organization of backing liberal and social development(OBLSD)

National Network

12st Amin El Rafeay, Dokky, Giza

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD ) is an Egyptian non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 8th of July, 2009. It works according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' Principles and the International Human Rights' legislation. The organization mission is to spread and promote the liberal though and the culture of Human Rights as well  to work on the community development through the dissemination of the notion and culture of the voluntary work across Egypt. We don't have any religious, racial, political or partial belonging, we are dealing with all groups to achieve Freedom and Liberal principles and to disseminate the human rights culture inconsistent with the Law or the national interest. we have 10 member in our stuff . 3 Units :- social media unit / democracy and political participation unit / Gender unit / Education and Vocational Training unit
Mission and Objectives

- spread the human rights culture and publicize it, and expand the circle of peace to the principles of knowledge and the development of democracy and they relate to development
- promote the values that respect human rights at the core of women's rights.
- empower women to actively participate in public life on the economic, social and political levels.
- Foundation seeks to focus on narrowing the gender gap and work to empower women politically, socially and culturally authentic

Main Projects / Activities

- "Only You" project for girls in the slum "Azbit El Nakhl " for 3 months period
- Number of seminars at the journalist syndicate under the supervision of the freedoms committee and Watny newspaper
- Training courses at Gabha party, Al-Ghad party and the Liberal Egyptians for the
partial work and 1 course about the Civil society
- Participating in the Street Children National Day with more than 70 human rights' organizations and institutions.
- Set up the Liberal Cultural Forum at Watny newspaper place for 2 months period and graduating more than 15 new researcher
- Directed the play "Death Brokers" about tolerance in cooperation with the German
Friedrich Neumann Foundation.
- Participated in observing the Parliament elections in 2011 with Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development studies.
- Periodic trainings on the negotiation skills with the Egyptian Democratic Institute
The following are the free comprehensive training program workshops :
The Press workshop / Human Development workshop / the Spanish Language in collaboration with a Spanish Trainer

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working on spreading the legal and constitutional cultural awareness among the citizens to know their guaranteed rights and duties in the constitution and the law as well.
Working on providing research, reports and periodic and non-periodic studies on liberalism, human rights, tolerance and acceptance of others culture and monitoring the human rights' violations occur in Egypt through seminars, workshops and conferences with the participation of specialists from institution, organizations and individuals in all fields.
Working on the community participation in an assistant attempt to raise the society through the volunteer work.
Working on supporting women empowerment in the society as well as fighting discrimination and violence against them through projects , programs and training aimed at empowering women's role and raising their awareness to change the inferiority perception to be treated as a human.
Working on providing opportunities for the marginalized sectors, ( especially " Migrant Egyptians") supporting and integrating them into the community as it is their simplest right, and integrating the special needs in the community as well through workshops, projects and programs for them.
Raise the awareness of the importance of the civil society's role and its institutions in the community.
Establish strong relationships with local and international institution interested in working in the liberal field, human rights as well as community development to achieve the organization goals.
Priority interest in slums through the field and training work and establishing special programs for them to introduce the human rights 'culture and spreading the liberal principles to them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vivan Magdy
Job Title
Head of organization
Head of the organisation
Vivan Magdy
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamer Adel
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Initiatives & Changement

National Network

1001 TUNIS

00216 98381540
Telephone (other)
00216 29366310
00216 71511857
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
.Constitution d'une association Nom de l'association : Initiatives et Changement. Objectifs : - Jeunesse entrepreneure vise à l'innovation. - Etablissement d'une culture de dialogue et d'ouverture. - Mise en place du concept de la gouvernance et de la démocratie locale. Adresse : 62 rue 18 Janvier 1001 Tunis. Président : Chokri Mohamed Fateh. Secrétaire Général : Nasri Rachdi. 2014T05940APSF1
Mission and Objectives

1. Contribuer à l'enracinement et l'activation des valeurs de la citoyenneté.
2. Contribuer à la création d'une jeunesse positive, consciente et entrepreneur cherche à la créativité et à l'innovation.
3. Contribuer à l'établissement d'une culture de dialogue et de paix et d'inculquer l'esprit de volontariat et d'initiative et d'ouverture à l'autre.
4. Contribuer à la mise en place du concept de la gouvernance et de la démocratie locale
5. Contribuer à l'organisation des programmes des activités et des stages aidé à intégrer les jeunes dans la société civile et de contribuer au développement local et national

