DRAMBLYS: Social Creativity Lab

National Network

C/Pedro Coca 49, 3B

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
DRAMBLYS (Social Creativity Lab) is a non-profit socio-cultural organization of independent professionals committed to positive social change and responsible leadership. In DRAMBLYS we combine sociological imagination & inquiry with social creativity and design to approach, explore, and innovate solutions to contribute to sustainable development. Our main programmes and areas of expertise include the following: programmes design and evaluation, data visualization and social innovation design, development and management.  
Mission and Objectives

DRAMBLYS operative strategy is based on the following activities:
- Promotion and implementation of activities to support social innovation (research, analysis of case of studies, etc.);
- Development of specific tools (ICT and non ICT based working methodologies) to answer social challenges;
- Consultancy services on social innovation for public and private organizations (companies, professional associations, public bodies, public administration, NGOs, social actors); and
- Collaboration in multilateral projects at national, European and International levels aimed to:
• Create formal and informal networks on innovation ecosystem (including human capital; social entrepreneurship; alternative funding; training and learning, etc.);
• Design, develop and coordinate socio-economic research activities within the framework of European and international partnerships;
• Define and implement communication and dissemination activities through social networks;
•Involve and dynamise multi-stakeholder based pilot and demonstration activities;
•Define and design evaluation tools, according to European and international indicators and standards;
•Develop socioeconomic studies, etc.
In addition, we are particularly interested in approaching, reaching, learning from, and empowering under-represented voices, as well as local communities on social creativity ventures, for sustainable local development and global & local solidarity. We design and implement a range of initiatives and project, based on social research, participatory and experiential methodologies, for the promotion of social growth and competitiveness.

Main Projects / Activities

In DRAMBLYS, we aspire to serve as an interactive platform and meeting point to exchange, design, inspire and promote social innovation projects and creative alternatives, both globally and locally. We aim to facilitate creative dialogues and co-create sustainable alternatives and so, to inspire new social entrepreneurs and community leaders & promote sustainable ways of living.
We aim to bridge diverse communities by connecting and engaging different people from all walks of life. Through social learning and exchange of good practices, we aim to design colourful synergies creating an impact on local communities and social groups in need.  Currently, in DRAMBLYS we are working on the following programmes:  1.“Go Social”:  “Social English Language Course” and “Social Cinema Nights”, 2. “Salad Bowl”: Workshops and training programmes & activities on “Intercultural Communication” and “Diversity Management” and 3. “Living Library” project: Take out your prejudices!

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Klemkaite
Head of the organisation
Lina Klemkaite

Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM) – Together Against the Death Penalty

National Network

69 Rue Michelet
93100 Montreuil

00 33 1 80 87 70 53
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ECPM is a non-profit organization in compliance with the law of 1901, based in Paris and Montreuil (France). It is composed of 9 employees in France and abroad, with interns. The provisional budget for the year 2015 is around 1 560 000 Euros. ECPM sources of funding come from several sources: abolitionist governments, French local authorities, private funds and international organizations. ECPM organizes World and Regional Congresses against death penalty, raises youth awareness about human rights in France and abroad, lobbies national and international organizations and promotes human rights in the MENA region. One of our main partners is the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, composed of more than 150 NGOs, bar associations, local authorities and unions. It aims to lobby, organise international campaigns and support national and regional abolitionist forces for universal abolition. ECPM also works with several partners in France and abroad: parliamentarians, politic or juridical associations...
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of ECPM is to organize and support all actions that effectively fight the death penalty around theworld, as well as the promotion of universal abolition and more broadly, the carrying out of actions aiming atthe development of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
ECPM’s mission is to gather, unite, and empower human rights defenders engaged in the fight against the death penalty to reach universal abolition of the death penalty.

Main Projects / Activities

ECPM has 4 core activities:
Bringing together abolitionist actors from around the world
Every three years, since 2001, ECPM organizes the World Congress against the death penalty (Strasbourg 2001, Montreal 2004, Paris 2007, Geneva 2010, Madrid 2013) involving thousands of political representatives, civil society organizations, lawyers and artists from abolitionist and retentionist countries, in order to develop new strategies to carry out the abolitionist cause.

