NGO Youth centre Babilonas

National Network

11302 Vilnius Lithuania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Center Babilonas (Vilnius, Lithuania) -  non-profit non-governmental organization established in 1993. All activities are based on communication and active participation, self-expression and own initiative to help youngsters to experiment using different forms of arts and their own creativity. NGO, 2 staff members, other people work according contracts; Budget per year vary from 10 000 € to 100 000€. It depends on projects. Sources of funding - local and European funds, Youth in action program, Municipality funds, etc. Our partners - different LT schools and many European partners.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission - to re-establish the real value of human being through the new attitude towards communication, cooperation, positiveness and  personal development .... Objectives: self-expression and self-cognition; mobility and promotion of the person; intercultural learning; creativity and artistic expression as means of communication and reaching out for young people and educators, etc/  

Main Projects / Activities

•  Workshops built on  active participation, communication and cooperation, learning by doing and other purposeful group activities for their social and emotional development - for school classes; • Seminars, trainings and long term projects (more than 20) for Lithuanian school teachers and other educators (for their personal development) based on the forms of non formal education; • More than 80 intercultural youth exchanges since 1993 with different European partners; • Summer camps for disadvantaged young people and children from foster home; • The main project for high school classes “Another week” - based on methods of youth non-formal education (the age of targets: 14-18 years old). The whole class during 5 days (not attending the school) have creative workshops built on their own active participation, communication and cooperation, learning by doing and other purposeful group activities for their social and emotional development. Professional artists and youth workers are leading these groups. Youngsters themselves choose the topics for the week. Generally chosen topics are: relationship with adults, bullying, loneliness, unknown future, daily school life, etc. • Intercultural youth exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have really lots of intercultural experience and different experience working with children, parents and teachers and - we are ready to share it.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to get the information for different trainings opportunities, events, funds, etc. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rolanda Sliaziene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rolanda Sliaziene

The Arab Culture Association

National Network

14 Y.L. Peretz St.
P.O. Box 44413
Haifa 3304114

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Arab Culture Association is an independent non-profit organization. Established in 1998 as the initiative of a group of intellectuals, academics and political activists aiming to strengthen Arab culture and identity for Palestinians living in Israel, the Arab Culture Association (ACA) is counted among the leading Palestinian institutions. The ACA is known for its pioneering programs that address several cultural fields, such as: Arabic language, arts and literature, cultural tourism, and the promotion of higher education and critical thinking. Our work is centered on developing the intellectual foundation and infrastructure to support the cultural independence of Palestinian Arabs living in Israel in the fields of art, literature and critique. As such, our work revolves around raising awareness of identity and collective rights, and the preservation of the Arabic language as a fundamental component of identity. We work to ensure access to Arabic language knowledge sources and to provide a central, urban communicative space for the exchange of knowledge, creation and distribution of cultural productions. Moreover, the ACA strives to foster the forefront of youth leadership that is educated and conscious of its identity and social responsibility. The ACA's many popular programs, activities and publications have contributed over the years to the preservation of national and cultural identity, especially among youth, and in affirming the position of the Arabic language. As a result of years of conducting successful programs we have gained extensive expertise across a variety of cultural and artistic disciplines.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision
We work towards a Palestinian Arab society keen about its language, identity, and cultural heritage, that is culturally and academically autonomous, creative, productive and socially responsible, and based on humanitarian and pluralistic values.
Our Goals
To develop an accessible Arab cultural identity based on the present reality and history, open to different nations’ cultures yet proud of its Arab character, and focused on humanitarian, democratic foundations and transcendent of narrow-mindedness and tribalism.
To provide a nurturing space for capacity building, artistic and literary production, and networking in the cultural sector while maintaining inclusive, creative and professional standards.
Youth empowerment and education in Palestinian history, culture, and identity. Encouraging youth to pursue higher education, to participate in public affairs, and to practice critical and creative thinking.
Founding a professional training center for the Arabic language and ensuring its appropriate presence in the public sphere.
Strengthening communication and cooperation between Palestinians in Historical Palestine and the Diaspora, as well as with institutions and cultural actors in the Arab world and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

ACA Programs 2015-2018:

The Arab Cultural Center in Haifa.