Main Projects / Activities

Contribuer à l'établissement d'une culture de dialogue et de paix et d'inculquer l'esprit de volontariat et d'initiative et d'ouverture à l'autre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

association deveioppement des competences

National Network

rue oran
8020 cedria

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Le milieu  du Sahara avec ses zones arides bien sécurisées   servira pour des ateliers ouverts à des formations pratiques sans obligation à fournir une autorisation préalable. un savoir faire  de formateurs  européens habitués à opérer dans des zones de gèle , joint au savoir faire de nos formateurs qui sont dans la plupart du temps des militaires de carrière assure une réelle garantie à une formation de pointe dans le secteur de sécurité , toutefois une aide matérielle en moyens pédagogiques et didactiques sera la bien venue.     Nous sommes à l’écoute pour toute sujétion  qui accommodera les deux parties         Veuillez agréer  Monsieur  ;l’assurance de nos salutations distinguées.                                                                                                   P/  l adc  le gerant Brahim hadad                                                                                 
Mission and Objectives

Notre association , voulant préparer la jeune fille à prendre en main , sa destinée, a jugé que le principe fondamental pour se libérer c’est de garantir le droit à l’éducation et à la formation , ainsi nous projetons par ce cycle de formation de participer à la libération de la femme et en même temps d’atteindre un défi national qu’est bien diminuer le chômage par donner aux jeunes filles une formation dans des secteurs dont l’employabilité est certaine
Toute fois, nous demeurons convaincus que les structures d’une bonne formation  sont dans les grandes villes comme Tunis , ce qui nous a amené à proposer, Tunis comme lieu de formation.
Ainsi, nous vous soumettons ce dossier, en espérant qu’il acquerra votre approbation pour un financement méritoire.

Main Projects / Activities

      De ce fait l ‘association  met une action particulière sur les thèmes suivant :
II – Principaux thèmes d’action
-        En se basant sur la constitution et ses composantes telles les élections et  les procédures constitutionnelles nouvelles (constitution 27jan2014) aya t por objectif
L’égalité entre régions et individus :
-        Encourager et faciliter l’amélioration et l’utilisation des ressources humaines pour le développement.
-        Contribuer à la mise en place du développement progressif ; et la consolidation de la bonne gouvernance.
-        encourager la coopération au développement des investissements locaux et  étrangers et les transactions internationales encourageants l’emploi.
-        Encourager le développement durable par le renforcement du système éducationnel et de formation professionnelle.
-        Organiser des formations ; des cours ; des colloques …
-        Renforcer les actions créatives surtout chez les jeunes ;la femme et les accompagner.
-        Participer a des projets sociaux.
-        Lier des relations de coopérations et de partenariat avec des associations et des organismes nationaux et internationaux.
-        L’ADC a même entrepris quelques formations assez limitées en pâtisserie et plâtre des quelques jeunes filles et garçons de Tataouine ; et il a  tenté quelques contacts en Lybie.
-        L’ADC par le rayonnement de ses responsables elle  s’est taillée une place assez importante parmi le réseau associatif tunisien, et ce grâce à ses programmes et ses projets et à une équipe de formateurs universitaires  compétents de carrière  prêts à intervenir à tout moment dans les domaines de leurs compétences ;sans oublier l’aide des établissements public et privés tunisiens et étrangers.
Adresse postal : 5rue Oran Riad  Bordj Cédria –Tunis 8020
Site web : http ://
Courrier :
Téléphone : 79 325 004 – 98 686 906 / 98 590 709

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

    Les dernières mutations de la société tunisienne, surtout à partir de la révolution du printemps arabe, a bien dévoilé le déséquilibre entre les régions en l’occurrence entre les régions de l’intérieur et les villes du littoral, Tataouine est une de ces régions qui souffre de cette situation. Notre association ( association du développement des Compétence ) s’est assigné pour objectif : combattre toutes les formes de l’inégalité et de l’injustice, la situation de la femme dans la région de Tataouine  avec sa particularité de région de minorité berbère, nous a paru qu’elle constitue une forme d’injustice entre les deux sexes : taux de chômage très développé, incapacité d’arriver à terme dans ses études, ainsi elle se trouve démenée dans ses droits fondamentaux, sans parler de son droit à l’expression.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Toute fois, nous demeurons convaincus que les structures d’une bonne formation  sont dans les grandes villes comme Tunis , ce qui nous a amené à proposer, Tunis comme lieu de formation.
Ainsi, nous vous soumettons ce dossier, en espérant qu’il acquerra votre approbation pour un financement méritoire