The next World Congresses will be in Oslo, Norway, in 2016. ECPM is also organizing a Regional Congress in Malaysia in June 2015, focused on drugs and death penalty. This event is co-organised by The Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN), an independent, interregional network involved in the Asia Pacific region. It currently includes members from 28 countries and is composed of NGOs, organisations, civil society groups, attorneys and individuals.
Enhancing the capacity of local actors and working with them
Since 2011, ECPM supports the development of coalitions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in order to strengthen local actors of the abolition, raise public awareness about this issue and supports the creation of Parliamentary abolitionist networks. ECPM organized for instance a Regional Congress in Morocco in 2012 and several national conferences in the region, created the first parliamentarians’ Network against the death Penalty in Morocco, developed the first abolition website of Morocco (www.tudert.ma) and supported the creation of a graphic novel on death penalty in Arabic.

Implementation of lobbying actions towards the universal abolition of the death penalty
ECPM carries out fact-finding missions with local partners (Morocco, Tunisia, the United States of America, and the Great Lakes region in Africa) and publishes annual reports about the death penalty in Iran.
Teaching and raising awareness of abolition
ECPM carries out actions and develops educational tools for middle and high school students in France and abroad. The association has been working to raise public awareness about issues of the death penalty around the world, and in particular for minorities and vulnerable groups.
In 2014, one thousand students from low socioeconomic areas were taught about the death penalty in accordance with ECPM’s education of human rights project. This project was also implemented in Morocco, with 1,500 students who took the course in human rights (focusing on abolition of the death penalty). In Tunisia ECPM is implementing the first “Caravan” for the teaching abolition in partnership with the Tunisian coalition against the death penalty and the Arab Institute of Human Rights, crossing the country and meeting more than 250 students from middle and high school institutions in order to debate the death penalty.
The same year, ECPM organized a drawing contest for pupils and high scholars of France, Lebanese, Moroccan, Tunisia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, called “Dessine-moi l’abolition”. This international contest gathered 350 drawings denouncing the horror of the death sentence, with an international jury composed of actors involved in human rights or graphic design professionals, and with the partnering of human rights associations of each country represented. The success of this contest shows the importance of human rights education for children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ECPM works with numerous partners, especially located in the country where ECPM operates. The Regional Congress is for instance co-organised by ADPAN, an Asian network, and numerous local organizations collaborated for the projects in the MENA region. Belong to such a great network as the Anna Lindh’s one would be a great opportunity for ECPM to expand and strengthen its network and find new relevant and motivated partners for its events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariane Gresillon
Job Title
Vice Director
Head of the organisation
Raphaël CHENUIL-HAZAN, Executive Director

Global Shapers Community- Gaza hub

National Network

غزة- شارع القنال، عمارة دلول
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. An Initiative of the World Economic Forum
Mission and Objectives

The Global Shapers Community is:
—united by a common desire to channel the members’ tremendous energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world.
—diverse in demographics, geographical areas, social backgrounds and sectors
The Global Shapers Community
—provides youth with a global platform to shape the future, integrating the personal, community and global dimension.
—catalyses and enhances, individually and collectively, fresh ideas and entrepreneurial solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
—Provides the shapers with the opportunity to get involved in crossmentoring with the communities of the World Economic Forum

Main Projects / Activities

—Local Hubs are established in major cities around the world
—Joining the Global Shapers Community begins by joining a local hub. Local hubs are committed to local impact and are designed to be local in focus, activity and governance.
—Local Hubs interact and collaborate across borders on global or regional projects, to gain insight and impact the global dimension
—Hubs will provide Shapers with the opportunity to actively develop and contribute to initiatives which focus on future-oriented challenges that this community is uniquely positioned to address
—The local hub must remain impartial and independent and therefore cannot be formed on any political, cultural, racial or religious basis

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Because we seek to help 
between 20 and 30 years of age at the time of nomination
—from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds
—highly committed to developing their leadership potential towards serving society
—adhering to the highest standards of moral and intellectual integrity
—possessing unique qualities that set them distinctly apart from the mainstream
—entrepreneurial track record, having already initiated and delivered a major project or founded a company or organization, exceptionally contributing to serving society at large
—ready to deeply engage in the community, reinforcing its mission and objectives and supporting fellow shapers in their individual and professional development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope we can make a cooperation between our hub and your Network since we seek to help the Palestinian society to lead it for evolution and development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri A Y Alghoul
Job Title
Founding Curator
Head of the organisation
Yousri Alghoul
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Abu Alqumboz
Job Title (2)
Deputy curator

Global Shapers Community- Gaza hub - مكرر

National Network

غزة- شارع القنال، عمارة دلول
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. An Initiative of the World Economic Forum
Mission and Objectives

