National Network

12, rue El Jihani
20100 Casablanca

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
2 employees, myself and an assistant + a free lance full time production assistant. Approximately 20.000 USD Personnal funding, private sponsors, institutions and sales of art works Contemporary art exhibitions, interdisciplinary exhibitions, curating Various art institutions on specific projects : SCAC Morocco (Service de coopération et d'action culturelle/ Ambassade de France), MuCEM (Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerrannée) Marseille, IMA (Institut du Monde Arabe) Paris, ICI (Institut des Cultures d'Islam) Paris, Musée de la Fondation Abderrahman Slaoui Casablanca, Musée Mohammed VI pour l'art moderne et contemporain Rabat, Photomed (Sanary sur Mer and Beyrouth), Festival d'art vidéo de la Faculté de Benmsik (Casablanca), international art galleries,
Mission and Objectives

Created in 2010, CulturesInterface is a private company which produces and distributes contemporary art from North Africa and the Mediterranean. As well as using its own gallery walls in Casablanca Morocco, CulturesInterface has resolved to become an itinerant gallery travelling throughout Africa, Europe and the Americas. This concept allows us to provide a multitude of services adapted to various places and art works. Through its mobility and flexibility, CulturesInterface participates at biennales and fairs as well as it collaborates with international structures and art galleries having common goals.
As such, we promote artists internationally by offering turnkey exhibitions through our curating services and by commissioning works of art for both public and private exhibition.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Group Exhibitions :
Senses and Essence : FIAF (NYC) 2011
The world is not as I see it : Galerie Dominique Fiat (Paris) and Musée de la Fondation Abderrahman Slaoui (Casablanca) 2012-2013
L'artiste dans la cité : l'art en travail : MuCEM (Marseille), 2014
Loan of various art works for the opening of Musée Mohammed VI pour l'art moderne et contemporain Rabat, 2014
Maroc Contemporain : IMA (Paris) 2014
Art d'Identités : ICI (Paris) 2014
Selected videos (up coming) : Festival d'art vidéo de la Faculte de Benmsik Casablanca, April 2015
Photomed Casablanca : Up coming October 2015
Main Personnal exhibitions :
Max Boufathal : 2012 Casablanca
Hicham Benohoud (Anes situ) : Musée de la Fondation Abderrahman Slaoui (Casablanca) 2013
Zineb Andress Arraki (Casa-Nomad) : 2013 Casablanca
Simohammed Fettaka : Up coming May 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultures Interface's art gallery in Casablanca Morocco can accomodate and welcome exhibitions supported by Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange and share cultural points of views. To participate in fighting against obscurantism through art. To promote young emerging Moroccan artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawal Slaoui
Job Title
Founder, manager
Head of the organisation
Nawal Slaoui

Impact Hub Athens

National Network

28, Karaiskaki
10554 Athens

+30 210 3210146
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Impact Hub Athens is a community that inspires and connects people who, through responsible and sustainable initiatives, can bring change. We focus on an innovative approach that uses entrepreneurship as a tool for direct social impact. We are a team of 8 people & we host a community of about 80 members. We are privately funded and seek partnerships and funding from governmental organisations and foundations.
Mission and Objectives

Impact Hub Athens aims to create and support an ecosystem of sustainable and responsible entrepreneurs and innovators in Athens, providing knowledge, infrastructure valuable connections and a global platform to launch their initiaitives.

Main Projects / Activities

Space: We provide a coworking space 
Content: We design and deliver educational programs that empower and catalyze social entrepreneurs in their journey, supporting every entrepreneurial stage.
Community: We host a thriving local community of social entrepreneurs and innovators in Athens, connecting them to our global community of 10.000 people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Filippos Stamatiou
Job Title
Business Development & Partnerships
Head of the organisation
Impact Hub Athens Team
Contact (2) Full Name
Sophie Lamprou
Job Title (2)


National Network

23 rue Bisson
75020 Paris

+33 1 40 40 14 65
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
Association de loi 1901 Africultures a été créée en 1997 avec pour objet de : « promouvoir la connaissance et la compréhension des cultures africaines en favorisant le dialogue et la réflexion sur les expressions culturelles et socio-culturelles, originales ou immigrées, des acteurs de ces cultures, en France, en Afrique et de par le monde. » Africultures emploie 13 salariés et compte une cinquantaine de bénévoles. Africultures édite la revue trimestrielle Africultures, le magazine interculturel et citoyen Afriscope (magazine bimestriel gratuit) et actualise quotidiennement le site d’information culturelle L’association gère également Sudplanète ( la plus importante base de données culturelle des pays d'Afrique, Caraïbes et Pacifique (ACP) en liaison avec son réseau de partenaires internationaux (en Afrique, le Groupe30 Afrique et Arterial Network ; aux Caraïbes, Media Sport and Entertainment, Gens de la Caraïbe et le Collectif 2004 Images ; dans le Pacifique, Futherarts, l'Alliance Française du Vanuatu et la Pacific Arts Alliance). Le budget annuel d’Africultures est d’environ 450 000 €. Les revenus de l’association sont composés de : subventions publiques (principalement l’Union Européenne, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Ministère de la Ville, Région Ile-de-France et Rhône-Alpes, Mairie de Paris), et privées autofinancements (encarts publicitaires, prestations) aides à l’emploi (emplois-tremplinet CUI CAE) adhésions et dons Africultures fait partie de l’Association des Revues Plurielles et du réseau Presse & Cité. Chaque année Africultures est partenaire de plus d’une centaine d’événements culturels et associatifs de par le Monde.
Mission and Objectives

