chercheur en NMS

National Network

Diar Tanjah ,Bloc 12 Immb 06
90000 Tanger

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
personne physique, je suis un chercheur en sciences politiques je travaille dans le domine associatif avec les associations et orgaissationss de la societes civiles au Maroc, titulaire d'un masster en relations internationales, aussi avec Les NMS (nouveaux mouvements sociaux). je finance mes activites mes deplacemets selon un petit budget personnel soit disant (bourse d'etudes, dons ...). En fait, j'assiste plusieurs activites et forum a l'echel loclal, national et a l'international  
Mission and Objectives

les objectifs sont formulés de façon précise: principalement participer a la vie politique local
veille au respect desss droits de l'Homme dans notre pays et aini promovoir un developpement durable. 
Missions pour y contribuer sont: 
Participer dans les centres d'interets 
Diffuser  et partager l'information
Coordonner avec les interesses
Enseigner et développer la recherche
Contribuer activement et positivement au developpement du pays et particulierement a notre region
Produire des recommendations 

Main Projects / Activities

participer a certains projets d'observations citoyenne: 
Réalisations :
- Aide à la réalisation d’une application «Le régime de la Couverture Sociale au Maroc» pour l’organisation Transparency Maroc.
- Moteur de recherche juridique au Maroc  qui fournit l’information juridique gratuite et public (2011).
- Observations populaire des élections législatives par internet Maroc 2011.
- plateforme populaire sur internet pour la reforme constitutionnelle  2012. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

partager le savoir afin de contribuer au developpement de notre societe par le bais de plusieurs acitives et atelier, produire des analyses pour les centres d'interets. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

bien evidemment votre fondation est reconnu internationalement, donc, j'ai le grand plaisir de vouss rejoindre, il demeure une fondation qui encourage les jeunes et les femmes, voila je suis un jeune qui veut developper ses capacites. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Hilal Aharrame
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hilal Aharrame

Middle East foundation for Development and Human Rights

National Network

60 Madinat El Elam - Behind Balloon Theatre - Agouza - Giza- Egypt

00202 33033439
00202 33058462
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 01204142904
Mobile Phone (other)
002 01222502603
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- The organization's vision (that all prisoners in all their human rights without exceeding or violating international and activation mechanisms in complaints) Foundation plans in the next three years, the largest number of lawyers trained legal aid groups marginalized in Egyptian society (whether legal aid to women prisoner and girls care homes - all prisoners Egyptian prisons - the defense of human trafficking victims - victims of sexual harassment - victims of freedom of opinion and expression)
Mission and Objectives

•             Legal protection for victims of trafficking.
•             Human Rights Protection in places of Detention and support victims of Torture.
•             Legal assistance to victims of sexual harassment.
•             Educational, medical assistance and legal role of girls in Egyptian house care.
•             Legal advice and support to victims of lack of Human Rights.
•             Spread the culture of Human Rights and the defense of freedoms.
•             The development projects for marginalized women.
•             Implement the applications of the International Conventions before the Egyptian judiciaries.
•             Raising Awareness among Egyptian Citizens of Political Participation and Urging Them to Vote.
•             Support women development In the society.
•             Legal aid and preparation of studies.
•             Legal research and legal training.
•             Raising  public awareness of concepts and means of
                transitional justice  enforcement.
•             tolerance and interfaith collaboration and understanding among
                the community specifically women and youth
•             Enhancing the Transparency of Elections.
•             Promoting Accuracy and Transparency in Mass Media in Egypt.
•             A culture of democracy and parliamentary control performance

Main Projects / Activities

Swiss embassy in Egypt (Protection of Human Rights in Detention Centres)
The International Organization for Migration (Provision of Legal Services to Victims of Trafficking/Vulnerable Migrants in Egypt)
Embassy of Norway (Legal advice)
Embassy of Denmark (Legal advice)

Contact (1) Full Name
Atef Sayed Hafez Yuossef
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Atef Hafez
Contact (2) Full Name
Atef Sayed Hafez Yuossef
Job Title (2)
General Director

Lutfia Rabbani Foundation

National Network

Amaliastraat 3-5
2514 JC The Hague

+ 31 70 365 88 41
+ 31 70 365 88 35
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Lutfia Rabbani Foundation was established by Mahmoud Salim Rabbani (1934-2002) in the Netherlands in 1979. The foundation is a private, non-profit organization which seeks to promote Euro-Arab dialogue through education, dialogue and cultural exchange. The Foundation gets its funding from an endowment, grants and donations from private individuals. To check the annual budget of the Foundation please check out our website here ( The foundation has a director, secretary, and a board consisting of 7 members. Our modalities of action include scholarships, conference, and dialogue platforms, and cooperation with other organizations. Examples of our cooperation are Virtual Dinner Guest Project, Nour Project, AEUA, Capacity Building for Small/Medium Enterprises (SME), Palestinian Student Study Week – Edward Said Memorial Conference, International Criminal Court Trial Competition.