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
resources humaines
Head of the organisation

beita municipality

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Others
General Information

ala banishamsa  work at beita municapility as IT officer       

Mission and Objectives

know the others

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

  i can do best and all what it needed from me  and i think to connect all municapilities in my city dosnt know about alfa so exchange will be more and more 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

      i want that becuse i need to know all cultures around the sea and want to do change in our cuntries to the and i hope to tell the others what are we and we are thire  and we want to show our nation 

Contact (1) Full Name
ala lutfi radi banishamsa
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Association régionale de promotion de développement et de l'emploi Tataouine ARPDET

National Network

2400 Tataouine

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Association de promotion de l'emploi et de developement ,
Mission and Objectives

formation et creation des micro entreprises-

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Asociación Azarquiel

National Network

plaza playa de punta umbria, 4, planta 3
41013 Séville

0034 638708095
Telephone (other)
0034 666317952
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
  L'association Azarquiel des universitaires marocains à Séville, a été fondée en 2010 en tant que «assotiation universitaire» avec huit membres dans son conseil, et depuis 2012 comme une association enregistrée auprès de la Junta de Andalucia, avec plus de 60 adhérents, représentant plus de 600 étudiants marocains à Séville, plus de 2000 en Andalousie
Mission and Objectives

L'association œuvre pour :
. Promouvoir l'intégration des jeunes marocaine surtout les étudiants.
. Consolider les relations culturelles des jeunes marocains avec son pays d'origine.
. Contribuer a la recherche, étude, documentation de la science et la culture arabo-andalouse.
. La diffusion des valeurs de progrès et la défense des Droits de l'homme, la défense des droits des femmes, la lutte pour la paix, la défense de l'environnement.
. Contribuer à la lutte contre la marginalisation, le racisme et la xénophobie.
nos partenaires:
- Université de Séville
- Mairie de Séville
- Fondation Hassan II des MRE
- Ministère Marocain des MRE
- Ateneo de Séville
- la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée
- Fondation Sevilla Acoge
... etc

Main Projects / Activities

Organiser toutes sortes d'événements culturels, pour atteindre les objectifs de l'assotiation, par exemple des conférences, des journées culturelles, des voyages culturels, etc

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelaali bariki
Head of the organisation
Abdelaali Bariki
Contact (2) Full Name
Anas Bentaouet

Vilnius Industry and Business Association

National Network

A.Vienuolio str. 8

+370 5 2127553
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Established in 1996, the Vilnius Industry and Business Association (VPVA) comprises over 50 companies from different industries, institutions representing various business directions, service and consulting firms situated in the Vilnius region. The members of the Association produce different products, including metal and wooden ware, building materials, packages, packing and trading equipment; confectionery items, and provide maintenance, typing, insurance, financial, training and consulting services. The Association maintains close relations with different domestic and foreign organisations, Lithuanian and foreign embassies. The Association is the member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, and its representatives are members of different committees and work groups of the Confederation. Nonetheless,  the organisation is involved in various different networks domestically and abroad. The representative of the Association is on the Enterprise Policy Group at the Enterprise Directorate General in Brussels. The Vilnius Industry and Business Association co-operates with national government, Vilnius district and municipal structures as well as with trade unions, business, scientific and other organisations which work in the fields of culture, youth and provisional education.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the Association include regional sustainable development, improvement of general  conditions, representation of its members’ interest in state and municipal institutions as well as public organisations, and organisation of common participation in business missions, fairs and exhibitions.

Main Projects / Activities

On the initiative of the Vilnius employers’ organisations, the Tripartite Council of Vilnius City bringing together social partners was established in 2000, followed by the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County established in 2001. The Association has two members on each of these Councils. Discussions held in these councils are concentrated on city and region development, occupational employment, training and enhancement of professional qualifications, training courses for businesspersons, etc. In addition, meetings of the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County are held in district centres as well.
In its activities, the Association pursues the following priorities: improvement of business conditions, industry and business infrastructure development, enhancement of corporate competitiveness, improvement of professional qualifications and training, market protection against unsafe and poor-quality products, and environmental issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

(1) Sharing the accumulated experience via organised conferences, seminars and lectures; (2) contributing to the networks established activities and (3) spreading relative information to the members of our Association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A few of the main reasons would be (1) creating a targeted network of partners in order to improve multicultural communication on a municipal and business levels as well as involving the Association member employees; (2) promoting cross cultural and social projects in Vilnius County.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albertas Šimkevičius
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Kęstutis Dabravolskas