Depuis 1997, Africultures contribue à faire rayonner les cultures contemporaines africaines à travers le monde. L'association a pour mission de « Promouvoir la connaissance et la compréhension des cultures contemporaines africaines  en favorisant le dialogue et la réflexion sur les expressions culturelles et socioculturelles, originales ou immigrées, des acteurs de ces cultures en France, en 
Afrique et de par le monde ». 
Par ses différentes activités, Africultures participe activement à la promotion de la diversité culturelle et à la déconstruction des préjugés portés sur l’Afrique et ses diasporas.

Main Projects / Activities

Revue Africultures :
Créée en 1997, la revue Africultures a été mensuelle jusqu'en 2002, puis est devenue trimestrielle. Chaque numéro comprend un dossier thématique et un cahier critique. Publiée entre 2 000 et 5 000 exemplaires par les éditions l’Harmattan, elle est également disponible sur
Site et sa lettre d'information :
Le site est né en 1998 de la volonté de soutenir et d’élargir la démarche de la revue Africultures. Un travail quotidien d’enrichissement des contenus en fait un site de référence nationale et internationale en matière d’information et de réflexion sur les expressions culturelles contemporaines d'origine africaine ou sur l'Afrique.
La lettre d'information d'Africultures est envoyée depuis 1999 chaque mercredi à ses abonnés (191 417 personnes en août 2014), soit 52 lettres par an, et reprend les sorties, les coups de cœur télé, les événements partenaires, les concours et le contenu de l’agenda pour les dix jours à venir ainsi que les articles en français et en anglais et les murmures publiés dans la semaine écoulée.
Elle est unique en son genre : aucune autre newsletter ne donne ainsi l'agenda culturel complet des événements touchant aux cultures africaines et à l'interculturalité en France et dans le reste du monde.
Magazine Afriscope :
« Liberté, égalité, fraternité, diversité », telle est la devise du magazine interculturel et citoyen Afriscope, lancé en 2007. Tiré à 40 000 exemplaires et diffusé en Ile-de-France. Ce bimestriel gratuit  a pour objectif de valoriser l’apport des artistes et citoyens d’origine africaine et caribéenne à la société française.
Le Carnet Afriscope en français facile :
Diffusé dans les foyers de travailleurs migrants depuis septembre 2009, le magazine d'Africultures était utilisé par des formateurs et bénévoles en alphabétisation et apprentissage linguistique. Pour répondre aux besoins exprimés, la rédaction d'Africultures réalise depuis 2010, avec chaque parution du magazine Afriscope, un carnet en français facile. Conçu comme un véritable support pédagogique, il permet à un
public pour qui la lecture du français n’est pas encore aisée d’avoir un accès régulier à l’écrit sur des thématiques rarement abordées dans les supports pédagogiques. En effet, il y a une réelle carence de supports à destination des migrants et primo-arrivants adultes.
Le carnet se présente sous la forme d’un livret de huit pages enchâssées dans le magazine.
Sudplanète :
Le portail Sudplanète, a été créé en 2006 pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des artistes et opérateurs culturels du Sud.
Sudplanète est à la fois :
- une base de données des artistes, opérateurs, structures et événements culturels des pays ACP, qui permet de rassembler une information habituellement difficile à trouver sur Internet ;
- un outil de mise en réseau de ces différents acteurs, afin de leur permettre de se connaître, d'échanger leurs pratiques et de travailler ensemble.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Africultures agrège un réseau d'universitaires, de journalistes, chercheurs et auteurs qui se questionnent quotidiennement sur la diversité et le dialogue culturel, et qui porte depuis 1997 une réflexion sur les expressions culturelles et socio-culturelles africaines et de sa diaspora.
Africultures souhaite valoriser sont réseaux, ses connaissances et compétences auprès de la Fondation Anna Lindh notamment via le portail sudplanète.
Possibilité pour le réseau d’être valorisé sur le portail sudplanète et ses lettres d’informations.
Mise en relation avec des experts sur certaines thématiques.
Participation à la vie du réseau France

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Africultures souhaite devenir membre du réseau France de la Fondation Anna Lindh afin de
s’informer sur les réalisations des membres du réseau, évaluer et mettre en place des partenariats
valoriser les activités d’Africultuers au sein du réseau et faire profiter des outils de visibilité via le site sudplanète et ses lettres d’information
connaître les appels à projet de la fondation et y répondre
participer aux rencontres du réseau France et aux groupes de travail

Contact (1) Full Name
Mélanie Cournot
Job Title
Déléguée générale
Head of the organisation
samba Doucouré Président
Contact (2) Full Name
Maud de la Chapelle
Job Title (2)
Chargée de projet sudplanète

Arab Network for Civic Education-ANHRE

National Network

Wadi-Saqra , Sharif Nasser Bin Jameel St. Amman- Jordan

+962 6 5560497
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+962 (0) 799996771
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Arab Network for Civic Education- ANHRE is An independent non-governmental Arab Network working to unify and coordinate efforts among different civil societies concerned with Human Rights and Citizenship Education, to influence the policies, procedures, formal and non-formal regulations in order to ensure the adoption of legislations that respect Human Rights and dignity. The General Assembly comprises 53 member organizations from 10 countries (Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine and Algeria) and has, under its umbrella, the Coordination Committee as well as the Executive office that runs the network from Amman " Jordan. Vision Adoption of policies and legislations that ensure the promotion and the enforcement of Human Rights and citizenship values and culture, towards a society in which social justice prevails.