Mission and Objectives

The core mission of the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation is to develop a dialogue platform between Europe and the Arab World. The Foundation implements this mission through three channels: • Scholarships: designed to enhance the post-graduate educational experience and promote intercultural cooperation by offering students from Europe and the Arab world the means to study or research in each other’s respective countries. The foundation provides several scholarships: MSR scholarships for Master and PHD students, Travel scholarships to promote mutual understanding between the Netherlands and Arab world, and the Vreede scholarship for the summer program at the Hague Institute on international law. • Dialogue platform: through the biennale Euro-Arab dialogue Forum, the annual MSR lecture series and two Roundtable Dialogue workshops each year, the Foundation seeks to create a dynamic platform for mutual understanding, discussion and networking between both parts of the world. • Cooperation: through its cultural and educational projects the foundation aims to enhance mutual exchange, understanding and collaborations between Europe and the Arab world.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation implements a variety of programs and activities designed to benefit students and professionals in both regions, and seeks to promote education in the broadest sense of the term. In addition to providing scholarships ( to Arab and European students to study in each other’s’ respective regions, the Foundation organizes and hosts the Euro-Arab Dialogue Forum (, develops education projects ( and participates in numerous other initiatives in the field of Euro-Arab cooperation to promote Euro-Arab dialogue and understanding.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We promote Euro-Arab dialogue, linking people together through education and cooperation and offering a dialogue platform for both regions to discuss, debate, network and collaborate. For the past 35 years, the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation has been a bridge between Europe and the Arab world, underlining the importance of a strong, interactive and mutually beneficial relationship between both parts of the world. In the words of the founder Mahmoud S. Rabbani: “Arabs and Europeans still have much to learn from each other. Once they have come to a genuine understanding they will find that there is room in their mutual relationship for a much stronger and broader cooperation.”

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to build partnerships with other organizations and organize activities focused on Euro-Arab dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Yonet Schroder
Job Title
Board member
Head of the organisation
Mr. Salim Rabbani
Name of Organisation
Lutfia Rabbani Foundation

Youth association Enter

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 1
72250 Vitez
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 63 335 334
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+387 63 335 334
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association has its assembly, president, vice-president and secretary and managing board. Members of managing board are President, vice-president, secretary and plus two other members. Assembly is highest organ and make all important decisions for work of association All members of association are members of Assembly. Responsible person of association is president. Association doesn't have any hired professionals and all functions in association are managed on voluntary basis. Yearly budget of association is app. 15000 KM and coming from different sources (local municipality, cantonal authorities, donors, etc. We were in past involeved in various activities from cultural to humanitarian and our partners are local community representatives, other NGOs, state institutions (such as schools). Main partners on project activities are ALF members, DIS Youth theater Banja Luka, MTM 1974 Mostar, SKPD prosvjeta Višegrad and Draft theater Tuzla. 
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of establishing of ENTER association is to ensure conditions for the participation and contribution of members, users and partners to adopt the highest standards of information society, management, marketing and small business through programming and affirmation of non-formal types of education in order to improve knowledge, skills and general culture. All this with final goal to create conditions for the development and progress of the local community and stay of young educated people and which can with their adopted new knowledges, make a full contribution to the development of the local community as well as their homeland and their integration into global trends.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of Association
- Organization of workshops, trainings, seminars, courses, workshops etc.
- Organization of public events in accordance with the objectives and the ENTER such as: schools, summer camps, professional gatherings, panel discussions, debates, performances, concerts, press conferences and the like.
- Collect information, books, magazines and other material relating to information and education of young people
- Production and publishing of printed, audio-visual and multimedia products in order to achieve program goals of Association
- Cooperation with the media in order to promote the objectives of Association
- Performing of other activities in accordance with the Law and in order to attain goals ENTER and meet the needs of its members

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our association is consists of young and proactive people we believe that we can bring some new and fresh initiatives into work and activities of ALF Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wuld like to join the ALF Network due to the fact that we recognized posibilities for our further development in our priority sectors by making conections with organization of similar interest with us and on the other hand to try to spread our activities on other sectors of interest for youth by establishing new connections and making new cooperation with more experienced NGOs also members of ALF in Bosnia and Herzegovina and from ALF in general.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Sajević
Job Title
President of Association
Head of the organisation
Ivan Sajević