The Global Shapers Community is:
—united by a common desire to channel the members’ tremendous energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world.
—diverse in demographics, geographical areas, social backgrounds and sectors
The Global Shapers Community
—provides youth with a global platform to shape the future, integrating the personal, community and global dimension.
—catalyses and enhances, individually and collectively, fresh ideas and entrepreneurial solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
—Provides the shapers with the opportunity to get involved in crossmentoring with the communities of the World Economic Forum

Main Projects / Activities

—Local Hubs are established in major cities around the world
—Joining the Global Shapers Community begins by joining a local hub. Local hubs are committed to local impact and are designed to be local in focus, activity and governance.
—Local Hubs interact and collaborate across borders on global or regional projects, to gain insight and impact the global dimension
—Hubs will provide Shapers with the opportunity to actively develop and contribute to initiatives which focus on future-oriented challenges that this community is uniquely positioned to address
—The local hub must remain impartial and independent and therefore cannot be formed on any political, cultural, racial or religious basis

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Because we seek to help 
between 20 and 30 years of age at the time of nomination
—from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds
—highly committed to developing their leadership potential towards serving society
—adhering to the highest standards of moral and intellectual integrity
—possessing unique qualities that set them distinctly apart from the mainstream
—entrepreneurial track record, having already initiated and delivered a major project or founded a company or organization, exceptionally contributing to serving society at large
—ready to deeply engage in the community, reinforcing its mission and objectives and supporting fellow shapers in their individual and professional development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope we can make a cooperation between our hub and your Network since we seek to help the Palestinian society to lead it for evolution and development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri A Y Alghoul
Job Title
Founding Curator
Head of the organisation
Yousri Alghoul
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Abu Alqumboz
Job Title (2)
Deputy curator

Association Wed-noun de migration et de development

National Network

Avenu Allal ben Abdellah RUE 12 N 17 Guelmim .Maroc
81000 Guelmim

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
the non -gevornement organisation Wednou de migration et de development established in 31/12/2008 , in Guelmim Morocco. This association insist of 9 partners in that time , and now more than 12 partners , this association not depend in any budgery ressources , just the contribution of individuals to oreder to work in independent way. It participate in multiple activities in south of Morocco .
Mission and Objectives

- development of the society 
- following the conditions of the migration people in Europe union 
- Aid the immigration poeple that they died to have the appropriate condition to back home etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- help the south morrocan immigration that they died .
- participation in the forum of migration in Agadir etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
elkoua Ismail
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Association Pontes Tunisie

National Network

12 Rue Sidi Ben Naim
Bab Souika
1006 Tunis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

PONTES Tunisia, as its name suggests, is an association that aims to create "bridges" between citizens and local authorities realities. It is composed of 8 members, including 6 active and does not adopt a protocol of accession. It seems necessary to emphasize that this young association, nonprofit, was born in a Tunisian civil society in full construction phase and into an extraordinary cultural and associative movement. It is part of the active and effective participation and involvement of diverse social actors for the reconstruction of post-revolutionary Tunisia. the average annual budget of about 20,000 euros per year from European funds and Mediterranean the main partner of Tunisia Pontes Pontes is Italy, which works on immigration and Tunisian immigrants in Italy.  

Mission and Objectives

PONTES Tunisia, aims to create and strengthen the emergence of new meeting spaces, dialogue and collaboration around scientific themes, cultural and artistic, considering the fundamental role of civil society as development actor and social growth. Indeed, the approach that we are trying to build through our activities and projects confirm our vision of civil society as a fundamental element registered in the interaction with its political, institutional and associative organisms. This includes local, national and international realities of civil society. An objective became result was that strengthen our own institutional capacity and we would successively develop actions to strengthen other Tunisian associations of new civil society. This course has already begun through the establishment of counseling and guidance in the creation of new associations. This work is voluntary and meets our slogan: "A democratic know-how for a democratic society."  