179 School Vassil Levski

National Network

34 Dobroslavsko shosse str
1247 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
179 primary school celebrated 125 years in 2014, specializes in various activities, among which - sports - approved the project "Sport and Health" program of Sofia Municipality for the development of sport in Sofia. Extracurricular activities - working on a project SUCCESS MES - 2012/13 groups "Patriotism - know your country and homeland," "religious holidays and folk tradition," Fairy World "; 2013/14 group" Multiactivity "," Family holidays as game "club" Young Journalist "studio" Fashion Design ". Ecological activity - project for classroom naotkrito. etc. The school educates children from the villages of Sofia region. A major problem is poverty. Students have difficulties because their families cope with difficult economic problems crisis. The family no longer meets the expectations of its role due to the fact that parents are or bezabotni or have to work too manogo and devote the necessary time and attention to their children. Often holidays are received without follow Bulgarian traditions. Our goal is to fill the missing gap and to give our students the knowledge, skills and competences on our cultural heritage, traditions and rituals.
Mission and Objectives

The school is working for many years to familiarize students with the traditions of our country. Hold regular festivals and competitions related to folk songs and dances, crafts typical of our area. Before every major holiday remind students following pollutants are analyzed were the traditions of our ancestors and what sense behind them, and we continue to follow them. Make dramatic reconstructions of rituals. In art lessons are made characteristic of our country martenitzas survachki. To make the connection of students with the third generation healthier organize joint kneading bread, breads, cakes, pies and other Bulgarian ritual breads, accompanied holidays and traditions of centuries. This project enables us to understand how our colleagues from Malta integrate in the curriculum knowledge of folklore and family traditions, what approaches and methods used to revive them and motivate students to engage in life those old and forgotten today practices. We think this is important because it connects us to our roots and where they go in the world, will remain Bulgarians and all will follow the same folk traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

Our teachers of all disciplines work with enthusiasm to build a sense of patriotism in students. We are looking for all possible approaches through educational content in categories to objects by subjects in hours tutor or in extracurricular activities that relate to art, sports, picnics. In our school we are trying to affiliate parents towards the goals we have set. According to our acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of folklore and Bulgarian traditions is unthinkable without the family. This project will enable us to learn how educators to demonstrate a contemporary child the importance of knowledge of our roots in today's globalized

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing events in multicultural dialogie for tolearnce

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our mission and values are similar to ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Hristova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Hristova
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Ilieva
Job Title (2)

Muslimische Jugend Österreich

National Network

Eitnergasse 6/5
1230 Vienna

+43 6506304360
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The aim of the Muslim Youth Austria is to serve young Muslims with an Austrian-European identity and to break the walls of prejudices against Muslims in Austria, which means to work intensively with people of all faiths and backgrounds. The German-speaking, multi-ethnic youth association is funded by the Austrian Ministry of Youth and local governmental funding agencies. Today, the Muslim Youth Austria acts nationwide and provides a platform for young people giving them the opportunity to develop, rise and participate as active citizens. In the month of Ramadan thousands of youngsters help people in need within our project Fast, Share, Help. “Allah Unser” (Our Allah) is further project in cooperation with the Catholic Youth of Austria. It is designed to bring together young people of both beliefs and to get to know each other’s religion. We thrive for the empowerment of young women and promote gender equality with projects such as Mentoring and Fatima.
Mission and Objectives

The Austrian-Muslim identity is an interreligious identity. Living the Austrian-Muslim identity means to engage with people of all faiths and work for a better society.
The Muslim Youth Austria promotes education of young people, their active participation in society, interfaith mediation, as well as gender equality combined with contemporary comprehension of Islam and a strong connection to Austria. These emphases were not only innovative in the past, but even today they form the cornerstone of pioneer work in the ongoing development of the Austrian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Camps
Each summer and winter hundreds of young people come together from all over the country to take part in the winter and summer camps where they find a huge variety of leisure activities. These adventurous days offer sports activities such as snowboarding, tobogganing, rafting, hiking, football, swimming and mountain biking.
Beside a range of leisure activities emphasis is also put on educational, intellectual and spiritual content: numerous workshops and lectures about socio-political, religious or current topics that concern young people are part of the program as well as congregational prayers and a spiritual atmosphere.