Mission and Objectives

Mission We, The Arab Network for Civic Education " ANHRE, are an independent non-governmental Arab Network working to unify and coordinate efforts among different civil societies concerned with Human Rights and Citizenship Education, to influence the policies, procedures, formal and non-formal regulations in order to ensure the adoption of legislations that respect Human Rights and dignity. Strategic Objectives To contribute to influencing the policies, governmental and non-governmental regulations which guarantee the integration and the enforcement of Human Rights and Citizenship in formal and informal educational curriculum To empower Network members and build their capacities on Human Rights and Citizenship education To institutionalize the Network and fortify its internal set-up to allow the Network to conduct its work effectively.

Main Projects / Activities

Civic education (citizenship) Human Rights education Play It Fair, human rights project for children Community advocacy campaigns Education For All (EFA) campaigns in the Arab Region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ANHRE is a regional network that includes 53 member organizations from 10 countries (Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine and Algeria). We can coordinate together and mobilize our members to join the network and work together on collaborative project in Jordan and other Arabian countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to explore and share new experiences with other networks and organizations that will contribute in unifying and coordinating development efforts in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Fotouh Younes
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Fotouh Younes
Contact (2) Full Name
Tasneem Al-Homouze
Job Title (2)
Activity Coordinator

Masrah Ensemble

National Network

Mtayleb, Bldg. 660, Lot 15
Metn 2426

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Masrah Ensemble is a nonprofit theatre collective and organization that aims to reconfigure audiences and to encourage transcendent, riveting theatre. The Ensemble also aims to cultivate new talent from the margins, to champion artistic and cultural exchange, and to challenge prevailing ideas of what theatre should be, where it should take place, and to whom it belongs. Masrah Ensemble pursues its mission by making and developing formal and informal performances (usually presented free of charge), by conceiving and implementing projects embedded in and emerging from activist networks and spaces, and by initiating radical education initiatives that aspire to artistic excellence. Furthermore, our strategies include prioritizing translation and literacy, creating new axes of exchange and unprecedented collaborations, and fostering research and criticism of theatre that is engaged with the public sphere, with the life of the street, with both contemporary and historical narratives. Highlights of our work since inception include a three-month Amharic-Arabic-English theatre festival with audiences and artists of socio-economic diversity in performances of works-in-progress in Beirut and New York. Last year, we also produced a two-month playwright residency program to develop new Arabic drama (first initiative of its kind in the Middle East) in collaboration with theatre makers in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. In 2013, we presented an Arabic-English production of Mud (1982) by María Irene Fornés in a salvaged, derelict Ottoman mansion, presenting more than a dozen free performances to audiences of migrant workers and standard Beirut theatregoers. We have conducted workshops with preteen Syrian refugees in Lebanon and college students in the United States and performed staged readings of plays in Arabic, English, French, and Amharic. The organization launched in 2012 with an international educational and artistic theatre series around the book Doomed by Hope: Essays on Arab Theatre (Pluto Press) in Lebanon, United States, The Netherlands, and Australia. ** Le Masrah Ensemble est une association à but non lucratif et compagnie de théâtre qui crée des projets et effectue des recherches sur le théâtre, avec une attention particulière à la scène arabe. Basé à Beyrouth, l’Ensemble a pour objet de reconfigurer les publics et de favoriser le développement d’un théâtre à la fois accrocheur et transcendant. Depuis 2009 la compagnie monte des spectacles, cultive des jeunes talents et encourage les échanges artistiques et culturels. ** إن مسرح انسمبل هو جمعية ثقافية، وفنية، وتربوية، واجتماعية لا تبغي الربح تعمل في إطار المسرح وتقوم بشكل خاص على إجراء البحوث والنقد المسرحي وكافة النشاطات والمشاريع المتعلقة بالمسرح إضافة الى تنظيم المسارح والعروض وتعزيز دورها مع التركيز على المسرح العربي. تهدف الجمعية إلى إعادة هيكلة قاعدة الجماهير وتشجيع المسرح المشوّق والممتع.
Mission and Objectives

Masrah Ensemble is a nonprofit theatre company and organization that aims to reconfigure audiences and to encourage transcendent, riveting theatre. The Ensemble also aims to cultivate new talent from the margins, to champion artistic and cultural exchange, and to challenge prevailing ideas of what theatre should be, where it should take place, and to whom it belongs.