Main Projects / Activities

PONTES Tunisia Association in collaboration with the Cultural Médiatique Club, Cultural Médiatique Cell (CMC) and the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of Tunis (Tunis University April 9), organized a discussion meeting entitled "Civic Engagement for Peace "April 4, 2014 at 10am at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tunis. PONTES Tunisia Association in collaboration with the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (University of Tunis on April 9), the Università degli Studi di Firenze organizes within the framework of the European program SPRINGARAB a workshop entitled "Social movements share and other Mediterranean reflections elements ". "Dante Aleghieri" the PONTES Tunisia Association co-organized the discussion meeting "between Tunisia yesterday and today" with the presentation of the book "rivolta dei dittatoriati" of Ouejdane Mejri and Afef Hagi (éditionsMesogea, 2013). Pontes organize sessions of Awareness of the local community's involvement in civil society in 2014-2015: A Seminar on the birth and history of silent film in Tunisia was organized in November 2014. Organization of a conference debate on immigration: the conditions of Tunisian immigrants in Italy: young neighborhood of Bab Souika be invited to attend and debate in February . Organization of a conference debate on citizenship and involvement in sustainability Bab Souika: Citizen Skills and Employability in January 2015.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tunisia association Pontes has premises that are at the heart of Tunis, Bab Souika, we want to open this space to interassociatives activities and develop actions to match the history of this district aui had known "Jmaaet Taht Resour" PONTES Tunisia proposes the promotion of cultural and social revitalization of one of the districts of the Medina, Bab Souika by the amenities a new cultural space. The main objective is to promote an engaged citizen culture. Our commitment is also part of the concern for protection of the environment through conservation of local heritage (especially related to the dimension of the concept of "neighborhood") and the real action on the environment through the culture. the offices of Pontes, picturesque and friendly places, will therefore be open to our future new employees of the network ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to evolve as part of the ALF network contributing to its development with our activities and also by generating interassociatives and intercultural actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sana Hafsa Mezaïb
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Abderazak Khadraoui
Job Title (2)

PALFD - Palestinian Forum for promoting community development and democratic empowerment

National Network

GAZA -Herz Building
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

PALFD is a Palestinian, independent, nonprofit organization founded in 2013. The NGO is head quartered in Al-Bireh with a branch in Gaza, with a registration No. RA-22835-HR .  PALFD works  as a focal organization in the field of development to serve various categories of people across the Gaza Strip. PALFD seeks to promote democracy, dialogue and constructive criticism. The NGO acts as a platform and oasis forgiveness ,conflict resolution and nonviolence behavioral  attitude.  It is a framework for coordination and support to partner institutions sharing the forum’s goals and vision to realize a free and democratic Palestinian people under social justice and the rule of law. PALFD was established to achieve sustainable development community and democratic empowerment by providing high quality services to the community and building the skills and capacities of various segments especially women, youth, children in Palestine . We encourage
Palestinian communities possessing the vision and capacity to embark on paths of sustainable self-development . We seek to Transforming education and strengthening young minds ,Fighting gender stereotypes and empowering women ,Instilling innovation and leadership Our work concentrated  in the Marginalized areas and vulnerable groups as we focus on the needs that children, youth, and women identify as factors in reaching and sustaining their own economic, social, and environmental growth.  We work with individuals, families, and communities to provide tools that empower them to become avid leaders capable of fighting poverty and social problems, building institutions, and developing the economy.

Mission and Objectives

VISION : "We aspire to be the leading pioneer association in providing excellent and innovational social – development services to all social groups in order to contribute to the overall development of the Palestinian community in all aspects: social, economic, and democratic . " MISSION : PALFD is a civil organization seeking the enhancement of the quality of life of the Palestinian people and contributes to the sustainable development of the community through providing high quality development services.