Work of Art- Cultural Development Agency

Language and Identity

Youth Empowerment Program

Cultural Distribution
The Arab Cultural Center- Haifa
Belonging, Creativity, Production
The idea of establishing an interdisciplinary Arab cultural center emerged to meet the need of Palestinian Arab society in Israel and the Palestinian cultural movement for an independent professional space that is multifunctional and Arab in identity. The Center aims to: nurture and develop unrealized cultural energies; facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise; support artistic, literary and critical capacity building and development; provide an inspiring environment; and encourage cultural production, distribution and artistic initiative. The Center will facilitate communication between cultural and artistic institutions, frameworks, and initiatives in the Arab world as well as internationally.
The Arab Culture Association chose to establish the Center in Haifa because this Arab city has recently become an artistic and cultural urban center for Palestinian society once again. Before electing to establish the Arab Cultural Center in Haifa, the city lacked the necessary infrastructure to continue developing momentum and Arab cultural production across the various disciplines.
The Center will consist of two impressive buildings near the long-established Arab neighborhood of Wadi Nisnas in Haifa’s historic center. The area will begin its restoration beginning in 2015 as part of a plan that includes — in addition to the ACA’s offices — modern and fully equipped exhibition, training and production spaces:

Multi-use performance hall

Arts library and cultural archive


Training and professional centers

Cultural café

Arts marketplace


Various other cultural and artistic facilities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our experience, we have been fortunate to have been acquainted and collaborated with a multitude of individuals and organizations from a diversity of cultural fields. From over a decade of successful programmes and initaitives we have developed close ties with the Arab Palestinian community in Israel and built a strong network of support that we can also share with other members in the Network. Additionally, as part of a greater network we can further help the people and organisations we work with by connecting them with organisations and individuals that they would not have necessarily been able to reach otherwise, be it through the dissemination of their works or recognition of their outstanding acheivements.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the main goals of the ACA is to strengthen communication and cooperation with likeminded individuals and organizations. We believe that doing so is an integral element to strengthening civil society as a whole. To join the ALF network would open a channel to organisations we have not been able to reach thus far, effectively providing an opportunity to share information, resources, expertise and advice. WIth greater cohesion in the work of civil society organisations in Israel, the higher likelihood of having a lasting impact on the communities that we aim to help.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eyad Barghuthy
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Eyad Barghuthy
Contact (2) Full Name
Zein Fahoum
Job Title (2)
Coordinator, Resource Development and International Relations

Wassim Soubra

National Network

68 Bd Edgar Quinet
75014 Paris

33 1 40 47 77 54
Mobile Phone
33 6 26 62 61 97
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Je travail seul. Je suis subventionné par des sponsors privés. Concerts solos ou en petites et moyennes formations. Institut du Monde Arabe,Délagation Libanaise auprès de l'Unesco
Mission and Objectives

Donner des concerts afin de favoriser les échanges culturels et artistiques.

Main Projects / Activities

Les Jardins d'Adonis,un Opéra d'Orient.
Sonates Orientales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

J'ai déjà donné plusieurs concerts au Liban et le dernier en date fut dans le cadre du festival international de Baalbck

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

J'aimerai collaborer avec l'ALF afin de promouvoir des valeurs auxquelles j'adhère:la tolérance,le respect des différences et le partage des joies de la musique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Wassim Soubra
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Wassim Soubra

charles abbott

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
charles abbott
Mission and Objectives

charles abbott

Main Projects / Activities

charles abbott

Contact (1) Full Name
charles abbott
Head of the organisation
charles abbott

the spiral, holistic education, human values, life long learning

National Network

48, Kyprou str.
15235 Vrilissia, Attica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The s p i r a l's two founding members and volunteers constitute the core of the organisation. Experts and members of staff collaborate with the organisation project-wise through the year. the s p i r a l's resources come mainly from projects' grants, individual donations, european partnerships in EU programmes, ad hoc collaborations, founding members' donations Modalities of action: educational and arts projects, art interventions in the community, solidarity festivals, youth exchanges, workshops for children and adults, screenings and public discussions, ubuntu expeditions the  s p i r a l collaborates with: NGOs in Greece and abroad, municipalities, local authorities, schools, Sustainability Centres, Environmental Education and Lifelong Learning educators’ societies, social bodies, the Association of Living Values Education International (ALIVE), european organisations for human rights/peace education/sustainable living/solidarity, foundations, associations, volunteers, autonomous adults’/youth’s groups, collective bodies for solidarity economy, eco-communities/eco-villages, international organisations which focus on global social transformation though personal development