Main Projects / Activities

Masrah Ensemble pursues its mission by making and developing formal and informal performances (usually presented free of charge), by conceiving and implementing projects embedded in and emerging from activist networks and spaces, and by initiating radical education initiatives that aspire to artistic excellence. Furthermore, our strategies include prioritizing translation and literacy, creating new axes of exchange and unprecedented collaborations, and fostering research and criticism of theatre that is engaged with the public sphere, with the life of the street, with both contemporary and historical narratives.
Highlights of our work since inception include a three-month Amharic-Arabic-English theatre festival with audiences and artists of socio-economic diversity in performances of works-in-progress in Beirut and New York. Last year, we also produced a two-month playwright residency program to develop new Arabic drama (first initiative of its kind in the Middle East) in collaboration with theatre makers in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
In 2013, we presented an Arabic-English production of Mud (1982) by María Irene Fornés in a salvaged, derelict Ottoman mansion, presenting more than a dozen free performances to audiences of migrant workers and standard Beirut theatregoers. We have conducted workshops with preteen Syrian refugees in Lebanon and college students in the United States and performed staged readings of plays in Arabic, English, French, and Amharic. The organization launched in 2012 with an international educational and artistic theatre series around the book Doomed by Hope: Essays on Arab Theatre (Pluto Press) in Lebanon, United States, The Netherlands, and Australia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Masrah Ensemble can facilitate collaborations between artistic and cultural organizations and activist institutions serving minority groups such as migrant workers and refugees.
We can also advise members of the network on international collaborations and exchange as well as publications and translation intiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We woudl like to join the ALF Network in order to particpate in a Euro-Mediterannean movement of civil society and cultural activism and also to apply to grants in order to further such initiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Eyad Houssami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Eyad Houssami


National Network

Camino de la Zarzuela 21-23,
28670 Villaviciosa de Odón,

+34 687 831 375
Telephone (other)
+34 697 158 434
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
EXCHANGE Live Art is a very young and small Spanish non profit cultural asociation. We were working in this project since 2011 and we had founded as an asociation last 2014. We are three oficial members: Ana Matey (founder and president), Isabel León (founder and secretary) and Mario Álvarez (vicepresident), but we colaborate with many artists and profesionals often. We don´t have any budgetary resources avalaible in a year, because we work by small projects. Our sources of funding are mainly grants, private sponsorship and our selfless work. Mainly we work organizing and managing meetings between artists from different backgrounds, promoting exchange and reflection on communication. We work together with similar asociations in the countries where we developed these "exchanges". In this moment, we are working with the morrocan cultural asociation Al Handka. Our partners change from one project to other. Normaly we work with public and private cultural institutions and organizations.
Mission and Objectives

EXCHANGE Live Art is a project that investigates the Communication and Interpretation of messages, taking the Action or Performance Art as the basis for this research. We believe that artistic creation is a living act, in which there are no borders or boundaries. We are interested in collective creation, by proposing meetings, residencies, workshops, talks and experiences in which we work with artists from different disciplines, backgrounds and origins. EXCHANGE Live Art proposes to share artistic processes, ideas and performance scores, as well as ways to understand art and life.
About context and curatorial work.
EXCHANGE Live Art arises as a need to create and promote art and culture in a socio-political and economic moment in which this sector is suffering more than ever. This project aims to involve and count with the participation of institutions, artists and public.
EXCHANGE Live Art proposes a curatorial project focus on performance art that involves a bet by the artists rather than concrete works. in this project, the creation process and the communication-interpretation research goes beyond the final “artistic “result.
EXCHANGE Live Art takes the "score" (or script of a performance) as the central axis of a project in which is also involve the writing, photography, video, live action, workshop and debate as part of a whole: different ways that generate reflection and thought.
EXCHANGE Live Art is a project based not only on exchanging artistic scores, but in different ways to do, create and experiment “art”, with proposals from artists of different generations, backgrounds and disciplines, opening the field of the research with different professionals from art, sociology, philosophy, etc.
About Communication-Interpretation
“The communication could be understood as a series of illusions, or fragmented reflections that occasionally intersect and generate the ilusion of communication, real reflection. However, the experience of each body communicating is always different: it is a condition of contingencies that makes at the here and now of a context is generate variations and interpretations, differentiation unpredictable and that these are inevitably different for each body communicating” DONNA HARAWAY 
What is life but a pure and continuous exchange? Ideas, thoughts, emotions or feelings that we share with the other by language and gesture. The communication, which goes hand in hand with uncommunication, is a serious and disconcerting subject, that generate disputes and misunderstandings, but also absurd situations and fun. We learn the words, their meanings, their conjugations, constructions... however this does not necessarily mean that each person understands the same thing, so "communication mean interpretation".