Individual member

National Network

27 Marta 22
81000 Podgorica

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
Doctoral candidate in Development studies at the European Center for Peace and Development of the UN University of Peace. I have the following qualifications: Bachelor degrees in Business Administration and Laws, MBA from Lincoln University, California, and M.Sc. in Economics from Singidunum University, Belgrade. I have also successfully completed the Executive Education Program, at Harvard Kennedy School, and postgraduate studies in Sustainable Business, at the University of Cambridge Have over fifteen years of professional experience working in socio-economic development activities and on international cooperation programs in the West Balkans. I have significant experience in the Global Governance and European integration process and wide understanding of UN and EU management practices, including Manual of Procedures (PRAG), Project Cycle Management, Logical Framework Analysis and relevant evaluation methodologies, acquired through numerous training programs, study visits and working on international developmental projects with top EuropeAid Contractors: FCG Finnish Consulting Group, Helsinki, Eurecna S.p.a, Venice and EPTISA, Servicios de Ingeniería S.A., Madrid.
Mission and Objectives

Specialties: Project Manager / Management of international cooperation projects in the field of socio-economic development and public administration reform. Business Development Manager / Advise foreign and domestic companies on political and legal environment of doing busiess, management and strategy.
I have fifteen years of professional experience in international technical assistance programs and good knowledge of international development trends, donor agencies and IFIs procedures in general. These years were paramount furthering my professional experience by developing, setting up and monitoring projects in international organizations, development organizations and Management Consulting firms with progressive work experience, from assistant project manager, project/business manager to Country Manager. These years of experience were used working with various development partners, including bilateral and multilateral donors, academia, civil society and the private sector. Managing UN, EU, US funds and reporting on the use of the funds to the contracting authorities was a daily operational task that made my accountability stand ground and establish its perspective with years of harbouring hard work and knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

I have managed various types of contracts for EU and UN funded external actions: Grants, Service Contracts, Supply, Works Contracts and Delegation Agreements as well as co-financing Agreements with beneficiaries, contribution Agreements with International Organizations. The engagement in numerous projects funded by multi-lateral/bi-lateral agencies relating to social-economic and infrastructure development and public administration reforms even further elaborated the scope of my experience. My overseeing the development and implementation of complex projects included a great number of EU, US, UN and other internationally funded projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Connect innovative grassroots initiatives fostering intercultural understanding
with key partners and connect grassroots leaders with policy-makers and foundation to help bring their ideas to life.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To collaborate on new ways of tackling social and cultural problems; and work together to make the world a better place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rade Glomazic
Job Title
Country Manager at FCG International
Head of the organisation
Rade Glomazic

music stereo

National Network

122 elgish st
hadyek helwan

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Hello  am ahmed samir el sherif , am student in cairo university , i work as organizer and coordinator , and i want participate to something big .
Mission and Objectives

i want to build a place that can help the young people to learn music - dance - sport and to improve there level of culture by reading .

Main Projects / Activities

none because i'm not funded yet

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by helping in organizing and any additional thing .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because i heard from a friend of mine that ALF is really doing something .

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed samir elsherif
Job Title
organizer - coordinator
Head of the organisation
ahmed samir elsherif

association HERGLA ALMUSTAKBAL(future)

National Network

Maison des association rue Amor Ben Amor
4012 Hergla

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Activation du travail bénévole associatif et la diffusion des valeurs de tolérance et de dilogue constructif.
Contribuer au développement de l’environnement approprié pour la création de projets économiques.
Faite appel aux services de l’expérience et la compétence de mettre en place des activités et des séminaires d’orientation et d’éducation.
Travailler pour élever l’esprit de la citoyenneté.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation à l’action les éboueurs du méditerranée mai 2014
Campagne pour l’aménagement et entretien de l’école primaire HERGLA du 17/7/2011 au 14/9/2011 en collaboration avec l’association trait d’union et ADCIH
Projet INTERCAMPUS depuis 2012 (pour 250 élèves) en collaboration avec Inter Futura et TANIT
Participation à l’organisation des rencontres cinématographiques de Hergla 2013 & 2014
Organisation d’un concert à l’amphithéâtre de Hergla 25/08/2014

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawfel ben Romdhane
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ben Romdhane Nawfel
Contact (2) Full Name
Abbes Kamel
Job Title (2)

