforcer la coopération euro-méditerranéenne
- Promouvoir la réciprocité dans les échanges de jeunes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour partager les expériences, les méthodes de travail et des outils afin de mieux promouvoir la citoyenneté active dans la région euro-méditerranéenne
Pour connaître d'autres organisations de la promotion de la citoyenneté active et de développer de nouvelles coopérations dans la région euro-méditerranéenne
Pour donner la possibilité aux jeunes militants de différents horizons de se rencontrer, d'échanger des idées et de partager leurs expériences

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Vice Président Chargé de coopération et de partenariats
Head of the organisation
Tahrat Abdenour

Fundación Acción Contra el Hambre

National Network

C/ Duque de Sevilla nº 3
28002 Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Fundación Acción contra el Hambre (Action against Hunger Foundation) is an independent and neutral international humanitarian organization that fights malnutrition while ensuring water and secure livelihoods for vulnerable populations. Since 2013 we also work in Spain promoting employability and social entrepreneurship among people at risk of exclusion. Action Against Hunger Spain have around 1.500 employees, 114 of them in the headquarters in Madrid. Last year managed a budget of 89.968.383 € and our main sources of funding are mainly European and National Aid Funds, international public donnors and private donations. Social Action in Spain is developed by a direct and indirect intervention methodology, by the programmes addressed to disadvantaged people, but also addressed to other NGOs and other actors that work towards social and labour inclusion for those in need. The strategy and the activities of the Social Action area of Action against Hunger is articulated through Vives Project, having three areas of intervention: • PEOPLE: Increase the professional competencies for the employment and self-employment of people at exclusion risk. • NGOs: Strengthen programs on employment and/or inclusive entrepreneurship for social institutions through advice and training to their technical staff. • ECO-SYSTEM: Contribute to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem by encouraging networking at national and International level. We collaborate with a number of partners: private and public entities, as well as other NGOs working in the field of social action for dissadvantaged people.
Mission and Objectives

Vives project is the employment and entrepreneurship strategy of Action against Hunger, Its objective is to facilitate the access to the professional world for people at social and labour exclusion risk by employment and entrepreneurship programs. This strategy is based on the following theory of change: The acquisition of entrepreneurial abilities has a positive impact on improving the employability of people. When these people are also at risk of exclusion, the acquisition of these skills also has a direct impact on their life. This strategy is defined by three strategic axes: 1. To support and accompany unemployed people who are at risk of exclusion to improve their employability, through the acquisition of the skills needed to gain employment and to be entrepreneurial. The programs that will be implemented under this axis should pay special attention to the group of unemployed youngsters who are at risk. 2. Strengthening the entities of the Third Sector of Social Action that support and work to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and this inclusive entrepreneurship for groups at risk of exclusion. 3. The strengthening of the ecosystem of entrepreneurship to make it more inclusive for people at risk of exclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects are focused in the socio-labour inclusion of disadvantaged gropus through employment and entrepreneurship projects.
In 2014 we have run 25 projects, 19 of them still implementing and the rest finished during the first part of 2015. The total number of beneficiaries of our projects is more than 2600.
The activities are the following:
• 18 employment programs.
• 5 projects on entrepreneurship for youth at risk.
• 1 project on micro-financing to women.
• 3 projects on social entrepreneurship for NGO that will generate employment.
• 1 research on market niches for the youth entrepreneurship.
In 2015 we started to work in social action interventions in development countries. We are transferring the methodology of the Employment shuttles (Vives People), to the project "Livelihood Initiatives to foster employability and entrepreneurship of IDPs (Internal Displaced Persons) and host populations in Georgia - LIFE Georgia", funded by the Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid Directorate-General of the European Commission.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to establish strong and long-term alliances with other public and private entities working in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged groups.
We are open to share our methodologies as well as work in consortiums with other organizations.
As the aim of one of our axis of interventions is the strehgthen of other NGOs offering entrepreneurship support, we will offer our services to other members of the network, and we will invite the rest to the events we organize.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF will give us further opportunities to contribute to a more inclusive ecosystem for people at risk of exclusion, in Spain but also in other countries where we have interventions with people at social risk.
The network will give us more visibility and we will have the opportunity to disseminate our events to other organizations.
We want also to contribute to a more inclusive European Ecosystem, so we are open to collaborate with other organizations in other countries with the aim of exchange our experiences, to learn from others and innovate in our interventions. This network would be a good oportunity to contact other organizations with the same objectives, and will give us the opportunity to establish long-term alliances at European and International level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luis González Muñoz
Job Title
Director of ACF-E Spanish Chapters and Social Inclusion Programs in Spain
Head of the organisation