Main Projects / Activities

• PALFD has conducted a training programs to activate the political participation of youth( male and female) in order to raise awareness about political participation and to encourage them to exercise an active role in the upcoming elections both at the presidential , local , and the Legislative Council elections and the trade unions to have a compressor active role in the community. • PALFD has conducted awareness meetings with a number of frameworks and female leaders in the Palestinian factions of Palestine Liberation Organization with regard to women's participation in political action. • PALFD Participate with the female frameworks of political parties , women's organizations , legal centers and institutions of civil society in the weekly vigil campaign to end the division between Gaza and the West bank . • PALFD has started implementing a project " Youth for democracy and women's rights " in partnership with the General Union of Palestinian Women " GUPW " the German Friedrich Ebert Stifttung " FES". The project started with training course and forming the Leadership and Democracy Forum (LDF) through which will be combined in its membership all of the youth and women to in order to exchange ideas and support women issues and enhance leadership to create better community so the training program has been conducted on 05.04.2014 for 25 college student for a period of six days of training in the following topics:  mass communication and dialogue  leadership skills and team building  Gender and Women's Rights  planning initiatives and campaigns  Social media and its role in campaigns The trainees coordinated to implement 4 open discussion meetings to discuss largely the initiative : " Rejection of partisanship and promote tolerance through Palestinian community " The Discussion meetings were led by the youth and were attended by their colleagues of university students and interested persons. The project now change his direction after the war on Gaza Strip in 2014 so it directing the members of GUPW as we are conducting workshops at the governorates to discuss the role of GUPW after war on Gaza . " PALFD" carried out number of projects and activities and events over the past year 2013 and this year 2014 according to its various programs , so this report briefing the main projects and activities (Note there are some activities we have started on ground before we get the license : As their social responsibility and community participation during emergency events, PALFD in cooperation with charitable persons has been distributed emergency aid to (100) families affected by the barometric depression "Alexa" which struck the Gaza Strip mid-December of 2013 • PALFD keep in touch (during the eight days war on Gaza Strip in November 2012 with the targeted categories and try to mitigate them in Beit Hanoun, as after war it continued distributing hygiene kits and food parcels through some organizations like (GUPW) general union of Palestinian women and (SDC) social development commission of Fateh movement . • PALFD participated in the celebration of International Women's Day inside and outside the forum , through some of the activities that have participated with other institutions. • PALFD coordinated to help youth to get marry through providing financial assistance . • Relief Activities : Since the beginning of the brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip on the day of July 7/ 2014 led to the fall of the thousands of martyrs and thousands of wounded and the displacement of thousands of homes as 2139 people killed, 490 of them children, 11,000 wounded and the number of candidate to increase due to the large number of very serious injuries and clinical death and salvage from the rubble of scattered areas in the Gaza Strip. " Also 20,000 homes destroyed, and 500,000 people displaced. From our community and national responsibility we carried out the following activities during the war : 1. Forum has distributed 200 food parcels in collaboration with the Qatar Foundation for the victims of war 2. Iftar campaign "from house to house," where PALFD distributed 200 breakfast on the cases affected 3. PALFD have distributed food parcels in 1000 in collaboration with the business and traders in Gaza 4. We have distributed 200 mattresses and 300 blankets with partnership with GUPW for displaced people in schools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PALFD can contribute as the following  • Encourage initiatives that are consistent with the objectives of the Forum by the local community and the cultural and scientific creativity for individuals and institutions at the ALF Network . • Promotion of the distinct roles that offer by individuals in the fields of culture and development. • Developing the international relations between us and all members and organisations that share our objectives and our vision by exchanging expertise , solidarity campaigns, culture exchange , and attract human developmental experiences .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share ALF common goals as  • Raise democratic and civic awareness in order to promote freedom; the culture of tolerance; and volunteering among citizens. • Support capacity-building programs; training; and advocacy according to the principles of human rights to prepare active leaders of youth and women. • Provide social and health care services to satisfy the needs of the local community. • Support cultural creativity and encourage maintaining the Palestinian culture and identity, besides strengthening the relationship between local and international communities. • Building local and international partnerships to support the efforts to exchange expertise and exchange experience and thoughts in common issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassam Abo Ali
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Bassam Abo Ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Rose El Masri
Job Title (2)
Project manager

PALFD - Palestinian Forum for promoting community development and democratic empowerment

National Network

GAZA -Herz Building
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

PALFD is a Palestinian, independent, nonprofit organization founded in 2013. The NGO is head quartered in Al-Bireh with a branch in Gaza, with a registration No. RA-22835-HR .  PALFD works  as a focal organization in the field of development to serve various categories of people across the Gaza Strip. PALFD seeks to promote democracy, dialogue and constructive criticism. The NGO acts as a platform and oasis forgiveness ,conflict resolution and nonviolence behavioral  attitude.  It is a framework for coordination and support to partner institutions sharing the forum’s goals and vision to realize a free and democratic Palestinian people under social justice and the rule of law. PALFD was established to achieve sustainable development community and democratic empowerment by providing high quality services to the community and building the skills and capacities of various segments especially women, youth, children in Palestine . We encourage
Palestinian communities possessing the vision and capacity to embark on paths of sustainable self-development . We seek to Transforming education and strengthening young minds ,Fighting gender stereotypes and empowering women ,Instilling innovation and leadership Our work concentrated  in the Marginalized areas and vulnerable groups as we focus on the needs that children, youth, and women identify as factors in reaching and sustaining their own economic, social, and environmental growth.  We work with individuals, families, and communities to provide tools that empower them to become avid leaders capable of fighting poverty and social problems, building institutions, and developing the economy.

Mission and Objectives

VISION : "We aspire to be the leading pioneer association in providing excellent and innovational social – development services to all social groups in order to contribute to the overall development of the Palestinian community in all aspects: social, economic, and democratic . " MISSION : PALFD is a civil organization seeking the enhancement of the quality of life of the Palestinian people and contributes to the sustainable development of the community through providing high quality development services.