Main Projects / Activities

EXCHANGE LIVE ART work in two main lines:
1. Organization and management:
Includes: live actions, talks, workshops and exhibitions.
In September 2012 the project began with 13 artists chosen by an open call online, in which they exchanged performances scores that were "interpreted" in photo and video actions. You can see the online exhibition here.
A year later, from 20 to 29 September, we organize EXCHANGE MADRID, an international meeting with the artists participating in the open call, with exhibition of their works, live actions, performatic debate, workshop and artistic residence. More information about at here.
On May 4th 2013, we organize another international meeting of action art EXCHANGE at Vostell Malpartida´s Museum, with Bartolomé Ferrando, Willem Wilhemus, Belén Cueto and Koke Vega. More information here.
October 2013, EXCHANGE at Enclave (Granada, Spain) host the french artist Pascale Ciapp who gave a workshop and perform herself the day of the event. The artist Ana Matey (EXCHANGE Live Art) was invited to had a residence together with Igor Sousa (MATSU), both of them made different urban actions during the residence week. Also Ana Matey and Patricia Cabrero of ENCLAVE CREACIÓN CONTEMPORÁNEA had a exchange of scores that they shown in a simultaneous performance for the final event. More information here.
October 2014, for second year consecutive Vostell Malpartida Museum hosted EXCHANGE & MVM 2014, inside the Iberoamericans Contemporary Art Fair ForoSur. In this occasion the artist invited were Nieves Correa and Abel Loureda, both from Spain. More information here.
2. Research and artistic creation:
Although the events make a research and artistic creation itself, in this section we refer mainly to residencies and laboratories, in which the EXCHANGE Live Art managers as artist, Ana Matey and Isabel Leon, participate.
- July 2013 from 14th to 25th we were invited to Sierra Art Center (Spain) to have a two weeks residency. More information here.
- April 2014, we got the EEA  grant together with the spanish artist Sergio Muro and Domix Garrido from the Norwegian Embassy at Spain. Under the name EXCHANGE España-Norge, we spent ten days in Oslo working by partners with four norwegian artist. At the end of the residency this process was shown in a public live actiion event. More information here.
- Autumn 2014, we spent two months at Saari Residency of the Kone Foundation, Finland. In this period, we work exchanging between us and with other artists currently there, as well as visitors. Although we were invited to participate at Mother´s Tongue International Festival in Helsinki. More information here.
- In May 2015, we are invite to work together with canadian artist at Toronto & Montreal host by FADO and DARE DARE. More information soon.
- In the fall of 2015 we will be working on the project ESTRECHO EXCHANGE between Spain and Morocco, in which three Spanish artists and three Moroccans participate, and different institutions and organizations from both countries are involved and suporting it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EXCHANGE Live Art can contribute to networking in our country and with others because our main activity is to organize meetings between different artists and organizations interested in art, the richness of cultural diversity and communication as the main way for understanding and approchement between peoples and cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we are interested in knowing other European and Mediterranean organizations interested in working for dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity.
We believe that art (and more specifically performance art) is a good and essential tool to help in this dialogue and this respect. 
We believe that we can offer our experience and knowledge while learning from other network members, making nice projects together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isabel León Guzmán
Job Title
Founder - Secretary
Head of the organisation
Ana Matey Marañón
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Matey Marañón
Job Title (2)
Founder - President

Association de Musée du Patrimoine de Sahara

National Network

rue Jabal Tarik, n° 48, Hay Al Wahda 01
70000 Laayoune

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
تأسست جمعية متحف تراث الصحراء بمدينة العيون بالمملكة المغربية وهي جمعية ثقافية تهتم بالتراث والثقافة والتاريخ والتكوين، وتعتمد أسلوب العمل الطوعي والتشاركي لتحقيق أهدافها وانجاز برامجها. وتهدف الجمعية إلى دعم الهيئات والمؤسسات والمراكز العلمية والبحثية المعنية بالتراث في المملكة ، والتعاون مع المواطنين وتشجيعهم من أجل المحافظة على التراث ليبقي رصيداً إنسانياً ومورداً للعلم ورافداً للسياحة الثقافية ودعم المشاريع الفردية والجماعية للحرف اليدوية وتشجيعها والعمل مع الجهات المعنية من أجل المحافظة عليها وتطويرها لتكون منتجاً اقتصادياً ، كما تعمل مع الجهات المعنية من أجل تطوير متحف نموذجي للتراث والاثار والفنون البصرية. وتسهم الجمعية في إثراء المعرفة والرفع من الوعي لدى المواطنين بالتراث وأهمية المحافظة عليه وتطويره . في جمعية متحف تراث الصحراء نرسم صورة حية لثقافة وتراث المنطقة. في جمعية متحف تراث الصحراء ننطلق من الفكرة القائلة  بأهمية المتاحف في كونها أحد عوامل الجذب السياحي الرئيسية، حيث تضم العديد من المقتنيات المختلفة التي تعتبر شاهد على النهضة التراثية والحضارية التي مرت بها هذه الجهة كما تعد هذه المتاحف وسيلة ثقافية تتحقق من خلالها فوائد كثيرة مثل توثيق العلاقة بين الإنسان و تاريخه مما يسهم في تحقيق الانتماء إلى البلد وتحديد مكانة الدولة حضاريا و دوليا. هذا بالإضافة إلى أن المتاحف هي مصدر للثقافة الجمالية وتشكل محتويات المتاحف لغة عالمية يمكن لكل الشعوب قراءتها و الإطلاع عليها.
Mission and Objectives