Mission and Objectives

the  s p i r a l invites you to continuous evolution …It been born after the long and fruitful cooperation of its founding members on the topics of experiential learning to/for every age & general public’s activation via the creativity factor. Creative expression, holistic learning and solidarity enterprises ignite and summarise the main goals of the s p i r a l’s initiatives.the  s p i r a l  draws methodology and inspiration from: holistic education, experiential learning, Living Values in Education, Peace & Global Education, self-knowledge/empowerment studies and applications, Arts, solidarity and community living toolsthe  s p i r a l addresses: individuals and groups of every age, walk of life, religion, social statusthe  s p i r a l invites you all to: substantial work with the Self, creativity’s stimulation, collaborations’ cultivation, unity spirit, strengthening the volunteerism cells within us, projects and initiatives with substantial/beneficial social imprint for both the collective and individual good

Main Projects / Activities

promotion of holistic learning for every age educating schools’ teachers and group facilitators (holistic approaches, self-development)   human values in education   environment & sustainable consciousness   the partnership «art & environment»  contemporary visual arts initiatives (exhibitions, public interventions, land art, artists' books)   Peace Education, Human Rights Education   Global Education   lifelong learning workshops   creativity’s stimulation seminars   festivals, social acts, initiatives & collaborations upon current social issues (de-growth, solidarity, food sovereignty, unemployment, racism, bullying, discrimination, social violence)   community art & public art   reconciliation, non-violent communication handbooks' for facilitators, educators and social workers   solidarity movement, alternative models of economy   sustainable, self-sufficient communities   natural building, natural farming projects and seminars   «Peace Food Diet» global movement: nutrition as political stand and social responsibility

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Disseminate tools and methodologies Invite larger audiences Invigorate our national network of organisations towards deeper positive social changes Promote the UBUNTU experience and living through collaborations in our country  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contribute to social transformations towards global peace and solidarity Support individual/personal development as the core for the collective shift Teach and learn innovative approaches and methodologies Meet people and share directly and honestly Support, support, support...the global family of people

Contact (1) Full Name
maria a.angeli
Head of the organisation
alexandros pfaff & maria a.angeli


National Network

4 rue jean jaures

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
je suis franco-marocain j ai un cursus d etudes medicales  je suis egalement enseignant 
Mission and Objectives

Depuis ma participation active a l organisation de la semaine marocaine a luxembourg; et la decouverte du reseau anna lindh; je suis de plus en plus motivé a participer proposer organiser des nouveaux evenements..pour rapprocher et promouvoir l amitié entre les peuples..

Main Projects / Activities

Aider  proposer et participer aux divers projets du reseau FAL  (luxembourg)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l experience de  l aide a l organisation de la semaine marocaine m a donné un excellent elan pour des projets futurs...
mon dynamisme et volontarisme sont mes atouts majeurs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

j ai decidé de rejoindre le reseaux anna lindh  car la mission de la fondation me parait tout d abord noble!!
le reseau est une excellente plateforme pour toute personne oeuvrant ou voulant oeuvrer pour le rapprochement et l amitué entre les peuples

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Madanat Consultancy

National Network

Arar Street #142

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Madanat Consultancy draws on more than a decade-long experience in the analysis, research and development of the media and communication as we keep eyes on variances taking place in Jordan and other Levant countries. We specialize in media development, research and analysis; professional reporting; delivering periodical current affairs’ reviews on the social, political and economic scenery in Jordan; content analysis to the media and religious speech; analysis of public opinion trends (elite and grassroots); establishing media projects (radio and TV stations, educational multimedia labs, news websites). 
Mission and Objectives

To strengthen community media especially among women, the youth and minorities; create awareness on the sociopolitical milieu in Jordan so as to help relief agencies cope with the increasing number of refugees; help  local churches in Jordan acquire due legal status and interact with society, especially the very "other". 

Main Projects / Activities

Philip Madanat is a researcher and political activist. He received his education in administrative sciences, economics, languages and sociology of media in Jordan, the West Bank, Japan and Spain. A doctorate candidate, his thesis investigates the impact of Friday sermons on public opinion in Jordan, with focus on new media coverage. He currently serves as the rapporteur for the Jordanian Committee to Support the Syrian People. Philip  helped establish several Arab media outlets, and ran media development projects with IREX, SIDA and OSI; conducted research on media accountability in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon with the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, project “Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe and the Arab World” (MediaAcT); currently a consultant for ‘Advocacy and Support for Community Radio in the Arab Region’ funded by SIDA and implemented by the Amman-based Community Media Network. His current undertaking is, specialized in media training, research and development, conducting research on the Islamic movements in Levant and Arabian Gulf countries for state entities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Help variant political, religious and social movements interact through understanding the underpinning values, ethos and modus operandi that govern the work of relevant communities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from and add to ALF's experience in the region through its wide network of civil society organizations; to incorporate my experience as an activist who managed to bring together diverse political and religious groups in the region with work that came to fruition in several aspects (relief, human rights, running negotiations in conflict zones, human rights empowerment, media empowerment).