جمعية تماسينت للتنمية

National Network

45000 ouarzazate

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
تعريف بالجمعية: تاسست جمعية تماسينت للتنمية في فاتح نونبر 1995 لاهداف تنموية بحي تماسينت ورزازات انطلقت فكرة تأسيس الجمعية من رغبة الاستاد محمد الكراب في خلق جمعية لتنمية الحي في جميع المجالات الثقافية والاجتماعية والرياضية.
Mission and Objectives

- المساهمة في التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية والرياضية لساكنة الحي.
- تقديم الخدمات والمساعدات للمحتاجين في الميادين الاجتماعية والثقافية.
- ادماج الشباب في الأعمال الاجتماعية والأنشطة المتنوعة للنهوض بالمجتمع.
- تنظيم أنشطة اجتماعية وثقافية ورياضية وترفيهية متنوعة لجميع الفئات.
- التعاون مع الجمعيات والمنظمات ذات الأهداف المشتركة.
- حماية البيئة.
- تبادل الزيارات و البعثات مع جمعيات وهيئات وطنية ودولية والمشاركة في أوراش داخل المغرب و خارجه.
- تنظيم أيام دراسية و ورشات ورحلات في المجالات المتعلقة بالثقافة، التربية، التعليم، الرياضة، الفنون، البيئة، الصحة، العلوم، والاعلاميات...

Main Projects / Activities

- البحث عن موارد قارة للجمعية، ودعم جميع المبادرات والأعمال والأنشطة الإنسانية والاجتماعية الهادفة إلى تنمية الحي.
- الشراكة والتعاقد مع القطاعات والوزارات والمنظمات الدولية لتنفيذ برامج تنموية
- وضع خطط عمل هادفة للمساهمة في محو الأمية و محاربة الهدر المدرسي.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

باي وسيلة ممكنة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
abdelkabir ait ben ali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
abdelkabir ait ben ali

Egyptian Association for Civil Peace

National Network

14 Mohamed Refaee st, off Kafrt Tohrmos st
Talbia Faisal

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ESCP  is a nongovernmental organization, established in 2014 and registered under notification number 5327/2014 . It was founded by a group of civil society activists representing the diversity of Egyptian communities, who are enthusiastic to influence others and provide individuals and groups with suitable tools to become better citizens and active in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Media, Human Rights, Development, Peace Building, Conflict Resolution, Social Economy, Democracy and Citizenship.   The Structure of Organization divided to 3 level of Management : High Board - 5 Members  , Consultants Comittee - 11 Members and Projects Unit 3 Full Time Funding Resource : still Membership fees and now we are working on expands our network and get fund from international organizations we have signed MOU's with Smart Center in Lebanon and Radio Hekaya fro Jordan    
Mission and Objectives


ESCP fosters development, democracy, citizenship and peace building by empowering civil society organizations and investing in individuals, especially youth and women, to become agents of change and develop their countries.
ESCP's aims to achieve a breakthrough in increasing human rights values, building citizenship and eliminating all kinds of discrimination in Egypt and the MENA region.

Main Projects / Activities

Till now :
1- Literacy Training
2- Distribution aids of Egyptian Food Bank
3- 13 Workshopsof Soft Skills Training
Working on :
1- Mechatronics Program for School's Students
2- Alkhana Project for Development Heritage Culture and Spread it out boards

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Use media tools to promote all social, economical and development causesfor the network and Used the learning resources we have to empower Network members to promote their efforts and build their capacities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have a good network within 12 Country , but need Financial resources and experience in work inside Egypt Civil Sector , so we serach for joining Network within it we can exchange knowledge and expand oir work with different partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Kareem Ahmed Ebied Hassan
Job Title
Chairman of Board
Head of the organisation
Kareem Ahmed Ebied Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Amira Moustafa
Job Title (2)

Ma'an Culture Forum

National Network

Ma'an - City Center

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the Organization  ( head , vice manager , Cashier , Secretary and members ) Budgetary 900JD partner : 1- Ministry of Culture  Ministry of Education Local community      
Mission and Objectives

Social and cultural goals
1- Dissemination of cultural and social awareness among individuals through lectures, seminars, poetry evenings and cultural courses
2- We do not have any political goals, regional or sectarian
3- Cultural exchange visits within and outside the Kingdom
4-Issuing bulletins serve the objectives of the forum
5-Talent development and training
6-Cultural exhibitions preparation

Main Projects / Activities

1-talent box
2-Poetry workshops
3-Concerts heritage

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- Because yours foundation can support our goals 

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamza Abdallah Khalaf Krishan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
haroon AlKhatab