أدوار الجمعية:
1) الدور التعليمي.
2) ورش عمل طلاب المدارس.
3) اوراش التكوين للفتيات والنساء عموماً في الحرف اليديوبة.
4) غرف البحوث والمهتمين.
5) الزيارات الميدانية للمتحف.
6) دورات تدريبية وتثقيفية في شتى مجالات المعرفة.
7) العروض التقليدية (الخيام، الخيل، الإبل، والأشخاص)
مجالات تدخل الجمعية:
التراث المكتوب:
1) الكتب والمجلات والصحف التي تناولت التراث والآثار وكتب التنمية الذاتية.
2) المخطوطات والمستندات القديمة.
3) الصكوك والعقود ومسودات الاتفاقيات القديمة التي لها صلة بتاريخ وتراث وثقافة هذه المنطقة.
التراث المادي:
1) كل الوسائل المادية التي استعملت في الماضي من طرف الإنسان الصحراوي.
2) المنتجات التقليدية من الصوف والجلد والخشب.
3) المواد الطبية والأدوية التقليدية.
4) الأطعمة والمواد الغذائية.
5) الصور واللوحات التشكيلية التي تتناول تراث وثقافة وتاريخ أهل الصحراء.
6) الوثائق والأشرطة المسموعة والمسجلة.
7) النقوش والرسومات على الصخور والحجارة.
8) الأزياء.
9) الحلي ووسائل الزينة.
10)  العروض التقليدية للخيام والخيل والجمال والوسائل القديمة.
التراث المنطوق:
1) الشعر والنثر الحساني مكتوب ومسجل.
2) الأمثلة الشعبية.
3) الحكايات والقصص الشعبية والأحاجي.
4) الألعاب الشعبية.
وتهدف الجمعية الى:
• التعريف بالموروث الثقافي الحساني والامازيغي.
• توعية الجيل الصاعد بالتاريخ وأهمية الثقافة.
• المشاركة في المهرجانات والملتقيات المهتمة بالتراث والثقافة عموماً.
• تشجيع الصناعة التقليدية والسياحة وإنتاج التعاونيات النسوية.
• إنتاج وتسويق المنتجات المتعلقة بالتراث والتاريخ والتوثيق.
• تشجيع العمل بقطاع الصناعة التقليدية والإنتاج المحلي وإبراز دور العنصر النسوي في عملية الإبداع والإنتاج والتسويق.
• عقد اتفاقات شراكة وتعاون مع الجهات المعنية لدعم وانجاز برامج داخل وخارج الوطن.
• افتتاح متحف للتعريف بالثقافة الحسانية المجسمة.
• لعب دور فاعل في القضية الوطنية واستثمار التراث والثقافة الصحراوية في الدبلوماسية الموازية من خلال المشاركة في المعارض والتظاهرات الدولية.

Main Projects / Activities

• جرد لممتلكات الجمعية.
• الانتقال للمقر الجمعية الجديد بعد تجهيزه تجهيز يليق بالزوار ويسمح بالاستفادة من الخدمات.
• فتح المتحف أمام الزيارات المنظمة للوفود الأجنبية والمهتمين والجهات العاملة بنفس المجال كمرحلة أولى
• حملة دعائية باستعمال المطبوعات والملصقات والوسائط الالكترونية.
• دراسة مشروع 'أستوديو" التسجيل والتصوير وتقديم الدراسة للجهات الممولة قصد الشروع في انجازه.
• توسيع حلقة العمل ليشمل اكبر قدر ممكن من مجالات التراث المنصوص عليها في القانون الداخلي للجمعية.
• عملية تأطير للشباب الراغبين المهتمين بالتراث.
• ترميم مجموعة من الخيام التي ستستعمل قريبا.
• تنظيم ورش تكويني للمنخرطين والمهتمين حول تقنيات التعامل مع التراث.
• عقد لقاء تواصلي حول تعزيز أساليب البحث في التاريخ باستعمال الوسائل الحديثة.
• تقييم ابتدائي لمشروع تدوين الأمثال والحكايات الشعبية.
• تسجيل شريطين وثائقيين حول تاريخ "ايد أربعين".
• إنشاء برنامج " إحياء التراث " خاص بطلبة الثانويات والمعاهد من أجل الاهتمام بالتراث والبحث في التاريخ.
• تقييم ابتدائي لمشروع كتاب "الغطاء النباتي في الصحراء".
• إعداد برنامج " التراث عبر الملتيميديا " لإحياء التراث بواسطة حديثة موجه خصوصاً لحملة الجولات الذكية والبريد الالكتروني.
• دورة تكوين داخلية للمكتب المسير للجمعية في التسيير والضبط الإداري.
• إجراء مسابقة كبرى لجمع الوثائق التاريخية "وثائق مكتوبة مسجلة او مصورة".
• افتتاح جلسات الاستماع المخصصة لرجال المقاومة والشيوخ والشخصيات المسنة التي عاشرت حقب زمنية غابرة.
• إعداد كتيب بالأماكن التراثية والتاريخية بالجهة الجنوبية والتي يمكن أن تكون مكانا مناسبا للسياح أو للاستثمار السياحي والثقافي.
• عرض تقليدي في البادية " للخيمة والجمل وتوابعهما ".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

الهدف الاساسي هو تطوير جمعيتنا وكسب علاقات واصدقاء تفيدنا في العمل من خلال
المشاركة في الانشطة
الدعم المعنوي ... الخ

