Czech Republic

The Anna Lindh Foundation National Network in the Czech Republic connects civil society organisations and citizens to build trust and improve mutual understanding. The Head of the National Network is the Institute of International Relations (IIR), which works in the field of international relations, including the area of the Balkans, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and North Africa as well as the Sub-Saharan Africa. These areas are studied mainly in relation to the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy.


The Croatian Network for Cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean (the Croatian ALF National Network) promotes dialogue, knowledge and diversity among the cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region by developing tolerance and openness towards new knowledge, religions, cultures and values. The Croatian Network also advocates for the promotion and protection of human rights and basic freedoms.


The Bulgarian National Network has been part of the Anna Lindh Foundation since January 2007. It unites 118 members across the country which have rich and diverse expertise in all sectors of development. The vison of the Bulgarian Network is to build a strong civil society in Bulgaria that can address the contemporary socio-cultural, economic and political development challenges faced by the Republic of Bulgaria and the Euro-Med region.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The vision of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is the creation of a regional network in which all its members participate in its construction, activities and decision-making and where prerequisites are created for cooperation, openness, coordination, and satisfaction of their interests, all in accordance with compatibility with the mission of ALF.

The strengths of ALF BiH are: diversity; interdisciplinarity and relative representation in all regions of BiH.


The Belgian network of the Anna Lindh Foundation brings together organisations active in the fields of education, art, culture, migration, human rights and media, as well as universities and "think tanks". Youth and culture are strongly represented within the national network.


In December 2011, the members of the Austrian ALF network elected the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip) - an independent, non-profit think-tank - as Head of Network (HoN).


The National Association of Algerian Heritage "Tourath Djazairna" was designated in 2023 as the leader of the Algeria network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Created in 2017 and chaired by Ms. Faïza Riache, Tourath Djazairna is responsible for coordination functions and member services as well as the organization of the network's joint actions. She is also the interface with public institutions and international partners.


The national Network of Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania was established in 2008 with the purpose of contributing to the promotion of Intercultural Dialogue in the Euro-Med region. Albania shares Mediterranean identity and values, which include promotion of peace, tolerance and dialogue between cultures.