Fast, Share, Help: “Ramadan: Sharing without borders!”
It is one of the most successful social projects Austria has ever witnessed at the grassroots level. Approximately 2.000 young people from all over Austria were engaged during Ramadan to help and share with the poor, helpless and estranged people of society like the homeless, the handicapped, and the elderly in retirement homes or asylum seekers. Teenager of different faiths came together with the goal of humanitarian aid for the weakest in society no matter what they believe in or where they come from.

Multi-ethnic Iftars
Iftars in the month of Ramadan are welcoming opportunities to share one’s believes and opinions with fellow citizens by inviting them for a dinner. The MJÖ not only hosts Iftars for the leaders of youth organizations and societal multipliers but also for the common people at the grassroots level. Only last Ramadan we have invited 3000 people to come and to eat with us and to understand the meaning of Ramadan regardless of faith and ethnic background.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a multi ethnical youth organisation with young people from more than 40 different countries and backgrounds. For approximately 20 years we are working in the field of diversity, interfaith and intercultural dialogue . To contribute to the Network we would be happy to share our experiences and experties.
As a group of young people we are innovative and have lot's of ideas we would like to work on within the community of ALF. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to connect with people from different cultures but also within the network of Austria . We would love to share our experiences in the field of youth work and we are keen on bonding with other organisations from various areas. A network like ALF is beneficial for any organisation because of its variety of members. It helps to network within networks and get connected. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Tugba Seker
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Amira Al Khatib Al Tamimi

Women’s Center AlThouri Silwan (AWC)

National Network

82 Al-Ras, Abu-Tur, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
To promote social responsibility to support women's and children's issues.  To activate and develop women’s participation in the Palestinian Society on the social, economic, and political levels. To create a generation with a conscious mentality based on Human- and Women rights. 
Mission and Objectives

يهدف المركز الى تطوير الفتيات والنساء في جميع مراحل الحياة ، واكسابهن الفرصة لتطوير انفسهن من نواحي اجتماعية ، من خلال البرامج التدريبية المختلفة وورشات عمل نتخصصة .

Main Projects / Activities

1. برنامج التطوير للمرأة
2. برنامج تنمية وتعزيز النواحي الاقتصادية للمرأة والشباب
3. مشروع نساء من أجل غد أفضل
4. برنامج تأهيل النساء والشباب لتطوير مهارات الاتصال والتواصل باللغات الاجنبية
5. برنامج الدعم النفسي للعائلة
6. برنامج التوجيه الديني للفئات المختلفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا في المركز النسوي الثوري سلوان باعتبارنا مركز مجتمعي يقوم بتزويد الخدمات للفئات المختلفة بالمجتمع المحلي المقدسي فاننا نعتقد ان العلاقات المختلفة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بفلسطين ستقوم بتوقيد العلاقات مع الشبكة الوطنية بفلسطين ونحن كمركز نسوي نعتقد اننا قادرين على ان تزود القائمين بالمعارف والخبرات الضرورية باطار توقيد التعاون الدولي اعتمادا على الثقافات الموجودة يوجد عندنا شبكة من العلاقات الفاعلة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بالقدس والضفة الغربية وهذه العلاقة المهنية للمركز النسوي ستطور عمل الشبكة الوطنية بشكل كبير من حيث القدرة على التأثير للشبكة الوطنية والمساهمه بالتغيير الايجابي .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نعتقد بالمركز النسوي ان مؤسسة انا ليند والشبكة الوطنية هي من المؤسسات الريادية على المستوى العالمي الذي يحث على احترام الثقافات وتعزيز الدور المجتمعي لمختلف الثقافات بين اواسط الفئات المختلفة عموما والشباب على وجه الخصوص نعتقد ان المؤسسة تمت من الخبرة والمعارف ما يمكنها حتما من المساهمه الايجابية لبناء المجتمع بالشكل المهني السليم نرغب كمركز نسوي من الانضمام الى الشبكة لاننا نؤمن بأهمية الدور الذي تلعبونه ولاننا نعتقد بأن هذه المؤسسة هي المنبر التفاعلي بين الاعضاء وهو منبر لتبادل الخبرات والمعارف الضرورية ونتوقع الكثير من الفوائد المتراكمة التي سنجنيها لقاء انضمام مؤسستنا الى مؤسستكم العريقة .

Contact (1) Full Name
عبير زياد
Job Title
رئيسة الهيئة الادارية
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
منار قراعين
Job Title (2)
المساعدة الادارية والمالية