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Salem EL BAIHI
Job Title
Marketing - Publicity
Head of the organisation
Sidi Limame Bousbaa

association maison de l'artisan createur

National Network

14 Rue de Sicile
4000 Sousse

+216 73 215 252
+ 216 73 215 256
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 98 622 218
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 53 722 218
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

l'association maison de l'artisan createur a été fondée sur l'observation terrain de l'etat tres reculé de notre patrimoine historique , artisanal et artistique et de notre croyance que les forces vives de la jeunesse tunisienne est le moteur de developpement de ces secteurs nous avons alors tout mis en place pour mettre en commun notre savoir faire artisanal , artistique et pedagogique au service de ces jeunes de presenter une alternative de reunir et consolider les differentes pratique artisanal et artistique au profil de la jeunesse et des nouveaux artisans dans le but de creer un noyeau dur de l'artisant , patrimoine et art tunisien notre association est compisé de de president et vices presidents ainsi que des commission specialisées dans la formation et le recyclage ; foires et manifestations culturelles ; relations et developpement international ; recherche et documentation dans le patrimoine ; commission artistique ; relation avec les association  notre est est essentiellement basé sur des dons ainsi que certaines coperations avec des institutions nationales et internationales   

Mission and Objectives

mission : réhausser et proteger le savoir faire ancestral et developper le travail artisanal,  objectifs : 1- developper la formation et le recyclage dans le domaine artisanal  2-  developper des cooperation et des echanges avec les organismes et les structures mondiales dans le domaine ethnique, culturel et patrimoine 3- travailler en etroite collaboration avec les artistes dans le domaine de la creation et renovation  4- organiser des manifestation et foires culturelles mettant l'accent sur l'art et le patrimoine  5- organiser et participer a des forum de recherche et de developpement  6- sauvegarder notre patrimoine artisanal et recherche dans le domaine de l'art culinaire  7- rechercer ,collecter et archiver tous documents ou objet ethnique et historique dans un but d'etude et la recherche         

Main Projects / Activities

projet 2: forum euromediteranéen : l'art au service du patrimoine : a réuni un ensemble de chercheurs et d'artistes interessés par le patrimoine et et le developpement des theorie de recherche artistique en matiere du patrimoine  projet 2: organisation de la premiere rencontre de l'art culinaire a travers les temps en invitant des experts dans le domaine autour d'une table ronde et egalement organisation d'un dejeuner culinaire collectif au profil des rieverains de la vielle ville de sousse  projet 3 : organisation du festival de boujaafar pour l'artisanat ,art et metiers   

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- Organiser des activités en communes avec la FAL visant à la concrétisation et la réalisation des objectifs visés  2- faire connaitre les forces de notre resau et le faire profiter de notre savoir faire et connaissance  3- par le partage des connaissance et le reseautage avec les differents membres  4- par le developpement de projets communs avec la fal 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- nous partageons les meme valeurs et notre volonté a developper l'echange euromediterranen  2- interagir avec des associations a travers l'espace euromediterranen  3- travailler sur les programmes de la fondation comme citizen for the dialogues  et les autres  4- developper des contactes avec les vieilles villes a travers l'espace euromed 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mourad Bahri
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Vice president

Palestine Youth Center Association

National Network

Palestine , Gaza City , Alwehda St. , west of Alzahra Secondary School
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It was established in 2000. The number of staff employed is 10.  Budgetary resources available are finance and objects. There are many concrete projects. The sources of funding are from international societies and institutions.    Main Partner is Save Youth Future
Mission and Objectives

Objectives :
1. To help and support the vulnerable and poor Families in the Palestinian Territories.
2. To Help creating employment opportunities for youth.
3. To provide the women and children with the psychosocial support programs.
4. To contribute developing the educational sector within the community.
5.To empower the initiatives of individuals and groups to enhance the youth to engage in decision making in their community in terms of social , economic and political decisions.
6. To help spreading the concepts of dialogue and to enhance the freedom of speech.
7. To represent Palestine internationally through creating a cultural bridges with the other youth in the world.
8. To Promote extracurricular educational programs, integration, networking programs and after-school activities for students during Vacations.
9. To promote the role of culture, Arts and the Palestinian heritage to express the Palestinian reality both locally and internationally.
  Programs :
1. Youth livelihood recovery and development program” Training and Employment “.
2. Raising the awareness of youth in terms of the “Cultural, Social, psycho and economical" fields.
3. Education quality support program.
4. Enhancement of youth to be the agents of change in the Palestinian community.
5. Urgent relief program.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs :
1. Youth livelihood recovery and development program” Training and Employment “.
2. Raising the awareness of youth in terms of the “Cultural, Social, psycho and economical" fields.
3. Education quality support program.
4. Enhancement of youth to be the agents of change in the Palestinian community.
5. Urgent relief program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esam Nawaf Abu Taweila
Job Title
Exceuctive Manager
Head of the organisation
Majed Fayeq El-Hello
Contact (2) Full Name
Reem AbdElelah Husny Siam
Job Title (2)
Department Manager