Main Projects / Activities

• PALFD has conducted a training programs to activate the political participation of youth( male and female) in order to raise awareness about political participation and to encourage them to exercise an active role in the upcoming elections both at the presidential , local , and the Legislative Council elections and the trade unions to have a compressor active role in the community. • PALFD has conducted awareness meetings with a number of frameworks and female leaders in the Palestinian factions of Palestine Liberation Organization with regard to women's participation in political action. • PALFD Participate with the female frameworks of political parties , women's organizations , legal centers and institutions of civil society in the weekly vigil campaign to end the division between Gaza and the West bank . • PALFD has started implementing a project " Youth for democracy and women's rights " in partnership with the General Union of Palestinian Women " GUPW " the German Friedrich Ebert Stifttung " FES". The project started with training course and forming the Leadership and Democracy Forum (LDF) through which will be combined in its membership all of the youth and women to in order to exchange ideas and support women issues and enhance leadership to create better community so the training program has been conducted on 05.04.2014 for 25 college student for a period of six days of training in the following topics:  mass communication and dialogue  leadership skills and team building  Gender and Women's Rights  planning initiatives and campaigns  Social media and its role in campaigns The trainees coordinated to implement 4 open discussion meetings to discuss largely the initiative : " Rejection of partisanship and promote tolerance through Palestinian community " The Discussion meetings were led by the youth and were attended by their colleagues of university students and interested persons. The project now change his direction after the war on Gaza Strip in 2014 so it directing the members of GUPW as we are conducting workshops at the governorates to discuss the role of GUPW after war on Gaza . " PALFD" carried out number of projects and activities and events over the past year 2013 and this year 2014 according to its various programs , so this report briefing the main projects and activities (Note there are some activities we have started on ground before we get the license : As their social responsibility and community participation during emergency events, PALFD in cooperation with charitable persons has been distributed emergency aid to (100) families affected by the barometric depression "Alexa" which struck the Gaza Strip mid-December of 2013 • PALFD keep in touch (during the eight days war on Gaza Strip in November 2012 with the targeted categories and try to mitigate them in Beit Hanoun, as after war it continued distributing hygiene kits and food parcels through some organizations like (GUPW) general union of Palestinian women and (SDC) social development commission of Fateh movement . • PALFD participated in the celebration of International Women's Day inside and outside the forum , through some of the activities that have participated with other institutions. • PALFD coordinated to help youth to get marry through providing financial assistance . • Relief Activities : Since the beginning of the brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip on the day of July 7/ 2014 led to the fall of the thousands of martyrs and thousands of wounded and the displacement of thousands of homes as 2139 people killed, 490 of them children, 11,000 wounded and the number of candidate to increase due to the large number of very serious injuries and clinical death and salvage from the rubble of scattered areas in the Gaza Strip. " Also 20,000 homes destroyed, and 500,000 people displaced. From our community and national responsibility we carried out the following activities during the war : 1. Forum has distributed 200 food parcels in collaboration with the Qatar Foundation for the victims of war 2. Iftar campaign "from house to house," where PALFD distributed 200 breakfast on the cases affected 3. PALFD have distributed food parcels in 1000 in collaboration with the business and traders in Gaza 4. We have distributed 200 mattresses and 300 blankets with partnership with GUPW for displaced people in schools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PALFD can contribute as the following  • Encourage initiatives that are consistent with the objectives of the Forum by the local community and the cultural and scientific creativity for individuals and institutions at the ALF Network . • Promotion of the distinct roles that offer by individuals in the fields of culture and development. • Developing the international relations between us and all members and organisations that share our objectives and our vision by exchanging expertise , solidarity campaigns, culture exchange , and attract human developmental experiences .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share ALF common goals as  • Raise democratic and civic awareness in order to promote freedom; the culture of tolerance; and volunteering among citizens. • Support capacity-building programs; training; and advocacy according to the principles of human rights to prepare active leaders of youth and women. • Provide social and health care services to satisfy the needs of the local community. • Support cultural creativity and encourage maintaining the Palestinian culture and identity, besides strengthening the relationship between local and international communities. • Building local and international partnerships to support the efforts to exchange expertise and exchange experience and thoughts in common issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassam Abo Ali
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Bassam Abo Ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Rose El Masri
Job Title (2)
Project manager

E-Romnja - the Association for promoting Roma women's rights

National Network

Bucharest, Str.Avrig Avrig, nr. 63, bl.E2, sc.5, ap.144, Piata Iancului,
021578 Bucharest