Contact (1) Full Name
Philip Odeh madanat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Philip Madanat


National Network

Amman, Sweifieh, Ali Nasouh Al Taher street, Al Kamal Building no. 22, 1st floor

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Through the support of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Partners-Jordan has been established in 2006, based on a needs assessment study that has been conducted in Jordan in 1994, as a local not for profit national center in Jordan. Since initiation, Partners-Jordan committed to advance civil society, promote mediation, conflict management, create culture of change, and encourage citizen participation in Jordan’s social and political development. Additionally the center focuses on strengthening ongoing government reform efforts by facilitating government-civil society dialogue and cooperation, and offers a range of skills and services designed to strengthen democracy and citizen participation, including:  Promote in-country training and trainer expertise: To increase citizen participation, build consensus, and manage disputes.  Provide change and dispute management services (e.g. mediation, facilitation of dialogues, conciliation and cooperative planning services) To help communities, government and business leaders resolve contentious local issues.  Encourage new public policies using citizen participation processes To build “bottom-up” support for reform initiatives, laws on mediation, and civil society legal frame work reforms.  Promote democratic development (through programs using change & dispute management skills) To result in: improved governance, strengthened civic leadership, and more effective and sustainable institutions. Furthermore, Partners Jordan is a member of Partners for Democratic Change International (PDCI), which is the international network of Partners Centers. PDCI facilitates the exchange of expertise between Centers and the mobilization of international teams of experts. In developing new Centers, Partners works with the PDCI to ensure the transfer of expertise, using experienced trainers from various countries to build new Centers’ training, application, and organizational development capacities. Partners for Democratic Change (Partners) is an international NGO committed to building sustainable local capacity to advance civil society and a culture of change and conflict management worldwide. Since inception in 1989, Partners has provided vital communication, negotiation, and cooperative planning skills to thousands of civic, NGO, municipal and national government leaders in nearly 50 countries. Partners’ locally managed national Centers work within communities to facilitate the resolution of disputes and build consensus on neighborhood, business, majority-minority, and citizen-police issues. Partners’ Centers are currently located in: Americas (United States, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil & Peru), Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Kosova, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia & Slovakia), and Middle East & North Africa (Jordan & Yemen) Partners-Jordan Executive Director: Ms. Raja Hiyari Partners-Jordan Board Members: Mr. Laith Al-Qasem –Partners-Jordan President Mr. Sa’ad Karajah Partners-Jordan Vice President Mrs. Fotouh Younis –Board Member

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Partners-Jordan, is a Jordanian not for profit organization, committed to advance civil society, promoting mediation, conflict management and culture of change, and encouraging citizen participation in Jordan’s social and political development Vision: Prosperity can be achieved through responsible participative citizenship Objectives: 1. Provide capacity building and facilitate multi sartorial initiatives to promote the advancement of civil society organizations in Jordan. 2. Promote mediation as a profession in Jordan 3. Provide Coalition building, NGOS’ Management, Advocacy, conflict and change management training and services. 4. Promote good governance, and organizational management 5. Promote citizens participation in Jordan’s social and political development.

Main Projects / Activities

1.1. Promote the enhancement of the environment where NGOs operates, through creating a platform for partnership between government and civil society organizations. 1.2. Provide technical assistance and training (including Coalition building, NGOS’ Management, Advocacy, conflict and change management) for civil society organizations 1.3. Provide publications that can be of help to civil society organizations 2.1. Conduct a needs assignment 2.2. Offer training to certify official mediators 2.3. Provide mediation services 3.1. Organize TOT programs. 4.1. Conduct training and awareness sessions on good governance 5.1. Conduct awareness campaign to promote youth participation in politics 5.2. Develop curriculum to educate youth bon the importance of political participation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a memebr in a well reputable network like Ana Lindh will open the chance for us to cooperate with other organizations on the national and regional level, Additionally our work and the expereince we implement on field can be reflected in the network which can benefit other organizations within the network, Building networks, new cooperations will help advancing the community, and finally being part of the network opens the door in front of other organizations to particpate in the activities we conduct