M2C Institut für angewandte Medienforschung

National Network

Flughafenallee 10
28199 Bremen

+49 421 59055402
+49 421 59055484
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The M2C Institute for Applied Media Technologies and Culture at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen fuses the perspectives of applied media sciences with arts, humanities, informatics, labour studies and cultural studies: more than ever the digital media embody the link between the individual and society, work, economy, and especially between innovative ideas and social, ecological and cultural development. The M2C Institute was founded in 2007 as an independent associated non-profit research institution to the University of Applied Sciences Bremen (BremHG §96). The relevance of digital media in an interdependent society becomes apparent where new cultural practices, new working processes, new interdisciplinary research, the generation of innovative culture, social services and democratic and participative culture, constitute the vital conditions for actionability in a situation of global integration. The M2C contributes actively to culture, art, intercultural training, scientific research and strategies for a fair future in combination of the Ornamento association Paris. M2C stands for media to culture. M2C in numbers: - 6 researcher - 6 free lancer - 12 artists and designers EU and regional projects in the areas of culture, digital media, participation, citizenship, cultural evolution of smart cities
Mission and Objectives

Research and Development
Applied-oriented research, development and employment of electronic media
Especially electronic media for the field of serious gaming (mobile entertainment) and urban culture (urban interaction) and  innovative participatory media systems (performative systems)
Research of user behaviour, impact, innovation, cultural developments
The institute’s interdisciplinary orientation allows the individual design and development of media systems. Apart from our own developments from current research, these activities are also pursued as non-profit commissional work in scientific contexts and as part of tie-in projects.
Research transfer and incentive initiatives for innovation
Initiatives to support clustering and networking in enterprises and institutions in the fields of ICT, creativity, cultural industry, NGOs, citizenship and democracy organizations, universities and research institutions
Implementation of European projects in cooperation with cultural institutions, SMEs and other players. Implementation of applied-oriented cooperation projects in international networks like the ThinkBETA think tank about the cultural evolution of smart cities.
Implementation of regional and international conferences and workshops to enhance cooperation of local players at European and international level. Development of qualification arrangements for enterprises in Bremen.
Education and qualification
Integration of the results of research activities into academic education, youth education, especially in the degree program „Digital Media (University of Applied Sciences Bremen, University of Bremen, University of the Arts Bremen, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven).
Support of education/ teaching regarding Bachelor and Master thesises as well as project theses within the framework of the institute’s projects. Mentoring of student projects. Integration of students and junior scientists into the research practice. Internships. Mentoring of youth projects.
Additional professional qualification of university graduates by recruitment of human resources for research activities, focusing on the qualified young academics. Integration of graduates into international research practices.
Implementation of scientific workshops (regional and international) with the involvement of recognized experts to develop qualification and networking practices.

Main Projects / Activities

R&D and Culture Projects
1 The People’s Smart Sculpture
The People’s Smart Sculpture – Social Art in European Spaces
Funded by Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020
Inter-cultural Dimension for European Active Citizenship
International Think Tank for Research and Development
Funded by EU Programme Europe for Citizens 2014-2020
Duration: 2014 – 2016
Intercultural and diversity management training
E-learning system
Duration: 20012-2015
4 eMuse
eMuse – The mobile information system for exhibitions, events, cities and tourism
Duration: 01.05.2009 – today
5 ThinkBETA
ThinkBETA – Evolution of Smart Cities
International Think Tank for Research and Development
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research – International Office
6 artMUSE
Gefördert: EACEA Europäischen Union, Culture Programme
Duration: 01.05.2011 – 31.10.2012
7 Betaville
Betaville – International Project In Participative Urban Re-Design…
Duration contract: 2009-2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultural project development and implementation within the network partners:
• Art and Culture, Media Art
• Participation, Democratic Smart City and Social Software
• Research and Development
• Research transfer, Innovation and Creativity Initiatives towards young peoples activities in society
• Virtual and Intercultural Team Development
• Neuro-emotional organizational development in culture and arts
R&D with network partners:
• Applied-oriented research, development and employment of electronic media
• Especially electronic media for the field of culture
• Media for urban use (urban participation and interaction)
• Participatory media systems (performative systems) and social dimensions of future cities
• Research of user behaviour, impact, innovation, cultural developments
Education and qualification projects with network partners:
• Integration of the results of research activities into exchange processes
• Training and education for cultural activists
• Training and education for yound people and kids in the field of Europe, democracy and participation in society
• Support of education/ teaching. Mentoring of student projects. Integration of students and junior scientists into the research practice. Internships.
• Integration of young graduates into international research practices.
• Implementation of scientific workshops (regional and international) with the involvement of recognized experts to develop qualification and networking practices.
• Development of a regional colloquium with the international partners to establish innovative research perspectives and to promote integration of innovative research in relevant areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We, the M2C  wants to joing the ALF network for to act with together with the network partners in the:
• Exchange about culture, participation, education, democracy, intercultural activities and digital media.
. Support of networking and interdisciplinary communication.
• Support and design of innovative cultural projects and support of intercultural art and social activities and funding opportunities.
• Integration of local and regional players in the cultural area regarding projects of medialisation, learning, research, eCulture and social innovation.
• Support of the international cultural dialogue and the exchange between science and culture.
• Support of media art activities and their global crosslinking
• Support of intercultural, participative and citizensship exchange and activities.
. Support of youth activities for to support kids in participative activities in urban space

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Koplin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Martin Koplin
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Helmut Eirund
Job Title (2)
Scientific Director