031 425.19.92
031 425.19.92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
E-Romnja is an association established in August 2012 by a group of activists that advocates for a public agenda that must include Roma women’s issues.E-Romnja advocates for the respect, integrity, and dignity of Roma women. Our focus is on working for images of Roma women to reflect the diversity and reality of their lives. Over time, negative images of Roma promoted by media, literature, and even art have had a major impact upon the lives of Roma women,making them invisible and marginalized.They’re voices have yet to be documented – from their experiences as slaves, their inferior position inside their communities and/or families, or the patriarchal system which kept them illiterate, economically dependent, and subjugated to cultural traditions. But most importantly,their invisibility as women has had a major impact upon the policies and programs adopted to improve their situation, which over time reflects the role that they are allowed to have in community and society. This is why we believe that it is important for Roma women to be reflected as they are and to be represented on the public agenda as a first step in asserting their rights. We are part of a Coalition for Gender Equality along with other three ngo’s Centre for Equal Partnership, Front and ALEG We are part of a coalition against sexual violence along with other seven organizations - coordinated by ALEG We have also partnerships with: Romano ButiQ, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, National Agency for Roma, Sastipen - Roma Centre for Health Policy, National Democratic Institute, E-Civis, We also developed partnerships with schools from Mizil, Spantov and Margineni de Jos and the Office’s mayor in Spantov We are beneficiary within a project run by Resource Centre for Public Participation (CeRe) Projects in partnership     EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Women’s participation is EQUAL’’- April 2014 - June 2015     EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’I am a model for community’’ -January 2014 - August 2015     Foundation Open Society Institute–Roma Initiative Office,’’Get involved and change perspective’     EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Coalition for Gender Equality - April 2014 - August 2015     EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’Break the silence about sexual violence: strengthening the capacity of NGOs to integrate sexual violence on public agenda’’- April 2014 - March 2015     Open Society Institute – Human Rights program,''Protection order – advocacy and litigation     Mama Cash Foundation –''Roma women consolidate local democracy’’ project implemented during June 2013 – August 2014 in Mizil and Spantov   Our activities will have two levels of intervention: the local (at the level of communities) and national. Our local level of activities will focus on:     Implementing projects to support Roma women's interests.     Supporting local initiatives for women.     Advocacy at local/county authorities to address Roma women's issues on their agenda.     Creating networks to give women the possibility to affirm and promote their own interests.     Address sensitive subjects in communities, such as early marriages, girls education, women's health, access to jobs, etc.     Develop social and juridical services necessary to protect women's rights.     At the national level our activities will focus on:     Creating a communication bridge between Roma and non-Roma women as a important factor for the success of our campaigns (lobby for different causes found at a local level, partnerships, etc.)     Creating or being a part of national and international networks who support women's initiatives.     Developing campaigns to combat the negative images and stereotypes related to Roma women.     Elaborating shadow reports/research/materials that document Roma women as in a vulnerable position in Romania.     Developing programs to integrate Roma women on the labor market.
Mission and Objectives

    E-Romnja mission is to affirm, promote, advocate, raise up, and make visible Roma women's involvement in society and community. Our activities will be targeted on the involvement and consolidation of Roma women's position in Romanian society, in the community, and in the workplace. We are seeking through our activities to:
    Advocate for programs that address Roma women's issues
    Introduce gender perspective in all programs designed for Roma
    Become a "watch dog NGO" demanding that images of Roma women must be respectfully represented, and defending their image in the public opinion.
    Improve policies and measures undertaken in the fields of the labor market, education, health, justice, or any other field that could bring safety and protection.
    Implement programs to achieve our mission.
Our vision is to raise fairness and justice for Roma women in all of Romanian society and at more basic, community levels.
We believe in:
    Universality of human rights.
    Equal opportunities.
    Partnership and involvement.
    Civic engagement.
    Transparent decisions and the right to public information.
    Local participation and women's involvement in decisions that concern community issues.
    Protection of women’s interests and representation.

    Our Goals:
    To affirm, promote, advocate, raise and make visible Roma women's involvement in society and community. We will achieve our goal through the following objectives:
    Dismantle stereotypes and perceptions about Roma women in ethnic identity.
    Promote role models among Roma women.
    Advocate professional training for Roma women in different areas related to the NGO’s mission.
    Advocate partnerships with human rights institutions to protect their rights.
    Increase involvement in national, and international networks and coalitions to protect women's rights.
    Implement programs to empower women in Roma communities by informing them of their rights and bolster their civic participation.
    Partner with businesses or corporations in order to develop projects on social corporate responsibility together.
    Promote projects regarding cultural heritage of ethnic Roma in Romania and abroad.
    Develop documents/papers to improve public policies for Roma and women.
    Advocate to include a focus on gender and ethnic dimension in school curricula in elementary education, high schools, and universities.
    Provide support to local NGO’s and women's NGO’s, both Roma and non-Roma, in activities such as: human rights, entrepreneurship, local development, and cultural awareness.
    Increase involvement in international networks for women; lobby and advocate for Roma women's cause.