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First, becasue the objectives and values of the ALF network matches our values and work, second, because we beleive of the importance of networks work and impact,

Contact (1) Full Name
Bashar Kafafi
Job Title
Senior Program Officer
Head of the organisation
Ms. Raja Hiyari

Association Nationale de Volontariat - Ouled Fayet - Alger

National Network

bibliothèque Apc ouled fayet Alger
16035 ALGER

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Nous  sommes  des jeunes, des employés, des cadres, des chômeurs, des experts, des spécialistes, des acteurs dans le domaine économique, des nationalistes, qui croient au travail de charité et de bien faisances au sein de la société. Conscients de l’importance de notre union et de notre association pour une  cause noble et des objectifs qui contribuent au développement du pays. 
Mission and Objectives

 Aider et assister les personnes handicapés .
 Faire des campagnes et des travaux de volontariat dans le domaine de l’environnement.
 Faire des campagnes de sensibilisation dans le domaine de la santé et l’organisation de caravane médicale pour les franges nécessiteuses de la   population .
 Accompagner et assister les jeunes porteurs de projets.
 Former les jeunes dans le domaine de l’assistance et le secourisme et le volontariat afin d’être efficace lors des catastrophes naturelles.
 Veiller à faire renaitre la culture du volontariat dans les milieux scolaires, universitaires et au nivaux des centres et des instituts de la formation professionnelle à travers des magazines, périodiques et l’organisation de conférences.
 Etablir des études et des recherches sur le thème du volontariat.
 La collaboration et le partenariat avec les instances et les officiels dans le cadre de la solidarité et le volontariat.
 Organiser des rencontres et des forums, des expositions, des ateliers dans divers domaines du volontariat.
 Renouer avec les traditions de la solidarité et du volontariat qui existaient dans la société Algérienne  exemple la « TOUIZA »et d’autres aspects de la solidarité.
 Travailler sur le thème de la sécurité alimentaire en aidant et en accompagnant les habitants des zones rurales afin de développer  des projets agricoles et artisanales.
 Echanger les expériences, le savoir faire et établir des relations de collaboration avec des organismes dans le même domaine à l’échelle nationale, arabe, et internationale.
 Entreprendre des travaux de volontariat afin de préserver les cites archéologiques et leurs protections de la dégradation.
 Honorer  er encouragé les leadeurs du volontariat et les créateurs dans ce domaine.      

Main Projects / Activities

Les secteurs d’activités de l’association :
  Selon ce qui est permit par la réglementation ,l’association s’intéresse à tout les travaux du volontariat et le bénévolat
 nous avons défini   :
  La santé : aider ,sensibiliser, assister les personnes nécessiteuses ,les handicapés, les populations des zones reculés .
  La solidarité :venir en aide lors des catastrophes naturelles ,au gens démunis .
  L’enfance :assurer un bon enseignement et un bon encadrement  pour les enfants abandonnés….
 La jeunesse :encadrer les jeunes à travers de bonnes formations  , les assister afin de crée et d’élaborer des projets porteurs .
 La communication et l’information :
 L’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire :création d’ateliers d’aide aux projets d’agricultures et d’autre projets (apiculture, aquaculture, les richesses animales

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partager nos expériences 

Former plus de jeunes a travers le pays

Animer le réseau via nos activités 

Développer le réseau via nos bureau dans chaque Wilaya

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parceque c'est un réseau important 

Parceque nous avons notre place dans ce réseau

Pour bénificer des formation proposer par Anna Lindh

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
KAID YOUCEF Mahdi Cherif
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Président de la commission de la jeunesse

National Network

maan 00962

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The organization works on Mtserbat of schools and bring them back to study after giving them life skills and health education of breast cancer and the risk of leakage In addition, give workshops recycles waste household to be environmentally friendly and rotate to achieve a source of income for Women homes
Mission and Objectives

3 Number of Employees
3500 dollar budget
International social Alfozbuncth
Social action initiatives projects
IYF's main partner
Logistics activities organized networking with local institutions in the city

Main Projects / Activities

Social services (ADS dropouts skills and pin them to the school, breast cancer awareness, recycling of household to be environmentally friendly and generate income for Women)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tariffs and raise awareness and action program allocates part of the activities that we do members of the community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain experience and skills development, networking and strengthening the side cooperation with international organizations

Contact (1) Full Name
kawther ibrheem krishan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
kawther krishan
Contact (2) Full Name
hanan ibrheem qandeel
Job Title (2)
Program director