Main Projects / Activities

    Projects in implementation
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Women’s participation is EQUAL’’- April 2014 - June 2015
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’I am a model for community’’ -January 2014 - August 2015
    Foundation Open Society Institute–Roma Initiative Office,’’Get involved and change perspective’

   Projects in partnership
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Coalition for Gender Equality - April 2014 - August 2015
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’Break the silence about sexual violence: strengthening the capacity of NGOs to integrate sexual violence on public agenda’’- April 2014 - March 2015
    Open Society Institute – Human Rights program,''Protection order – advocacy and litigation
    We are part of a Coalition for Gender Equality along with other three ngo’s Centre for Equal Partnership, Front and ALEG
    We are part of a coalition against sexual violence along with other seven organizations - coordinated by ALEG
    We have also partnerships with: Romano ButiQ, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, National Agency for Roma, Sastipen - Roma Centre for Health Policy, National Democratic Institute, E-Civis,
    We also developed partnerships with schools from Mizil, Spantov and Margineni de Jos and the Office’s mayor in Spantov We are beneficiary within a project run by Resource Centre for Public Participation (CeRe)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating a communication bridge between Roma and non-Roma women as a important factor for the success of our campaigns (lobby for different causes found at a local level, partnerships, etc.)
Creating or being a part of national and international networks who support women's initiatives.
Developing campaigns to combat the negative images and stereotypes related to Roma women.
Elaborating shadow reports/research/materials that document Roma women as in a vulnerable position in Romania.
Developing programs to integrate Roma women on the labor market.
To whom do we address our activities?
    Roma women.
    Local community members.
    Local Roma communities.
    Local authorities.
    Unions and business associations.
    National and international NGOs.
    Academic organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a group of activists aiming on the one hand to increase the participation an visibility of Roma women to all spheres of economic and social life, and on the other hand, we aim to do this using mainly grass roots tools. Important steps have been made in terms of representation at different levels, but their efficiency is limited also due to the low level of awareness at community/national/international level on the importance of culture exchange, tolerance, social justice
Since the topics of roma and migration, raciest and hate speeches are rather hot subjects among media at international level (European space but not only) these subjects tends to be ignored by national states whose members are roma.
We want to take part at this network in order to increase  awareness on the threats of these phenomenon and also to encourage roma voice at international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmen Gheorghe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Cosmin Serban
Job Title (2)
Founding member

Centre marocain des droits de l'homme tanger

National Network

Av.prince Mly abdellah Nr.20
90000 Tanger

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Prière d' accepter notre adhésion 
Mission and Objectives

Le Centre marocain des droits de l’Homme (CMDH) est une organisation non-gouvernementale, sans but lucratif et non partisanne, établie en 1999 à Rabat.
Il compte actuellement plus de 83 sections à travers le pays. En partenariat avec des organisations internationales, il a organisé de nombreuses manifestations sur les droits de l’Homme et a développé une collaboration étroite avec diverses ONG, tant dans le pays qu’à l’étranger.
Les objectifs du CMDH sont les suivants :
• la protection et la promotion des droits de l’Homme
• la défense des victimes de violences
• la diffusion d’informations sur les droits de l’Homme dans la société marocaine par l’organisation de conférences et de séances de formation et la réalisation d’études sur ce sujet
• le soutien à la recherche dans le domaine des droits de l’Homme
• la collaboration avec des organisations nationales et internationales de défense des droits de l’Homme
• l’étude des théories, de l’histoire et de l’évolution des droits de l’Homme
• le partage de connaissances sur les droits de l’Homme.

Main Projects / Activities

Conférence de tolerance et paix entre les religions 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

collaboration avec des organisations nationales et internationales de défense des droits de l’Homme
soutien aux migrants subsahariens 
defendre les droits fondamentaux de femmes et hommes 
organiser des conférences sur les thèmes des droits des citoyens 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mr Azoulay m' a conseillée de m' inscrire dans votre réseau 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachida El Uriagli
Job Title
présidente du CMDh Tanger
Head of the organisation
rachida El Uriagli